Sunday, 23 October 2016

Paramita Sutra
Tu Bodhi He said, "Blessed! Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita How? Prajna Paramita born How? Prajna Paramita Tu How? ".
Buddha is saying: "Hey Tu Bodhi! Because identity passed away, so no color, because color frivolous, such as solid colors should have to practice Prajna Paramita.
Feeling, perception, and consciousness as such.
As you have asked, Prajna Paramita born How? 
As unreal as being, so Prajna Paramita born.
As you have asked, Prajna Paramita practitioners how?
Since the practice of sabotage, should cultivate Prajna Paramita ".
- Blessed! Prajna Paramita executive, born Prajna Paramita, Prajna Paramita practitioner to how much time?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! From time to time invite new mind ashrams should act, so being, should cultivate Prajna Paramita.
- Blessed! Mind should practice Prajna Paramita?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Often such devices give Nhut strains center position, not the other with mind is, which is operating Prajna Paramita, is being Prajna Paramita, is practicing Prajna Paramita. If such consciousness and mental current, which is the operator, is born, is practicing Prajna Paramita.
- Blessed! Great Bodhisattva cultivate Prajna Paramita set strain Nhut location will be reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! Such practitioners are Prajna Paramita strains Nhut set reasonable position?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! Also tu, tu nor necessarily strains Nhut location is reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! If not so, how will be set strain Nhut location?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Nhut set great Bodhisattvas are strains such as general location.
- Blessed! How is such as minister?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! As economic damage.
- Blessed! How is the economic damage?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! As legal nature.
- Blessed! How is the legal nature?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! As self emptiness, emptiness beings, life-nature.
- Blessed! How is self emptiness, emptiness beings, life-nature?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! According to you how? France fell, beings, life span can be reasonable?
- Blessed! Can not be.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! If ego, beings, life span, why can not be said to be self emptiness, emptiness beings, life-nature.
If the Prajna Paramita did not say there would be legal all strains Nhut set position.
- Blessed! Prajna Paramita just is not able to speak, and Zen na na perfections perfections to Dan nor reasonable to say?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita can not say, Dan na perfections to all legal or conditioned, unconditioned, or Thanh Van France, Pratyekabuddhas France, Bodhisattvas, Dharma also are not able to say.
- Blessed! If all such measures could say, why say is Hell, as Peta, the animal, the Nhon, is God, the convent has completed, the Da Ham Tu, is a sodium content, the Arhat, the Pratyekabuddhas, the Bodhisattva, the Buddha?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! According to you how? List of chunh self birth injury can be reasonable?
- Blessed! It can not be.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! If the beings were unable to get, how to say yes to Buddha rings Hell?
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva at Prajna Paramita practice should study all measures must not speak.
- Blessed! Great Bodhisattva at Prajna Paramita operator must learn form, feeling, perception, knowledge, patience to learn Nhut location set strain.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! At issue Prajna Paramita, to learn great bodhisattvas such sharp increase, not decrease, to learn patience to not place increased strain Nhut devices, such decrease.
- Blessed! How is identity any increase, no reduction of school, how the spider is Nhut set anywhere increasing strain, any reduction of school?
- Blessed! How is any living being, immortal learn?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Since no start, no professional work practices, either yes or no.
- Blessed! How not called the start, not the operating activities, or whether or not now?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! As customary the emptiness of self.
- Blessed! To contemplate the emptiness of self-How?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Appearances must not assume form. Must contemplate feelings, perception, consciousness, minister. Minister not to contemplate elegant label. Rings come to shop consciously aware generals world no. Rings come to outlaw customary law does not outlaw organic not organic law minister. Charity must jhana minister. Life ring thought to have killed customary life thought to kill the minister. Must shop quartet quartet mindfulness mindfulness minister. Rings come to shop minister Supreme Bodhi.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! At issue Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva to contemplate the self minister.
- Blessed! If appearances are not sharp, ring to Supreme Bodhi, Supreme Bodhi minister did not, then why have great bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Such acts, which called Prajna Paramita practice.
- Blessed! How did acts which called Prajna Paramita issue?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Since Prajna Paramita majeure should elect prime Bodhisattva impossible, impossible act also obtained, because the practice, practice, practice are impossible prime spot so. This is called Bodhisattva practice, such practice Prajna Paramita, because all arguments are impossible to attain theater so.
- Blessed! If lemon is great bodhisattvas operating practice Prajna Paramita, the Bodhisattva new mind Prajna Paramita act how?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Since new mind back, Bodhisattvas have not learned the champions-elect.
Because this Bodhisattva acquired using numerous measures that generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation, wisdom, patience to cultivate using nothing is acquired strains Nhut set position.
- Blessed! How acquired property called? How known as champions-elect?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! These two measures have to be acquired. No two are not acquired.
- Blessed! What could have possessed the two is? What is not two is not possessed?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Labels and matter are two rings to Supreme Bodhi and Buddha are two. It called two.
- Blessed! From the acquired property without acquired, or acquired from the multitude without possess?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not from the acquired property without care facilities, not from the wealth acquired without care facilities.
This Tu Bodhi! Acquire property and wealth acquired equality, this call is not acquired.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva in compounded acquired and possessed a wealth of equality need to learn.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita school so then called the champions-elect, who does not make mistakes.
- Blessed! If great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita without operator acquired property, no onion, why acquired from an annoyed to be bothered on a set strain Nhut location?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! At issue Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva college is not in possession of an upset to acquire up an upset.
Why so? This Tu Bodhi! The minister possessed a wealth of Prajna Paramita, wealth is possessed of Supreme Bodhi minister, no minister was acquired from practice Prajna Paramita.
Great Bodhisattva should practice Prajna Paramita so.
- Blessed! If Prajna Paramita majeure prime, Supreme Bodhi impossible elect, who act Prajna Paramita impossible attained, how great bodhisattvas beings distinguish dharma: the color, the feeling, practice, knowledge, patience to the Supreme Bodhi?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! At issue Prajna Paramita, great bodhisattvas do not see color, do not see the ring to Supreme Bodhi.
- Blessed! If the time the Prajna Paramita, great bodhisattvas do not see color, do not see the ring to Supreme Bodhi, how full six perfections in your Bodhisattva. On completion, the pure Buddhist country, achievements are being set strain Nhut location. Being located Nhut set race finished, the Buddha turned the Dharma as the birth and death of beings escape.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva such as operating excellence that Prajna Paramita, such as Supreme ring to which operating Bodhi Prajna Paramita.
- Blessed! Great Bodhisattva because of what the practice Prajna Paramita?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Because not work that great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita.
Why so? Since all measures do not work, and without work, Prajna Paramita did not work, and without work, Supreme Bodhi did not work, and without work, great bodhisattvas not work, and without work .
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva should practice Prajna Paramita not work, and without work.
- Blessed! If these measures do not work, and without work, the distinction should not have three ministers: Thanh Van excess, excess Pratyekabuddhas, Buddhayana.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! In the law does not work, and without work there is no distinction. In the work place, a place they have differentiated effects.
Why so? Because ordinary holy fool not hear legal kindness, warm attachments year: form, feeling, perception, volition and consciousness. They attachment perfections Forums na ring to Supreme Bodhi. This multiplication stupid notions that have excellent color and is, patiently to have Supreme Bodhi and that Supreme Bodhi.
Bodhisattva thought I would be Supreme Bodhi, I will escape birth and death of beings.
This Tu Bodhi! We use labels contingent observers see no color rings to Supreme Bodhi, goodness no case is stupid eyes that wanted to Supreme Bodhi escape birth and death of beings.
- Blessed! If, as expected Buddha could not see who was observed in the birth and death of beings, why today is the Supreme Buddha Bodhi, differentiated beings have three capacitors: concentration, evil and uncertainty .
- Hey Tu Bodhi! We are Supreme Bodhi, who do not see them being three capacitors: concentration, the deviant, the uncertainty.
This Tu Bodhi! Because beings where there is no law that legal concept. To rule out the falsehoods of secular legal attachments they should say there is, and not the easiest means.
- Blessed! Did not mean that the easiest place in the Supreme Bodhi is it?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! In places that are crazy Supreme Bodhi it?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! If not where are the easiest means Supreme Bodhi where crazy nor is Supreme Bodhi;Affordable is no Supreme Bhagavan is Bodhi?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not so. I was Supreme Bodhi loss not conditioned office where Minister where Minister unconditioned.
This Tu Bodhi! As the Name of Buddha turned out that evolution, not conditioned office where generals, unconditioned, which turned lovingkindness also travel, sitting, standing.
This Tu Bodhi! Hoa Nhon or six perfections practice, practice meditation, immeasurable, invisible to operating, contingent Kabbalah, from the path of mindfulness to bowl, entered not eighty, eighty formless, uncreated triangle soot, not the internal ring to infinity compounded not legal, executive bumper bowl discharge, filed the eternal things, operating ten mentality, fearless four, four very afraid, compassionate, were Supreme Bodhi, turning of the wheel . Which transform chemical immeasurable goodness beings have three capacitors.
This Tu Bodhi! According to what do you think? Nhon Hoa Dan perfections which issue to have three capacitors rings being reasonable?
- Blessed! Not.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Buddha likewise. Buddha knew the law as goods. As cultural beings goodness.No damage to the living beings.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, so act like chemical multiplication operator.
- Blessed! If all measures are as chemistry, chemical, Buddha and goodness is it different?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Buddha and other non-chemical mercy. Why? Because Buddha or do things;chemical or multiplication facts well.
- Blessed! Without Buddha, own goodness or chemical incident reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Own goodness or chemical incident.
- Blessed! Why not Buddhist, turned back or do multiplication facts.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! As early findings from the past with stone slabs, for want of goods which is turned Buddhist Bodhisattva, and then kill himself. That Buddha's head-chemical half lives as the Buddha, Bodhisattvas prophesies for finished passing. All worldly beings are said to be Buddha's passing loss. But this Bodhi Monastery! Hoa Nhon damage not being, not kill.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, to believe and know that all such measures goods.
- Blessed! If the chemical Buddha Buddha mercy because it is not wrong turn turned out different, then how can that person pure generosity?
As someone offerings to Buddha. This time people ring parinibbana be merit such end.
If someone turned Buddhist offerings, such blessings are also the same make so reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! The Buddha of the legal damages that generals do complete blessing to God, Man, and all beings. He also used chemical damage of the law minister that makes complete blessing to God, Man, and all beings.
This Tu Bodhi! To sow merit turned Buddhist and Buddhist site which turned back, if good men, good and sincere reverence female Buddha. This fresh root multiplication coast until liberation, blessings of good men, good women was still no end.
To the sincere reverence Buddhist concept that, if there are good men, good women bring a flower commonly out of nowhere that Buddha, who until the time of liberation, it did not merit the same.
To the sincere respect which the Buddhist concept, if someone only once professed Namo Buddha, who until the time of liberation, he still did not merit the same.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Sow fresh root in complete blessing Buddha, was immeasurable blessing.
So knowing that the same chemical Buddha Buddha no difference. Because of the legal dharma other not so.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva should practice Prajna Paramita, minister of legal import of such damages. Minister of measures such damage. Minister of legal damages that such decay, which called Prajna Paramita Minister rings to the Supreme Bodhi minister not tainted.
- Blessed! If such legal damages corrupt minister, why the damage of Buddha dharma which teaches that it is excellent, as sensation, perception, and consciousness, is the internal law, foreign law is, is good behavior, is immoral law , that organic contraband, the outflow, the earth, the earth was made, is useful to avoid legal, legal is compounded, is unconditioned law etc ... Blessed! as long as the law minister not septic reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not. Because the minister used to only display a list of legal self beings want to be understood. The Buddha did not damage the legal dharma.
- Blessed! If so used to being self-title generals understood that the law says.
If the law does not list, no minister, how to use the famous general revealing beings want to be understood?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Under the secular generals have not lost is not the attachment site.
This Tu Bodhi! As a human being heard suffering will grab minister approved list. And Buddhas and saints, the disciples did not take the minister approved list. This Tu Bodhi! If the list approved list, the Minister accepted Minister would also approved nowhere nowhere, also approved formless formless, uncreated uncreated well accepted, also approved economic loss damages health, law enforcement and legal nature emptiness, emptiness is unconditioned accept unconditioned nature.
This Tu Bodhi! All measures that only generals, including such measures in the famous general.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva only minister to act in the name of Prajna Paramita, in which neither generals should accept.
- Blessed! If all only compounded generals, the great bodhisattvas who played center for Supreme Bodhi, life should suffer much? At practice Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva of generosity, morality, practice patience, painstaking effort, enter meditation, cultivate wisdom, practice meditation, immeasurable, invisible to the quarterfinals, mindfulness to bowl the holy quartet religion, shall not, formless, uncreated, operating ten mentality to compassionate?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! As word Bodhi Tu said, if all only compounded the great generals who act Bodhisattva because Bodhisattva?
This Tu Bodhi! If only because legal ownership generals, generals of copper which, not generals.So great Bodhisattva Bodhisattva practice is set strain Nhut location, turning of the wheel, use the escape legal succession beings.
That generals are not born, not destroyed, no office, no deformities.
 - Blessed! The Buddha said Nhut location set strain?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Recreational say Nhut set strain.
- Blessed! Buddha said strains Nhut set position, said race director position, said Nhut location set strain. Three different that place like?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Heat omniscience is all Pratyekabuddhas Thanh Van and director category is location location of great bodhisattvas, circuit equipment is located where strains of the Buddhas.
- Blessed! What cause is omniscience Nhut Thanh Van and location of Pratyekabuddhas?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Noun Nhut internal legal necessarily say foreign law, is that checkout method, Pratyekabuddhas know that there used to be, set direction and Nhut Nhut location set strain.
- Blessed! What pretext that religion is the place where the gods strains great bodhisattvas?
- Hey Tu Bodhi? Circuit set religion, or religion Thanh Van, director Pratyekabuddhas, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva great full to know. This religion also must use beings, nor do damage to international controls.
- Blessed! As Lord Buddha's teachings: Great Bodhisattva should fully take the direction that this should not do damage to international controls. Why so? Blessed!
- Hey Tu Bodhi! This is not pure Buddhist Bodhisattva level, not achievement beings, this time should not take damage health certificate.
- Blessed! Bodhisattvas should remain in direct economic losses reasonable evidence?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! Should Head airstrip in stock losses affordable health?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! Head in the direction not the runway should not damage health certificate reasonable?

- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! Great Bodhisattva office place should witness economic damage?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! According to you how? Who remain in religion, because no legal expectancy should be freed illegally dedicated affordable?
- Blessed! None.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Head airstrip that smuggled people dedicated liberated reasonable?
- Blessed! Not.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Head in the direction of people is not that illegal airstrip not conscientiously freed reasonable?
- Blessed! Not. I have no office space, no legal expectancy, contraband such devotion is freed.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattvas so well, not damage international certification office space.
- Blessed! How is the general location Nhut set strain?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Since only general category called Nhut set position, that's all passed away measures minister.
Conduct in kind, general appearance, identity revealing itself discourse, Buddha knew as damage, so-called location Nhut set strain.
- Blessed! Circuit set position, direction and location vaccine strains Nhut set position, three fetters that mind is drained out and the remaining sections with missionaries else?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Other afflictions not wrong section. Habitual negativity, Buddhas from all segments, Thanh Van and Pratyekabuddhas not entirely eliminate paragraph.
- Blessed! Those that have not been legal unconditioned disturbing piece is reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! In unconditioned get wrong legal else?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! If the law can not be unconditioned difference, why say this person would clip habitual negativity, this person does not necessarily paragraph?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not disturbing habits. Thanh Van person, Pratyekabuddhas that there are physical and verbal format similar Minister lewd, golf Khue and foolish that the ordinary man guilty for it, which is a collection of three poisonous gases so. No such Buddhas.
- Blessed! If religion is not legal, nor legal Nirvana, why distinguish said that Tu has completed, the Da Ham Tu, is a sodium content, the Arhat, is Pratyekabuddhas, the Bodhisattva, the Buddha?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! These are measures that are due unconditioned distinguish such differences.
- Blessed! Damage due to legal unconditioned by that distinction has completed to Buddhist Monastery reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Because worldly discourse which such difference is filed and not as a means Nhut. In the easiest means no distinction discourse. Why? Because of the easiest means no discourse. Because fetters that said rear end international segment.
- Blessed! In the self minister, prime money is hardly impossible, let alone the fact the happy talk.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Exactly. In the minister is no longer self-fact no money, how much is a happy fact.
This Tu Bodhi! Because beings do not know the self minister said that the money should not effect, say international logistics. In the self minister, international money, logistics are impossible to attain health.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva should be in the act of self minister that Prajna Paramita.
If higher order executive Bodhisattva minister, did not place mortgage, or internal or external legal measures, legal or conditioned or unconditioned law, or legal Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas measures, or Dharma.
- Blessed! Often say Prajna Paramita. Due mean that Prajna Paramita Sutra called perfections?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Being the easiest means to the brink of all other measures, due to the above definition which called Prajna Paramita?
This again Tu Bodhi! Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Pratyekabuddhas and Arhat Prajna Paramita use this to get to the other shore, so this means that called Prajna Paramita.
This again Tu Bodhi! Distinguish the legal instruments to destroy all Mote, which is not hard to make, because this means that called Prajna Paramita.
This again Tu Bodhi! The law as, legal nature and economic losses are in Prajna Paramita, because this means that called Prajna Paramita.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita is no legal or union or tan, or have sharp or not sharp, or see or not see, or for or against, or illegal possession or outflow, or conditioned or unconditioned.Why? Since Prajna Paramita not sharp, no picture, no lies, only one minister, it is formless.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita or being all legal, all eloquence, all smart projector.
This Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita, all ma ma or disasters, or who needs Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas, with the Gentiles, violating press, who hatred, evil people are not destroying Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita .
Why? Because of such men, in the Prajna Paramita are impossible attained.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva must practice true Prajna Paramita so.
This again Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva want to act that Prajna Paramita, to act means impermanent, that suffering, that is not, that selfless. To take place also means suffering, collectivist location, location means kill, that director position, means legal position, location means billion, meaning that place, meaning tha mind, meant to take place, that the unborn location, location means such damage.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva because that Prajna Paramita Sutra which must act perfections.
- Blessed! In the Perfection of Wisdom profound secret, that the unjust are impossible attained, the Bodhisattva great ear for Prajna Paramita means profound Prajna Paramita issue?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva because Prajna Paramita means deep should think: Greed is unjust, so that should not act, golf Khue and ignorance is unjust, so that should not act, all is wrong unjust, so that should not act. Why? Because of the three generals as toxic does not mean, without unjust, minister of all wrong as there is no meaning, no non-sense.
This again Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva must mean that: Lust is not meant, nor unjust, rings to form not mean, nor unjust, perfections Forums na ring to Supreme Bodhi not mean, nor unjust.Why so?
This Tu Bodhi! Supreme Buddha at Bodhi is no break to be, or sense or non-sense.
This Tu Bodhi! There are Buddhist or not Buddhist, legal, permanent dharma does not mean, no non-sense.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita and unjust means to leave.
- Blessed! Why Prajna Paramita not mean, not unjust?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! All conditioned things are not micro-operation Minister, for that reason that Prajna Paramita not mean, nor unjust.
- Blessed! All Holy Hien like Buddha and Buddhists took unconditioned duty, why Buddha said Prajna Paramita not mean and unjust?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Holy Hien oil all are taken as meaning unconditioned, nor thus increased, nor so that damage.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! For as unreal as, or benefits for such beings, nor harm beings. Also, Prajna Paramita Bodhisattva nor increase, not harm.
- Blessed! Great Bodhisattva not learn unconditioned Prajna Paramita, where strains are Nhut set reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva unconditioned study Prajna Paramita strains will be Nhut set location, such as not taking the two measures.
- Blessed! There are two methods can be no two law reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! Two methods can be no two law reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Not.
- Blessed! Great Bodhisattva does not take two measures, do not take such measures, then how will the two be set strain Nhut location?


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