Friday, 24 February 2017

« Indriyakatha ».
Beijing Origin: at  Savatthi
1. [Volume II] 'Thus have I heard: At one time Bhagavan residing in  Savatthi  in Jeta gardens, parks his Anathapindika . Here, he said to the monks as follows: 'Hey monks'. The monk replied: 'Dear Bhagavan'.Bhagavan said this:
2. 'This, monks, have the capacity to influence in this. Five capacity to influence public? The capacity of the credit impact, affecting the capacity of the attack, the capacity to influence the concepts and capabilities of the impact, affecting the capacity of the Property. This is the capacity to influence in this'. (S v 193)
3. In this capacity influence on how much purified aspect?
Five capacity to influence is purged under fifteen aspects.
When monks avoid those without faith, created the brethren, loitering and respect those who have faith, and review texts encouraging confidence, capacity to influence of purged members of he in three aspects.
When monks avoid lazy people make the brethren, loitering and respect those ardent, and efforts to revise the district, affecting the capacity of the attack he was purged in three aspects.
When monks avoid people or forget to make the brethren, loitering and respect people with contemplation, and review the foundations of mindfulness, the capacity to influence the thoughts he was purged in three dimensions this edge.
When monks who are not mindful of avoiding to make the brethren, loitering and respect the mind to, and review of Zen  jhanas  and liberation, affecting the capacity of the purification of he in three aspects.
When monks avoid those without wisdom, created the brethren, loitering and respect those with knowledge, and review the operation of the deep position, [2] the capacity of the mental influence is purified in he in three aspects.
Thus, when he avoided in this kind of person to make the brethren, loitering and revered in this kind of person, and reviewed in this kind of Beijing, five kinds of capacity this influence he purged in accordance fifteen aspects.
4. In this capacity to influence is developed in many aspects? The development of the capacity to influence many aspects of this follow?
Five capacity to influence are developed in ten aspects. The development of this capacity to influence in eleven dimensions.
When he abandoned not believe, he developed the ability to influence the credit; when he developed the ability to influence credit, he abandoned not believe.
When he abandoned the lazy, he developed the capacity to influence the attack; when he developed the capacity to influence the attack, he abandoned lazy.
When he abandoned distractions, he developed the ability to influence thoughts; when he developed the capacity to influence the concept, he abandoned neglected.
When he abandoned oscillation, he developed the capacity to influence the regulations; when he developed the ability to influence, he abandoned oscillation.
When he abandoned ignorance, he developed the capacity to influence the Property; when he developed the capacity of intellectual influence, he abandoned ignorance.
Five capacity to influence that is developed in ten aspects. There is a development in his capacity to influence in eleven aspects.
5. In this capacity influence was developed, fully developed in many aspects?
Five capacity to influence development has been completely developed in ten aspects.
Because no information has been given up, abandoned entirely, affecting the capacity of the credit has been developed, fully developed; because of the ability to influence followers  [1]  was developed, fully developed, does not believe has abandoned, abandoned entirely.
Because lazy ...
Because distracted ...
Because oscillations ...
Because of ignorance has been abandoned, abandoned completely, the capacity of the mental influence was developed, fully developed; because the capacity of the intellectual influence was developed, fully developed, ignorance has been abandoned, abandoned entirely.
Five capacity to influence development has been completely developed in ten aspects.
6. In this capacity to influence is developed in many aspects? Five capacity to influence development has been completely developed and is calm, completely calm under many aspects? [3]
At the moment of entering the path of the stream, in the capacity to influence this development, at the moment you enter the course results, in the capacity to influence development has been completely developed and is calm, completely the whole is cooled down.
At the moment the path back to a time ...
At the moment the path of no return ...
At the moment in the path arahant influence capacity is developed, in moments arahant result, the capacity of this influence has been developed, fully developed, as well as being calm, completely settled ease.
Thus, there are four purification process in the path, there are four in the purification process fruits, there are four in the purification process cut off, there are four in the purification process chemical subsided. Five affecting his capacity to be developed in four aspects. Five capacity to influence that has been developed, fully developed, as well as being calm, completely calm in four aspects.
7. Is the development of the capacity to influence how much this kind of person? The influence of this capacity has been developed in many types of people?
Having developed the ability to influence people in eight categories.
The ability to influence that has been developed in three kinds of people.
Having developed the ability to influence the eight types of people? In grade seven learners and secular friendship generous. Having developed the ability to influence people in eight categories.
The ability to influence that has been developed for three types of people? Omniscient disciples (who listens, Thanh Van) is no longer suffering, enlightened by learning, the ability to influence this has been developed in him. Tier (Single Giac Buddhist) have realized not tell anyone claiming self-enlightenment sense (not only taught by someone else), the influence of this capacity has been developed in him.Tathagata, who accomplishment, awakening, in the sense he is the one not to be thoroughly measured, the impact of this capacity has been developed in him. Of the three types of person, the influence of this capacity has been developed.
* appameyyatthena Tathagata araham sammasambuddho:  Tathagata, who accomplished ( Araham : Applications offerings ), awakening ( sammasambuddho ), in the sense that he is the one lens is not measured.
Having developed the ability to influence people in eight categories. The ability to influence that has been developed in three types of people.
 Made of  Savatthi  <end>
8. "And what, monks, have the capacity to influence in this. Five capacity to influence public? The capacity of the credit impact, affecting the capacity of the attack, the capacity to influence the concepts and capabilities of the impact, affecting the capacity of the Property. [4]
"And what, bhikkhus, if any recluses or brahmans do not understand the source arises, the destruction, the sweetness, the danger and the escape of the impact energy in this, the monk or brahmans it can not be considered a monk of the monks, can not be considered among the brahmans brahmans, that human beings are not friendly, thanks to self-realization through direct stock position right here and right now, enter into and residence in the ascetic life or salvage salvage brahmans life. In the year that affect the capacity of this, but if any recluses or brahmans to understand sources arise, the destruction, the sweet, dangerous and escapism, those recluses or brahmans that can be considered the monk among the monks, which can be considered among the brahmans brahmans, that's the good level, thanks to self-realization through direct stock position in the here and now, to enter and reside in the ultimate life recluses or brahmans life salvage.(S v 194)
9. There are five sources of energy arising influence on how many aspects? Monks understood arise sources of energy in accordance with how much influence aspects? There is destruction in the capacity of influence on how many aspects? Monks understand the destruction of the capacity of influence on how many aspects? There is sweetness in the capacity of influence on how many aspects? Monks understand the sweetness of the year according to the capacity to influence how many aspects? There is the danger of the year according to the capacity to influence many aspects? Monks understood the dangers of the year according to the capacity to influence many aspects? There's escapism in accordance with the capacity to influence many aspects? Monks understand the escapism of the year according to the capacity to influence many aspects?
There are five sources of energy arising influence under forty aspects. Monks out of five sources arise affecting capacity under forty aspects. There is destruction in the capacity of influence under forty aspects.Monks understand the destruction of the capacity to influence in under forty aspects. There is sweetness in influencing capacity under twenty five aspects. Monks understand the sweetness of the year according to the capacity to influence twenty five aspects. There is the danger of influencing capacity in under twenty five aspects. Monks understood the danger of influencing capacity in under twenty five aspects. [5] There is an escapist's influence in capacity under eighty aspects. Monks understand the escapism of the year according to the capacity to influence and eighty aspects.
10. There are five sources of energy arising influence under forty aspect? Monks out of five sources arise affecting capacity under forty aspect?
Source arising of directing attention [of mind] with the aim of both decisions is the uprising of this source affects the capacity of the credit. Source arise due diligence of the influence of both decisions is a source of energy arise affecting the signal. Source arise attentive consideration of the influence of both decisions is a source of energy arise affecting the signal. The most established through the influence of the mind affects the capacity of the credit as a source of energy arising influence of his followers.
Source arising of directing attention to the effort is the source purposes arise affecting the capacity of the attack. Source arising of diligent efforts by the influence of a source of energy arise affecting the attack.Source arise attentive consideration of the influence of the effort is a source of energy arise affecting the attack. The most established through the influence of the mind affects the capacity of the attack is the source of energy arising influence of his attack.
Source arising of directing attention to the purpose of establishing a source of energy arising influence of conception. Source arise due diligence of the impact of establishing a source of energy arising influence of conception. Source arise attentive consideration of the influence of the set is the source of energy arising influence of conception. The most established through the influence of the mind affects the capacity of the concept is a source of energy arising influence of her conception.
Source arising of directing attention without distraction purposes arising as a source of energy of the impact. Source arise due diligence of the influence of psychoanalysis is no arising of energy sources to influence the making. Source arise attentive consideration of the influence of psychoanalysis is no arising of energy sources to influence the making. The most established through the influence of the mind affects the capacity of the resource is being run by the capacity to influence that decision.
Source arising of directing attention to the obvious purpose is the source of energy arise affecting the Property. Source arise due diligence of the obvious influence of the source of energy arise affecting the Property. Source arise attentive consideration of the influence of the apparent source of energy arise affecting the Property. The single-mindedly set through the influence of the capacity of the mental influence is a source of energy arising influence of his wisdom.
Source arising of directing attention [of mind] with the aim of both decisions is a source of energy arise affecting the signal. Source arising of directing attention to the effort is the source purposes arise affecting the capacity of the attack. The arising of directing attention to the purpose of establishing [6] is the source of energy arising influence of conception. Source arising of directing attention without distraction purposes source arise affecting the capacity of the. Source arising of directing attention to the purpose was clear that arises source capacity of the intellectual influence.
Source arise due diligence of the influence of both decisions is a source of energy arise affecting the signal.Source arising of diligent efforts by the influence of a source of energy arise affecting the attack. Source arise due diligence of the impact of establishing a source of energy arising influence of conception. Source arise due diligence of the influence of non-wandering is a source of energy arises impact of regulations.Source arise due diligence of the obvious influence of the source of energy arise affecting the Property.
Source arise attentive consideration of the influence of both decisions is a source of energy arise affecting the signal. Source arise attentive consideration of the influence of the effort is a source of energy arise affecting the attack. Source arise attentive consideration of the influence of the set is the source of energy arising influence of conception. Source arise attentive consideration of the influence of the stampede is not the source of the energy being run by the impact. Source arise attentive consideration of the influence of the apparent source of energy arise affecting the Property.
The most established through the influence of the mind affects the capacity of the credit as a source of energy arising influence of his followers. The most established through the influence of the mind affects the capacity of the attack is the source of energy arising influence of his attack. The most established through the influence of the mind affects the capacity of the concept is a source of energy arising influence of her conception. The most established through the influence of the mind affects the capacity of the resource is being run by the capacity to influence that decision. The single-mindedly set through the influence of the capacity of the mental influence is a source of energy arising influence of his wisdom.
There are five sources of energy arising influence under forty aspects. Source monks arise out of capacity in under forty influence this aspect.
11. There is the destruction of the capacity of influence under forty aspect? Monks understand the destruction of the capacity to influence in under forty aspect?
The destruction of the user's attention is purposeful assured destruction capability of the credit impact. The destruction of the effort by the influence of the decision is the destruction of the capacity to influence the credit. Destruction of attention thanks to consider the impact of the decision is the destruction of the capacity to influence the credit. No set single-mindedly through the influence of influencing capacity of credit is the destruction of the capacity to influence of his followers.
The destruction of the user's attention with the aim of effort [7] is the destruction of the capacity to influence the attack. The destruction of the effort ...
The destruction of the user's attention with the aim of establishing the capacity to destroy the influence of the concept. The destruction of the effort ...
The destruction of the user's attention is not distracted purpose is destruction of the capacity to influence the making. The destruction of the effort ...
Destruction of directing attention to the obvious purpose is the destruction of the capacity of intellectual influence. Destruction of due diligence is evident impact of the destruction of the capacity of intellectual influence. Destruction of attention thanks to the influence of the judgment was clear that the destruction of the capacity of intellectual influence. No single-mindedly set thanks to the influence of the capacity of the mental impact is the destruction of the capacity of the mental influence it.
The destruction of the user's attention with the aim of both decisions is the destruction of the capacity to influence the credit. The destruction of the user's attention with the aim of effort is the destruction of the capacity to influence the attack. The destruction of the user's attention with the aim of establishing the capacity to destroy the influence of the concept. The destruction of the user's attention with scattered purpose is the destruction of the capacity to influence the making. Destruction of directing attention to the obvious purpose is the destruction of the capacity of intellectual influence.
The destruction of the effort by the influence of the decision is the destruction of the capacity to influence the credit. Destruction of diligent efforts by the influence of ...
Destruction of attention thanks to consider the impact of the decision is the destruction of the capacity to influence the credit. The destruction of the focus judgment ... [8]
No set single-mindedly through the influence of influencing capacity of credit is the destruction of the capacity to influence of his followers. No set single-mindedly through the influence of influencing capacity of tons is the destruction of the capacity to influence the attack was. No set single-mindedly through the influence of influencing capacity of the concept is the destruction of the capacity to influence his thoughts.No set single-mindedly through the influence of influencing capacity of the destruction of the capacity of the influence it. No set single-mindedly through the influence of the capacity of the mental impact is the destruction of the capacity of the mental influence it.
Has the destruction of years affect her capacity under forty aspects. Monks understood the destruction of years affect her capacity under forty aspects.
12. There is sweetness in influencing capacity according to the twenty-fifth aspect? Monks understand the sweetness of the year according to the capacity to influence twenty five aspects?
Without the appearance of no confidence is the sweetness of the capacity of the credit impact. No obsession of no confidence is the sweet influence capacity of credit. Complete confidence in the behavior of both decisions is the sweetness of the capacity of the credit impact. Dwell success is the sweet influence the capacity of the credit. Optimism and joy arises depends on the capacity of credit is affecting the capacity sweet influence of credit.
Without the appearance of laziness is the sweet influence the capacity of the attack. No lazy obsession is ... Totally confident in the conduct of the effort is ... Success is ... Lac reside and start blowing up depends on the capacity to influence the attack is the sweetness of the capacity to influence the attack.
Without the appearance of neglect is the sweetness of the capacity to influence the concept. No distracting obsession is ... Totally confident in the act of setting is ... Success is residing ... [9] Us and start blowing up depends on the capacity to influence the concept is the sweetness of the capacity to influence the concept.
Without the appearance of oscillations is the sweetness of the capacity to influence the making. No oscillation obsession is ... Totally confident in not wandering behavior is ... Success is ... Lac reside and joy arises depends on the capacity of the influence the sweetness of the capacity to influence the making.
Without the appearance of ignorance is the sweetness of the capacity of intellectual influence. No obsession of ignorance is ... Totally confident in behavior is clearly seen ... Success is ... Lac reside and start blowing up depends on the capacity of the mental influence is the sweetness of the capacity of intellectual influence.
There is sweetness in influencing capacity under twenty five aspects. Monks understand the sweetness of the year according to the capacity to influence twenty five aspects.
13. There is the danger of influencing capacity in accordance with the twenty-fifth aspect? Monks understood the danger of influencing capacity in accordance with the twenty-fifth aspect?
The emergence of no-confidence is the danger of affecting the capacity of the credit. Obsessive distrust of appearing as the danger of affecting the capacity of the credit. There is danger of affecting the capacity of the signal in the sense of impermanence. There is the danger of the capacity to influence the sense of suffering believers. There is danger of affecting the capacity of the sense signal is not down.
The appearance of laziness is the danger of affecting the capacity of the attack. Lazy obsession is dangerous to appear to influence the capacity of the attack. There is danger of affecting the capacity of the signal in the sense of impermanence ... suffering ... is not falling.
The appearance of neglect is the danger of affecting the capacity of the anniversary. Distracting obsession appears to be the danger of affecting the capacity of the anniversary. There is danger of affecting the capacity of the concept in the sense of impermanence ... suffering ... is not falling.
The appearance of oscillations is the danger of affecting the capacity of the. Haunt of oscillations appear to be dangerous [10] capacity to influence the making. There is the danger of the capacity to influence the sense of impermanence ... suffering ... is not falling.
The appearance of ignorance is the danger of affecting the capacity of the Property. Obsessions of ignorance appears to be the danger of affecting the capacity of the Property. There is the danger of the capacity to influence the sense of impermanence wisdom ... suffering ... is not falling.
There is the danger of influencing capacity in under twenty five aspects. Monks understood the danger of influencing capacity in under twenty five aspects.
14. There is an escapist's influence in this capacity under eighty aspect? Monks understand the escapism of influence in this capacity under eighty aspect?
Thanks to the determination and capacity to influence the credit has to escape from the no-confidence, has to escape from the obsession of no confidence, was to escape from gonorrhea and aggregation arises from thence, and had to escape from all the signs from outside, have to escape from the form of the capacity to influence credit previously achieved by noble forms of energy impact of this credit.
Thanks to the efforts and capacity to influence the attack was to escape from lazy, ...
Thanks to the set, the capacity to influence the concept was to escape from the distractions, ...
By not scattered, the capacity to influence the oscillation has to escape from ...
Thanks to clear, the capacity of the mental impact has to escape from ignorance, were escapism from energy forms of intellectual influence has previously achieved by the noble form of the capacity of the mental influence present.
15. Due to meditation, in the capacity to influence has to escape from their previous state. Because second meditation, the year has capacity to influence the capacity to escape from the influence of Zen in the first.Due Tuesday absorptions, in the capacity to influence ... Wednesday by Zen ... by evidence boundless realms of space ... so stock realms [11] infinite mode ... because no evidence realms what ... Do not have the cognitive realm witness also not without awareness, capacity of influence has to escape from the influence of capacity in the realm of nothing. Due to impermanence shop, in the capacity to influence has the capacity to escape from the influence of stock in no cognitive realms also not without awareness. Do shop anguish, in influencing capacity has the capacity to escape from the influence of the impermanence shop. Do not shop by shop down ... boring ... so consistent ... every desire by shop by shop annihilation ... letting go ... so ... so shop shop destruction annihilation. .. so shop not change ... so shop signs ... do not wish ... so shop shop shop emptiness ... by reference to the true nature of mental phenomena is increased ... by Hotel rooftop know as truth ... so dangerous ... so shop shop shop thinking ... Since turning away, in the capacity to influence has the capacity to escape from the influence of the customary thinking. Due to consistent stream entering the path, in the capacity to influence escape from the year had affected the capacity of the shop turned away. Because [12] consistent stream entering fruition, in the capacity to influence has the capacity to escape from the influence of the stream entering the path. Because the path back to a time, in the capacity to influence ... Do fruition back once ... Because the path of no return ... Do not go back to your results ... Due arahant path. .. Do arahant result, the capacity of influence has the capacity to escape from the influence of the arahant path.
16. In the capacity to influence in the renunciation of desire was to escape from sense-pleasures. Five capacity to influence the anger did not escape from the anger. Five capacity to influence in the thought of the light to escape from the skin under sleepy. Five capacity to influence in the stampede had no escape from fluctuating. Five capacity to influence in understanding the phenomenon has escaped doubt. Five capacity to influence the mind free from ignorance. Five capacity to influence in the joyful got rid tedious.Five capacity to influence in the realm of the first meditation was rid of obstacles. Five capacity to influence in the second absorptions exit radial and consider the object. Five capacity to influence in the third absorptions exit blowing. Five capacity to influence in the realm of meditation Wednesday escaped happiness and unhappiness. Five capacity to influence the witness boundless realms of space has escaped the awareness of chromosomes,  from awareness reaction affects the senses, 2 *  and awareness of difference. Five capacity to influence the witness boundless realms of knowledge has escaped the awareness of the infinite realms of space. Five capacity to influence the witness realm nothing has escaped the awareness of the infinite realms of knowledge. Five capacity to influence the witness was not conscious realm is not without cognitive realms escaped nothing. Five capacity to influence the impermanence shop got rid of the concept of sustainability. Five capacity to influence the shop escaped suffering the concept of joy. Five capacity to influence the shop down did not escape the notion of self. Five capacity to influence the boring bar has escaped amused. Five capacity to influence the shop got rid of all desires greed. Five capacity to influence the shop escaped annihilation arise. Five capacity to influence the customary abandon clinging escaped. [13] In the capacity to influence the destroyed shop got rid of the notion of a possible general. Five capacity to influence the shop escaped annihilation accumulation. Five capacity to influence change when shop has escaped eternal conception. Five capacity to influence the shop does not have exit signs signs. Five capacity to influence the shop does not wish wishes escaped. Five capacity to influence the emptiness shop got rid misinterpreted. Five capacity to influence in the real shop in the phenomenon reflecting nature's capital increase knowledge rooftop escaped misinterpreted by grasping at the core. Five capacity to influence the mind to see and know as they really got rid misinterpreted as confusing ambiguity.Five capacity to influence the shop escaped danger misinterpreted as  dependent on sense-pleasures . 3 * In the capacity to influence the thinking shop got rid of not thinking. Five capacity to influence the shop turned away had escaped clear implications. Five capacity to influence the course of entering the path of gonorrhea escaped accompany views [false]. Five capacity to influence the path back once got rid of gonorrhea crude. Five capacity to influence the path of no return has escaped gonorrhea remnants left over.
2 * patighasannaya : the senses (eyes ...) met its object (tangible object ...), it creates awareness stimulated reaction, affecting the senses. Read Rhys Davids,  Buddhist Psychological Ethics , [Oxford, 1997], footnote 1 page 65-66. 
3 * Alaya : monks  Nanamoli  translated reliance (relying, dependence) as in  The Guide , e. 297 Page 82; The Path of Purification , I 140; VIII 245; XX 90; XXII 113, 120. If translated  Alaya  is relying, dependence alone is ambiguous. If translated  Alaya  is the sense-pleasures are identical to kāma  and meaning may be somewhat limited. MA said annotated  Alaya  include pleasures of sense objects  and  ideas longing, pleasure silk to his kingdom. Bhikkhu Bodhi So choose letters  adhesion, attraction of sense-pleasures, to translate  Alaya , that contains two meanings. Read  Nanamoli Bhikkhu Bodhi and,  The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha , Wisdom Publications [Boston 1995], footnote 306, pp 1216-7. 
And in the case of all those who had afflictions were completely destroyed, in the capacity to influence him in any circumstance have escaped, completely get rid of, and be calm, completely calm.
There is an escape in the event of impact energy in accordance with this aspect eighty. Monks understand escapism in the case in accordance with the capacity to influence this aspect eighty.
Origin Beijing  Savatthi.
17. "And what, monks, have the capacity to influence in this. Five capacity to influence public? The capacity of the credit impact, affecting the capacity of the attack, the capacity to influence the concepts and capabilities of the impact, affecting the capacity of the Property.
'And, the monks, the capacity of the credit impact will be found like? In the course of the four elements enter. The capacity of the credit impact will be found here. The capacity to influence the attack will be found where? [14] In four attempts. The capacity to influence the attack will be found here. The capacity to influence the concept will be found where? In the four foundations of mindfulness. The capacity to influence the concept will be found here. The capacity of the influence will be found where? In four absorptions ( jhanas ). The capacity of the influence will be found here. The capacity of the intellectual influence will be found where? In the four noble truth. The capacity of the intellectual influence will be found here. ' (S v 196).
18. In the capacity to influence will be found through the power of the credit impact of the four factors that enter the course on how much respect? Five capacity to influence will be found through the capacity to influence the attack in four attempts under many aspects? Five capacity to influence will be found through the capacity to influence the concept of the four foundations of mindfulness according to how many aspects? Five capacity to influence will be found through the power of the influence of the four  jhanasunder many aspects? Five capacity to influence will be found through the power of intellectual influence of the four noble truths under many aspects?
Five capacity to influence will be found through the power of the credit impact of the four factors that enter the stream according to the twentieth aspect. Five capacity to influence will be found through the capacity to influence the attack in under twenty four attempts aspects. Five capacity to influence will be found through the capacity to influence the concept of the four foundations of mindfulness according to the twentieth aspect. Five capacity to influence will be found through the power of the influence of the four jhanas under twenty aspects. Five capacity to influence will be found through the power of intellectual influence of the four noble truths under twenty aspects.
19. In the capacity to influence will be found through the power of the credit impact of the four factors that enter the course under twenty aspect?
In the course factored in the form of concluding with the Lord Wise:  Capacity of the credit impact will be found within the meaning of the decision ascendancy; and through the power of the credit impact, affecting the capacity of the attack will be found in the sense of effort, ability to influence the concept will be found in the sense of setting, affecting the capacity of the will is found in the sense of not distracting, affecting the capacity of the Property will be found within the meaning clear. In the course elements form entering hear Dhamma True: 2 * ... In the course elements form entering scrutiny 3 * ... In the course elements form entering practice Dhamma Truth main: 4 *  capacity of the credit impact will be found within the meaning of the decision ascendancy; and through the power of the credit impact, affecting the capacity of the attack will be found in the sense of effort, ability to influence the concept will be found in the sense of setting, affecting the capacity of the will is found in the sense of not distracting, affecting the capacity of the Property will be found within the meaning clear. (cf. XXI 4).
Sappurisasamseva ; 
2 *  Saddhamma savannah ;
3 *  yoniso manasikara
4 *  dhammanudhammapatipatti. Here are four initial conditions for entering the course. Read S v 348.
Five capacity to influence will be found through the power of the credit impact of the four elements under twenty streams entering this aspect.
20. In the capacity to influence will be found through the capacity to influence the attack in under twenty four attempts aspect?
In a true effort not to arise unwholesome states unborn: the capacity to influence the attack will be found in the sense of effort ascendancy; and through the influence capacity of tons, the capacity to influence the concept will be found in the sense of setting, affecting the capacity of the will is found in the sense of not distracting, affecting the capacity of the Property will be found within the meaning clear, the capacity of the credit impact will be found in the sense of the decision. In a true effort to abandon unwholesome states bore: ... In an effort to make righteousness arise unborn friendly states: ... In a true effort to maintain, not to disappear , strengthen, increase, development and perfection of charity status has been born: ...
Five capacity to influence will be found through the capacity to influence the attack in under twenty four attempts this aspect.
21. In the capacity to influence will be found through the capacity to influence the concept of the four foundations of mindfulness according to the twentieth aspect?
In the background of the form of contemplation contemplating the body as the body: the capacity to influence the concept will be found in the sense of establishing ascendancy; and through the power of the concept influence, affecting the capacity of the will is found in the sense of not distracting, affecting the capacity of the Property will be found within the meaning clear, the capacity of the credit impact will be found in the sense of both decisions, and influence the capacity of the attack will be found in the sense of effort. In the foundation of mindfulness form consistent feeling as feeling: ... In the background of the form customary contemplation as the heart center: ... The foundation of mindfulness form object shop of mind as objects of mind: ... [16]
Five capacity to influence will be found through the capacity to influence the concept of the four foundations of mindfulness according to the twentieth aspect.
22. In the capacity to influence will be found through the power of the influence of the four  jhanas  under twenty aspect?
In the realm of meditation: the capacity to influence will be found to prevail in the sense of not distracted;and through the power of the influence and capacity of intellectual influence will be found within the meaning clear, the capacity of the credit impact will be found in the sense of both how, and ability to influence the attack will be found in terms of effort, and energy impact of the concept will be found under the definition set. In Monday Zen: ... In Tuesday Zen: ... In Wednesday Zen: ...
Five capacity to influence will be found through the power of the influence of the four  jhanas  under twenty aspects.
23. In the capacity to influence will be found through the power of intellectual influence of the four noble truths under twenty aspect?
In the noble truth of suffering: the capacity of the mental influence is found in the sense of the apparent ascendancy; and through the power of intellectual influence, affecting the capacity of the credit will be found in the sense of both decisions, the capacity to influence the attack will be found in the sense of effort, ability to influence the concept will is found in the sense of setting, affecting the capacity of the will is found in the sense of not distracted. In the noble truth of the origin of suffering: ... In the noble truth of cessation of suffering: ... In the noble truth of the cessation of suffering path: ...
Five capacity to influence will be found through the power of intellectual influence of the four noble truths under twenty aspects.
24.  [2]  Conduct of year capacity to influence will be found through the power of the credit impact of the four factors that enter the course on how much respect? Capacity behave in influence will be found through the ability to influence how many tons ... according to aspects? ... Through the power to influence the thoughts ...? ... Through the power of the impact ...? ... Through the power of knowledge to influence 2 .
Capacity behave in influence will be found through the power of the credit impact of the four factors that enter the stream according to the twentieth aspect. Capacity behave in influence will be found through the capacity to influence the attack of four righteous efforts under twenty aspects ... through the power to influence the concept of the four [17] platform of contemplation under twenty aspects ... through the power of the influence of Zen under twenty four aspects ... through the power of intellectual influence of the four noble truths under twenty aspects .
25. Conduct in the capacity of influence will be found through the power of the credit impact of the four factors that enter the stream according to the twentieth aspect?
In the course factored in the form of concluding with the Lord Wise: Capacity behave influence of credit will be found within the meaning of the decision ascendancy; and through the power of the signal affect, behavior affects the capacity of the attack will be found in the sense of effort, behavior affects the capacity of the anniversary will be found in the sense of setting, behave the impact of capacity that will be found in the sense of not distracted, act in the capacity of intellectual influence will be found within the meaning clear. In the course elements form entering hear Dhamma True ... In the course elements form entering scrutiny ... In the course elements form entering practice Dhamma True: ...
Behave in  « the capacity to influence will be found through the power of the credit impact of the four elements under twenty streams entering this respect » *
* POD raw text with no questions in  «»  this. I copied down to your thoughts are not interrupted.
26. In the capacity to influence will be found through the capacity to influence the attack in under twenty four attempts aspect?
In a true effort not to arise unwholesome states unborn: Capacity behave influence of attack will be found in the sense of effort ascendancy; and through the influence capacity of tons, behavior influencing capacity of the anniversary will be found in the sense of setting, behavior affects the capacity of the will is found in the sense of not distracted, act processing capacity of the intellectual influence will be found within the meaning clear, the behavior of the capacity of the credit impact will be found in the sense of the decision.In a true effort to abandon unwholesome states bore: ... In an effort to make righteousness arise unborn friendly states: ... In a true effort to maintain, not to disappear , strengthen, increase, development and perfection of charity status has been born: ... [18]
Behave in  « the capacity to influence will be found through the capacity to influence the attack in under twenty four attempts this respect » .
27. Conduct in the capacity of influence will be found through the capacity to influence the concept of the four foundations of mindfulness according to the twentieth aspect?
In the background of the form of contemplation contemplating the body as the body: the behavior of the capacity to influence the concept will be found in the sense of establishing ascendancy; and influence through the power of thoughts, behavior affects the capacity of the will is found in the sense of not distracted, act in the capacity of intellectual influence will be found within the meaning clear, act processing capacity of the credit impact will be found in the sense of both decisions, and behavior affect the capacity of the attack will be found in the sense of effort. In the foundation of mindfulness form consistent feeling as feeling: ... In the background of the form customary contemplation as the heart center: ... The foundation of mindfulness form object shop of mind as objects of mind: ...
Behave in  « the capacity to influence will be found through the capacity to influence the concept of the four foundations of mindfulness according to the twentieth aspect » .
28. Conduct in the capacity of influence will be found through the power of the influence of the four jhanas  under twenty aspect?
In the realm of meditation: behavior affects the capacity of the will is found in the sense of not distracted ascendancy; and through the power of the impact, the behavior of the capacity of the mental influence will be found within the meaning clear, the behavior of the capacity of the credit impact will be found in the sense of both decisions, and act processing capacity of influence of the attack will be found in terms of effort, and behavior affect the capacity of the anniversary will be found under the definition set. In Monday Zen: ... In the third Zen: ... In Wednesday Zen: ...
Behavior of years ...  « capacity to influence will be found through the power of the influence of the four jhanas  under twenty aspects » .
29. Conduct in the capacity of influence will be found through the power of intellectual influence of the four noble truths according to the twentieth aspect?
In the noble truth of suffering: the behavior of the capacity of the mental influence is found in the sense of the apparent ascendancy; and through the power of intellectual influence, behavior of the capacity of the credit impact will be found in the sense of both decisions, behavior affects the capacity of the attack will be found in the sense of effort, behavior the ability to influence the contemplation will be found in the sense of setting, behavior affects the capacity of the will is found in the sense of not distracted. In the noble truth of the origin of suffering: ... In the noble truth of cessation of suffering: ... In the noble truth of the cessation of suffering path: ... [19]
Capacity behave in influence will be found through the power of intellectual influence of the four noble truths under twenty aspects.
Conduct ]
30. The resident behavior and life were discovered and comprehended as the person treated as such and upon such life makes the same intellectual level practitioners in Life Pham Hanh can trust profound things like: 'Surely this is the false religions have seen or will see [achievement given Vietnam]. [3]
31. Conduct: there are eight types of behavior: act on posture, behavior related to the apartment of origin, act of contemplation, of the behavior, where behavior, the behavior of the path, act of successful treatment, conduct metaphysical world.
Behavior of posture  : mention four outstanding designs.
Conduct in relation to the base  : six grounds mentioned in addition.
Mindfulness behavior  : refers to the four foundations of mindfulness.
The behavior  : refers to the four  jhanas .
Recreational behavior  : refers to the four noble truths.
Behavior of the path  : refers to the four noble path.
Successful behavior  : refers to the four fruits of the ascetic life.
Metaphysical world behavior  : refers to the Buddhas, the achievements have completely and awakening, Single mention Buddhas Enlightenment, and the part referring to the disciples.
Behave on posture belongs who knows intention to make a gesture. *
*  Iriyapathacariya panidhisampannanam cases . Meaning clear intention to move before making his move.
Conduct related to the grounds belonging to the guard who's senses.
Behavior of contemplation belong resident who lives in attendance.
Behavior belongs to devote his life to increase the upper center.
Recreational behavior belongs there are [part of] wisdom. [4]
Behavior of the path belongs properly imported into the path.
Behavior belongs to destination has seen fruition [the path].
Metaphysical world behave belongs Buddhas have completely about the achievements and awakening, Buddhas Single Enlightenment, and some of the disciples.
Here are eight kinds of behavior [20].
32. Eight different types of behavior: The determination, to behave with confidence; human effort, diligent treat; who set up, dealing with contemplation; influential people to 'not distracted', dealing with regulations;understanding people, behave with wisdom; who find wisdom, knowledge treat behavior; people like penetration path, certificate offers Vietnamese fruits; so he behaved with pros behave Vietnam; Penetration in the path of people, the state, which spans friendly ( ayapenti ), how he behaved with base behavior of Origin ( khandha, ayatana ). [5]
Here are eight different types of behavior.
33. Eight other types of behavior: right view is the behavior of visible, right thought the behavior of radial head-on, right speech is the behavior of preserving speech, chief executive of the produce is behaving birth source launch, the network's chief conduct of clean, right effort is the behavior of effort, mindfulness is established behavior, concentration is not distracted behavior.
Here are eight different types of behavior.
34.  Live residence : who both reside in the trust vote, the diligent efforts of the resident, who established residence in contemplation, whose influence is not distracted in the residence, the residence of intellectual understanding.
35.  Has been discovered : the decision as meaning the capacity to influence the credit has to be explored, as significant efforts by affecting the capacity of the attack was discovered, set as standard means the capacity to influence the concept was explored, not scattered as the meaning of the influence of the capacity that has been discovered, as is evident meaning of the capacity of the intellectual influence was discover.
36.  Lens clear:  the decision is the meaning of the capacity to influence the credit was fully articulate ... [completed as at e 35,  « rather  explore  in words  comprehended  accordingly » ].
37.  As of the agreement such behavior:  people behave like this with confidence, as the people behave like that with effort, as the people behave like that with mindfulness, as people behave as so with provisions, such as people with mental treated as such.
38.  As of the people living upon as such:  as the people who live upon so with confidence, ... [completed as at e 37,  « rather  behave  in words  to live upon  accordingly » ]. [21]
39.  Intellectual Level:  wisdom, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, get enlightened state.
40.  At the convent  in Life Pham Hanh:  [the practice of Vinaya] and keep together, recite [ Patimokkha ] together, [and have] the same injunction.
41.  The profound thing:  what is known as 'deep' as the  jhanas , liberation, meditation and attained, the path, fruition, [six] where direct evidence, and [four] very afraid tournament.
42.  There can trust:  can have faith, there can be assertive.
43.  Definitely:  this is completely literal meaning, no doubt, is not definitive, not conflict, is not {a} the palms face, inevitably, unambiguous, clear, letters 'sure' this. [6]
44.  The author of this religion:  this is the endearing, full of respect.
45.  Has Evidence:  was successful.
46  Or will show:  will succeed. [7]
Made in Beijing stated
47. "And what, monks, have the capacity to influence in this. Five capacity to influence public? The capacity of the credit impact, affecting the capacity of the attack, the capacity to influence the concepts and capabilities of the impact, affecting the capacity of the Property.
48. In this capacity to influence will be found under many aspects? Five capacity to influence will be found in six aspects.
49. The ability to influence that will be found in what sense? Can sense prevail, in the sense of purification in the first stage, in the sense of prominent, assertive sense, in the sense of termination, in the sense of creation.
50. The affected capacity would be found in the sense of how dominant win?
When monks abandon not believe, impact the capacity of the credit will be found in the sense that he's decided ascendancy; and due to the power of the credit impact, affecting the capacity of the attack will be found in the sense of effort, ability to influence the concept will be found in the sense of setting, [22] the capacity to influence of provisions will be found in the sense of not distracting, affecting the capacity of the Property will be found within the meaning clear. When he abandoned the lazy, the capacity to influence the attack will be found in the sense of ascendancy of effort, and due to the power of the attack affects ... When he abandoned neglect, capacity to cause influence of the concept will be found in the sense of establishing ascendancy, and due to the power of the concept influence ... When he abandoned fluctuate, affecting the capacity of the will is found in the sense of superiority not lead distraction, and due to the power of the impact ... When he abandoned ignorance, the capacity of the mental influence is found in the sense of the apparent ascendancy, and because of its cause the impact of intellectual property, affecting the capacity of the credit will be found in the sense of both decisions, the capacity to influence the attack will be found in the sense of effort, ability to influence the concept will be found in the sense set, the capacity to influence the will is found in the sense of not distracted.
51. When he abandoned sense-pleasures desire by renunciation, affecting the capacity of credits will be found within the meaning of the decision ascendancy, and influence due to the power of credit, affecting capacity effect of attack will be found in the sense of effort, ability to influence the concept will be found in the sense set, the capacity of the influence will be found in the sense of not distracted, affecting capacity of wisdom to be found in the sense of seeing.
When he abandoned sensual desire senses by renunciation, affecting the capacity of the attack will be found to prevail in the sense of effort, and due to the power of the attack to influence ...
When he abandoned sensual desire senses by renunciation, affecting the capacity of the anniversary will be found to prevail in the sense of setting, and thanks to the capacity to influence the concept ...
When he abandoned sensual desire senses by renunciation, affecting the capacity of the will is found in the sense of not prevail distraction, and due to the power of the influence ...
When he abandoned sensual desire senses by renunciation, the capacity of the mental influence is found in the sense that he's apparent ascendancy, and influence due to the power of the intellect, the capacity to cause the impact of the credit will be found in the sense both decisions, the capacity to influence the attack will be found in the sense of effort, ability to influence the concept will be found in the sense set, the capacity to influence of provisions will be found in the sense of not distracted.
52. When he did not give up hatred because hatred ... [23]
53. When he was chasing sleepy abandoned by thinking of light ...
54. When he abandoned not fluctuate due to distraction ...
55. When he abandoned facilities or through knowing the phenomenon ...
56. When he abandoned ignorance by location ...
57. When he abandoned the tedious thanks to rejoice ...
58-61. When he abandoned the obstacles thanks to meditation ... [and so on with the remaining jhanas]
62-65. ... [The same paragraph for each attain formless].
66-83. ... [The same paragraph for each of the 18 Main Restaurant Food Restaurant Food Nature Nature Main].
84-86. ... [The same paragraph for each of the three path first path].
87. When he abandoned all thanks gonorrhea arahant path, affecting the capacity of the credits will be found within the meaning of the decision ascendancy, and influence due to the power of the signal, the capacity to influence the attack will be found in the sense of effort, ability to influence the concept will be found in the sense of setting, affecting the capacity of the will is found in the sense of not distracting, affecting the capacity of Property will be found within the meaning clear.
When he abandoned all thanks gonorrhea arahant path, affecting the capacity of the attack will be found to prevail in the sense of effort, and by influencing the capacity of tonnes of capacity to influence anniversary will be found in the sense of setting, ... the capacity of the credit impact will be found in the sense of the decision.
When he abandoned all thanks gonorrhea arahant path, affecting the capacity of the anniversary will be found in the sense of establishing ascendancy, and influence due to the power of mindfulness, the capacity to influence the will be found in the sense of not distracting, affecting the capacity of the attack will be found in the sense of effort.
When he abandoned all thanks gonorrhea arahant path, affecting the capacity of the will is found in the sense of not prevail distraction, and due to the power of the impact, affecting the capacity of Property will be found within the meaning clear, ... the capacity to influence the concept will be found under the definition set.
When he abandoned all thanks gonorrhea arahant path, affecting the capacity of the Property will be found within the meaning of the apparent ascendancy, and influence due to the power of the intellect, the capacity to influence the credit will be found in the sense of both decisions, the capacity to influence the attack will be found in the sense of effort, ability to influence the concept will be found in the sense set, the capacity of the impact will be found in the sense of not wandering.
The ability to influence is found in the sense of ascendancy are like that.
88. The ability to influence is found in the sense of purification how early?
The capacity to influence the decision in the sense of credit; purification process in the sense that the world is dominated not believe purification capacity beginning of the influence of the credit. The capacity to influence in the sense of attacking endeavor; purification process in the sense that the world is dominated lazy purification capacity beginning of the impact of the attack. The capacity to influence in the sense of setting concept; purification processes in the sense world distraction tame purifying capacity beginning of the influence of the concept. The capacity to influence the sense of not distracted; purification process in the sense that the world is dominated oscillation purification capacity beginning of the impact of regulations. The capacity of the intellectual influence apparent sense; purification process in the sense tame world of ignorance is the beginning of the purification capacity of the intellectual influence.
89 years renunciation has capacity to influence; purification processes in the sense world desires overpower sense-pleasures is the purification capacity of the beginning of the year influence. In no anger there in the capacity to influence; purification process in the sense that the world is dominated by anger purification capacity beginning of the year influence. In thinking about the light ... [and so on with each of the five factors remaining obstacles, four jhanas, the four formless attainments, eighteen The discriminative insight, and four path, until] ... In five arahant path capacity to influence; purification processes in the sense world overpower all gonorrhea is the beginning of the year purification capacity to influence.
The ability to influence is found in the sense of purification like that early.
90. The ability to influence is found in the sense of striking like?
With the development of the capacity of the credit impact, energetically arises; the waiver does not believe, energetically arises; obsessed with waiver of non-confidence, enthusiasm arises; with gonorrhea waiver accompany conception [wrong], energetically arises; with gonorrhea waiver rough, corky arise; with gonorrhea abandoned remnants left over, enthusiasm arises; with abandon all gonorrhea, energetically arises; through enthusiasm, joy arises; then because of joy and capacity to influence the outstanding credit as faith. Through joy, joy arises; then because of blowing, the capacity to influence the outstanding credit to the faith. Through joy, calm arises; and since subsided, the capacity to influence the outstanding credit to the faith. Through calm, perfect happiness arises; then for perfect happiness, the ability to influence followers emerged as faith. Through touch, light arise; then because of light, affecting the capacity of the outstanding credit to the faith. Through light, essential emergency arises; then because of the urgency weak, affecting the capacity of the outstanding credit to the faith. With emergency essence, he centered; and because of, the capacity of members to influence the faith emerged. He devoted efforts of like mind; and for his efforts, the capacity to influence the outstanding credit to the faith. He completely innocent looking calm mind such efforts; then as calmly, affecting the capacity of the outstanding credit to the faith. Thanks should calm the mind is freed from many types of gonorrhea; then as freeing, influencing the capacity of credit emerged as faith. Because these states are liberated, we have had an effect (the taste) only; then because of development in the sense of the effect (the taste) only, affecting the capacity of credit emerged as faith. Because the practice is developed, it redirects to something super Vietnam [which is directed to Nibbana]; then for navigation, the ability to influence followers emerged as faith. Because after the redirect, he [it was who now owns the path,] so let go of [both gonorrhea and collections]; then because let go, the capacity to influence the outstanding credit to the faith. Because after you've let go of [both gonorrhea and sets], so cessation [no rebirth start again]; then because of cessation, the capacity to influence the outstanding credit to the faith.
There are two types of cessation letting go: letting go and letting go is get rid of that goes to (work on). It rid of gonorrhea and collections, like letting go is get rid of; mind go into (working on) is the state capital cessation nirvana, like letting go is going to (work on). These two types of letting go with annihilation. [8]
91. With the development of the capacity to influence the attack, enthusiasm arises, with a waiver lazy, enthusiasm arises, with the abandonment of lazy obsessive, eager arise; with gonorrhea waiver accompany views [wrong], energetically arises, ... [and so as in e. 90 to the end, rather literal  message  text  tonnes ].
92. With the development of the capacity to influence the concept, enthusiasm arises, [25] with distractions waiver, enthusiasm arises, ...
93. With the development of the capacity to influence, enthusiasm arises, with a waiver of oscillation, enthusiasm arises, ...
94. With the development of the capacity to influence the knowledge, enthusiasm arises, with the abandonment of ignorance, enthusiasm arises, ... [26] These are the two types of letting go with annihilation.
The ability to influence is found in the sense of striking like that.
95-99. The ability to influence is found in the sense of determination like?
With the development of the capacity of the credit impact, energetically arises; thereby affecting the capacity of the firm credit as confidence by energetically. Through joyful ardent desire arises; thereby affecting the capacity of the firm credit as confidence so glad ...
The ability to influence is found in the sense of determination like that.
100. The capacity to influence will be found in the sense of an end like?
In the sense that both decisions, the capacity to influence the credit does not believe termination, termination is not a private obsession. The sense of efforts, the capacity to influence the attack ended lazy, ending obsession laziness. According to the definition set, the capacity to influence the neglected notion termination, termination of distracting obsession. In the sense of not distracted, affecting the capacity of the oscillation termination, termination of oscillation obsession. Within the meaning clear, the capacity of the mental influence ignorance termination, termination of ignorance obsession.
101. In renunciation, in the capacity to influence termination desire sense-pleasures. In no hatred, in the capacity to influence termination hatred ... [and so on with the rest of the seven obstacle obstacles, ... to] ... In the arahant path, in capacity influence terminate all gonorrhea.
The ability to influence is found in the sense of an end like that.
102. The capacity to influence will be found in the sense of how to build?
The believer is to build the capacity of the credit impact on the determination and capacity to influence the people to have faith in the believers were made on both decisions. People with essential need to build the capacity of attacking influence on the efforts and capacity to influence the attack in people with fine should be built on the efforts. Persons contemplating building's capacity to influence on the set concept, the capacity to influence people's thoughts in contemplation were created on set. Who have the capacity to create the effect of aerial distraction, affecting the capacity of the human has to be built on without distraction. Who understand the capacity building of intellectual influence on apparent, affecting the capacity of human knowledge has been built on understanding evident.
103. The creation of meditation affects capacity on renunciation; [27] in his capacity to influence in the meditator is built on renunciation. Meditators build capacity in impact on not anger; in his capacity of influence in the meditator is built on not hatred ... [and so on until] ... The meditation built in capacity to influence on arahant path; in his capacity of influence in the meditator on the path created arahant.
The ability to influence is found in the sense of building like that.
104. When the secular practice, he mastered in establishing many aspects under? Organic grade school when ...? When the negativity has been wiped practice to, mature person to set up as many aspects?
When the secular practice, he mastered in establishing under seven aspects. When levels of organic cultivation school, he mastered in establishing in eight aspects. When the negativity has been extinct for practice, he mastered in setting up in eleven dimensions.
105. When the secular practice, one maturing in seven to setting the aspect?
Since [title visualize] has been directed to: mature him in setting up the object, he matured in the establishment of peace symbol, one maturing in establishing the symbol of efforts , who was well versed in the establishment of non-scattered symbols, one maturing in setting up light, he matured in establishing incentives, he matured in establishing calm.
When the secular practice, one maturing in seven to set up this aspect.
106. When the level of practice of school property, he matured in the setting under eight aspect?
Since [title visualize] has been directed to: mature him in setting up the object, ... he matured in establishing calm, mature person most interested in establishing.
When levels of organic cultivation school, he mastered in establishing in eight aspects.
107. When people with afflictions were wiped out to practice, he mastered in setting up in eleven aspects?[28]
Since [title visualize] has been directed to: mature him in setting up the object, ... he matured in establishing calm, mature person in establishing single-mindedly, he proficient in setting up the difference, he matured in establishing liberation.
When people with afflictions have been extinct for practice, he mastered in setting up in eleven aspects.
108. When the secular practice of insight, mature person to set up many aspects, one maturing in not set according to how many aspects? Organic grade school when ...? When the negativity has been wiped practice insight, mature person to set up many aspects, one maturing in not set according to how many aspects?
When the secular practice of insight, mature person to set up nine aspects, one maturing in not setting up nine aspects. Organic grade school when insight practice, he mastered in setting up in eleven dimensions, one maturing in not set in eleven aspects. When the negativity has been wiped insight practice, he mastered in establishing the twelve aspects, one maturing in establishing the twelve aspects.
109. When the secular practice of insight, mature person to set up nine aspect? he mastered in not setting up nine aspect?
He matured in the setting (the appearance) impermanence, and maturing in not establishing permanent;proficient in setting up suffering, and maturing in no setup joy; proficient in setting up not down, and maturing in not setting down; maturing in establishing perishes, and maturing in no firmly established;maturing in establishing destruction, and maturing in not set cumulative; maturing in setting change, and mature in not establishing permanent; maturing in establishing no icons, and maturing in no setup icon;maturing in establishing not wish, and maturing in not setting aspirations; maturing in establishing emptiness, and maturing in not setting misinterpreted.
When the secular practice of insight, mature person to set up nine this respect, he is not well versed in the ninth set up this aspect.
110. When organic school level insight practice, he mastered in setting up in eleven aspects [29]? he mastered in not set in eleven aspects?
He matured in the setting (the appearance) impermanence, and maturing in not establishing permanent; ... Handy in setting up the emptiness, and maturing in not setting misinterpreted; maturing in establishing position, and maturing in no set delusion.
Organic grade school when insight practice, he mastered in under ten set this respect, he is not proficient in setting up ten aspects.
111. When the negativity has been wiped insight practice, he mastered in establishing the twelve aspect? he mastered in not setting the twelve aspect?
He matured in the setting (the appearance) impermanence, and maturing in not establishing permanent; ... Handy in setting up the emptiness, and maturing in not setting misinterpreted; maturing in establishing position, and maturing in no set delusion; maturing in establishing no consequences, and maturing in no set consequences; maturing in establishing cessation, and maturing in not set fruit set behavior.
When the negativity has been wiped insight practice, he mastered in establishing the twelve aspects, one maturing in not setting the twelve aspects.
112. Since [title visualize] has been directed to:
Thanks to  mature in establishing the object , he synthesized the capacity to influence, understand and can enter the area of the most significant of such, he synthesis of power, ... he general weakness constitute factors of enlightenment ... he synthesized the state [other], understand and can enter the realm of the most significant as; 'He aggregate capacity of influence', he synthesized the capacity to influence how? He synthesized the capacity to influence the decision in the sense of credit, [he synthesis capability of attacking impact in terms of effort, he synthesized the capacity to influence in the sense of the concept set, the synthesis capacity that affects the sense of not distracted, he aggregated capacity of intellectual influence apparent sense;]  [9]
Thanks to  mature in establishing a symbol of harmony , [he synthesized the capacity to influence,] ...
Thanks to  mature in establishing the symbol of efforts , [he] ...
Thanks to  mature in the establishment of non-distraction icon ...
Thanks to  mature in establishing light ...
Thanks to  mature in establishing incentive ...
Thanks to  mature in establishing calm ...
Thanks to  mature in establishing single-minded ...
Thanks to  mature in establishing the difference  ...
Thanks to  mature in establishing themselves in ...
Thanks to  mature in establishing impermanent ...
Thanks to  mature in not establishing permanent  ...
Thanks ... [and so on with the remaining pair of e. 111 until] ...
Thanks to  mature in establishing cessation ...
Thanks to  mature in not setting fruiting behavior , he synthesized the capacity to influence, ... [he general state of [other], understand and can enter the realm of the most significant as; [ 'he synthesized the capacity to influence', he synthesized the capacity to influence how? He synthesized the capacity to influence the decision in the sense of credit ... he aggregated capacity of intellectual influence in the sense of clear]. [30] [10]
113. Tue-employed as the capacity to influence three under sixty four aspects is the location of destruction (exhaustion) of defilement.
114. About three capacities to influence public? The capacity to influence the 'I will see to know the unknown', the capacity to influence the whole place thoroughly understanding the end, influence the capacity of the fully realized Career.
115-124. How many places ... [repeats intact Luan I dd 552-562] ... [31]. The destruction of this negativity here.
125. Here, in this world, he does not see
Nothing unrecognized truth, and nothing did not know
He has experienced all that can be said:
So Tathagata called the witness said that all.
126.  The witness knew all : The witness said all what sense? [repeated argument I e. 608].
127. The full meaning of suffering in pain is unknown, no sense of suffering is not known, so He is the witness knows all. The witness said all the capabilities of intellectual influence. Thanks to the capacity of the mental influence should have the capacity to influence the decision in the sense of credit, affecting the capacity of the attack in the sense of effort, ability to influence the sense of concept setup, affecting capacity the effects of sense not distracted.
The full meaning of the suffering of mental suffering is evident, realize, realization, [32] experience, no sense of suffering is not known, so He is the witness knows all. The witness said all the capabilities of intellectual influence. Small...
Full meaning of the origin of suffering in the origin of suffering ... [and so with the truth of the four remaining noble truth].
128. full of non-sense interpretation of the meaning of meaning in endless problems ... [and so endless problems with the endless problems in the remaining four to] ...
Full of non-sense interpretation of the position of the endless problems of location is unknown ... no sense of non-award of unknown location, so he is a witness who knows all ...
Full of non-sense interpretation of the position of the endless problems on the site is clear, get legs ...
129. Recreational fully aware of the significance of the capacity of others ...
Recreational fully aware of the significance of the capacity of the prejudices and latent tendencies of beings.
Full meaning of Variable Chemistry pair ...
Full sense of accomplishment Great Compassion ...
The full meaning of what is seen, be heard, be identified by perception, be understood, be encountered, are searching, observing mind, in the world there are gods, there  Maras , god  Brahma , in this generation with recluses and Brahmins, with the prince and the people, that the full meaning is evident, received leg, proven, direct experience is by wisdom, does not get experiential knowledge, so He is the witness knows all. The witness said all the capabilities of intellectual influence. Thanks to the capacity of the mental influence should have the capacity to influence the decision in the sense of credit ... and the capacity to influence the sense of not distracted.
130. Those who have faith, he attempts; who attempts, he had confidence. Those who have faith, he stabilized. Those who firmly established, he or she can trust. Those who have faith, he specified; the person, he or she can trust. Those who have faith, he understood. Those who understand, he or she can trust.
Those who attempt, he firmly; who firmly established, he attempts. Those who attempt, he specified; the person, the person attempts. Those who attempt, he understood; who understand, he attempts. Those who attempt, he has confidence; who has faith, he or she attempts.
Those who firmly established, he specified; the person, who was firmly established.
Whoever set, he understands; who understands, who was the ...
Those who understand, he has confidence; who has faith, he understood. Those who understand, he attempts; who attempts, he understood. Those who understand, he specified; the person, he or she understands.
131. Since there are beliefs, should be efforts; as are efforts to have faith. Because faith, should be stabilized; because it has been firmly established belief. Because faith, should be specified; as defined, should have faith. Because there is confidence, there should be understanding; For savvy, should have faith.
As is effort, should be stabilized; since been firmly established, efforts should be ... [33]
Since been firmly established, should be specified; as defined, should be firmly ... <... is to ... understand ...>
Because knowledge should have faith; because there is faith, there should be understanding. Because knowledgeable, should be efforts; because efforts should be savvy. Because knowledge should be stabilized; because it firmly so knowledgeable. Because knowledge should be specified; because there has to be understood.
132-140. Luminous eyes of Buddha is Buddha's mind. Buddha's mind is Buddha's luminous eyes. With her luminous eyes looked, the Buddha saw beings with little dust contamination in their eyes, saw beings have contaminated dust in their eyes ... [dd 574-582 repeated argument I do not change anything half].
141. He knows and see and realize and understand the impact of this capacity under fifty ways.

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