Friday, 24 February 2017

1. [86] This, monks, this holy life is the essence to drink in the presence of Guru. (S ii 29)
2. There are three types of elite to drink in the presence of Guru: the essence of the lecture, the essence of the acquisition and the essence of life with.
3.  Essence of preaching *  What is?
As statements, teachings, states, establish, open, explain, interpret the four noble truth; proclamation, teaching, propagation theory, set, open, explain, interpret the four foundations of mindfulness; ... Four right effort, ... the four foundations of Kabbalah, ... in the capacity to influence, power ... five ... seven factors of enlightenment form; eight noble path. This is the essence of preaching.
4.  Essence of acquisition  *  What is?
As the monks, nuns, lay men and lay women, gods, humans, and anyone else understand [the truth]. This is the essence of acquisition.
* ( Patiggahamanda ): the disciples have the ability to understand the teachings. Bhikkhu Bodhi read,  The Connected Discourses of the Buddha I , Wisdom Publications [Boston, 2000], footnote 64, page 745.
5.  Pham Hanh Essence of life  is what?
This is the noble eight, namely: right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, and right concentration. This is the essence of life Pham Hanh.
*  Brahmacariyamanda .
6. The decision is the essence of the capacity to influence the credit, do not believe the scum; after decanted scum does not believe, he drank the essence of the capacity of the credit impact, so is the essence to drink.Effort is the quintessence of influencing capacity of tons, lazy scum; after decanted lazy scum, he drank the essence of influencing capacity of tons, so is the essence to drink. The setting is the essence of the capacity to influence the thoughts, distractions are scum; after decanted scum of distraction, he drank the essence of establishing the capability to influence the thoughts, so is the essence to drink. No distraction is the essence of the capacity to influence, fluctuation is dross; after decanted scum of oscillation, he did not drink the essence of psychoanalysis in the capacity to influence, so is the essence to drink. Clear that the essence of the capacity of intellectual influence, ignorance is scum; after decanted scum of ignorance, he drank in the essence of the apparent capacity of the intellectual influence, so is the essence to drink.
Count unshakable because not believe credit is the essence of power, does not believe the scum; after decanted scum does not believe, he drank the essence of immovable properties for not believing, so is the essence to drink. Count unshakable because laziness is the quintessence of tons of force, lazy scum ... As unshakable because distraction is the essence of the concept of power, neglect is scum ... As unwavering as knives is the essence of the work force, oscillation is scum ... as unshakable because ignorance is the quintessence of human knowledge, ignorance is scum, scum after decanting away of ignorance, he bottled capitalization unshakable ignorance of human knowledge, so is the essence to drink.
The setting is the essence of enlightened form factor of mindfulness, distraction is scum; after decanted scum of distraction, he drank the essence of establishing the elements which constitute the concept of enlightenment, so is the essence to drink. Learn the truth is the essence of enlightened form factor of seeking the truth, ignorance is scum; ... The effort is the essence of enlightened form factor of the attack, lazy scum. .. Chan harmony is the essence of enlightened form factor of joy, fever gonorrhea  is pure scum ... An elite is [88] of the factors that constitute enlightenment tranquility, excitement physiology requires  2 *  is scum ... No distraction is the essence of enlightened elements of the form, oscillating is scum ... Thinking is the essence of enlightened form factor of the average relaxed, not thinking that scum, scum after decanted's not thinking, he drank the essence of thinking in the form factor of calm enlightenment, so is the essence to drink.
Parilaha [= kilesa]:  fever gonorrhea. Read  Nanamoli ,  A Glossary of Pali Buddhist Technical Terms English , BPS, [Kandy 1994] According to the glossary page 7. MA:  parilaha  the craze of gonorrhea and the consequences they create. Read Bhikkhu  Nanamoli  Bhikkhu Bodhi and,  The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha , Wisdom [Boston 1995], footnote 44, page 1172. 
2 * dutthulla . 
Clear that the essence of right, wrong perception is scum, scum decanted after the false perception, he clearly seen drinking the essence of the right view, such is the essence to drink. Radial head-on is the essence of right thinking, wrong thinking is scum; ... Keeping the essence of speech is right speech, telling the rejects false; ... Source arise is the essence of right, act as scum misleading; ... Keeping clean is the main essence of life, livelihood underhanded scum; ... The effort is the essence of the right effort, wrong effort are scum; ... Set is the essence of mindfulness, mindfulness is scum false; ... No distraction is the essence of concentration, wrong concentration is scum, scum decanted after the wrong concentration, he did not drink the essence of psychoanalysis in the right concentration, so is the essence to drink.
7. essence, have to drink formula, with scum.
Both decisions are the essence of the capacity to influence the credit, do not believe the scum; any essence (flavor) of meaning in it, any notion the essence of which, any essence  [1]  of the official target ranges in which to drink. Effort is the quintessence of influencing capacity of effort, lazy scum; any [89] essence (flavor) of meaning in it, any notion the essence of which, any knife essence of which is the official standards for drinking. The setting is the essence of the capacity to influence the thoughts, distractions are scum; any essence (flavor) of meaning in it, any notion the essence of which, any knife essence of which is the official standards for drinking. No distraction is the essence of the capacity to influence, fluctuation is dross; any essence (flavor) of meaning in it, any idea what the essence of which, any knife essence of which is the official standards for drinking. Clear that the essence of the capacity of intellectual influence, ignorance is scum; any essence (flavor) of meaning in it, yet any notion the essence thereof, any knife essence of which is the official standards for drinking.
Count unshakable because not believe credit is the essence of power, does not believe the scum; any essence (flavor) of meaning in it, any notion the essence of which, any knife essence of which is the official standards for drinking. Count unshakable because laziness is the quintessence of tons of force, lazy scum ... As unshakable because distraction is the essence of the concept of power, neglect is scum ... As unwavering as knives is the essence of the work force, oscillation is scum ... as unshakable because ignorance is the quintessence of human knowledge, ignorance is scum, whatever essence (flavor) of meaning in it, any essence of the idea that, whatever the essence of which is the official target ranges for drinking.
The setting is the essence of enlightened form factor of mindfulness, distraction is scum; ... [And so the seven factors of enlightenment and form factors for their opposition to] ... Thinking is the essence of enlightened form factor of calm, not thinking sludges pulp, any essence (flavor) of meaning in it, any notion the essence of which, any objective essence of which is the official knives to drink.
Clear that the essence of the right understanding, misconceptions are scum; ... [And so the noble eight branches until] ... [90] No distraction is the essence of the right concentration, wrong concentration is scum, whatever essence (flavor) yet meaning that, whatever the essence of the idea that, whatever the essence of which is the official target ranges for drinking.
8. Seeing clearly is the essence of the right view, radial head-on is the essence of the right thought, to preserve the essence of the speech is right speech, resources are being run by chief executive elite, cleansing is the essence of right livelihood, effort is the essence of the right effort, set the essence of mindfulness, not distracted is the essence of concentration.
The setting is the essence of enlightened form factor of contemplation, learn the essence of enlightened form factor of seeking the truth; harmony is the essence of enlightened form factor of joy, peace is the essence of enlightened form factor of tranquility, not distracted is the essence of enlightened elements of the form, thinking that essence of enlightened form factor of calm.
Count unshakable because not believe credit is the essence of power, as unshakable as lazy as the quintessence of the attack force, immovable property because distraction is the essence of human conception, as unshakable as oscillation is of the power elite, as unshakable as ignorance is the quintessence of human knowledge.
Both decisions are the essence of influencing capacity of credit; effort is the quintessence of the capacity to influence the attack; set the essence of the capacity to influence the concept, not distracted is the essence of the capacity to influence, it became clear that the essence of the capacity of intellectual influence.
Sense prevail, the capacity to influence the elite; on the unshakable, as elite forces; in the sense of escape, the factors that constitute the essence of enlightenment; in the sense of cause, the path is the essence; within the meaning established, the foundation of mindfulness is the essence, the sense of effort, the right effort is the essence; in the sense of success, achievement is the foundation of the essence; sense legs like (reality), is the essence of Reality. [2]
Not distracted sense, silence is the essence, the meaning visualization, real shop is quintessential nature.According to the effect that (flavor) unique, quiet and consistent implementation is the quintessential nature. In the sense not to exceed each other, is the essence paired.
In the sense of collecting end, the elite world of purification, not scattered sense, purification of the mind is the essence; obvious sense, purification is elite opinion; [91] in the sense of liberation, liberation is the essence; in the sense of understanding, clairvoyance is the essence; rid sense, pepper is the essence knife;sever sense, where the decay is the essence.
In the sense of taking the origin as the basis, the desire is the essence; in the sense of power arise, noting consider the essence; in the sense of coordination, contact the elite; in the sense of the meeting place, the experience is the essence; first sense, is the essence; sense prevail, mindfulness is the essence; highest sense, wisdom is the essence; core sense, pepper is the essence knife; in the sense of termination, Nibbana production start from birth and death are no longer elite.
This is the first part TOC: 
Tri, views, breath and ability to influence, 
then to liberation is Thursday, 
Ke is reborn next realm, and the crazy behavior, 

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