Sunday, 23 October 2016

Paramita Sutra
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  Tu Bodhi He said, "Blessed! Prajna Paramita very deep. Chu great bodhisattvas beings do not see that as being the bridge Supreme Bodhi, this is very difficult. As people want to crop the middle of nowhere, it is difficult.
Blessed! Likewise, great bodhisattvas as beings that bridge Supreme Bodhi, being also impossible attained ".
Buddha is saying: "Do not. This Tu Bodhi! The jobs of great bodhisattvas lettered difficult: as beings that bridge Supreme Bodhi, save those beings accept corn crazy, ego.
This Tu Bodhi! As growers do not know the root, stem, branches, leaves, cotton, fruit that beloved earth dug irrigation fertilizers, growing plants flowers, leaves, fruit, seeds are achievements that enjoy life.
Likewise, the word great bodhisattvas as beings Supreme Bodhi demand, operating times six perfections times, location is Nhut set strain, Buddhist life achievements, bring flowers, leaves, fruit, seeds benefit beings.
This Tu Bodhi! What is the benefit beings leaves?
Beings because that is where the great bodhisattvas depart from the three realms, it's benefits.
What is the benefit beings flowers?
Thanks to the great bodhisattvas place where human beings are born into your stream, was born the Four Heavenly Kings heaven to heaven ring Chiang Phi Phi, which is the flower of benefits.
How is the performance benefit beings? 
Great Bodhisattva was set strain Nhut location makes beings are fruit from the skin to the fruit rings Complete Buddha, this being three times the legal time used nowhere long enough redundancy entering Nirvana, which is the result benefit beings.
Great Bodhisattva saw the damage that such beings that departed beings make crazy ego. Great Bodhisattva thought: there is no law in all beings, beings that we as players race Nhut set position, it being impossible to attain damage ".
- Blessed! Must know that as Buddhist Bodhisattva.
Why so?
Because where Bodhisattva by which end to all Hell seeds, animals, Peta, an end to all those affected seeds, impoverished abjection, an end to all realms of Education seed, Sac realms, realms Immaterial.
- Exactly. This Tu Bodhi! Must know that as Buddhist Bodhisattva.
Hey Tu Bodhi! If such great bodhisattvas rise to Supreme Bodhi Bridge, the world does not have the Buddhas past, future, present, world no Pratyekabuddhas, Arhat, A Na Ham, Ham Da Tu, Tu completed. Nor at any time terminate the three realms and the three worlds.
This Tu Bodhi! Yes, as the man said, that great bodhisattvas as Buddha.
Why so? Because such as that called Tathagata. Because such as that called Pratyekabuddhas, Arhat and all sages. Because such as that called form, feeling, perception, volition and consciousness. Because such as that called all to nature compounded rings legal, unconditioned nature. Such that the differences are not as dead, hence called as.
Chu school great bodhisattvas as strains that are Nhut set position, known as the Tathagata.
Because of conditions that, by acts minister said that great bodhisattvas must know as Buddha.As such minister.
This Tu Bodhi! So great bodhisattvas must learn as Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattvas as the Perfection of Wisdom School, the density can learn all such measures.Learning all such measures shall be full of all such measures. Being full of all such measures then all the legal office to be liberated. Head all such measures, which are themselves well-known in the base and of all beings. Smart that the basis of all beings then cleverly know basis ordination of all beings and smart to know your multiplication coast now all beings.
Know multiplication coast now of all beings then be fully voluntary position.
Hotel was full prayer then that lily pure triangle.
Lily pure Tam then benefit all beings.
Benefit all beings and the Buddhist state of purity.
Buddhist purification national level is then set strain Nhut location.
Being set strain Nhut then turning of the wheel position.
Turning of the wheel then an excess up being where three medical opinion that joins Nirvana.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva'd be all interests merit their favor, they must rise to Supreme Bodhi.
- Blessed! Great Bodhisattva can act Prajna Paramita just as profound, all the world, God, Man, asuras should have bowed.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Exactly. Great Bodhisattva can act Prajna Paramita just as profound, all the world, God, Man, asuras should have bowed.
- Blessed! Great Bodhisattva new beings that needs attention because the Supreme Bodhi how much merit?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! If beings in all Elementary Divine Development Center of Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas, according to how you, their blessings are more reasonable?
- Blessed! Lots immeasurable.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Their blessings blessings of Bodhisattva match new mind such a percentage, per thousand, parts like memory, numerical examples ring to also remain in being.
Why? Since rise to Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas are due Bodhisattva that out. No longer fulfilled by Bodhisattvas Hearers, Pratyekabuddhas that out.
By Trung Thien II and the Great God of heaven heavenly triangle comparing the same.
And for beings in the heavenly triangle Dai Thien Thanh Van Development Center, Pratyekabuddhas again. It was like being in heaven Dai Thien triangle are the local office bothered Qian Hui, Local Nature annoyed, bothered Bat Nhon location, location Ants upset, angry local Silver, address Dispassion upset, angry local seafarers, frustrating local Pratyekabuddhas , all bring good fortune if you want to match the new Bodhisattva mind is still not in percent, per thousand, parts like memory, rings to all numerical examples are not equal.
This Tu Bodhi! Chu new great bodhisattvas of the Great Divine mind by bodhisattvas enter the legal no taste. Chu great bodhisattvas enter the Great Divine law in such degrees in Buddhist Bodhisattva direction. Directions Buddhist Bodhisattva of the Great Divine not by the merit of the Buddha, one percent, thousandth, parts like memory, rings to all numerical examples are not equal.
- Blessed! New mind Bodhisattva should I keep in mind what the law?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Should notion Nhut memory location set strain.
- Blessed! What is the position Nhut set strain? What the coast, increasing the upper what, what kind act, what general appearance of strains Nhut set location?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Circuit set strain no place where there is no concept, no birth, no display.
As coastal asked Bodhi Monastery, the upper increase, the executive, the minister of location Nhut set strain.
This Tu Bodhi! Circuit set strain no legal position, charming rooftop conception increases, passed away as onions, formless as direction. It called conditions, increased upstream, operating and general location of Nhut set strain.
- Blessed! Only strains Nhut set no legal position, or form, feeling, perception, volition, to form rings compounded Minister, unconditioned Minister nor legal?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Sac compounded ring to minister, unconditioned Minister nor legal.
- Blessed! Because what multiplication coast Nhut not mind setting legal strains, compounded identity to generals, unconditioned Minister not legal?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Because nature Nhut location set strain, if not legal nature, the call is not legal.Sac compounded ring to minister, minister likewise unconditioned.
- Blessed! Predestined by nature what the law does not?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! The harmonious legal birth multiplication coast, in nature not legal, if not the essence, the call is not legal.
So great bodhisattvas must know all legal emptiness. Why so? Since all this is not legal nature.
- Blessed! If all legal emptiness, Bodhisattva new mind what means to use force can act Forums na Prajna Paramita to perfections, net national level Buddha, achievements beings, to be able to practice jhana, immeasurable quartet, the quartet formless, not to outlaw internal property not legal, to bowl the holy quartet directed mindfulness, eighty three, bowl discharge deficit, filed the eternal things, Buddhist gathering force, from countless Captain, quartet unobstructed location, eighteen plus legal estate, compassionate, circuit race set position, net national level Buddha, achievements beings?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva can study the nature not legal, can also purify the Buddhist country, achievements beings, beings known national level and not nature, it is the media effort.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva six perfections which acts Buddhist practice, onion rings to set strain Nhut Buddhist practice site, also known Buddhist emptiness. This great Bodhisattvas practice the six perfections Buddhist practice, Buddhist rings to not cross its achievements, countless Captain, very afraid Quartet position, eighteen plus legal estate, compassionate, circuit race set position, which Buddhist practice is, once full Buddhist multiplication coast then, using a corresponding notion Nhut set strain is favored position, and all negativity habits over yet, because not bear that.
Then use the label Look Great Buddha of Divine, legal impossibility is not attained, there is a legal case.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva must act not Prajna Paramita nature.
This Tu Bodhi! This is called power of modern means of Bodhisattva, legal impossibility is not attained, the legal case with the leaves.
This Tu Bodhi! This time Bodhisattva Great Bell: Bell, the life and the Bodhisattva mind, no such law knows, there is a legal case. Nhut location to set race ring: people, and places are legal, such measures are not aware, there is a legal case.
Why? Since all such legal character. Did not Buddha do so, not by Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas or others do. Since all measures do not have the author.

- Blessed! The legal nature of reasonable legal?
- Exactly. This Tu Bodhi! The legal nature of isolation measures.
- Blessed! If the legal nature of the legal, legal, how to know which legal ly ly, or is there or is not?
Why? Since no such measures do not know the law, there is no known method may be legal, did not know the legal measures available, such measures may not know the law.
Blessed! Thus, all the law no minister, why the great bodhisattvas to distinguish whether or not it's legal?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Because of where the secular empire that great bodhisattvas as beings say or whether or not, and not the easiest imperialism.
- Blessed! Secular empire and imperialism filed various Nhut reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! The sole practitioners and other non Nhut imperialism. Why? So as that is the easiest substrates such means. By beings not see, did not know this so great bodhisattvas like the card to say or teach beings that yes or no.

This again Tu Bodhi! Since being approved to get warm in general without knowing the property wealth.Because beings taught that great bodhisattvas said either yes or no, which beings know very own. 

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