of the forty
of the forty
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "For as the mother whose son, or five or ten or hundred thousand sons. The mother had the disease, the child will need for help treat grief, because sexual grateful birth mother and her teachings.
Also, this Bodhi Monastery! Buddhas and Buddhas are currently ten commonly used label Buddhist Prajna Paramita look deeply this.
Why so? because Prajna Paramita or display this profound worldly generals, or born of the Buddhas, or to set strain Nhut location, or born Zen also perfections Dan na ring to perfections, or not being internal to the ring numerous measures not compounded, or born quartet setting mindfulness Nhut strain ring to place or birth Complete Tu Da, Da Ham Tu, A Na Ham, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas, or born Buddhas.
Behold Tu Bodhi! The Buddhas were Supreme Bodhi, Buddhas and Buddhas are now going to be all by Prajna Paramita this profound that is.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Good men, good women should now written that Buddhist ethics chief recollection ring to Prajna Paramita this deep. Buddhas Buddha label used to look this man, for they are such household Supreme retrogression right enlightenment ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! As Lord Buddha's teachings, Prajna Paramita or being Buddhas, or display worldly generals.
Blessed! How is Prajna Paramita or being Buddhas? Or displaying Minister earth? How is the Buddhas Prajna Paramita from birth? Buddhas said minister world like?
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "In the Prajna Paramita born of ten this profound mental strain ring to set location Nhut. Because the above method which is called Buddha, should Prajna Paramita or birth Buddhas.
Behold Tu Bodhi! "The Buddhas said the minister five warm earth."
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! How is the Prajna Paramita said five warm? How is the Prajna Paramita show five warm minister?"
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "Prajna Paramita not show five warm out, not showing five warm necrosis, such displays of birth, kill, structure, net, increased, decreased, such displays of entry, such displays past, future, present.
Why so?
Because the minister did not break no damage. Because such breaking such formless Minister havoc. Because such ineffective generals out such abuse. Because the law of any starter, any method of birth, nothing is owned, not legal nature out such abuse. Because such display should minister said Buddhist Prajna Paramita display profound or earth minister.
This again Tu Bodhi! Do Prajna Paramita the Buddhas know of mind boundless countless beings.
Behold Tu Bodhi! In the Prajna Paramita not this profound beings, not nouns beings, no form, feeling, perception, consciousness, not the noun form, feeling, perception, consciousness, unhesitatingly set rings to place strains , not necessarily race Nhut location nouns. So Prajna Paramita this profound or earth showing minister.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita such profound display this form, feeling, perception, knowledge, patience to not display the location Nhut set strain.
Why so? Because of Prajna Paramita was not this profound Prajna Paramita ring case is excellent location to Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! How many lists of beings or species identity or identity, with a great idea or not, or not have thought, would not have thought, not utopia, at national level through to the national level this rings ten. Those beings or photographic mind, Buddha knew clearly lost all their mind.
Buddha said, did the minister clearly damage types of beings in mind?
Because Buddha dharma user should know.
What dharma used to know?
Behold Tu Bodhi! In this general approach was no chance the regent dharma Minister assured with psychosis. Since this uses the Buddha dharma photographers know about, psychosis of all beings.
This again Tu Bodhi! Buddha said clearly photography heart damage, psychosis of beings.
Where does know?
As said by the minister should take, so immaculate minister should know, as Removal minister should know, by paragraph minister should know, by the president minister should know, because separatist minister should know. Buddha by Prajna Paramita place that knows photographic mind, psychosis of all beings.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita due to the Buddha's mind knowing that those unknown beings infected, know clearly lost interest yard, si heart of beings, if beings are infected center, golf center, si heart.
Why Buddha said so clearly damages? Behold Tu Bodhi! As Minister of infection damages the mind no general infection, because of the field generals heart damage, heart si no minister yard, no minister si.
Why so? Because in general damages without consciousness, mental states, let alone the mind is going to be infected, golf center, si heart, how much is going to be interested no infection, no courts, no delusion.
So, this Bodhi Monastery! Do Prajna Paramita know clearly that the Buddha heart infection, aversion, delusion of all beings.
This again Tu Bodhi! Do Prajna Paramita that Buddha said clearly damage uninfected mind, not golf, not ignorance of all beings if not mind being infected field, hatred and delusion.
Why so? Because the heart is not infected, no courts, no minister is not infected this si, si. As such the two together so interested. So, this Bodhi Monastery! Prajna Paramita Because the Buddha knew uninfected mind, hatred of beings if there is no interest being infected with hatred and delusion.
This again Tu Bodhi! Do Prajna Paramita, if the mind being the trigger ads, commercials Buddha said clearly damage the heart of all beings.
Why so? As the Buddha said Minister of beings such heart wide, not narrow, not increase, not reduce, not to not walk, because leaves left center depart minister, because the temperaments which does not widen, narrow, making increase, decrease, not to not walk.
So, this Bodhi Monastery! Do Prajna Paramita the Buddha clearly knows great damage heart of all beings. Why so? Because Buddha did not mind being seen with future, past minister, minister of birth, head, horror, death. Why so? because the temperaments which no one should not travel, no birth, head, horror, death.
So, this Bodhi Monastery! If beings with great care, by Prajna Paramita the Buddha clearly knows great damage heart of all beings.
This again Tu Bodhi! If beings have immeasurable heart, by Prajna Paramita Buddha said that clearly damages the mind of beings immeasurable. Why so? Since Prajna Paramita by the Buddha knew that the mind of a human being; dwells not see, did not see such an office. As Minister of Health Center site not only immeasurable, yet there is room office, such office.
So, this Bodhi Monastery! Beings have immeasurable heart, by Prajna Paramita said that Buddha immeasurable damage was clearly interested.
This again Tu Bodhi! No visible center of beings, by Prajna Paramita that Buddha said clearly lost his mind could not see. Why so? Because the mind is formless beings, for which no self minister, said the Buddha clearly damage formless. Being the center of the five labels are not visible.
So, this Bodhi Monastery! No visible center of beings, by Prajna Paramita that Buddha said clearly lost his mind could not see.
This again Tu Bodhi! Do Prajna Paramita, the center of a stretch of beings, Buddha knew really well. Why so? For all the interest elasticity of a medical beings every where form, feeling, perception, and consciousness that arise. Inside it, the Buddha knows the mind of a stretch of beings. That is the spirit and the world generally, this is a loss, say in addition is wrong. This knowledge mental health and identity matter where impermanent world, this is a loss, say in addition is wrong. This knowledge and mental health on earth where identity is often impermanent, this is a loss, say in addition is wrong. This knowledge and mental health on earth where such colors are usually not very often, this is a loss, say in addition is wrong. This medical knowledge on where gods and earth colors often, this is a loss, say in addition is wrong.
As medical knowledge on where this color, this is just where life care, medical thought every place, every place of y, y every place is the same formula.
This medical knowledge on where identity and finite world, it's a loss, in addition to the said error.This medical knowledge on where excellence and boundless world, this is a loss, say in addition is wrong. Excellent knowledge of this place and the world itself is finite and the infinite, this is a loss, say in addition is wrong. This medical knowledge and excellence on which the world does not turn such boundless friendship, it's a loss, in addition to the wrong race.
As every where excellent care, medical knowledge on where this feeling, perception, and consciousness as such.
Spirit is the body.
This medical knowledge on colors other gods where other relatives, he kept the place feeling, perception, and consciousness as such.
After death there is like walking, this is a loss, say in addition is wrong. This medical knowledge on where identity after death such as go or no go, this is a loss, say in addition is wrong. This medical knowledge on which color, after death is not like going there, such as going without, this is a loss, say in addition is wrong.
As medical excellence every place, every place y feeling, perception, and consciousness as such.
So, this Bodhi! Do Prajna Paramita that Buddha said clearly lost interest elasticity of a living being.
This again Tu Bodhi! Buddha knows appearances. Knowing how appearances? As such Minister: no damage, regardless, no generals, not remember, no theater of speech, not, appearances appearances so well, nor damage to nor rings.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Buddha knows generals life ring to know the minister is not corrupt ring mode to not be as as minister.
So, this Bodhi Monastery! Buddha knows generals and their beings as consciousness of a stretch as minister, five warm as minister, the word out as minister, also was all like general law, it is six perfections as minister, that is thirty seven as the assistant minister, it is not as general bowl, which is captured by the discharge as minister, which is nine minutes as general practitioners, which is ten mentality as minister, that fearless quad, quad array Recreational concerned, compassionate, eighteen plus legal estate as minister, it is essential Nhut strains as general position, which is good law, legal immoral, worldly, French-made, compounded illicit, outflow legal past, future, present, compounded, unconditioned measures as minister, it was Da Complete results Tu, Tu Da Ham results, outcome A Na Ham, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas results, results Unknown Bodhi rooftop and lettered as minister. Buddhas such as generals are generals Nhut, not two like, not take. It called all measures as minister.
Buddha by Prajna Paramita which are like generals so.
So Prajna Paramita or living Buddhas, or display worldly generals. so, from the Bodhi! Buddha knows all measures as minister, not walking, not such like. Because such as Minister should the Buddha called Tathagata ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! The special measures such as general allergic, such as he is not very deep.
Blessed! Using legal Buddhas who said that because the Supreme Bodhi. Who believed understand? Only Real rot Bodhisattva painting, full of right people, angry outflow Arhat. As it presents a very deep "
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "Because of this law minister is endless so deeply".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! French endless minister should do is so deeply?"
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "For all the endless measures should be very profound.
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