Friday, 24 February 2017

1. [168] This, monks, have in this capacity, in what capacity? Tin force, attacking force, power concept, intellectual property resources. This is in force. ' (S v 249; A iii 12).
2. Moreover, there are sixty-eight power.
« Addition »  credits force, attacking force, power concept, concentration, mental power [as said], there are:
The force of shame, fear force mistakes, thinking power, power of meditation , do not force the error, force support, 2 *  power options, [1]  prepared force, persuade, 3 *  sovereign power , determined force.
Tranquil spa, restaurant discriminative power;
Ten useful power level of learning, ten have completed level of force;
Ten of the disturbing force was to make an end;
Ten magical power (supernatural powers);
Ten of the Tathagata force.
 Bhāvanā-bala : meditation power, religious power by 7 factors that constitute enlightenment, (Read A ii 10).
2 *  sangaha-bala
3 *  nijjhatti-bala : translate  Nanamoli Bhikkhu, a Buddhist Pali-English Grossary of Technical Terms , page 57. Read M i 320.
3.  Tin force  is what? Because no private immovable, such as signal power. Credit consolidation of power in the sense of the present status. Tin force termination gonorrhea sense. Credit in the sense of purification force initially understood. Tin force determined sense. Credit Center washed force sense. Tin force in the sense of attaining superiority Vietnam. Tin force deeper sense. Tin force sense truth and enlightenment. Tin force residing within the meaning of annihilation. [2]  This is a force.
4.  Offensive power  is what? Unshakable as lazy, like the attack force. Ton capacity strengthened sense coexist states ... [and so as in e. 3] ... Offensive forces residing within the meaning of annihilation. This is tons of force. [169]
5.  Mindfulness force  is what? Unshakable because distractions, such as its concept. Mindfulness means to consolidate power under the combined state ... Mindfulness forces residing within the meaning of annihilation. This is the concept of power.
6.  The power  is what? Unshakable as oscillators, such as concentration. ... The security forces residing within the meaning of annihilation. This is the power.
7.  Tue force  is what? Unshakable because of ignorance, such as knowledge of human knowledge in the sense of power ... dwell in cessation. This is the intellectual force.
8.  Force  shame  is what? Through renunciation, it has conscience hesitate about craving desires, such as capacity ashamed. Thanks to not anger ... [and so on with the rest of the seven obstacle obstacles and opposition to the state that obstacle, the four jhanas, the four formless realms attained eighteen discriminative insight major, and four path to] ... Thanks arahant path, this is the conscience hesitate with all gonorrhea, such is the force of shame. <versus Luan XXX and 'C'>
9.  Force  fearless mistakes  is what? Through renunciation, it is shame because craving desires, such as fearless force mistakes. Thanks to not anger ... Thanks arahant path, this is a shame for all gonorrhea infections, such as fearless force mistakes.
10.  The force  of thinking  is what? Through renunciation, it reflects on craving desires, such as human thinking. Thanks to not anger ... [170] By arahant path, thinking about it all gonorrhea, such is the force of thinking.
11.  The force  of meditation  is what? Those who abandoned craving desires, he practiced renunciation, such is the force of meditation. Those who renounce hatred ... Those who abandon all gonorrhea, he practiced arahant path, such is the force of meditation. This is the power of meditation.
12.  The force  of no fault  is what? Since craving desires are abandoned, not what was reprimanded in renunciation, such is the force of no fault. Because anger was abandoned ... Since all gonorrhea were abandoned, not what was reprimanded in arahant path, such is the force of no fault. This is no fault of the force.
13.  Force  support  is what? Those who abandoned craving desires, he supports by renunciation mind, so as to support. Those who renounce hatred ... Those who abandon all gonorrhea, supporting him by heart arahant path, such as support forces. This is a support force. [171]
14.  Force  selection  is what? Since craving desires are abandoned, he chose renunciation, such is the force option. Because anger has not abandoned ... Since all gonorrhea has been abandoned, he chose the path arahant, like the power to choose. This is the power to choose. [3]
15.  The force preparation  is what? Those who abandoned craving desires, he prepared  by renunciation mind, so is its preparation. Those who renounce hatred ... Those who abandon all gonorrhea, he prepared arahant by the path, such as preparing forces. This is the power of preparation.
16.  Force persuade  * What is? Those who abandoned craving desires, he persuaded  by renunciation mind, so as to persuade. Those who renounce hatred ... Those who abandon all gonorrhea, who was convinced by the path arahant mind, such is the power of persuasion. This is the power of persuasion.
*  Here yet translated  nijjhatti  that  notification , but at  a Buddhist Pali-English Grossary of Technical Terms , page 57,  Nanamoli  has changed to  persuation .
17.  The force's sovereignty  is what? Those who abandoned craving desires, he or she is making a deliberate act of renunciation, such as the sovereign power. Those who renounce hatred ... Those who abandon all gonorrhea, he behaved with heart arahant path, such as the sovereign power. This is the sovereign power.
18.  The force determined  is what? Those who abandoned craving desires, he decided to hold interest in renunciation, such is the force of determination. Those who renounce hatred ... Those who abandon all gonorrhea, he decided to maintain interest by arahant path, such is the force determined. This is determined force. [172]
19.  Force tranquility  is what? No distraction as single-mindedly through its renunciation is quiet. Do not distract attention by most as not anger the quiet power ... [and so with all the ideas listed in the argument I e. 442 until] ... No distraction as the most consistent of mind by letting go is exhaled quiet force.
Quiet force in what sense?
Quiet power  is what? Do not distract the mind by renunciation is the most quiet power ... [repeated argument I e. 452] ... No distractions is the most consistent of mind by letting go is exhaled quiet force.
20. quiet force in a sense? Through meditation, it is not shaken because of obstructions, such as quiet force ... [repeat Argument i e. 453] ... Thanks to attain the cognitive realm without also not without awareness, it is not shaken because cognitive realm, nothing like the quiet force.
It can not be shaken, not removable and can not be fluctuations, gonorrhea and set comes with oscillation makes changing direction so that its quiet.
This is a quiet force.
21.  Force discriminative bar  is what? Impermanence is consistent discriminative power bars, ... [repeated argument I e. 454] ... let go of the old shop and die shop is discriminative power.
22. Quan is human nature made any sense? Unshakable because awareness of sustainability through consistent impermanent, such as consistent as discriminative power ... [repeat Argument i e. 454] ... Do not budge because letting go of clinging thanks to consistent, so consistency is discriminative power.
It can not be shaken, not removable and can not be fluctuations, gonorrhea and set comes with ignorance makes changing direction so that its true nature shop.
This is consistent discriminative power.
23.  Ten of the power level of the human existence and the ten grade school was finished  is what? He learning ( sikkhati ) right view, is so useful power level of learning ( sekha ); because he was studying (sikkhitatta ) in terms of the forces that have completed grade ( asekha ). He learning right thought, is so useful power level of the school; because he was studying in terms of level of force that is already finished.He district language learning ... learning Chief Executive He ... He ... The learning right livelihood right effort was learning ... learning mindfulness He ... He learning concentration ... right knowledge learning he ... he Secretarial liberated learning, such is the force of organic grade school; because he was studying in terms of level of force that is already finished.
Here are the ten steps of human existence, and ten of grade school was finished.
24.  Ten of the forces of evil were to make an end  is what?
Here the monks had afflictions were annihilation was clearly visible as they are with the right knowledge that all behavior is impermanent form fruit. Having understood this, there is the force of defilement was to make an end, as a result of which force monks had afflictions were seeking new paragraph statement that 'my sorrow was to make an end'.
25. Again, the monks have negativity was apparent annihilation has seen as they really are with the right knowledge that the sense-pleasures like charcoal pits. Having understood this, ... [completed as at e. 24].
26. Again, the monks have been annihilation afflictions, his mind tends to, tended to reclining isolated lifestyle make efforts to isolate, enjoy renunciation, has completely annihilated the states that lead to suffering. As did so, ... [174].
27. Again, when monks there were afflictions make an end, he had to practice the four foundations of mindfulness, practice them skillfully. As did so, ...
28. Again, when monks there were afflictions make an end, he had to practice the four right effort, practice them skillfully. As did so, ...
29. Again, when monks there were afflictions make an end, he had to practice the four foundations of Kabbalah (the road to power), practice them skillfully. As did so, ...
30. Again, when monks there were afflictions make an end, he has practiced in the capacity to influence, their practices smoothly. As did so, ...
31. Again, when monks there were afflictions make an end, he has practiced in power, they skillfully practice. As did so, ...
32. Again, when monks there were afflictions make an end, he had to practice the seven factors of enlightenment create, cultivate them skillfully. As did so, ...
33. Again, when monks there were afflictions make an end, he has eight branches path practice, practice them skillfully. As did so, ...
Here are ten of the forces of evil have been annihilation.
34.  Ten magical power (supernatural powers)  is what?
Kabbalah is determined, is transformed Kabbalah, Kabbalah is [itself] from the mind, thanks to the miracles of the mind involved, thanks to the miracles of the engagement, the sages of Kabbalah, Kabbalah birth from the results of a job, because the merit psychic, psychic clairvoyance thanks, psychic achievements sense because work right on time (reading e Luan XXII. 4  ff .).
This is the magical power of ten.
35.  Ten of the Tathagata force  is what?
Here Tathagata understand things as they really  can be * that may be,  can not be  that impossible. For he knows the case, this is the power of the Tathagata, as a result of new forces Tathagata claiming leadership status, the lion roared in assembly language, turning the wheel  « dharma »  supreme.
Thana  has three meanings: the place,  can occur , the reason [DhsA 53]. Nanamoli Bhikkhu, a Buddhist Pali-English Grossary of Technical Terms , page 47.
69. MA M i read said this was only known location correlation between cause and effect nhungVbh paragraph 809 M iii 65-67 used to interpret this passage. Read Bhikkhu  Nanamoli  and Bodhi, Middle Length Discourses of the The Buddha , [Boston 1995], page 182 footnote 1197.
CAF Rhys Davids says this is the obvious place to know that  there are  or  are not  under the law of causality. Read Rhys Davids,  Buddhist Psychological Ethics , PTS, [Oxford 1997], paragraphs 1337-1338.
36. Again, the Tathagata understands as they really are the result of past actions, present, future probable and its cause. [175] Because he understands the case, this is ...
37. Again, the Tathagata understands as they really are all about where the path will lead. Because he understands the case, this is ...
38. Again, the Tathagata understands as they really are the world there are many different principles.Because he understands the case, this is ...
39. Again, the Tathagata understands as they really are different determination of all beings. Because he understands the case, this is ...
40. Again, the Tathagata understands as they really are trends affecting the capacity of the other living creatures, in the others. Because he understands the case, this is ...
41. Again, the Tathagata understands as they really are infected with gonorrhea, the purity, the emerges, in the jhanas, liberation, concentration and attainment. Because he understands the case, this is ...
42. Again, the Tathagata recalls his many past lives, that is: a life ... [and so as in the argument I e. 542] ... so with all aspects and characteristics, he recalls his many past lives. For he remembered that, this is ...
43. Again, as with the third eye which is pure and certainly beyond human beings die evident then reappeared, ... [and so as in the argument I e. 548] ... understand beings are rotated right to practice their careers. [176] For he saw that, this is ...
44. Again, by itself direct experimental evidence location, Tathagata here and now enter and dwell in the mind liberated and liberating insight which no negativity for negativity has been annihilation. For he to do so, this is ...
Here are ten of the Tathagata force.
45. Faith in a sense force?
Tons of force in what sense?
Concept in a sense force?
The force in a sense?
Tue forces in what sense?
Force any sense of shame?
Fearless force mistakes in what sense?
Thinking in a sense force?
Meditation in a sense force?
Errors do not force any sense?
To support what sense?
Luc choose what sense?
Prepared in a sense force?
What sense to convince?
Sovereign power in what sense?
The force determined in what sense?
Quiet force in what sense?
Discriminative power bar in what sense?
Ten useful power level of learning in what sense?
Ten of the force level was completed in what sense?
Ten of the disturbing force was to make an end in what sense?
Ten magical power (supernatural powers) in what sense?
Ten of the Tathagata force in what sense?
Tin force unshakable sense for not believing.
Ton capacity unshakable sense because lazy.
Sense notion unshakable force for distraction.
The unshakable power because sense oscillators.
Tue force unshakable sense of ignorance.
Conscience hesitate because the evil state, immoral, like it is the power of shame.
Ashamed of the state of evil, immoral, like it is the fearless force mistakes. 
Thinking about all of gonorrhea in place, such is the power of thinking.
The state is formed which has an effect (the taste) only, so it is the power of meditation.
There, there's nothing can be reprimanded, so that's not human error.
By supporting the mind, such as support forces.
He choose it, such is the power to choose.
He prepares the mind, such as preparing forces.
He persuaded interested in it, so as to persuade.
He acted with the intention to do so, such as the sovereign power.
He maintained that in mind, such is the force of determination.
Due attention was incorporated, like the quiet force.
He discerned the state arises on the inside, such as discriminative power bar.
He study in, such is the force of organic grade school.
Because after they are learning inside, such as the force level was completed.
By annihilation afflictions, such is the force of negativity has been annihilation.
That he's psychic, like the magical power.
Forces within the meaning of the Tathagata is not measurable.

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