Sunday, 23 October 2016

Paramita Sutra
PRODUCT photographic moments, General 
Tu Bodhi He said, "Blessed! How great is the Bodhisattva dwells Giving perfections which grabbed perfections Morality? ".
Buddha is saying: "Hey Tu Bodhi! At Bell, the great bodhisattvas bring alms Nhut dedicate omniscience that, in all beings, body, speech and mind to remain where faith from. This is the great Bodhisattva dwells Giving perfections which grabbed perfections Morality ".
- Blessed! How great is the Bodhisattva dwells Giving perfections which grabbed perfections Patience?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Alms at great bodhisattvas, who defied territory Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva patience anxiety not being pleased. This is the great Bodhisattva dwells Giving perfections which grabbed Patience perfections.
- Blessed! How great is the Bodhisattva dwells Giving perfections which grabbed perfections Effort?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Alms at great bodhisattvas, who defied territory, giving additional Bodhisattva and thought I must have pleased alms should not regret it, then immediately arises diligent two: body and mind diligent effort. This is the great Bodhisattva dwells Giving perfections which grabbed Effort perfections.
- Blessed! How great is the Bodhisattva dwells Giving perfections which embrace Zen perfections na?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! At Bell, Bodhisattva dedicate Nhut omniscience, such forward Thanh Van upset, Pratyekabuddhas, thinking mind Nhut Nhut only omniscience. This is a great Bodhisattvas dwells perfections of generosity that embrace Zen na perfections.
- Blessed! How great is the Bodhisattva dwells Giving perfections which grabbed Prajna Paramita?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! At Bell, great bodhisattvas know bogus alms is not virtual, not seen as being useful handouts or useless. This is the great Bodhisattva dwells Giving perfections which grabbed Prajna Paramita.
- Blessed! What is great bodhisattva precepts remain perfections, body, speech and mind three merit arises now giving help to Supreme Bodhi, hold this merit, not get angry Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas, Morality remain in perfections, not knowing won another's life, does not know who stole the wealth other material resources, such as adultery, no expectations discourse, such bisexual damage, not harsh, not dependence terms, such participation four slugs, not angry jealousy, not wrong, it acts of generosity: feeding the hungry, the thirsty to drink, need car to car, need clothes for clothing, need to string pearl necklace, floral needs for floral, to bed, the room, lamps, all belongings are being provided to both, giving alms to the beings that share the same dedication Supreme Bodhi, such dedication is not mired in frustrating Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas. This is the great Bodhisattva precepts remain perfections which grabbed Giving perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva dwells in Test perfections, if anyone is to make the body tired, then Bodhisattva not bear a unique concept that angry thought: I was a huge benefit, they leave my body to do apart, I do not have a concept of hatred. This is the great Bodhisattva precepts remain perfections which grabbed Patience perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva body and mind diligent effort is often not forsaken, thought: All beings in the ocean of birth and death, I have to put them on the bank rescue nectar. This is the great Bodhisattva precepts remain perfections which grabbed Effort perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva enter meditation, subtle meditation, triangle meditation, charity and not taking bothered Hearers, Pratyekabuddhas, think: I must remain in Zen na perfections to the all beings in samsara. This is the great Bodhisattva precepts remain perfections which embrace Zen na perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva dwells perfections Morality without any visible method: or legislative work, nothing is working, the law, dharma, or property or wealth, not only see all apart Minister as, due to media Prajna Paramita should not fall into Thanh Van upset, Pratyekabuddhas. This is a great Bodhisattvas precepts remain perfections which grabbed Prajna Paramita.
- Blessed! How great is the Bodhisattva dwells Patience perfections which grabbed the other five perfections?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva from time to time new mind sitting ashrams, in the meantime, if any of these beings to defy, or tight body virtue, patience dwells Bodhisattva thought: I have all of them alms birth, such should not give, beings need food, for eating, rings to all my belongings were born if need them all, bring merit that together with all beings dedicate Supreme Bodhi . At Bodhisattva dedicate not bear in mind two: one dedication and helpfulness place. This is the great Bodhisattva dwells patience perfections which grabbed Giving perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva since he was found sitting at the VTP interested in a full time period not to kill, steal, commit adultery ring to no wrong, nor participate Thanh Van upset, Pratyekabuddhas. Bringing together such merit with all beings dedicate Supreme Bodhi. At the dedication, three bodhisattvas not bear in mind: one in direction, using means to dedicate dedication and anywhere. This is the great Bodhisattva dwells Patience perfections which embrace morality perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva dwells perfections Patience, arising Effort think: I will pass one by week, or ten hundred thousand like memory by the week, I'm going through a ring to the world via the world hundreds of thousands like memory or only to counsel a person only five precepts, is to make their case results from Da completed rings to Arhat, Buddha Pratyekabuddhas or results. Bringing together such merit with all beings dedicate Supreme Bodhi. This is the great Bodhisattva dwells Patience perfections which grabbed Effort perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva dwells perfections Patience, education leave, severing, those evil, with feeling, with bar, glass of Greek enter meditation birth, anniversary rings to discharge slowly enter pure meditation in Zen pure mental states that are interested in setting direction Nhut location. At the dedication, this Bodhisattva where meditation and meditation are impossible acquisition expenses. This is the great Bodhisattva dwells patience perfections which embrace Zen na perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva dwells perfections patience, consistency and isolation measures or minister, minister passed away, generals endless, such evidence taken minister passed away, to sit patiently set strain Nhut ashrams are located, left the ashrams to transfer legal rotation. This is the great Bodhisattva dwells Patience perfections which grabbed Prajna Paramita, because that is not removed.
- Blessed! How great is the Bodhisattva dwells Effort perfections perfections which grabbed the other?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva dwells diligently perfections, body and mind stay diligent not such lazy, thought to himself, I'm sure will be Supreme Bodhi, nor not. For the benefit of beings that Bodhisattvas came a week due to the hundreds of thousands like memory or by the week, or over a hundred thousand world like memory or the world, or not taught to be a man in the Buddhist religion, Thanh Van religion, or teach only one now operating ten sound doctrine, diligently such languor, as financial measures and pilot experiments are complete them. Bringing together this merit to all beings Supreme Bodhi dedication, not bothered dedicate Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas. This is the bodhisattva dwells Effort perfections which grabbed Giving perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Diligent Bodhisattva dwells perfections from time to time new mind sitting ashrams, himself not to kill, not sure who to kill, joyful praise such people killing themselves away from the ring to the TA, sure people away from wrong, joyful praise such people wrong. This bodhisattva precepts remain perfections, not bless realms Education, Sac realms, realms Immaterial, not bothered Thanh Van bridge, Pratyekabuddhas. Bringing together this merit to all beings dedicate Supreme Bodhi, Bodhisattva not bear in mind three: did not see who dedicate, dedication and approach not see not see for repatriation. This is the bodhisattva dwells Effort perfections which embrace morality perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva dwells perfections Effort from time to time new mind sitting ashrams, in that period of time or have him or Africa Nhon to cut off the body to fall apart, the Bodhisattva thought: Who guillotine me, who my tight, someone robbed my hurt. Bodhisattvas are thought: I was healed huge benefits, as beings that I worship this, today beings to regain.Meanwhile Bodhisattva recollection chief minister of legal damages. Bring merit beings share a common dedication to Supreme Bodhi, not bothered Thanh Van bridge, Pratyekabuddhas. This is the bodhisattva dwells Effort perfections which grabbed Patience perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Diligent Bodhisattva dwells apart perfections evil evil sex, with feeling, with consistency, isolation being joyful meditation enter, enter the second meditation, triangle meditation, charity and enter, compassion, joy, equanimity, patience to non enter the ideal non-perception, life over four meditation, four immeasurable and four this formless, not retribution that life expectancy benefit beings birth place to bring the six perfections achievements beings, that is Forums na Prajna Paramita to perfections, from a Buddhist point of view to another Buddha, offerings to the Buddhas close to planting fresh root. This is the bodhisattva dwells diligently perfections which embrace Zen na perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Diligent Bodhisattva dwells perfections, they saw Dan na legal perfections, rings to not see Meditation perfections na, na not see Zen perfections minister, did not see Satipatthana, they saw similar mindfulness, patience to not see legal position Nhut set strain, strain not see Minister Nhut set position. All law: unlawful, illegal fees. For all measures, the Bodhisattva no attachments. This Bodhisattva work as site said. This is the bodhisattva dwells diligently perfections.
- Blessed! How is the great bodhisattvas remain Zen na perfections which grabbed the other five perfections?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva dwells apart Zen na fitness perfections, severing immoral, with feeling, with shops, glass blowing being imported meditation, enter second meditation, triangle meditation, charity and enter, compassion, joy, equanimity, patience to enter the non-organic origin of the idea of ​​non-mindless, remain in Zen na perfections, not chaotic mind, it's in France two charity benefit beings. This Bodhisattva himself out two almsgiving, teaching people of generosity, giving legal praised and eulogized joy of generosity. Bringing together this merit to all beings Supreme Bodhi dedication, not bothered Thanh Van bridge, Pratyekabuddhas. This is the bodhisattva dwells meditation na perfections which grabbed Forums na perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva dwells such perfections na Zen consciousness lewd, golf Khue foolish, not harm human brain, only the appropriate practice Nhut mind omniscience. Bringing together this merit to all beings Supreme Bodhi dedication, not bothered Thanh Van bridge, Pratyekabuddhas. This is the bodhisattva dwells Zen na perfections which grabbed Morality perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Meditation na Bodhisattva dwells perfections foam pile restaurant sharp, consistent life as water bubbles, visualized as sun glare, consistent operating as bananas, assume consciousness as illusory. At this shop, find warm year is not solid generals, think: Strikes Who are we? Felling Who are we? Who is the life, is great, everyone is operating, the official, who scolded, who scolded, who being angry. This is the bodhisattva dwells Zen na perfections which embrace patience perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva dwells perfections na Zen meditation enter. The meditation, the meditation and the general expenses that arise unseen things: walk on water as the soil, into the soil as the water, with the ear, knowing other people's mind or the disorder, said previous lives, there natural label. Kabbalah refuge in that, from a Buddhist Bodhisattva to a Buddha of degrees, offering close to planting fresh root Buddhas, Buddha purity levels, achievements beings.Bringing together this merit to all beings dedicate Supreme Bodhi. This is the bodhisattva dwells Zen na perfections which grabbed Effort perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Meditation na Bodhisattva dwells perfections do not see color, do not see life, perception, consciousness, did not feel the six perfections, such that there quad strain mindfulness to Nhut set location, such that there organic nature range, the unconditioned nature, because it neither sees there should not work, because such work should be born, because such babies should not destroy. Why so? Since there are Buddhist or not Buddhist remains such as dharma, permanent legal nature, can not bear, not destroy. Bodhisattvas are often set strain Nhut Nhut right center position. This is the bodhisattva dwells Zen na perfections.
- Blessed! How is Bodhisattva dwells Prajna Paramita which grabbed the other five perfections?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva dwells Prajna Paramita: Internal no, not impossible favorable internal, not external, not impossible favorable foreign, not exterior, interior elect not impossible, no no, no no impossibility prime, rings to Nhut not necessarily legal, circuit devices not impossible favorable legal. Bodhisattva dwells in fourteen not there, was there no such minister or sharp or not, did not feel the general feeling, perception, volition, consciousness or not, or did not, could not see the rings to the Supreme Bodhi or not or did not, did not feel the compounded nature, unconscious or not such acts or not. This bodhisattva dwell in Prajna Paramita so giving alms are not consistent. What is it? Who pilots, who have no life and material resources, not to mind taking before selling Parsimonious arise. Why so? Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita from time to time new mind sitting delusions ashrams no distinction, as the Buddhas at Supreme Bodhi is no greed before, great bodhisattvas time the Perfection of Wisdom Privacy is no greed before.Nhut notable place of this bodhisattva is so Prajna Paramita. This is the bodhisattva dwells Prajna Paramita which grabbed Forums na perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva dwells Prajna Paramita no consciousness Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas. With this Bodhisattva, Thanh Van frustrating, impossible Pratyekabuddhas attained, the mind tends Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas majeure also obtained. Bodhisattvas emerging from time to time sitting ashrams mind, in that period did not kill himself, not sure who to kill, joyful praise such people killing themselves to not ring false views, not sure people wrong, not wrong legal praise, rejoice praise such people wrong. Because multiplication coast does not have the legal precepts embrace it, or bothered Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas are other legal cases. This is the bodhisattva dwells Prajna Paramita Morality grabbed perfections.
This Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva dwells Prajna Paramita arise depending upon the legal ring, think of this law do not have legal or birth or kill, or the birth or death, no legal or insulted or yelled something, or cutting or chopping, or tied or beaten, or bike or killed. Bodhisattvas emerging from time to time sitting ashrams mind, if all beings or to curse, guillotine knife chop sticks stone tile damage, Bodhisattva not mind, Bodhisattva thinks: Very strangely, this in no one scolded kill beings harm both to accept this suffering. This is the bodhisattva dwells Prajna Paramita grabbed Patience perfections.

This Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva dwells Prajna Paramita as beings that makes them preach six perfections, slowly teaching them the path of mindfulness to bowl, to be effective they have completed Tu, Tu Da Ham, A Na Ham, Arhat, Bich Chi Buddhist, they are effective for Supreme Bodhi, not compounded remain in nature, such acts remain in the unconscious. This is the bodhisattva dwells Prajna Paramita which grabbed Effort perfections. 
Hey Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva dwells Prajna Paramita eighty enter all except samadhi of the Buddhas, or eighty of Thanh Van, the Pratyekabuddhas, the Bodhisattvas are operating, are entered both. Where the Samadhi Center, the Bodhisattva against eight multiple entry upon discharge: first flush bumper is in excellent corporeality outside bar, bumper second discharge in the outer appearances are not consistent excellence, the third is pure bumper bumper discharge witness work dedication, multiple exhaust fourth pass all appearances, an end to killing minister has treated, because such thinking should remember these appearances enter infinitude of nowhere, bumper fifth discharge pass all damage origin not enter the land of infinite mode, multiple exhaust sixth pass all knowledge origin, joins the parish property, discharge of Saturday's bumper overcome all parish property wealth, enter heresies mindless non-organic origin, multiple discharge eighth pass all non-ideal non-perception, death feeling, regulations. Where discharge concentration multiples of eight minutes, this Bodhisattva nine minutes against filed upon entry to: four meditation, the formless and killing four ideas to life. This Bodhisattva say eight filed multiple discharge and nine minutes to enter the lion that attacked eighty chalk: enter meditation, meditation export, import second meditation, rings to export to import non-ideal non cessation of origin, cessation of production to enter the land of non-ideal non rings came out second meditation, enter meditation. This Bodhisattva Medicine where chalk lion attack that deficit Vietnamese eighty eighty: meditation import, export and import binary Zen meditation, a great ring to non-African origin made life thought of death, cessation of import export meditation, import-export cessation of meditation, cessation of import export second meditation, cessation of production of imported second meditation, cessation of import export tam meditation, meditation import export cessation tam provisions, import export nowhere cessation of origin, export nowhere cessation of import origin, entered the official cessation of production origin, production method, origin imported enter the informal cessation of origin, production method, origin cessation of import, export and import of cessation of countless parish property, wealth production facility cessation of origin labels, etc. import, export and import of non-cessation of non-perception, a great non-African origin exported cessation enter the heart of the spreading canopy enter cessation center to enter, re-enter production cessation conscientious, dedicated to import non-African origin idea, a great non-African origin exported back into the center canopy, the canopy joins the center owns the land, the land into production very dedicated owner, entered the official dedication of origin, manufacture origin to spread knowledge about, the interest spread not enter the land, not the land of export interest to the canopy, the canopy entered the quarterfinals meditation center, spreading from meditation on the mind, the mind enter tam meditation canopy, canopy production triangle meditation on the mind, the heart enter the second meditation canopy, made second meditation on dedication, devotion to enter meditation, meditation on the canopy out of mind.This Bodhisattva Samadhi where evidence is super Vietnam Minister of all legal equality. This is the bodhisattva dwells that Prajna Paramita Zen na grabbed perfections. "END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/10/2016.

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