PRODUCT retrogression
At that time Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! Do what happiness, what kind, what the general appearance is higher Bodhisattvas know retrogression?"
Buddha taught: "Behold Tu Bodhi! If great bodhisattvas know ordinary rank and grade Thanh Van, Career and Job Pratyekabuddhas Buddha. In general such that no two of these steps, the other not, nor think of, such discrimination. In like that, listening to the guests that during the last straight. Why so? Because of such a minister would not, not two generals.
This Bodhisattva also speak not in vain, just say the whole word benefits, such look towards other people or unloading.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Because of the well, type, general appearance so that higher Bodhisattvas know retrogression ".
- Blessed! Even so happy, kind, physiognomy which is higher Bodhisattvas know retrogression?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva can see all the legal view is not happy, is not kind, not general appearance, to know this is retrogression.
- Blessed! If all the measures are not happy, no damage, no physiognomy, these great bodhisattvas what measures called retrogression?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! If great Bodhisattva in the color which move in the ring to Supreme Bodhi which moved the great bodhisattvas called retrogression.
Why so? Because emptiness identity rings to Supreme Bodhi Bodhisattva emptiness then this will place office.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva not look at the face, the language of the heathen, of Samana, the Brahmins. Bodhisattva never have thought that the Gentiles, Samana, Brahmins know this loss, damage seen or said right view.
Bodhisattva no doubt mind, such questions presented manually, such sa wrong, good nor the secular demand for pure, not prostrate offerings, gods.
Because of the well, type, general appearance, but said this is Bodhisattva higher retrogression.
Again, this Bodhi Monastery! where great bodhisattvas not bear the abjection, place bowl rings to be born victim, usually a woman not life itself. Because of the well, type, general appearance, but know this is frustrating retrogression great bodhisattvas.
This again Tu Bodhi! Usually true Bodhisattva now operating ten sound doctrine: no killing themselves to such wrong ring, also teaches people not to such killing wrong ring, excited praise such person to such killing wrong ring. This oil Bodhisattva in a dream nor commit evil directorial ten. Because of the well, type, physiognomy above that known to upset retrogression great bodhisattvas.
This again Tu Bodhi! For the benefit of beings that truly great bodhisattvas Executive Dan perfections ring to Prajna Paramita. This bothered called retrogression.
This again Tu Bodhi! All twelve sutras, from texts the request to comment, great bodhisattvas life over, recitation, preacher, pastor of recollection. French pilot baseline, great bodhisattvas think by this French pilot's wish that all beings fulfillment, this experiment provides legal merit for all beings and dedicate Supreme Bodhi. This bothered great bodhisattvas called retrogression.
This again Tu Bodhi! In very deep legal, no doubt great bodhisattvas.
Why so? Frustration great bodhisattvas this retrogression will not see any legal bare suspicion.From the excellent location to Nhut set strain, did not see any legal bare suspicion. Because of the well, type, general appearance, but said it is frustrating retrogression.
This again Tu Bodhi! The body, speech and mind, three of the great bodhisattvas are now tenderness. Do virtue of that body, speech and mind achievements. Since this is frustrating knowing retrogression.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva no general with five children: lust, anger Khue lobes free, and guests exchange tone. Do well, kind of, but know this physiognomy is bothered retrogression.
This again Tu Bodhi! With all seats, great bodhisattvas are not charity before. Since this is frustrating knowing retrogression.
This again Tu Bodhi! Time out to travel sitting, lying, standing, walking, taking chun, lowering chun, great bodhisattvas are always secure, often self-righteous, the land looked Nhut Center steps. Because of the well, type, general appearance, but know this is frustrating retrogression.
This again Tu Bodhi! The clothes, blankets mattress wears great bodhisattvas nobody uses small ceramic Bodhisattvas preferred this clean, less sickness. Since this is frustrating knowing retrogression.
This again Tu Bodhi! The human body normally has eight thousand households eat insect bites infringement. Body of great bodhisattvas bothered retrogression was no insect protection. Since the merit of the Bodhisattva world beyond this. Depending on how this merit increases production accruing to the Bodhisattva is pure body, pure mind. Because of the well, type, general appearance, but said it is frustrating retrogression great bodhisattvas. "
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! Bodhisattva is pure body, pure mind how?"
Buddha is saying: "Behold Tu Bodhi! Depending gain was friendly apartments that eradicate heart paw, heart Wrong, is called pure body and a calm mind. Due to the pure body and pure mind that these great bodhisattvas Thanh Van Steps beyond, bothered to Pratyekabuddhas Bodhisattva into position. This bothered called retrogression.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva did you avaricious. Real oil executive twelve Hanh First quarter momentum without legal Dau Da. Since this that called retrogression.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva usually arises not mind avarice, jealousy, ignorance mind, often heart-breaking world did not arise, active aversion, interest laxity, mind wandering. Because of the well, type, general appearance, but said it is retrogression.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva mind dwell were steady, penetrating wisdom, mind listening to receive legal Nhut according listening and the world are united with the Prajna Paramita. This is the general appearance of irritated retrogression retrogression great bodhisattvas.
This again Tu Bodhi! In front of great bodhisattvas, if goods do eight great evil Hell, in which thousands of bodhisattvas are coming memories burned cooking suffering. Evil sure that this great bodhisattvas: Those in hell this is all frustrating retrogression great bodhisattvas are Buddha prophesies that fall into it, if he was bothered Buddha prophesies retrogression will also fall into the this hell. Expenses in mind Bodhisattva he renounced it not fall into hell that would be born to heaven.
See the above oil, Oil hear above, this Bodhisattva still would not mind, no doubt, no fear but never thought that there was.
Due to the well, type, physiognomy above that knows that bothered retrogression great bodhisattvas.
Behold Tu Bodhi! The goods do evil Bhikkhus Bodhisattva robes to tell that: Before he heard told to cultivate the six perfections told to ring to be calculated from that Supreme Bodhi, he should hurry to leave, since the new mind so far how many good roots Supreme Bodhi dedication, he should quickly leave. If He was willing to give up, I will teach him the Dharma feet damages.Accommodation heard his former school were not Buddhism, not the Buddha, that is, all documents made only gathered strength. My new site says damage is Dharma.
If Bodhisattvas and heard so terrified consciousness, doubt, to know this is not the Buddha prophesies, not in nature any rotten. If you are bothered any rotten heard of such oil which were steady mind, no fear, no doubt, always depending upon only where the legal y ineffective, the unborn, do not believe in the words of others. Now operating six perfections truth not according to others, it's time to practice patience Supreme Bodhi would not follow other loinguoi, found dead Minister of Justice, do not believe in the words of others, such as gonorrhea bothered to take a Arhat, evil did not budge.
Behold Tu Bodhi! With great bodhisattvas retrogression, the restaurant needs Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas sabotage could not be, could not be extracted for this Bodhisattva mind.
Behold Tu Bodhi! This decision Bodhisattva dwells in such frustrating retrogression according to others, the oil is the word of the Buddha did not get instant message immediately, let alone the words of the Thanh Van bridge, and the bridge of evil Pratyekabuddhas magic, pagan, but even committed believers, never got it.
Why so?
This Bodhisattva not see what measures can believe in: do not see color or sensation, perception, knowledge, or identity such as rings to form, such rings to see the Supreme Bodhi, or the Supreme Bodhi as .
Do well, kind of, but know this physiognomy is bothered retrogression.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bhikshu evil incarnate Bodhisattva to tell that: It is a legal practitioner of his birth and death, is not omniscience Nhut religion, he should in this life itself suffering advantage attained. When the evil that the world used to say legal unfortunate tợ religion, this religion is the legal tợ trailokya knots, as minister of white bone, or talk about meditation ring to speak of non-African origin idea. He used this religion, this would be unfortunate Tu Da Complete results will ring to Arhat. He used this religion, this life will end all suffering birth, and again did he have to take the suffering of samsara do. And no need to worship the four scenarios is this life going again next life expectancy trunk.
Behold Tu Bodhi! If these great bodhisattvas was pleased to hear words such awe, suspicion, thinking that this monk made such little interest to me, because I said that religion tợ legal, executive tợ truth this religion was no evidence Complete results from the skin is, how much is the result attained Supreme Bodhi. Bodhisattva even more pleased that this thought: this monk did not benefit less, because I direct that said legal obstacles, obstacles Tam admitted directed learning.
When that evil should know Bodhisattva delighted sure: He wants teachers restaurant offering great bodhisattvas buddhas sa constant, in that same practice every sa Buddhas six perfections, also virtually constant access sa little Buddhas asked Bodhisattva: Bodhisattva dwells how redundant? How true operating six perfections, quad rings mindfulness to compassionate? Item great bodhisattvas were what was under that dwells Buddhas, which actually act, but practice.Item great bodhisattvas such practice, but such is the Supreme Bodhi, there are situations where Nhut set strain is he that will be the Supreme Bodhi!
Behold Tu Bodhi! If these great bodhisattvas to hear such that such hearts of strangers, even more glad that himself, saying Bhikkhus do not benefit me at, because I said that direct legal obstacles.
Then the demon said this did not mind Bodhisattva of experience should immediately freeze many chemical protection Bhikkhu that this Bodhisattva that these people were Bodhisattvas rise to a Buddha, which are now dwells bothered retrogression both . These persons may not even be the Supreme Bodhi, let alone that he can be!
Hear and see things on here, this great bodhisattvas immediately think this is evil religion say similar legal, real great bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita should not retrogression Supreme Bodhi mind, nor be laid on Thanh Van religion, religion Pratyekabuddhas. to think: It acts Dan perfections to Nhut ring set where such strains are Supreme Bodhi, never have it.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Because of the well, type, physiognomy above that known to upset retrogression great bodhisattvas.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva himself, saying, If Bodhisattvas can follow the correct teachings, not far from Prajna Paramita ring to set strain Nhut location, this full Bodhisattva no retrogression Supreme Bodhi, if Bodhisattva or know ghost nor the Supreme Bodhi loss.
Due to the well, type, general appearance, but said this is great bodhisattvas Minister retrogression ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! What legal Relocate called retrogression?"
Buddha said: "Relocate appearances, relocating feeling, perception, and consciousness minister, rings to relocate Buddhist minister, so that this great Bodhisattva minister called retrogression.
Why so? Because of this great bodhisattvas free French generals not to enter your Bodhisattva, the unborn are legal persons.
Why ring called legal unborn? Because of this there is no law yet little can be, because there should not be done, because not doing so can not bear, is called legal unborn ring.
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