Sunday, 23 October 2016

Paramita Sutra
fourteen SATURDAY
Tu Bodhi He said, "Blessed! Great Bodhisattva that great achievements are very deep wisdom that law enforcement nor the age of retribution ".
Buddha is saying: "Do not. This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva great achievements executive Prajna wisdom deep perfections which life would not take retribution. Why so? Because such great Bodhisattvas in the estate legal nature ".
- Blessed! In the law, what emptiness estate?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! In unconscious estate ownership. Superb estate in nature. In essence feeling, perception, and consciousness estate. In essence Forums na estate perfections. In essence Thi la nature perfections to Prajna Paramita estate. In essence meditation Quartet, quartet nature immeasurable, formless nature of estate. In the quarterfinals of mindfulness to nature noble nature bowl estate section. In essence three eighty, compassionate nature estate.
Why so? Because that's the very legal nature of ownership. Because nothing is not possible to own property law.
- Blessed! France may be the legal property ownership reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! French legal owner can be very affordable to own?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! France won numerous legal property ownership have been reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! If nothing is not possible to own property law, property law could not be the legal owner, owns such measures may be no property law, property law such that nothing can be possessed, nothing is owns no property can be numerous legal, affordable Buddha not be directed?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! There are, such as four-sentence.
- Blessed! How is going to be?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not property, nor do not own, not the theater of expression, it is called religion.
- Blessed! What is the reasoning Great Bodhisattva theater?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! If contemporary notions Bodhisattva is usually either excellent or very often, it is the theater expression. Life concept, perception, knowledge is often or impermanent, that is theater expression. Identity concept is suffering or optimistic, reasoning that theater. The notion feeling, perception, and consciousness is suffering or optimistic, reasoning that theater. Identity concept is falling, is selfless, it is theater expression. The notion feeling, perception, and consciousness is self, is selfless, it is theater expression. Concept or identity is not passed away passed away, it was theater of expression. Life concept, perception, knowledge passed away passed away or not, it is a theater of expression. Noble concept to see suffering, Holy Roman Emperor set to end, Holy Roman Emperor to destroy evidence, to cultivate noble religion, which is the theater expression. Concept to cultivate meditation, immeasurable, invisible to the quarterfinals, which is the theater expression. The notion must cultivate mindfulness quad, quad primary needs, such as the quad-sufficient, the five senses, the five forces, interior enlightenment, the Noble Eightfold Path section, which is the theater expression. Religious notions have not liberated subjects, subjects formless liberation, liberation inactive subjects, such as theater expression. Bowl concept to cultivate multiple discharge, the eternal things filed, a comment that is theater. I had better conception Tu Da Complete results, results from Da Ham, fruits A Na Ham, Arhat, religion Pratyekabuddhas, reasoning that theater. I have full tenth stage bodhisattva, which is theater expression. I have to enter your Bodhisattva, reasoning that theater.I must purify the Buddhist nation, a comment that is theater. I have accomplished beings, which is the theater expression. I must arise Buddhist gathering force, from countless Captain, very afraid Quartet position, eighteen plus legal estate, reasoning that theater. I will be setting strains Nhut location, it is a theater of expression. I will cut off all negativity habitual behavior, reasoning that theater.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva which time the Prajna Paramita, because of form, feeling, perception, knowledge patiently to place such strains Nhut theater set up such a comment is theater expression.
Why so? Before not comment nature neighing, whinnying indefinite nature not comment indefinite nature. Leaving outside nature and indefinite nature is no longer legal to what can be called a theater man of speech, expression and seat theater is the theater method of expression.
So, this Tu Bodhi! Nhut identity rings to set strain theater where no conclusion.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva have countless theater practice Prajna Paramita comment.
- Blessed! How are such excellent theater is reasoning, rings to place such strains Nhut theater set argument is?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Sac emptiness, ring set strain Nhut location to emptiness.
If that is not legal emptiness theater expression. So Nhut identity rings to set position such strains are whinnying comment.
This Tu Bodhi! If the Great Bodhisattva or invalid operating theater Prajna Paramita argument so immediately they entered the Bodhisattva position.
- Blessed! If no legal identity, religious practice Bodhisattva Bodhisattva enter your what? Thanh Van user guidance, using Bich Chi Buddhist daohay user?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! There used Thanh Van religion, not religion used Pratyekabuddhas, which are not used Buddhist Bodhisattva into position.
Great Bodhisattva learned throughout the Bodhisattva religion that is in you.
This Tu Bodhi! As Bat Nhon before and after studying the new district director position, not that of antenatal direct result of the fruit.
Likewise, the Bodhisattva before and after school throughout the new religion entered Bodhisattva position, not necessarily race Nhut before being run where vajras eighty. Then use a corresponding notion Nhut set strain is favored position.
- Blessed! If learning throughout the Great Bodhisattva Bodhisattva enter your religion, then direction Tu Nhon Bat Tu Da Da finish is completed, user Tu Tu Da Da Ham Ham is, towards the Great Bodhisattva Na Na Ham Ham is A, direction Arhat is Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas religion, Buddhist religion. Such directors are more private.
Blessed! If the Great Bodhisattva throughout the school and then entered the Bodhisattva director position, if being bowl Bodhisattva director Nhon Bat supposed to do, if the birth is supposed to be directed completely made from leather, if being directed thinking should have done Tu Da Ham, A Na Ham, an Arahat, if born Pratyekabuddhas religion were supposed to do Pratyekabuddhas.
Blessed! If that makes the Eight Great Bodhisattvas then enter Nhon Bodhisattva never taste it.Such bodhisattvas enter your device that is Nhut strain also never mind. If the Great Bodhisattva that parchment Complete ring to do Pratyekabuddhas then enter Bodhisattva also never had.Such bodhisattvas enter your device that is Nhut strain also never mind.
Blessed! I have to know how to learn throughout the Great Bodhisattva Bodhisattva entered your religion?
- Exactly. This Tu Bodhi! If that makes the Eight Great Bodhisattvas Nhon, Da Tu Hoan rings are results to be Arhat, is religion Pratyekabuddhas results then enter your Bodhisattva, never have.Such bodhisattvas enter your device that is Nhut strain also never mind.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva from the moment and doing six perfections, using local top spot center. What are the eight? It is the place Qian Hui, Local Nature, Bat Nhon location, location Ants, Silver location, location Ly Duc, seafaring and Pratyekabuddhas local address, use religion Bodhisattva strains enter your location. After entering your bodhisattva, setting strain used Nhut habitual place finish all afflictions. 
This Tu Bodhi! Either place, or is offended sections of Bat Nhon, Da Tu Hoan's frustrating, rings to either location or stage of Arhat, the Pratyekabuddhas are unborn Bodhisattva law which rings.
Bodhisattva learns Thanh Van religion, religion Pratyekabuddhas so, use religion Bodhisattva strains enter your location. Enter your Bodhisattva then use Nhut set strain habitual place finish all afflictions are Buddhist.
Thus, Hey Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva or across the full director shall be the Supreme Bodhi.Bodhi Supreme Being then benefit all beings.
- Blessed! Path of Buddha statement said Thanh Van religion, Pratyekabuddhas and Buddhist religion. What is the race director of the Bodhisattva mind?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva must arise all pure race director position.
What religion pure strains mind?
As the legal physiognomy, the display can be legal, right view to Bodhisattva. Forums right view and for others speaking revelation, makes beings are understood.
This great Bodhisattvas to understand all languages ​​language sounds. Using sounds that the Great God preached throughout the world seems to resonate.
So, this Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva before school must complete all religion. Full Path location then distinguishes the beings known heart. It is being directed Hell, directed hells, Peta religion, hell, hells, Peta mercy, hell, hells, Peta result, the Bodhisattva must know, must stop. Long gods, asuras, the director of Bat multiplication and results, the Bodhisattva must know, must stop.Goodness, mercy and God direct result, the Bodhisattva must know. Satipatthana to the Noble Eightfold Path mercy and fruit section, Bodhisattvas to know. No, formless, uncreated liberation disciplines, Buddhist gathering force, from countless Captain, very afraid Quartet position, eighteen plus legal estate, compassionate kindness and results, the Bodhisattva must know.
Bodhisattvas make use of this religion being imported from Da Complete results to Arhat, converted Pratyekabuddhas Supreme Bodhi and director.
This Tu Bodhi! That is called pure race director position of great bodhisattvas.
Bodhisattva school race director this position then to Minister of beings at heart. On completion, depending on the focus of the sermon being that place, not vain words.
Why so? Because it knew how great bodhisattvas Apartments Minister of beings, consciousness and mental well-aware of all beings, life and death going.
This Tu Bodhi! Prajna to take such perfections.
Why? For all his practice, all are legal assistant in the Prajna Paramita that great Bodhisattvas Vassal, Vassal Thanh Van, lettered Pratyekabuddhas must act.
- Blessed! If quarterfinals mindfulness to Supreme Bodhi, which are not all half measures, no fade, no color, no shape, no respect, is Nhut minister, which is formless, the legal assistant of how it could Supreme Bodhi get?
Blessed! French minister Nhut not half, not tan, no identity, no shape, no respect, that is formless law, not taken place, no place left, as nowhere, do not take do not give up.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Exactly. The self minister, did not take place, no place left.
This Tu Bodhi! They are beings who do not know the self minister. For these beings show that made them legal assistant to Supreme Bodhi.
This again Tu Bodhi! How many of the legal matter, feeling, perception, knowledge, altitude, not eighteen, four meditation, four immeasurable heart, the formless four, four to eight noble mindfulness part, three subjects liberation, eight multiple discharge, the second main disciple, Buddha gathering force, four fearless, four unobstructed location, eighteen plus legal estate, compassionate, circuit race set position, in the church are no half measures, no shape, no excellence, not for, the minister Nhut, which is formless.
As used secular law declared tell beings are understood, and not using the easiest means.
This Tu Bodhi! In all these measures, the Great Bodhisattva used to know which school location see. After his studies, to distinguish such measures should be used or should be used.
- Blessed! What the Bodhisattva differentiated approach should be used or not and should be used?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! France Thanh Van, legal Pratyekabuddhas Bodhisattvas distinction should know but do not.
Hotel Circuit set strain, bodhisattvas should know and distinguish.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva in the holy law, the school must Prajna Paramita.
- Blessed! Do excuse that called holy what is legal and holy law?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Chu Thanh Van, lettered Pratyekabuddhas, gods and Buddhas great Bodhisattvas where greed, anger, ignorance, pride, doubt, evil is no union, no tan, where excellence infection, infected formless, old things, stampede, wealth Associations such intelligence, such melts where jhana meditation to such agreements, not melt, where compassion amnesty to such non-African origin idea innings, not melted, place the bowl quarterfinals noble mindfulness to share such agreements, not tan, internal where not to compassion, compounded, unconditioned nature not united, not tan.
Why so? Since all such measures are not sharp, not image, not for, circuit minister, which is formless.
Immaterial immaterial with no union, insoluble. French invisible invisible with no half measures, not tan. Nothing is for nothing is for such agreements, not tan. French minister for legal Nhut Nhut Minister not half, not tan. French formless formless with no half measures, not tan.
This Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita formless, invisible, unmatched, circuit minister, that this formless, monks have to learn great bodhisattvas. After his studies, such was the law minister.
- Blessed! Such great Bodhisattvas excellent learning minister, minister sensation, perception, and consciousness reasonable?
Such labels to learn minister minister, neither school minister to minister the legal identity, no local school minister to minister strain vaccine formula it?
Dan na school such perfections minister to minister Prajna Paramita it?
There's no school cabinet minister to Attorney General won not approach it?
Such charitable school, similar immeasurable, formless similar to it?
Such mindfulness practitioners similar to the path portion minister bowl it?
There's no learning minister, minister formless, uncreated minister it?
Such multiples school bowl discharge minister, former prime minister submitted to it?
Minister gathering force to study such compassionate minister it?
Such analogous study, Minister reversible twelve multiplication coast it?
Such compounded nature learning minister, unconditioned nature it?
Blessed! If not learn the dharma, the Great Bodhisattva to learn how to get more annoyed dharma Thanh Van, bothered Pratyekabuddhas?
If not beyond frustrating Thanh Van, bothered Pratyekabuddhas Bodhisattva, how you enter?
If not enter Bodhisattva, how will you set strain Nhut location?
If such facilities are strain Nhut how will position turning of the wheel?
If no turning of the wheel, how to use three vehicles to escape birth and death of beings?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! If the damage had legal Minister, Minister Bodhisattva should study it.
This Tu Bodhi! By all measures for damage not generals, no color, no shape, no respect, is Nhut minister, which is formless. So great Bodhisattvas not learn minister, not learn formless. Why?Since there are Buddhist or not Buddhist, the law still Nhut minister, remained permanent nature.
- Blessed! If the law can not minister, no minister had not, then how great bodhisattvas cultivate Prajna Paramita? If not Prajna Paramita practitioner shall not exceed bothered Thanh Van, bothered Pratyekabuddhas. If not beyond frustrating Thanh Van, was not very bothered Pratyekabuddhas enter your Bodhisattva. If you do not enter Bodhisattva legal unborn ye shall not ring. If the unborn are not legal entities can not be the unseen things of the Bodhisattva. If there are bodhisattvas can not pure psychic state of Buddha, achievements beings. If such net national level Buddha, achievements beings can not be set strain Nhut location. If such strains are Nhut set position can not be turning of the wheel. If no turning of the wheel, it can not be the result beings: Complete Da Tu, Tu Da Ham, A Na Ham, Arhat, religion Pratyekabuddhas and Supreme Bodhi. Nor could make beings are blessed generosity, morality, religious blessing meditation.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Exactly. The formless measures: Not Nhut minister, allergic minister. If tu tu's formless Prajna Paramita.
- Blessed! How tu tu's formless Prajna Paramita?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! The practice of decay are practicing Prajna Paramita.
- Blessed! How is the practice of decay are practicing Prajna Paramita?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Religious identity is diminishing, feeling, perception, and consciousness septic is Prajna Paramita practitioner.
Tu eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, necrosis, tu color, sound, smell, taste, touch, legal damage, damage is consistent tu tu uncertainty Prajna Paramita.
Religious meditation, subtle meditation, triangle meditation, Zen quartet damage is Prajna Paramita practitioner.
Rhetorical, compassion, joy, septic discharge is tu Prajna Paramita.
Tu is not infinite origin, the land of infinite knowledge, infinite parish property, non-organic origin heresies mindless damage is practicing Prajna Paramita.
Reciting the Buddha, the French conception, conception Increase, gender concepts, concept discharge, reciting God, A tu na bowl three damage is Prajna Paramita.
Tu impermanence, suffering Minister, Minister of selflessness, not generals, generals training, generals goodness, Minister birth, general conditions, general retreat, killing Minister, Minister magic, general manufacturing, general directors, chief minister, minister volume, general ly they must pass the Prajna Paramita practitioner.
Tu enter septic binary multiplication coast, ideological self Nhon, beings, life fake, fake rings to general knowledge, is false damage is Prajna Paramita practitioner.
Thought permanent, self, net necrosis is Prajna Paramita practitioner.
Ring slowly to cultivate mindfulness noble bowl is part septic Prajna Paramita practitioner.
Tu did not eighty, eighty formless, uncreated damage is cultivating samadhi Prajna Paramita.
Organic shop organic sense Tu eighty, eighty shop organic invisible sense, no sense no damage is consistent Samadhi Prajna Paramita practitioner.
Holy Roman Emperor Tu suffering, collective Truths, Truths destroy, corrupt religion is religious Truths Prajna Paramita.
Hotel Tu format, file location, away place, where damage is practicing religion Prajna Paramita.
Tu take place, where damage is religious unborn Prajna Paramita.
Hotel practitioners, the location, that location, the necrosis mind tha tu Prajna Paramita.
Six perfections tu tu damage is Prajna Paramita.
Tu inner ring to infinity indestructible indestructible law is compounded Prajna Paramita practitioner.
Spontaneous public gathering any legal power to corrupt rings are practicing Prajna Paramita.
Tu Tu Da Completed rings results to Arhat, is religion religious septic Pratyekabuddhas Prajna Paramita.
Tu tu Nhut is omniscience damage Prajna Paramita.
Religious habits must end all religious negativity is corrupt Prajna Paramita.
- Blessed! How call tu tu identity to an end permanently damage ring habitual negativity all damage is Prajna Paramita tu?
This Tu Bodhi! At issue Prajna Paramita, the Great Bodhisattva not have material conception, with feeling, perception, volition, consciousness method, ring to such notions have quite habitual end all legal negativity, which is practicing Prajna three la confidential.
Why so?
Because people with legal concepts such as Prajna Paramita practitioner. Who has legal concepts such as Dan na tu such perfections to cultivate Prajna Paramita.
This Tu Bodhi! Because that person where the legal attachment, such acts Forums na Prajna Paramita to perfections.
Attachments such people, there is no liberation, no religion, no Nirvana.
Tu bumper bowl discharge, the damage is permanent religious followers things Prajna Paramita.
Persons with legal concepts, such suicide noble mindfulness to bowl section, not religious does not necessarily strain eighty to Nhut location. Because the law so that attachment.
- Blessed! What is the method? What is not legal?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Two is the method, not the two are not legal.
- Blessed! What are these?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Minister's official appearances to two. Minister to the Prime Minister's label two.Dharma appearances to two. Forums na Buddhist perfections minister to minister two. Supreme Bodhi minister to unconditioned nature is two.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! All generals are the two at all. All are there two methods.
Both associated with birth and death method.
Birth and death had left such instant is the birth, aging, sickness, death, sorrow brain.
This Tu Bodhi! So the two have to know the law minister is no Forums na perfections to Prajna Paramita, no religion, no fruit, no agreement ring to ring, ring case is seen appearances to set strain found Nhut imagination.

If no operator training of how to get results from the skin completely Arhat, religion Pratyekabuddhas, Supreme Bodhi and habits must end all negativity. "END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/10/2016.

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