Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Writing Wednesday
The seventeenth: Happy Lụy
Bhagavan told Bodhisattva Hien Households: 

Households now! So the good men and women of faith should be diligent clean samadhi diligently hear this, then listened to the recitation territory, meditate for all the world like sensible explanation for their split, should carefully transcribe carefully to the treasure. Why so? Households now! After my passing, in the future there will be life Bodhisattvas pure faith as being so wide learning needs to hear more, because of the expected this to go around the place to hear the Dharma received. 

Behold Hien They! So the good men and women who have hearts as favorite, who full of faith who kept the Dharma, Dharma love guys, who master the classic prime ... so because the person was spoken for them. As the force relied on the economic future Mahayana chroniclers such as hybrid seal, then use it later to bring security to the repository location in the box. Households now! As hybrid printing is how? That is: All of the non-artifact, no minister, no idea, no medicine, no photography, no player is not a pole, all operating out, suffering kindness of all, ownership of all, all negativity at all ... not born no kill, no religion, no attainment, all saints never hide, who praised the location, the received wisdom is. 

At this economic As said hybrid beings have immeasurable good place to cultivate base supreme Bodhi with countless Bodhisattvas in the Buddhist world as the sand of the Ganges, the world this man from her past are also due to be heard of eighty, the Buddha attained retrogression place supreme Bodhi three thousand great natural whole world throughout the earth are shaken six ways: dynamic, contemporary dynamic, volatile equity, courage, great courage, brave variable class, starting, starting college, starting college variables, trauma, age shock, trauma variables equal, amalgams, modern amalgams, amalgams variable equity, awareness, enlightenment, equality sensory variable, even all the other parties tưng tưng dance party dance here, the whole world was shaken so. 

When he Exalted Venerable Kassapa new security, venerable Sariputta, Venerable Moggallana, Venerable Ananda, bodhisattvas Hien Ho, chief Ly Duc Xa Bao, Dai Thien rich, rich man and his son Fine German guy, the rich vi Mary Mark, rich Thuy Tien etc .. five hundred men and the gods, who died, four of them etc .., saying, 

Behold Mahakasyapa! Now we bring three great legal countless lives attained supreme Enlightenment entrusted to him, the meaning of such a world can not afford to get information. Why? Since classics by Tathagata say downright profound magic filed first in the life, or hybrid beings will bring unsurpassed Bodhi. Therefore we kindly Entrusted to him, he should hear and receive, he should recite meditate, practice, propagate brought, explaining, explaining, not widely disseminated to loss. 

Again this A Nan! If there are good men and women wishing to practice Samadhi of this, want to recite, life over, reflection, revelation, instructors say, and then make the other guys right feet found living faith recited mind, life over , reflection, revelation, instructors say, do this because they remain Mahayana for good men and women have been declared and should learn how marketing, we often have to remember such teachings. 

as the Buddha says finished doing this, venerable Mahakasyapa, Shariputra, great Moggallana, Ananda and all other documents the silent era Hien Ho, Bao Lord, rich sexual, Germany, Thuy Tien vv..nam hundred lay men and the great bodhisattvas from other Buddhist ten world come here, until all heaven, dragons, spirits, human, etc .. inhuman heard Tathagata taught was overjoyed follow religious teachings operating.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/10/2016.

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