Then the Buddha told Ananda: "Ananda! What he think? Buddha Is his master reasonable? And he is a disciple of the Buddha reasonable? "
Ananda said, "Blessed! Buddha is my master. Sugato is my master. I was a disciple of the Buddha ".
- Exactly. Buddha is his master. He is a disciple of the Buddha.
If the place of his disciples to do, he did it.
Ananda! He now uses the body, speech and mind offerings mercy, stood before the Buddha, often according to the will of the Buddha, there is no error left.
Ananda! My body is here, Mr. Ai glass, offering, providing, servant, he usually pure heart.
After we kill, all the glass charity, donations, provided that he shall give Prajna Paramita.
Ring for the second time, third time, the Buddha Prajna Paramita bring consequences for his blessing.
Ananda! He can not forget, not to lose, not as a Buddhist passage ultimate strain.
Ananda! Depending on how much time that Prajna Paramita longer in the world, to know how much time to dwell Buddhist sermon.
Ananda! If someone copies of Prajna Paramita, and life over, recitation, chief recollection, broad preaching to people, take these flowers, incense, loose, precious label, ear, the nose, tongue, body and mind, supply of lamps, respect, praise, offerings, to know he did not leave the show Buddha, not listening to the French left, which is usually near the Buddha ".
Buddha Prajna Paramita said then, Maitreya Bodhisattva etc ... devas Sakka, Hui Tu Bodhi Network, Network Hue relics of the Buddha Great Moggallana, Mahakasyapa, Purna Di Da La Ni Tu Si Ma Ha Cau La, Ma Ha Ca Chien Dien, Ananda etc ... with all the public and all the world, Devas, multiplication them, Gandhabba, asuras vv.nghe Buddha said words are delighted.
1.- Defilement, mercy now, retribution, or three dishes are obstacles liberation should call: "Three dishes obstacles".
2. Bring about shifting the network itself, entrusted to the Buddha, Dharma , Boost, is the meaning of the word "Namo".
3. Say enough is ma repentance repentance. "Repentance ma" is Sanskrit, means "repentance" means repentance before, keep the following error prevention.
4. Label, ear, nose, improve, body, mind, now six apartments and three "body, speech , reviews.
5. killing Father, kill her, kill St. goodness, malevolent as Buddha body blood, breaking harmony Increase in crime called inversely, if you will fall into hell violation Infernal Infernal should say is guilty . Infernal hell is unpleasant place without always stop stop.
6. asuras, animals, Peta, Hell, the less suffering more fun that way, so the data now left out.
7. Lay out before they expose sin Nhon, without any cover to hide the giant called development, contrary to the viscera (concealment). Has discovered huge new crime target date, as set before the term sick feeling that (sweating).END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/10/2016.
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