At that time he Shariputra Bodhi Monastery asked him: "If the dream at great bodhisattvas enter eighty three: no, formless and uncreated samadhi, as long as there is interest where Prajna Paramita reasonable?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "If during the day, great bodhisattvas enter eighty three benefit Prajna Paramita where you come in a dream, it will also have benefits. Why so? For the day, the night dream together is no different contracts.
Shariputra sir! If operating BNA great bodhisattvas day Prajna Paramita Sutra benefit perfections are in a dream, Prajna Paramita operator must also have benefits. "
Sariputra asked him Tu Bodhi: "In a dream, great bodhisattvas operational actions, which now incorporates the reasonable? Just as the Buddha, all measures as a dream, so there should be united. Why so? As in a dream does not constitute legal, remember waking thoughts, a new distinction should be formed ".
Bodhi Monastery said: "If people in the killing beings dream, remember waking up thinking, distinguishing actions: I kill like that too!
Shariputra sir! How is it? "
Sariputra said: "There are no conditions are now such scenes being, no such investment conditions are birth scene. Charming is living now, with investment conditions are born.
Arises in the mind is cultural, intellectual sense, do not bear interest from where there is cultural, intellectual sense.
In this pure mind, there are structural. So because of that scene now grace of birth, place of birth now there is no grace. Because of object that has invested birth, place of birth such investments without cause '.
Sariputra said: "As the word Buddha said: All business, all are self minister ly investment, why sure because there should grace being now, not Duen shall not bear now. Since being predestined to investment, investment conditions are not being be born? "
Bodhi Monastery said: "Because grabbed minister should have the conditions are now being, such conditions are not born. Since the minister should have the grace to embrace the birth assistance, such conditions are not born ".
Sariputra said: "If the great Bodhisattva in a dream of generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation, wisdom, brought this good roots dedicate merit Supreme Bodhi. Is this reasonable dedicate damage? "
Bodhi Monastery! Said: "Lord Shariputra! Currently this is Bodhisattva Maitreya Buddha was signed retrogression life, will become a Buddha, he should ask Maitreya Bodhisattva will answer. "
Sariputra asked him Maitreya Bodhisattva: "Lord Tu Bodhi just make sure that there is Bodhisattva Maitreya Buddha prophesies were bothered retrogression, will become a Buddha.Maitreya Bodhisattva will answer. "
His Bodhisattva Maitreya told Shariputra: "It will take the name from Maitreya to meet reasonable? Either form, feeling, perception, volition, affordable way of addressing? Or use the form, feeling, perception, volition, not to satisfy any reasonable formula?
Form, feeling, perception, knowledge can not meet it. Form, feeling, perception, knowledge can not answer is no. I do not think that he can meet is legal, also did not see anything or find the answers. I did not see him was ordained, nor can see life measures up, could not see where the place prophesies.
All legal entities that are not two, not more. "
Sariputra asked: "As his words said that, the witness work is legal reasonable?"
Maitreya Bodhisattva said: "As I said, it's legal, so no evidence".
At that time Shariputra He thought: Maitreya Bodhisattva has profound wisdom, has long been operating six perfections truth, because users should possess wealth or say so.
Then the Buddha told Shariputra him: "You used that approach is Arhat, you can see the law of him?"
Sariputra said, "Blessed! Not see ".
Buddha said: "Behold the Great Bodhisattva Shariputra Prajna Paramita act likewise, did not think the law will be prophesies, he was feeling up measures, measures would be Supreme Bodhi.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita no doubt that I was or not is that self-knowledge is the Supreme Bodhi damage.
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "There are great bodhisattvas at perfections of generosity, or teacher beings hunger, rags, a vow that in my time perfections of generosity, the chapel Sometimes I become a Buddha, all beings in the realms of my country have no such hunger. Appliances, food beverages, clothing, such as The Kings of heaven, heaven to earth, Sun Da Ma, Where Capacity Sun, Sun Chemical Lac Hoa Tu Tha God now.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete perfections of generosity, near Supreme Bodhi.
This again Tu Bodhi! At international practice perfections, great bodhisattvas see sentient beings killing, stealing rings to TA, is abortive, many diseases, bad general, lack of moral dread, poor, disabled, must vow that: According Morality time I practice perfections here, while I pray to Buddha, all beings in the realm of industrial countries do not have such evil and bad press.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can fully Morality perfections, near Supreme Bodhi.
This again Tu Bodhi! Patience to practice perfections, great bodhisattvas see revenge being angry, reviled, beaten, kill each other, to vow that: By the time I practice Patience perfections here, while I pray to Buddha , beings in the realms countries do not have these things, they all watch each other like father, like mother, like brothers and sisters, as good knowledge, have mercy.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete perfections Patience, near Supreme Bodhi.
This again Tu Bodhi! Real time operating Effort perfections, great bodhisattvas see sentient beings lazy, no good diligent practitioners, leaving three redundant Thanh Van baits, Pratyekabuddhas, mail delivery, to vow that: By the time I practice Effort perfections, when I pray to Buddha, the beings in the realms of water so I do not have all diligently cultivate refined all, were prime ministers of where the legal Tam.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice can thus fully Effort perfections, near Supreme Bodhi.
This again Tu Bodhi! Meditation at perfections, great bodhisattvas are contingent beings see the hooded cover: lewd, sleep, dance exchange, doubt, lost in meditation, took the loss immeasurable, sect vow that: In time I perfections meditation, prayer when I become a Buddha, all beings in all realms of my country does not have the same.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice can thus fully Meditation perfections, near Supreme Bodhi.
This again Tu Bodhi! At issue Prajna Paramita, great bodhisattvas saw foolish beings, take the right view of the world, the Earth or that do not now, not karmic goodness, or believe themselves to be permanent, or for that cessation , or say very own, to vow that: According to my time operating winch Prajna Paramita, net national level Buddha, achievements beings, as I pray to Buddha, all beings in my realm there is no such country dress.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can fully Prajna Paramita, near Supreme Bodhi.
This again Tu Bodhi! Now operating six perfections, great bodhisattvas see sentient beings antru where three capacitors: one is right concentration capacitor, the capacitor misconduct two, three capacitors is uncertain, to vow that: According to the record of the time I practice perfections , net national level Buddha, achievements beings, as I pray to Buddha. beings in the countries I have no evil realm of convergence, there is no word evil converge.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice can thus complete six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Real time operating six perfections, great bodhisattvas saw beings Hell, Peta and hells, should vow that: By the time I practice six perfections, net national level Buddha, achievements beings, prayer time I become a Buddha, in the three realms have no evil, no three evil nouns.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Now operating six perfections, great bodhisattvas saw Thorns ground, bunkers, mounds ditches defilements and to vow that: By the time I practice the six paramitas, I pray at a Buddhist, I do not realms has thus flat ground like hands.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice can invest so full six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Now operating six perfections, great bodhisattvas saw this pure land realm, must vow that: By the time I practice the six paramitas, I pray at a Buddhist, my country full realm of pure gold as sand spread across.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice can thus complete six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Now operating six perfections, great bodhisattvas beings see attachment before, to vow that: By the time I practice the six paramitas, when I pray to Buddha, the beings in the realms of water before I had no such attachment.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice can thus complete six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Real time operating six perfections, great bodhisattvas see four classes of beings: Attack De Loi, Brahmin, Vaisali, Prime Da La, to vow that: By the time I practice the six paramitas, continence national level Buddha, achievements beings, as I pray to Buddha, in the realm of water do not have a list of four classes.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice can thus complete six perfections, close to Supreme Bodhi.
This again Tu Bodhi! Now operating six perfections, great bodhisattvas see sentient beings have the middle-class flagship, terrace, has a lower, middle, upper, to vow that: By the time I practice the six paramitas, continence national level Buddha, the achievement beings, as I pray to Buddha, beings in the realms listed countries do not have such advantages.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice can thus complete six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, saw a body being differences, we must vow that: By the time I practice the six paramitas, continence national level Buddha, achievements beings, as I pray to Buddha, beings in the realms of water do not have to walk several bodies, all beautiful, respectable, clean, full physiognomy.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, saw beings there with my lord, to vow that: By the time I practice the six paramitas, continence national level Buddha, achievements beings, as I pray to the Buddha, the realm I do not have a list of water from my lord, there is no difference images, except the Buddha Dharma King.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice that, then can full six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, being seen six different species split, to vow that: By the time I practice the six paramitas, continence national level Buddha, achievements beings, as I pray to Buddha , water planes do not have six species, nor a list of six species: Hell, Peta, hells, Nhon kind, gods, Devas, all beings in the country do not all share the practice of mindfulness to quarterfinals Noble Eightfold Path.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, saw beings there are four species: ovum, pregnancy, low birth and goods, to vow that: By the time I practice the six paramitas, continence national level Buddha, achievements beings , when I pray to Buddha, in the realm of my country all sentient beings without chemical only three other living things.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, see beings without Kabbalah contingent, must vow that: By the time I practice the six paramitas, continence national level Buddha, achievements beings, as I pray to Buddha, all beings in my country are contingent realms unseen.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, see beings bowel unclean, to vow that: By the time I practice the six paramitas, continence national level Buddha, achievements beings, as I pray to Buddha, all beings in countries all use the legal realm as the food blowing, full no unclean bowel.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, saw no luminous beings, must vow that: By the time I practice the six paramitas, continence national level Buddha, achievements beings, as I pray to Buddha, all all beings in the physical realms I have light.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, see weather-hour days, months, years, to vow that when I become a Buddha, I do not have a list realms from hours, days, months, years.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, being weak saw the network, to vow that when I become a Buddha, all beings in all realms of country I lived countless lifetimes.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, saw no minister perfect beings, to vow that when I become a Buddha, all beings in all realms of my country full thirty-two excellent generals.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, saw beings depart leaving good roots, to vow that when I become a Buddha, all beings in the realms of virtue I have accomplished, because that would merit that lettered offerings Buddha ten.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, saw beings there are three exclusive, four regulations, must vow that when I become a Buddha, all beings in the realms disease do not have four welding, heat, wind, phlegm, no three poisons of greed, hatred and delusion.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, see beings have three ministers, to vow that when I become a Buddha, all beings in realms do not have their title two vehicles, only a surplus net.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice six perfections, saw beings with chronic upper increase, to vow that when I become a Buddha, all beings in the realms of my country does not have a rooftop rose chronic nouns.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, luminous thought, my life span increased ownership of a limited number, to vow that when I become a Buddha, luminous, life-infinite number of infinitely increased.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva time the six perfections, must vow that: By the time I practice six perfections, net national level Buddha, achievements beings, as I pray to Buddha, I water every sa national realm of the gods Buddha.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice so they can complete the six perfections, located near Nhut set strain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Now operating six perfections, great Bodhisattva should think long oil lines samsara, beings much character, but the shore of birth and death as nothingness, emptiness and shore beings nowhere. In particular damage through the birth and death no, no one saves.
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