Tuesday, 18 October 2016

His Buddha told Shariputra: "At the very act Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva great to think like this:
Bodhisattva only their title, only the name of Buddha himself, Prajna Paramita and just their title, form, feeling, perception, knowledge and self-identity only.
Behold Shariputra! As fall beings expectancy fake, fake network, fake birth, nurturing authors, author, Author, false start, false start using, false life, using false life, false prophet, is author are impossible to attain all . As is impossible to attain empty. Because the list is empty should not only declare themselves to say.
Bodhisattva also true Prajna Paramita act so: There's see down, they saw beings, rings to not see false prophet, is false. Declared equity drivers say that their title was not found.
Bodhisattva really practice Prajna Paramita so than on all goods Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas, except the wisdom of Buddha, due to the emptiness, favorable effects impossible.
Why so? Because of this great bodhisattvas for these names, the same place where self-adhesive to list all majeure attained.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva can really act like that is really operating Prajna Paramita.
For as much as the number of bamboo Bhikshu, mop, sugarcane, sesame, rice, beans, forest groves full of both worlds Jambudvipa, all wise as Shariputra, Great Moggallana, bringing all wisdom he wants to compare the true wisdom of the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, the time is not equal to a percentage, not by a thousandth, not one-hundred thousand memories, not by partial rings to examples.
Why so? Since this uses the Bodhisattva of wisdom of all beings escape.
Behold Shariputra! No mention as Shariputra and Moggallana filled realms University Jambudvipa, which filled both realms such as the Great God, or rings to complete every sa whole world in ten directions, bringing all his wisdom wanted to compare with Bodhisattva of true wisdom Prajna Paramita practice nor by a percentage, not by partial rings to examples.
Behold Shariputra! "Bodhisattva really practice Prajna Paramita, a practice day on all wiser checkout, Pratyekabuddhas".
Sariputra said, "Blessed! Checkout wisdom, Tu Da Complete, Tu Da Ham, A Na Ham, Arhat, wisdom Pratyekabuddhas goods, the Buddhist wisdom, the wisdom of this no difference, not against each other left, are the unborn emptiness. If the unborn nature of emptiness, not left each time different is not wrong. Why Buddha taught that true bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita a wiser practice day on all goods Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas? "
Buddha said: "Bodhisattva true Prajna Paramita operating a practice day wisdom, understanding, saying, I practice wisdom benefit all sentient beings, we will use strains Nhut necessarily know all the legal position, drainage of all beings.
Behold Shariputra! How Did he think, the wisdom of operating Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas so there are not? "
Blessed margin percentage! No.
-This Shariputra! Hang Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas with this notion: I will the Supreme Bodhi escape of all beings, make them are very health balance Nirvana, not great bodhisattvas as beings?
Buddha margin percentage! No.
-This Shariputra! Due to the above reason to know that the wisdom of goods Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas match Bodhisattva wisdom of not using one cent, not one-rings to examples.
Behold Shariputra! Hang Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas with this notion: I truly practice the six perfections, accomplishments beings, solemn Buddha degree, full ten mentality, legions of four, four very nggai place, any legal eighteen plus, the escape the countless beings to nirvana results Bodhisattva great beings?
Buddha margin percentage! No.
-This Shariputra! For example, other species of fireflies never thought that I like mites nhựt light sprang up throughout Jambudvipa.
Also, checkout, Pratyekabuddhas no notion as great bodhisattvas: I truly practice the six perfections to eighteen ring plus legal estate is Supreme Bodhi, the countless beings to Nirvana results ".
Sariputra said, "Blessed! What is more annoying great bodhisattvas Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas that to upset retrogression Buddhist purity? "
Buddha said: "Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva from operating at a play six perfections truth, where the law does not remain, formless, uncreated, can exceed Thanh Van frustrating, but to upset Pratyekabuddhas retrogression Buddhist purity ".
Buddha margin percentage! Bodhisattva dwell that could upset a field of merit for checkout, Pratyekabuddhas?
-This Shariputra! From the moment a play practice six perfections truth rings to sit ashrams of Supreme Bodhi, in that time, always doing good often filled to checkout, Pratyekabuddhas.
Why so? Because of the great predestined due to the friendly French Bodhisattva of the world arises. As the decades-friendly measures, precepts, bowl of mussels, meditation, immeasurable, invisible to the quarterfinals, mindfulness quad, quad primary needs, such as the quarter-sufficiency, the five senses, the five forces, Interior Spoiler, bowl noble part, continental perfections, not really bowl, gathering force, fearless quad, quad unobstructed location, plus bowl estate, pronouns, compassion, circuit race set position, the multiplication coast so that the great bodhisattvas this approach appeared on earth. Also multiplication coast of the great Bodhisattva whose ethnic surveys to Loi, Brahmin, Cu Si, The Kings of the ring to Phi Phi Thien Tuong, Hoan Tu Da, Da Ham Tu, A Na Ham, Arhat, Bich Chi Buddha and the Buddha were to appear on earth.
Buddha margin percentage! Bodhisattva had finished blessing pure generosity reasonable?
-This Shariputra! No. Because pure hybrid duty done.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva is the great generosity of benefactors such as Cross charity friendly France, set five world Nhut strain ring to position ".
Sariputra said, "Blessed! How true great bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita Sutra corresponding perfections? "
Buddha said: "Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva not practice true identity, the right to practice feeling, perception, volition, consciousness does not, this corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Shariputra this again! Bodhisattva practice is not properly labeled, practice right atrium, TI, tongue, body and mind are not, this corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva not practice true identity, the right to practice sound, smell, taste, touch, not law, this corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva practice perspective not true, not true gender identity, gender consciousness is not, properly labeled to cultivate gender awareness not, this corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva practice not true suffering, true cultivation practice, destroy, not religion, this corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva true ignorance practice, practice correctly, consciousness, mentality, green, contact, feeling, loving, capital, property, birth, death does not, this corresponds called the Perfection of Wisdom cool.
Bodhisattva practice all legal right not, or conditioned or unconditioned, this corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Shariputra this again! Bodhisattva practice true emptiness, self-heroes, gods are not legal, does not possess wealth, wealth is not legal, not legal ownership, wealth compounded seven subjects not legal not, this corresponds called Prajna Paramita .
Behold Shariputra! At seven subjects did not practice, great bodhisattvas do not see color or the corresponding or not corresponding, they saw no feeling, perception, volition, consciousness or corresponding or not corresponding, not see color or the birth or kill general minister, did not see feeling, perception, volition, consciousness or being destroyed minister or minister, did not see color or structure or translational minister minister, did not see life, perception, or pure form or structure general minister, did not see the half-life identity, not see life with a great half, did not see half the operating concept, such that the act of union with formula. Why so? Because of the legal nature of capital should not be empty without any legal agreements with any law.
Behold Shariputra! In no color no color, not in life, not great, not operating, there was no form of sensation, perception, and consciousness.
Behold Shariputra! Since there are no outstanding generals empty brain damage, because life should have no minister empty feeling, a great emptiness because no minister should know, because of emptiness, there is no general authors, because there is no empty formula Minister sense. Why so? For this is no different from that identity, nor the other not to matter, but color is not and is not form, feeling, perception, knowledge is not and was not feeling, perception, and consciousness.
Behold Shariputra! Minister of the legal emptiness had no birth, no killing, no structure, no net, no increase, not decrease, not the past, the future, the present, so that no law in no form, feeling, perception ,, consciousness, no eye, ear, TI, tongue, body and mind, no color, sound, smell, taste, touch, legal, no perspective, no sense ring to the world, no ignorance ignorance is no advantage, no rings to old age and death, old age and death and no end, no suffering, set, kill, religion, no no prime location, no Tu Da Tu Da Completion Completion and results, no Da Ham Tu, A Na Ham, Arhat and Buddha, no results Da Ham Tu, A Na Ham, A Na Han, fruits and vegetables Pratyekabuddhas Buddha.
Bodhisattva practice properly so called corresponds to the Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Real time operating Prajna Paramita, great bodhisattvas not see Prajna Paramita or corresponding or not corresponding, also did not see Dan na three are confidential, Thi la perfections, available for perfections, Ratio Family and Meditation na perfections perfections or corresponding or not corresponding. Bodhisattva did not find form, feeling, perception, consciousness, do not see eye, ear, TI, tongue, body and mind, do not see color, sound, smell, taste, touch, legal, no rings to show perspective consciously or not gender or corresponding respectively. Bodhisattva did not find the holy quartet directed mindfulness to bowl section, set the ring to Nhut or corresponding strain or such place respectively.
As above, this Shariputra! It's great to know the corresponding Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita.
Shariputra this again! Now it's great bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita, no such agreement with no, formless formless no union with, no such cooperation agreements with numerous effects.Why so? Because no, formless, uncreated no association with such agreements.
Bodhisattva practice properly so called corresponds to the Prajna Paramita.
Shariputra this again! Real time operating Prajna Paramita, great bodhisattvas into self minister of Justice, have entered the place of form, feeling, perception, consciousness, the Bodhisattva is not for such agreements to be no agreement, form, feeling, perception, such informal agreements with international money nor economic union with logistics, such agreements with the current.Why so? Because health Bodhisattva not see the money, did not see the post did not see the current health.
Behold Shariputra! Real time operating Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita, because taking empty nouns fact that, should the money not in union with the post-economic international, cash logistics with international agreements such fact, the money currently no international agreements, international logistics, money with post-economic international agreements nor with the present.As this corresponds called Prajna Paramita. Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva really practice Prajna Paramita, circuit devices such position union with the past life, future life, present life. Why so?Because of past life, future life, the present life are not even able to see the case to be united. As this corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva really practice Prajna Paramita, for form, feeling, perception, and consciousness can not see, because the label on the can not see, because such legal identity rings to be seen, because consciousness to consciousness such rings should be seen form, feeling to sense are not necessarily united with location Nhut. As this corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva really practice Prajna Paramita, because Dan na Prajna Paramita to perfections are not able to see so Dan na to Prajna Paramita not necessarily agreement with the position. Because quartet noble mindfulness to bowl rings to gather force component, plus bowl any measures are not able to see it all not necessarily agreement with the position. As this corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Real time operating Prajna Paramita, great bodhisattvas such as organic or sharp practice are numerous, such practice is impermanent and impermanent, such as hard or sharp practice is located, such practice is sharp falls or non-self, such sharp practice is not passed away or passed away, no sharp practice is empty or not empty, no organic matter are general practice or is formless, such practice is excellent organic or ineffective cooperation;feeling, perception. operating. Such knowledge also. As this corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Real time operating Prajna Paramita, great bodhisattvas have no notion that we really act or not really practice Prajna Paramita, nor the concept was not really travel with no real executive not.As this corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Shariputra this again! Such as Prajna Paramita wherein the true bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita. Nor because Dan na, dill, available for, price ratio, Zen na perfections, nor frustration retrogression achievements beings Buddha bar the president nor the gathering force, fearless quad, quad array location constraints, plus bowl any real measures that great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita. Nor the cabinet did not, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, does not mean Junior, not compounded, not unconditioned, not all fields, not without beginning, not endorsed, the emptiness, the word is not law, Thought not, impossible not favorable, not very legal, not legal ownership, not legal ownership of outlaw, nor because such legal nature, the damage to which it's great bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita. Why so?Because it's operating at Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva such great destructive Minister of Justice.As this practice corresponds with the time called Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Such as third eye, the ear, eager mind, sufficient network, sufficient spirit, gonorrhea take six subjects that miracles really great bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita. Why so? Because it's at practice, you would not feel great bodhisattvas Prajna Paramita is seen Bodhisattva Case Kabbalah. As this corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Real time operating Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva great concept that we use such as the oriental spiritual powers and flies to fly to the ten directions to make offerings to the Buddhas sa constant, nor the idea that we use the ear listening sa constant sermon ten Buddhas, location clearinghouse used tha info sa mind of every ten living beings, said location using network sufficiency of countless jobs sa constant introduction of beings in the ten directions, did not think we natural user manual found dead here every sa beings born in other places. As this really great bodhisattvas called Prajna Paramita operating corresponding Prajna Paramita and also escape the countless beings.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva can really practice Prajna Paramita so the damage was not evil, all worldly things are arbitrary wanted, every sa Buddhas ten Bodhisattva supported for this bar did not fall into practice Van, Pratyekabuddhas. Devas from Rescue Wing Sac Tu Thien Vuong also supported Bodhisattva help more liberated. If this Bodhisattva has the lifetime felony light detectors. Why so? Because this Bodhisattva used equally pleased benefit beings. As this corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Real time operating Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva great momentum quickly are the subjects and courses ni la samadhi, where the birth of the Buddhas are also frequently until he attained Supreme Bodhi never left the Buddhas. This corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Real time operating Prajna Paramita, such great bodhisattvas think this approach with this law or the union or not join together, or with equal or not. Why so? Because such great bodhisattvas saw this with the other legal measures or by agreement or no agreement or no equity. This corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Real time operating Prajna Paramita, such great bodhisattvas are thought we would soon be legal nature or not. Why so? As general legal nature is not to be. This is called a corresponding practice Prajna Paramita.
Shariputra this again! Real time operating Prajna Paramita, great bodhisattvas do not see any measures beyond legal nature, nor think that other legal nature and the legal, nor think this approach could be or not be legal nature. Why so? Because such great bodhisattvas found using this method may be legal nature or not be legal nature. Bodhisattva practice as this time corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Now it's great bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita, with no half measures such nature, not legal nor union with nature. This corresponds called Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! Now it's great bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita, with no perspective no agreement, no agreement with the label nor gender, gender identity no union with no, nor union with gender identity, gender consciousness with no such agreements, no association with the label nor gender, rings to the world, and a sense of international legal world with no such agreements, not in union with the world nor, gender and gender-aware approach. Corresponding not corresponding so-called followers Divisions.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva really did not fall into the executive acts Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas, can purify the Buddha, achievements beings, soon to be Supreme Bodhi.
Behold Shariputra! In the respective subjects, corresponding time Prajna Paramita is the easiest night, as dark religion, supreme, dark magic has nothing on. Why so? Because this really great bodhisattvas corresponding practice Prajna Paramita, which is not the main, formless, uncreated.Know that this Bodhisattva as has been signed or were close to being life expectancy up.
Behold Shariputra! Bodhisattva respectively can thus benefit countless living beings. This Bodhisattva nor corresponds think we Prajna Paramita, the Buddhas will life up for me, I would close was ordained, I will purify the Buddha, will become the Buddha turned the Dharma. Why so? Because of this great bodhisattvas do not see any method out legal nature, nor see any real legal practice Prajna Paramita, such that there are Buddha-life measures up, does not see the Buddha dharma turning of the wheel. Why so? Because it's operating at Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva great generals not bear down, Minister beings rings false prophet to be born minister, minister is false. Why so? Because beings ultimately being immortal, no sentient being, no killing.If the Minister of Justice has no kill date how could they actually practice law Prajna Paramita. 
Behold Shariputra! So as great bodhisattvas beings not see that's true Prajna Paramita practice.Why so? Because beings is no life, is impossible to attain, the cup, the real issue here is the Prajna Paramita.
Behold Shariputra! In the corresponding subjects of great bodhisattvas, corresponding to dark is not the First. Corresponding to not more than all the respective subjects.

Bodhisattva practice such measures can not arise pronouns, and can not bear the san center, transgression, anger, lengthy, wandering, no mind. "END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/10/2016.

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