The Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "He asked for a summary of the Mahayana Bodhisattva found interesting?
Behold Tu Bodhi! If real time operating great bodhisattvas six perfections, from one place to another place, this great Bodhisattva called judicial interesting. "
Tu Bodhi He said, "Blessed! What a great bodhisattvas from place to a place?"
Buddha said: "Great Bodhisattva knows all future legal no past, no future legal or historical, or to, not to, because the eternal dharma so.
Great Bodhisattva for concepts such places, not thinking that the place of business practice, also did not see the field.
What is the place of business?
Remain angry at local primary, ten great bodhisattvas practice the truth.
A heart is permanent, so use this acquired wealth.
Two is for all beings equal attention, because beings attain that impossibility.
Thirdly give to people, because life impossible attained so fake.
Four is close spiritual friend, nor so arrogant.
Five was the law, since all attained that legal impossibility.
Friday is usually left home, because this prime part impossible.
Seven is dear relatives like Buddha, as prime minister klha so perfect estate.
Eight is said impersonator teachings that because the law made no distinction between elected so impossible.
It is the arrogance out, because a prime legal impossibility so being favored.
Ten are dead language, because the language terminology prime so impossible.
Above are ten places the value of the great Bodhisattva now dwells in local primary frustrating practice.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattvas remain in place usually bothered binary eight legal concepts.
What are the eight?
One is pure sex. Two newspapers are grateful and thank. Three forces remain patience. Four is life and joy. Five is not leaving all beings. Six is the great compassionate enter. Seven is godly and where the teacher is talking. Eight subjects are required perfections bridge.
This is a great bodhisattvas remain in full bothered binary eight legal address.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva remain in third place bothered truth in legal practice.
What was the year?
A lot of education is not boring enough. Two are pure experimental approach nor arrogant. Three is pure Buddha nor the arrogant. Four are recognized under the required immeasurable suffering that the world is still not boring. Five is to remain where the knife.
This is the year that the great bodhisattvas measures remain in place to complete triangle bothered.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva quartet remain in place bothered to give ten legal life such acts.
What are the ten?
One is not rejected elegant accommodation A lan. Secondly sexual minorities. Three is the motto.Four is not rejected merit momentum. Five is not gender. Six is to avoid sexual infection hate.Seven is boring worldly mind, upon the mind of Nirvana. Eighth renounce all ownership. Nine is not quiet a heart. Ten is not sorry all things.
This is the great Bodhisattva ten measures that remain in place not bothered quartet left.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva bothered remain in place contingent measures twelve away.
What is twelve?
One is separated from the white close medical practice. The two are separated from each Bhikshuni. Three is separated from the others unfortunately involvement. Four away from the talks is useless theory. Five is far from anger. Six is far from self-greatness. Seven is separated from the scorn of others. Eight is ten now shuns evil religion. Nine university is far from romantic.Ten is far from self-use. Eleven is far from crazy. Twelve is far from greed.
Here are twelve things that great bodhisattvas remain in place contingent shuns bothered.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva bothered remain in full six continents to Justice, the six perfections.
Annoyed continent has six such measures should. What are the six? A foundation is not interested Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas. Secondly there is the concern that alms. Three are being asked beg, no shirking heart. Fourthly possessions were brought alms. Years after completion of generosity, no regrets heart. Six is not profound legal doubt.
This is six full legal right and legal separation from all six of the great bodhisattvas remain in continental bothered.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva upset loss to remain in place legal separation from twenty such should not.
What is twenty?
One is no ego. The two are not being accepted. Life is not approved three authors. Four is the number of rings such beings to accept false prophet, is false. Fifth paragraph is not accepted.Friday is usually is not accepted. Seven is no minister should start form. Eight forbear departure is multiplication coast. Mentality is not accepted. Ten is not approved five warm. Eleven is not approved import duodenum. Twelve is not approved gender bowl. Thirteen is not approved three worlds. Fourteen is not starting attachments. Fifteen is the starting place not expecting. Sixteen is the will not start. Seventeen is not attached where the show is shifting to where the Buddha.Eighteen is not attached where the show is shifting to where France. Nineteen is not attached where the show is shifting to where Tang. Twenty is not attached where the show is shifting to where the world. This is the twenty-something not be attached.
Twenty measures that have bothered to complete the shrine.
What is twenty?
One is adequate. Second witness formless. Thirdly know ineffective. Four are three parts pure.Five are in the place being full of compassion. Six is not all beings thoughts. Seven is considered all legal equality, in this place nor the attachment. Eight is aware of the legal damages minister, nor the thoughts of this. Nine is the legal unborn ring. Ten Hotel is unborn. Eleven is the legal theory Nhut minister said. Twelve is breaking distinguished generals. Thirteen is a great memory transfer.? Fourteen is transferred is. Fifteen are moving negativity. Sixteen is co-favored peers.Seventeen is the standard. Eighteen is the cessation center. Hotel Nineteen is very afraid. Twenty is not infected with kindness.
Above are twenty things not be attached and full twenty something's upset loss to place great bodhisattvas.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva must remain in the bowl full of legal address.
What was the year?
An agreement is being entered into the mind. Secondly du theater of Kabbalah. Three is that the Buddhist country. Four national self dignified national level saw themselves as Buddhist. Fifth Buddha contemplating the body as dead, solemn Buddhist order itself.
Back to the full five. One is to know the upper and lower base nature. Two degrees is pure Buddhism. Three is entered as illusory samadhi. Four are usually entered samadhi. Five are depending on good grounds that beings deserve to life itself.
Above is the year in which contemporary legal and Bodhisattvas bowl full address.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva must remain in place adequate permanent legal twelve.Another variation is neutral world photography that illustrates the section. Second place Bodhisattva is like prayer. Three is the voice of God said long, Gandhabba to preach to them.Fourthly achievements being pregnant. Five are the achievements? Sixth achievements birth place. Seven is their achievement. Eight relatives of achievement. Nine outstanding achievements are born. Ten achievements are ordained. Eleven is accomplished Bodhi dignified life. Twelve achievements are all good merit.
Above are twelve permanent measures rank sites higher that have full Bodhisattva.
Behold Tu Bodhi! To know the great bodhisattvas ranks tenth time as the Buddha. "
Tu Bodhi He said, "Blessed! What is mind how the ring is lost language?"
Buddha said: "If true great bodhisattvas Nhut mind omniscience, all accumulated good roots, this place called deep industry value. If arise quartet's immeasurable love, compassion, joy and equanimity, is called is equally interested in all beings. If giving to all beings without distinction, is called tu alms. If a close study, reverently offered the teaching can upset people remain Nhut set in place, is called a close spiritual friend. If the legal right to demand Nhut mind omniscience, not fall into practice Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas, is called the legal requirements. If ever did leave the monastic center, always ordained in Buddhism nobody is prevented, often referred to as now valid address. If you see the form of the Buddha, the ring until the full Supreme Bodhi not leave Buddha, Buddha is called affinity relative optimism . or Buddha Shakyamuni current or death, if for beings that are constantly preaching good profile, means perfect magic pure language in the lobby, complete all twelve sets of tools from multiple la tu asked to comment, referred said teachers are taking place now French-made treatment. Since breaking fulfilled such arrogance born to the abjection, this arrogant approach called value industrial sites. True to the word that really act, is called local-language professional damage.
Above are ten places the value of the great Bodhisattva now dwells in local primary frustrating practice.
How is gender purity rings to bridge the perfections required?
Behold Tu Bodhi! if great bodhisattvas have no mind tends Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas and the obstacle clearance Buddhist world, is called pure sex. If true bodhisattva practice, until a little smaller thanks also not forget that many cases, this newspaper called grateful thanks. If for all beings not anger, do not harm the brain, called dwell here very patiently. Get the achievements being made fun, is called life and joy. Me thinks wants to save all sentient beings, is called not abandon all beings. If you think like this: I, as each subject per beings that need constant suffering in hell to lay his life as long as living beings become Buddha attained Nirvana, this is because all beings ten life the hardships that ring should call is the great compassionate enter. If for frustrating as chief Buddha, is called trust reverently learn from the master. If Nhut painstaking attention needs perfections subjects without the other players, is called to bridge the perfections.
Above method called full eight great bodhisattvas remain in place bothered II.
How much is not boring enough education to remain patiently where the knife?
Behold Tu Bodhi! Or, in this world or in the world how much ten Dharma of the Buddha uttered all want to hear the life over all remember, is called education more boring not enough. How many still do not seek the French pilot, until not even the Supreme Bodhi Bridge are the other case, it called upon the name of profit measures such experiments, also known as pure experimental approach. Bring all the good roots of Buddhism pure dedication, is called translational degrees Buddhist country. As full of virtue should be able to achieve beings, solemn Buddha also full level until full omniscience Nhut fatigue not boring, is called immeasurable endured the pain without the need boring. Thanh Van mental ashamed, Pratyekabuddhas, is called an inner cylindrical quarter.
Above is the great bodhisattvas remain frustrated triangle full of legal address.
What is there left ring elegant accommodation spread to such a sorry all things?
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattvas can more frustrating Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas, is called not give a spread elegant accommodation. And no desire anniversary Supreme Bodhi is the desired scenario other, is called sexual minorities, is Nhut location set strain, is called contentment.Observe the ring-intensive approach, is called early momentum nor forsake merit. Not cling to the generals, is called not gender. Because no sexual interest arises, is called responsibility infected sexual hate. Knowing all artifacts such measures, it called upon the worldly mind boring Nirvana center. Such measures unfortunately all internal, external measures, is called renounce all ownership. Mind such things arise where official bilingual origin, is called a center such deposits.For all such material attachments, such thought in mind, here called not spare all things.
Above are ten measures of great bodhisattvas such leave to remain in place bothered quarterfinals.
How close is separated from white goods y ring to rid ourselves of greed, hatred and delusion?
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattvas are also being ordained anywhere, from a national to a Buddhist state Buddhist monastic usually wear saffron shaved head, is called white medical shuns intimacy. Not living with the nuns, to not think of the oil ring is about male only, is called away from nuns. Bodhisattva think like this: I have peace beings, now they help me where peace time so sparing being free, is called away from the house sparing others. If any conclusion can arise talks Thanh Van Centre, Pratyekabuddhas, the time of separation from me, away from this place called unnecessary talk, Nor let Yam anger, brain damage heart, mind alternating struggle on, is called away from center field. Internal measures not see, is called away from greatness. Such exchange shall see, is called away from the people when easy. Ten was now directed immoral noble bowl obstruction case is Supreme Bodhi, is called now shuns ten immoral religion. Do not see what you can do modern approach chronic, is called chronic shuns modern. What measures do not see can be used, here called shuns self use. Crazy majeure prime spot, far from here called crazy. Could not see the place of greed, hatred and delusion, is called away from greed, hatred and delusion.
Above is the great bodhisattvas remain in place bothered contingent legal separation from twelve.
What is the full six measures? An office of the six perfections could reach the other shore, is called full six measures.
How is such nails Thanh Van Centre, Pratyekabuddhas legal ring to such profound doubts?
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva thought Thanh Van interest, not religion Pratyekabuddhas Supreme Bodhi, is called no nails Thanh Van Centre, Pratyekabuddhas. Bodhisattva thinks fears generosity of heart is not a religion of Supreme Bodhi, is called not being pleased alms fear.Bodhisattvas see people think that begs attention is not directed evading Supreme Bodhi, is called no heart evade being begged. Bell did not say what time to be this, that this was not for this called possessions were brought alms. Because of compassion so after giving repent. Because of such credit should merit profound legal doubt.
Above is the first six full legal right and legal separation from all six of the Bodhisattva dwells contemporary continental level.
How is such ego telling the rings to find such acceptance is shifting to where the world?
Behold Tu Bodhi! As the ultimate selfless, because beings to false prophet, is author are ultimately impossible to attain the law was not approved before. No legal because the legal annihilation ultimately should not accept any piece is born. If the law did not bear the same time should not accept nor generally usually is. Because not all negativity should not cling minister.Because ants are not visible should not start multiplication coast is. Because the matter, five warm, delicate cross in, bowl world, the third world, and medical wishes are only emptiness should not attachments. Since starting to find refuge in Buddha's time did not see the Buddha should not care only start where Buddha found. Because France could not see it not just the French who see a start. Because Increase unconditioned minister can not find refuge should not start the medicine just where Boost. Because of where the blame to the innocent are not attached to such start-ups who see the world only place.
Above are twenty such measures should attachments great bodhisattvas remain in place upset loss.
How full is not charity ring to such infections?
Behold Tu Bodhi! Full self minister of Justice, this is adequate. There commemorate the minister, this is it formless. Such artifacts in the third world, this is known as inactive. Now full ten sound doctrine, this is pure three parts. As is so full of great compassion compassionate place. Since full bar should not pure Buddhist thoughts of all beings. Because such damage all measures useful for equality should observe all legal. Since these measures are senseless losses minister should know the damage Bodhisattva Minister of Justice. Since the law regardless of birth, eternal, no work should be unborn Bodhisattva ring measures. Knowing mentality estate unborn babies should be located. Because no current interest should declare the two generals said the law minister Nhut. Since all such legal distinction distinction should break minister. Because countless large and small memorial should transfer switch memory Bodhisattva ideal. Thanh Van is approved because, Pratyekabuddhas should move forward is. Because cleansing these afflictions should turn negativity. Because the vaccine is Nhut set up the favored peer location.Because the estate for the three worlds should be. Because six bases should tame cessation center. Because the location is so very afraid Buddha label. Because the ceiling should not let go of six infectious love.
Above are twenty full legal right to remain in great bodhisattvas local level Furniture
How is the great bodhisattvas of beings upon entering the ring to dignified self Buddha body?
Behold Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva mind taking a clear mind and all departments of all beings, this is the center of being upon entering. Buddhist spiritual powers from a national to an international Buddhism, Buddhist memorial nor the country, this is the psychic du theater. From his realm in which the country found immeasurable Buddha, the Buddha did not have a great country, it is considered that the Buddhist country. Head throne cakkavatti around the world Observatory for water stately its self, this is their country themselves as Buddhist dignified country has seen. As such damages should be as legal body shop damage Buddha body shop.
Above is the great bodhisattvas remain in frustrating bowl full of legal sanctuary.
How is the base nature knows how upper and lower rings are depending on good grounds to life itself?
Behold Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva Buddhist Cross remain in power know the upper and lower base nature of all beings. As pure beings of pure Buddhism should. Head of eighty times as possible illusory achievements all, nor general interest arise. As is so often reported being eighty eighty enter. Since achievements beings should depend friendly apartments that beings deserve their teaching life most dear.
Above are five things that bothered great bodhisattvas cylindrical bowl full address.
How is college life photography boundless Bodhisattva world that its part of the ring turned to the full accomplishment of merit?
Behold Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva of beings in the boundless world as worthy of the place of Buddhism, this is the infinite life photography world illustration degree. Being full six perfections, this is la as place of prayer. Because of its very afraid Measures should know the voice of the gods Long, Gandhabba. Since being should ever be pregnant cultural achievements bore. Since minorities are often born in the house so the house is expected accomplishments. Since the birth place or line surveys to Loi born Brahmin should place achievement. As they past the birth of the Bodhisattva is born in which they were achieved. Because use every great bodhisattvas net as relatives of relatives should be accomplished. Since the birth place of the Bodhisattva luminous projection boundless around the world would not cling to the luminous minister should come and bare achievements. Since when has the infinite gods according servant and decided to bring the beings to be ordained ministers Tam results achieved. Linden heyday as the root user, do yourself seven treasures, branches, leaves shone boundless world ten, this is Buddha dignified life achievements. Beings are pure, pure Buddha also high, these are all achievements merit fully healed.
Above are twelve permanent legal address of great bodhisattvas bothered fulfillment.
How is the great bodhisattvas remain in tenth bothered to know as the Buddha?
Behold Tu Bodhi! If great bodhisattvas full six perfections, quad rings to complete mindfulness eighteen plus legal estate and location Nhut set an end to all strains of afflictions and habits, the great bodhisattvas called bothered remain in place to gather known as the Buddhas.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva dwells in this place bothered forcibly cross means to really practice the six perfections, quad rings mindfulness practice to real estate legal eighteen communities, local pass-favored raid bothered, annoyed local nature, local goodness bothered bowl , bothered is local, local silver annoyed, frustrated sexual ly address, work address certainly frustrating, frustrating local Pratyekabuddhas, frustrating local Bodhisattva. pass nine remain angry over that place where Buddha, this is the tenth stage bodhisattva.
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