[XVI - ON THE RESOLUTION his wife] « Patisambhidakatha »
1. [147] 'Thus have I heard. Bhagavan has a residence time Baranasi in Deer Park at Isipatana. There, he told the group of five monks thus: *
* This is the first sermon of the Buddha, the record propagate his teachings in Vin I 10-12. This economic analysis of Central No. 141va in Vibhanga pages 99-105; VbhA page glossary at 93-122 and in Vis. 498-510. About detailed explanation in Note method, read Rewata Dhamma, The First Discourse of the Buddha . Bhikkhu Bodhi read, The Connected Discourses of the Buddha II, Wisdom [Boston, 2000], footnote 380, page 1962.
"And what, monks, there are two extreme types of people should not be ordained to cultivate. Two kind?Type pursuit of pleasure vile, ignoble, worldly people, not lofty, disastrous; and type of practices of mortification pursue painful, not lofty, disastrous. Avoiding both these extremes, the Tathagata find middle interpretations do arise, do arise where, leads to peace, to direct stock position, to awakening, to Nibbana.Middle directed by Tathagata find out what it is? It is the Noble Eight Sector: right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration. This is the middle way by Tathagata looking into insight arises, where do arise, leading to peace, to direct stock position, to awakening, to Nibbana.
'This is the noble truth of suffering: birth is suffering, old age is suffering, disease is suffering, death is suffering, not like that encounter is suffering, like without being is suffering - in short, doing five sets of subject to clinging are suffering.
'This is the noble truth of the origin of suffering: the longing leads to rebirth, be interested and desire comes, enjoy looking at here and there; that is yearning for sense-pleasures, aspiring, and crave annihilation. [148]
'This is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering: that is the embryonic phase and is drained out of the remnants no longer crave it, reject, abandon, abandoned, rejected it.
'This is the noble truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering: the Noble Eight Sector: right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration.
'There is this great truth of suffering': This monks, the previously unheard as interpretations arise, arise where, wisdom arises, clairvoyance arises, arises in my light. Noble truth of suffering should be complete knowledge: the monks, the previously unheard arises as insight, wisdom arose, wisdom arose, clairvoyance arises, light arises in Me. Noble truth of suffering has fully understood: this Monks, the previously unheard as interpretations arise, arise where, wisdom arises, clairvoyance arises, light arises in Me.
'There is this great truth about the origin of suffering': This monks, the previously unheard arises ... as is the light arose in me. Noble truth of the origin of this suffering must be abandoned ': This monks, the previously unheard arises ... as is the light arose in me. This noble truth of the origin of suffering has been abandoned: the monks, the previously unheard arises ... as is the light arose in me.
'There is this great truth about the cessation of suffering': This monks, the previously unheard arises ... as is the light arose in me. This noble truth of cessation of suffering must be empirical ': This monks, the previously unheard arises ... as is the light arose in me. This noble truth of cessation of suffering is proven: the monks, the previously unheard arises ... as is the light arose in me.
'There is this great truth of the path leading to cessation of suffering': This monks, the previously unheard arises ... as is the light arose in me. This noble truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering must be practiced ': This monks, the previously unheard arises ... as is the light arose in me. Noble truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering has been practiced: the monks, the previously unheard arises as insight, wisdom arose, wisdom arose, clairvoyance arises, light arose in me.
"And what, monks, once the true knowledge as I about four Truth High Both through three phases and twelve morphological * not thoroughly purified in this manner, [149] I will not claim to be found the ultimate wisdom, in this world full thoroughly with gods, Maras and Brahma , in masses recluses and Brahmins, gods and humans. But once the real knowledge as I about four Truth High Both through three phases and twelve morphology was thoroughly purged in this way, then I claimed to have found awakening supreme capital in this world there are gods, Maras and Brahma , in masses recluses and Brahmins, gods and humans.
This perception arises in me: 'The liberation of the mind I am the estate. This is my last birth. From now on will not be reborn again. '
* Three phase ( tiparivatta ) are: (1) position to know about each of Truth ( saccanana ), for example: 'This is the noble truth of suffering'; (2) position to know about the work to be done with each of the Truth ( kiccanana ), for example: 'The Noble Truth of suffering should be complete knowledge'; (3) position to know about the achievements of each of Truth ( katanana ), for example: 'The Noble Truth of suffering was complete understanding'. He's taken three stages for four Truth have twelve forms ( dvadasakara ). Bhikkhu Bodhi read, ibid, footnote 382.
Bhagavan has declared it. Very excited, the group of five monks with great joy the teachings of Bhagavan.
'While the texts are lectures, interpretation of Dhamma is not stained dust clean and not infected with gonorrhea in false religions Kondanna arises as follows:' Whatever arises to perish '.
'And when Bhagavan moved Dharma wheel, * this earth Devas said loudly:' In Baranasi in Deer Park at Isipatana, supreme Dharma wheel was transported Exalted, will not yet be a monk, What brahmin, any gods, Māra yet, Brahma or any one in this world it's stopped. ' After hearing the earth devas said such large, in the realm of the gods Catumaharajika « four heavenly kings » said loudly: 'In Baranasi ... supreme Dharma wheel was transported Exalted, will not be. .. anyone in this world it's stopped. ' After listening to the gods realms Catumaharajika , gods realms Tavatimsa Heaven ... gods realms Tusita deva realm ... Yama ... gods realms Nimmanarati ... gods realms Paranimmitavasavatti ... gods in Brahma said loudly: 'in Baranasi ...' Thus, at that moment, that split second, seconds that moment, his voice transmitted to the Brahma wanderings, and ten thousand world system motion, vibration, shaking and a countless brilliant aura emitted in this world transcends miraculous power of the gods. Then Bhagavan uttered these inspiring words: ' Kondanna has really understood! Kondanna has really understood! Since then Kondanna named Annatar Kondanna - Kondanna who really understand! (Vin i 9; S v 420).
* Spk explained dhammacakka insight intellectually ( pativedhanana ) derived from intellectual and Exalted has made achievement of the results saint. Tri insight superpower belongs ( lokuttara );and agreed on discourses ( desananana ) arises from compassion to be able to teach His disciples a manner that they can witness the fruits of it. Hotel belongs to the secular discourses ( lokiya ). Only Buddhas are two types of job, others do not get. Wheel of Dhamma has been Bhagavan began shipping ( pavatteti nāma ) until Kondanna and eighteen Kotis (1 Koti = 10 million) gods strengthen stream entering fruition. Until they take refuge in the fruition then, the new Wheel start recording ( pavattitam nāma ). Bhikkhu Bodhi read, ibid, vol 57 page 743 I annotations; vol II page 383 footnote 1962.
2. 'There is this great truth of suffering': This monks, the previously unheard as interpretations arise, arise where, wisdom arises, clairvoyance arose, light arose in Dozen. [150]
3. Learning solutions arise : in what sense? Tri arises : in what sense? Wisdom arises : in what sense? Clairvoyance arises : in what sense? Light arises : in what sense?
Start-up is the obvious sense. Arises in the sense that location is known. Wisdom arises in the sense of understanding behavior. Clairvoyance arises in the sense comprehended. Start-up in the sense of light halo.
4. Knowledge is a conceptual solution. Is an idea location. Property is a concept. Clairvoyance is a concept. Lighting is an idea. Five concepts are objects support and the realm of the conceptual unobstructed . The idea is the object of non-support solutions, that idea is its field. The idea is very afraid of the field, the idea that the object of its support. So to say, the idea is to know about Tri unobstructed interpretation of the notion. [first]
Clearly meant as a mean, mean as it is known to be a mean, mean behavior as a means of understanding, meaning is understood as a means, is meant as a means halo. This year is the object that supports and is the area's very afraid of that award . Object definition is supported, meaning that the areas of it. What is meant its field, meaning that the object of its support. So to say, Tri said the award means very afraid of that.
There is a language conveying to indicate five kinds of concepts and communication language to indicate five kinds of sense. Ten of this type of language is object support and the realm of the endless problems of grammar . What kind of support is the subject of language, that's kind of it's realm. Which is kind of its areas, that kind of support is its object. So to say, Tri know about the kind of language is very afraid the grammar.
There [the case] position to know about the five types of ideas and [the case of] the position of the five types of means and [the case of] ten kinds of grammar. Twenty [case] is [about] where the object support and the realm of the endless problems of eloquence . * Which is the subject of non-support solution, that is kind of its fields. Which is kind of non-resolution areas, types of support that is the object of it. So to say, to know about all kinds Tri eloquence is unobstructed interpretation of eloquence.
* Planned financing ( patibhana ) here is meant to be wisdom Vietnam (Benjamin Clough) capable of knowing the origins and characteristics of all phenomena (R. Spence Hardy). Read RC Childers, A Dictionary Of The Pali Language , page 366 super Vietnamese Wisdom also elucidate, clarify, clarify three other award categories unobstructed. Read Nanamoli , The dispeller of Delusion II , dd.1942, 1951, 1973-74 126 pages, 133.
5. 'This noble truth of suffering should be complete knowledge': the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
6-7. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ... [Repeated e. 3].
8. 'This noble truth of suffering was complete understanding': This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
9-10 Architecture Prize arises : in what sense? ... [Repeated e. 3]. [151]
... So to say, Tri know about the types of eloquence is unobstructed interpretation of eloquence.
11. In the case of noble truth of suffering has 15 concepts, 15 definition, 30 [cases of] grammar and 60 [cases of] position.
12. 'This noble truth of the origin of suffering': This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
13. Learning solutions arise : in what sense? ...
14. Knowledge is a conceptual solution, ...
15. 'This noble truth of the origin of suffering should be abandoned': This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
16-17. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
18. 'This noble truth of the origin of suffering has been abandoned': This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
19-20. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ... [152]
21. In the case of noble truth of the origin of suffering has 15 concepts, 15 definition, 30 [cases of] grammar and 60 [cases of] position.
22. 'There is this great truth of the cessation of suffering': This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
23-24. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
25. 'This noble truth of the cessation of suffering should be positivism': This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
26-27. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
28. 'This noble truth of the cessation of suffering proven': This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
29-30. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
31. In the case of noble truth of the cessation of suffering has 15 concepts, 15 definition, 30 [cases of] grammar and 60 [cases of] position.
32. 'There is this great truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering': This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
33-34. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
35. 'This noble truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering should be practicing': This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
36-37. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
38. 'This noble truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering has been practicing': This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
39-40. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
41. In the case of noble truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering has 15 concepts, 15 definition, 30 [cases of] grammar and 60 [cases of] position.
42. In the case of the four noble truth together with 60 concepts, 60 ie, 120 [cases of] grammar and 240 [cases of] position.
43. Having this visualization of the body: the monks, the previously unheard as interpretations arise, arise where, wisdom arises, clairvoyance arises, arises in my light. This visualization of the body as the body needs to be practiced: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me. The visualization itself as this body has been practiced: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
'There is a feeling this visualization as feeling: This monks, ...
'Having this visualization in mind as the mind: the monks, ...
'Having this visualization of objects as objects of mind mind: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me. (S v 178).
44. Having this visualization of the body as the body: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me. [153]
Start-up is the clear sense ... Light arises in the sense of aura.
46. Knowledge is a conceptual solution. ... [And so as in paragraph 4] ... So to say, Tri know about the types of eloquence is unobstructed prize of eloquence.
47. The contemplation of the body as the body this should be practiced: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
48-49. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
50. The correct visualization of the body such as this has been the practice itself: the monks, the pre- light yet ... arises in me.
51-52. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
53. In the case of contemplating the body as the body has 15 concepts, 15 definition, 30 [cases of] grammar and 60 [cases of] position.
54. Having this visualization of feeling as feeling: This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
55-56. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
57. Having this visualization of feeling as the feeling should be practiced: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
58-59. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
60. The contemplation of this feeling as the feeling was practiced: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
61-62. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
63. In the case of customary sense as sensation has 15 concepts, 15 definition, 30 [cases of] grammar and 60 [cases of] position.
64. Having this visualization in mind as the mind: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
65-66. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
67. The mental visualization as it should be practiced mind: This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
68-69. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
70. The contemplation of mind as this has been practicing mind: This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
71-72. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
73. In the event center as center bar with 15 concepts, 15 definition, 30 [cases of] grammar and 60 [cases of] position. [154]
74. Having this visualization of objects as objects of mind mind: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
75-76. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
77. The object this visualization of mind as objects of mind should be practiced: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
78-79. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
80. The object this visualization of mind as objects of mind has been practiced: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
81-82. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
83. In the case of customary objects as objects of mind with mind 15 concepts, 15 definition, 30 [cases of] grammar and 60 [cases of] position.
84. In the case of the four foundations of mindfulness together with 60 concepts, 60 ie, 120 [cases of] grammar and 240 [cases of] position.
85. 'There is this platform of Kabbalah (the road to power) inherent to operating by the will and the effort: the monks, the previously unheard as interpretations arise, arise where, Property arises, clairvoyance arises, arises in my light. Having this background of Kabbalah has to act by the will and the effort should be practiced: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me. Having this background of Kabbalah has to act by the will and the effort has been the practice: This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
'There was this foundation of Kabbalah with the due diligence efforts and act as ...
'There was this foundation of Kabbalah with the due attention and action is an attempt ...
'There was this foundation of the Kabbalah there is because it thinks and effort ...' (S v 258)
86. 'There is this platform of Kabbalah has to act by the will and effort: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
87-88. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
89. The platform of Kabbalah has to act by the will and effort should be practiced: the monks, those things before ... light not arise in me.
90-91. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ...
92. The platform of Kabbalah has to act by the will and effort has been practiced: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
93-94. Interpretations arise : in what sense? ... [155]
95. In the event that the foundation of Kabbalah has to act by the will and effort with 15 concepts, 15 definition, 30 [cases of] grammar and 60 [cases of] position.
96-104. Having this background of Kabbalah has to due diligence and the issue is effort: This monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
... [Completed as above] ...
105. In the case of psychic platform with the due diligence efforts and act as 15 concepts, 15 definition, 30 [cases of] grammar and 60 [cases of] position.
106-114. Having this background of Kabbalah has to act as the mind and the effort: the monks, the light from the front ... not arise in me.
... [Completed as above] ...
115. In the case of psychic platform with the due attention and effort is operating 15 concepts, 15 definition, 30 [cases of] grammar and 60 [cases of] position.
116-124. Having this background of Kabbalah has to think and act so that effort: the monks, the pre- light yet ... arises in me.
... [Completed as above] ... [156]
125. In the case of the foundation of the Kabbalah there is because it thinks and attempts have 15 concepts, 15 definition, 30 [cases of] grammar and 60 [cases of] position.
126. In the case of the four foundations of Kabbalah together with 60 concepts, 60 ie, 120 [cases of] grammar and 240 [cases of] position.
127. Origination, arise: the monks, the previously unheard arises as insight, wisdom arose, wisdom arose, clairvoyance arises, light arises in the bodhisattva Vipassin (S ii 7).
'The killing, annihilation: the monks, the previously unheard arises as insight, wisdom arose, wisdom arose, clairvoyance arises, light arises in the bodhisattva Vipassin (S ii 9 ).
128. In the statement of the bodhisattva Vipassin 10 concepts, 10 definition, 20 [cases of] grammar and 40 [cases of] position.
129-130. Arise, arise: the monks, the previously unheard ... light arises in the bodhisattva Sikhin (S ii 9).
131-132. ... In bodhisattva Vessabhu (S ii 9).
133-134. ... In bodhisattva Kakusandha (S ii 9).
135-136 ... in bodhisattva Konagamana (S ii 9).
137-138 ... in bodhisattva Kassapa (S ii 9).
139 *. Arise, arise: the monks, the previously unheard arises as insight, wisdom arose, wisdom arose, clairvoyance arises, light arises in the bodhisattva Gotama (read S II 10 and 105).
'The killing, annihilation: the monks, the previously unheard arises as insight, wisdom arose, wisdom arose, clairvoyance arises, light arises in the bodhisattva Gotama (read S ii 10 and 105).
* In no segment POD 139, instead of 140. By the end of this thesis section, all segments will then be 140-171thay for 141-172 as in POD.
140. In the statement of Gotama bodhisattva with 10 concepts, 10 definition, 20 [cases of] grammar and 40 [cases of] position.
141. In the statement of seven Bodhisattva has 70 concepts, 70 ie, 140 [cases of] grammar and 280 [cases of] position.
142. Until the position that direct evidence of direct evidence [3] been witness said, was evident, received leg, proven knowledge and experience with, and for that there is no direct evidence that the place without be experienced by the intellect, it is the start-up, where start-up, start-up knowledge, clairvoyance arises, light arises.
In cases where direct evidence means evidence of direct position with 25 concepts, 25 definition, 50 [cases of] grammar and 100 [cases of] position.
143. Until the complete understanding that full understanding of proven know, ...
144. ... means abandon the abandoned ...
145. ... means of cultivation practice ...
146. ... of empirical positivism ... [157] ... light arises.
In case of realization of the idea 25, 25 that, 50 [cases of] grammar and 100 [cases of] position.
147. In the case of positivism positivist position, meaning complete understanding of perfect knowledge, meaning renunciation of renunciation, means of cultivation practices, empirical positivism of 125 notions, 125 ie, 250 [cases of] grammar and 500 [cases of] position.
In the event that gathers the set of 25 concepts, 25 definition, 50 [cases of] grammar and 100 [cases of] position.
149. Until that elements of proof known factors, ...
150. ... that the origin of the grounds ...
151. ... that is formed in the case is made up ...
152. ... that's not the uncreated light is made up ... arises.
In case that is not made up of not being made up with 25 concepts, 25 definition, 50 [cases of] grammar and 100 [cases of] position.
153. In the event that gathers the set, that elements of the elements, that the origin of the origin, that is made up of made up, that is not made up of 125 not forming the idea, 125 ie, 250 [cases of] grammar and 500 [cases of] position.
154. Until the meaning of suffering is suffering witness said, was evident, received leg ... light arises.
In the case of suffering that suffering has 25 concepts, 25 definition, 50 [cases of] grammar and 100 [cases of] position.
155. Until the source of origin meaning " suffering » proven know, ...
156. ... that termination of the termination « pain » ...
157. ... that the path of the road " leading to cessation of suffering » ...
In the case that the path of the road " leading to cessation of suffering » 25 concepts, 25 definition, 50 [cases of] grammar and 100 [cases of] position.
158. In the case of the four noble truths together with 100 notions, 100 ie, 200 [cases of] grammar and 400 [cases of] position.
159. Until very afraid that explain the meaning of the definition of non-certified solutions said, was evident, received leg ... light arises.
In that case very afraid of non-sense interpretation of the notion of meaning 25, 25 definition, 50 [cases of] grammar and 100 [cases of] position.
160. ... very afraid that the notion of non-resolution of the idea ...
161. ... very afraid that resolution of non-grammatical interpretation of grammar ...
162. ... very afraid that the eloquence of the endless problems of interpretation of eloquence ... light arises.[158]
In case the meaning of the unobstructed eloquence of non-resolution of eloquence has 25 concepts, 25 definition, 50 [cases of] grammar and 100 [cases of] position.
163. In the case where four apologists have 100 concept, ie 100, 200 [cases of] grammar and 400 [cases of] position.
164. Until the mind to know where others are witness said, was evident, received leg, ... light arises.
In cases where other people know the mind of 25 concepts, 25 definition, 50 [cases of] grammar and 100 [cases of] position.
165. ... know where prejudices and latent tendencies ...
166. ... Pair of Variable Chemistry position to know about ...
167. ... Great Compassion position to know about ...
168. ... know about the Omniscient location ...
169. Tri Know ... Until proven not hesitate to know, is clearly seen, receive pins, ... light arises.
In the case of Tri Know not hesitate with 25 concepts, 25 definition, 50 [cases of] grammar and 100 [cases of] position.
170. In the case of six Buddha's Dhamma 150 notions, 150 ie, 300 [cases of] grammar and 600 [cases of] position.
171. In the matter argued to 850 concepts, ie 850, 1700 [case of] grammar and 3400 [the case of] position.
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