Monday, 24 October 2016

Paramita Sutra
His white Bodhi Monastery Buddha: "Blessed! If the Great Bodhisattva practice six perfections, not eighteen, thirty-seven legal assistant, ten mentality, fearless four, four unobstructed location, eighteen plus legal estate without adequate Bodhisattva, can not is Supreme Bodhi, so how great Bodhisattvas have to be Supreme Bodhi? ".
The Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "At practice Prajna Paramita, if the Great Bodhisattva because of media should act Forums na perfections: see no alms, do not see people giving, people do not see life nor does the law away from the perfections Executive Forums na. This is to enlighten the Bodhisattva.
This Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva because of means should complete such Bodhisattva. Fully finished, could be Supreme Bodhi.
Morality, patience, diligent, meditation, wisdom, patience to eighteen law of any community so well. "
Sariputra white Buddha: "Blessed! Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita How? "
The Buddha told him Shariputra: "If the Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, because of media should not undermine identity, not depending on the color. Why? Because emptiness identity, so no damage such option. Tolerance to sensation, perception, and consciousness as such.
This Shariputra! Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, because of media should act such perfections Forums na damage, such option. Why? Because perfections Forums na emptiness, so no damage, no option. Tolerance to any legal eighteen community so well. "
- Blessed! If the law does not damage nature can be, can optionally be, then how can the Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita and the study of the origin of the Great Bodhisattva monks.Why? Because if such great Bodhisattvas Prajna Paramita school then you could not be Supreme Bodhi?
- Hey Shariputra! As you say, Bodhisattva not learn Prajna Paramita then you could not be Supreme Bodhi. Since such vehicles should leave power can be.
This Shariputra! If the Great Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita operator that has a legal nature, the new ability to get elected, even if it is impossible, it will take place attained? The Prajna Paramita, meditation Paramita na, Crystal progress perfections, perfections Patience, Thi la perfections, perfections Forums na, form, feeling, perception, and consciousness to the Supreme ring Father.
This Shariputra! Prajna Paramita minister did not embrace. Tolerance to all not to embrace Buddhism minister.
This Shariputra! It called no defense Prajna Paramita ring to Buddhism, is the place to be to learn of the Great Bodhisattva.
At the Great Bodhisattva in her school, General school was impossible scenario is favorable Prajna Paramita, Buddhism, Bodhisattva legal, legal Pratyekabuddhas, Thanh Van legal, legal ordinary.
Why? This Shariputra! The law does not yet have a legal nature.
The law does not have such qualities, then what is a human being, as Da Complete Tu, Tu Da Ham, A Na Ham, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas, Bodhisattva, the Buddha!
Without him, why sages have legal, knowing that law should distinguish ordinary say, is Buddhist Monastery to have completed rings.
- Blessed! If the law is no emptiness damage, not the roots, why ordinary rings known to the Buddha?
- Hey Shariputra! Property seized as outstanding ordinary etc ... with nature can damage reasonable?
- Blessed! Not just by crazy mind only.
- Hey Shariputra! At issue Prajna Paramita, Great bodhisattvas for power means, because that emptiness has no legal basis can give rise to obligations to Supreme Bodhi.
- Blessed! How to practice Prajna Paramita, Great bodhisattvas for power means, because that emptiness has no legal obligation to give rise apartment Supreme Bodhi?
- Hey Shariputra! At issue Prajna Paramita, the Great Bodhisattva not see the legal basis on which duty rot away, being pleased laxity.
This Shariputra! The legal grounds for the damage this does not fall, do not have to own nature, often empty. Just because so crazy foolish beings warm embrace, gender.
This great Bodhisattvas do not have time to see the nature of ownership approach, often empty, self minister, it acts Prajna Paramita, his independence as a magician but as beings sermon.
With avarice, because they say the legal Bodhisattva alms. With world-breakers, says France morality. With anger, says France patience. With the deals, saying diligent approach. With people scattered, say meditation method. For the foolish, to say the legal wisdom.
Bodhisattva sermon dwells make beings where generosity, morality, patience, diligent, meditation, wisdom. Then as they say holy law which may be out of suffering. Using methods that can be done from the skin results to Supreme Bodhi ring.
- Blessed! Great Bodhisattva possibility beings attain wealth he possesses, patiently teaching them alms to holy wisdom then said measures may be out of suffering. Since that method should be used Tu Da complete results to the Supreme Bodhi ring.
- Hey Shariputra! At issue Prajna Paramita, the Great Bodhisattva acquired property without errors.
Why? This Shariputra! At issue Prajna Paramita, Great bodhisattvas there are beings. Just because empty continuum approach that called being.
This Shariputra! Great Bodhisattva dwells in the two kingdoms that as being preached, which is the sole mask to Nhut imperialism.
This Shariputra! In the two substrates, oil being a prime majeure, Great Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita issue because of media should preach to all beings.
He heard legal beings, this life was impossible corn fell attained, let alone who will be Supreme Bodhi and used to initiate legal.
This Shariputra! At issue Prajna Paramita, the Great Bodhisattva because of media should preach to such beings.
- Blessed! Great Bodhisattva was generous mind, no favorable legal possibilities, or is Nhut minister, or the minister is allergic, or that can differentiate great generals such dignified.
Because he used the stately should not bear the realm of Education, such Sac realms birth, such birth formless realms.
Bodhisattva did not see nature compounded, where unconscious behavior of three red flags exit beings, nor are they born.
Why? Such as being blessed, not solved. Such as being blessed, such solutions should not constitute, not net. Since no structure, no net so regardless of species. Because regardless of species should not now, not negativity. Because no business, no negativity there shall be no retribution. Because that was retribution by being in the three worlds.
- Exactly. This Shariputra! As you say, if we have the following before birth is not the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas with sin. The law, as well as five species of birth and death, if not before there after the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas with sin.
This Shariputra! This conclusion is not Buddha or Buddha, the dharma remain undifferentiated office.
In his dharma was no ego, no beings, life rings false to no false prophet, is false, let alone to have form, feeling, perception, consciousness.
Without these measures, then how can that last year the species, and the site was born to save us.
This Shariputra! The law does, its nature is often not.
So great Bodhisattvas monks from the Buddha dharma hear her past that give rise to Supreme Bodhi. In what law did not have to be, and no place being decided to embrace.
France can not point out. Just because the island beings should seize power. Thus the Great Bodhisattva play great solemnity usually not retrogression Supreme Bodhi.
This Bodhisattva no doubt that I would not be Supreme Bodhi. I will definitely be Supreme Bodhi.After Supreme Bodhi and then, using the legal damages for their benefit beings out crazy.

Hey Shariputra! For example, a magician, a technical work like memory hundred thousand people, things satiate drink enough. These people are glad that I was blessed coral big, big blessing me.
Did he think, in here with someone attractive enough nutrition?
- Blessed! Not.
- Hey Shariputra! Great Bodhisattva from the new mind back, really practice the six perfections, meditation, mind, self-adhesive, quad rings mindfulness to eighteen plus legal estate, full Bodhisattva, achievements beings, net the Buddhist country. But no law can be high beings ".
He Tu Bodhi Buddhist transparency: "Blessed! What is Bodhisattva that can be accomplished beings, the pure Buddhist country.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva emerging from the back center, executive Giving perfections, perfections Morality, Patience perfections, Crystal progress perfections, perfections Meditation, Prajna Paramita ring to act eighteen plus legal estate, achievements beings, net national level Buddha.
- Blessed! How is the Great Bodhisattva practice generosity achievements perfections beings?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! There are great Bodhisattvas time the perfections of giving, giving yourself, teach others also give alms, do not tell them that the people embrace generosity, if grabbed giving life to the body, it will back again. As to life and they had to get themselves a lot of pain. Hey people!In the law minister is no generosity, no handouts, no man receive. Three things that are not hollow emptiness that can not be obtained. Minister can not get the empty nature.
This Tu Bodhi! At issue perfections Giving, giving great Bodhisattvas beings, in that there is charity, there are people who give, not get guys getting. Why? For without perfections possessed called Giving perfections.
As Bodhisattva doesnt get three measures that should c1o beings can teach them the freezer Complete results to Supreme Bodhi ring.
Thus, Hey Tu Bodhi! Giving time the perfections, the Great Bodhisattva achievements beings.Bodhisattva he himself acts of generosity, who also teaches generosity, giving legal praise, rejoice praise generosity.
Such generosity is complete, the Bodhisattva was born the line surveys to Loi, Brahmin, Cu Si, or emir, or do cakkavatti. Then use the photography taken four beings. It is the giving, loving, and at the operating profit.
Using photography taken four beings things right, once living beings dwell times where sex, meditation, mind, self-adhesive, mindfulness quarterfinals noble ring to bowl section, freed three subjects, you are in the district, was Complete results from the skin to the Arhat rings, or be directed Pratyekabuddhas. Or teach them to be Supreme Bodhi's very easy to get. Why? No measures being appointed as the place to embrace it, just because crazy beings should embrace it. So that the people should themselves leave apart birth, must also teach others to leave leave birth and death. The center speaker or benefits for themselves, will also benefit others.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva must act Giving such perfections.
Due to the perfections of generosity that since new mind back, Bodhisattvas fall woeful such full, often doing cakkavatti. Why? Because depending on seeding spot that is large so retribution.
At Bodhisattva does cakkavatti find someone to think I did not ask for the other years that life cakkavatti throne, but only for the benefit of all beings. Thinking finished sure that this is the person to ask of a person character, your house not afraid to take their own, I do not regret it. Me, for beings that took the life of birth and death, for whom I have mercy on the full compassion.
Bodhisattva fact that acts of great compassion to benefit all beings, beings would not be generals decide damages, which could just pretend called being. Their title was empty. Like echo, damage can not be said that general decision.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva must act Giving such perfections, in beings not regret anything, ring to not spare the flesh of his own flesh, how much is outside the body material. Because this method can save living beings from samsara. This is what? Giving That's perfections, perfections Morality, Patience perfections, perfections The process, Prajna Paramita ring to eighteen plus legal estate, legal uses that make them born from the birth Prince was out.
Hey Tu Bodhi again! Great Bodhisattva dwells in Giving Giving three perfections, perfections Morality, Patience perfections, perfections The process, Prajna Paramita any legal ring to eighteen plus honey, finished giving saying, Behold the man! The people who come here precepts, I will give the people not to shortages. Food drinks, labels, ear, making, loss, body, clothes, toys year, rings all need to live my map will provide sufficient supplies for the people who are not deficient, or food items rings to drinking seven treasures.
The people who remain in this comfortable precepts, times times will end suffering, shifting where three vehicles that are liberated, or Thanh Van surplus, or excess Pratyekabuddhas, or Buddhayana.
Hey Tu Bodhi again! Great Bodhisattva dwells in Giving perfections, if anger is being said to them: Behold the man! What these people cause anger? I will provide for the physical needs of people. The people want something just grab at my place, I will provide to the people from the full shortfall.
This Bodhisattva dwells in perfections Giving beings teach patience, telling them that in all measures, without any real legal firm, place the person's anger is empty multiplication coast, no damage to make, both from a great memory, delusion born. These people are not the roots of hatred so destructive that mentally upbraided harsh, harmful knife sticks together, ring to kill. The person was not because legal falsehoods that the roots are not born of hatred destroy that evil mental reviled border, damaging several knives, rings to kill. The person was not because legal falsehoods that hatred for him that being in hell, hells, Peta, take immeasurable suffering. The people do not because the law does not damage that sticks falsehoods poor. Because he did not even poor human body, life situations that Buddha was born. Hey people! Life has hardly met the Buddha, the human body is difficult. The people not to lose a good opportunity. If the loss is not a good time to save.
Great Bodhisattva teachings of beings that way. Patience into their own hands, teach others also act patience, patience legal praise, praise operating excited patience.
Bodhisattva he makes beings dwells in patience, time by time cube that are all suffering.
Thus, Hey Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva dwells Giving perfections dwells beings make patience.
This Tu Bodhi! How is the Great Bodhisattva dwells perfections of generosity makes being diligent?
This Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattvas see beings laxity, tells them: 'These people why laxity? Beings little sparse because multiplication coast. Bodhisattva told everyone that I would make the people fully multiplication coast: or alms, or morality, or the patience, the multiplication coast so as to complete them.
Those beings are bodhisattvas benefits should they be relatives multiplication coast diligent, diligent border, diligent attention. Since three full business should be diligent all the fresh measures, Justice outflows. Because the outflow of Justice should be Complete results from the skin to the Supreme Bodhi ring.
Thus, Hey Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva practice generosity at perfections, dwells perfections The process to photography taken beings.
This Tu Bodhi! What is at issue great Bodhisattvas Giving perfections, teachers of all beings makes them perfections meditation?
This Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattvas see beings psychosis, told them that the people should meditate.Being said we did not fully multiplication coast. Bodhisattva sure we will make the people fully multiplication coast, to the heart of such persons under the senses, the mind is not scattered. Do that enough multiplication coast, stopped being senses, enter meditation, subtle meditation, triangle meditation, charity and acts of love, compassion, joy, discharge. Do meditation and mind his immeasurable beings can cultivate mindfulness quarterfinals noble ring to bowl section. at thirty-seven legal practitioners support this gospel attempts beings cube that is Nirvana, the whole did not take direction.
This Tu Bodhi! Thus, at issue perfections Giving, Great Bodhisattva Meditation Using photographic perfections taken beings, making them perfections meditation. 
This Tu Bodhi! How is the Great Bodhisattva practice generosity perfections, Prajna Paramita used photography taken beings?
This Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattvas see beings ignorance, not wisdom, tells them: 'These people did not cultivate wisdom? Beings little incomplete because multiplication coast. Bodhisattva told the multiplication coast where the people need to be full of wisdom can take us, it is generosity, morality, patience, diligent, meditation. When the multiplication coast was full, you thought something like this: At the Perfection of Wisdom thinking honey what measures might be reasonable? These are falls, beings, life span, rings to false prophet, is false can be reasonable?These are form, feeling, perception, consciousness, Education World, Lust, Immaterial World, six perfections, thirty seven legal assistant, Tu Da Complete results, results from Da Ham, fruits A Na Ham, fruit Arhat, religion Pratyekabuddhas, Supreme Bodhi can be reasonable?
Now such thinking, in the Prajna Paramita, he has no legal beings can be, can embrace.
If not embrace the law, he will now not see legal beings have birth, there is death, there is structure, there is a net, no distinction is Hell, the hells, as Peta, the asuras, the Nhon, is God, is Morality, is breaking the world, is Tu has completed, the Da Ham Tu, is a sodium content, the Arhat, is Pratyekabuddhas, is Buddhist.
Thus, Hey Tu Bodhi! Giving time the perfections, the Great Bodhisattva used Prajna Paramita photography taken beings.
This Tu Bodhi! How is the great Bodhisattvas remain in Giving perfections, perfections About forbearance perfections, PhD perfections, perfections Meditation, Prajna Paramita ring to thirty seven measures taken photographic assistant beings?
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva dwells in Giving perfections, bring benefit pension beings.Because multiplication coast this benefit, beings can cultivate mindfulness quarterfinals noble ring to bowl section. Beings act thirty-seven was the assistant director was out of birth and death.
Thus, Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva outflow used photography taken holy beings.
Hey Tu Bodhi again! At the Great Bodhisattva teachings of beings tells them: Behold the man!The people that get to where we need to use these materials, the food drinks, labels, ear, who, tongue, body, eye, ear, making, loss, body, clothes, toys lying, floral, rings and seven treasure.Henceforth the benefits forever happily. The things people do not think this is not our property. I always long for beings that gathers objects, even those that should get things like your character is no different.
Bodhisattva teachings of beings makes them act of generosity, morality, patience, diligent, meditation, wisdom, patience to make them legal assistant thirty seven, ten to eighteen mentality rings plus legal estate, they are also making the outflow, the result from the skin is completed, results from Da Ham, fruits A Na Ham, Arhat, religion Pratyekabuddhas, Supreme Bodhi.
This Tu Bodhi! Thus, at issue perfections Giving, Great Bodhisattva teachings of beings leave them to leave all three realms and through the suffering of birth and death.
Again, this Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva dwells perfections morality teachings of beings, said to them: The young woman broke the world what multiplication coast? I will give these people to the full multiplication coast, the generosity, wisdom and patience to use these characters to life.
This great Bodhisattvas dwells perfections Morality benefit beings, makes them ten good, away from the ten immoral.
Those beings over the world, not break the precepts, no complicated instructions, no embrace gender, admitted that time was due to end suffering three. 
Perfections competition as early as Giving perfections.


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