Thursday, 16 February 2017

Author: MahaKausthila (Bu-ston and according Yasomitsa); Sariputra (according to Chinese documents)
The first argument is set Tuc Tuc thesis in 6 episodes. This argument presents a content identical set of organs Puggalapannatti Pali Abhidharma. The method used here is the same party Anguttaranikaya Pali. Ie the teachings issues are grouped according to the number of disciplines, from less to more. Also perhaps this is the form of simulated Beijing Phung Tung (Sangitisutta) of Dighanikaya - Pali should be called the Argument Sangitiparyaya.
On conclusion, the authors create and Bu-ston Yasomitsa are sure Mahakausthila, but the document says Han culture, the author of this comment that he Sariputra. He Mahakausthila and two are high Sariputra map of Buddha. Regardless Sangitiparyaya correct the work of one of the two or not, this argument still set Tuc is an ancient stature. A collection of 7 billion miles Friends Ministry, except that this argument set Dharmaskandha often quoted, for the other was set absolutely no proof is already there before Sangitiparyaya. A document exchange using the Sangitiparyaya have recounted that Sariputra (Sariputra) because there is little anxiety from the incident monks at Pava  1  should decide teamed fellow practitioners made a speech restoration projects aimed Buddhist art of impeding the doctrinal disagreements that may occur in the future when the Buddha disappeared.
Above the coast to reiterate briefly at the start of each chapter. And at the end Luan Sangitiparyaya Buddha praised him Sariputsa cleverly compiled to teach them the Buddha Sangha. Buddha taught us Increase thorough training to learn his thesis Sangitiparyaya Sariputra!
Very likely he Mahakausthila   've compiled this commentary after the second period in Vesali compiler to address Bhikshu group faults which served but then he was dubbed Mahakausthila Sariputra to work because of which he Xa Loi launched a speaking role.
Abhidharmakosa walker soccer REMARKS
Total amount: 12 products, 20 chapters, 326 pages
Author: Sariputra
the Chinese Translators: Xuanzang (660-663)
1. Origination Products
First is the introduction tells of the events that created Sariputra collection argument to debate the Buddhist scriptures as the monks in such Pava. Start each product, Sariputra always say: "Let us unite to compiler Law as soon as the pillar of world masters to avoid disagreements over doctrine when he disappeared. Chu sage parent live by the ideal practitioner Pham happy to Law handed down to the next can post and bring happiness to living beings. "
2. Best French Food
All living beings as the food, ...
3. Two French Food
List Sac French and French; Import and export regulations allow. Xuanzang added at the end of the said product is own views Friends Ministry.
4. Three French Food
Three Real friendly apartments, 3 shortsighted, 3 Right Thought, 3 Ta thinking, evil act 3, 3 men (dhatu), 3 categories of people (pudgala), 3 elder classes (including by age, according to social conventions and in the spirit of Dharma) ...
French Aggregates mentioned in chapter Argument 3. At the end of chapter 3, 4, 5, clearly stating that the Ministry Huu own.
5. Four French Food
Four Noble Truths, 4 Samana result, 4 types of people, 4 language theory, 4 Right Efforts, 4 boundless, 4 mindfulness and 14 other foursome.
Aggregates legal argument mentioned at the end of the 6-10 7. were Xuanzang's own notes Huu Ministry.
Pham Ngu 6. France
Five Aggregates, five aggregates, in France avarice, five powers, the Five Rights, in Retreat God, Five Animal, Five Hindrances and 16 other ranks.
End of the 11-14's own recorded Huu Ministry.
7. Pham Luc France
6 Soul body, emotional body 6, 6 great body, life itself 6, 6 world, 6 pine, 6 supreme law, and 13 sets of other continents.
Aggregates legal argument mentioned in the 15. At the end of the 15th there is own record Huu Ministry.
8. Actual France
7 Sense GMT, 7 class people, 7 Potential free, 7 St. Estate, 7 and 8 of the law Kill Avoid other furniture.
Last two products 16, 17 with own record Huu Ministry.
9. Products Bat France
Eight noble, Grade 8 people, 8 allows contestants, bowl liberation, 8 wins origin, 8 legal world and 4 other dishes.
10. Nine French Food
Organic net migration 9, 9 Développement.
11. Cross Products France
Project Origin completed 10 net, 10 measures uneducated. End products are recorded as own 19 Friends Ministry.
12. Product Promotion Marketing
At this point, the Buddha spoke praised Sariputra, determine the content of this argument is set Buddha and the monks should be advised that maintain life and propagate. 20 has recorded the last chapter of its own is Huu Ministry.
According to Chinese records, this is the second episode 6 Tuc Tuc Luan Luan. There are two Chinese translation for file Additional documents are translated treatise and from the same original. Xuanzang recorded that episode was his treatise Additional Vasumitra compiled in a monastery in Puskaravati (Peukelautis). This proves that the collective Additional argument, made famous in the world of Buddhist learning from the rising Chinese astronauts. The original title of the episode is Abhidharmaprakarana comment but since being put into place, the name Additional Comment on Prakaranapada changed. Letters through documents Prakarana Chinese means "type, First".
Here are the differences between the two translations yet we compare this to. First is the name, author and translator of two Han culture we will tentatively called the A and the B.
- In the A title is WE THE DIVISION translations A DISCUSSION billion miles, is assumed to be from the original name Abhidharmasastraprakarana, total 8 products, 12 chapters and 229 pages - The author is World Huu (born after the Buddha passed away around 300 years), translator of the verse Na Da La Baht (Gunabhadra) and Bodhi Yasa (Bodhiyasa) from Central India (435-443).
- In the B, the title is set Abhidharmakosa conclusion PRODUCT TYPE REMARKS TUC, is assumed to be from the original name Abhidharmaprakaranapadasastsa, total 8 products, 18 chapters and 294 pages - ISBN is Vasumitra (Vasumitra), translation authors are Huyen Trang (659 West Calendar).
1. Pham Ngu French Discrimination (Xuanzang translated The Five Action Products)
Discuss Lust, Mind, mental states, dissociation center operating, legal unconditioned.
A starter version, stating that he had Gunabhadra same Bodhi Yasa translated this comment from an original text Lake. This document is not clear lakes classic Indian or comment is written in a particular dialect in Central Asia that the ancient Chinese people still referred to as the Lake, so that only those from the West again as India and West area of ​​origin.
2. Discrimination Tri Pham (Xuanzang translated Attorney Chu Pham Tri)
Tables of ten types of location: France location, location type (Anvayajnana), Tha Mind, location Secular (Samvrtijnana), Noble Hotel, set location, location Extinction, Path location, location Getting, Infertility location.
Xuanzang, adding that this is the Ministry Huu own.
3. Enter Chu Pham Discrimination (Sir H. Trang Chu Xu translated Attorney Products)
Tables of 12 internal and external origin.
4. Food true discriminating (Sir H. Attorney Products Rover is actually translated)
7 discusses major issues of doctrine Abhidharma: 18 world, 12 of origin, 5 aggregates, measures 10 great earth, great earth-friendly measures 10, 10 and afflictions University, 10 depending afflictions.Parallel world which is 6, 5 exposure, 5 negativity, is 5, 5 right, 5 France, 6 informal body, emotional body 6, 6 life itself, a great body 6, 6 private body, 6 and 5 players loving relatives aggregates.
Xuanzang own security is the Ministry Friends.
5. Discrimination Chu Using Products (Sir H. Attorney Custom Coated Products Services is Cambodia)
98 Depending discuss Cambodia: World Education 36, 31 and 31 of Supreme Lust Lust. Xuanzang own security is the Ministry Friends.
6. Discrimination Photography Products (Sir H. Pham Trang translated as Associate Attorney Photography)
Candidate discusses the legal voters (Neyyadhamma), the outflow, the Legal Department of Food, Department of Communication Scoring. Xuanzang own security is the Ministry Friends.
7. Products astronomical treatise (Sir H. Coated Products astronomical translated)
Discussing the study, Samana fruit, nuts saint's motto, 4 primary needs, four-sufficient spirit, four foundations of mindfulness, 4 Noble Truths, 4 meditation, 4 immeasurable, the Enlightenment, the rights, the origin , the aggregates, the world ... Xuanzang own security is the Ministry Friends.
8. Food Photography Trach (Sir H. Attorney Products Coated translated Decision Trach)
Just review some issues were presented in advance. Xuanzang records that the individual is in Huu Ministry.
According to Chinese sources, this is the episode Additional Argument is ranked third in the 6 Additional Argument, and the author (he Devasarma) just after the Buddha passed away around 100 years. Although a full set of arguments there is no proof to show that it was born before the Ca Phat Tri Luan electronic warfare, a work dating back some 300 years after the Buddhist calendar. Xuanzang only records that this argument is set Devasarma compiled at Sho-Ka-Pi (Visoka) near Sravasti (Savatthi).
Total amount: 6 aggregates (book), 12 chapters and 310 pages.
Author: Ms. Forum Thread Arhat Ma (Devasarma), 100 years after the Buddhist calendar.
Translators: Huyen Trang (649 West Calendar)
1. Maudgalyayana Aggregates
His opinions about grades Maudgalyayana person, the rights and legal interest, negativity, the knowledge, enlightenment. Be noted that the Ministry Huu own.
2. Additional Characteristics Old La Aggregates
Grade 8 people, 6 informal body, four foundations of mindfulness, ... Related Matters between the so-called People and Not (Sunya). Be noted that the Ministry Huu own.
3. Dependent Aggregates
Ten and fifteen cases of consciousness, consciousness itself past, is recorded as own ... Friends Ministry, from chapters 4-5.
4. The Coast Coast Aggregates
Thinking about the good and evil ... At the end of the program's own recorded 7-10 Huu Ministry.
5. Review Aggregates
Discuss 6 body form, in two cases of liberation of the mind (by knowledge and by elaborately practice), about 18 world, ...
6. Achievement Aggregates (Samanvagama)
Discuss Friendship Learning fruition, uneducated, and the fullness of the heart defect.
Author: Purna (according Yasomitra and Bu-Ston)
Vasumitra (according to Chinese documents)
Standing in fourth place in 6 Additional Argument. Originally, this argument can Tuc two or three parts.According Buttons Mechanical (pupil of Xuanzang), the largest section 6000 hearing information, the second part consists of 900 listeners smallest details and section 500 hearing information. Xuanzang's translation is the two mentioned above, there are 830 more listeners only. So named because of which discussed all relevant issues which Huu Tam French Ministry decoupled part to collectively About France (dhatu).
Although the title of the thesis is as Yasomitra Dhatukaya provided in Note Kosa but I (Takakushu) still think its true name to the Tibeto-Chinese like Catalogue was noted that Dhatukayapada (Ta Tu Ya Fa Ta Chia ) from which the name is Han culture Additional argument About Body.
Total amount: 2 khanda, 16 products, 2 chapters, 43 pages
Author: The Friends (300 years after Buddhist calendar)
Translators: Huyen Trang (663 West Calendar).
According Buttons Mechanical, this translation was completed by Xuanzang fourth of June lunar, tidal Long Soc third year (663 years Western Calendar).
1) Ten Great Land France: Feeling, Perception,, Contact, Volition, Fitness, Winner, Niem, Tam Ma Thread (samadhi), Tri.
2) Cross Great Sorrow Land France: Ignorance, rooms booked, laxity (Kusita), No Credit, forgetfulness, confusion Center (Vikkhepa), Real primary voters (Asampajanna), Absurdity volition, Ta liberation, Article election (Uddhacca).
3) Minor Earth Fetters France: Mindfulness (Kodha), Fujian (Makkha), Khan (Macchariya), Disabilities, Brain, Damage, Han, stem, Huyen (Satheyya), Kieu.
4) Five Fetters: Sexual desire, Lust lust, participated Immaterial, Golf, Nghi.
5) Five Ants: The body is, too obvious (Antagraha), Ta is, Ants players (Ditthiparamasa), the first precept.
6) Five French: Vision, Quartet, Soul, heartless, Vo Quy, 5 exposure, 5 apartments, 6 apartments, with relational approach.
Discussing the relationship between doctrine issues 88 through 16 legal definition group. Starting at 5 life, 6 official, heartless, no quarter (two unwholesome place). Three groups constitute a separate section.
Buttons Mechanical, students Xuanzang, who notes that: "About My own thesis is the view Huu Ministry, is one of 6 Additional Additional Phat Tri Luan Luan. An Xuanzang has translated this thesis Additional Day 4 6th lunar month, the third-year reign at the hospital Long Soc Tang Yu Hua. original story full of hearing About My argument with 6000 information. Then find the original too cumbersome a shortened scholars into two different versions. the 900 large auditorium and the small details only 500 auditory information. this translation includes 830 auditory information. the author of this thesis is his ... Buttons the my World Friends see Dharma sinking boat between life should quickly jotted things related translations as far as is known, to avoid oblivion. "
Author: - Arya Sariputra (according Yasomitra and Bu-Ston); - Mahamaudgalyayana (according to Chinese records)
Argument is set Tuc Tuc fifth in six of Huu Luan Ministry. Additional oil is classified as a treatise but in all aspects of content not inferior Play Tri Luan. Maybe so do not go too deep into metaphysical issues such as France Additional Argument Aggregates Luan Friday should have addressed all the key tenets of Being Ministry. Importance of Aggregates Luan France were you the author of the other argument Additional attention. Such authors Sangitiparyaya (first argument sufficiency). As for the author of the thesis, the French Aggregates far it has not been determined that he or she Mahamaudhalyayana Sariputra.
And the text of the French Tibetan Kanjur MDO Aggregates thesis in ... traditionally been considered one of the original works that Xuanzang used but compared to the back is a totally strange comment.
Abhidharmakosa LEGAL ARGUMENT aggregates TUC
Total amount: 21 products, 10 chapters, 232 pages
Author: Ma Ha Maudgalyayana
Translators: Huyen Trang (translated in 659)
Is 1: Learning Land
Discusses the precepts, ...
Is 2: Project Save Expenses
Discuss Stream-winner fruition ... To be recorded as separate Ministry of Being.
Is 3: Certification Net (aveccapasada - estate credits)
Discussing the net credit to the Three Jewels and the field, the standard of a saint.
Is 4: Sa gift
Ban on 4 floors holy.
Is 5: Action
Ability to coordinate unpleasant feeling optimistic.
Is 6: Holy Race
4 class discusses Buddhist followers. Be noted that the Ministry Huu own.
Is 7: Chief Wins
Discusses four primary needs.
Is 8: Spirit Tuc
Discuss 4 Additional factors attained Spirit: Concentration, Need, Breast Cast and Real Education (achanda). Be noted that the Ministry Huu own.
Is 9: Recitation Head
Discusses four foundations of mindfulness. Be noted that the Ministry Huu own.
Is 10: Truths
Include a review of Economic Theory Zhuan Falun.
Is 11: Xu Lu
Only discusses meditation practice. Be noted that the Ministry Huu own.
Is 12: Immeasurable
Discuss 4 unconscionable. Be noted that the Ministry Huu own.
Is 13: Formless
Ban on 4 floors Immaterial meditation.
Is 14: Tu Dinh
Detailed tables on raising the floor meditating controls.
Is 15: Enlightenment
7 Sense discuss spending. Be noted that the Ministry Huu own.
Is 16: Review The
Expand on the center of France.
Is 17: Apartment
Tables of 22 Right.
Is 18: Land
Tables of 12 Origin.
Is 19: Aggregates
Discusses 5 aggregates.
Is 20: David About
Discuss 6 About 18 About 62 About. Be noted that the Ministry Huu own.
Is 21: Origination
Dependent students discuss 12. Be noted that the Ministry Huu own.
Tinh Trading (664 West Calendar) have left a note as follows:
"France Aggregates thesis is the most important part in the works Abhidharma and also the origin of the system of doctrine Friends Ministry. This commentary by Mr. Dai Section Contact compiled. Being Ministry is leading schools of all schools Buddhism and owns a huge heritage classics from Phat Tri Luan, Luan Ty Ba Sa, Thuan Chanh reasoning, Hsien Chan Chun Luan. Zang Xuanzang shaman French translation completed the fourteenth day of the month Aggregates argument lunar nine to fourth year at the Tang Dynasty Hien Khanh Uyen Hoang Phap pagoda Tu An, the capital of Chang'an. Thich Quang penning Samana, business Static text correction, evaluation Tri Thong translation ".
Author: General Category Contact (according Yasomitra and Bu-Ston) - Anonymous (by Tibeto-Chinese Catalog)
According to Chinese records, this is the sixth episode 6 Tuc Tuc Luan Luan's Friends Ministry. But in the Chinese treasure texts, set this argument itself is a suspected problem exists. First of all, it was not until the eleventh century, this approach has not yet translated into Han culture and the author's name is not clearly defined. The argument has 14 (or called Mon), but the first (the EARTH Thi Thiet) were lost, only mentioned in the Explanatory Notes. And Sanskrit original of this district is also not comment. There are also all the other commentaries is not in the classic Chinese literature. As for me (Takakushu), truly original issue of this argument completely suspicious. Although many have tried to see Amrtasastra Wassilief as a consubstantial of Prajnaptisastra. And there is no basis to prove that the thesis is in Huu Ministry as in the case of the other argument Tuc. But how well dressed, we must temporarily accept an Additional Prajnaptisastra of Huu Luan Department while still not found a critical evidence.
Total amount: 14 product (subject), 7 chapters, 55 pages
Author: Anonymous
translator: French households (Dharmaraksa) from Magadha in 1004, along with other translators.
1. Products (subjects) For France General Luan Thi Thiet EARTH:
This product was lost completely, we just left a note as follows: "the World Food Test Equipment only in the glossary, section chief argument is not original Sanskrit." And other commentaries say about this product must not be said.
However, there is a possibility the World Food assumed Thi Thiet addressed world issues such as Mount Meru location along the ocean, on the operation of such eclipses. By the Chinese cultural treasure with a treatise (Code No. 1297) entitled A Pi Li Shi Lun Tan (4 digits after the Avici discourse) and Nanjio tried to restore the original Sanskrit form is Lokasthiti- abhidharmasastra, including content discussing world issues that would, if this product still retain the same thing.
2. Human Test Equipment Products (Karanaprajnapti)
Loss of precious discuss Dharmaraja (car treasure, treasure horses ...)
3. As above:
In addition to the treasures, while commenting about 32 excellent minister, the prince 1000, ...
4. Ibid:
Remind students to top story Bodhisattva Thien before birth rate.
5. Ibid:
Identifying the First Bodhisattva charming, talk about Nirvana, ...
6. As above:
Minister expand on the 32 spot of the Buddha and Dharmaraja, the legal nature of the Bodhisattvas, ...
7. Ibid:
Buddha's teachings against greed, anger, ignorance along the way escape afflictions.
8. As above:
Meaning of collective start craving for life, the difference between the living body and a dead body, ...
9. As above:
Ban on Swedish Kiss, arrogance, Brain Damage, multilingual, Long term, rot interior meditation and by their grace, ...
10. Ibid:
Mount Meru and the height of the flame of another contemporary painting.
11. Ibid:
The differences between Buddhas spiritual with his disciple.
12. Ibid:
Tables on the ocean deep.
13. Ibid:
The difference between the beings.
14. Ibid:
8 why it rains, ...

1  Traditionally, the problem Pali canon at the Cardinal Pava just Kien Tu Ni sect died, they split map. And that's Sariputra Phung preached Business Litigation  (G.Nguyen)  - see the fourth episode Dighanikaya
2  If this is high Mahakausthila told him of the Buddha, the map seems ridiculous because the compiler first period to the second period compiled at least a hundred years. Meanwhile from the Buddha in the world, he was an elder Mahakausthila seniors.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/2/2017.

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