Some problems in the Abhidharma.
1. Classification compounded
Not satisfied with the classification of reality (the law) into aggregates, origin and gender, the sect that demand increasingly compiled a master list of measures, and this has led to a fairly specific list of objectives for meditation on the elements of the universe is believed to have affected the practice of liberation. The Theravada launched 82 legal, and Yogacara Sarvastivada 75 100 legal measures. Most of compounded this approach. [1] The lists are to agree on the major measures, without leading them all here. [2] But because, it is important to know the kind of things we are the A-Pi-talks seen as the 'real thing', first need to raise topics that we know all schools agree on base version, then will note important differences. Three schools of A-Pi-radio system that normally we know agree together all except the arrangement and grouping of law, order listed them and several details of the term. Their disagreements completely unimportant, only involves minor points. [3] The main part of the list has been compiled clearly before and Friends of the Venerable Southern segregation, including Yogacara rarely out of the tradition was firmly established, though scattered also added several offices their own idiosyncrasies. This is a common list, ranked according to the five aggregates:
I. Identity: Five scenes and five apartments.
II. Rabbit.
III. Wall.
IV. Onions, Therava 50 samskara, there Sarvastivada 44. The main headings are:
A. The active components of consciousness (contemporary legal address): (1) contact, (2) investment (immoral), (3) based network (jivitindriya) (4) to (5) volition, (6) Games (vitarka), (7) quartet (vicara), (8) education, or the will to act, (9) decisions (wins award, adhimoksha), (10) need (virya), (11) wedding.
B. The local improvement measures: (1) very involved, (2) no pitch, (3) Non-delusion, (4), eight (HRI), (5) quarter (avatapya), (6) credits (sraddha), ( 7) mindfulness (smrti), (8) discharge (upeksa), (9) static only (passadhi), (10) ball, and (11) wedding.
C. The legal address afflictions: (1) participation, (2) the field, (3) si (4) indifferent, (5) no quarter, (6) brain, (7) laxity, (8) evil is, (9) pride, (10) exchange Trao, (11) jealousy, (12) miser (san) and (13) guests.
V. Food.
The following are additional important than that of the schools included in the general list:
I. Therava add items to 10 of title 15 above, Sarvastivada just one more.
IV. B. Therava 12 kāya coast of (relative) (= skandhas 2, 3, 4) and citta (mind) (= skandha Thursday): static only (IV. B. 9), contempt nature (lightness), highly skilful (muduta), afford taking nature (kammannata); three heart abstinence (virati): right speech (sammavaca), Right (sammakammanta) and right livelihood (sammā ajiva). Sarvastivada added any distractions (apramada), diligence develop good behavior.
IV. C. Sarvastivada added distractions (pramada), disbelief (asraddha); and sub afflictions: indignant (krodha), hypocrisy (mraksa: varies), brain (pradasa), damage (vihimsa), anger (upanaha), stem (Maya), Siem (Sathya), soil type (mada) . Yogacara into three measures. Sarvastivada adds:
IV. D. Any measures to address: Exchange, stain effect.
IV. E. Fourteen approach corresponds no interest [4] (but similar because not sharp mind; not on the list and identity): 1) acquisition, 2) non-prime (prapti, aprapti), 3) we co-share (sabhagata): the characteristics common to many types of beings, making them similar each other; 4) based network; compounded four characteristics: 5) born, 6) cylinder, 7) senility (= allergic), 8) kill (= very often); 9) mindless, is legal but, between the 'mindless beings', rainbow heart stopped just starting, 10) mindless provisions, 11) the cessation; 12) Name the body (nāma-kāya), 13) shot themselves (pada-kāya), and 14) document itself (vyanjana-kāya).
In Part V, Sarvastivada only a single method, the pure form without any content object, that is the mind (Citta); Therava too, but because of self-possession never form alone but always in combination with other measures, they distinguish cittani 89 (center), ie the state where the mind is associated with many other mental factors together; Yogacara distinguish eight, sometimes nine, foods, ie the official added six minutes (7), 'defiled the' it's often mistaken (8) for the subconscious mind is 'ego'.
2. Lust
Due to the natural weight of the material aspects of life is what we are suffering in the present, to find out the attitude of the Buddhists on this aspect of how the world might also interesting . In addition to the four primary elements, five senses and five scenes, the remaining South since the Venerable add fifteen other factors, [5,6] the Friends of just one, is 'the very excellent'. [7]
First Therava capacity listed three organic (organic Forces; indriya: units), is (1) female base, (2) the male base and (3) based network. Organic life, to distinguish the spiritual life, that 'the existence of the physical state, foundation, transformation, sustainability transformation, process development, serial, conservation, of them'. It's 'steady innovation from every moment' of them, is the basis of organic stability, limited life span due to the now. [8]
Followed by (4) the physical basis of consciousness and mental processes, or the identity of the-world clinic and the world-mode, which is the museum center. Like the ancient peoples of the Venerable later [9] used the word heart than from the brain brain, with almost equal arguments, [10] while Huu ministries of economic instruments such as organs Venerable main sets, does not make any public statements on the basis determined by the physical mind.
Next are two manifestations, or 'indicators' (vinnatti). (5) 'The body expression', is a form of body gestures by which one expresses their thoughts; and (6) 'the language' ie the sounds of the language fluently expressed. Then we have (7) nowhere. Then came the three conditions of the body to adapt, to practice meditation or intellectual, is (8) contempt nature ie the ability to switch easily, as opposed to feeling sluggish, stagnant and heavy; (9) ie highly skilful body flexibility; (10) afford taking, as opposed to marital status implies physical fatigue. Followed by four cycles (11) students, (12) pillars, (13) old (straight), (14) Removal of excellence. Finally (15) real union. Real union in the shape it is not expressed or taste of the food, which is the 'nature nourish its' features make it a nutritious and digestible.
Instead of the Friends of only 15 this law a legal supplement, is of the color (avijnapti-rūpain). The term latent traces only imprinted in our body structure, which is caused by the criminal acts such as killing, adhere to the precepts, practicing dhyana or contemplate the Noble Truths on. They transform a person into a different kind of personality, and continues to grow until the retribution come to reward or punish. An investment behavior of mental states can manifested mainly through gestures and words. But at the same time a good or bad behavior that a responsible person can also lead to changes not show off and not visible in the physical structure of a person, for example, when he arranged such that a someone killed without participating in the murder, including verbal or action.
The excellent selectivity of the above categories, the new look might seem strange to the average person in the 20th century, but it is perfectly reasonable when we consider the goals of this system. It picked out the aspect of gender identity that one will cope when practicing yoga allowed. Female and male base are two aspects characteristic of humans will easily fascinated practitioners and led him astray, as it just so sweeping. 'State' or rather 'life span', important for the practitioner because he was always aware of the death. Gestures and words clearly had a 'meaningful' complement what is seen or heard, and one will panic if 'meaning' has no place in the coordination of the five aggregates. The religious connotations of 'nowhere' was discussed in the previous chapter. The measures 8 to 10, as related to the suitability for meditation, is the obvious concern for people meditate. Then the law 11-14 was trying to solve the fundamental fact of impermanence, and finally, measures 15, 'food', is the subject of one of the standard meditation practitioner. [11 ] Ascetics must find his freedom entirely limited by the simple fact that he had to eat, and what gives ordinary pleasure is enjoying the tie and make the monk ashamed.
Type similar views affect the utility assigned to the theory of the 'big race'. Typically, there are four or six primary elements are listed. [12] Traditional set of four is common almost everywhere, including land, water, fire and air (wind). The school uniform dispatched them with nature: solid, systemic, heat and motion (samudirana ?, or 'expansion', vitthambana?). They can only be used as the basis for observation [13] of the body, with its 32 sections, [14] is composed of this big race, the observation that one can 'penetrate emptiness' (sunnatam avagahati ). [15] 'The concept of being (sattasnna)' virtually disappear when the body was observed as random coordination between its basic elements. This helps us to 'overcome the fear', [16] because the entire process that absolutely irrelevant to us. Each primary elements should be considered as a 'pure elements, no sentient nature (nissattato, or' not being ') and without a soul', [17] a 'right of individual body , without thinking, uncertainty, emptiness, not a living being '. [18] Furthermore, we must always be vigilant about the fact that the seminarians, be turned into physical objects around us, we are very capable of making a mistake. [19] These are the lessons learned from the study of the 'elements' material. In today's language so the message can be communicated with the statement that all but 1/30 our body weight is composed of substances C, H, O and N; the rest are S, P, Fe, L, Na, Ca, Mg, etc .. Again, to emphasize the fact that this big race together freely their own way, that we, individuals, such initiative is nothing in this matter, and that birth-chemical processes (biochemical) this always takes place automatically. But apart from the moral reflection of this kind, the Buddhists totally excited where this physical factors, and are not particularly concerned about what they are and do. They never feel some curiosity about the physical world, even if only by degree as the Pre-Socratic seek to explain phenomena like, thunder, tidal, etc .. J. Needham, the study of Buddhist influences that impact on science and scientific thinking of China, said that 'there is no doubt that in a larger context it taking effect forcefully restrain'. [20] He talked about 'the Buddhist conception of law notably does not lead to the natural sciences. Can guess two reasons for this. Firstly, there is no incentive to think seriously about the world and non-virtuous inhuman justice, conceived through the term Maya (illusory, virtual), a tasteless films to be shown that people are forced to watch , or as entering a hall that will face many difficulties when back out. Second, to the modern mind, although the impact of the "law" of causality, in the conventional sense, it seems entirely morally neutral, only moral function that people assigned to it making the Buddhist new people interested. In certain sense, the inevitability of an impersonal universe is only one blouse to put on a deep religious faith under the mantle of divine justice. Therefore see it as a catalyst of the science of causality is useless. '[21]' After all, Buddhism is a radical rejection of the world, '' but the world rejected this because another world, in terms of form and psychology, does not seem appropriate for the development of science '. [22]
Although Buddhists do not interfere to the 'science' in the sense of the present Professor Needham, but have extensive knowledge about the physical world of stories that the 'scientists' hard to inform land. Our description of the Buddhist doctrine of the physical world will be seriously incomplete if we did not pass the preliminary opinion that all schools are sharing about the 'body', which is the result of the practice yoga, which we may call a general way that the body 'intermediary' as they belong to the 'intermediary world', as described in the first chapter of this book. Our difficulties lies in that: the teaching aspect is 'esoteric', so it is never in a systematic way by the documents that everyone can access. Some hints and scattered metaphor can give us some notion of what the Buddhist yoga refers to, but the exact details of them, there are many bodies 'subtle' difference that birth physical yoga was initiated beyond our reach today. This is partly because we do not have the necessary knowledge about traditional beliefs, in part because we can not practice the practice to give us the ability to view it.
There is a kind of 'body' yoga importance, called mano-maya, or 'the student, or the success (relative)'. [23] So called because they are partly the result of the mental yoga, partly because they belong to the field of 'heart and mind' in the sense of [24] we can move quickly without obstacles, by a mountain river for example, just as the mind, recall the scene when it was observed earlier, can come to them immediately even if they are far away from this physical body (sarira) is holding its place is contained. About a Friendly 'by the students' so, it is said, one period or another to pull it out from an empty space in his physical body,' as the arrow out of quiver, draw bar sword out of its sheath, like snake skin peeling pull out. '[25] Furthermore, there are many beings large class is kind of' biochemical '(upapaduka) [26] with the' body by the students ', ie the mental superiority, [27] or the relatives' center-right' (antarabhava) is what connects two of life, often exist in about 49 days. [28] Similarly, the first time the profile is also life itself 'by the students'. [29] The completion status Any such body also intermediate between death until after entering Nirvana. The great buddha is also believed to have many 'body by the students' different, and in this case we can say that is the 'body because of the wish'. This theory explains the Lankavatara, [30] DT Suzuki [31] have presented the basic technical idea: 'Whatever be the buddhas and bodhisattvas earnestly desiring, the mind level that spread across being the legal world, will achieve or another by this world even in normal life of ours. But to have a desire to be fulfilled, we must often overcome the limitations of the physical body - which is bound by the limits of space and time. In this case should have an unrestricted body like that - a body that can appear anywhere and anytime. ' Here we can not go into the details of this amazing concept. [32] Lankavatara distinguish three types of 'body because of the wish' and I want to quote the description of the second type, the kind of start to form in the period of the eighth position. 'This is the body with more powers and wisdom Vietnamese, rights such as heart, just as illusory (maya), as a dream or a mirror image, not the product of the primary elements (abhautikan) Clothing though other non-relatives by creating this big race, with the ability to express all the variety of shapes can have physical identity. "[33] When the Bodhisattva of the Buddha approaching, many new body out, is dignified by wisdom (Jnana-kāya) or dharmakaya (dharma-kāya), and there 'relatives as hybrid' can 'manifest everywhere that its visible appearance without limitation conditions '. [34]
Also not all clients range known in yoga, but not in science. We also heard relatives gases' subtle '(sukshma)' wandering as the rays', or type 'virtual bodies' (mayadeha) that' characteristics are in a mirror image. Occurrence of them, by "moonlight underwater" like a rainbow, multi color. '[35] But we have to pass through. Just readers noted that the sources of information for us rich and sophisticated information about the anatomy and physiology of a body is not visible, [36] which in fact is the physiological function of meditation. [37] some details may be later on, but the main factor is the same time as Buddhism, or even older. we have to remember them when trying to evaluate the assertion that nirvana unsolvable immortality can be 'touching 'by this body. We also read the same in Katha Upanishad: [38] "There are 101 vulnerabilities (Nadi) in the heart. One of the vulnerabilities that led to the protuberance on top of the head. Accordingly that comes up , one towards immortality. ' Behind all this theory is a yoga technique aims to shift the body into 'Diamond', relatives 'paradise' (Divya) indestructible that it deserved only a means of liberation and is' an effective tool and most reliable available to man "conquering death ''. [39] At the same time Du-old was trying to enter the universe itself (primary falls) in which reflection and space contains the entire macrocosm (great falls), [40] to the extent it becomes a 'broad' and become 'body space'. [41]
3. The period of sensory knowledge
Only the Southern Ven clearly outlined eight stages sensory consciousness. The other sect may also know them, but did not leave any document formulated possible implications beyond theory. Derives from the practice of 'hedge doors', Abhidhamma Therava go into detail a passage following: [42]' awareness (3) arise through the eyes (1) and the object of eyesight (2); This trio met the contact (4); contact leads to life (5); Life leads to perception (perception, 6); lead to speculative perception (vitakketi / Vitakka, private views, enlightened, 8); speculation leads to obsessive (papanceti / papanca, reasoning Coliseum, 7); something that's haunted the source of a number of ideas and will push a person obsessed about visual objects can be recognized visually, past, future and present. ' Abhidhamma declared a full heart to go through eight stages consecutively sense knowledge. [43] Charts we first survey was led by two examples and then briefly explained as follows:
1. A clash, or perturbations, coming from an agent (affecting the senses).
2. Defendant tri (toward the scene).
3. Six formula (the formula derived from 1 and 2)
4. 'To Life' (contact)
5. 'Survey (retention)' or 'assess' (life)
6.' Decision (define) '(idea)
7.' Sense full knowledge 'or' executive '(javana, volitional response)
8.' recognition 'or' Thinking about that object '(belgian coast basis): Games and extremities.
Now to the examples. (1) wind shook the trees; a falling fruit, during a disaster. (1a) A visual object, etc., go to the vision, etc., causing the impact on visual abilities, etc. (1b) The impact that continuous chain touches the subconscious which is cut cut or halted. (2) The person wakes up. There is a sense that there is something to be seen, and so, there is some stimulus; that person is agitated. (3) He opened his eyes and looked. There is a consciousness that saw, heard something, etc., something to be seen; with the show. (4) Pick up fruit. Pay attention to the actors. (5) Survey fruit, squeeze it by touching. Decide whether it is an object of desire or not desire, test it to see if appropriate, inappropriate, or neutral. (6) Find out fruit to its properties, by smelling it. Full perception. The properties are recorded and assigned to the object. (7) Eat fruits, taste its flavor. This is the context of people responding to an animal, in a moral or immoral behavior, with such meaning and importance of that. (8) (period) after a taste, from swallowing the last piece of fruit in the mouth. Here comes the object in view of stage 7, and a sense that an object of that type have been receptive. Currencies as well as water, drift boat a short while it crossed the line flowing, then floated down the old water flows. [44]
Here we take a look at eight this stage one by one to understand the corollary to the Buddhist concept of general and formless.
1. When it comes to the activation of the senses, we have to distinguish between (1) the area of physical units and its physical structure; (2) parts of the base terminal receptor and its neural connections; (3) acquire the feeling and feedback, is the particular set here.
2. When talking about the 'tri ad (radial)' to six scenes (object based) we must clearly identify the 'scene' and 'the tri ad'. Here (1) object as a stimulus, [45] which means that, from the perspective of the object, enabling perception by acting on the base, must be distinguished (2) objects were fully developed when it appeared before the perception; (1) is what to say here. No object is itself a particular situation like that. What we can capture a scene on a certain level of perception, the current process, and the assimilation with the ones we feel that we are in need. When all of the following conditions is stripped away, all that can be said about the object when it appears that 'there is something to be seen, heard, etc ..'. But exactly what is seen can not be described. It's just something to be discovered, or rather were created, in the sixth stage (determined mind, votthapana).
We should not confuse the 'tri ad' takes place at this stage with the 'volition'. In fact we have to distinguish three different operations, but the same origin: (1) Advertising tri, the rotation direction of an object, is assigned to standard and standard-form, not for any component Wednesday aggregates yet. (2) Focus, acts selectively pay attention to an object is one of the effects of 'the', belonging Wednesday aggregates. (3) Volition (Manasi-kara), a method that belongs aggregates Wednesday, which means changes a degree of attention around the object or work, and want to talk about the change of heart occurred when an object is viewed from different angles. By, or in, the differentiation volition which is different from the mind itself, that is different from the previous center attention now because it has to pay attention to something slightly different characteristics of the same object. 'Volition' makes the mind takes a lot of time in the opposite, or cope, with an object, and the continuous adjustment of the approach it is compared with the coachman. When comparing, 'tri ad' attitude is very rudimentary and simple.
3. Friday is official acts of cognition, is toward a visual agents etc., and, as is the acquisition of the ceiling, quite naturally the actors, they are very vague, unclear. [46]
4. From the contact may have three meanings: (1) In the case of the five senses, except for Italy, it is the physical impact of a physical object with a physical basis, such as the collision of two short reflectors, or the butting together of two goats. One apartment was fascinated by the impact of an object, and react. This sense contact before the third stage, not what to say here. (2) A coincidence, the 'together', meet, converge - based trio, views and knowledge. (3) The private status of mental states, under Administrative aggregates, causing root, views and informal contacts with each other. # 2 is what to say. Ornamental coast to 'contact', according to Friends of, by making 'charming establishment', the basis of 'predominance', and the formula is 'very indirect equity'.
5. Next to life, that (feeling), happiness, pain, or indifference. In most cases, we need a movement to actually observe the reaction-feeling acts as a focal point for the perception or perception. What one must have first of all feeling, 'has an interesting landscape not', he asked 'what is this?'. Where the sound, is usually pretty easy. 'What terrible noise about?' 'Trucks you?' 'No, it's jet.' Also, the scent can easily observe this sequence. Perhaps intrinsically sound and aroma closely associated with pleasant or unpleasant way of an entire experience. Use a slightly indecent words, is there a 'sniff' of the object initial take place at this stage. Often clearer response-start feeling before a stimulus is the sensation of following [47] accompanies the reaction of stage investment 7 concomitants and awareness in stage 8, in hang around inside the mind the idea of the object. In stage 7 is written to process life clearly intentional, and we react to objects or is becoming sensitive to it and are keen to bring the fun it, or is not satisfied and hated it. To level 8 we look back at the experience of stage 7 and evaluate it. If that is the experience of an interesting subject, I feel optimistic about the spiritual life. But if it's not interesting, at level 8 it leads to the type of feeling indifferent, neutral. However, if we respond to the discomfort, the feeling of hatred will lead to feelings of superiority or spiritual brain.
6. Next is the stage of perception, correlation is subjective world of continuous form. There are at least nine variations of the original data takes place. I. I (1) recording and (2) assess the sensory qualities, and (3) decisions, differentiate, classify them by means of language (such as 'blue'). II. I (1) view the sensory qualities as signs of the objects of the senses or of thought, (2) evaluate the objects which by themselves, as the carpenter rated piece of wood which he had attention, grab a sign as evidence relevant for the assessment, such as lumber workers with new logs cut down; (3) to distinguish an object and its qualities to the environment around it; (4) and all this by means of the majority language well. (5) Imagine feeling the events through a fictional fantasy interpretation, like the perception of 'man' arises where the animals when they saw the effigy field. (6) We receive signs, grabbed it, creating in us prone to it, even stick with it, stick to it, and come to believe confusion about the one-sided interpretation of the data senses, as in the case of the blind man touching an elephant. [48] The object of thought, what is recognizable and clearly different from (1) the sensory stimuli (stage 2) and to (2) what it really is. Unlike wisdom, perception can not go deep into the truth of reality.
7. From mental states is the most important part of the whole process because they produce only communication now or in the future blessed. This phase is also thought to last longer than the other phases. It spent seven moments, while accounting for three-phase 1, from 2- 6 each stage a moment, and stage 8 two moments.
The will (cettana, investment) is one of the dharmas. The volition, purposeful reaction, a process operation, efforts and intentions, will coordinate, command, guidance, urging, create enthusiasm and energy. It is such as aggressive farmers busy urging people hired during the harvest; a senior mechanic apprenticeship in carpentry workshop recently his work has supervised the work of other workers; a team leader who has fought fighters has encouraged others to fight.
Sort division complex ideas into private mental states, great and important life extremely practical, especially when they seem closely associated with self. Get some examples: 'There can be no fuel this winter; My teeth would grow; I may be removed from office; My son lost army knife; He would do anything for revenge? ' The idea of such a center could pull away from Dharma, but obviously their willpower content (fear, anger, etc .. participation) stronger effect than the sensory content and sensory perception-not only embedded in attitude will, but it was muffled, and often have very little influence in this suffering.
8. This phase takes place only when the phase 7 responded to a powerful object seems especially valuable. It is marked by the 'critical thinking and application' (Vitakka, vicara, reach the quarterfinals). Since the two terms are no adequate equivalent in English, however, so well known perfectly well what it means. If you loose its mind on anything fancy, or if you try to focus on an object it does not bring something interesting, such as Nirvana, you'll see soon it will stop on a theme 'interesting' or other, like a bird landed on a tree, and started thinking about it. That is Vitakka. Vicara is also constantly thinking about the same theme, the shifting around inside it, talk about it, reflect on it lasting. The interesting thing to note is that kind of 'thinking' this is said to be in the government and rejected any cognitive value. Those contemplating such a fact must stop before approaching the can.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/2/2017.
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