Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! Prajna Paramita not own this company! "
Buddha said: "As a prime author majeure. As prime rings identity impossible to attain all legal impossibility ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "If you want really great bodhisattvas Prajna Paramita practice time to really practice how?"
Buddha said: "To truly practice Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva such great truth where excellent practice, where such practice feeling, perception, volition, consciousness, such rings to set strain Nhut operating position, which is actually operating the Prajna perfections.
Bodhisattva, where excellent race ring to Nhut set position, such acts often impermanent, the real issue is Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva, where excellent race ring to Nhut set position, such acts or suffering or pleasure, real time operating Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva, where excellent ring to set strain Nhut location, such as ego issue or not falling, real time operating Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva, where excellent location ring to Nhut set strain, not pure or impure practice, practice time is really Prajna Paramita.
Why so?
Because of form, feeling, perception, knowledge Nhut ring to set strain which has no place here emptiness, how times have often, with impermanence, there is pain, there are happy, there is ego, there is no ego, there is calm, there impurities are.
This again Tu Bodhi! Real time operating Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva such contemporary acts such full color, onion rings to not place such strains Nhut fully set, the real issue is the Prajna Paramita.
Why so? Because no full identity not called excellent time, as this is the real issue was not operating Prajna Paramita. Tolerance to set strain Nhut full time position did not necessarily strain called Nhut location, as it would not be real time operating executive Prajna Paramita ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "It's unprecedented! Blessed cleverly said Minister concerned with general format of the form such fears were good men, good women players Bodhisattva religion ".
Buddha said: "That's right. Buddha said Minister cleverly same general format types such concerns raised by good men, good women directors Bodhisattva bridge.
This again Tu Bodhi! Real time operating Prajna Paramita, if not great bodhisattvas of the decree, such obstacles, the Prajna Paramita practice. Onion rings to not necessarily strains Nhut location, such obstacles, the operating time Prajna Paramita.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Real time Prajna Paramita operator thus knows color is great bodhisattvas such obstacles, know sensation, perception, and consciousness are not obstacles, to know Nhut ring set position is no obstacle race. Tu Da Complete results are know such obstacles, rings to know Supreme Bodhi religion is no obstacle "
Bodhi Monastery said, "There has never been such, Blessed!
This profound legal, or preacher, or no such preachers are also increasing, not decrease ".
Buddha said: "That's right. This profound legal, or said or did not say and will not increase, not decrease.
Behold Tu Bodhi! As virtual goodness, merit or time at all such criticism is increasing, not decreasing. At such compliments celebrate, while covering such worries.
Behold Tu Bodhi! French Minister of France, too, as well as the obligation not time to say more, at no obligation and does not say others. "
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! The jobs of great bodhisattvas lettered difficult. At practice this Prajna Paramita, the celebration did not worry him, but can practice Prajna Paramita. Nor retrogression where Supreme Bodhi.
Why so?
Blessed! Prajna practice as spiritual perfections nowhere.
As of nowhere, without Prajna Paramita without Dan na ring to perfections. As of nowhere, no form, feeling, perception, volition, to form rings without any legal eighteen plus. As in vain, no results Tu Da Completed rings to Supreme Bodhi religion. Prajna Paramita religious as such.
Blessed! All beings are so great feast of great Bodhisattvas can this solemn oath.
Blessed! Chu this great bodhisattvas as beings that great solemn oath forth effort, as nowhere University solemn oath forth effort.
Blessed! Chu wants this great bodhisattvas as beings want of nowhere.
Blessed! This great bodhisattvas contemporary Chu solemn oath, as nothingness throughout modern beings solemn oath.
Blessed! Chu this great bodhisattvas university wants solemn oath as beings nowhere to store.
Blessed! Chu this great bodhisattvas are very great effort, for want of beings that played Supreme Bodhi mind.
Blessed! Chu this great bodhisattvas very brave, because such contracts beings that found nowhere Supreme Bodhi mind.
Why so?
Blessed! If Buddhas filled both in the realms of Dai Thien as bamboo, mop, sugarcane, rice, sesame, forest groves, often a life sermon is always at or near a lifetime. Each Buddha of boundless wealth of beings makes them nirvana.
This emptiness is still being increased, not reduced.
Why so?
Because beings which owns such wealth, such as glass.
Get to the Buddhas in the ten states of beings, nature beings still do not rise, not fall as such.
He multiplication coast, white Buddha! I say this because great bodhisattvas beings want beings that played Supreme Bodhi mind, the want of nowhere.
Then there is a Bhikshu said: I must pay homage to Prajna Paramita.
In the Prajna Paramita born oil law, not the ending, which they presented the district, have them right concentration, the district has favored them, have them freed, have them freed Kie Hotel.That has bothered Complete Tu Da, Da Ham Tu, A Na Ham, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas, buddhas.Which Buddha Buu, France Buu Buu Increase Bhikshu. Which has turned the Dharma Wheel ".
At that moment heaven Bodhi Monastery asked him: "If great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita is what legal practice?"
Bodhi Monastery sure heaven: "Behold Kieu Thi Ca! This great bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita is not practice. "
Heaven white Buddha: "Blessed! If good men, good women's life over this Prajna Paramita and close, recitation, hypothesis, chief recollection, the guardian of what I have? "
Bodhi Monastery asked heaven: "Behold Kieu Thi Ca! What could he have legal defense to be reasonable? "
Heaven say: "No! Venerable Sir! I can not see what the legal guardian to be ".
Bodhi Monastery said: "If good men, good and true as women practice the Buddha's teachings in the Prajna Paramita, is the guardian. Often religious meaning as the Buddha's teaching in the Prajna Paramita without far left, time or people or non kindness does not hurt to be good men, this female-friendly.
To know that good men and good women might not away from Prajna Paramita.
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! If one wants upholds the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, time is wanted upholds nowhere.
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! Italy he think? He can upholds dream, Diem, photos, effects, virtual, chemistry is reasonable? "
Heaven say: "Do not be obvious households".
Bodhi Monastery said: "If anyone wants upholds the Bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita the same. Only hard beds only.
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! He could have collected on behalf of the Buddhas transformed reasonable? "
Heaven say: "I have no defense to households."
Bodhi Monastery said: "If one wants to truly upholds the Bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita the same."
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! Maybe upholds legal nature, economic damages, such approach, regardless of whether incredible nature? "
Heaven say: "Do not be obvious households".
Bodhi Monastery said: "If anyone wants upholds true Bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita so also."
Heaven asked: "Lord Tu Bodhi! How truly great bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita perceive things as dreams, like Diem, like photos, like virtual, like chemistry? How great bodhisattvas as beings perceive their place should such romantic notions, notions such as dreams, such dreams used concepts, such notions I dreaming?
Dreamlike with Diem, photos, effects, and virtual goods, too ".
Bodhi Monastery said: "This Kieu Thi Ca! If it's great bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita, no identity concepts, notions such as identity, user identity such notions, such notions with my identity, age may also Bodhisattva no romantic notions, such the concept is a dream, a dream to use such notions, such notions I dream, to virtual and chemical ring, too.
If great bodhisattvas Nhut ring to omniscience, the notion Nhut not omniscience, such notions are Nhut omniscience, such omniscience notion Nhut used, such notion Nhut set my location, age Bodhisattva can also ring to not idealize, such as chemical concepts, such concepts used goods, such notions of my goods.
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! Bodhisattva knows the law so dreamlike, like Diem, such as photos, as entitled, as virtual, as goods ".
Then by the powers of the Buddha, should the Great celestial world, the Kings of Heaven restaurant, Trayastrimsa Heaven, Heaven Yes Ma, Where Heaven Interest, Sun Chemical communication, Tha Sun Chemical Independence, Brahma, God Pham Accessories, Sun Pham We, Sun Dai Pham, Quang Min Sun, rings to Heaven Retreat, all these goods brought incense Heaven loosened herd sheep scattered on the Buddha, together towards the Buddha, the Buddha head and feet bow, then stood back.
Due to the force of the Buddha, this should have seen the sun every thousand Buddha Oriental sermon, the minister such forms, such a title, the instructor said this Prajna Paramita, Bhikshus are named Bodhi Monastery , who asked the Prajna decanting perfections are named Thich completed Nhon problem.
As the East, the other nine are also currently thousand Buddha so.
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "Period Maitreya Bodhisattva Bodhi evidence Supreme Enlightenment, also said Prajna Paramita at this place. Chu Hien great bodhisattvas in life, at Supreme Bodhi witness also at this place that says Prajna Paramita ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! His time Bodhisattva Maitreya Buddha, what used generals, what goodness, what it means to say that Prajna Paramita? "
Buddha said: "Behold Tu Bodhi! At Maitreya Bodhisattva Supreme Bodhi will witness the sermon thus:
Sac not often, not very often.
Lust is not suffering, not optimism.
Lust is not falling, not selfless.
Sac not have a net, not impure.
Sac not knots, not liberation.
Lust is not the past, not the future, not the present.
Ultimately pure excellence.
Feeling, perception, and consciousness ring to omniscience Nhut likewise ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! This Prajna Paramita pure? "
Buddha said: "Behold Tu Bodhi! Because pure color Prajna Paramita so pure. Because of feeling, perception, volition, consciousness Prajna pure so pure perfections. "
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! How for form, feeling, perception, pure form Prajna Paramita so pure? "
Buddha said: "Behold Tu Bodhi! If identity can not bear, not destroy, no structure, no net, the call is pure excellence. If feeling, perception, and consciousness can not bear, not destroy, no structure, no net, called a life time, perception, pure formula.
This again Tu Bodhi! Because pure nothingness should Prajna Paramita purity ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! How so pure nothingness Prajna Paramita so pure? "
Buddha said: "Behold Tu Bodhi! Because nowhere to be born, not destroy it pure. Prajna Paramita, too.
This again Tu Bodhi! As such identity should defilement Prajna Paramita purity. Because of feeling, perception, and consciousness of defilement should not Prajna Paramita purity.
Why so?
Behold Tu Bodhi! As nothingness can not embrace was so pure nothingness. Because pure vanity Prajna Paramita so pure.
This again Tu Bodhi! Because nowhere can overs Prajna Paramita so pure.
Why so?
Nhon in vain two voices coming out.
As of nowhere, because Prajna Paramita can overs should Prajna Paramita purity.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Because nowhere overs can not be Prajna Paramita purity.
Why so?
No place like nowhere because notes are so Prajna Paramita purity.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Re like nowhere because there can be so Prajna Paramita purity.
Why so?
No place like nowhere because nowhere is so pure, Prajna Paramita should also not place the Perfection of Wisdom is pure honey.
This again Tu Bodhi! Since all such measures being, no killing, no structure, no net should Prajna Paramita purity.
Why so?
Since all methods should ultimately pure Prajna Paramita purity ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! If good men, good women's life over this Prajna Paramita and approachable, chief recollection, not a full-time sick, mark, right, who, tongue, body full well not sick, disabled relatives nor failure is not old , such Programme of death, countless rows Devas, the Four Heavenly Kings from Heaven to Heaven Retreat are all learning to follow listening. Every month to six days younger: nets eight, fourteen, fifteen, twenty-three, twenty-nine and thirty days, in place good men, good magicians and women might do, preaching Paramita Sutra, the gods we are gathering to Congress. In the middle of them, good men, good women preachers Prajna Paramita is this boundless wealth of incredible, impossible profession of merit ".
Buddha said: "Just as the Bodhi Tu said. Why so? Since Prajna Paramita is the great precious treasure.
What is the contemporary precious treasure?
Prajna Paramita can spit this is the extreme poverty of hell, hells, Peta and in humans. Prajna Paramita nayco proud nation can give great insight profit nature, Brahmin, Cu Si, heaven given to Phi Phi Vuong Tu Tuong Tu Da Complete results given, Tu Da Ham, A Na Ham, A Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas, Supreme Bodhi.
Why so?
Because of Prajna Paramita broadly on improving cross, meditation, immeasurable, invisible to the quarterfinals, mindfulness quad, quad primary needs, such as the quarter-sufficiency, the five senses, the five forces, Interior Spoiler, bowl noble part, Dan na perfections, perfections dill, available for perfections, perfections price ratio, Zen na perfections, Prajna Paramita, not bowl, gather resources, wealth quarterfinals Captain, any community bowl, place the ring to Nhut set strain.
Learning in nature this time insight born of great advantage, great nature Brahmins, contemporary nature Cu Si, Sun Tu Vuong, Trayastrimsa Heaven, Heaven Yes Ma, Where Capacity Da Sun, Sun Chemical Lac Hoa Tu At Tha God, Heaven Pham We, God Pham Phu, Sun Pham Vuong, Quang Min Sun, Sun Boundless Light, Sun Optics Acoustics, Sun Min Xu, Boundless Pure Heaven, Heaven denatured, Vo Van Heaven, Heaven Phuoc Sanh, Quang Fruit Heaven, Heaven Infinite Ideas, God Unknown Trouble, Unknown Heat Heaven, Heaven bias, Sun Compassion Now, Heaven Lust Rescue Wing, Infinity of Heaven, Heaven Infinity of consciousness, God Unknown Land Ownership, Huu Tuong Phi Phi Heaven Parish Infinite Ideas .
This method of learning is effective in Tu Da Complete, Results From Da Ham, fruits A Na Ham, Arhat Pratyekabuddhas religion, religion Supreme Awakened.
Behold Tu Bodhi! So Prajna Paramita precious treasure called college.
In perfections precious treasure, what measures can not be either born, or destroy, or structure, or a net, or take, or give up.
In precious treasure perfections no legal or good, or evil, or the world, or the Earth, or the property illegally, or outflow, or compounded, or unconditioned.
So-called honor possessed numerous weapons perfections.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Tran Buu these perfections without contaminating what is legal
Why so?
Because the site is legal impossibility to use prime infection.
So-called no-mind perfections precious treasure.
Behold Tu Bodhi! If it's great bodhisattvas operating at Prajna Paramita, nor knew it, not such a distinction, and attain such impossibility, not theater explains. It is possible to practice Prajna Paramita, can also feast Buddhas, from one realm to another realm of Buddha to Buddha offerings, reverently praise the Buddhas, Buddha realm to go to the Achievements beings, Buddhist purity level.
Behold Tu Bodhi! For the French, this Prajna Paramita is no capacity, no capacity is not, nor territory, do not give, no birth, no killing, no structure, no net, no more, no less.
This Prajna Paramita nor the past, not the future, not the present, nor forsake Education realms, realms, realms Immaterial, nor Education office realms, realms, realms Immaterial. This Prajna Paramita not given Dan Zen na na perfections perfections and Prajna Paramita, nor give Dan Zen na na perfections perfections and Prajna Paramita.
Prajna Paramita not this such internal measures to outlaw not useful nor give, not for quad noble mindfulness bowl nor to give up, not to gather community capacity to bowl any law nor give, not for results Tu Da Finish to quit nor omniscience Nhut.
This Prajna Paramita not for legal Arhat, nor forsake ordinary law, not the law Pratyekabuddhas, not give legal Arhat, not for Buddhism, nor forsake Pratyekabuddhas.
This Prajna Paramita nor for unconditioned law, nor forsake compounded.
Why so?
Because or the Buddha, the dharma this other not always permanent, as dharma, law office, legal permanent position not wrong, not lose it. "
Then the gods stood in joy and gladness nowhere pronounce loud, bring flowers bowl casual la, three-headed ghost flowers, flowering plants first sentence, flower fertilizer spreader upwards momentum interests Buddha said, in Jambudvipa them I saw the second rotation method.
In this there are countless hundreds of thousands of unborn Thien Tu is a legal entity.
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "Falun This move, not moving at the first, not the second switch.
Prajna Paramita not due to this, such as Huon which appear, for property legal outlaw so empty. "
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! How very useful as empty measures should Prajna Paramita not so transferred, such as Huon that occur? "
Buddha said: "Behold Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita Prajna Paramita Minister empty ring to Dan Dan na na perfections perfections empty minister, interior minister not cabinet not empty ring to infinity compounded organic law does not outlaw law minister not empty no, quad quad mindfulness mindfulness empty minister noble ring to bowl empty bowl of holy religion minister, Buddhist gathering force generals gather forces to eighteen ring empty estate legal community property law minister empty community, Tu Da Complete results results Da Ham Justice Minister empty ring to Nhut Nhut omniscience omniscience empty minister ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! Prajna Paramita is the great bodhisattvas mighty Ma ha Prajna Paramita.
Why so?
Oil all legal, empty nature, but multiplication great bodhisattvas tributary where Prajna Paramita which is Supreme Bodhi, by the district legal nor moral law, there is no legal transfer, there is no legal Huon torch.
In Ma ha this Prajna Paramita legal nor see.
Why so?
This does not have to be legal or mystical Huon, because all ultimately not bear such measures.
Why so?
Because of this minister, this formless Minister, Minister inactive this is not moving, such Huon be.
If the Prajna Paramita theory so, can teach, open market, distinguished fluently, explained in detail, the hypothesis called pure Prajna Paramita. Neither the speaker nor the listener, not the witness.
If not, do not listen, does not endorse, nor the time consumed.
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