I heard something like this: A Buddha at the other youth in the Vulture Peak in Rajgir with Bhikshu University Increase over five thousand, are Arahats has stopped all illegal possession afflictions, the mind is freed , and wisdom are freed, the mind that need, is annoying dragon statue university, work is done, his interests have been, clean all fetters, left shoulder or now, afford to bear the Dharma, so where are liberated district. Particularly Ananda is also useful in studying upset, Da Tu Hoan attained.
Then there are five hundred nuns, Upasaka, upasikas see Holy Roman Emperor.
Again there are great bodhisattvas are trend followers and followers ni is Samadhi, it shall not, formless, uncreated, class rings were very afraid and general maintenance. These are no longer bothered contingent laxity psychic who left fame, without expecting sermon, saying that all is well respected private, legal proof ring are energy intensive fearless, liberated all the career ma distention, multiplication coast clever legal statement said. From countless lives so far, the vow he found large, sparse beauty often asked before air fun, gentle words, in the midst of the mass self in no fear, each sermon from countless clever lifetime memories, knew the as virtual methods, such as points, as the moon in the water, like nothing, like wine, like a shadow, like a dream, like a Gandhabba, as objects in the mirror, like evolution, was very afraid fearless know the mind of beings that use magic wisdom to save people. He has accomplished the very afraid as real tolerance, prayer leader immeasurable life world of Buddhas, countless memorial to the world, Buddhas concentration is usually money, can sometimes immeasurable Buddhas, may end what is accepted and the negativity, theater production and tourism being all eighty hundred thousand.Hang this great bodhisattvas immeasurable achievements merit such. His title of: Baht Da As Bodhisattva, Ke Na Na La Bodhisattvas, Guru Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Na La Pass, Tinh Dac Bodhisattva, Thuy Thien Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva Thien, Dai Italian Portuguese Slapping, YCH Italy Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Tang Italy, Real Damage ants Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Thien Tan, The Thang Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Often Need, No Discharge Diligent Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Nhut, Real Disability Italy Bodhisattva , Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva Manjushri, the Bodhisattva Accept Buu India, Standing Bodhisattva Bachelor Thu, Tu Thi Bodhisattva, with hundreds of thousands like memory na tha by such great bodhisattvas. Hang this great bodhisattvas are the most annoying being complementary to the throne Buddhist origin.
At that time the building underwent Buddha sat cross-legged lion upright professional photographer to enter all royal anniversary eighty. Then defensive wall Buddha decided to manufacture the world's third eye watching full body smiling, natural photos from Minister moral beneath six hundred feet emit luminous like memory. From ten toes, two ankles, two calves, knees, sides, waist, back, navel, belly, hips, chest, swastika, shoulders, arms, ten fingers, neck, mouth, forty teeth , nose, eyes, ears, white trench, protuberance, each spot on the Buddha body launched six hundred luminous like memory. From this luminous projector emits greater clarity around the Dai Thien world, then every sa reference to the world of Buddhas in the ten directions, the projector luminous hereby pass a billion universes of the ten directions. If these beings meet this clarity when decisions are supreme Enlightenment.
All hair loss throughout the body of the Buddha are also luminous smile reporters across realms Dai Thien transparent projection to a billion universes in ten directions. If these beings meet this clarity when decisions are supreme Enlightenment.
Buddha often shown to reporters throughout the realms luminous transparent to Dai Thien billion universes in ten directions. If these beings meet this clarity when decisions are supreme Enlightenment.
Buddha smiled happily out wide blades Minister Dai Thien Long pervading the world, countless thousands want to emit luminous memory. Each luminous treasure this into a thousand petals flowers golden. On the flowers have turned golden Buddha sitting cross-legged statement said six perfections allowed. These beings hear the decision is supreme Enlightenment. This also refers to the luminous billion universes in ten directions and also turns out precious flowers such Buddhist teachings.
Then the Buddha that sat on the throne which enter Samadhi lion du theater. Due to the force of the Buddha, the world Dai Thien concussion six ways, making every species happy harmony.
In this realm of the Great God, every hell, hungry ghosts, animals and bowls victims are born to heaven to heaven Tha Hoa Vuong Tu Tu In. The Thien Tu You know this self-sufficiency are delighted copper network to the Buddha seated, bowed his feet and sat to one side. Billion universes in ten directions and six-way shocks, species hell, hungry ghosts, animals and victims are born to bowl six celestial sphere.
Then beings in this realm of the Great God, the blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb to speak, is the provincial maniac, who was the disorder, healed the sick, the disabled who are all disabled, who tear is being worn, the hungry are eating.
All species are discovered each other as goodwill parents, brothers, and sisters, and ten professional practice sound doctrine, pure virtues no mistake, their hearts calmly entered pleasures as filed Bhikkhu tam meditation. They are well kept his wisdom under the rule does not hurt others brain.
Buddha seated on a lion throne, luminous appearances solemn dread Lord risk spanking risk, Dai Thien together than a billion universes in ten directions, like Mount Meru brighter than all the high mountains.
At Buddha is often shown to bring the body being in the realm of the Great God, our goodness and kindness and non-sex gods in Education, Lust bring natural flowers, natural flavor, natural brother to spread optimism in the Buddha. The flowers taste this treasure stopped at stations nowhere into big treasure parasols dangle strings of pearls and precious multicolored boss Dai Thien world unfurling, as it should be the whole of the Great God of the golden color, to a billion universes in ten directions the same.
Beings in this realm and the beings in the world ten are purportedly Buddha for his teachings alone.
Buddha smiling happily, mouth Buddha luminous reporter Dai Thien watched around the world.Because these luminous beings and Buddhas copper found in every sa Sangha world in ten directions. Beings in the world sa constant in the other ten also saw Shakyamuni Buddha and the public in this realm of the Great God.
Buddha smiling happily, mouth Buddha luminous reporter Dai Thien watched around the world.Because these luminous beings and Buddhas copper found in every sa Sangha world in ten directions. Beings in the world sa constant in the other ten also saw Shakyamuni Buddha and the public in this realm of the Great God.
Oriental survived constant realm sa world of Buddha Da Buu Buu Tich. Buddha preached here is comparable to the Prajna Paramita Bodhisattva monks. It housed Pho Minh Bodhisattva saw luminous efficiency was shocked to see Shakyamuni Buddha's body, he immediately asked to transparency by the Buddha Buu Tich coast. Buu Tich Buddha said it was the force of the Buddha Sakyamuni in the realm of day-sa Saha ago Western world. Germany Sakyamuni coming for they represent the statement said Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita. Pho Minh Buu Bodhisattva Sri transparency Buddha that now I want to go and worship offerings to Buddha Shakyamuni and meet the Bodhisattvas. Buu Tich Buddha and gave approval for the lotus of thousand petals royal color for that Bodhisattva Pho Minh told that he brought this flower offerings to Buddha Shakyamuni. He should cherish mind to realms Nhut Saha. The bodhisattvas born in that realm is difficult in harder.
Pho Minh Bodhisattva shower head golden wings thousand quintals Buddha from Sri Buu and numerous public and bring flowers and incense to the Buddha loose stools Sakyamuni prospectus that pay homage to Lord Buddha visited Buu Tich rise Say flower offerings.
Shakyamuni Buddha lotus thousand wings received golden zippy then sprayed every sa Oriental Buddhas offerings. He lotus flowers into every sa sa constant throughout the world in the East.On each lotus are sitting cross-legged Chemical Bodhisattva said six perfections law, anyone heard of this method of decision to the supreme Enlightenment.
Mass according Bodhisattva Pho Minh Phan Long also brought her flowers, incense offerings to Buddha Shakyamuni.
Southern past the realms billion universes have Separated Circuit Set Innumerable Advantages Germany Advantages of Buddha. That could signal Ly Pros Bodhisattva.
West past the billion universes with Buddha's realm Buu Son Evil Extinction. It housed Italian Bodhisattva That performance.
Sa north past the world every realm of Buddha Thang Thang Quoc Vuong. That could signal Bodhisattva Duc Thang.
Lower the past the world every sa realm of Buddha Compassion Compassion International Germany. Place of performance including US Supreme Bodhisattva.
Shanghai constant sa way past the world of the Buddha realm Hei Hei German National. It housed the German brand Hei Bodhisattva.
Bodhisattvas on their planes seen here in luminous see seismic mass dong.vv ... immediately with liquid manure holding flowers native to the Saha world pujas glass Buddha Sakyamuni as Pho Minh Bodhisattva copper in the East.
At that time the Great God of the stately world of magic as the world Meters States Pho Hoa world.
Tathagata knows every great Bodhisattvas and monks Thien Nhon in every sa Bat the world have gathered he called him Shariputra which teaches that: "Bodhisattva want Nhut set for all strains of the legal position, the to practice Prajna Paramita ".
Sariputra said, "Blessed! Bodhisattva want Nhut set for all strains of the legal position, the time to practice Prajna Paramita like? "
He tells us:" Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva dwells use such methods that remain in Prajna Paramita.
He tells us:" Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva dwells use such methods that remain in Prajna Paramita.
Because there is no way to let go should be sufficient paramitas Dan, because people, who recognize and resources are impossible attained.
Because sin and guilt are not impossible to attain sufficient paramitas Enforcement.
Because no action should be comprehensive center available for perfections.
Since the body and mind should diligently complete such laxity perfections price ratio.
Because such a scattered, not so full charm perfections Zen na.
Since no legal attachments to complete all Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva dwells use such methods that remain in Prajna Paramita. As any living being should complete the four foundations of mindfulness, the four primary needs, such as the sufficiency of four, five-door, five forces, Spoiler seven, eight noble part, not eighty, eighty formless, uncreated eighty, four meditation , four immeasurable heart, the formless four, eight multiple discharge, eight wins origin, the second filed nine, ten Nhut set origin.
Also full nine dead bodies legal concept: mutual support, thoughts cracked, bleeding ideas, thoughts rot decay, great blue bruises, relatively identical eat, great pieces, great white bone, burning great tan.
Also full eight mindfulness: Recitation, French conception, conception Increase gender concept, notion towns, natural concept, ie concept production, import ie, death anniversary.
Full ten law also bars: Bar impermanence, suffering consistent, selfless shop, food shop a mess, bar all the world should not funny popular, die shop, shop impure, Mini rid, fitness management, cessation shop.
Also full eleven Location: France location, location billion, tha mind, so location, location size, file location, location kill, director position, take place, where the unborn, as the damage location.
Also full eighty three disciplines: visual Samadhi can shop, shop Samadhi no sense, no sense not consistent samadhi.
Also full three units: Unit not know about to know, need to know, know basis.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva want to know all the virtues of the Buddha as ten mentality, legions of four, four unobstructed location, eighteen plus legal estate, pronouns, compassion, time to practice Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva want full-favored religion, wanted to use religion to full-favored strains favored religion, race director wants to use to complete necessarily favored position, necessarily want to use the full position to position necessarily strains, strains necessarily want to use habitual position to end suffering, must cultivate Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva must learn Prajna Paramita so.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva Bodhisattva wants to address, want more frustrating Hearers, Pratyekabuddha want cylindrical bothered retrogression, psychic continent want to know the direction of all beings, want to have wisdom than all of Thanh Van all, Pratyekabuddhas, want to be the goal ni la momentum, eighty subjects, must learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva want to blow your mind more, depending on the generosity, morality, samadhi meditation, wisdom, liberation, liberating knowledge, liberating samadhi of all the bridges Thanh Van, Bich Chi Buddha, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva really practice section at generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation, wisdom, it wants to dedicate due to health means to be infinite merit, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva really practice section at generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation, wisdom, it wants to dedicate due to health means to be infinite merit, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva want real issue na Dan perfections, perfections dill, available for perfections, perfections price ratio, Zen na perfections, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva want eternal body like Buddha body full thirty two great mercy minister, eighty depending perfect shape, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Being a Bodhisattva want, want to be bothered co feet, want not leave Buddha, the school must Prajna Paramita.
To bring these offerings to the Buddhas friendly apartments and reverently respect arbitrary praised achievements, the school must Prajna Paramita.
Wants to make being satisfied about something to drink, eat, dress, bed, lamps, home rooms, vehicles, medicine, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva wants to make a billion beings in the world to stand where six perfections subjects, the school must Prajna Paramita.
Want to sow a field of merit good roots in the Buddha is unsurpassed until Enlightenment does not clear, the school must Prajna Paramita.
Want Buddhas in the ten directions praise his title, the school must Prajna Paramita.
Want just found the body of a billion universes came to the ten directions, want to just pronounce the echoes to a billion universes in ten directions, must learn Prajna Paramita.
Want the world of Buddhas fail not kill, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva not want to dwell where internal, not external, internal and external no, no no no age, Junior does not mean, not compounded, not unconditioned, not all fields, not without beginning, not endorsed, emptiness, self heroes, gods are not legal, does not possess wealth, wealth is not legal, not legal ownership, not legal ownership of outlaw, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
For multiplication coast, which filed grace, charm and grace of predominance of the law, the school must Prajna Paramita.
For such measures, the legal nature of the legal and economic damage, the school must Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva so that dwells in the Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva want to count how many of the mountain Mote, of the Great God of the earth in the world, want to analyze some feathers as he took part cent feather end of the spring water ponds, rivers, sea Dai Thien world both in business without affecting aquatic species, consecutive blows off a fire burning around the Dai Thien world as fire disaster at life seeking to be married to a stop finger prevents heavy winds can make Dai Thien world shattered to all Mount Meru as melt blown haystack position, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Want one sitting cross-legged body can make all the space around the Dai Thien world, to learn the Prajna Paramita.
Want to grab a coat afraid screw the Great God of Mount Meru in the world to throw over the world from the multitude of other business without affecting beings in it, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Want to bring a meal, a costume, a stick of incense, a flower, a lamp, a chalky, one can tell what the full offerings throughout the Buddhas and monks in the world in ten day-sa method, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva wants to make a billion beings in the world in ten directions are sufficient virtue, samadhi, wisdom, liberation, liberating knowledge, and make fruits Complete Tu Da, Da Ham Tu results, results A Na Ham, Arhat, ring balance to be no Nirvana, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva true Prajna Paramita executive at Bell should know that: giving such a huge retribution, thus giving birth to the course was an excellent quarter, thus giving birth to the sky by the Four Great, heaven to earth, sun Da Ma, Where Capacity sun, the sky turned Lac Tha sun Chemical, such generosity is entered meditation, subtle meditation, triangle meditation and charity, not the land of boundless, infinite mode of origin, no basis organic origin, a great non-organic, non mindless origin, this is mercy alms bowl noble part, this kindness is giving ring to Complete results Tu Da Buddha result, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva really practice Prajna Paramita, at Bell, where power favored by the media should be able to fully Dan na perfections, perfections dill, available for perfections, perfections price ratio , Meditation na Prajna Paramita and perfections. "
Sariputra said, "O Blessed One! How is the great bodhisattvas at Bell, where power favored by the media should complete six perfections? "
Buddha said: "Behold Shariputra! Because people giving, life and material resources are guys majeure should be able to attain sufficient paramitas Dan na. Since such crimes are guilty and should not attach sufficient paramitas dill. Because so full attention estate available for perfections. Since the body and mind should be fully diligent perfections price ratio. Since no such stampede should fully captivated Zen na perfections. Knowing that all measures are impossible to fully attain Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva wants to be the Buddhas past, present, future, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
To reach the other shore of the conditioned and unconditioned approach, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
For such measures, marginal dharma and the unborn of legal past, present, future, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva wants to stand in front of all goods Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddha want Buddhas servant, wanted to do the power of the Buddhas, large retinue want to be, want to be relatives of the Bodhisattva, want pure newspaper company of, the must learn Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva want the bright mind, break the precepts, golf Khue laxity, scattered, dense are not arise, the school must Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva wants to make all beings stand where blessed generosity, morality blessed place where meditation blessed, blessed promotion where religion, where financial and legal blessing blessing, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva wanted to learn the five brands of Prajna Paramita. This is contingent label: humiliation label, third eye, lily, dharma eyes and Buddha label.
Bodhisattva want to see the Buddhas in heaven label billion universes, the ear wants to hear the legal use of the Buddhas in the ten directions declaration said, would know the mind of the Buddha, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Want to hear the law of the Buddhas in the ten directions statement said, remember hearing until the Supreme Bodhi did not forget, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Want to see the world of Buddhas in the past, the world saw the future of the Buddhas in the ten directions and the world of the Buddhas present, the school must Prajna Paramita.
Want to hear twelve sutras, from texts the goods to the conclusion of that conference to hear the same checkout not hear, hearing all want recitation, full life over, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Dharma of the Buddhas past, present, future of the world have declared sa constant talking, talking, and would say now, was hearing the news leader wants life maintenance, administration and faculty to speak truth to others, the must learn Prajna Paramita.
Projectors to bring clarity around the lunar surface where bloggers face no reference to a billion universes in the ten directions, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Want to make all beings in the world in every sa ten, where no title Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, are right view Jewels heard the name, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Want to make a billion beings in the world in ten directions, so our capacity that blind see, the deaf hear, who tear healed, the hungry are fed, the time to learn Prajna Paramita .
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva wants to make a billion beings in the world in ten directions, so that the capacity of our species in the three realms are the body, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Want to make a billion beings in the world in ten directions, due to the capacity of which is to stand where we presented, concentration, and wisdom, liberation, liberating knowledge, Tu Da Completed rings fruits to Supreme Bodhi results , time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva want to learn postures of the Buddha, wants to look like a statue looked kingdom, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva vow that moment made me go, my legs did not how to land four fingers bicycle on the ground, I will be immeasurable Education gods realms, realms Sac, from The Kings of the Form Rescue Wing God reverently surrounded same go under the Bodhi tree. I would sit under the Bodhi tree and the gods will undergo trial for me. Want to be like that, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Back when I was a Buddhist chapel, where I sat located walking will be vajra. Want to be so, the school must Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva if desired consecutive days ordained Supreme Bodhi enlightenment, immediately turning of the wheel with the countless beings away from the ceiling in the purification methods are legal labels, with countless beings as such life all measures should be ways of liberation, there are countless beings are retrogression Supreme Bodhi, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva become a Buddha wants to use at countless Thanh Van as Tang, said at a sermon, all these monks soon was Arhat, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva want at a Buddhist, will use the countless bodhisattvas as Tang, said at a sermon, all these monks are retrogression, is immeasurable luminous full life span, time to learn Bat elegant perfections.
Bodhisattva want at the Buddha, the world is no list from the three poisons, lewd, golf Khue foolish, all beings are primary achievement of wisdom, charity giving, good sex, good to, friendly dignity, compassion friendly, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva want at the Buddha, the world is no list from the three poisons, lewd, golf Khue foolish, all beings are primary achievement of wisdom, charity giving, good sex, good to, friendly dignity, compassion friendly, time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva want at a Buddhist, after entering Nirvana, Dhamma is not cessation, there is no list from extinction, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva want at the Buddha, all beings in the world sa constant at ten we heard the name of the decision will be Supreme Bodhi, the time to learn Prajna Paramita.
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