DISCUSSION ON THE WAVE DOUBLE X. * ] « Yuganandhakatha »
* Yuganandha : ND tied in pairs
1. [92] 'Thus have I heard. At one time, Venerable Ānanda staying in Kosambi Ghosita garden. There, false religions told the monks, saying, 'Hey brethren monks' - that Buddhist monks replied: 'Yes, brethren'.Venerable Ānanda said:
'Hey brethren monks, any monk or nun in front of my public statement that has attained Arahant, the evidence that results are always the way through four or thanks to one of four being. Four path?
'Here, monks perform religious nature shop with quiet meditation ahead. * Doing so, the path 2 * opens in him. He repeated, practiced and enriched the way. In doing so, he's bound to be abandoned and the latent tendency to be extinct.
* Samathapubbangamam vipassanam: MA explains this approach as follows: 'Here, monks gain access to or import regulations; this is the silence. He discerned the true nature that stillness and the state depends on the silence that are impermanent, ...; see this is discriminative knowledge. Such stillness happened before, shop discriminative ensued (MA 1: 112). Read Henepola Gunaratana, The Path of Serenity and Insight , Motilal Banarsidass Publishers [Delhi 1994] 149 pages.
2 * According to the commentary, this path is the path of the first superpower. Read FL Woodward, Gradual Sayings II [PTS 1995] footnote 1, p. 162.
'Again, monks meditate quiet discriminative shop ahead. * Doing so, the path opens up in him. He repeated, practiced and enriched the way. In doing so, he's bound to be abandoned and the latent tendency to be extinct.
* Vipassanapubbangamam samatham: MA explains this method as follows: 'Here, monks discriminative shop that year set as an object of attachment is impermanent ... without meditation quiet types (access to or samadhi) as just said; this is the true nature shop. With the completion of his true nature shop, most of the attention taken away from the state of renunciation occurs in the object he made; this is the silence. Thus the true nature comes first bar, quiet ensued (MA 1: 113). Read Henepola Gunaratana, ibid, page 124 149. Read more S ii.
'Again, monks meditate discriminative quiet and consistent double wave. * Doing so, the path opens up in him. He repeated, practiced and enriched the way. In doing so, the binding of he [93] was abandoned and the latent tendency to be extinct.
* Obviously here, word yuganandha (paired) means synchronous ( samasisa ). Glossary explains that 'at the moment he made the entries and calm the fruiting behavior; calm moments in the fruiting behavior, he just realized. How? He just realized the first meditation. First out of meditation, he made peace and fruiting behavior enter the second meditation. Monday out of meditation, he ... just like ... Read FL Woodward, Gradual Sayings II [PTS, 1995], footnote 1, p 163.
'Again, because of excessive prices of experimental [appear flock while contemplating] the mind of the monks swayed. [Later], when [1] This position within the heart of calm returned, re-stabilization, recovery status and is single-mindedly focused again. [2] Then the road opened in him. He repeated, practiced and enriched the way. In doing so, he's bound to be abandoned and the latent tendency to be extinct.
'When any monk or nun in front of my public statement that has attained Arahant, the evidence that results are always the way through four or thanks to one of the four that road.' '(A ii 156)
2. He initiates discriminative consistent with tranquility meditation precedes like?
The fusion of mind and not scattered through renunciation is making. Quan actually impermanent nature within the meaning of the status bar is made in the sense of anguish status bar is created in the sense not shop down the state was created in. Such silence before and after the discriminative shop. So said 'He can cultivate true nature shop tranquility meditation precedes'.
He practiced : there are four types of practice: practice in the sense that there is no excess between states arise in the practice in the sense of the ability to influence effects (taste) only, tu effective collective sense of appropriate effort, repeated practice sense.
The road opened : the way that opens like? Chief sense is clear that the road opens, right thought cylinder radial sense on the open road, right speech in the sense of preserving the way speech is opened, Chief Executive sense human resources is being run road opens, right livelihood is the sense to keep the road clean opens, right effort in the sense of effort is the open road, in the sense of establishing mindfulness is the road open and sense concentration is not distracted open road. The road was opened as such.
He repeated, practiced and enriched the way.
He repeated : He repeats like? As he noted, he repeated. As he said, he repeated. When he found out, ... to observe ... [94] determination, confidence ... assured ... ardent efforts, ... setting (construction) contemplation. .. the heart ... When he understood by mental, ... When he knows firsthand witness things firsthand is evidence ... When he fully understood what needs to be fully understood ,. .. When he relinquished the need to give up ... When he practiced it should be practiced, ... When he realizes the things to be empirical, he repeated. He repeats like that.
He practiced : He practiced like? As he noted, he practiced. As he said, he practiced ... [and so on until paragraph] ... When he realizes the real thing to be certified, he practiced. He practiced like that.
He makes rich: He makes rich like? As he noted, he makes rich. As he said, he makes rich ... [and so on until paragraph] ... When he realizes the real thing to be certified, he makes rich. He makes rich like that.
In doing so, he's bound to be abandoned and the latent tendency to be extinct . He's bound to be abandoned and the latent tendencies wiped out like?
To enter the stream path: three binding abandoned, that is: awareness [wrong] about ego, cynical, gender misinterpreted Comfort; and two latent tendencies, namely: the tendency of opinion and latent tendencies latent skepticism wiped out.
With the path back to a time: two bindings are abandoned, they are: the grossest force of desire and craving crude bound to be afraid of; and two latent tendencies, namely: gross latent tendencies of craving desires, gross tendency to be afraid of being extinct.
With the path of no return: the two bindings are abandoned, they are: the force was left on libido and sexual desire was left bound to be afraid of; [95] and the two tendencies are latent, that is: the latent tendencies of lust was left craving, back aches tend to be afraid of being extinct.
With arahant path: five bindings are abandoned, they are: thirst [as being spiritual] realm of gender identity, yearning [as living creatures] formless realms, pride (arrogance), oscillators, ignorance ; and three tendencies conceit (arrogance) latent, existing tendencies latent yearning, latent tendency to ignorance wiped out.
He's bound to be abandoned and the latent tendencies wiped out like that.
3. The unity of mind and not distracted by non-hatred ... [repeated e. 2].
4-70. ... [Repeated e. 2 for each of the following cases: the opposite case with 7 obstacles (i e. 36)], 4 jhanas, four formless attainments, meditation subject kasinas 10, 10 memorial, 10 and 32 form the type impurity mindfulness of breathing Status, until] ...
71. The unity of mind and not distracted by shop exhale let go of the regulations. Quan true nature ... [and so as in e. 2 to the end].
He practiced there discriminative customary silence precedes meditation is like.
72. He tranquility meditation precedes discriminative shop like?
Shop shop discriminative sense of impermanence, suffering customary sense, in the sense of consistency is not falling. The fusion of mind and not because of the state scattered arise inside abandon them as an object is specified. So there before discriminative insight and tranquility there after. Hence the saying 'He tranquility meditation precedes discriminative shop'.
He practiced: ... [as in e. 2].
The path opens up like? ...
73. shop shop discriminative sense objects are impermanent, in the sense customary objects are suffering, in the sense customary objects is not falling. The fusion of mind and not distracted ... [and so on, repeating e. 72] ... [97]
74-272. ... [Repeated e. 72 for each of the 201 cases remaining concepts listed in the argument I e. 5 to] ...
273. discriminative sense shop shop aging and death is impermanent ... [repeated e. 72].
He tranquility meditation precedes discriminative shop is like.
274. He practiced meditation and tranquility paired discriminative shop like?
He practiced meditation and tranquility paired discriminative customary under sixteen aspects: (1) in the sense objects, (2) in the sense of the field, (3) in the sense of abandon, (4) within the meaning rid , (5) in the sense that emerges, (6) in the sense turned away, (7) in the sense of calm, (8) the noble sense, (9) in the sense of liberation, (10) in the sense of not disturbing, (11) within the meaning pass, (12) in the sense of no longer being Prince conditions, (13) in the sense of not aspired, (14) in the sense of emptiness, (15) in the sense of the effect (the taste) only, (16) in the sense and in the sense not to exceed double wave.
275. (1) The silence was meditating and discriminative customary sense paired objects like?
When he abandoned the merger oscillation of the mind and not distracted by he is to have eradicated as an object. When he abandoned ignorance, the discriminative insight of contemplation in the sense he has annihilated do object to it. So quiet meditation and customary sense objects discriminative effects (taste) only paired together, and do not exceed together. Hence the saying 'he meditate nature quiet and consistent real object paired sense.'
He practiced: There are four types of practice: ... [repeats as in e. 2].
That's how he practiced meditation nature quiet and consistent real sense paired objects.
276. (2) He practiced meditation and tranquility paired discriminative customary sense how areas?
When he abandoned the merger oscillation of the mind and not distracted by he is to have eradicated as its sphere. When he abandoned ignorance, the discriminative insight of contemplation in the sense he has annihilated the area of its work. So quiet meditation and bar areas within the meaning discriminative effects (taste) only, [98] paired together, and do not exceed together. Hence the saying 'he meditate nature quiet and consistent implementation paired sense realm.'
He practiced: ...
277. (3) He practiced meditation and tranquility paired discriminative customary sense abandoned like?
When he abandoned gonorrhea associated with oscillator and abandon the set [a consequence of gonorrhea], then the unity of mind and not distracted by he is to have eradicated as its sphere . When he abandoned gonorrhea associated with ignorance and abandon the set [a consequence of gonorrhea], it's discriminative insight visualize the sense he has annihilated the area of its work. Such silence and meditation in the sense customary abandon discriminative effect (flavor) single, paired together, and do not exceed together. Hence the saying 'he meditate nature quiet and consistent real sense paired up.'
He practiced: ...
278. (4) He practiced meditation and tranquility paired discriminative customary sense of how to get rid?
When you get rid of gonorrhea was associated with oscillators and rid the set [a consequence of gonorrhea], then the unity of mind and not distracted by he is to have eradicated as its sphere . When you get rid of gonorrhea was associated with ignorance and get rid of the set [a consequence of gonorrhea], it's discriminative insight ... he has annihilated the area of its work. So quiet meditation in the sense of emptiness and consistent implementation rid effect (flavor) single, paired together, and do not exceed together. Hence the saying 'he meditate nature quiet and consistent implementation rid paired sense.'
He practiced: ...
279. (5) He practiced meditation and quiet bar paired sense the true nature emerges like?
When he emerged from gonorrhea associated with fluctuating and emerged from the set [a consequence of gonorrhea], then the unity of mind and without distraction whether he is doing field annihilation its. When he emerged from gonorrhea associated with ignorance and emerged from the set [a consequence of gonorrhea], it's discriminative insight visualize the sense he has annihilated its work areas. So quiet meditation and customary sense emerges discriminative effect (flavor) single, paired together, and do not exceed together. Hence the saying 'he meditate nature quiet and consistent implementation paired sense emerges.'
He practiced: ...
280. (6) He practiced meditation and tranquility paired discriminative customary sense turned away like?
When he turned away from gonorrhea associated with fluctuating and turned away from the set [a consequence of gonorrhea], then the unity of mind and without distraction whether he is doing field annihilation its. When he turned away from gonorrhea associated with ignorance and turned away from the set [a consequence of gonorrhea], it's discriminative insight visualize the sense he has annihilated the area of its work. So quiet meditation and customary sense turned away discriminative effect (flavor) single, paired together, and do not exceed together. Hence the saying 'he meditate nature quiet and consistent implementation paired sense turned away.'
He practiced: ...
281. (7) He practiced meditation and tranquility paired discriminative customary sense how quiet?
When he abandoned fluctuate, unity of mind and not be distracted by the calm he has annihilated the area of its work. When he abandoned ignorance, [99], the discriminative insight of contemplation in the sense he is quiet, there is cessation of its work areas. So quiet meditation and consistent implementation sense quiet nature ... Thus the saying 'he meditate nature quiet and consistent implementation paired quiet sense.'
He practiced: ...
282. (8) He practiced meditation and tranquility paired discriminative customary noble sense how?
When he abandoned fluctuate, unity of mind and not be distracted by the sublime he has annihilated the area of its work. When he abandoned ignorance, the discriminative insight of contemplation in the sense he is noble, there is cessation of its work areas. So quiet meditation and discriminative customary noble sense ... Thus the saying 'he meditate nature quiet and consistent implementation paired noble sense.'
He practiced: ...
283. (9) He practiced meditation and tranquility paired discriminative customary sense of liberation like?
When he abandoned fluctuate, unity of mind and not be distracted by he himself in the liberated areas has eradicated its work. When he abandoned ignorance, the discriminative insight of contemplation in the sense he was freed, with annihilation as its sphere. So quiet meditation and discriminative customary sense of liberation ... So said 'he meditate nature quiet and consistent implementation paired sense of liberation.'
He practiced: ...
284. (10) He practiced meditation and tranquility paired shop discriminative negativity sense not like?
When he abandoned fluctuate, unity of mind and not distracted by the monks, they are liberated from defilement of sense-pleasures and annihilation as its sphere. When he abandoned ignorance, it's discriminative insight he was visualizing the sense of liberation from the afflictions of ignorance, there is cessation of its work areas. So quiet meditation and self-consistent in the sense that the true nature from troubles ... So said 'he meditate nature quiet and consistent implementation paired sense not disturbing.'
He practiced: ...
285. (11) He practiced meditation and tranquility paired discriminative customary sense of how to overcome?
When he crossed gonorrhea associated with fluctuating and pass the set [a consequence of gonorrhea], then the unity of mind and not distracted by he is to have eradicated as its sphere . When he crossed gonorrhea associated with ignorance and overcome the set [a consequence of gonorrhea], it's discriminative insight visualize the sense he has annihilated the area of its work. So quiet meditation and discriminative customary sense new pass ... So say 'he meditate nature quiet and consistent real sense paired pass.'
He practiced: ...
286. (12) He practiced meditation and tranquility paired discriminative customary sense no condition to even birth and death like? [100]
When he abandoned fluctuate, unity of mind and his mind irrespective as to be liberated from all the remaining conditions for the cessation of birth and death has made its realm. When he abandoned ignorance, it's discriminative insight in the sense he is liberated from all remaining conditions for birth and death, there is cessation of its work areas. So quiet meditation and discriminative customary sense no longer favorable conditions for new birth and death ... So to say 'he meditate calm and consistent in the sense paired discriminative no condition to even birth and death . '
He practiced: ...
287. (13) He practiced meditation and tranquility paired discriminative customary sense aspired not like?
When he abandoned fluctuate, unity of mind and his mind irrespective as to be liberated from all desire to have eradicated areas of its work. When he abandoned ignorance, it's discriminative insight in the sense he is liberated from all these aspirations, there is cessation of its work areas. So quiet meditation and discriminative customary sense not new aspirations ... So say 'he meditate nature quiet and consistent implementation paired sense not wish.'
He practiced: ...
288. (14) He practiced meditation and tranquility paired discriminative customary sense not like?
When he abandoned fluctuate, unity of mind and not distracted by the monks, they do not have all the false interpretations have annihilated as its sphere. When he abandoned ignorance, it's discriminative insight in the sense he is not consistent with all misinterpreted, with annihilation as its sphere. So quiet meditation and not in the sense of the true nature shop ... So said 'he meditate discriminative quiet and consistent in the sense not paired.'
289. How is the mind of the monks were fluctuating because of excessive prices of experimental [appear flock while visualizing]?
While he focused consider impermanence, the light emitted in him. He focused towards the light like this [101] 'light is experienced [the saint]. Distracted by events that is fluctuating. When his mind is swayed because of excessive prices, he does not understand things as they really are impermanent manifestations, he does not understand things as they really are suffering expression, he did not understand things as they really expression is not the self. So says a new center of monks being swayed because of excessive prices of experimental [appear flock while visualizing]. [Later], when one focus of this position within calmed down, re-stabilization, recovery status and is single-mindedly focused again. Then the road opened in he ...
The road was opened like? ... [Repeats as in e. 2] ... The path opens up like that.
... [Repeats as in e. 2]...
He's bound to be abandoned and the latent tendencies wiped out like that.
290. While he focused consider impermanence, mind arises in him.
291. While he focused consider impermanence, joy arises ...
292. While he focused consider impermanence, peace arises ...
293. While he focused consider impermanence, perfect happiness arises ...
294. While he focused consider impermanence, the decision arises ...
295. While he focused consider impermanence, efforts to start up ...
296. While he focused ... dwell arises ... calm arises ...
297. While he focused consider impermanence, attachment * arises in him. He attention to it like this' attachment to the experience [the saint]. Distracted by events such as fluctuations. When his mind is swayed because of excessive prices, he does not understand things as they really are impermanent manifestations, he does not understand things as they really are suffering expression, he did not understand things as they really expression is not the self. So says a new center of monks being swayed because of excessive prices of experimental [appear flock while visualizing]. [Later], when this position within the heart of calm returned, re-stabilization, recovery status and is single-mindedly focused again. Then the road opened in he ...
* Shenzhen attachment ( nikanti ) arose discriminative insight. When discriminative insight is light, wisdom, joy, ... (as mentioned dd. 289-295) beautifully decorated, looks delicate attachment peace arises in him. Attachment depends on discriminative insight, they could not clearly identify attachment is gonorrhea, the misperception that was witnessing, attained; not the director, not the results back to the director, the results should reflect progress interrupted. Incompleteness may arise.Read Vism. XX 124, e. 122-124. Read more Note 2 * at the upcoming 5743 section.
The road was opened like? ... The path opens up like that.
He's bound to be abandoned and the latent tendencies wiped out like that.
298-306. While he focused consider suffering, ... [repeat dd 289-297, instead of impermanence in suffering ...
307-315. While he focused not consider self, ... [repeat dd 289-297, rather impermanent by not falling ... [102] ...
He's bound to be abandoned and the latent tendencies wiped out like that.
316-342. While he focused consider objects are impermanent, ... is suffering ... is not falling ...
343-5714. While he focused consider the experience is impermanent, ... is suffering ... is not down ... [and so on for each of the 201 cases listed notion Luan I e . 5 to] ...
5715-5742. While he focused consider aging and death is impermanent, ... is suffering ... is not falling ...
He's bound to be abandoned and the latent tendencies wiped out like that.
The center of the monks were fluctuating because of excessive prices of experimental [appear flock while visualizing] is like that.
Agitated as light
Location, joy,
As relief, pleasant
Therefore, his mind is confused;
Fluctuations because both decisions,
Efforts, and steadily,
Calm in the radial *
And calm, and attachment.
But upon close examination and
Understanding the experiences of ten 2 * This
He countered cleverly fluctuate like
Panic ceased.
The cultivation of the mind regress; [103]
And if distracted and contamination,
The practice declined.
If purified and no contamination,
The practice does not decline;
Without being distracted and not contaminated,
Practice will not regress.
Thus his mind is not distracted
Because experimental ten 2 * was
Can be understood in four ways
Dispersing or scattering of mind.
* Volition associated with radial on the subject called 'calm in the radial' because it occurs when afferent to look innocent [ ajjhupekkhana ] (P 819). Read Nanamoli , The Path of Purification , BPS [Kandy, 1991], chapter XXI footnote 37, page 845.
2 * ND: status « arising » . If you do not see as they really are, the experimental imperfections become fatal as the snake by the tail. Because: · wrong identification (light has arisen in us), ·conceit (it is pleasant to light arises), · craving (like enjoyment, this light attachment), · considered light light was (is mine, is mine, is my ego) (M i 135). Along the way to understand how the remaining 9 experience. If the judgment is: · impermanence: the sense after starting up, it no longer exists: The light was starting up, but its reliability is formed, arises under conditions, suffered destruction, extinguished, septic failure, termination; · Not fall under the definition does not have the power that can influence it, · does not deserve attention in the sense of oppression is being destroyed; · That he considered light (not me, not me, not my ego). Along the way to understand how the remaining 9 experience. Read more Vism. ch. XX dd. 125-127.
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