BOOK Eighteenth
At that time the gods realms, realms to bring flavor fried dough Sac heaven above and the blue lotus, red, pink, white loosened sprayed offerings to Buddha, and pay homage to the Buddha Buddha's lead stood on the side saying, "Blessed! Supreme Bodhi of the Buddhas it was very deep, hard to see, hard to understand, it is impossible to meditate knows, is the cessation of magic, painting new location only knows, besides all the world can not believe it . Why so?because of Prajna Paramita says profoundly this: ie charging Prajna Paramita, Prajna Paramita is excellent news, race ring to set location Nhut ie Prajna Paramita, Prajna Paramita Nhut set position ie strains. such appearances, Prajna Paramita such as a minister, not two, not more.Nhut location to set race ring generals like, Prajna Paramita minister as one of a kind, no different. "
Buddha said: "That's right. Behold gods Death! Ie identity Prajna Paramita, Prajna Paramita is excellent news. Nhut location to set race ring is Prajna Paramita, Prajna Paramita is set strain Nhut location.
Such appearances, setting rings to Nhut strains such position as a minister, not two, not more.
So, these gods Death! New at enlightenment, the Buddha wanted quiet heart did not want to preach. Why so? Since the Supreme law of the Buddha Bodhi stock is very deep, hard to see, hard to understand, could not contemplate it, because magic is passed away, located just picture knows, and all the world can not believe it.
Why so? Since the Supreme Bodhi no person, no place, no time, this is a very deep Minister of Justice, is that no two legal.
Behold gods Death! For example, because nowhere is very deep, very deep this approach, as it presents a very deep, very deep, because of legal nature, economic damage, inconceivable, boundless very deep, very deep this approach, since numerous hybrids, wealth this legal history is very deep so deep, so real being, eternal, infinite structure, very pure, no mind, no legal attain this very deep, very deep.
Behold gods Death! Because deep down ring to the false prophet, is author of this very deep, very deep methods.
Behold gods Death! Because very deep color, sensation, perception, this legal form very deep so deep. Since the six perfections to infinity ring compounded legal measures should this not very deep very deep. Since quad strain mindfulness to Nhut set this legal position should be very deep very deep ".
Education gods realms, realms Lust said, "Blessed! France has the Buddha taught, all the world can not believe it.
Blessed! France deeply such as accepting or rejecting this form, feeling, perception, and consciousness that says, such as ring to give or take place but said strains Nhut set.
The world will get that real life is falling sharp applicable, is head down, no sensation, perception, and consciousness is the ego, the ego basis, rings to set strain Nhut location is down, down is groundless. "
Buddha said: "That's right. Behold gods Death! France very deeply because these are not accepting or rejecting identity that says, rings came not because accepting or rejecting Nhut set where said strain.
Behold gods Death! If there are bodhisattvas for life because life took sharp ring to grab Nhut setting where religious strains, such Bodhisattva practice this is Prajna Paramita, such practice is meditation perfections na ring to such austerities are Nhut Recreational facilities strains ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! France is deeply depending upon all these measures: Depending upon Dan perfections Nhut ring to set strain depending upon location.
France this very afraid: afraid Such form, feeling, perception, volition, to not be afraid to ring mode setting strains Nhut location.
Behold gods Death! This French Minister called very afraid because dong as nothingness, because such contracts legal nature, legal offices, health damage, incredible nature, such as co-nowhere, formless, uncreated.
This French born minister: Sac not bear patiently to place such strains Nhut necessarily born, attained such as impossibility.
This is not the land of France, because of the excellent country to country of Nhut ring device that isolates a prime location majeure ".
Then the gods realms realms Sac Education said, "Blessed! He is a Buddhist Bodhi Monastery, Buddha birth option. Why so? Because his site says Bodhi Monastery are not in union with ".
Bodhi Monastery said: "Behold the gods Death! He tells of a Buddhist Bodhi Monastery, depending Buddha born?
How is depending Buddha born?
As such minister should Tu Buddhist Bodhi custom birth. Why so? Since the Tathagata generals such as hybrids, not past, such as Tu Bodhi Minister nor the future, not the past, so it is up to Buddha's Bodhi Monastery birth.
Bodhi Monastery yet again from birth until now have customizable Buddha. Why so? Since the Tathagata minister as dharma that is all like, all that is dharma such as Tathagata minister. In this minister as well as minister without. So depending Buddhist Bodhi Monastery was born.
Back Tathagata nhula permanent minister, as well as the Bodhi Monastery permanent minister.Tathagata as minister nor differentiation. The discouraged Tu Buddhist Bodhi is depending upon birth.
Tathagata minister concerned has no place, all such legal constraints minister also no place, this is the Tathagata as minister and as minister Nhut set as a like law, not two, not more. As this minister did not complete as ineffective, so as this is the only minister, not two, not more. So depending Buddhist Bodhi Monastery was born.
Tathagata as no-mind space generals all, very special, as the minister Bodhi Monastery also all non-conceptual place, very special. Tathagata differences such as generals, can not be, too Bodhi Monastery. So depending Buddhist Bodhi Monastery was born.
Tathagata as minister such as the minister away from the law, such as such as this is not fulfilled, as no other option should Tu Buddhist Bodhi is born, depending nor place.
Back Tathagata as Minister not past, not the future, not the present, the minister was not legal as the past, not the future, not the present, so it is up to Buddha's Bodhi Monastery birth.
Back Tathagata as such is not in the past, such as in the future, not in the present. The past is like, futuristic as, current as well as not in the Tathagata, is one such, not two, not more.
Sharp, Tathagata like, feeling, perception, and consciousness as, Tathagata like, is one such, not two, not more.
Went down to false prophet such as rings, Tathagata like, such as a, not two, not more.
Dan perfections Nhut rings to set strain as place, Tathagata like, such as a, not two, not more.
Bodhisattva should be such so-called Tathagata ".
At Bodhi Monastery As the minister said earlier, this world heavenly realms University concussion six ways. Education gods realms, realms Sac God brought sandal paste spread on the Buddha, were sprayed on a Bodhi Monastery saying, "Blessed! Buddha is unprecedented. Bodhi Monastery by Tathagata Buddha's birth as that option. "
Bodhi Monastery said to the gods: "Behold these thy Bodhi Monastery in color such that the Buddha from birth, nor from the living Buddha sharp as that option. Bodhi Monastery Buddha did not leave sharp for when born, would not leave sharp as that option arises. Tolerance to the Bodhi Monastery in Nhut not necessarily strains from where depending Buddha born, nor in Nhut set depending where Buddha birth strains, such as leaving Nhut set strain that depending Buddha birth place.
Bodhi Monastery from the unconditioned such that depending Buddha birth, such as the option of unconditioned Buddha birth, such that depending Buddha left unconditioned being, nor leave the unconditioned as the option arises.
Why so? Since all methods that are no property, are impossible to attain, no custom birth, customized birth nor legal. "
At that time he Shariputra white Buddha: "Blessed! Damage such as damaged her feet. French minister, law offices, the legal position is very deep. In this, can not be sharp, sharp as impossible. Why so? Because there can not be sharp, sharp as that case what could be.
Nhut set rings to place such strains may be, circuit devices such strains can not be located. Why so? Since Nhut equipment such strains also can be located, what chance Nhut set strain as that position may be ".
Buddha said: "That's right. Behold Shariputra! As her feet as such damage. French minister, law offices, the legal position is very deep. In this, set color rings to Nhut strains are not able to be located, such as rings to Nhut excellent facilities such strains are not able to be located. Why so?Because identity Nhut ring to set out where such strains may be, let alone what to Nhut sharp ring set strain as that position may be ".
Shariputra said his time as Prime Minister on this, in the conference with two hundred Bhikkhus and because all legal life should not be all afflictions, the Arhat, five hundred nuns departed far from the ceiling structure, are legal labels peaceful. Five thousand great bodhisattvas are legal unborn ring. Six thousand bodhisattvas for all legal life should not end afflictions, mind is freed, the Arhat.
Buddha is saying: "Behold Shariputra! Six thousand Bodhisattva of Arhat above, they met five hundred previous lives of the Buddha, offerings, closer. They were acts of generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation. Since there is no power means of Prajna Paramita, they really differentiate heterosexual acts. They think this is charity, which is morality, this is patience, which is diligent, it is meditation. Since no Prajna Paramita should have no power means. Since there is no real executive power means to differentiate allergic. Knowing she should not differentiate allergic minister. Since there are no special minister should not be allergic to the Bodhisattva bothered. Because not enter bothered Bodhisattva Tu Da Complete results should be ring to Arhat.
Behold Shariputra! Though true Bodhisattva Bodhisattva practice that away from Prajna Paramita is no health facilities, where losses should take the outcome of international evidence of excess bar text ".
Sariputra said, "Blessed! by multiplication coast also initiates the executive does not, formless, uncreated, which means it does not force witnesses against economic losses, the excess Sravakas, whose power means to be Supreme Bodhi? "
Buddha is saying: "Behold Shariputra! There Bodhisattva since leaving Prajna Paramita mind that practitioners do not, formless, infinite health effects should not have the means, so that the bar text is redundant.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva has not left the Prajna Paramita mind that practitioners do not, formless, infinite health effects should have the means, because here that to upset the Bodhisattva, is Supreme Bodhi.
Behold Shariputra! As long body large bird or two hundred percent by week, by week three hundred without wings, falling from heaven to earth Jambudvipa. What do you think Italian, nấy Shariputra! Between the lines are falling, wingless birds that want to be on the provision of heaven have been reasonable? "
- Blessed! It can not be.
- Behold Shariputra! Bird was hoping that after falling Jambudvipa, stems intact bird will not hurt have been reasonable?
- Blessed! It can not be. When he fell to the ground, the bird was doomed to pain or death. Since her body was not big wings.
- Also, this Shariputra! Bodhisattva life-time oil sand of the Ganges, practicing generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation, modern birth center, to act as the Supreme Bodhi is immeasurable life which will, if health facilities away from the Prajna Paramita is doomed to fall into Thanh Van excess or Pratyekabuddhas.
Behold Shariputra! If oil Bodhisattva memorial morality, meditation, wisdom, liberation, liberating knowledge of the Buddhas past, future, present but general life over, this Bodhisattva did not know, did not understand the Buddhas, morality, concentration, and wisdom, the thioat, liberating knowledge, only to hear the voice of their title, no, formless, uncreated, then grabbed her voice to dedicate their title Supreme Bodhi, Bodhisattva in this office Thanh Van upset, Pratyekabuddhas, can not survive it. Why so? Because this Bodhisattva's far from health facilities that Prajna Paramita life over the dedication of virtue to Supreme Bodhi.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattvas have since found not far away from center Prajna Paramita mind, cultivate generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation, for a capacity of means of Prajna Paramita should not grabbed Minister, where morality, concentration, and wisdom, liberation, liberating knowledge of the Buddhas past, future, present, did not embrace minister, formless, uncreated, liberating goal. This does not have to know Bodhisattvas fall into Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddha but straight to Supreme Bodhi. Why so? Because this Bodhisattva from any minister did not embrace the cultivation of virtue while: not grabbed Minister generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation, do not embrace gender minister, concentration, and wisdom, liberation, liberating knowledge Buddhas past, future, present.
Behold Shariputra! This effort is called the Bodhisattva ideal media center that used to practice generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation, patience to practice using general psychological strain Nhut set tr ".
Sariputra said, "Blessed! As I understand the meaning of the Buddha said, if the agency does not leave leave power Bodhisattva means of Prajna Paramita, to know this Bodhisattva near Supreme Bodhi. Why so? For since the new law about this, this is not legal Bodhisattva knows: either color or sensation, perception, and consciousness ring to the strains Nhut set position.
Blessed! there are good men, good women Bodhisattva demand that far from Prajna Paramita and health facilities, he must know where the Supreme Bodhi or be or not be. Why so? Because good men, good women Bodhisattva demand alms are had grabbed minister, have morality, patience, diligence, meditation will embrace general, so not appointed by Supreme Bodhi.
Blessed! Because of the above should wish to be great bodhisattvas Supreme Bodhi should not force media away from the Prajna Paramita. This great bodhisattvas remain in power by means of Prajna Paramita, used mind formless, infinite attained religious deserve generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation. To use the center ring formless, infinite worth practicing hard prime location Nhut set strain ".
At that time Sac gods realms, realms white Buddha: "Blessed! Supreme Bodhi is difficult to damage. Why so? As great bodhisattvas to know all the new legal and Supreme Bodhi, he would not be legal. "
Buddha is saying: "That's right. Behold gods Death! Supreme Bodhi is difficult. Buddha was all set legal Nhut strains my mind is Supreme Bodhi, nor place, not knowing, not being said, no one knows. Why so? Because the ultimate law so pure. "
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! As the teachings of Buddha, the Supreme Bodhi is difficult. As I understand the meaning of the Buddha, the Supreme Bodhi be this easy. Why? Because there is no who is the Supreme Bodhi, no measures were being, all law, all non-dharma: no measures were being, not human or are, because all this is not legal. It is not legal to be increased, not decreased legal being. From Bell rings to set strain Nhut location, this legal entities do not have the equipment to be, no one is or was. Since this should in my opinion, the Supreme Bodhi easily. Why? Because appearances identity ring not to set strain Nhut Nhut location set strain minister not mind. "
Sariputra told from Bodhi: "Lord! If all such measures are not nowhere, nowhere such other thought I would be Supreme Bodhi.
If great bodhisattvas understand all the legal information is not as unreal that Supreme Bodhi easy is this, why now there are myriads Supreme Bodhisattva Bodhi needs to retrogression? So know that the Supreme Bodhi was not easy. "
Bodhi Monastery said, "Lord Shariputra! Where Supreme Bodhi, form, feeling, perception, knowledge has reasonable retrogression? Tolerance to set strain Nhut location with affordable retrogression?"
- There is no retrogression.
- Sir Shariputra! Where the Supreme Bodhi, leave form, feeling, perception, what legal form retrogression has reasonable? Nhut set to leave the race rings may place reasonable measures elderly retrogression?
- There is no retrogression!
- Sir Shariputra! Italian How do you think? Identity as minister, as minister life to leave Nhut ring set strain as minister position, where the Supreme Bodhi has reasonable retrogression?
- Nothing retrogression!
- Sir Shariputra! Leaving the ring to leave sharp as Minister Nhut set strain as minister position, with what legal retrogression Supreme Bodhi where reasonable?
- No legal retrogression.
- Sir Shariputra! Supreme Bodhi where as affordable retrogression? Tolerance to the legal nature, law office, legal status, economic damage, regardless incredible nature, where the Supreme Bodhi has reasonable retrogression?
- There is no retrogression.
- Sir Shariputra! Such leave, leave the legal nature, law office, legal status, economic damage, regardless incredible nature, where the Supreme Bodhi has nothing retrogression reasonable approach?
- What measures is no retrogression.
- Sir Shariputra! If the law can not ultimately be what is legal where the Supreme retrogression Bodhi?
- As Tu Bo says his word, in him no legal Bodhisattva ring rot relocating Supreme Bodhi.
If not retrogression, according to Buddha, seekers have three classes: Arhat religion, Pratyekabuddhas and Buddhist religion, this is not wrong three different classes. As word Bodhi Tu said the college has only one class only a Buddha Bodhisattva. "
Now he told his Man From Death Shariputra: "You should ask the Bodhi Monastery is a reasonable excess Bodhisattva?"
Sariputra asked him Tu Bodhi: "Did he want to admit that there is a Bodhisattva?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "Lord Shariputra! In the dharmas as he wanted to have three ministers: Thanh Van, Buddhayana Pratyekabuddhas and reasonable? "
- Sir Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Sir Shariputra! In three separate missionary had as to be reasonable?
- Sir Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Sir Shariputra! As he has a minister, two generals, three generals reasonable?
- Sir Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Sir Shariputra! In like that, he'd like to have to have a ring Bodhisattva Bodhisattva is reasonable?
- Sir Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Sir Shariputra! In his first four who were not able to get the three ministers, star Shariputra thought that the excess demand Thanh Van, who needs Pratyekabuddhas excess, the excess demand Buddha?
Shariputra sir! Vassal great bodhisattvas hear this, but feel free to approach such as economic minister, no fear, no remorse, no guests are called great bodhisattvas or achievements Supreme Bodhi ".
Buddha Bodhi Monastery merit "instead! Instead! Behold Tu Bodhi! You said that words of power are Buddhist.
If great Bodhisattva as he heard no horror that special measures such awe, suspicion, must know this or achievements Bodhisattva Supreme Bodhi ".
Sariputra said, "Blessed! Bodhi achievements yet? "
Buddha said: "Achievement Supreme Bodhi Buddha".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! If you want to achieve Supreme Bodhi, great bodhisattvas How to practice?"
Buddha said: "It arises equality with all beings, equality also used when speaking with them, there is no natural order.
With all beings arise pronouns center, also used the pronoun mind when talking with them.
With all beings must be humble heart, humble heart is also used when speaking with them.
With all beings must have the heart to peace, peace is also used when the heart to tell them.
With all beings must have unobstructed mind, the mind is also very afraid to use when talking with them.
With all beings must have the heart not the brain damage, brain damage also use mind not to tell them.
With all beings have compassion center glass, also used glass mind when it comes to their charity. Ai their glasses as parents, as brothers and sisters, as sons, as her son, as a friend.
This great bodhisattvas themselves must not kill, nor teach others not to kill, not legal praise killing, rejoice praise the people not killing. Tolerance to right themselves wrong, and teach others not wrong, not wrong legal praise, rejoice praise those who do not wrong.
Want achievements Supreme Bodhi, great bodhisattvas to practice as such.
This again Tu Bodhi! Want achievements Supreme Bodhi, great bodhisattvas to practice meditation, subtle meditation, triangle meditation, charity must practice kindness, compassion, joy heart, discharge care, do not have to practice the origin, the official anointing, infinite origin of ownership, the non-African origin idea, praise meditation methods to non-ideal non originating legal provisions, excited praise those who practice meditation to cultivate the land of the great non-African.
Men themselves have sufficient paramitas, Construction perfections, perfections Rings, Tan Paramita, meditation Paramita, Prajna Paramita, teach others also full six perfections, praise six legal perfections, excited praise those who complete six perfections.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Want achievements Supreme Bodhi, his great bodhisattvas must cultivate inner ring not to bowl the holy religion, not self-cultivation, formless, uncreated, eighty, slowly began discharging multiples, submitted themselves to save things, also teach others to cultivate inner rings are not eternal things the disciples, not to praise the internal legal practitioners patiently to things of eternal, excited praise the internal cultivation gnuoi not filed the ring to eternal things.
Bodhisattva must complete ten mentality, fearless four, four unobstructed location, eighteen plus legal estate, compassionate, teach others also full ten rings intellectual resources to compassionate, praise the was legal, who delighted praise it enough rings to ten mentality compassionate.
Bodhisattva upon herself to shop, shop against twelve multiplication coast, teach others also conveniently shop, bar against twelve multiplication coast, praise him and rejoice customary law praise the real issue.
Want achievements Supreme Bodhi, great bodhisattvas to practice as such.
Bodhisattva again said to himself suffering end destroy evidence of spiritual practice, well-known teaching of spiritual suffering destroy evidence definitely, definitely praise securities law practitioners know him and delighted praise people know suffering end destroy evidence of spiritual practice.
Great Bodhisattva mind itself arises evidence Tu Da Complete results arises rings to order evidence to place the Pratyekabuddhas without fruit insight to such rings Tu Da Complete insight Pratyekabuddhas fruit, teach others also attained Tu Da completed rings to teach others certificate Pratyekabuddhas results, Tu Da Complete legal commendable patience to praise results Pratyekabuddhas direct approach, excited praise witnesses Qu Tu Da Complete enter the ring to witness entered Pratyekabuddhas knife.
Bodhisattva himself enter your Bodhisattva, the Buddha states translational degrees, achievements beings, teach others also enter your Bodhisattva, the Buddha states translational degrees, achievements beings, legal praise enter your Bodhisattva, the Buddha states translational degrees, achievements beings, excited praise enter your Bodhisattva, the Buddha states translational degrees, achievements beings.
Bodhisattva Bodhisattva self ình arises Kabbalah, birth order position Nhut set strain, teach others also arises Kabbalah Bodhisattva, birth place Nhut set strain, praise Bodhisattva law arises Kabbalah, nativity set methods race position, excited praise Bodhisattva Kabbalah arises, birth place Nhut set strain.
Bodhisattva habits must end all fetters, who also teaches an end to all fetters habits, habitual praise terminate legal, excited praise habitual end all fetters.
This again Tu Bodhi! Want achievements Supreme Bodhi, great bodhisattvas have to embrace life-achievement, also teaches people to embrace life-achievement, legal commendable achievements embrace life span, delighted praise people embrace the life span alcohol tolerance.
Bodhisattva legal achievements office, who also teaches legal achievements office, legal commendable achievements pillar approach, excited praise cylindrical legal achievements.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Want achievements Supreme Bodhi, great bodhisattvas to practice as such.Health facilities must also learn of the Prajna Paramita so.
At this school, this will be excellent Bodhisattva very afraid, will be feeling, perception, and consciousness very afraid, will be legal to cylindrical rings very afraid.
Why so?
Because of this great bodhisattvas before taking color ring back no life, no life taken feeling, perception, volition, consciousness, life rings to not take place Nhut set strain.
Why so?
Because life is excellent that such person is not sharp. Tolerance to set strain Nhut life where such people are not necessarily strains Nhut location ".
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