Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Paramita Sutra
Then he asked his Shariputra Tu Bodhi: "Bodhisattva true Prajna Paramita issue the legal bar.
What is the Bodhisattva? What is Prajna Paramita? What is the bar? "
Bodhi Monastery said: "As supreme chief vigilance forth a great class, this man called Bodhisattva. This man knows all legal, but also all attachments minister, said Minister of color rings to know of any minister nor the legal community attachment. "
Sariputra asked: "What is all dharma?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "If the user name of order and harmony multiplication coast etc ... to know the law, this is excellent, this is sound, smell, taste, touch, approach, is compounded, the unconditioned law. Use general list for self-expression language of the law known as the law minister said.
As word Shariputra asked, what is Prajna Paramita? Because so-called renunciation Prajna Paramita.
The renunciation What measures? Far warm world of import. Perfections renunciation. Not renunciation, renunciation Since this so-called Prajna Paramita.
Renunciation quartet back to mindfulness renunciation eighteen plus legal estate, omniscience Nhut renunciation. Since this so-called renunciation Prajna Paramita.
What is the consistency? Real time operating Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva great color consistency not often, not very often, is not optimistic, not suffering, not down, not selfless, not no, is not no no, no to minister, not formless, not evil, not ineffective, and not die, nor did die, not isolation, is not such glasses, feeling, perception, and consciousness as such. Forum na Prajna Paramita to perfections, not to outlaw organic internal law does not, to any community quarterfinals legal mindfulness, all Nhut necessarily subject to strain Samadhi place so well. This is called real time operating great bodhisattvas Prajna Paramita legal shop ".
Sariputra asked: "Do what multiplication coast such identity is not being sharp; Nhut set strain rings to be born is not the place to set strain Nhut mind? "
Bodhi Monastery said: "Lust empty appearances. In no identity was not sharp nor birth, race ring to Nhut set position so well. Since this should not bear identity is not sharp, ring set strain Nhut location to be born is not necessarily strains Nhut location ".
Sariputra asked: "Do what multiplication coast saying that such identity is not outstanding two rings to place such strains Nhut set two strains are not necessarily located Nhut?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "There is no two colors, ring to have set vaccine Nhut location is not two.All of these measures are not united, no sharp tan ,, no, no picture, not for a minister. Since this should not two is not sharp sharp, set a message to Nhut two strains such position is not necessarily strains Nhut location ".
Sariputra asked: "Do what multiplication coast say that this identity into the unparalleled legal, Nhut ring to set strain on the legal position of second to none?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "Lust is like the unborn, unborn like identity, ie the unborn identity, ie identity unborn. Since this should be legal in some excellent second to none. Nhut location to set race ring likewise ".
Then he Tu Bodhi Buddhist transparency: "Exalted! If it's great bodhisattvas Prajna Paramita issue the legal bar so the color shows the unborn, because ultimately this net. Seeing feeling, perception, and consciousness unborn because ultimately this net. Rings to see the Buddha and Buddhism unborn because ultimately this net. "
Sariputra said: "Just within the meaning of Tu Bodhi said that I was listening to the identity is not being, feeling, perception, and consciousness is not born, to Buddha and Buddhism rings nor birth.
If so would this time should not be Tu Da Tu Da Complete Complete results, Tu Da Ham Sakadāgāmi, A Na Na Ham Ham a result, Arhat Arhat fruit, Pratyekabuddhas Pratyekabuddhas religion, there should be great bodhisattvas strains Nhut set position, no other continent wrong direction beings, nor should be great Bodhisattva Bodhi year.
Behold Tu Bodhi! If all such measures as minister of birth, cause of spiritual chi Tu Da Completed three fetters empire to an end? Da Ham Tu tu directed to thin soles greed, hatred and delusion?A sodium content of spiritual empire to an end five lower fetters? Arhat of spiritual empire to an end in the upper part fetters? Pratyekabuddhas because that initiates legal Pratyekabuddhas sole director? She just great bodhisattvas as unpleasant rather beings that do the hard work? She pointed Buddha turned the Dharma? "
Bodhi Monastery said: "I do not want to have acquired legal unborn. I do not want to get in legal unborn Tu Da Tu Da Complete and Complete Results, rings to get Pratyekabuddhas and Pratyekabuddhas religion. I do not want the unborn measures have worked hard Bodhisattva instead chio suffering beings, Bodhisattvas nor difficult to use the center to practice their religion.
Why so? For if consciousness is difficult, the mind can not suffer the immeasurable benefit to countless beings.
Behold Shariputra! Now here bodhisattva of mercy beings. With beings, the Bodhisattva ideal as parents, brothers, children and grandchildren, as well as the body ideal. So Bodhisattva can benefit countless beings, because no legal use so acquired.
Bodhisattvas should consciousness like this: As a prime intersection majeure, where all things, all places, local law, foreign law, too, are impossible attained. If consciousness as above the Bodhisattva no hard heart, mind suffering. Why so? Because this Bodhisattva where all things, all places, all such measures are territorial.
Behold Shariputra! I did not want to give evidence in the unborn Supreme Buddha Bodhi, the unborn have turned the Dharma, I do not want to use the unborn approach to enlightenment ".
Sariputra said: "Nay Tu Bodhi want to make use of birth enlightened approach is to use legal or accidentally being enlightened?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "I do not want to make use of birth enlightened approach".
Sariputra said: "So the Bodhi Monastery unborn want to make use enlightened approach?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "I do not want to make use unborn enlightened approach".
Sariputra said: "As the word says Bodhi Monastery is senseless, attained".
Bodhi Monastery said: "Yes voters, have elected not fade two measures. Now the list should have the knowledge of the world itself, have attained. According to the world title will have to have completed Tu Da Buddhas.
In the easiest imperialism senseless, prime, nor Tu Da Finish to not Buddhas ".
Sariputra said: "If the list itself should have knowledge of the world, has attained, the six other species due to false identity that the world itself, is not the easiest imperialism".
Bodhi Monastery said: "That's right. According to the list itself should have knowledge of the world, has attained. Six other species due to false identity that the world itself, is not the easiest imperialism.
Why so? Because of imperialism Nhut filed no industry, no newspapers, no birth, no killing, no net, no structure. "
Sariputra asked: "France can not bear being reasonable? France sentient being reasonable? "
Ngia Tu Bodhi said: "I do not want to make such measures being born, did not want to cause birth method of birth".
Sariputra asked: "France does not want to cause no sentient being?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "Lust is a legal not bear, nature it did not want to cause birth empty.Tolerance to the Supreme Bodhi measures such as birth, nature it did not want to cause birth empty ". 
Sariputra asked: "Sanh birth or be born?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "Was not born, nor did being born.
Why so? Since birth and did not bear the two legal agreements, no tan, no color no shape, no respect, a minister ie no minister. Since this should be born, not born nor not bear birth ". 
Sariputra said: "Tu Bodhi clever to say that nothing is born and unborn minister".
Bodhi Monastery said: "I like to say that nothing is born and unborn minister.
Why so? Since those measures unborn, unborn minister and said the words were not united like, no tan, no color, no shape, no respect, a minister, ie no minister ".
Sariputra said: "Tu Bo likes to say not bear legal, Minister not bear likes to talk, likes to say words can not bear this."
Bodhi Monastery said: "That's right. Because color can not bear patiently to place such strains necessarily born. Because I like to say it should not bear legal, Minister not bear likes to talk, likes to say words can not bear this. "
Sariputra said: "In the sermon, give up easily as the first. As with anything asked, Tu Bodhi are meeting both ".
Bodhi Monastery said: "Because of this law there is no medical basis."
Sariputra asked: "What is the law there is no medical basis?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "Lust is often not nature, not health leaning in, no outside medical titles, intermediate titles such care. Tolerance to the nature necessarily strains usually do not mind, do not care leaned in, no outside medical titles, intermediate titles such care. Since this should not place all medical legal title, because nature is often not so.
Sariputra! So while it's great bodhisattvas practice the six perfections subject to pure form, feeling, perception, consciousness, pure ring must necessarily strain to mind. "
Sariputra asked: "What is a real time operating great bodhisattvas six perfections half net Bodhisattva?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "There are world na Dan perfections. Dan has made the world na perfections. The other five perfections are worldly and have made the world ".
Sariputra asked: "What is this world perfections Dan na? How is the Earth Dan perfections na? "
Bodhi Monastery said: "If the great benefactors Bodhisattva can do and give to Samana, Brahmins and the poor go ask: should eat to eat, to drink to drink, to wear to wear, need shelter for accommodation, need money, jewels, flowers, incense, should demand for drugs mem mem drugs, all necessities are given.
At Bell, Bodhisattva think I get them, I'm not greedy avarice, I was the benefactor, I can pilot exhaust all I care Buddha's teaching that truth Executive Dan na perfections.
Finished alms, while taking legal Bodhisattva was, together with all beings Supreme Bodhi dedication that think that this karmic beings alms is peace for centuries, later made their peace Nirvana optimism.
Behold Shariputra! This Bodhisattva giving three things obstacles: One is self minister, minister quits two, three generals are candidates. Because there are three general alms that this so called world na Dan perfections.
Why is the earth? Because in the world does not move up, not so super production.
Behold Shariputra! How the Earth called perfections Dan na? It was so pure three parts.
What are the three? At Bell, great bodhisattvas do not see her, do not see the recipient, there is that the object of generosity, nor the desire to repay. This great bodhisattvas called pure Dan na three perfections.
Once again giving, giving great bodhisattvas for all beings without being seen, giving alms dedicate this ring to Supreme Bodhi not see the subtle dharma.
This is called the Earth Forum na perfections.
Why is the Earth? Because in the world can be moved up, so can the super production.
Five other subjects perfections if the clinic called the world, if not the clinic called the Earth, in addition to have the talk about Dan na perfections.
Real time operating six perfections subjects, translational great bodhisattvas such Bodhisattva "
Sariputra asked: "What is great martyr Supreme Bodhisattva Bodhi?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "Satipatthana is great martyr Supreme Bodhisattva Bodhi ring portion to the Noble Eightfold Path, the goal of liberation, not to outlaw organic internal law does not, all subjects and momentum eighty ni la subjects, gathering force, from countless Captain, very afraid quartet position, eighteen plus legal estate, compassionate, great bodhisattvas here called martyrdom Supreme Bodhi ".
Sariputra compliment: "You instead heal instead!
Behold Tu Bodhi! "What is the human perfections?"
Bodhi Monastery said: "As a force Prajna Paramita. Since Prajna Paramita or being all good measures of Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas, Bodhisattva and Buddha.
Prajna Paramita or life load all good measures, or measures Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas measures, or measures Bodhisattva and Buddha Dharma.
Behold Shariputra! Past true Buddhas Prajna Paramita practice is Supreme Bodhi. It's also the future Buddhas Prajna Paramita issue will be Supreme Bodhi. Currently this Buddhas in the ten states also true Prajna Paramita issue is Supreme Bodhi.
If the time heard Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva such great suspicion, not to be difficult, time should know the truth of this great Bodhisattva Bodhisattva practice.
Bodhisattva real people act as save all beings should not mind leaving all beings, by such heartless attained.
Bodhisattva should not usually leave this concept: The concept is of great compassion. "
Sariputra asked: "Want to make great bodhisattvas often not leaving this notion: the idea is great compassion. If often such great bodhisattvas compassion leaving anniversary, this time it all beings will do Bodhisattvas. Because all beings would not leave the same concept. "
He Tu Bodhi said:" You instead, heal instead! Sariputra want my questioning that became my means.
Why so? Because beings should not have no idea. Because emptiness beings should recite nor nature. Since no legal beings should recite nor legal. Because beings should recite ly ly well.Since being empty should also empty concept. Since being agnostic should also agnostic concept.
Behold Shariputra! Since no color nor should recite. Since nature does not have to recite identity nor nature. Because the material does not have to recite nor legal. Because the concept is so sharp glass cups. Because empty identity should also empty concept. Because agnostic identity should also agnostic concept. Tolerance to the Supreme Bodhi so well.
Behold Shariputra! True Bodhisattva Bodhisattva practice, I want to make this concept not to leave: that is a concept of great compassion. "
Then the Buddha compliment: "You instead, heal instead! This is the Prajna Paramita of great bodhisattvas. Who'd say the time to say so.
Bodhi Monastery about Prajna Paramita are compliant redundant reviews of Buddha. Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita school to learn the words of Tu Bo says ".
He said at the Bodhi Monastery Prajna Paramita, Dai Thien concussion realms six ways.
Then the Buddha smiled.
Bodhi Monastery transparency by asking coast.
Buddha said: "Behold Tu Bodhi! As we said at the Prajna Paramita states this level, ten in countless national level, as well Buddhas Prajna Paramita say so. "
When Buddha said the Prajna Paramita, by twelve na tha Nhon, God is unborn ring measures.


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