Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Writing Wednesday
The First Fifteen: Cong Duc Hy Options
Bhagavan then told the Bodhisattva Hien Households:

Households now! Bodhisattvas do all four disciplines achievements rejoicing will attain Samadhi ie money this time, cognitive mau supreme fulfillment. What are the four subjects rejoice? Great Bodhisattva should think like this as all the Tathagata, application offerings, College enlightenment past life, when at his old practice where the Bodhisattvas are rejoicing mercy should attain Samadhi. Due to attain samadhi should be intercultural, multicultural due to rapid cognitive achievement supreme. Now we should also follow such rejoicing goodness attained Samadhi place to be multicultural by which cognitive mau supreme achievement. It was gathered rejoicing first merit of the Bodhisattva.

Behold Hien Ho! Great Bodhisattva thought as all the Tathagata, application offerings, the chief sensory class life in the future when all religious practice mercy rejoicing Bodhisattva attained samadhi. Due to attain samadhi should be intercultural, multicultural due to rapid cognitive achievement supreme. Now we can take action like this will rejoice mercy obtained the Samadhi is multicultural so quickly cognitive achievement supreme Bodhi. This is the merit convergence second rejoicing great Bodhisattvas.

Behold Hien Ho! Great Bodhisattva should think now of boundless wealth of the world all the Tathagata, Arhat, at the old Enlightenment Bodhisattva practice rejoicing thanks also attained samadhi, samadhi should be elected by majority cultural, multicultural due to current achievements are unsurpassed Bodhi cognitive. As of today we should also rejoice because to quickly stock Bodhi.This is the merit convergence third rejoicing great Bodhisattvas.

Behold Hien Ho! Great Bodhisattva should think we've threshold under all three generations learn the Tathagata, the old times when he was in practice Bodhisattvas are rejoicing attained samadhi kindness, goodness are attained samadhi multicultural, intercultural are lovingkindness which is a Buddhist. Now we bring these prayers merit rejoicing toward all sentient beings rejoicing copper, copper attained Samadhi, and is multicultural, and enlightenment. This is the merit convergence fourth rejoicing great Bodhisattvas.

Behold Hien Ho! Again Bodhisattva has accomplished rejoicing, eighty, multicultural enlightenment so quickly, he and all these were given merit fellow beings supreme dedication of Bodhi. Merit so well it is difficult to measure. Now I say, a little part for him to hear, he should listen carefully and cleverly Me.

Behold Hien Ho! For example, there are those who think I live a hundred years old, his body strong chi light goes forth a different crow flies, these guys can afford to go with it all over the world. First he went off the East, followed by the South, West, North, the four principals, all the way on the bottom ten not survive anywhere. Hien Ho! What do you think? Suppose there are very smart guys numerate birth countable number of men have come through the distant land near roads lengths not?

Dear can not be!

It can be comparable?

Absolutely not!

Maybe shop watch it?

Absolutely not!

There may think is not?

Absolutely not!

just go that was just then, if the men have to go through a full hundred years hurry back across the infinite world in ten directions, he who informed smart can use the number to calculate it?

Dear Bhagavan! Even impossible because that world has come a new emptiness roads passing out briefly how long, how can calculate that one was going to paddle around ten wealth of the world! These roads go through the week so much less if it knows sewing alone art the Exalted and disciples Shariputra and any rotten levels Bodhisattvas.

Just like that! Just like that! Today I say to him: If there are good men and women do provide private glass filled treasure of the whole world and the other guys went over to offer up ten user Buddhas they will be blessed more or less?

very much.

But it does not merit a fraction of rejoicing at eighty. Why? Households now!Because Bodhisattvas practice this samadhi has enough four subjects rejoice as above, supreme dedication because cognitive multicultural enlightenment. This multiplication coast should merit another big handout with the virtues rejoicing in truth not by a thousandth of a percent, a percent thousands want, partial inhibition to use hundreds of thousands of numerical examples can not be.

Hien Ho! I remember Oldtimer ago boundless countless lives in the past, then there is the Lion Brand Italian Buddha Tathagata, worship, chief tri variable, Ming practice sufficiency, celestial, The world solutions, sergeant Unknown , seated macho thing, God sphinx, Bhagavan Buddha appeared in life.Households now! In the world that the people of Hell subtitles crowded peace wealth happy is worth like preferred. The area is very broad Jambudvipa eighteen thousand due the week in which the city of urban villages are also eighteen thousand seven treasures are made, the length of the horizontal are due twelve weeks. In each of the ninety-blockers are part roof. The name of the great city is an action. In the city the population is sixty memories, this is where the Lord Lion Capital Italy Tathagata born. Germany Leo Italy Tathagata sermon first in the conference was ninety degrees memories arahatship witnesses. Nine days after the conference opened Monday was ninety degrees again blockers who also saw Arhat. Chronic Monday the conference to the conference next Tuesday to be ninety degrees blockers who attained Arhat again. This is an event of the past three ninety and inhibition of them from elsewhere to this collection of people are pure Bodhisattvas. From now on this Buddha always countless Sravaka them.

Behold Hien Ho! Then the people will practice the ten good karma not unlike life in the future Buddha Maitreya beings inflict that level of achievement is ten karma. People are living longer then eight-year-old wanted no different four thousand of people's life during Maitreya. In college into a position cakkavatti called surplus value as legal residents, he has seven treasures: Treasure yellow car, golden elephants, horses treasure, pearl ma ni, female treasure, treasure bourgeois, soldiers princess treasure. He had come a thousand children's form mighty majestic stately capable resentment enemy who surrender. Rulers of the world do not use weapons to war nor dread no tax collection, full of natural items plentiful. At just over to King Thang Du Lion Italian Tathagata, worship, enlightenment dwells College celebrated his head then back across the foot to sit aside. The Buddha said Leo thirst threshold heart of King Dharma surplus should immediately preach about eighty broad money time. King heard eighty subjects were overjoyed rejoicing consciousness brought a jewel reverently holding Buddha rises. Friendly apartments multiplication coast rejoicing, after the king took was born back Jambudvipa do this prince named Pham Duc throne under Dharma ruler. After the death of the Buddha, the Dharma in the monks have called Bao, just the diligent smart always says classic like for them to hear. Pham Duc King heard about eighty subjects from monks following this faith being free to rejoice pole shirt you bring value to hundreds of thousands of hooded monks. Hien Ho! Again King Pham Duc monk heard about eighty instant rise to supreme Bodhi Dharma was too beloved family should forsake ordained scrape off all the hair draped. Meanwhile there are also hundreds of thousands of people of faith solidly under way to wear the king ordained, they also just because of this samadhi. Pham Duc monks and hundreds of thousands of them monks Bao, never tired, but never obtained the Samadhi so only once except hear, listen and rejoice, for all four new merit rejoicing toward recovery supreme bodhi seed rejoicing hearts primal such widely practiced. Pham Duc monks and monks hundreds of thousands of people we merit this good roots are met over six consecutive eighteen thousand Buddha, born everywhere are overqualified because beings eighty faculty say this. Leave Nhon Duc Pham friendly apartments on six more gripping monks eighteen thousand Buddha in turn cultivate the fresh root, obtained this samadhi, the fulfillment of legal assistant Bodhi instant enlightenment done under the title of shareholders Elimination Tathagata, worship, chief tri variable, Ming almond-sufficient, celestial, the space World, Supreme Master, seated macho thing. Thien sphinx, Buddha, The respect that hundreds of thousands of monks and eighty attained this achievement and then legal assistant certificate is effective recommendations Bodhi Tathagata, worship, enlightenment College even make countless hundreds of thousands beings remain where supreme Bodhi.

Behold Hien Ho! Just heard that there was merit like saying getting eighty Bodhisattva heard reciting keep in mind, listen to others tell diligent meditation practice is not attained stars? Hien Ho! For that reason the Bodhisattva should hear none of this samadhi is not rejoicing recitation maintain life, practice preaching. Why? Because bodhisattvas hear this news eighty maturity securities legal assistant enlightenment quickly.

Behold Hien Ho! This multiplication coast so I tell you: if anyone has faith right feet, seek a pure heart supreme cognitive, first need to press this mind Samadhi half Bodhisattva if heard in a hundred by week this experience profound samadhi immediately subservient to personally hear the sutra, then must immediately hear the recitation habitually practiced meditation for bringing said.

Behold Hien Ho! Yet within a hundred due to the new week to hear only, Bodhisattva if heard over two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred to thousands of eighty due this week in the city or in the village were away reverently to listen, hear and practice, life over. Why? Households now!This is because bodhisattvas seek pure faith supreme achievement Bodhi. So consciousness Bodhisattva should not languor, dependence, scattered, but eager to rise to eighty subjects earnest this past hurry it up to a distance of thousands by week though only eighty just to hear while speaking what recitation, life over, meditate, explained. Why? Households now! This is because eighty potentially contain all the legal assistant.

Back households now! If there are Bodhisattvas pure heart because Banyon through to a distance of thousands of legal due eighty weeks to hear this. At that time Bodhisattva should servant said offering legal shaman, providing enough to serve all the items should always follow the sorcerer study within one year of a two-year, ten, twenty, a hundred years to complete life under the shaman not withdraw from people, even just for expecting to hear about this eighty subjects, let alone recite, life over, meditate sense, bringing tell others. At the bodhisattva follow the wizard should abandon all plans in the mind itself, the act only according to the sorcerer, prudent servant must not disobey him, consciousness reverence and love and admire mind even considered Buddhist.

Again this Hien Ho! Assuming this need far Bodhisattva shaman, while often far away to remember to thank him always think how to respond. Why? Households now! Because where the preached mercy of this classic magician newly lasting from loss.

Behold Hien Ho! If there is any earnest Bodhisattva Samadhi to this subject should also have to go through thousands from week to hear, let alone when there is an event at the faculty of samadhi within the city, street, village, or in a quiet place mountains did not come to hear, life over, chanting, meditation said to bring meaning back to the other guys heard?

Leave households now! I now tell him if there Bodhisattvas seek this because subjects can immediately eighty percent passing by week though unfortunately not to hear, but inch by earnest heart in this Dhamma Bodhi demand remains diligent enthusiasm no languor. Hien Ho! He should know such people will certainly be no retrogression where supreme bodhi, let alone maintain life if hearing, chanting, meditation practice brought to speak to others.

Hien Ho! He should observe this Bodhisattva Samadhi then heard enough life over, meditate, practice news is great merit as above, even expecting but did not hear the full harvest is great friendly apartments if have heard or have not heard where the local office retrogression, ultimately supreme achievements bodhi, also said spending had heard the chanting, meditating maintain life, practice, say it to others, and also make others listen to it, meditate reciting bring life over widely spread out.

When that Bhagavan wants new reiterated on said shelf that:
As we remember Oldtimer with hybrid 
performance sun Lion Italian teacher who 
then has the king led the people 
in person Samadhi Buddha's 
intelligent king was heard 
throughout the body than they describe indescribable 
hands offering offerings Buddhist treasures 
Member Italian glass Leo people to 
meditate inner spoke, saying, 
I now take refuge supreme religious 
work, the whole world benefits 
ma tam bent for problem he said. 
When he finished good karma causes 
birth Discharge body in this provision 
meet monks named Bao 
Venerable echo around ten. 
When monks hear cleverly says France 
Tam difficult birth indescribable joy, 
Lien brought very precious clothes 
to monks because Don Bodhi, 
then the hundreds of thousands of them ordained 
monks servant Offering this 
full over eight thousand years 
later With the goal triangle like 
he said once not repeat, 
Listening deeply received as sea 
Then tireless mind 
as truth wins May President meditation 
practice they all like it 
Meet mighty beings are Buddhas 
number six position eighteen thousand 
eighty some also hear this. 
life design offerings and servant. 
also some eighteen thousand Buddha six 
to deep listen rejoiced 
Because thanks Leo Italy Tathāgata 
this king's full practice 
the Buddha's Finally recommendations. 
Church of countless living beings 
in samsara Although the glass ceiling. 
Thousand them ordained under the king. 
Also co the Buddha's recommendations. 
German ten sonorous latest 
evidence eighty listen enlightenment name 
Huong told him what to say 
No captivated this world. 
back to thoroughly contemplate the 
samadhi Buddha like this. 
If there are a hundred and eighty miles 
through which we seek Bodhi heard 
in the language teaching something new. 
He who heard unspeakable merit. 
Despite arriving back unheard 
Also merit such contracts 
listen and think according to what Case Answer 
Only eighty fold this expectation. 
remember to Mr. Pham virtue 
Closeness servant not boring 
monk sutra that 

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