Saturday, 29 October 2016

 Turn Falun: first discourse of the Buddha.

Enlightenment -  Catechism of the Four Noble Truths with four truth beyond all the impact of external conditions, discusses the nature of human life and the ability to overcome all the suffering of human suffering has become a driving force and beliefs of humanity, against all the vicissitudes of life still believed in a bright future of mankind in general and people in particular.
Buddhism was introduced, more than 25 centuries, but the teachings of the Buddha are contained breathing time and does not seem to depend on the change of space and time.
One of the basic tenets of Buddhism is important Eightfold Path (path eight branches - Middle Way), contained in the texts  Zhuan Falun  - the first sermon of the Buddha. Sermon became the focus of attention, in which the meaning of the attitude of tolerance, tolerance, avoid extreme or outrageous (anta), Lao Tzu and Confucius were shared in the concept of "centrist" or "neutral", and take remote Greek, this idea is also shared by Aristotle, through the concept of "harmony". This seems to be a topical issue, help us to be alert to the temptations of contemporary life, to seek a life of peace and tranquility.
Catechism of the Four Noble Truths with four truth beyond all the impact of external conditions, discusses the nature of human life and the ability to overcome all suffering the pain of people has become the motivation and confidence of humanity, against all the vicissitudes of life still believed in a bright future of mankind in general and people in particular.
Middle Way and the Four Noble Truths is more meaningful than when it was first sermon Buddha said shortly after the Supreme Bodhi enlightenment, proved to be a matchless wisdom has been awakened after a long time dreamless propelled into the realms of life and death.
Therefore, understanding the Middle Way teachings and the Four Noble Truths, and the introduction of texts  Turn Falun  mean not only theoretical but also practical internships each Buddhists, thereby determining the aisles and clear purpose before time finding the hybrid nature of the materials themselves.
Ideological context of activities  leading to the birth of the texts
The researchers reviewed the situation when academic activities of the Buddha, often divided into two separate trends: fundamentalist and non-mainstream movement. Fundamentalist Vedas and Upanishads taken as the main classics; the movement against economic differences or  Veda  and  Upanishads  are considered non-mainstream or orthodox reaction.
One other classifications, in more detail, the trend of thought divided them into 4 main categories: orthodox Brahmin, folk religion movement, Veda and Upanishads trends do take the main ideas but has developed more like Yoga, Number opinion, the reason ... and finally the non-mainstream movement.
Also, there are some researchers, based on the Buddhist scriptures, namely economic  performance recluses , mentioning that in the classic six-sect commonly called "pagan sect clerk":
1. Phu-lan-na Ca-lettuce (Purana Kassapa): for that is good and bad employment practices by industry rather have a corresponding basis, so do not believe anything or skeptical all.
2. Mat-old Chile sentence-amnesty-la (Makkholi Gosala): only natural, all evil acts, even liberating thing complies with the laws of nature, humans can not decide or attempt anything.
3. amitābha Page-sa-admiration-she-la (Ajita Kesakambali): Comment advocate materialism. Humans composed by the four elements, are all dead, so enjoy the pleasures, reject morality.
4. Match-Ca-fried-performing momentum (Pukudha Kaccayana): advocated idealist, says Center immortal animal, human life and death is only the approval of these factors converge to create a human being, even the factors that shall never be destroyed.
5. Approves Pi-anonymously-da-la-le-Prince (Sanyaya bellatthyputta): advocates of inspiration, if you feel that way, to say that the phenomenal world, no certainty as to whether or not, right or wrong.
6. Ni-Gandhara Nha-threads-mail (Nigandha netaptta): Comment undertakings destiny, use it as a basis to justify it all. As for the practice, it took the extreme asceticism and moral habit estate as special police.
Overall, the academic activities of the Buddha was born, Indian philosophical thought with the strong development, diversity of themes, rich in schools rather than in economic unity  Veda or  Upanishad formerly. The school was born in this era can be compared to the middle of spring blossoming flowers, each school has its different way of explanation, sometimes oppose each other in the interpretation of the nature world as well as the practices that lead to final liberation. The boom not only created the premise for Buddhism in collecting the essence of the other schools, but also the basis for Buddhist supplement, revise and fix the advantages and disadvantages of the different schools of thought , forming a new religion - Buddhism, has inherited the tradition, both new ones to make up the fundamental turning point in the general flow of Indian philosophy.
Contents:  Economic Zhuan Falun
a) Critical Mistakes views of sectarianism
Opening Sutta, the Buddha said:  "This, O monks, there are two extremes (anta) that every home (pabbajitena) to avoid ..."
The concept of extremism (anta) is only a concept extreme attitudes, excessive or extreme; and the concept of home person (pabbajitena) is only those who renounce worldly path, cutting charity from relatives and seek the path of liberation.
Once started preaching to his five brothers in particular ascetics and those who seek the path of liberation in general, reminds immediately Buddha ordained that those who need to abandon the path of two extremes or excesses ; in other words, Buddha criticized two roads is the wrong path, do not lead to ultimate liberation. That's two paths:
1. be neglectful in sensual - is vile, vulgar, profane, not value human dignity saint, and in vain.
2. The passionate attachment ascetic style - is suffering, not value human dignity saint, and in vain.
The first path is the path of passionate or sensual pleasure and excesses second path is the path immersed in austerity, suffering outrageous. Here are two paths the Buddha warned not to give the home people complete freedom.
It should be added that, at the time Buddha Sakyamuni was in this world and even before the birth of Buddha Sakyamuni, India has existed for many schools or different teachings to seek the path of liberation. But high achievement, attitude towards life often revolves around two main roads: one is the sensual indulgence and two are rejected every desire.
One of the doctrines advocated enjoy all the pleasures of the earth is the doctrine Lokayata - Pali and Sanskrit - refers materialism and materialism by Carvakas founder. In view of this doctrine, people are dying off, leaving everyone in the life and capacity of the present life only is real, therefore, the advocates of this theory say: " Let's eat , drink and enjoy all the pleasures, because death comes to all ", and that:  " Ethics is an illusion, only pleasure is reality. death is the end of life. Religion is a foolish aberration, a mental disease. There is distrust all that is good, noble, pure and compassionate. their theory advocated sexual gratification, selfishness and gross, confirmed obscene willpower. No need to control passion and instinct because it is part of the natural heritage of the people ".
Meanwhile, some schools promote rigorous ascetic life. They said that only ascetics can bring people to salvation. This doctrine is most people who practice many different schools accept. Even the Lord Buddha and his 5 brothers previously ascetics practiced also had a hugh so for 6 years but still did not achieve ultimate liberation.
Criticism two undertakings, the Buddha said that both are useless, useless, unworthy of the dignity of the saints.
b) The teachings of the Buddha preached the first sermon. The doctrine of the Middle Way or Path eight branches

Even after criticism of two undertakings is pleasure and asceticism outrageous excesses, Buddha gave the third way is the Middle Way (Majjhima Patipada).  "Abandoning both these two extremes, the Tathagata has realized" Middle Way "(Majjhima Patipada), is the way to bring the vision (cakkhu) and knowledge (nana) and to tranquility (vupasamaya), supreme wisdom (abhinnaya), enlightenment (sambhodhaya), and Nirvana "
Middle Way is not the path that lies between the two extremes is the way to rise above two extremes.Dictionary Buddhist concept:  "China means duality, all treatment is wonderful, is non-parallel but a strategic position, is an unbiased neutral religion to one side",  which means that a middle path is the put an end to treatment as usual dualistic pars; have-not; right left…
In the later stages of development of the Buddhist, the understanding of the Middle Way are also many different opinions, such as the French Minister for the Middle Duy formula, Tam's argument for any Middle Path, Tiantai for Food Minister is Middle Way, Flower Adornment for the Middle French world ... However, in doing  Zhuan Falun , Buddha's assertion that the Middle Way or Eightfold path is the path of the eight branches.
In the talk:
"This, O monks, middle path which the Tathagata has realized, the road to bring the vision, knowledge and leads to peace, supreme wisdom, enlightenment and nirvana is what?
That is the Eightfold Path - is Right (samma ditthi), Right Thought (Samma samkappa), Right Speech (samma vaca), Right Livelihood (samma kammanta), Right Livelihood (samma ajiva), Right Effort (samma vayama ), mindfulness (samma sati), and Right Concentration (samma samadhi). This, O monks, the "Middle Way," which the Tathagata has realized ".
The first element of the Eightfold Path is Right Understanding, the understanding of the true, to break all of the cynicism of old fellow on Buddha's teaching, and also want to raise a key statement Buddha's teachings are: objects need to find a genuine way, that is seen as the main object it can lead to the following remarks. Without the proper show, meaning objects with her eyes looking subjective or emotional bias can lead to mistakes in the assessment. To have the right to know or see as real, to remove wrong notions, delusions, traditions, customs, habits, power, status of the speaker ... and look at them as they are. That is the first element and is also a prerequisite in the teachings of the Buddhist Middle Way.
After obtaining the understanding of the right, such as implementation of the object, the second is the chief branch of thinking, contemplating the true meaning. True meditation in Buddhism requires objects to objective thinking the object was thinking, thinking that is subject to attachment, removal, selfish attitudes and malice. To do this, the subject needs to nurture kindness, peaceful attitude toward guests could be thinking.
Third branch doctrine of the Middle Way is Right Speech - righteous words. True word comes from the true thinking, as real objects of thinking and of course, the true word is a must for the purpose of not only real say on the subject but to object to the enjoyable rather than talking just to talk.
Next Right speech is Right Action - righteous deeds or righteous action and right livelihood - true life. All three factors: Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood are the expressions of true thinking to perfect virtue, develop healthy lifestyles.
Sixth branch Right effort - effort to practice righteousness in order to eradicate the bad seeds and development of moral consciousness. Liberation and enlightenment is not an overnight achievement, therefore, have seen, there are thinking, but with practice, the lack of effort and meticulous practice quickly eroded. In the effort, relentless effort, Saturday factors - Mindfulness - always mindful of each act, gesture, speech to employment become identical twins essential. Effort but awareness can lead to a reversal results with the original intent. From the non-stop efforts in awareness leads to Right Concentration - that dwells in a single object, a special object that is our own consciousness will lead to a result - our minds are increasingly opaque cottage sail in, the impure elements, negativity, ignorance more effort be eliminated, instead, the good seed, wisdom, purity increasingly sprouting. When the mind, in the awareness of Mindfulness and Right Concentration, thanks to the efforts of the Chief relentless effort, with the regular practice of Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood are invisible to lead to a results, the understanding will sound natural, clear thinking one day. Thus, the Eightfold Path with eight basic branches above, both a human just as effective, reciprocal to each other as a goal of liberation and enlightenment.
In short, the Middle Way doctrine - Eightfold Path of the Buddha said in  Zhuan Falun , has a basis to criticize the two extremes that dominate contemporary Indian society, has established one of the postulates most of the Buddhist religion has influenced not only India that has spread throughout the world. doctrine of the Four noble Truths

Opening the text by renouncers suggest two extremes renounce extremism, establishing the Middle Way, the Buddha said about the Four Noble Truths as the most basic teachings of all the teachings of Buddha and also the only goal when the existence of Buddhism in this world.
Four Noble Truths (four wonderful truths) include: Suffering, Volume sole, insole and sole director Killing.Sacca Sanskrit, is the truth, what really has. List Sanskrit (Sanskrit) equivalent is Satya, an event no longer debated. Pali call these truths is Ariya Saccani (holy truths, or Noble Truth), as this is the truth found by the Buddha, the saint (Ariya) greatest, completely clean and was fully purged of all defilement.
(1) "This is the noble truth of suffering"
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(2) "This noble truth of suffering must be aware (parinneya)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(3) "This noble truth of suffering has been aware (parinnata)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
The first noble truth (Suffering) refers to dukkha - a Sanskrit is meant to be painful or difficult to endure.Standing in terms of feeling, "du" is difficult, "kha" is to endure, "dukkha" is what makes it difficult to endure. Understood as a truth, "Du" is something worthy of contempt, not worth grasping. "Kha" is nothingness, emptiness. In the world is so full of suffering and despised, disgusted, not worthy of me clinging. The world is an illusion, nothing is real, so the world is nothingness, emptiness. So, dukkha is nothingness, not worthy of me clinging.
For people reaching religion, life is suffering. Living means suffering. All the feelings or the ones achieved in the world could not make up the so-called real joy or happiness is only temporary, transient, not sustainable ... Finally, people also disappointed and distressed with his own life . "Birth is suffering, old age is suffering, disease is suffering, death is suffering, to live with the unpleasant is suffering, separation from loved ones is suffering, desire without being is suffering, brief the relatives they are all suffering. "  of all the suffering that people have endured, what is the most common birth (jati), aging (jara), disease (vyādhi) and finally death (marana). Four suffering permanent threat on human life and no one can avoid.Besides the four sufferings on, the pain of feeling like desire, without success, to love without meeting or meet people you hate are giving people the suffering of pain. All in all, this Friendly ie suffering and nobody can escape suffering by accepting to live in this world. In the scriptures, the Buddha said that Suffering is a fact, requires to be perceived as a real and present existence of life, demanding to be observed, analyzed and the analysis and opinion suffering pain damage will lead to adequate real knowledge of oneself minister.
(1) "This is the Noble Truth of Suffering."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(2) "This Noble Truth of Suffering should be eradicated (pahatabba)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(3) "Suffering has been eradicated (pahinam)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
The second noble truth Buddha determined to ultimate - causes suffering pain. In the scriptures, the cause of suffering is craving or attachment (tanha):  "This, O monks, this is a profound truth about the origin of suffering (dukkha-samudayadhammam-ariyasacca, Suffering Truths ). the craving is the cause leading to the rebirth (ponobhavika). Ai, with earnest heart yearning, grasping one or the other (life). it is love, hangs upon sensual (kamatanha), loving hangs upon survival (bhavatanha, born of love, attachment to the idea that the universe is eternal longevity), and love, hangs upon the existential (vibhavatanha, unborn Sincerely, attachment to the idea that death is nothingness) .
Business  Dhammapada  stated:  "Due to being bothered craving. Do craving being afraid. Who has completely stopped craving no sorrow, the less fear "  (verse 216).
The Buddha taught that craving leads to birth and death-birth, constantly, forever. Thus, the key to ultimate Buddha indirectly referring to life past, present and future.
There are three kinds of craving: First, uncouth craving form attachment least according sensual (kamatanha). Second is our attachment to life (bhavatanha), and the third is attachment unborn by status (vibhavatanha). According to the commentaries, the two categories are craving craving after material pleasures related to the belief that the universe is eternal immortality (sassatadiṭṭhi, usually is) and attachment is related to the belief that after this life is nothing, no nothing (ucchedaditthi, passage is).Bhavatanha also means the attachment of Lust and Vibhavatanha the attachment of Immaterial World, because Aruparaga (lust hangs upon Immaterial World) is also seen as two 'months' (Fetters, bondage rope, columns we born in samsara).
Craving is an extremely mental capacity mighty, always latent in each person and is a major cause of the most unfortunate things in life. The main desire, coarse or subtle, make us cling to life and, therefore, lead us forever wandering in samsara. A normal person is only entitled to know sensual life, and that is noble, is happily single. In the sexual gratification, certainly the happiest time as expected, while enjoying life, and when he recovered the memory of pleasures. But it is only temporary and illusory. According to the Buddha non-attachment (viragata), or stretched beyond material pleasures is nobler happiness. True happiness lies within us, and can not be achieved through the property, career, power, fame, or conquest, invasion. If happiness is achieved through the things mentioned above then it is only temporary, soon disappeared and instead cling consciousness, suffering and eventually become the cause that leads us to birth and death foul.
(1) "This is the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(2) "This Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering should be realized (sacchikātabba)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(3) "This Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering has been realized (sacchikatam)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
The Third Noble Truth is the Cessation of Holy Roman Emperor - the state after separation of greed, hatred and delusion and craving the mental constraints. "This is a profound truth about the cessation of suffering (dukkha-nirodha-ariyasacca, killing noble truth of suffering). That is, completely alienated and eradicates the craving mind that. It's the left, the refusal, escapism and detachment from craving attention ". Accordingly, the most rugged form to the most subtle of craving, the decline was partly attained that section. The rugged form is declining, the momentum attained Bosnian function (Reload), second floor of the church floor, and will only be eradicated when attained anagami (Real hybrid), Tuesday church floor.The subtle forms of craving is completely eradicated when attained Arhat.
(1) "This is the noble truth of suffering destroy religion"
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(2) "This Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering religion must be developed (bhavetabbam)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(3) "This Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering direction was developed (bhavitam).
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
Fourth Noble Truth, sole director, the path to cessation of suffering and the achievement Kill soles. In the scriptures, the Buddha recognized that, to cessation of suffering, people must practice renunciation Eightfold Path or Middle Way, the road eight branches: " This, O monks, this is the profound truth about human path to the cessation of suffering (dukkha-nirodha-gamini-patipada-ariya-sacca, director Noble Truth of suffering kill). that's Eightfold path: Right Understanding, Right thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort tons, mindfulness and right concentration. "
Eightfold Path becomes a means of implementing the transformation of suffering, achieved attainment.Thus, the Eightfold Path, besides two critical mistakes outrageous path of another doctrine, the Buddha also confirmed that the path to peace and ultimate liberation.
After explaining the Four Noble Truths meticulously and coherently, Buddha sermon concluded with strong words the following:
"This, O monks, the date that such absolute true knowledge of the Four Emperor Tathagata under three and twelve-tone method [1], has not been completely clarified, then, until then, the Tathagata not confirm that the Tathagata has realized the Supreme enlightenment (anuttara sammasambodhi).
When absolute as real knowledge of the Four Emperor Tathagata becomes completely clear, only until then, Tathagata confirm that the Tathagata has realized the Supreme Enlightenment.
And then arises knowledge and insight: The center of the Tathagata has totally freed firmly, no longer budge, and this is the last life, no life any more. "
When the method terminates, Kondanna (ascetics), disciple of the five most senior, teachings and insight attained from the skin completely, the first floor of the four storey church. He realized that something had to be born ie annihilation - Yam kinci sabbam samudayadhammam nirodhadhammam-dhammam triangle.
Business  Zhuan Falun  is the first of Buddha said immediately after the Supreme Bodhi Certificate results. Content texts contain the main principles and the most important of the Buddhist (both North and South television transmission). From the content of above, we can draw a few guidelines to learn Buddhist scriptures in general and in particular:
1. Buddhism based on personal experience and away from the system or doctrine have great power at that time. This principle requires to understand Buddhism, must be based on personal experience rather than purely in theory. In other words, Buddhism emphasizes the importance of the practice, instead of focusing on beliefs and dogma. Believing in it into dogma can not lead to liberation.
2. Buddhism is a path leading to the cessation of suffering rather than a religious belief needs or create a world "illusion" to mean "compensation unreal".
3. There is no god in the creation of human suffering, but only by the human suffering created out for myself. Therefore, no divine rites to man must timid or fearful vow valve.
4. Morality (sila), concentration (samadhi), Wisdom (panna) are essential to achieve the goal, Nirvana is expressed concretely through the Middle Way or Eightfold Path.
5. The foundation of Buddhism's Four Noble Truth (the Four Noble Truths) can be verified by experience.Four Truths of the Buddha discovered through awareness and thinking of himself, not from any teaching of anyone.
6. Suffering, the first truth, referring to the composition of the ego, and the different stages in life. The main components of the state leads to human suffering. First knowing the truth (Suffering) reasonably taken to eradicate the causes of suffering.
7. The second truth (to ultimate) related to a capacity always latent in every person, it is craving. Craving is the cause of all misfortunes in life. Key to ultimate and indirectly referring to past lives, present and future, through which the long chain of life and death of human life and the consequences of karma, reincarnation is mentioned.
8. The first truth is in that, of the world (lokiya). Third Noble Truth, the cessation of suffering, although that depends on us, the superpower (lokuttara) and transcends beyond morality. Extinction is a legal Emperor (dhamma) must be insight by mental vision (sacchikātabba). This is not a case of refusing outside world that is rid of any attachment inside to the world outside. Therefore, Nirvana not be created (uppadetabba) that must be reached (pattaba). Nirvana can be accomplished even in this present life. Thus, although it is conceivable that rebirth is an essential doctrine in Buddhism, the ultimate goal of Buddhism is to terminate the rebirth - not depending on the future, because they can achieve in this lifetime .
9. To eradicate a powerful capability (craving) cầ
10. Absolutely pure, completely freed from birth and death process endless, a mind no longer entangled little pollution, state immortal (amata), is the blessing accompanying the great victory this.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.30/10/2016.

Meaning Positive Thought In The Middle Of Buddhism
By Doing A Ham.

A. Introduction
Buddhism is probably the source of life and human life, is the platform for the world. With lofty mission was sacred, not far from the Buddhist entity of human suffering. Buddhism is facing the same suffering, find ways to eradicate suffering spiritual magic, bring peace and happiness to the human world, helping people build the life of Truthfulness-Compassion-American.
He says: "Buddhism in the world, not apart from that enlightened the world. If you leave the earth in search of Bodhi, no other seekers rabbit fur horned turtle, because it is never" (Buddha law in the world, feeling the world cup, cup mịch Bodhi, cable bowl as visual range - Bao Kinh above). Buddhism was born to serve man, left the Buddhist people of all missions.
Noble spirit that was shown throughout the journey preaching for the birth of the Buddha. He just said:  Suffering and suffering Road Kill  ..
Indeed, human life has always propelled into constant suffering. The disappointment, frustration and tragic conflicts often take place on the stage of life. Human life is fleeting and temporary. But there is no ancient religious persons how to find the way out of the suffering of birth, aging, sickness and death. The appearance of the Buddha in this world marked a major turning point. He has found the path of liberation for myself and for all beings. He has really opened the door of immortality, lifted the veil of ignorance and from there those who practice his teachings, can escape rebirth, Bodhi Nirvana attained. This is the ultimate goal of the Buddhist school.Although public on any battery, the angle of its nature remains one, as water poured hundreds of rivers and seas that net a salty taste. Likewise, the teachings of the Buddha, though many immeasurable, but that's only a taste of freedom.
But each class depending inborn Buddha who preached and the reception of heterogeneous human development, but finally have reached the ultimate peaceful purposes. This is a consistent point in Buddhism.
Doing A system function is a fundamental doctrine was. System from this basic teachings that implement and develop the level of ultimate perfection. Based on the teachings Agama, we can assert that the entire system of Buddhist scriptures in general and in particular Agama have to bring consistency to the final destination of the holy life is the craving, attachment, ignorance, liberate all humanity cankers and directions straight to nirvana, peace.
However, to achieve this blissful destination, we have to practice the method of the Buddha taught - this method is a practical education system of our hearts and minds, is the world's known since 25 century through, rather than a method of abstraction, or metaphysical musings. This method is also called the  Middle Way , the righteous way of life, a system of moral philosophy, a practical approach taken by themselves, be recognized as a path to liberation and rational. This method teaches us three things: do not be evil, willing to help others and keep pure mind - healthy.
This topic is very meaningful and practical. However difficult this practice. The reason is because the inherent weaknesses of man. Human behavior holds an important role in one way of life. Buddha once said: "My teaching is not to come and believe in, which is to practice." This promotion fits it thoroughly study his teachings in order to consider whether or not to accept this teaching. No one is required to accept this lifestyle so without first comprehend his teachings.
Realizing the value incredible useful regardless of his teachings, as well as through business practices Agama, and especially today, apply to modern life, can be seen as a platform the majority of humanity lives.
B. Content
History Agamas bi-
1. History compiled:
A canon is an economic function primarily of the organic necessarily sect (Sarvativada) referred to as the Property.It can be said of Tibetan A business function is a reincarnation of the original Tibetan language Magadhi. This organ is formed during the first compiler occurred in 554 BC. From the beginning the new formation, just handed (Samgiti) has not been written into the language.
Later on the way of development of the organic sect separated from the Venerable sent around the time 300 years after the Buddha's Nirvana (3rd century BC) and to establish themselves in the northwest of India, including Mathuara two centers (Ma-collector-la) and Kashmir (attacker). But it was not until the first century AD under Emperor Asoka calendar (Asoka) of Tibetan A new function is documented in the language Sanskrit (Sanskrit) by the contribution of the Brahmans, Buddhists called Panini. Such economic Tibetan Agama texts formed by after two centuries the Pali Canon, as Pali is formed at the end of the third century BC under King Asoka.
In terms of content right from the beginning of recorded Tibetan Agama into 5 sets: School, Central Magazine, and most Increases equivalent Elementary Agama 5 of Pali: Schools, Middle, respectively, the rise in costs and economic Elementary .
However, after a period of development, the spirit of openness and tolerance, the organic radical was the admission of some of the mass of the transmission from Southeast Vesaly up, mainly into sub sets A function.Thus bringing the number of dozens of trading on both, so Elementary Agama no longer remain any more form and content, which must be converted into a new noun is Journal Agama, then switched to Tibetan Bodhisattva. It is a precursor of Tibetan Mahayana historically.
Meanwhile the Conservatives of being automatically withdrawn from the magazine Agama some of the A Ham Sub, forming of special services such as the Dhammapada, Born economic, business Duyen, complex example is vv..goi A Lower Ham Ministry. That is why today's economic Agama 4 sets. Conversely Pali compiled from far remains form, content and quantity. It is excellent in terms of the history of the Pali Canon and Agama.
2. History translator:
Buddhism spread to China in the first 67 years of the first century AD, under the Emperor Ming of Han. But it was not until the beginning of the 5th century, a large part of the new Han Tang translated Sanskrit into Chinese characters, including 4 of Agama.
  • Agama school: Do You Da Yasa and his Buddhist Mindfulness Truc translated the first two years after the Western calendar in the capital Chang'an, born Dao Tan and his collaboration with the derivative record. At the same time the organizers of the performance translator Path Captain Sung, including 22 books.
  • Kinh Trung and Tang Nhat A Function: Due to price increases to Ms. He translated for 2 years 397-398 AD, in the capital of East Qin Qiang Ants. With the collaboration of La closely Sangha Sanskrit terms and by Path From notes. Also Buddhists advocacy work in translating poetry is Upper Lam Vuong Nguyen.
  • Central A Ham has 60 books, 18 products.
  • Increase Business Best has 51 books, divided into 11 52 the law.
  • Business Review Agama, so he Cau Da Na Baht translated into life Tong Liu, with 1362 trading.
3. A noun meaning Ham
A function is a blanket term for only 4 of Agama. It is the School, Central, First and Magazines A Boost function.
Agama Agama is the translation of the letter sounds. There are two primary means.
Countless French Rate : according to the property, ie Dharma said during a function is supreme, no one approach can be compared, no further measures.
France Regulation : (As Thich Increase Million - Chang'an), France Regulation is the root of all good, is captured the all forests, both erudite, just rich, just immense, traces of sage notes stupid, guilty blessed, analysis of the causes leg puppet, portable, record the success or failure of this ancient, covers all the earth and sky of thousands of species, which arises because this religion, because this law that exists. Such as oceans, rivers are pouring hundreds of, so-called French regulation.
After the first two weeks of preaching religion Flower Adornment Sutra, the Buddha has preached for 12 years of Agama. Contents Agama teachings, the Buddha focused out except ego, greed and attained kill Bodhi Nirvana.
B.II- Profiles Introduction - The Meaning of Positive Thought Through Buddhist Middle Way Of Doing A Ham
Exalted eyes looked far beyond all miles
Exalted heart as abyssal blue
gentle hand torch burning midnight collect
gold and frankincense With European legal affection!
Buddha - who want gold revered guru. Who found the "light yellow religion" as the sun shines brightly samsara impure ignorance. If Prince Si-Scoring-David since he was forever enjoy the pleasures of palaces, besides the intense love of the royal women with lesbian hands of bride ... He must have nothing to do prescribed glasses. But, happily! Soon realize the reality of life is full of suffering by birth, aging, illness, death, impermanence is seen surrounded life, the prince had left the capital on the road in search of truth. After the extraordinary battle that lasts more than 6 years, through many of mortification, still not found a way out of suffering, he had to abandon this method, myself into the deep forest, not a support from outside, do not be guided by a supernatural capacity yet, lonely, only relying on the wisdom, the effort itself with extreme determination, he has entire sections of greed, hatred and delusion, aggregates make an end of suffering. Finally, he has attained the real nature of the law and became a Buddha, one who is omniscient.
After enlightenment, not enjoyed his optimistic approach, he has set out the legal wheels turn mortal. The truth he has empirical and teach us to practice, that is the way " Middle Way ".
Now, let's go to learn significant  Middle  His was the last lecture of Tibet Agama.
Overview About the Meaning "Middle Way"
Middle Way , if enough is known  Middle origination  (Majjhima Patipana). Standing on a philosophy is not an absolute path chemistry problems, separatist ideas all attachments, do not accept and do not accept very useful, not excessive and not insufficient, separatism and extremism of bother brain, very afraid of liberation, enlightenment, attained Nibbana is called the  Middle Way .
However in view of the economic and ideological Agama  Middle  practical in nature. Said this means that  the Middle Way  is defined as special practices, super Vietnam dualistic, dualistic, absolute truths, but still exists as grace and flexibility of all time, space and the existence of self for others and the law.
Therefore, we can assert that Buddhism contradict with the majority of other religions, when cleared path " Middle Way " and propagate the teachings taken centered mirror, instead of dogma taken headed god. Thus Buddhism inward and aimed at individual emancipation, the teaching must be yourself enlightened. Buddha has repeatedly exhorting his disciples:
"You have to put forth effort
Tathàgata The people just point the way" - 
 (Dhammapada v 176)
"You make yourself self-improvement, self-rising,
And open to receive the teachings of the Buddha.
Let's shake the army of death,
as elephants rocked a picturesque roof hut" - 
 (Review Agama I, 156)
For the first time in world history, the Buddha taught that one should not seek liberation by depending where a savior, though he was a man or a god.
Traditionally, the goal of the majority of humanity is destroyed completely, or eternal longevity. Materialism followers believe humans after death absolutely nothing more, become nothingness. Some religions maintain that the ultimate goal can only be accomplished after life, in unity with an omnipotent character, or an inexplicable energy or in other words, a permanent form of immortality lamb.
Buddhism teaches people to " Middle Way " ultimate purpose of Buddhism is not extinction, because without the expenditure to everlasting destruction, nor eternal longevity to chemistry forever. The ultimate goal of Buddhism can be successful in this very life.
Through this, thinking  Middle Way  is explained sequentially according to the following issues:
(I) the Middle Way - It leaves extremes
As Spinoza wrote: " What often happens in life and cherish human being, considered the best, can collapse do 3 things: wealth, good reputation and ambition. Three things make hope affect the mind can hardly think of anything better "(Buddhist holistic view).
Indeed, it was the habit of the concept that satisfies all desires is the best happiness. In sensual gratification to make sure that there is the happiest time of the dream, expect, while enjoying life and when recalled the similar material pleasures. But happiness was indeed magical and temporary.
To illustrate this problem, let us look back to the past of our pontiff, when he was a prince, taste smell enough material pleasures in life, such as Kinh Trung Agama describes:
"... The day before us, when not studying religion ordained, is gone from the place offers travelers, from leisurely leisurely place, from extremely mellow life ..." - (Phẩm General - Business Needs puree)
Around him is brocade silk, is, eat delicacies, servants, beautiful wife and child ... But he said that these are only momentary pleasure, all it will be modified, perishes due to the devastation of the time. Living in velvet which he called a negativity was bound. Therefore, Lord Tathagata noted that:
"... It must be birth, old age, defilement and pollution. Why still engrossed chasing things that nature is also like that. Since birth, aging, sickness, and death shall, defilement and pollution, we were aware of the disadvantages of these things. I try to find what is not successful, the supreme and absolute fulfillment of Nirvana. " - (Increase First Agama - the I - page 145)
Just one other passage of Ham III's Central Business A highly skilful with paragraph describes the anxiety and regret of the prince while still enjoying sensual life.
"... Qualities multicultural stupidity did not, because no disease so arrogant, conceited, distraction, and due to greed and delusion implies that birth, not practice the virtues. Qualities foolish not multicultural, since you were a child should pride, conceit, restlessness, and by greed and delusion implies that birth, not practice the virtues. Qualities foolish not multicultural, because longer life span so arrogant, conceited, reporter spare, and then by greed and delusion implies that birth, not practice the virtues ... "
Get clear like the night the Prince should leave "golden prison" find the truth engaged 6 years spent thinking and empirical methods which extreme religious practices of the sect. He has brought out such strong willpower waterfall, solid as the mountains to win won the constraints of the flesh, no matter how well-austerity to the end of the row of ascetics. He ate little by little, starvation, and thirst, the only one to date sesame seeds. Regal body with dust wind amnesty expenditure of desolate mountain solitude. Quiet and meditate! He had been struggling with time and overcome all situations, sometimes forgot myself, all minds are focused thinking problems "human liberation and spiritual emancipation" desire subsided known coal of earthly suffering is her struggles!
But have not found a world of light energy beings, has languished, and then one day on the road to find direction, he qu down roadside.
Oh! life was painful, why we are trying to do more pain. He thought: "The practices as well as strings. Strings are too high will break and the music would fly. Strings and music too low will not shut up. Please use the guitar strings are not too high and not too low. Executive director too, too happy or too big, not a sincere way, because bodily pleasures are very passionate soul, but the miserable shape disturbed souls. the road to liberation are parted two extremes that! Keep ink that bill is directing all win. " A noble soul in white, a sharp intellect developed in a robust body and purity. Seekers need to promote new intellectual desire liberation and enlightenment "(Combs criticized China Agama)
After few minutes of reflection, he said: "Even the hermit or ascetic in the past have suffered stinging sensations, severe pain or aches way, this level is the same, can not more. but how much has gone through tough austerity and pain that we do not achieve something good, worthy of the noble and enlightened wisdom transcends the human condition. Or is there other roads leading to the noble realization reasonable? " (China A Function 36 - Book I) From there, the experience itself, he was aware of to make sure that the rigorous ascetic practices can not benefit, although the philosophers and monks of the time asserted that lifestyle that is essential to reach finality, that austerity just to reduce the intellectual and mental fatigue he immediately joint practice ascetic methods mistakes, as previously abandoned beneficial lifestyle nursing delay only moral progress, for their buffet independent path, a means golden and finally found a road  middle  compromise between the two extremes and become a god on  the Omniscient .
Even in the first sermon Buddha propagated the path  of Middle Way  which he himself had discovered and also the essence of his teachings.
First, the Buddha advised the Taoist ascetic 5 should shun religious extremism 2 entrance is avaricious and austerity, because both can not lead to state of the first President. The main question was the first Buddhist scriptures declare:
"Monks, there are two extremes that religious practice should not. What are the two?
A - indulgence in sensual pleasures slack effort is vile vulgar, profane, not value human dignity saint, not related to the purpose of liberation.
Two - mortification is painful, do not value human dignity and taken to saint septic injury.
The Road  Middle , Bhikshus that Tathagata has realized shun extremism and bring dharma and knowledge, leading to quiet, realization, full enlightenment and Nirvana. "- (Business Zhuan Falun )
The Buddha describes these two extremes is vile vulgar, profane, not value human dignity and unhelpful saint, should not be misunderstood that such means Buddha withdrew into the forest without enjoying life His life-not so narrow-minded to the point.
Oil wrong person with virtual sensuality is how, for who knows calm, reflection, material pleasures is indeed short, never fully satisfied and only result in unhappiness. Refers to the earthly happiness, the Buddha taught that collect property and assets enjoy gathering, the two sources of worldly delights. But no true religious persons when looking delighted in chasing the temporary pleasures, and most of the time.
In contrast with the avaricious, the other extreme is a persistent effort in rigorous ascetic practices. This extreme critics, the Buddha taught that this is a painful method, not value human dignity and unhelpful saint different from the other extreme which he described as vile, vulgar and profane. How often have these men honestly determined to abandon all attachment to sensual to outline his new record closes this suffering to successful emancipation completely out of the troubles of life. Buddha was himself suffering religious experience that way and described it as useless, only more misery increases.
Through this, we see both extreme notion on inadvertently put people into a vicious circle, wrong and depraved.As ambitious as the blind man caused anger and all the other suffering. Enemy of the whole world is greed, so all evil to man, when hampered by a cause which is craving turns into anger, and then from there the human fall into their own nets were stretched by the desire to seek pleasure, like a spider in its nets. Moreover, once people enjoy sensual life to the extreme, the greed, hatred and delusion arises, that everyone involved arises, it will build up a heavy feel now keeps people in samsara forever damnation .
To prevent greed, suppressing any external physical temptations, the Buddha taught us to know the  basics sexual minorities . As the statue of Sri Du - China A Ham III recounts the Buddha's teachings about desire except the following:
"Human life must be very motto, remains only to cover his shirt, eat only in order to survive, have to travel to take care bowl where travel is not nostalgia, like the swallows bring wings hover in the air ".
It is true that because of the info is enough wealth, happiness and peace. He knows well enough, lying on the ground happily see, people do not know enough, in heaven nor satisfying. Do not know enough is rich but poor, poor and rich enough to know. "- (Business Di Church)
Not only that, the Buddha continues to teach about the cessation of craving by  "Prime household units, usually a closed concept, conceptual want to achieve intelligent, upholds the notion that the mind is achieved, every start right view, when excellent sight is not clinging appearances, does not immerse your identity, as well as to avoid that upholds eyesense, not being greedy mind, giving the brain, so for ear, nose, tongue, body, when the know measures are not grasping the dharma, do not immerse the legal position, because evade and upholds the apartment, in the heart of the brain not being greedy pros "-  (Du Statue 391-392 Meters)
Such means want to get rid of greed, we have to collect photographic senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind), when exposed to green earth (Lust, sound, smell, taste, touch, law) so they will not be contaminated, before sinking into that place from which they escape the misery they cause.
On the other hand, the Buddha taught by the ascetic mortification, ie due to misperceptions, belongs to the dominant viewpoints should also form a business sense, so also bring damnation forever human suffering that can not be freed be, never hope to Holy fruits.
Business Review A Ham III, with the talk about the ascetic not legitimate, not true, unjust, no benefits:
"It was hard on themselves, austere life, he initiates everything ascetic, ardent attempts at peace somewhere, but he can not leave the heat current brain, nor be more legal persons, such office win amazing viewpoints peace "- (Business No. 912 - page 286)
Finally not bring anything for himself and all humanity. By acting wisely, secession on two extremes, depending upon living in absolute truth. Absolute truth that is immediately experienced the daily activities, in four postures, sleeping in the dress, the normal action under the laws of nature and laws empirical. As King Tran Thai Tong said:
In life, just as grace direct funny
Every tired to sleep hungry, eat instant
full repository's only treasure search
heartless For such scenes asked meditation
(Ii) The Middle Way is rid of the negativity
Psychological afflictions are hot, frustrating, approved pollution stick to all phenomena occurring in all activities of the spirit, our feelings. It obstructs the path to professional direction, from the perspective of pure and free that looked down her psychological system, the generic name we give it  disturbing , is released as dust blind resplendent mind like clouds dark leper made the stars. In Sri Statue Du (China A Ham III) mentioned by name in psychological disturbance is:  Greed, anger trained and dullness torpor, and doubt Trao exchange .
This is the vicious mentality contaminate human character, now as chief humanitarian organic contraband. It is the same as the legal obstacles and prevent the development of the spirit, is obscured by the friendly French law, especially meditation and bound within unwholesome mind ... It completely locked, cut off and blocking the door to go into liberation.
Journal No. 706 A Function II of the Buddha:
"Monks, there are five methods that can make dark, making no eye, making no mind, makes less intellectual reflection, no intelligence, no sense of equality, not divert Nirvana. What is 5? that's greed, anger trained and lobes free, and suspiciously foreign Trao. 5 it makes my darkness, hath not seen ... to Nirvana. "
Next Beijing also mention negativity following 5 items:
"Hey, you monks,
Greed, hatred Nhuế so,
as this year,
growth of afflictions,
do cover the earth,
deep Attachment difficulty levels,
covering legal Prevent beings,
Makes not see the right path" - 
 (Journal Agama - Economics 707 - page 693)
Business Increase Business Best and Upper Cross - School Agama Buddha as He Shariputra (obedience Buddha sermon to the congregation of monks) mentioned 5 measures need to rid: "Monks, How is the need to eliminate legal 5? that's 5 hindrances greed, hatred, dullness, foreign Trao and comfortable. " In Agama again emphasized:
"A close immoral, Monks, said in a righteous way is said to 5 hindrances. Indeed, the whole pile Bhikshus unwholesome ie 5 hindrances."
Increase First Agama mentioning paragraph 5 also legal obstacles:
"Monks, there are five obstacles, hindrances as interest coverage, as intellectual weakness, 5 obstacles was associated with suffering and does not lead to Nirvana. What is 5? Sexual desire, this Chu monks are the obstacles, hindrances as interest coverage, as intellectual weakness, golf ..., dullness torpor ..., Trao exchange ..., Comfort, monks, as do many obstacles government interest, as intellectual weakness "
Thus, we see almost in all of Tibet Agama 5 refer to legal obstacles, always make our minds confusion, negativity, stop our progress, obstacles 5 that acts minister out did harm to that, we will in turn, learn to find ways to cope.
a) Greed
Including the form of lust, greed, ambition, desire, lust, desire, anxiously clinging, attachment, natural enemies because ... the whole world is craving, through participation craving, all disturbing to all beings, human beings are entangled in the scene panic, confusion. Due to the clear understanding and transparent nature of craving, the origin of craving, cessation of craving and the right path leading to the cessation of craving, unleash ourselves, troubleshoot and make the situation becomes clear.
So greed is what? Beijing mindfulness - Middle Agama III said as follows:
"Where there is joy and delight, the desire originates and arises. Lust, sound, smell, taste, touch, approach areas where nature is joy and delight from where he originated and craving arises . When the craving is prevented from becoming disaffected and infuriating. "
Greed here is considered sexual motive behind an act of humanity ignorant.
"Greed is born grief advantages,
Greed is born of fear,
greed Who exit,
no sorrow, Where fear." - 
 (Phẩm Hy charity - Dhammapada 215)
"Who lives in this world,
clearly had been craving,
grief will grow,
as the grass was rain" - 
 (Food Craving - Dhammapada 335)
Warm-China Economic Suffering In Agama Buddha also describes a very vivid way the evils of greed.
"Indeed, Monks, by craving this king war against another king, princes with princes, priests with priests, citizens with citizens, the mother quarrels with son, son quarrels with mom, dad argue with me, I argued with his father, brothers and sisters together, friends with friends ... They grab each other stigmatized, even enemies together, use weapons to kill each other, to then receive the consequences the dead, the fear, then engenders remorse - pain or distress. "
Thus the craving is evil harm growth, the roots of food craving wide and deep. Its harmful effects " reach for and grasp a period ". Greed is a very powerful capability, always latent in every human being and the main cause of the majority of misfortune. Greed main coarse or subtle, make us cling to every form.
Craving can not only own a villa, not the nature or perhaps human life, which is the result of a prevailing ignorance of the chain operate. So craving nature of ignorance and suffering. Individuals can not search for anything in the world of greed, because it transforms impermanence. The more dissatisfied human greed fell deeper into sorrows, more human suffering as holding craving, this is the existence of attachments. The contents of the attachments included:
- Hold insight, perception is called prime
- Hold the wrong gender precepts called prime
- Hold down argument accept the argument called self defense
- Hold it preferred and preferred holding heart-called prime fitness
Grasping attitude was the cause of the conflict, struggle, competition, war and how much life down mourning.
All that suffering is a consequence of insatiable greed. So let's listen to the voice of the Buddha urgency to halting the scourge of greed " Please dig deep and dug roots of greed ," only in this way will we be able to save us not other way.
We can say that in the history of religion, the Buddha was the first to explain the origin of suffering, without mentioning an alien or supernatural: " The suffering of my well is because actions my, and my action was due to my craving "(translation Pham Kim Khanh 1973-29). When absent craving, of course, no " greed hanging on the ceiling contingent " and where there is no desire, which was all negativity also faded. Greed is the stronger, the more profound suffering, how much yearning, sorrow much. Melancholy is the debt that we pay when certain fostered greed.
Join the leading issues of the people, by the people most likely to see, so before Nirvana, Buddha reminded: " As the meat rot festering place ... If patients do not seek treatment early, long birth to identical poison must die ... soon to worry ordinary craving treatment, if the delay was not diligent, then you will fall ... "(Han organ - Beijing Nirvana - is Thanh Hanh - translation Thich Tri Tinh's)
b) Golf Nhuế
Nhuế yard or hatred, malice, anger, discomfort or upset. Anger is the downside of greed by anger is meant to fill the craving. Because of greed without satisfaction or instant float unimpeded field. Once the well field, any crime is daring to do, all suffering always dare to create. All the ferocious, fierce, evil that arises due to the pitch. Field types with type ulterior outbreak.
Ear heard a word, find a pleasant action immediately booed loudly angry outburst is golf. This type of field is very dangerous, but the enemy knows conspicuous ease. And what do you want, hampered by others, he was angry red face, mouth uttering rogue waves his hands and feet dance, body movement ataxia way. If when this enemy, the possible compromise magically come back, otherwise there early attack was inevitable. A well-yard phen was a storm broke harms unforeseen dangers are. Harms and dangers in our lives are brought by pitch. People who embrace anger contain poisonous snakes in the house, disaster came easily in just moments.
Having pressed the fire power ballast outburst of anger, but they nurtured it implicitly. When the ear heard, they get angry and pins in my heart. This silent anger that countless evil, because the object is not known to prevent pick. Those who have hidden anger is dangerous poison humans. It is difficult to find coal fire that spend long time. Anger as he embraced this beautiful house that is filled with toxic fumes. Those who lack the sophistication, the superficial comments, inevitable poison gas was choking, but the people who harm themselves are not what peace. So golf is a threat for you, for all the suffering in the life to all lives are caused by pitch.
On the other, nurturing hatred overshadowed by anger and minds, if not controlled in time, evil thoughts will permeate the mind and obscure knowledge, make the blind, not see the reality. It distorts the whole consciousness and its concomitants contact, and thus interfere with the light of truth, closed the path to freedom.
Greed and hatred based on ignorance and lies in the fuzzy clouds of ignorance, the climax of our madness. Greed, hatred and delusion, not only delay the growth of the mind, but also the root causes of all conflicts, all disputes, and all divisions between nations and between the different countries .
Obviously anger extremely dangerous, because they that lead to turmoil, insecurity in the society and community.Flower Adornment Sutra says, " First anniversary starting center field, technical literature department declaration" means a concept emerging field, the hundred thousand gates are opened karma. Buddhist books written, " Nhat tinh chi fire, burned thousands of instant energy expenditure paint merit ." angry mean a spark, can burn through all forest sample merit. Indeed the fire was burning up hatred between humanity, and has burned is burned countless merits, career how much humanity has sweat and tears to make up. Therefore want except anger, Buddha has advised us that:
"Weeds harm the fields
that human harm Anger
Offering anger level cups
fruit can imagine being truth" - 
 (Dhammapada - 357)
c) Marriage and downs - Swedish free
A drowsy state of mind, not sad work. It is not laziness leaning state belongs Nhue body, as some people tend to think so, because, even to you Arhat, perfect being is the level has completely overcome the hindrances sometimes you feel tired body. Sloth dullness makes us lose zeal, less determined, then the national spirit becomes weak and lazy. Because the impact of deep torpor couples - mind can not operate effectively, such as butter too thick, flocculate, making it difficult to spread on bread, or as malt adhesive on the spoon.
Deep hypnotic trances is dangerous enemy of spiritual development. In that state of drowsiness leads to dullness and ultimately leads to mood hardened indifference. Such soft temperament is a dangerous obstacle on the path to righteousness and freedom. Buddha teaches us to be diligent, be new mental effort hopes to overcome this bad. He once declared that:
"Thanks to the zeal trying
sedate life Resist
wise man built island
steeped Floodwaters difficult" 
 - (Dhammapada - 25)
d) exchange Trao
Also known as restlessness and anxiety. Normally the human heart restless fault that nervous. Sinners and impatient people are often obstacles. When the mind becomes spontaneous, it is like bees broken drive, just fly buzzing around constantly and remain so hard to be. Ie a course perturbed mind can not calm, the situation is so perturbed an obstacle on the path to calm, upward path. Status anxiety is detrimental to this. When the other person forever anxious, every thing and another, the other end to the other, things are done and what was not done thoughtfully and always anxious about what the life of the garment risk surely his mind is never at peace. All disturbed emotional discomfort, inconvenience, anxiety and restlessness are obstacles that hindered access to the mind dwells.
People often repented of sin which he has committed. Buddha did not praise the attitude of regret that, because the fix was falling to the ground, you do not weep little benefit. Instead of crying, whining such shortcomings, we should resolve to not repeat the same evil deed in the future. Someone disquietude for neglect miss an opportunity to create good karma, or have forgotten their duties. This too, in vain, to do so is like standing on a river bank and told the other side step closer to his past, rather vain. As anxiety about the good deeds that miss did not do, or try to create positive karma, which is the instructions given by the Buddha.
Instead of:
The deeds
Done repent born
tearful coal that
will bear bitter fruit"
  - (Dhammapada - 67)
then we go:
"He created karma
done unrepentant
heart breezy joy
constant picking minute" 
 - (Dhammapada - 68)
e) Doubt
Is suspected of all, do not believe cause and effect, karma; The commentators explain that this obstacle is the lack of the ability to decide whether something certainty. Skepticism here can be divided into three aspects:
Auto Comfort: It means your guests, such as listening to you say to  "Cultivation will be liberated", but self-doubt that:  "There can be no religious know?" Because he suspected heart hesitation should not practice
Comfort measures: That is my approach religious facilities, such as when listening experience she said,  "The Buddha mind even, from one day to seven days, is the most negative mental disorder, until death will be Amida to lead the country of birth of ecstasy. "  But they were suspected  " that approach is that right like that? "  Because that without doubt tu
Comfort lovingkindness: That is his instructor suspected. As someone taught:  "Healing will be blessed, do evil will be guilty,"  but think  "I do not know this person said real?"  Because the suspicion that without
Thus, people who suffer from diseases skeptical uncertainty, incurable, it is not decided something, then clearly you're doing is extremely harmful. And except when to terminate his mood, the other will continue to suffer because of it. Date and time, but people were skeptical mood swayed do spirit, as people sitting on the fence, it's a very bad spirit severe to cultivate the mind works. This can be overcome for anyone, oil is not Buddhist or oblivious to the Three Jewels.
Five obstacles on the culprit here is the representative for the mind of defilements in the realms of education. Once the heart has been disastrous obstacles on instilled, will not be able to remain in a good way on any topics that pure nature. It is true that the other person can concentrating on an object, the unwholesome thoughts like lust, anger, delusion ... Everything that is wrong to. Date and time that the spiritual impurities or desire exists where does evil thoughts still arise in him. Thus the 5 hindrances negativity is a major cause of suffering. All the anguish on his life, the anxiety nuisance, these obstacles are approached by 5 target liberation perpetrators. Hence over the psychological impact of human disturbances brought to individuals and society, or the elements of corruption and social injustice and war are all fulfilled in five hindrances. People are always surrounded by five hindrances.Therefore, firstly, I have to give peace of mind, it brings a new world of peace because " the world average average Mind ".
Doing A Ma Resident - School Agama II (page 37) stated:
"Eliminating the five hindrances, will be 5 deliverance:
As people get out of debt owed
by the patient as healthy
as the prisoners were released
as the slaves are free
as people through the desert is at peace ... "
To tame this five hindrances, people need to open up a new direction for thinking operation through the practice of mindfulness and awareness, evident when observing the interior has one of the 5 hindrances arise, perish the stars , so they no longer arise anymore ... so, the Buddha taught us, is the need to cultivate his interest obvious how to find the antidote, ie need to hone and develop the 5 psychological factors that sense, consistency, rapture, happiness, and one heart.
-  Enlightenment : the suppression of the concomitants on the object, its duty is levied on the object whipped, leading to audience interest. Enlightenment is the first offensive mind with subjects such as bees to flowers, when it wants to track the scent of flowers.
-  Shop : is posted to thinking highly characteristic and continuous emphasis on objects, making the task of our mind is focused, as the movement of birds will use their wings for balance on nowhere.
-  Joy : There characteristics are happy, excited audience, its generals and high. Joy is the satisfaction of having achieved the purpose. Hy there are 5 levels: Elementary rapture, rapture like lightning, like wedding showers, wedding lifting up fullness, when the wedding was filled with the body and the mind lost touch.
-  Lac : As satisfaction, happiness, satisfaction increases the intensity of the corresponding method. Bliss is the real experience gained.
-  First heart : the mind on the object reside as a flame in a windless place, it is an element of meditation, while single-mindedly to achieve it becomes regulations.
This year chi meditation if we use the practice, it will get rid of the five hindrances:
Eliminate dullness sense
Quan eliminate suspected
yard HYU remove
foreign Lac Trao remove
remove join One Mind
Beijing China A Ham III said:
"If a person living with wisdom, meditating and sensual abandon evil evil mind, residence certificate meditation will accompany 5 chi is meditation discipline, consistency, rapture, happiness and one heart. In meditation this expenditure appears and removes five hindrances are greed, hatred, dullness, and suspected foreign Trao ".
However, to convince this way, we are very difficult to implement, requires effort, determination to eradicate the roots five desires, because it was storing, penetrate us from the "deep-rooted Emperor ", so we are always looking for beauty and affinity, language or, aroma, sweetness and mellow insult and away from color, sound, smell, taste, touch opposed. Greed the stronger, the more knowledge is nurtured. This is leading to rebirth engine generation to generation. When that changes, the ceiling of 5 arise sorrow sadness, irritability. Even if the man is holding her 5 beautiful ceiling, the ceiling variable fear 5 is enough to cause suffering damage, sifted flaming heart. Even when the craving is present awaits received 5 beautiful ceiling, also caused fluctuations, anxiety, anxiety ... That is the meaning of suffering collective stand.
Getting caught up in greed, human sexuality is difficult to escape from, because when people think about you, how can I be beautiful, wealthy, high status ..., from which they defied trampled on people, trampled happiness rights of others, and to live is to enlist because of money, status ... is above all, they believe that honest living too is stupid.With this concept, they believe is right, but really just a wrong thinking arises from greed, conceit and since then outbreaks heart. If someone affects their ego will surely furious, anger attached to the puzzle rebel k, jealousy, glue whiz ... So the greed, false views, romance, golf, disabilities , xan, currency ... under the unwholesome mental states cause engine is oppressive, unjust social pulled.
Therefore, the Buddha gave methods to solve the causes of insecurity, confusion was. That is the positive approach, both practical and intellectual. That approach is the way  the Middle Way  or the Eightfold Path, which I will mention below.
(Iii) the Middle Way Noble Eightfold Path is practiced
Increase Business Best A Function (I-80) has raised the long stretch of human happiness can be enjoyed in the transitory life:
"Through the senses, people are more attracted to Chen, then indulges in it, and cling to it to enjoy life pleasures. These are obvious facts, can not be denied because of the experience of living. However, sensual delight we both are not sustainable, it must change. we sentient beings and the world that he experiences both are constantly changing, arising and disappearing. All are reeling in a vicious circle, with no expenses gone beyond fluctuating state, and the state capital of any cellular service. Due to the ephemeral nature of this temporary, there is nothing really worth delight. there is happiness but it exists only temporarily, then disappear like drops of snow, and make room for the unsatisfactory situation, there is no true resting state in the universe, although human fatigue, thirst with desire how much is resting relative can rest, but absolute rest can not be found. Happiness does exist, but only a chimera enchanting status. Eyes saw it was gone. Subjects yearn no longer there, when we reach up and hold or to grasp in your hands, it quickly disappears. "- 
The solution to the problem of suffering, conflicts, dissatisfaction in life is  the Noble Eightfold Path  that Buddhas Enlightenment beings of all times gave transmission. This road is the practice of Buddhism. This is the only way, no other path leading to enlightenment and liberation. So  Eightfold Path  is what? Business Review Agama III specify:
"Monks - I will talk about the eight noble part. What is 8? That's right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration" - - 
Eightfold Path  , or also known as the  Noble Eightfold Path , because it not only helps people to live true personality, morality but more than that, this road also brought people freeze up the higher realms of spiritual level St. - liberation, enlightenment, attained Nirvana, happily, the first President. So can confirm that,  the Noble Eightfold Path  is the path of self-interest inward away from contaminated to purity, from ordinary to the holy.
Right View
Is the correct understanding his broad knowledge ie the four noble truths. In other words it's chief minister is the insight of myself. Beijing Rochitassa taught: All truth universe is perfect in this one-fathom body. According to Buddhism, the chief is the important factor is indispensable to achieve the ultimate goal.
Journal Agama Buddha taught III:
"Monks, what is Right? That is to say there is charity, there is discipline, there is good practice, evil practice, with good and evil retribution issue, there is life, there is life, there are parents, beings, have Arhat, cleverly to, cleverly oriented, self-knowledge, complete, the evidence ... " 
Leave a next business chief is also mentioned two things:
"Right there anything useful illegal mundane, with attachments, road toward healing.
No. Right has made saints of the world, ways of non-attachment, right feet, clean end to suffering, to liberation.
How useful is the Chief is illegal, there is grasping, heading to the good? That is if other people saw generosity, with the sermon, act in good faith ... to see the world no longer has Arhat body next life expectancy.
How is the Right of the Earth saint outflows, non-attachment, thoroughly clean genuine suffering, to liberation?Noble disciple means thinking about suffering, set, kill, religion, ways of thinking, in line with measures already selective, differentiated, heart failure, insights, observations static sense "- 
Chief Chi  (Right Thought)
The right knowledge. Given the right understanding, right thoughts, not contrary to reason, to his advantage and to others. Thought only reject thoughts or liberation, the idea of ​​selfless love and non-violence, are extended to all species.
"What is the chief Chi? That is the definition of renunciation Nhuế failure, on numerous Nhue, the unfortunate maneuvers.
Chief Chi got two things:
-  There are main types secular media, clinging there, the road toward healing. Secretarial means even (or thinking) about liberation, not thinking about golf, thinking about the harmful district.
-  Is there a direct primary production holy earth, outflow, no defense, the right to end suffering, to liberation. Saints disciple means thinking about suffering, set, kill, religion, ways of thinking about, about France respectively, to distinguish self-determination, the understanding, measurement savvy. "-
Right Speech
Words true, that is not a lie, do not say this person piercing anxiety makes the other person, do not say and do not say crass nonsense. When one abstains from these forms of wrong and harmful, of course one has to tell the truth, to use words that are friendly and benevolent, pleasant and gentle, meaningful and useful. One should not say indiscriminately contrition, words at the right time and place needed. If you can not say something useful, it is better to remain silent is noble.
"Right speech two things:
- Is there anything secular, illegal possession, possession defense, toward healing realm. That is the true word, apart lie, said two blades, said brutality and said embellishing
- Is there anything saint of the Earth, outflow, very obvious, rightly, clean all suffering, to Nibbana.Disciple means of thinking about the suffering saint, set, kill, evil religion leaves the network, leave 4 evil of mouth, other acts of the mouth, outflow, shuns, not attachment, hold on, keep no violation, the right weather, do not exceed the limit ". 
Right Action
Righteous action, can create good karma. Right Action to generate ethical behavior, venerable and amiable. It advised we should abstain from destroying life, from stealing, from dishonest business, adultery, and that we should also help others to lead a life of gentleness, venerated in the right way.
"Right Action has 2 things:
- There is now a secular main thing ... That is apart from killing, stealing and sexual misconduct.
- Is there anything Noble chief of manufacturing industry ... That the world is thinking about suffering, set, kill, religion, exorcism and evil deeds network of relatives and other harmful actions of body, outflow, no attachments Center , not grasping, preserving not commit, do not fault the weather, do not exceed the limit ". 
Right Livelihood
Righteous live birth. Keeping a clean body and mind. Right Livelihood means that one should also give up being chewed by a profession that brings harm to others, such as trafficking in weapons, intoxicating drinks, poisons, killing animals, cheating etc..And alive living by honorable, innocent and not guilty for the people, animals. Here can be seen Buddhism is strongly opposed to any kind of war, when it lays down that the arms trade is a means of living evil and injustice.
"Right Livelihood has 2 things:
- Something Right Livelihood secular ... That is true as to food law requirements, ngọa instruments, medicines, but not not exactly legal.
- Is there anything noble right livelihood of the Earth ... It is the saint's disciples to think about suffering, set, kill, director, wireless network for illegal misconduct, non-attachment, preserving not commit, not fault the weather, do not exceed the limit "  .
Chief Effort  (chief means)
Try to control your body and mind right feet ie strong will.
- To prevent bad things not yet arisen
- Abandoning the evil has arisen
- Doing good things arise that have not been incurred
- Growth conditions have arisen
"Right effort has two things:
- Is there anything right effort mundane ... Ie effort, desire, effort, super production, durability, is set, diligent, permanent artifacts, photographic life of mind is not at rest.
- Is there anything sacred right effort belongs to the Earth director. Disciple means thinking about the suffering saint, set, kill, director, Center outflows recollection, strong attendance, super production, is established, afford ability, artifact diligent, persistent, about France Photography life, not at rest " 
Note righteous, constant attention to contemplate body, feelings, mind, legal, ie the attention of:
The activities of the body
feeling or impression that
mental activities The
idea, ideas, concepts and things.
"Mindfulness according Agama complex also has two things:
- Is there anything secular mindfulness ... That is, depending newspapers anniversary, anniversary coincides recollection, not forgotten.
- Is there anything saint mindful of the Earth ... Ie saint disciples, thinking hard, set, kill, religion, ways of thinking, respectively, depending newspapers anniversary, anniversary coincides recollection, not oblivion" 
Right Concentration
Photographer mind on one point. This is vital, so that the mind can get insight into the real nature of things.
"Parent of two things:
- Is there anything concentration of secular ... That is not chaotic mind dwells, life photography stop abruptly, most Samadhi Center
- Is there a noble right concentration of the Earth ... That is the thinking of the suffering, set, kill, religion, ways of thinking, respectively of mind dwells not scattered, Life photographer, stopped abruptly, most samadhi mind. "  (Journal Agama - Trade 785 - page 104)
As we can see, most of the teachings of the Buddha expounded throughout the 49 years mentioned in one way or other by this path, we should not think that the eight sectors in this path should be followed and practiced one after the other, in the order above. We have developed almost simultaneously with each other and each helps the cultivation of other sectors. As we have towards liberating concentration obtained can shuns enchanting discover the truth.
Such amendment should want is to mindfulness. So detailed are the original 7, the concentration of support coast (Journal Agama - book 28)
"Saturday was part of an inheritance, then, is this mind Samadhi called basis of sages have enough"  (Sacred Way of Central Agama)
The students are taking intelligent dhamma (IP) as the basis ... The true knowledge is the right view. Chief is right concentration can arise. Right view is so wise, is photographic practice religion, as riders must have eyes, while seafarers must have a compass. So " five factors that signal, progress, concepts, intellectual property, the intellectual head of photography because it is maintenance. The importance of the right understanding of faith is overcome operating normally. Assuming that the world has upper primary level is increasing, whether hundred thousand lives, never fall into the beast . " (Journal Agama - Economics 750 - vol 28)
Get the right view to be first, get right effort, mindfulness compel that moral progress, as of right practice, specializing least one lap in the right view, efforts in the right understanding, the understanding of right from the main press ( right thought). Like right speech, right action, right livelihood, too, take the right view, right effort, mindfulness compel "seven branch practice before it is right concentration" (Middle Agama - Sacred Path of)
If the right understanding of cause and effect good, the continuation of samsara and liberation is still just the right view of the world, it can " help towards improving road " that can not manufacture that. And as for knowledge as truth about imperial quartet is "unfortunate renunciation Y, y on sexual ly, y to kill, which aims to release discharge" (Journal Agama - Economics 763), is the right view toward manufacturing world rescue. Being right understanding Dharma then turned to the media district. It was turning into the ideal of right and launching his judgment thinking, decision made, make his third career fair, corresponding to opposing views. So while the school district presented even there trying to show his own practice. That means "right action, right speech, right livelihood". The practice Dharma taken as intellectual origins, just the understanding of reason, "Right effort is the hatred towards kindness, consistent communication all the more. Because the pursuit of truth, self-interest in settling up the true true understanding as new medicine on which to appear. mindfulness, right concentration stage ie religious insight. Thanks to cultivate intellectual wisdom that arises outflows to be able to achieve enlightenment is liberation.
The practice of the Eightfold Path, that is, the incremental of Gender - Concentration - Tue. As well as the back of the triangle Property prior documents, private, religious. That is the right path of enlightenment to us, " If the monks do not have the Eightfold Path approach, there is no first recluses result, the second, third, fourth. So there is legal in the Eightfold Path Vassal , the result should be the first recluses, the second, third, fourth. "(School Agama - Business Travel)
"This is a clear testimony market, but many virtues Tathagata comes to practice, but all is not outside the Eightfold Path. As mindfulness Quartet, quartet district should, as Italy Additional Quartet, personnel, five powers, seven Factors of Enlightenment . Overall expenditure religion Buddhism it is said that the three organs upper school "(Journal Agama - volume 20). It was born the world rely on, rely on the wisdom of that development, relying on the wisdom that is freed. Eightfold Path of right do get started, because the district is not only the ultimate goal which is the basis of all such spending began popular.
(Iv) The Middle Way is to practice three ways of learning: About - Concentration - Tue
About - Concentration - Tue 3 courses, 3 methods are not damaged, no pollution. In other words, learning is 3 eradicate negativity, making three of the study are now pure peace and liberation.
* About:  is the Buddha invented in order to stop the evil. It also called Pratimoksa Rub, or peace pratimoksha parish, parish youth wages.
As we know, the early disciples of the Buddha are the vigilance and deep regret of human life, with the engine in the morning and sincere, no sex thing, it is still possible tu religious enlightenment. By the prevailing Buddhism, the motor home people do not have much more righteous few. So the new regulatory Buddha out Vinaya. But in the eyes of people outside the rule apparently much more, increase the inferior qualities go. (Economic and Trade Ca La - Central A Ham) had said something like this: "So what Samana predestined old punch at institutional rules which bhikkhus still more enlightened? For what Samana predestined day punch many rules that this mechanism monks little more enlightened person? "
In terms of significance, processing Buddha Sangha presented to management, making gradual self directed learners into precepts. So the Buddha taught:  "Chief of the law have to do gradually, slowly learning, slowly ... step by step instruction to ban international institutions for monks, nuns, Upasaka, upasikas"  (Middle A Ham - Beijing Zhan three)
Even people who play mind rightly ordained, sometimes also afflicted, it can not be his abstinence that transgression. This is a major hindrance to the practice of Buddhism. This is should be limited by precepts.
About the broadest sense of the inclusive righteous behavior but in the strict sense, the only limit is 2 parts to stop the evil and do good. Especially 10 basic instructions for both in-home and left home, contact the three now (body, speech and mind) and in favor of the good practice: no killing, no stealing, no evil mind, do not lie , do not say two blades, not slanderous speech, said not harsh, no greed, no golf, no delusion. As the Buddha said to Mr. and Mrs. La Di Ni old man in La Lao She's Central Business A Function that:
"Itself woeful end to decades, and charity concept cross direction and then, the students happy, happy student happy student then, students only immediate relatives to celebrate then, only then, the immediate relatives voluntarily Lac, then get yourself feeling optimistic and most interest from enough ... not to, no resentment, no anger, not war ".
The reason, the Buddha refers to 3 now (body, speech and mind) as it is called by the good and evil in human form 6 corners, 4 types.
Journal Agama,) recorded words Buddha told village leaders Thi Teacher: "If there is abdominal killing, should exchange, blame is not right, not right. If there is no stomach killing, no anger, no resentment, biopsychosocial rejoicing ... Tam and from there enough. and so taking that compassion antidote to steal, grab sympathetic joy that antidote to adultery, take town center, but the expectation of the term ". Thus, here one can take that to the quarterfinals immeasurable value presented separately. This is nothing but each item in particular, but in fact they are related to each other, including compassion for all communal joy. Relying on the 5 world, 8 gender, cross the quarter-karma that comes immeasurable. That is the most common teachings of Agama.
Here, the single precept of no killing election, Journal Agama (vol 37, Beijing 1044) recorded the word Buddha Bhikkhu Niu told village leaders has been that: "If someone wants to kill me, I would not be happy. I'm not happy the others, too. why kill it? If so examine himself, then absorb without killing and do not like killing. " Similarly for theft, adultery, language ... so promising.
Thus we see the Buddha promulgated rules, not the negative commandments, which clearly define the will resolutely doing good - a road built with perfect good faith, in order to create peace and happiness being of humanity.
* Concentration:  Tell enough meditation, called provinces hesitated, or focus on a topic, do not mind chasing scene specialist is called meditation.
Meditation is the practice Monday to practitioners favored foot in school, to be totally liberated. So Patriarchs often said: "Finished the most attention originating and everything is real measures" (send in one place, the center wanted to have done). Nowadays even spiritual meditation have shown a more positive way, because while the world is spinning in the work: rice, clothes, rice, money ... and other concerns in the minutes, second, in other words more people are racing against time to survive. If people do not balance the human spirit will be circumstances in life deadlock by the worries, busy. So meditation is relatively certain terms to help people keep the bottle in the Order of psychological life, and at the same time if a step further, people will flourish and end, will go to the rescue, Nirvana.
Buddhist meditation is divided into several categories, in which the hierarchy is considered most critical, depending on the practice of various high-low. Often in business approach focused on jhana, because this is the method most critical meditation of Buddhism, the Buddha attained enlightenment by his charity but also because even when Nirvana also enter this type. (Quote: Originally thought Buddhism Comment page 409)
As A Function of China, comes to the means to focus on a single object, to the mind is not under the delusion stampede. After precepts are pure as the premise for the trigger, but the attainment of meditation must:
"Living alone, far away, deep in the woods, under a tree, where the quiet, small slopes, caves, vacant land, groves, or go in the woods, or the middle of the graveyard, he after in ... strewn wilderness forest above the master sitting cross-legged. " -  (Business Integration Statue Du - Middle Agama)
Buddha's teachings show that he is very interested in the religious lives of the monks, because the method is meditation itself, it makes the mind mentally focused to achieve peace. Human habit is " interested member reviews the code " sailing on board under grace not always stay where, for 5 dishes drawn education, there is an obstacle on the path.
So education is the place refuge countless afflictions, if not smart, it's hard to get rid of until ultimately initiates.Religious education for all glass must if it is to enlightenment. Therefore you start practicing meditation, we must first " chase five desires " to be aware of the great harm color, sound, smell, taste, touch so loathed it. So we must boldly say: "My Education, we understand the nature of you, desire is caused by thoughts arise, if we do not think of you, then you will not be born." Agama Journal, vol 16, Beijing 1286 said:
"Were not the world, do this and you called sex. Your mind and a great sense chase is called elites education."
The religious education of cups of Buddhism is respected in the inner subdue afflictions, rather than all the world refused. If you do not know how to hold doors only, away from the five desires, they will sealable pagan smart as La Xa Na Ba alone (Journal Agama, vol 11 - Economics 282).
* Tue:  Here tell enough intellectual means. Tri's cognitive abilities, discern the reason. Wisdom is the clarity of mind, a brilliant smooth lucid clearly recognizable location make the truth of things (Dharma basic lesson plan - Thich Hien France)
Thus, the outflow of intellectual wisdom is not obscured by ignorance, not entangled stumbled afflictions in the world, bringing people to reach our happy holy one.
Here, the outflow of intellectual realization, to get 3 pirated intellectual property: office, private, religious as a means. If no hearing (documents) do not think (investment) can not be taken to cultivate wisdom, ie not acquired wisdom outflows. (Journal Agama - vol 30 - Economics 843) once said to take up spending 4: "Close to good men to death, heard the Dharma, inside right thought, secondary law, legal direction." This is thanks to the intelligent level 3 teacher whose wisdom literature arose, private, religious, to be able to witness the truth. It is also of course the order of the practice, it is impossible to be. But I learned the sequence that arise triangle wisdom can arise lousy, so the Buddha said about the quarter-y for benchmarking studies.
  • Health care law's estate (do not rely on the law depends on people)
  • Health care means any language (shifting cultivation means not words)
  • Health care willow willow means any means (depends on true meaning, ultimately, does not depend on the general sense means)
  • Anywhere y Y formula (based on wisdom, not based on conscious)
  • Close spiritual friend is to take legal purposes. But knowledge is not necessarily good, because the honor qualities can not guarantee credible nature of the teaching. Good knowledge so close, but not qualified authenticity of Dharma. Therefore, only the " Medical care law's estate ." When followed you practice, this is the only standards reliably, we practice Buddhism, sects should not be tied to the teachings of Master limited, so bad he hurt, to actively promote spirit " Health care law's estate " to clearly distinguish which is the teaching of the Buddha, the Buddha said that taking business district as the base, grab meaning of learner theory references. There is a new world cultural knowledge may arise accuracy, correctness.
  • He had to listen to France, right from the new wording understandable sense. But if the contempt that important documents, uptight words that hurt, it is the wrong means. So to " Health care means any language ". Kinh said: "Listen to the words of truth and matter that sexual birth, reaching tranquility cessation measures, it called multiculturalism" (Journal Agama - Book 1 - Business 26). Most documents can not be left in this holy words but empty table, but also not squeamish in words that mean harm. If not so, though to hear more, remember better, for Buddhism is still a fool, but do not know what more to hear.
  • Without distinction, considered custom media presentation engine is standard, it is difficult to avoid thinking upside down to the left. So said: " Health care willow willow means any means ". There are then taken to new investment exact insight, profound. If we consider all the willow meaning, every word is taught the fullness of Buddhism will make chaos around.
  • The fourth principle of religious instruction in wisdom. If expectations discrimination angle to form attachments that practice, though not as well as some liberation, can not lead to ways of right knowledge. So said, " Health care place any form ". Must rely on the ideal intellectual, religious non-discrimination which can achieve enlightenment.
Buddhism took liberating enlightenment as a goal, that'd then have to rely on the knowledge triangle writer, Investment, a new convent that reached finality.
Thus, About - Concentration - Tue 3 also elements of the road  Middle Way  that Buddha himself discovered, in other words more, three aspects of this program is 3 entity liberation. So true to this middle path is gradually hold true happiness and are going into the gate of the ultimate joy.
When it comes to school is an entity Tam release is within the inherent Concentration and Wisdom, Concentration inherent in gender, Property: Property inherent in morality, concentration. The degree of sublimation of one of the three factors of this is always related to the other two limbs. There is a new intellectual world knows the district, there is new knowledge to be stable mind (set). As implementing gender (ie perform natural law), the more understanding of reality. From that understanding the mind, the mind steady. When the mind is purified stable and the insight of reality more clearly and more positive.
Thus, by a process of gradual change, with a gradual work practice, practice gradually, one purged of all the impurities, pollution eradicated, to achieve full liberation.
(V) the Middle Way is dualistic separatism
Most of Tibetan Nikaya, the Buddha taught: "This world is only on the two most extreme care is" yes and no ". All of them have the first is approved, all that is not approved Monday, all that is accepted is a Tuesday, all of which are more or Wednesday is approved ... It leaves his extremist doctrine Tathagata  Middle Way ? the teachings of the Buddha explicitly advocated openness, ie non-attachment and non-attachment does not mean passive negative, but on the contrary are not rigid attachment is to promote the spirit of self-fullness in unobstructed nonattachment to generals, no longer clinging means going to the Middle Way. this is meant to be "not see any of them as possible, the new players have no sin ... so it is known to all the world will have no defense basis, who do not Zoo will realize Nirvana "- (Review Agama - volume 10 - Economics 272)
Such is the breakaway Middle dualistic, ie dualistic disapprove or approve not have, or at the same or different, one or two, head down and down ... all the concepts that are the problem was paragraph except by right knowledge, in the wisdom of sages. Says that means all predestined by birth, life just living line fluctuations, continuous harmony infinity. They mutually influence each other, mutual relations same identical endless:
This is so, that comes to be
born, then the other This birth
This is not the other one does not
kill the other one is The Removal
Magazines A Function 1 - Beijing 297 also said: "This should be the other had, this one should start the other starter, as ignorance commit coast, coast to coast mode operating with old age and death have given birth, bi, size, brain size like pure contemporary practice. "
On the space, the method including humans, is nothing but a combination of destructive and five aggregates elements, contemporary interior. On the time, the law is just the birth and death, relentless serial flow. As always kill so the legal entities can not " permanent " because the successive flows, so life is never " consumed ". Thus, Buddhist teachings never accept an eternal fall (generally accepted) and never accept " complete destruction " (mortgage segment). Not killing, not longer, all activities of the phenomenon is an ocean world constantly changes. Not killing, not even the road went into cognitive Middle truth means. Therefore also wrong to say no, to say there is not true, says a mistake as well, said the two also dislocated. So the only way to understand the interdependence of the Middle Way is not mistaken viewpoints extremists. Journal Agama - Beijing 297 Buddha has emphasized:
"Said another body, another network is not. Say the network itself is not a right. Because there fall into, not allergic to copper ignorance, consciousness, identity, color, green, contact, feeling, loving, prime, property, birth, old age and death as well. not identified as having, nor identified as not, that does not determine the truth there, it's not, it's born, it's destroyed. so the conditions are there enough, not enough conditions are not. no, but it's not there, then there should be according to grace. Yes, it's not there, because by grace and perish. so there is not no truth, stand up, location awareness such consistency, the clairvoyance birth, upon the Middle Way line, attained Bodhi, the Buddha ".
However, all the volatility and falling international phenomenon which we are aware. If terms can count, we depend on our perceptions. If left perceptions go, leave all concepts, all perception, all of current fluctuations minister also could not exist. Thus, reality is full of volatility, we are aware has been turned. Or in other words, the things we have seen is birth, there is death, there is often, concludes, has the most, with horror, had to go, clean dirty, there was a sense of loss etc. more by we. And the reality is the reality, escapism and beyond all concepts, can not, kill ... that our consciousness has dressed up for it. Mahayana reasoning Run Tin said: "All the phenomena which so far has nothing to verbal concepts, has nothing to discrimination, not what language, concepts or by discrimination altering and separate from nature. self in which equality, no high and low, are lost, and lost, kill ... "
Thus, the reality of equal capital, capital innocent, ultra Vietnamese capital every language concepts. But reality became volatility difference because the "stupidity" of consciousness. We always look reality is not intact anymore true nature, but on the contrary we look reality in the twofold notion. Everyone said pretty bad there, everyone said to then small, everyone says there is extremely limited, everyone can do it with other guys, everyone is clean, you dirty, everyone is born then there is death ... we always living within the limits of the concept that twofold, and the ideas that have lipstick, powder point for reality, distort reality, distort reality, making reality out natural variations manifold according to the concept of our twofold.
So the reality is not there nor no, not destroy nor birth, not often nor paragraph, not one nor the other, not to go nor ... , the birth and death, and lost, to go, usually passage, clean dirty ... the world of phenomena depend on conditions on the condition ie. A phenomenon arise from the convergence conditions, a phenomenon due Hy kill canopy interior conditions. The birth and death, and lost, is lost ... the world of conceptual distinction. Reality itself is the foundation of morality can, not the dirt foam phenomenon, how can kill, also lost, to go, to be clean dirty. 
"Truth is often indefinite nature nature
the physical infrastructure being destroyed," - 
From this judgment of reality, we see that the phenomenon and nature are one, nirvana and samsara are not one, not the other; also means that when people follow his hook the dualistic concept, the truth will be variable in shape hundred thousand forms. In contrast when we escape out of bound by dualistic concept is true in will return with its escapist every dualism is twofold, ie, went into the middle path, the road to competence of feet deep as. 
"Ceiling effect sa property ownership
is not necessarily Vi not
unlike hydro Quarter Organic
Organic Materials ago no no"
"Yes, it has itself iota
Not the whole world is not
as glossy Quarter For rivers
So know there is nothing new."
B.III- Importance of Middle Way in Life Ly Tu episode of the laity and export Gia
As described in detail on the significance of economic thought past Middle Agama. We have seen the power of the Middle Management It is very naturally, very natural for those who want to reduce and eliminate the obstacles, sufferings in life. Main roads have helped practitioners shun the two extremes avaricious and self-mortification."This is the middle path that the Omniscient One who has discovered and brought to teach, teaching to bring peace to the place, to the obvious comment, to enlightenment, to Nirvana." (Beijing turning of the wheel)
So, we can assert that the middle way is the only fundamental moral life bringing people to the noble and peaceful.
Middle Way path is not an abstract or a ritual path. This highway is not and nor dogmatic skepticism, such as yourself ignorant, nor that self-mortification. It is not the theory of immortality and nor nihilism, it is not the law of divine authority or from the imagination of mankind. That is the path to enlightenment, a way of liberation from suffering because of unsatisfactory. This road bowl abandon the idea that people today have suffered crimes committed earlier. Every creature, even the life of plants are suffering. Each person brings with him good things and bad things. Humans are responsible for the suffering or their joy.
Followers Middle'll find bliss and happiness really. People can live a respectable life and does not need to be a slave to any one belief. Thus, they are calm and happy, living in harmony with others and with the surroundings.
Middle way correspond most profound aspirations of the human nobility. It is true that it can help strengthen us to endure hardship and daily stress in addition to creating life purpose. The road does not cause fear in people, as well as good and bad is bad. Every action has its reaction, which is the law of nature. Middle way fully consistent with these laws because  "they reap what he sowed ." Humans caused the sinful act by greed, hatred, ignorance ... These blemishes can be overcome by a sense of yourself. Fortunately or risks that people encounter in life is not due to external influences but by the good or bad actions, by word and deed that they themselves have violated previously. For this reason the Buddha taught: " We are the result of what we do now ," this means that we are responsible for everything in our lives, no one in his own place to practice no one can remove all constraints, instead of suffering alone. And nor can the Almighty blesses, punishes us but ourselves. So each one must have a sense of responsibility and clear about his career created. We are the " masters of the industry, is now the heir of suffering or happiness are created by ourselves ca annealing". As Dhammapada 165 states:
Self evil we cause
infection deluded myself I
myself do good works
we purify body and mind myself
because we both net infections
should not mistakenly The
Main was aware when their role in the process of cultivation, new Buddhists arise any rotten belief and determination to practice the teachings of Buddha. With the sole purpose is to wash all sins in mind and just do good, towards the cessation of suffering, to bring happiness to yourself and to everyone right now in this life. The important thing is that we must be aware that the Middle Way is practiced necessities and indispensable like pieces of rice and clothing and the air that we used every day. Thus practitioners truly " live with " rather than " talking about ". Only by cultivating the mind after a long time, our spirit truly pure, happy and at peace.
This was skeptical when his expectations of Buddha Dharma uphold an order to bring ethics and social justice.Want to meet the desire of happiness without suffering morally, the nostalgic persist forever. As composer of Western genius - Mozart once said, " The desire is innate happiness of man, so it must be the basis of morality ".So the practice of the Middle Way approach and to build for the laity and ordained a moral life, culminating in the lifestyle that is liberation, enlightenment.
"If you follow this road
to make an end Suffering is
the path I teach
karma with thorns tri kill
yourself operating zeal" - 
 (Dhammapada - 276)
Clearly, we see China play a role religion is very important in the process of the human mind to practice Buddhism. The road was likely an end to suffering, now pure triangle, achieve win Bodhi mind and attained Nirvana.
C- Conclusion
With these features in the teachings of the Buddha through the ideological Middle of Agama, we can conclude that: beings as ignorant, clearly craving force, caught in the narrow self, self education minded, so behavior and knowledge not only do not see the truth of the law, but on the contrary it made obstacles. As they do not distract the East and West without distinction, but they also tightly East and West. Also, being accepted onto the five aggregates, aggregates should draw a floating 5 large, do not know is that acceptance often impermanent, mortgage segment is also suffering. For natural, social, where relatives were also interested in pressing widespread suffering. All activities take ignorance, self loving as he was getting into the original dedication of the human ideal, that man lives immersed in the tank died. If not freed by the passion, the love he will forever live in every conflict and suffering. The practice of religion for China Life that is turning ignorance into enlightenment life, transforming lives miserable life hung by itself in. Want to do so, must take the empirical Middle Way as the motto, and get away from the ignorance, towards enlightenment as an incentive to achieve the ultimate goal.Therefore, can prove to us middle path end to suffering and to achieve peace and happiness in this life, so missed it, the absence of happiness and present it as liberating presence.
In the present era, the civilization progress, with the industry to modernize the service of man full of material will bring happiness to mankind, but no scientific doubt as civilized society as the more advanced, people in crisis, heaving day by recession fears and environmental ethics. People just know plunge into the avaricious individuals forgetting a good direction and spiritual life, the hot and cold wars that threaten humans. It's time should alarm about the dangers of collective destruction caused by nuclear war, chemical and environmental pollution is rife everywhere. Such people are truly happy or not? This is a question that scientists are looking for molding minds.They forget that this question by Lord Shakyamuni answer about 2,500 years ago ago. He taught that people really happy to have the total extinction of craving and clinging. The road out of craving and clinging only we can actively and immediately implement existing in the sight of his own wisdom. That is the look " non-self " or " no attachment ".
Even where present and here, we are completely in control of his mind, mastering the ship runs to peace and happiness station. Key intellectual look that what mankind would expect. Because look that only the truth of his life, the happiness of the people and brought to light all the secrets of life.
So more than ever, methods sufferings or middle path outlined by Lord Buddha. This kind of approach has helped mankind built a solid intellectual foundation and this road also helped mankind rediscover nature's own people, bringing peace, happiness, calm after the second minute search, sailing on board a wealth of material aberration line. It is from wages for each practitioner. So let's use it as the site for yourself, please do unveiled ignorance torch goes to liberation, as Buddha's words:  "You make yourself the torch up and walk" .END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.30/10/2016.