His white Bodhi Monastery Buddha: "Blessed! He sees no structural damage, no net. He sees no damage nor structural, not net. Why? Since all very legal nature of ownership.
Blessed! In countless owns no structure, no net. In the structure of ownership and no, there is no net.
Blessed! In no ownership, no property ownership structure, there is no net.
Blessed! Why do not people like language structure damages, such a net, a structure such damage nor language, no net? ".
The Buddha taught: "Hey Tu Bodhi! Legal equality minister said he is pure.
This Tu Bodhi! What is the law of equality? It was like, no horror, no crazy, dharma, legal nature, law office, legal status, economic damage. There are Buddhist or not Buddhist, permanent legal nature, it is called net.
This is so that said substrate, and not made by the easiest means.
The easiest means to overcome all language language, reasoning conference, sound ".
- Blessed! If all empty measures, such as dreams can speak, as effects, such as photos, like Diem, as illusory, as goods. Why? Great Bodhisattva dreamlike legal uses, such as effects, such as photos, like Diem, as illusory, as goods. How played Supreme Bodhi mind that prayer that I will complete six perfections, I will fully inform perfections Spirit, I will fully Tri perfections, I will complete the four meditation, four heart , the formless four, four to eight part mindfulness noble ring, I will fully liberated subjects, eight multiple discharge, the second nine followers, I will complete ten full mentality rings to eighteen plus legal estate, I will complete thirty-two generals, eighty depending perfect shape, I will complete the mandala ni subjects, eighty subjects, I will release around ten luminous projection, said the sermon mind beings adapt?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! What he think? The law says he has like a dream, like effects, such as photos, like Diem, as illusory, as merchandise reasonable?
- Blessed! Yes.
Blessed! If all such measures as chemical dreams, how great Bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita?
As romantic as falsehoods such goods are lost, not falsehoods should take measures such damage to be full perfections Forums na ring to eighteen plus legal estate.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Exactly. French falsehoods such losses can not be sufficient paramitas Forums na ring to eighteen plus legal estate. Executive falsehoods that such damage could not be Supreme Bodhi.
This Tu Bodhi! All legal measures that are creating great memories thinking evil. Using artifacts legal thinking idea that such memories can be set strain Nhut location.
This Tu Bodhi! All measures that may assist such legal director can add interest to work, the law had no birth, no production, no minister.
From the mind at the outset played so far, it's great Bodhisattvas practice good karma as perfections Giving ring to the strains Nhut set position.
Why? Because he knows the great Bodhisattvas like dream ring measures as merchandise, such legal entities there are perfections Giving ring to the strains Nhut set location, such achievements are living beings, there is Supreme Bodhi.
Great Bodhisattva practice was so good karma perfections Giving ring to the strains Nhut set position, known as the romantic ring to know as chemistry, know all beings as well as going in as going forward in chemistry. Great Bodhisattva does not grabbed Prajna Paramita is legal there.Because not embrace such a position should be Nhut set strain, said the law as dreams, no place to embrace it, to know the legal ring as chemistry, no place was grabbed.
Why so?
Since Prajna Paramita can not embrace minister, Meditation perfections ring to eighteen plus legal estate can not embrace minister.
Great Bodhisattva knows all such measures as may embrace minister was then played bridge Supreme Bodhi mind.
Why so?
All such measures may embrace minister, there is no damage to the roots, it's like a dream as chemical rings.
Using such methods can embrace generals, such measures can not be grabbed minister. Just because beings do not know, do not see the same general approach, so that great Bodhisattvas as beings that bridge Supreme Bodhi!
From time to present new mind, that place has great Bodhisattvas alms because all beings, to a place with religious rings are wise because all beings, not for their own bodies.
Supreme Bodhi bridges, such as the Great Bodhisattva else that just because all beings.
At issue Prajna Paramita, Great bodhisattvas see sentient beings without beings that abide in general beings, rings false to no knowledge, there is no office in general is false that knowledge, general comments. Great Bodhisattva beings that makes crazy to leave, then leave an office location beings in nature nectar legal falsehoods no minister, no minister that is being patiently to no false prophet minister, minister is fake .
At that time he will leave Bodhisattva centromere, anniversary mind, heart operating theater usually comment but no active interest, such interest concept, not a theater center said.
This Tu Bodhi! Due to such means, the time the Prajna Paramita, Great bodhisattvas seat themselves not embrace, and teach all beings be no place for them to embrace. That is so not the easiest to let imperialism.
- Blessed! Now is the Supreme Bodhi, the Buddha is the Dharma, it is because that empire that was or is because that is the easiest imperialism?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Therefore thus says the Buddha is sole that was legal.
In what legal measures that could not have known that his conduct was legal.
Why? Because he was legal was acquired property. If the user does not have direct legal sensitivity, no fruits.
- Blessed! If law enforcement sensitive, no religion, no fruit, while the executive duality, the religion, with reasonable results?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! No direct law enforcement sensitive, no fruit, nor executive directors of non-duality, not results.
Without sensitive approach, there is no religion that is legal duality, ie the results.
Why so?
Enlightened use such methods, attained, using such measures do not enlightened, not attained, reasoning that theater.
In the theater does not have legal equality argument. General no matter what the legal theater equality.
- Blessed! The law has no nature, in which what is equality?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Otherwise there are legal, not legal not, said the French minister nor equality, equality is no longer legal unless other generals left left all equal measures.
That equality minister, or ordinary, or holy goodness can not walk, can not reach.
- Blessed! Until the Buddha also can not go, can not to u!
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Legal equality of all holy goodness that are not able to go, it is impossible to, oil is Buddhist.
- Blessed! Buddha himself at travel strength in all legal, why say Buddha also could not go, nor able to?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! If the legal equality and various Buddha should ask.
Equality Now ordinary goods, Tu Nhon of Da Hoan St., Tu Da Ham, A Na Ham, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas, Great bodhisattvas, Buddhas and holy law are equal, the only equality is not harmful.
Meaning that ordinary goods, Tu has completed her ring to the Buddhas in all equality measures that are impossible to attain.
- Blessed! if the legal equality of all there is to the Buddhist ordinary ring, then every mortal, Tu Da Completed rings to different Buddhist u no wrong!
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Exactly. In the equity method is no different wrong, is a human being, how can distinguish Jewels have appeared world?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! What he think? Buddha, the Dhamma, Sangha and the different legal equality reasonable?
- Blessed! As far as I was listening to the meaning of the Three Jewels Buddha with equality law is no different.
Blessed! Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha that equality means. Associations that are not legal, no melt, no color, no shape, no respect, is Nhut minister, that is formless.
Buddha has the mentality that can distinguish where the legal seat formless: is a human being, as word has completed, the Da Ham Tu, the A Na Ham, the Arhat, is Pratyekabuddhas, the Great Bodhisattva Slapping, the Buddhas.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Exactly. What he think? If Buddhas Supreme Bodhi without legal distinction would know that Hell, is Peta, the animal, the Nhon, is God, the Kings of Heaven, Heaven rings to the Phi Phi Ideas Ideas , the four foundations of mindfulness rings are eight parts to the path, not the inner ring is a very important tool to not approach, is gathering force Buddhist ring to eighteen plus reasonable legal estate?
- Blessed! Would not know that.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! So know that the Buddha has great power peace, equality in the legal no legal action that differentiates.
- Blessed! As the Buddha in the equality measures such degrees, ordinary person in the legal action nor equality, Tu Da Completed rings to Pratyekabuddhas in the dynamic legal nor equitable.
Blessed! If the minister of equality law that is similar to the Buddhas Completed rings, ie equality minister.
Blessed! Are now separate legal entities minister. Other excellent means generals, generals, feeling, perception, otherwise, Minister, ear, making, loss, body, another, another local minister, Gen. water, fire, wind, no, formula, other, other participating minister Gen. hatred and delusion other, different viewpoints minister, another minister meditation, another minister immeasurable, formless Minister otherwise, other similar mindfulness, rings to other components Eightfold Minister, Minister Giving other perfections , ring to Prajna Paramita minister other generals freed three other subjects, no other eighteen Minister, Minister Buddhist gathering other forces, fearless four other generals, unobstructed location other four generals, generals and eighteen other public legal estate , compounded other nature, other acts of nature nothing is.
Gen. other ordinary person, rings to other Buddhist minister, separate legal entities are such other Minister, how to practice Prajna Paramita, the Great Bodhisattva in the difference dharma without being distinguished. If no such distinction is made, not being able to practice Prajna Paramita. If not able to practice Prajna Paramita is not possible from one place to another place. If not possible from one place to another will not be able to address your Bodhisattva. Because there should be at Bodhisattva can not pass Thanh Van location, location Pratyekabuddhas. Because not pass Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas full address should not be psychic perfections should not be sufficient paramitas Giving such complete ring to be Prajna Paramita, from one country to another Buddha Buddha Nations offering to the Buddhas, the Buddhas that sowed the good base, good user base that can be accomplished beings, the pure Buddhist country.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! As Mr. question, the minister who is also dharma ordinary person, as well as to Buddhist Monastery Completed rings.
- Blessed! That are separate legal entities minister, that is another excellent minister, to Minister compounded ring, another minister unconditioned approach, how great Bodhisattvas Nhut consistent distinction minister not start?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! What he think? General identity had empty reasonable?
- Blessed! Damage empty.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! In the empty, the other individual dharma can be reasonable? Excellent means minister to minister Buddhist rings.
- Blessed! There might have been.
- Blessed! There might have been.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! That is why it must be said that in the equality law is not ordinary person, would not leave ordinary person left, ring to not Buddha, the Buddha did not leave leave.
- Blessed! Equality was compounded or unconditioned law?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Did not compounded, not unconditioned law.
Why so?
Leaving apart compounded the unconditioned there are legal. Leaving apart the legal unconditioned not get compounded.
This Tu Bodhi! Compounded nature, that nature unconditioned, that such measures both innings, no tan, no color, no shape, no respect, is Nhut minister, that is formless.
Buddha's soles also used to say but he is not taking the easiest means.
In Nhut filed personally meant no, no border issue, there is no issue, nor leave leave our mind, the issue that is the easiest means.
Equality Minister of compounded, that unconditioned, that is the easiest means.
At issue Prajna Paramita, the Great Bodhisattva in the easiest means not working Bodhisattva action that benefit beings. " END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/10/2016.
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