283. What is the wisdom of the change phenomenon is now starting the top spot being destroyed?
284. The object is currently starting the [object] was created; characteristic of this is the arising of birth, change its characteristics is kill, kill her shop is located. The experience is now starting ... Awareness is now starting ... Create current mood is starting ... Consciousness is now starting was created; characteristic of this is the arising of birth, change its characteristics is kill, kill her shop is located.
Eyes are now starting ... [and so the remaining 201 listed concepts in e. 5 to] ... Become existing as existing launch has been created; characteristic of this is the arising of birth, change its characteristics is kill, kill her shop is located.
285. The year saw the birth of the set and saw how much their properties? Who saw the killing of five sets, then see how many of their properties? Who saw the birth and death of five sets, then see how many of their properties?
Who saw the birth of the year is set to see twenty-five properties. Who saw the killing of five sets, then saw twenty five properties. Who saw the birth and death of five sets, then saw twenty five properties. [55]
286. The gathering saw the birth of the object shall see how many properties? He sees the cessation of collection objects shall see how many properties? Who saw the birth and death of the physical set and saw how many properties? Who saw the birth of the experience gathered, then see how many properties? ... The perception ... set? ... Of the set to create the mood ...? Who saw the official birth of the set and saw how many properties? Who saw the destruction of the informal gathering to see how many properties? Who saw the birth and death of the informal gathering to see how many properties?
Who saw the birth of a set of objects will be visible features, see the cessation of its people and found five characteristics, the show saw its birth and death are ten characteristics. Who see the birth of a set of set of experiences ... aware ... of the set to create the mood ... He saw the birth of the informal gathering saw five features, people find the killing its characteristics are found to be in, who saw the birth and death of it, then find ten characteristics.
287. The gathering saw the birth of the physical characteristics seen in public?
Who saw the birth of the sense objects set conditional causes like this: With the arising of ignorance should be the object being run. Who saw the birth of the sense objects set conditional causes like this: With the arising of yearning should have the object being run. Who saw the birth of the sense objects set conditional causes like this: With the arising of the acts set fruit (kamma) should be the object being run.Who saw the birth of the sense objects set conditional causes like this: With the arising of nutrients should be the object being run. Who see the character of the arising shall see the birth of a set of articles.
Who saw the birth of the set of objects would be found in this feature.
He sees the cessation of the collection of objects will be visible in certain characteristics?
Who saw the destruction of the sense objects set conditional cessation thus: With the cessation of ignorance should be the destruction of the object. Who saw the destruction of the sense objects set conditional cessation thus: With the destruction of thirst ... With the cessation of the acts set fruit (kamma) ... With the cessation of support factors should be the destruction of the object. Who see [56] features change will be visible, the cessation of collection objects.
He sees the cessation of the collection of objects would be found in this feature.
Who saw it saw being destroyed ten characteristics.
288. The gathering saw the birth of the experience of the features seen in public?
Who saw the birth of the experience gathered in the sense etiology have conditions like this: With the arising of ignorance should be the arising of experience. Who saw the birth of the experience gathered in the sense etiology have conditions like this: With the arising of thirst ... With the arising of the acts set fruit (kamma) ... With the arising of contact touch up with the arising of experience. Who see the character of the arising shall see the birth of gathering experience.
Who saw the birth of the experience gathered in the visible characteristics.
He sees the cessation of the experience gathered in the visible characteristic?
He sees the cessation of the experience gathered in the sense conditional cessation thus: With the cessation of ignorance ... With the destruction of thirst ... With the cessation of the acts set fruit (kamma ) ... with the destruction of touch should be cessation of experience. Show characteristic changes are seen to be the cessation of collection experience.
He sees the cessation of the experience gathered in the visible characteristics.
Who saw it saw being destroyed ten characteristics.
289. The gathering saw the birth of awareness is seen in characteristic?
Who saw the birth of a set perception ... [completed as at e. 288].
Who saw it saw being destroyed ten characteristics.
290. The gathering saw the birth of creation, the mood characteristics seen in public?
Who saw the birth of the set to create the mood ... [completed as at e. 288].
Who saw it saw being destroyed ten characteristics.
291. The gathering saw the official birth of the characteristics seen in public?
Who saw the birth of informal gathering roots can sense conditions like this: With the arising of ignorance... With the arising of thirst ... With the arising of the acts set fruit (kamma ) ... with the arising of mind-objects should be the arising of consciousness. People [57] shows the character of the arising shall see the birth of a set formula.
Who saw the birth of the informal gathering saw five characteristics.
Who saw the destruction of the informal gathering saw five characteristic?
Who saw the destruction of the informal gathering sense conditional cessation thus: With the cessation of ignorance ... With the destruction of thirst ... With the cessation of the acts set fruit ... with the cessation of the mind-body should be the cessation of consciousness. Show characteristics of change saw the destruction of the informal gathering.
Who saw it saw being destroyed ten characteristics.
292. The year saw the birth of the visible set of twenty-five properties; who saw the killing of five sets, then saw twenty five properties; who see their birth and death are seen fifty properties.
293. Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom modification of existing phenomena are consistent position being destroyed.'
294. Gather objects made four key elements * etiology; the other three are set to experience heart, cognitive and emotional mood created as the root; also set the mind-object mode has its roots can do (read M iii 17)
* Four key elements: earth, water, wind and fire. Translation by M iii 17.
[Chapter VII - ETERNAL ]
295. What is the wisdom of killing [of mind ] after contemplating the object is discriminative top spot?
296. The mind has as object objects arise and pass away. After visualizing things, the monks of the mind that the cessation shop.
He discerned: What is he consistent? Impermanence he consistent, not consistent longevity; he shop suffering [58] and not consistent with joy, he is not consistent, not consistent is falling down; he becomes boring, do not get fancy; Greed makes fade away, he is not sexy it; he makes cessation, not arise; he let go, not holding. When impermanence shop he abandoned awareness of sustainability; suffering when he abandoned shop awareness of joy; the shop is not self aware he abandon the ego; when he becomes bored he preferred to abandon; greed when he faded away, he abandoned; when he makes cessation, he abandoned arise; when he let go, he does not hold.
Tam has experience as an object arises ... [completed as above] ...
Conscious mind as an object arises ...
The mind has created the mood arises ...
Tam has arisen recipe object ... [completed as above] ... when he let go, he does not hold.
Mind has as its object arises eyes ... [and so the remaining 201 listed concepts in e. 5 to] ...
Old and die center has as its object arises ... [completed as above] ... when he let go, he does not hold.
297. The replacement object
transfer is knowledge the
capacity to create attention - This is
the true nature followed Quan thinking.
See both similarities
Do deduced from an object,
Focus on killing - this is
the true nature of the generals destroyed shop.
After thinking about the object
He discerned decay,
thereby expressing emptiness - this
is the true nature rise rooftop bar
about three visualization Thorough-bred,
and both discriminative four parts shop,
Thorough-bred three manifestations
of the other misleading points will not budge him.
transfer is knowledge the
capacity to create attention - This is
the true nature followed Quan thinking.
See both similarities
Do deduced from an object,
Focus on killing - this is
the true nature of the generals destroyed shop.
After thinking about the object
He discerned decay,
thereby expressing emptiness - this
is the true nature rise rooftop bar
about three visualization Thorough-bred,
and both discriminative four parts shop,
Thorough-bred three manifestations
of the other misleading points will not budge him.
298. Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom cessation [of mind] after contemplating the object is really nature consistent position.'
[59 ] [Chapter VIII - TABLE OF terrifying ]
299. What is the wisdom of the horrific manifestations are dangerous top spot?
300. (1 a) Knowledge of horror like this expression: ' Sources of existence arises that terror' is the consistent position of danger. Property on terror expression thus: ' Continue existing recurrence was frightening' ... ' The conditions for longer birth and death is frightening' ... ' Accumulate is frightening' ... 'The birth was frightening '...' will be reborn in a realm is frightening '...' Sanh production is frightening '...' rebirth start is frightening '...' birth is terrifying '.. . ' Aging is frightening' ... ' the disease was frightening' ... ' Death is frightening' ... ' Suffering brain is frightening' ... ' My admiration is frightening' ... knowledge about thus frightening expression ' Great expectations are terrifying' is dangerous top spot.
(1 b) to the state of peacefulness Tri ( santipada ) is this: 'no longer the source of existence is being run in peace'. Peaceful state of mind is this: 'does not continue to recur as peaceful existence' ... [and so the notion remaining 15 listed in e. 18] ... Tri peace status is this: 'Do not despair is peace'.
(1 c) status Tri peace is this: 'Sources of existence arises is frightening, do not arise as peace' ... [and so as in e. 18] ... Tri peace status is this: 'Despair is frightening and not to despair in peace'.
301. (2.A) Tue expression of horror like this: 'Source arising of existence is suffering' is the top spot dangerous ... [and so as in e. 19] ... knowledge of horror like this expression 'Despair is suffering' is the consistent position of danger.
(2.b) Tri peace to the state is that this' is no longer the source of existence is being run perfect happiness' ... Tri peace to the state is that this' despair is not perfect happiness '.
(2.c) the Tri happy condition is this: 'Source arising of existence is suffering, there is no source of existence is being run perfect happiness' ... Tri on that happy condition this: 'despair is suffering, despair is not perfect happiness'.
302. (3.A) Tue expression of horror like this: 'From the arising of worldly existence' is dangerous ... Tue top spot of horror like this expression: 'Despair is secular 'is the consistent position of danger. [60]
(3b) Tri peace to the state is that this 'no longer exists source is being run by non-secular' ... Tri peace to the state is that this 'No despair is non-secular'.
(3c) status Tri peace is this 'Despair is a secular, not despair as non-secular'.
303. (4.a) Tue expression of horror like this: 'Sources of existence is being run fruiting behavior' is dangerous ... Tue top spot of horror like this expression: 'Despair is fruiting behavior 'is dangerous top spot.
(4.b) Tri peace to the state is that this 'No source is Nibbana arise, not to despair Nibbana'.
(4.c) Tri is a happy condition of this 'source of existence arises is the fruiting behavior, no longer exists arising of Nibbana' ... Tri status is that this peace 'despair is the fruiting behavior, do not despair is Nibbana.'
304. He discerned suffering
Source arising of existence, existence continues to recur, and even birth and death conditions,
Accumulation, the birth -
And this is the danger of the top spot on him.
He discerned that perfect happiness:
No source of existence arise, do not continue to recur existence, no condition to even birth and death,
no accumulation, not the birth -
And this is the top spot on the welfare of him.
Dangerous place to shop
Five roots;
Peaceful location also shop on-year -
He understood that the tenth position.
This master two types of location
The other false opinion will not budge him.
305. Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom of expression is terrifying dangerous top spot.'
306. What is the wisdom wanted to free, thinking and calm, serene location * is before the fruiting behavior? (cf. thag 270 and ThagA).
* Santitthana: composure.
307. Tue want liberation, thinking and calm, [busy] arising of existing resources is calm place before fruiting behavior. Tue want liberation, thinking, and calm, [busy] continue to recur exist ... [and so the notion remaining 15 listed in e. 18] ... Tue want liberation, thinking and calm, [busy with] despair is calm place before fruiting behavior.
308. Tue want liberation, calm thinking and says: 'Source arising of existence is suffering' is a calm place before fruiting behavior [61] ... Tue want liberation, thinking and calm static thus: 'Despair is suffering' is a calm place before fruiting behavior.
309. Tue want liberation, calm thinking and says: 'Sources of existence arises is terrifying' is serene place before fruiting behavior ... Tue want liberation, thinking and calm like this : 'Despair is terrifying' is serene place before fruiting behavior.
310. Tue want liberation, calm thinking and says: 'From the arising of worldly existence' is a calm place before fruiting behavior ... Tue want liberation, thinking and calm like this : 'Despair is secular' is serene place before fruiting behavior.
311. Tue want liberation, calm thinking and says: 'Sources of existence arises is the fruiting behavior' is serene place before fruiting behavior ... Tue want liberation, thinking and calm static thus: 'Despair is the fruiting behavior' is behavior where calm before fruiting.
312. Source arise existence of the acts set fruit; innocent he looked set fruit acts with calm heart: so calm before fruiting behavior. Both acts create productive and calm hearts are artifacts behavior; he innocent look that acts artifacts with calm heart: so calm before fruiting behavior. Continue recurring existence is created effective behavior ... Despair is the fruiting behavior, he looked innocent acts to effect a calm heart: so calm before fruiting behavior. Both acts create productive and calm hearts are artifacts behavior;he innocent look that acts artifacts with calm heart: so calm before fruiting behavior.
313. With secularists, how many are interested to navigating calm before fruiting behavior?
With secular people, there are eight ways to navigate the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior.
314. For the school property (still practiced), there are many ways to navigate the mind is calm before fruiting behavior? With people no longer participating, how many are interested to navigating calm before fruiting behavior? [62] To the secular, there are two ways to navigate the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior. With school property (also practice), there are three ways to navigate the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior. With people no longer participate, there are three ways to navigate the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior.
315. For laymen, two ways to navigate calm heart before fruiting behavior is what?
Secular or enjoy calm before fruiting behavior or clear it with the true nature shop. With secular, here are two ways to navigate the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior.
316. For the school property (still practiced), three ways to navigate the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior is what?
With school property, or prefer calm before fruiting behavior or clear it with the true nature shop, or after contemplation, he obtained the fruits stay on [the path]. With school property, here are three ways to navigate the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior.
317. With people no longer participate, three ways to navigate the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior is what?
With people no longer looked calm before taking action to create consistent results with the true nature, or after contemplation, stay on the result obtained « the path » or by innocent look with a calm heart, he lives residence in empty or no signs of life or residing in the residence of the non-life wishes. With people no longer participate, here are three ways to navigate the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior.
318. What are the similarities between navigating interest to be calm before fruiting behavior of the secular and the school's property?
When preferred calm before fruiting behavior, secular contaminate your mind, and that's the obstacle to practice, obstacles to the full understanding penetrates, a condition for the delivery in the future. When preferred calm before fruiting behavior, the school organic contaminate your mind, and that's the obstacle to practice, obstacles to the full understanding penetrates, a condition for the delivery in the future. This is the similarity between navigating interest to be calm before the fruiting behavior and organic secular school (still practiced).
319. What are the similarities between navigating interest to be calm before fruiting behavior of the secular, of the property of the school and is no longer involved?
Secularists saw acts calm before creating consistent results with the true nature is impermanence, suffering and not-self. Organic school who saw acts calm before creating consistent results with the true nature is impermanent, suffering and not-self. People no longer see the calm before taking action to create consistent results with the true nature is impermanence, suffering and not-self. [63] This is the similarities between navigating interest to be calm before fruiting behavior of laymen, who are no longer useful to learn and participate.
320. What is the difference between navigating the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior of the secular, of the property of the school and is no longer involved?
With secular, calm before fruiting is good behavior. Property with learning, behavior creates calm before the good results. With people no longer participate, creating calm before the behavior is indeterminate results. This is the difference between navigating the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior of the secular, of the property of the school and is no longer involved in the sense of good and evil.
321. What is the difference between navigating the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior of the secular, of the property of the school and is no longer involved?
With secular, calm before fruiting behavior sometimes clearly recognizable, sometimes not clearly recognized. With school property, sometimes to realize clear, sometimes not clearly recognized. With people no longer involved, calmly before fruiting behavior always clearly recognizable. This is the difference between navigating the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior of the secular, the school property and who no longer participate in the sense that it is recognized and unrecognized.
322. What is the difference between navigating the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior of the secular, of the property of the school and is no longer involved?
Secularists saw acts calm before creating consistent results with real green immature nature. Organic school who saw acts calm before creating consistent results with real green immature nature. People no longer see the calm before taking action to create consistent results with the true nature ripe. This is the difference between navigating the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior of the secular, the school property and who no longer participate in the sense of ripe and not ripe.
323. What is the difference between navigating the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior of the secular, of the property of the school and is no longer involved?
Secular apparent calm before fruiting behavior by discriminative shop to stock the stream by entering the path to abandon the three binding. Organic practitioners who clearly see behavior creates calm before the true nature to result in consistent evidence [path] higher, after three binding was abandoned. He is not apparent calm before taking action to create consistent results with real-life character to stay in the perfect happiness in the here and now, after all gonorrhea infections have been eradicated. This is the difference between navigating the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior of the secular, the school property and who no longer participate in the sense of something being abandoned and not abandoned. [64]
324. What is the difference between navigating the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior of the secular, the school property and who no longer participate?
Preferred secular or calm before fruiting behavior or realize it by discriminative shop. With school property, or prefer calm before fruiting behavior or clear it with the true nature shop, or after contemplation, he witness to the achievements obtained residence [the path]. With people no longer looked calm before taking action to create consistent results with the true nature, or after contemplation, witness to the achievements obtained residence « the path » or by innocent look with a calm heart, he lived residing in empty or live in or live icon not wish. This is the difference between navigating the mind to be calm before fruiting behavior of the secular, of the property of the school and is no longer involved in the sense of permanent and successful life.
325. How many kinds calm before fruiting behavior by silence? How many types of behavior creates calm before thanks to consistent results true nature?
Eight types of behavior creates calm before thanks quiet performance. Ten kind of behavior creates calm before the true nature thanks to consistent results.
326. Eight type of behavior creates calm before thanks quiet is what results?
Tue thinking obstacle to attaining the primary purpose of meditation and calmness, is located on the calm before fruiting behavior. Tue to centripetal thinking about the subject and consider the object for the purpose of attaining the second meditation and calmness, is located on the calm before fruiting behavior.Thinking about blowing your wisdom with the aim of attaining the three meditation and calmness, is located on the calm before fruiting behavior. Tue thinking about happiness and unhappiness with the aim of attaining jhana and calm, as calm place before fruiting behavior. Tue thinking to be awareness of identity, perception and awareness opposition difference for the purpose of attaining the infinite realms of space and calmness, is located on the calm before fruiting behavior. Tue thinking to awareness of the infinite realms of space for the purpose of attaining the infinite realms of knowledge and calm, as calm place before fruiting behavior. Tue thinking to awareness of the infinite realms of knowledge with the aim of reaching the plane nothing and calm, is located on the calm before fruiting behavior. Tue cognitive thinking about nothing realm with the aim of attaining no cognitive realms also not without awareness and calm, as calm place before fruiting behavior.
This is the calm before the eight kinds of behavior by creating harmony results.
327. Ten calm before creating results through consistent behavior What is the true nature? [65]
Tue thinking about arising of existing resources , to continue the existing recurring , condition for longer birth and death , accumulation, the birth, the realm to be reborn, re-appeared, birth, aging, illness, death, sorrow, lamentation, despair, and of calm, with the aim of attaining the path entered the stream is located on the calm before fruiting behavior. Tue thinking about arising of existing resources, ... despair, and of calm, with the aim of attaining fruition enter the course is located on the calm before fruiting behavior. Tue ... the path back to a time ... fruition back once ... not again ... the path of no return ... fruition arahant path ... <result arahant .. . live in the residence was empty ...> Tue thinking about the source of existence arise, ... desperate, and the calm, with the aim of attaining dwell in no signs>, and the calm, is located on the calm before fruiting behavior.
This is the calm before the ten kinds of behavior produce consistent results thanks discriminative.
328. How many kinds of behavior creates calm before the good results? How many immoral? Calculate how much uncertainty?
There are fifteen types of behavior creates calm before the good results. There are three types of behavior creates calm before the uncertainty calculation results. No kind of calm before fruiting immoral behavior.
329. [Now] wisdom of thinking
and calm [as follows]:
The eight areas of interest
is: two for laymen
and three to the school property
, and three people were all involved, which
of your mind that has turned away.
With regulations, there are eight conditions,
and there are ten areas for location, again
they formed eighteen kinds
calm before fruiting behavior,
they do allow myself
[Both] three types of liberation.
[So] who have knowledge
Makes [all] 18 This form occurs
Thorough-bred of calm
before fruiting behavior, and therefore
misconceiving The other will not budge him.
and calm [as follows]:
The eight areas of interest
is: two for laymen
and three to the school property
, and three people were all involved, which
of your mind that has turned away.
With regulations, there are eight conditions,
and there are ten areas for location, again
they formed eighteen kinds
calm before fruiting behavior,
they do allow myself
[Both] three types of liberation.
[So] who have knowledge
Makes [all] 18 This form occurs
Thorough-bred of calm
before fruiting behavior, and therefore
misconceiving The other will not budge him.
330. Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom want liberation, thinking and calmness, is located on the kind of calm before fruiting behavior.'
331. What is the wisdom emerged and turned away from the outside is where to nature?
332. It crossed the source of existence arise , so it is transforming nature. It passes continue to recur exist... conditions are birth and death ... cumulative ... the realm of birth ... ... to be reborn ... reborn unproductive start .. . birth ... aging ... illness ... death ... sorrow ... complain ... it's desperation pass, so it is transforming nature. It crossed symbol of fruiting external behavior, * so it is transforming nature. It entered 2 * not arise of existing resources, so it is transforming nature. It entered the unborn ... It's not desperate to enter, such as transforming nature. It entered into cessation, Nibbana, so it is transforming nature.
* Overcome the symbol of fruiting behavior outside the world emerged from the results of the acts creating, called the 'outside' because Nibbana not constitute located by conditions outside (P. 866).
2 * pakkhandati means anupavisati : enter, go to (P. 866).
After crossing the arising of existing resources, it is no longer enter the arising of existing resources, so it is transforming nature. After passing the birth, it entered the unborn ... After overcoming despair, it is not desperate to enter ... so is transforming nature. After passing the symbol of fruiting external behavior, it entered into cessation, Nibbana, so it is transforming nature.
333. It emerged from the arising of existing resources, so it is to emerge from the emptiness ... It's hopeless, so it is transforming nature. It emerged from the symbol of the external act of creation results, so it is transforming nature.
It is no longer enter the arising of existing resources, so it is transferred into nature ... It is not hopeless, so it is transforming nature. It entered into cessation, Nibbana, so it is transforming nature.
After rising from the arising of existing resources, it is no longer enter the arising of existing resources, so it is transforming nature ... [67] After rising from despair, it is not desperate to enter ... so it is transforming nature. After rising from the symbol of fruiting external behavior, it entered into cessation, Nibbana, so it is transforming nature.
334. It turned away from the source of existence arise, so it is transforming nature. It turned away from despair, so it was moved nature. He turned away from the symbol of the external act of creation results, so it is transforming nature.
It is no longer enter the arising of existing resources, so it is transferred into nature ... It is not hopeless, so it is transforming nature. It entered into cessation, Nibbana, so it is transforming nature.
After turning away from the arising of existence, it is no longer being run into the present, so it is transforming nature ... After turning away from despair, he entered not despair ... as Therefore it is moved nature. After turning away from the symbol of fruiting external behavior, it entered into cessation, Nibbana, so it is transforming nature.
335. How many the idea of moving and tranquil nature arises thanks? How many ideas of transforming nature arises through discriminative shop?
There are eight ideas of emptiness arises thanks go quiet. There are ten ideas of transforming nature arises through discriminative shop.
336. Eight notion of moving through quiet nature arises is what? To witness meditation, it overcomes obstacles, such as transforming nature. To substantiate second meditation ... [and so as in e. 326 to] ... [68] To show no awareness realms also not without awareness, it crossed awareness realms nothing, so it is transforming nature.
Here are eight ideas of emptiness arises thanks go quiet.
337. Ten notion of transforming nature arises through discriminative bar is what? To enter the course certification path, it passes the arising of existing resources, so it is transforming nature ... [and so as in e.327 until] ... desperate, symbol of fruiting external behavior, so it is transforming nature. To experience the results you enter the stream, it passes the arising of existing resources, such as transforming nature. To show the path back to a time ... fruition back once ... not again ... the path of no return ... fruition arahant path ... <result arahant ... live residing in empty ...> To certificate < no symbols > it passes arise source of existence, desperately, symbol of fruiting behavior outside, so it was moved nature.
This is the calm before the ten kinds of behavior produce consistent results thanks discriminative.
338. How many moving nature friendly concept? How many moving nature unwholesome idea? How many notions transforming any qualitative nature?
There are fifteen transforming nature-friendly concept. Three conceptual transfer any qualitative nature. No idea how many transfer unwholesome nature.
339. Object and intangible,
and did not wish WISHES,
Being bound and not bound,
rising and rising.
With regulations, there are eight conditions,
and there are ten areas for location, again
Constitute eighteen kinds of
emptiness transfer status
Self them as a condition for
[Both] three types of liberation.
[Should] have wisdom has
Makes [all] 18 This form occurs
Thorough-bred to look away
as the rising maturity, and therefore
differences Perspectives other will not budge him.
and did not wish WISHES,
Being bound and not bound,
rising and rising.
With regulations, there are eight conditions,
and there are ten areas for location, again
Constitute eighteen kinds of
emptiness transfer status
Self them as a condition for
[Both] three types of liberation.
[Should] have wisdom has
Makes [all] 18 This form occurs
Thorough-bred to look away
as the rising maturity, and therefore
differences Perspectives other will not budge him.
340. Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom emerged and turned away from the outside is transforming nature.' [69]
341. What is the wisdom emerged and turned away from [outside and inside ] is located on the path?
342. At the moment of entering the path of the course:
Chief sense is clear (a) rising from the wrong point of view, and it emerged from gonorrhea and from the set of gonorrhea by birth, and (b) from the outside, it emerged from all the wall; Such should say: 'Intellectual Property on the rising path and turned away from both sides'.
Thought cylinder radial sense into (a) rising ...
Right speech in the sense of preserving speech (a) rising ...
Chief executive power in the sense that arise (a) rising ...
Right Livelihood keep clean in the sense that (a) rising ...
Chief diligent efforts sense (a) rising ...
Mindfulness in the sense set (a) rising ...
Concentration in the sense of not distracted (a) emerged from the false, and it emerged from gonorrhea and from the set of gonorrhea by birth, and (b) from the outside, it emerged from all the signs understand; Such should say: 'Intellectual Property on the rising path and turned away from both sides'.
343. At the moment in the path back to a time:
Chief sense is found [70] ... right concentration in the sense of not distracted (a) rising from the raw force of desire of the craving and opposes, from crude latent tendencies of lust craving and of the opposition, emerged from gonorrhea and from the set of gonorrhea by birth, and (b) from the outside, it emerged from all the signs *; Such should say: 'Intellectual Property of the path is rising and turning away from both sides'.
* Sign is a symbol of five sets. Read Vism. XXIII e. 13.
344. At the moment in the path of no return:
Right view ... right concentration in the sense seen in the sense of not distracted (a) rising from the back aches binding of craving and desire of the opposition, from the latent tendencies of lust sopildisesa craving and the opposition again, starting out from gonorrhea and from the set of gonorrhea by birth, and (b) from the outside, it emerged from all the signs; Such should say: 'Intellectual Property on the rising path and turned away from both sides'.
345. At the moment in the path Arahant:
Right view ... right concentration in the sense seen in the sense of not distracted (a) rising from existing desires world realms, from the present desires formless realms, from pride, from the oscillation, from ignorance and (b) from the outside, it emerged from all the signs; Such should say: 'Intellectual Property of the path is rising and turning away from both sides'.
346. He burned (read from the PSA is jhapeti ) the unproductive by the birth,
from which jhāna so called
liberation Thanks to mature on jhana
The difference in opinion will not budge he
If after provisions, he found online shop by location
and also that, following online shop location, he focused
then the true nature and quiet bar level up
are forced into each other and
acts to create a result saw suffering
and annihilation is located
between two protruded Tue this up
state Supreme Touch birth
he knows the path to liberation
Thorough-bred in the points difference and the most
mature of the two types When that position
perspectives difference will not budge him.
from which jhāna so called
liberation Thanks to mature on jhana
The difference in opinion will not budge he
If after provisions, he found online shop by location
and also that, following online shop location, he focused
then the true nature and quiet bar level up
are forced into each other and
acts to create a result saw suffering
and annihilation is located
between two protruded Tue this up
state Supreme Touch birth
he knows the path to liberation
Thorough-bred in the points difference and the most
mature of the two types When that position
perspectives difference will not budge him.
347. Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom rising and turning away from [outside and inside] is located on the path'. [71]
348. What is the wisdom of efforts to defuse * is located about results ?
* Read the note at e. 27 Luan I of effort.
349. At the moment of entering the path of the course:
Chief sense is seen rising from the wrong point of view, and it emerged from gonorrhea and from the set of gonorrhea by birth, and from the outside, it emerged from all the signs. Right view arises because of the calm that effort: This is the direct result of the recipe.
Thought cylinder radial sense to resurface ...
Right speech in the sense of keeping the words emerged ...
Chief Executive sense arise outcrop source ...
Right Livelihood keep clean sense emerged ...
Chief diligent efforts sense emerged ...
Establishing mindfulness rising sense ...
Concentration in the sense of not scattered outcrops from the false, and it emerged from gonorrhea and from the set of gonorrhea by birth, and from the outside, it emerged from all the signs. Concentration [72] arise because of the calm that effort: This is the direct result of the recipe.
350. At the moment in the path back to a time:
Right view ... right concentration in the sense seen in the sense of not distract from the rising crude force of craving and desire of the opposition, from crude latent tendencies of desire and craving of the fight in contrast, emerged from gonorrhea and from the set of gonorrhea by birth, and from the outside, it emerged from all the signs. Right view arises because of the calm that effort: This is the direct result of the recipe.
351. At the moment in the path of no return:
Right view ... right concentration in the sense seen in the sense of not distracted emerged from the binding was left craving and desire of the opposition, from the latent tendencies left over of libido and sexual desire of the opposition, it emerged from gonorrhea and from the set of gonorrhea by birth, and from the outside, it emerged from all the signs. Right view arises because of the calm that effort: This is the direct result of the recipe.
352. At the moment in the path Arahant:
Right view ... right concentration in the sense seen in the sense of not distracted longing emerged from World realms exist, from existing yearning formless realms, from pride, from the oscillation, from ignorance, from khao existence becomes thirsty, and from ignorance, and it emerged from gonorrhea and from the set of gonorrhea by birth, and from the outside, it emerged from all the signs. Right view arises because of the calm that effort: This is the direct result of the recipe.
353. Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom of calm effort is agreed on results'.
[Chapter XIII - Liberation ]
354. What imperfect insight is removed position of liberation?
355. By entering the path of the stream stage, the following imperfections must be cut in the interest of people practicing:
1 views [false] to fall * longevity *
2. skeptical,
3. misinterpreted gender and ritual,
i. latent tendency to the view [false]
ii. latent tendency to skepticism
Tam has been liberated, totally liberated from this imperfection in the form of their phobia. [73]
Place in the sense of liberation from the imperfection and knowledge in the sense of understanding that behavior. So should say: 'insight imperfection is removed position of liberation'.
356. To stage the path back once, the following imperfections completely removed in the interest of people practicing:
4. Crude binding of craving desires,
5. Crude binding of the opposition,
iii. Crude latent tendencies of lust and sexual desire
iv. Crude latent tendencies of the opposition,
Tam has been liberated, totally liberated from this with four incomplete haunt their morphology.
Place in the sense of liberation from the imperfection and knowledge in the sense of understanding that behavior. So should say: 'insight imperfection is removed position of liberation'.
357. To stage the path of no return, after the imperfect completely removed in the interest of people practicing:
4. The binding was left craving of desire,
5. The binding was left of the opposition,
iii. latent tendencies of lust was left craving
iv. latent tendencies left over by the opposition,
Tam has been liberated, totally liberated from this with four incomplete haunt their morphology.
Place in the sense of liberation from the imperfection and knowledge in the sense of understanding that behavior. So should say: 'insight imperfection is removed position of liberation'.
358. To stage arahant path, the following imperfections completely removed in the interest of people practicing:
6. yearning [existing] international realms,
7. yearning [existing] formless realms,
8. conceit,
9. oscillation,
10. ignorance,
v. latent tendency to conceit
for. existing tendencies latent yearning
vii. latent tendency to ignorance
Tam has been liberated, totally liberated from this eight imperfections with their obsessive form.
Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom imperfection is removed position of liberation'.
[Chapter XIV - REVIEW ]
359. What is discriminative insight gained phenomena then place the review?
360. At the moment of entering the path of the course:
Chief obvious sense is achieved then, right thought cylinder radial sense to achieve the same time, preserving the sense of right speech ... speech, the chief executive in the sense of power arise ..., [74 ] right livelihood ... the sense to keep clean, right effort effort ... sense, in the sense of establishing mindfulness ... right concentration in the sense of not distracted achieve that time; forming elements of the concept in the sense of enlightenment set to achieve the same time, factors that constitute seeking enlightenment in the sense of learning ... actually, enlightenment factors that constitute the sense of diligent effort. .., elements forming blowing enlightenment ... the sense of harmony, enlightenment factors that constitute the sense of quiet calm ..., factors that constitute the sense of enlightenment without distraction. .., enlightened factors that constitute the sense of calm that time thinking achieved;
Credit unshakable sense force because not achieved at that time information; ton capacity unshakable sense because lazy ..., anniversary unshakable force sense because ... distraction, concentration unshakable sense because oscillation ..., intellectual capacity unshakable sense because achieved at the time of ignorance;
ability to influence the decision in the sense of signal gain at that time; ability to influence the diligent ... and capacity to influence the sense of concept set ..., the capacity to influence the sense of not distracted ... and capacity of mental influence achieve the sense that time;
the ability to influence the sense of ascendancy achieved at that time; the unshakable sense forces ..., the factors that constitute the sense of enlightenment ... exit, follow the path that causes ..., foundation of mindfulness ... the sense of setting, working a true force in the sense of diligence ..., the foundation of the sense of achievement spiritual powers ..., the truth in the sense as real (true) achieved at that time;
quiet in the sense not distracted achieve that time; discriminative bars ... visualize sense, calm and consistent in the sense discriminative unique effects ..., paired together in the sense of not exceeding the time achieved;
purify the world in the sense that once dominated achieved; purification of the mind is not distracted ... sense, in the sense of purification opinion ... clearly, the sense of liberation is freedom ..., clairvoyance in the sense of understanding ..., definitely target ranges sense un ..., where decay in the sense that once severed achieved; [75]
in the sense of origin, eager to achieve at that time; in the sense of power arise, consider ...; in the sense of coordination, the exposure ..., in the sense of encounter, experience ..., in the sense to go ahead, the ...;sense prevail, contemplation ...; highest sense, wisdom ... core sense (taste), pepper knife ...; in the sense of ending, Nibbana emerged from achieving immortality then.
After rising, he reviewed. These statuses are achieved at the time.
361. At the moment you enter the stream results:
Chief obvious sense is achieved then, right thought ... [and so as in e. 360 until] ..., objective sense knives rid ..., location does not arise in the sense of calm achieved at that time; the desire to achieve the sense of origin at the time; judgment ... [and so as in e. 360 until] ..., Nibbana, rising from immortal in the sense that end, achieved at the time.
After rising, he reviewed. These states then arises.
362. At the moment the path back to a time:
... [As in e. 360 until] ...
363. At the moment back once fruition:
... [As in e. 361 until] ...,
364. At the moment of no return path:
... [As in e. 360 until] ...
365. At the moment you do not return results:
... [As in e. 361 until] ...,
366. At the moment arahant path:
... [As in e. 360 until] ...
367. At the moment arahant results:
Right view ... [and so as in e. 361 until] ..., [76] Nibbana emerged from immortal in the sense of termination, achieved at the time.
After rising, he reviewed. These statuses are achieved at the time.
368. Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom true nature of phenomena is achieved then place the review'.
369. What is the wisdom determined that senses differences in the position of an object based?
370. The practitioner determines how the senses?
He identified his eyes, he identified an ear, nose ... tongue ... body ... ... he determined standard.
371. practitioner will determine how eye? (Cf. e 287).
He defined thus: Eyes created by ignorance. Hungrily eye ... Eye generated by creating action ... by nutrients generated Eye ... Eye was created by [cling] from four main factors ... Eye started up .. . he defined thus: Eye was created. He defined thus: Eyes, before no, that was created, would not exist. He identified eyes with finite space. He defined thus: Eye is impermanent, because the conditions created, depending arises, subject to destruction, be consumed, ruined bear, bear extinction. He identified impermanent eye, rather than long-term survival; he defined eyes are suffering, not joy; he determines it is not falling, but not identified as self; he becomes boring, do not get fancy; Greed makes fade away, [77] he is not sexy it; he makes cessation, not arise; he let go, not holding. Determination is impermanent, he abandoned the notion of immortality; identified as suffering, he abandoned the notion of joy; determined not fall, he abandoned the notion of self; become boring, he abandoned interest; create fades, he abandoned desires; created cessation, he abandoned sources arise; let go, he abandoned cling. The practitioner determines the eye like that.
372. The practitioner determines the ear like?
... [As in e. 371] ...
373. The practitioner determines how your nose?
... [As in e. 371] ...
374. The practitioner determines how the tongue?
... [As in e. 371] ...
375. The practitioner determines how the body?
... [As in e. 371] ...
376. The practitioner determines the like?
... [As in e. 371] ... The practitioner determines reviews like that.
377. The ideas that define how it. Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom is defined senses differences in position on the base object'.
378. What is the wisdom determines « object » is located outside of the difference in the field [base object]?
379. The practitioner determines the « object » outside like?
He identified visible outside, he identified the sound ... the smell ... taste ... touching animals are outside.
380. The practitioner determines the external visible like?
He defined thus: tangible materials created by ignorance. He ... [and so as in e. 371 to] ... [78] ... let go, he abandoned cling. Practitioners identify tangible objects outside like that.
381-385. Practitioners identify external sound ... [and so as in e. 372-376 until] ... Practitioners identify objects outside like that.
386. [Practitioners identify objects outside like that]. Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom identify external object is located on the differences in the area of [base object]'. [79]
387. What is the wisdom determine where behavior is the difference in behavior?
388. Conduct in three categories: behavior of interest, conduct of delusion, where behavior.
389. Conduct What is the mind?
Acts divert attention uncertainty in function of the heart to see the tangible objects that act of the mind.Means of recognizing objects from visible sight is of the mind behave. Since then factor the result is [happening] is behavior towards [object] as tangible objects were seen as act of the mind. Since then the consequences are recognizable elements from the [happened] because towards tangible objects that act of the mind.
Acts divert attention uncertainty in function of the heart to hear the sound of the heart is behaving. Means of recognizing the sound from the headphones is the behavior of interest ... [and so as above] ...
Acts divert attention uncertainty in function of the heart to smell ...
Acts divert attention uncertainty in function of the heart to taste ...
Acts divert attention uncertainty according to the function of the heart touching tangible objects ...
Acts divert attention uncertainty in function of the heart to recognize objects behave mind is the mind.Means of identification of objects as the mind is aware of the behavior of interest. The result from factors such as the [happen] as behavior towards [object] because the object was to Tell mind is the mind behave.Results were recognizable elements from the [happened] because towards the object of interest is behaving.[80]
390. Conduct of mind: in what sense?
Act without taking heart: this is the behavior of the mind. No yard behave mind: this is the behavior of the mind. Si no mind to behave: ... Mind act without conceit (pride): ... Mind behave no opinion [false]: ... Center no oscillation behavior: .. . Mind has no doubt behave: ... Mind behave no latent tendencies: ... Mind behavior not associated with participation: ... Mind behavior is not associated with the field: ... Mind behavior not associated with delusion: ... Mind behave not affiliated with pride (pride): ... Mind behave not affiliated with the view [false]: ... behave nothing Center with oscillation: ... Mind is not associated with behavior or suspected: ... Mind behavior not associated with latent tendencies: ... Mind behavior is not associated with improved behavior: ... mind not behave associated with immoral behavior: ... mind behavior not associated with behavior can be reprimanded: ... mind behavior not associated with behavior can not be rebuked: .. . Mind not behave associated with dark behavior: ... Mind behave not affiliated with transparent behavior: ... Mind behavior not associated with creating joyful behavior: ... Mind behave not associated with behavior creates suffering: ... Mind behavior not associated with behavior happily awarded: ... Mind behavior associated with behavior not bear fruit of suffering: ... Mind behave what to be aware [object]: This is the act of the mind. He is behaving like the mind: this is a kind of mind behave. This heart pure nature without gonorrhea sense: this is a kind of mind behave.
This is the behavior of the mind.
391. Conduct What is ignorance?
Acts of direct attention of functional uncertainty because the impulse center of attachment to objects tangible possibility is that act of the mind: promoting her behavior is the behavior of participation of delusion. Acts divert attention uncertainty in function of the heart because the courts to promote tangible objects majeure is that the behavior of the mind: the behavior of the field that is promoting acts of ignorance. Acts divert attention uncertainty of mind functional because of ignorance to push objects must not create [participate or field] is the behavior of the mind: that of promoting behavior is ignorance of ignorance behavior . Acts of direct attention of functional uncertainty because the impulse center of conceit as binding as the behavior of the mind: promoting her behavior is an act of arrogance of ignorance. Acts divert attention uncertainty in function of the impulse of the heart because of [false] as misinterpreted [81] is of interest act: acts that promote the views of [false] is an act of ignorance. Acts of direct attention of functional uncertainty because the impulse center of oscillation is behaving like wandering of the mind: promoting behavior that the oscillation is the behavior of delusion. Acts divert attention uncertainty in function of the impulse of the heart because such skepticism is not the definitive conclusion of the mind behave: behavior that promotes the behavior suspiciously as delusion. Acts of direct attention of functional uncertainty because the impulse center of latent tendencies as long habits are difficult to change the behavior of the mind: that of promoting behavioral tendencies are latent behavior delusion.
Acts divert attention uncertainty in function of the impulse of the heart because the sound is attachment behavior of interest: promoting her behavior is the behavior of participation of delusion. Behavior ... [and so as above] ... craving smell ...
... Your passion ...
... Touching attachment material is ...
Acts divert attention uncertainty of mind functional because of greedy impulses objects behave mind is the mind: promoting her behavior is the behavior of participation of delusion. Behavior ... [and so as above] ... Acts divert attention uncertainty in function of the mind because the impetus of the latent tendencies of the mind behavior: behavior that promotes the tendency latent guide the behavior of delusion.
392. Conduct of ignorance: ignorance of behaving in what sense?
Mind behave with participation: This is the ignorance of the mind behave. Treat mental field: This is the ignorance of the mind behave. Center with si behavior: This is the ignorance of the mind behave. Behave with conceit mind: This is the ignorance of the mind behave. Treat mental standpoint [false]: ... Center with oscillating behavior ... behavior with Heart ... Heart behaving suspiciously with latent tendencies: ... Mind linked behave involved: ... Mind behave associated with the field: ... Mind si behave associated with: ... center linked behave conceit: ... Mind linked behave opinion [false ]: ... [82] Tam behave associated with oscillations: ... Mind linked behaving suspiciously: ... Mind behave associated with latent tendencies: ... Centre does not behave associated with good behavior: ... Mind behave associated with immoral behavior: ... Mind behavior not associated with behavior can not be rebuked: ... Mind behavior linked to behavior dark: ... Mind behave not affiliated with transparent behavior: ...
Mind not behave associated with creating joyful behavior: ... Mind linked behave behavior creates suffering: ... Mind behavior not associated with behavior happily awarded: ... Mind act associated with behavioral treatment resistant pain results: ... Mind behavior to something unknown: this behavior is ignorance. He is behaving like delusion: this is a delusion behavior.
This is a delusion behavior.
393. Conduct of mind is?
Acts divert attention uncertainty of mind functionally consistent with the purpose of impermanence is the behavior of the mind: the impermanence shop was located behave. Acts divert attention uncertainty of mind functionally consistent with the purpose of suffering ... for the purpose is not consistent with the purpose of consistent falls ... boring ... consistent with the purpose of all desires. .. with the aim of consistency with the aim of annihilation ... letting go shop ... for the purpose of destruction ... consistent with customary purposes consistent with the purpose of killing ... change ... for the purpose of consistency no sign ... for the purpose not consistent with the purpose of desire ... empty ... consistent with the purpose of illuminating the true nature shop in the mental phenomena with the aim of increasing the upper ... see they are true as truth ... for the purpose of risk consistent ... with the purpose of thinking is consistent behavior of the mind: thinking that behavior is consistent behavior of location. Acts divert attention uncertainty of mind functionally consistent with the purpose of turning away the mind's behavior: the bar was turned away position behavior. Enter the path of where the stream is behaving. Enter the course fruition ... Directed once again reveal the location behavior. Back once fruition ... Dao route back is not where behavior. Results do not come back ... Directed Highway location arahant is behavior. Arahant result of the location is behaving.
394. Conduct of location: behave in a sense of place?
Act without taking heart: this is the location behavior. Behave no golf center: ... no si Heart behave: ... Mind act without conceit: ... [83] behave Center takes no position [false]: ... Mind no oscillation behavior: ... Mind behave no doubt: ... Mind behave no latent tendencies: ... Mind behavior not associated with participation: ... Centre does not behave associated with the field: ... Mind behavior not associated with delusion: ... Mind behave not affiliated with conceit: ... Mind behave not affiliated with the view [false]: ... mind not behave associated with oscillations: ... mind is not associated with behavior or suspected: ... mind behavior not associated with latent tendencies: ... mind behavior not associated with behavior charity: ... Mind behavior not associated with immoral behavior: ... Mind behavior not associated with behavior can be reprimanded: ... Mind linked behave behavior can not reprimand are: ... Mind behave not affiliated with dark behavior: ... Mind linked behave transparent behavior: ... Mind behave associated with creating joyful behavior: ... Mind behavior is not associated with behavior creates suffering: ... Mind linked behave awarded happily behavior: ... Mind behave behavior not associated with pain bear fruit: ... Mind act what treatment to be aware: This is the act of the intellect. He is behaving like delusion: this is a kind of intelligence behave.
This is where behavior.
395. Conduct of the mind is an act of ignorance is something else, where behavior is something else.
Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom is behaving location determines the difference in behavior'.
396. What is the wisdom identifies four realms is located on the differences in the realm?
397. There are four realms: sex education, gender identity, formless and void counts.
398. What is the sensuous realm? (Read Dhs 1280)
Since hell Avici bottom until the realm of gods Paranimmitavasavatti above, the sets, the elements, the platform, object, experience, perception, create mood and existing knowledge in this distance , limited horizons of them here, be counted here: this is the heavenly realms.
Land 399. What is gender identity? [84] (Read Dhs 1282)
Since World Brahma bottom until the realm of gods Akanittha above, the state of mind and mental factors in people who have seen [that realm through meditation] or who have been born [there] or in [ as arahant] is stay [there] in peace in the here and now, of the states covered by our world here, will be recounted here: this is the realm of gender identity.
400. What is formless realm? (Read Dhs 1284)
Since gods boundless realms of space below the realm of the gods to no cognitive realm is not without awareness above, the state of mind and mental factors in who witnessed or were born or dwelling in peace in the here and now, under the state have their horizons here, will be recounted here: this is the formless realms.
401. Land not to mention what is calculated? (Read Dhs 1291)
The path and fruition of the path not to be counted, and the state is made up: this is the realm not counted regardless. *
These are the four realms.
* Apariyapanna (not counted mention, in addition to stand-alone), that is: 4 path, 4 fruition and nirvana. Read Dhs. sections 583, 992, 1287ff.
402. Four other realms: the four foundations of mindfulness, the four right effort, the four foundations of Kabbalah (the path to capacity), four jhanas , the four immeasurable states, four formless realms attained four very afraid award, four types of progression (D iii 228), four auxiliary object (VBH 332), traditional four Noble (D iii 224) *, four precepts preserved (D iii 232) 2 * , four auspicious (A ii 32) 3 * , four steps of the true Dhamma (A ii 29) 4 * .
This is [each one for] four realms.
* Ariyavamsa ( holy strain ): · satisfied with any old plate public health, · satisfied with any public offerings of food, · satisfied with any public accommodation, · enjoy and rejoice in the abandonment & in practice. Read more A 27 ii.
2 * sangaha-vatthuni : · alms, · say gracious, · do benefit, · impartiality. Read more A 32 ii, iii D 152.
3 * is: · live where appropriate, · signed with Noble, · self-knowledge (read D iii 254), · did blessed before.
4 * is: · not participate, · not pitch, · mindfulness, · concentration.
403. Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom is identified four realms where the difference in the realm'.
404. What is identified nine conceptual knowledge is to know the difference between where the idea?
405. The practitioner determines how the idea?
He identified the conceptual realms are good, he defined the notion of evil realms, he defined the notion of uncertainty worlds. He defined the notion of gender identity are moral realm, he defined the notion that uncertainty. He identified the formless realms idea is good, he defined the notion that uncertainty formless.He defined the concept may not be invoked as friendly, he defined the idea is not to mention that uncertainty. [85]
406. He identified the conceptual realms are good, he defined the notion of evil realms, he defined the notion of uncertainty worlds like?
He identified ten roadmap is good now, he identified ten of the industry roadmap is immoral. He identified [heart] realms and [center] of the fruits of action and [heart] the only effect is uncertain. This is how he defined the concept worlds is good, he defined the notion of evil realms, he defined the notion of uncertainty worlds.
He defined the notion of gender identity is a good plane, identify the conceptual realms uncertain world like?
He identified four jhanas is good for you 'settle now' here [thanks reborn in heavenly realms], he identified four jhanas is uncertain for the reincarnation there [in the formless realms great]. This is how he defined the notion of gender identity is a good plane, identify the conceptual realms uncertain world.
He identified the formless realms idea is good, define concepts formless realm is uncertain how?
He identified four achievements in formless realm is good for you 'settle now' here, he identified four achievements in the realm of formless is uncertain for the reincarnation there. This is how he defined the notion of formless realm is good, define concepts formless realm is uncertain.
He defined the idea is not to mention the friendly properties, determine the ideas are not counted include the uncertainty of how?
He identified four path is good. He identified four monk fruit and Nibbana is uncertain. This is how he defined the idea is not to mention the friendly properties, determine the concept is not to mention the uncertainty calculation.
This is how he defined the concept.
407. Nine states rooted in joy: When meditators attention [to the audience] is impermanent, bliss arises in that position; when he joyfully, joy arises in that position; the blissful mind, body * of relaxed he becomes;body relaxed as « heart of » he felt comfortable; the feel, his mind was set; the concentration, and said he found as they really are; to see and know as truth he becomes boring; when becoming boring, greed he faded. With greed faded, he was freed. When he noticed [the object] is suffering ... When he noticed [object] is not falling ... with greed faded, he was freed.
* Kāya: Rhys Davids under, itself here is nāma-kāya , body consciousness. Read M. Walshe, The Long Discourses of the Buddha , footnotes 1079, 1155 pages 618, 619, 624.
408. When he saw bodies are impermanent, bliss arises in the he ... When he found the experience ... perception ... ... informal mood created is impermanent ... is suffering ... is not falling, joy arises in that position; ... With greed faded, he was freed.
When he saw the eye is impermanent, bliss ... [and so repeated as in e. 407 for the remainder of the 201 concept concepts listed in e. 5 to] ... When he saw old age and death is [86] impermanent, bliss ... With greed faded, he was freed.
This is derived from nine states bliss.
409. Nine states derived from scrutiny * [object] is impermanent, bliss arises in that position; when he joyfully, joy arises in that position; to feel joy, he loved became relaxed; when the body relaxed, he felt comfortable; the feel, his mind was set; when the mind, he understands as they really are: 'This is suffering', he understands as they really are: 'This is the origin of suffering', he understands as they really are: 'This is the cessation of suffering', he understood as they really are: 'This is the way to end suffering'. When he scrutiny [object] is suffering ... When he scrutiny [object] is not falling ... joy arises in that position; ... He understands as they really are: 'This is the way to end suffering'.
* Yoniso manasikara: scrutiny in the sense of thinking with the truth, in the spirit arises because depending ( paticcasamuppada ) said in M iii 142; S ii 105. It is the source of liberation. Read Nanamoli , The Guide , PTS [Oxford, 1977], 46/2 page 17 footnote.
In contrast is ayoniso manasikara , judgment is contrary to the reality. MA said it is the source of perversion, resulting in false views, suffering as in M i 7. Read Nanamoli Bhikkhu Bodhi and, ibid, footnote 33, page 1169.
410. When he saw bodies are impermanent, bliss arises in the he ... When he found the experience ... perception ... ... informal mood created is impermanent ... is suffering ... is not falling, joy arises in that position; ... He understands as they really are: 'This is the way to end suffering'.
When he saw the eye is impermanent, bliss ... [and so repeated as in e. 409 for the remainder of the 201 concept concepts listed in e. 5 to] ... When he saw old age and death is impermanent, bliss ... he understands as they really are, 'This is the way [87] leading to cessation of suffering'.
This is the ninth state derived scrutiny.
411. Nine different categories. (Iii D 289; cf. e. 89)
Because there are differences in factors *, should differences arise contact. Because there are differences in exposure, a difference of feeling arises. Because there are differences in sensation, a difference of perception arises. Because there are differences in perception, should differences arise thinking. Because there are differences in thinking, should differences arise desires. Because there are differences in desire, a difference of obsessive 2 * arises. Because there are differences in obsessive, should differences arise seek.Because there are differences in seek, should differences arise benefits.
* Differences in factors as differences in the intrinsic nature [nature 'empty' and 'is not a living soul'] of the phenomenon. Bhikkhu Bodhi read, The Connected Discourses of the Buddha , Vol. I, [Wisdom Publications, Boston, 2000], footnote 223, page 788. Read more Dhatusamyutta S. 140 ff ii.
2 * obsessed [ parilaha ] translates Maurice Walshe, ibid, page 521. ND. fever gonorrhea.
Here are nine different categories.
412. Tri sense and wisdom that is known to act in the sense of understanding it. So should say: 'Wisdom is identified nine notion position to know the difference between the concepts'.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.( TNCT ).VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/2/2017.
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