Thursday, 20 October 2016

Paramita Sutra
Then Sakka Recommended Hoan Thien Nhon and Devas Dai Thien Vuong in the world thought that Venerable Tu Bodhi for us that legal weapons ban. We should be turned out beautiful flowers to spread on the Buddha, monks great bodhisattvas, Bhikshus Increase, Venerable Tu Bodhi and Prajna Paramita.
That instant Devas United manifested double flowers spread on the Buddha, monks great bodhisattvas, Bhikshus Increase and Venerable Tu Bodhi Prajna offerings and perfections. Dai Thien throughout the world at that time was full of flowers in the air. These flowers into the wonderful flower seriously radical radio.
Bodhi Monastery think those flowers out of nowhere by Devas Death spread, word unprecedented. This is turn into a flower, not a flower from the tree was born. This is the heart of life from birth flower, not from the tree of life.
Knowing his mind Bodhi Monastery, Hoan Thien Nhon Sakka Recommended said: "Venerable Sir! This flower is not born, nor compassion flower delivery life ".
Bodhi Monastery said: "This Kieu Thi Ca! He said these are not born flowers, heart flowers from life to life. This flower is not being legal if such period is called the flower ".
Hoan Thien Nhon Recommended Sakka said: "Venerable Sir! Only this is not bear flowers, or colors and feelings, perception, and consciousness can not bear? "
Bodhi Monastery said: "This Kieu Thi Ca! Not only is this not bear flowers, which can not bear identity. If such was not being called excellent time. Feeling, perception, and consciousness can not bear. If time did not bear called sensation, perception, and consciousness.
As five warm, continental integration, continental form, contact continents and continental exposure, multiplication coast, living life well.
Forum na Prajna Paramita perfections to be born, if not bear such time na Dan called to Prajna Paramita perfections. Cabinet not to outlaw such property is not legal. Satipatthana to any legal community can not bear, circuit set strain nor place of birth. If time did not bear quartet called mindfulness to set strain Nhut location ".
Heaven think Venerable Tu Bodhi deep wisdom, not pretending to say the damage dharma.
Buddha said of heaven mind should say: "That's right. Kieu Thi Ca Behold! Bodhi Monastery has very deep wisdom, not pretending to say the damage dharma ".
Heaven said, "revered sir! Venerable Tu Bodhi no damage pretending that said the dharma like? "
Buddha said: "Matter is only pretending, no septic Bodhi Monastery pretending that said the law minister. Feeling, perception, and consciousness is just pretending, nor damage the Bodhi Monastery pretending that said the law minister.
Why so? Because no damage dharma, place of Tu Bodhi said no damage and not damage it.
As five warm, continent to continent enter into contact, multiplication coast, living life, Dan na perfections to infinity compounded not legal, to any community quarterfinals legal mindfulness, Tu Da Complete results to the Buddhist path, Nhut Nhut omniscience to set race position, Tu Da Complete to Buddha, all just pretend, nor damage the Bodhi Monastery pretending that said the law minister.
Why so? Because no damage dharma and not diminishing, place of Tu Bodhi said no damage and not damage it.
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! True, no septic Bodhi Monastery pretending that said the law minister. "
Bodhi Monastery told the heaven: "That's right. Kieu Thi Ca Behold! As the Buddha says, the law is only pretending.
Bodhisattva must know the law is only pretending so. Must learn Prajna Paramita so.
Bodhisattva is no school to learn so sharp, not school feeling, perception, and consciousness.
Why so? Because not see colors to school, nor that there feeling, perception, and consciousness to learn.
Bodhisattva is no school to learn so Dan na Prajna Paramita to perfections.
Why so? Because not see Dan na Prajna Paramita to perfections to learn.
Such Bodhisattva is no school to learn not to outlaw internal property not legal, such as mindfulness school quad to eighteen plus legal estate.
Why so? Because do not see any legal civil community does not come to school.
Bodhisattva so learn not learn Tu Da Complete race results to Nhut set position.
Why so? Because not see Tu Da Complete results to set strain Nhut location to learn ".
Heaven asked: "Venerable Sir! Do not see what multiplication coast to not see color strains found Nhut location setting? "
Bodhi Monastery said: "Lust is not sharp ring to set strain Nhut not mind.
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! Excellent Excellent school did not ring not to set strain Nhut Nhut school where there are not necessarily strains do not mind.
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! If no such study is not called to school time, because there are two such.
This Bodhisattva school to learn Nhut identity not necessarily strain rings do not mind, because there are two such.
If they do not because there are two colors, ring setting to learn Nhut not mind because there are two strains, this great bodhisattvas can learn to Dan na Prajna Paramita because no two perfections so. Mindfulness can learn from any legal eighteen because no two such communities.Can learn Tu Da Complete results Nhut set to position because no two such strains.
This Bodhisattva can learn a boundless increase legal period.
If you can learn the boundless wealth of legal, this era such as identity Bodhisattva increase the school, such as reducing the school colors. Nhut equipment such as rings to place increasing strain that school, nor the location Nhut strain reduced by the school setting.
If not because of sharp rises and falls that school, if such rings to place increasing strain because Nhut necessarily reduced by the school, this era such as identity Bodhisattva that school life, nor for killing the school colors. Tolerance to the vaccine such as location Nhut necessarily destroy life and to learn ".
Sariputra asked him Tu Bodhi: "Learning so, this great bodhisattvas such as identity that school life, such as learning destroy that identity. Nhut ring to set race for life and would not mind killing that school? "
Bodhi Monastery said: "Bodhisattva if the school so that the school colors such as life expectancy, such as killing the school colors, ring to the strains Nhut set location nor the anti-life study".
Sariputra asked: "Do what multiplication coast such great bodhisattvas for excellence that school life, such as killing the school colors, ring to the strains Nhut location set for life nor kill that school?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "Lust is this not also life expectancy nobody color, race ring to place such equipment Nhut life expectancy is nobody, because so exterior empty.
Because not all of the legal life so great bodhisattvas can to set strain Nhut location ".
Sariputra asked: "Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita school so can to set strain Nhut affordable place?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita school so can to set strain Nhut location, because no such initiation."
Sariputra asked: "If the great bodhisattvas such measures for all life, not destroy the school, how to get the vaccine Nhut location setting?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "Bodhisattva really practice Prajna Paramita, they saw birth identity, destroy not see color, do not see the life identity, life did not see color, color profiles can not see, can not see color impurities, such saw sharp increases, they saw sharp decreases. Why so?Because so sharp colors empty nature.
Nhut set to race rings were not seeing the birth place, they saw away, not see life, life did not see, did not see the structure, did not see pure, did not see an increase, not see reduced. Why so?Because nature Nhut empty place setting such strains.
Bodhisattva because all such measures being, no killing, no feeling, no exhaust, no structure, no net, no union, no melt, no increase, not decrease, should learn Prajna Paramita can to set strain Nhut Tri. Since no placement, no place to be so ".
Then Sakka Recommended Hoan Thien Nhon Shariputra asked him: "Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita should bridge somewhere?"
Sariputra said: "Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita so demands at the Bodhi Monastery".
Heaven Bodhi Monastery asked him: "Is it the force of the Venerable Shariputra said that great bodhisattvas Prajna Paramita up demand in the Bodhi Monastery reasonable?"
Bodhi Monastery said, "Was not my powers."
Heaven asked: "Who's that Spirit's power?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "It was the force of the Buddha".
Thien Empire said: "All the French were not life origin. Why so? The powers of the Buddha said, leaving no life Origin Minister Lai majeure As prime time, leaving the law as well majeure Tathagata attained ".
Bodhi Monastery said: "That's right. Kieu Thi Ca Behold! Leave the land of the minister not life impossible Tathagata attained, leaving the law as well majeure Tathagata attained. Life in general is not the land, Tathagata impossible attained. In such methods, Tathagata impossible attained.
In sharp, as impossible Tathagata attained. In Tathagata like, sharp as a prime majeure.
Rupa In general, legal Tathagata prime minister impossible. In Tathagata dharma, material impossibility prime minister. Nhut set rings to place also such strains.
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! Tathagata in such sharp innings, did not melt, Tathagata in feeling, perception, and consciousness as such agreements, not tan.
Tathagata leave such sharp innings, no security, Tathagata leave sensation, perception, and consciousness as such agreements, not tan.
Nhut set rings to place also such strains.
Rupa Tathagata in such general agreements, such melts, Tathagata in feeling, perception, and consciousness dharma not half, not tan.
Rupa Tathagata leave such general agreements, such melts, Tathagata leave sensation, perception, and consciousness dharma not half, not tan.
Nhut set rings to place also such strains.
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! In all such legal agreements, such as melting of the Tathagata supernatural power, because nothing is used so head life.
As the word says Kieu Thi Ca, great bodhisattvas should Prajna Paramita place to stay?
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! There should be in color or colors that leave outside the Prajna Paramita bridge. There should be in life, perception, knowledge or left outside sensation, perception, and consciousness that Prajna Paramita bridge.
Why so? This Prajna Paramita and form, feeling, perception, consciousness, all these measures are not united, no tan, no color, no shape, no respect, only a minister that is formless.
Tolerance to forbear in Nhut setting where players race Prajna Paramita, nor should leave outside Nhut setting where players race Prajna Paramita.
Why so? Prajna Paramita race here and Nhut set position, all these measures are not united, no melt, no color, no shape, no respect, only one minister is formless.
Why so? Prajna Paramita not matter, sensation, perception, consciousness, nor to leave the outer form, feeling, perception, consciousness. Tolerance to the vaccine is not necessarily location Nhut, nor to leave equipment outside Nhut location strains.
Prajna Paramita not sharp nor sharp left outside. Nhut set rings to not place such strains, nor leave such location outside Nhut set strain.
Prajna Paramita not material, nor to leave the outside material. Nhut set rings to not strain the legal position, and not to leave the race outside Nhut set legal position. 
Why so? Kieu Thi Ca Behold! All these measures are very favorable ownership impossible.
For without a prime property impossible, so Prajna Paramita not sharp nor sharp left, ring to the strains nor Nhut set to leave the place nor necessarily strains Nhut location. Was not as sharp as sharp nor left, ring to the strains nor Nhut set to leave the place as well such as location Nhut set strain. Not rupa rupa nor left, nor Nhut ring to set strain nor the legal position set to leave the race Nhut legal position ".
Heaven say: "Ma ha this is great perfections Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita.
Infinite perfections, infinite perfections are great bodhisattvas Prajna Paramita.
Chu Tu Tu Da Da Complete and Complete results Arhat ring to monks and Arhat, lettered Pratyekabuddhas and Pratyekabuddhas religion, gods are great bodhisattvas from the Perfection of Wisdom in the study of this honey.
Beings can achieve, pure buddha degrees, certificates are from the Supreme Bodhi Prajna Paramita in this that the school ".
Bodhi Monastery said: "That's right. Kieu Thi Ca Behold! Ma ha this is great perfections Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita. Infinite perfections, infinite perfections are great bodhisattvas Prajna Paramita.
Also from the Perfection of Wisdom in the school achievements of this honey Justice to the Supreme Da Complete Bodhi.
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! Because the vast identity should also Prajna Paramita Great.
Why so?
International money excellent, central defender and economic health are impossible attained.
Feeling, perception, and consciousness so vast Prajna Paramita also large, as feeling, perception, volition, consciousness, health funds, international logistics and secondary health are impossible attained.
Nhut set rings to place also such strains.
This multiplication coast so perfections Ma ha this is great bodhisattvas Prajna Paramita.
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! Because countless colors should Prajna Paramita immeasurable, because so excellent prime of impossibility.
As nowhere impossibility of acquisition, of impossible colors too favorable.
Nowhere should immeasurable immeasurable excellence. Because countless colors should Prajna Paramita immeasurable.
Tolerance to the location for countless species Nhut set up the Prajna Paramita immeasurable.
Why so? Since Nhut set immeasurable strain majeure prime location.
As prime impossibility of nowhere, too Nhut set strain impossibility of prime location.
Nowhere immeasurable strain should set position Nhut also immeasurable.
Recreational immeasurable strain Circuit set up Prajna Paramita also immeasurable.
This multiplication coast so great bodhisattvas Prajna immeasurable perfections.
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! Contemporary identity should boundless Bodhisattva Sutra infinite perfections.
Why so? Sac, currency, international logistics, international medium are impossible attained.
Tolerance to the boundless location Nhut strains should set Prajna Paramita boundless. As set strain Nhut location, currency, international logistics, international medium that are impossible attained.
This multiplication coast so Prajna infinite perfections.
This again Kieu Thi Ca! As boundless grace which should Prajna Paramita boundless ".
Heaven asked: "What is a place of infinite charm to Prajna Paramita infinite?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "For all legal boundless grace Prajna Paramita be boundless."
Heaven asked: "What boundless charm all should approach the Perfection of Wisdom infinite density?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "For legal nature boundless grace should Prajna Paramita boundless.
This again Kieu Thi Ca! Since such measures should boundless charm Prajna infinite perfections. "
Heaven asked: "What should such legal boundless charm Prajna infinite perfections?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "For such measures should boundless boundless grace also. As boundless grace so boundless measures as well. "
This multiplication coast so great bodhisattvas Prajna Paramita is boundless.
This again Kieu Thi Ca! As infinite beings should Prajna infinite perfections. "
Heaven asked: "What boundless beings should Prajna infinite perfections?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "This Kieu Thi Ca! According to the legal time what he called being? "
Heaven say: "There is no such thing as being legal. Because pretending so-called being.
List was of no legal order also no place to. Only wryly named it. "
Bodhi Monastery said: "Italy he thinks. In Prajna Paramita beings have lost this say reasonable? "
Heaven say: "No damage".
Bodhi Monastery said: "If the Prajna Paramita not say the damage has, time being infinite attained also impossible.
Kieu Thi Ca Behold! Italian How do you think? Buddhas in every sa life say beings and beings their title. And with France being is birth, there is death reasonable? "
Heaven say: "No. As hybrid beings duty usually so pure. "

Bodhi Monastery said: "This Kieu Thi Ca! This multiplication coast, because the infinite beings should know Prajna Paramita is boundless. " END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/10/2016.

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