The first three parts (from i to iii) actually straightforward means. Part i say to common state of mind obviously interfere with provisions, to help train the state, and to the various aspects of them.
Part II refers to the response of the heart temporarily mistake when breathing practices stagnation practice.
Part iii only way to avoid mistakes is small and meticulous analysis of the progress attained samadhi completely. It ends with a verse praising witnesses Arahant fruition through how this practice. After verse says he is a legend to Nibbana - the goal of all practice sessions - to the virtues of the Buddha - to trust in His omniscient wisdom provides increased motivation to achieve progress until experience with personal realization and until the demand for faith is discarded.
This three-part survey constitutes a general introduction and before the detailed analysis of the practice actually, as stated in the Business overview, conducted in part iv . These sections based on Group B, and made up for example the most deployed of that section.
Part iv - a key part of this treatise - looked in trouble at first but when considering the entire treatise saw systematic and clings in all the details and in the overlapping section. To realize the full value of this part, first of all need to remember that breathing meditation is one of the four methods of practice of Mindfulness Foundation said in Beijing (D doing number 22, M of the 10), memory that this practice in the form of constantly practicing mindfulness and clear understanding be thorough navigate properly. Again, as presented, the 'pair of four' refers to people who are meditating right now (like: 'He said' I am breathing in a long breath '...) and who are practicing for achievements the power, the wisdom, the path in the future , but have not achieved (collective he says: 'body experience [breath] I will breathe in ...). Finally, the order ', intellectual property, securities path' is in accordance with such a close and consistent supply of the entire structure to this section.
Having in mind that the outline, the following options become clear.
In the first two mentioned Fundamental knowledge position in the present moment, we have:
a) analyze how to recognize the object of meditation ( 'inspiratory breath' ...) (dd 194-195);
b) only shows that this visualization is also part of Mindfulness Practice First Foundation, which is 'Body Shop' (dd 196-198);
c) only to find that, after achieving specified, mindfulness and clear understanding be practiced thoroughly at the same time applying the wisdom (dd 199-202);
d) concluding section lists the existing state while visualizing the floor like in the successive entry (dd 203-125). This passage drawn from theory I dd 41-43.
With the remaining fourteen Foundation refers to the future, the plan size of the foundation set up following this reasoning applies throughout:
i. analyze how to recognize objects ( 'He set like this' body experience [breath], I will breathe in', ...); this analysis with respect to (a) above, but other travels in the details and content;
ii. show only platform in the four Foundations of Mindfulness is being practiced; Like (b) above;
iii. analysis and clear 'set' mean;
iv. only shows that mindfulness and clear understanding be applied thoroughly how; Like (c) above;
v. conclusions, like (d) above;
Four section from i to iv in just above paragraph is repeated word for word in each case of 14 cases, except for some key words are replaced as needed.
In this way, each of the 16 points on base * Own goals will be to attain the path.
* Base: 16 basis points is applied to the in-breath and out-breath, we have listed 32 e morphology.183 of this argument.
Six final section, from v to x , just give a brief classification of the stage of entering the position ( v ), the beginning of wisdom ( vi) , of the following kinds of knowledge led to the emergence Directed originator of the recipe ( vii to ix ) and Fruit of the Highway Act ( x ). These sections have been covered in detail in the treatise I, Chapters V to XII.
The main part of this theory is explained in Chapter VIII of the Path of Purification ( Magga ) (qv).
« Anapanassatikatha »
[In brief]
1. [162] When anyone customary practice by the breath [1] with 16 basis points, more than 200 types in mind he arose:
I. eight types of obstacles and the location where the eight types of aid,
II. eighteen kinds of imperfect place,
III. thirteen kinds of keeping a clean place,
IV. thirty two kinds of people where meditating,
V. twenty four categories thanks to location,
FOR. seventy two kinds of discriminative position thanks to consistent,
Hotel VII.tam kind of boring,
VIII.tam know about what kind of place relatively well with boring,
IX. eight kinds calm place as boring,
X. twenty kinds of happiness liberated mind.
[ Section i ]
2. Hotel Eight kinds of eight kinds of obstacles and agree on what assistance is?
3. Desire craving an obstacle to the, renunciation is to assist.
Anger is the obstacle ..., not anger is help ...
Skin under the barrier ... sleepy, think light is help ...
Oscillations are obstacles ..., not scattered as help ...
... Suspected of obstacles, find out the phenomenon is help ...
Ignorance is the obstacle ..., where is help ...
Tedious the obstacles ..., rejoicing that help ...
Likewise, all unwholesome states are obstacles to the, all the state is supporting the charity.
Here are eight types of obstacles and the location where the eight kinds of assistance.
4. When the mind is the navigation, navigate skillfully through 16 this respect, the most consolidated center point and purified obstacles. [163]
What is the most points?
Renunciation is the most points, not anger the most points, most think of light as the location, not the most scattered points, find out the most phenomenal location, location is the most points, most points are rejoicing, the state Status is the most friendly spot.
5. What are the obstacles?
Craving desires are the obstacles for the, anger is the obstacle, sleepy skin under the barrier, the barrier oscillation, suspected obstructions, ignorance is a hindrance, an obstacle tedious, states evil is the obstacle.
Obstacle : what sense obstacles?
Obstacles within the meaning of the term exit plan.
What was the way out?
Renunciation is the way out for the saint, the saint is discharged through renunciation: sexual desire escape plan that language, and because humans are sexual desires should not create difficulties to understand the way escape of saints form of isolation.
Not anger ... anger ...
... Think of light, were chasing sleepy ...
No stampede ..., oscillating ...
Find understand the phenomenon ..., comfortable ...
Tri ... ignorance ...
Rejoice ..., tedious ...
Also, all the good status is a way out for the saint, the saint is escaping through all the good state: all unwholesome state outlet project that language, and because the who are all unwholesome states should not create difficulties to understand the saint's exit form friendly state.
[ Part II ]
6. When the mind is purified from this barrier [164], he practiced with the breathing meditation for over sixteen basis points, following eighteen incompleteness arises in each convolution he briefly. [2]
Eighteen imperfection does arise?
(1) When he pay close attention to the first leg, leg and final leg between breathing in and [3] his mind scattered inside, and thus is an obstacle to making.
(2) When he pay close attention to the first leg, between the leg and the last leg of exhaled breath, his mind scattered outside, and thus is an obstacle to making.
(3) The act of longing as hoped, attachment, breathing into an impediment to making.
(4) acts as hope thirst, grasping and breathing out is an obstacle to making.
(5) When tired of breathing in (slightly too long or too short), any breath waiting for the public are an impediment to making.
(6) When tired exhale (slightly too long or too short), any public-breath waiting for them is an obstacle to making. [4]
Pay close attention to the breath in
and breath out well monitored
distracted Inside would come
outside to distract fascinated
humans exhale Looking forward
Tired much for breathing in,
breathing into the person waiting for
Tired many because exhalation;
Six disadvantages of the
shop Based on the breath
will prevent escape attention
because they form Psychoanalysis;
And who does not know about liberation
apt to believe other people.
and breath out well monitored
distracted Inside would come
outside to distract fascinated
humans exhale Looking forward
Tired much for breathing in,
breathing into the person waiting for
Tired many because exhalation;
Six disadvantages of the
shop Based on the breath
will prevent escape attention
because they form Psychoanalysis;
And who does not know about liberation
apt to believe other people.
8. (7) If, when he directs attention to the signs, [5] the mind of the person can be shaken-breath, which is an obstacle to making.
(8) If, when he directs attention to the breath in, his or her heart can be signs of shaken him, this is an obstacle to making.
(9) If, when he directs attention to the signs, one's mind can be shaken out breath, this is an obstacle to making.
(10) If, when he directs attention to the breath, the mind of the person may be signs of shaken, this is an obstacle to making.
(11) If, when he directs attention to the breath in, his or her heart can be shaken out breath, this is an obstacle to making.
(12) If, when he directs attention to the breath, the mind of the person can be shaken-breath, which is an obstacle to making.
9. [165]
Centripetal attention to signs in the center
is still being distributed in-breath;
Centripetal attention to breath into the heart
still were scattered signs;
Centripetal attention to signs in the center
Being Distributed exhalation;
Centripetal attention to exhalation while the mind
Being scattered signs;
Centripetal attention to breath into the mind
still been out distributed breath;
Centripetal attention to the breath out while center
-breath Being dispersed;
Six disadvantages of the
shop Based on the breath
will prevent escape attention
because they create scatter;
And who does not know about liberation
apt to believe other people.
is still being distributed in-breath;
Centripetal attention to breath into the heart
still were scattered signs;
Centripetal attention to signs in the center
Being Distributed exhalation;
Centripetal attention to exhalation while the mind
Being scattered signs;
Centripetal attention to breath into the mind
still been out distributed breath;
Centripetal attention to the breath out while center
-breath Being dispersed;
Six disadvantages of the
shop Based on the breath
will prevent escape attention
because they create scatter;
And who does not know about liberation
apt to believe other people.
(14) Mind shaken because waiting [breath] the future is an obstacle to making.
(15) being lazy mind laxity prevails is an obstacle to making.
(16) Attempts too much, wavering mind winning an impediment to making.
(17) When tempted, were participating interest prevails is a hinder to the.
(18) When disgust, anger prevailed mind is an obstacle to making.
Public mind: chasing the past,
waiting for the future, laziness,
excessive effort or drawn,
Or hate, does not mind being the
disadvantages of the Six
Based on Mindfulness of Breathing
is like when we thought he smeared
he did not know Master Mind Boost.
waiting for the future, laziness,
excessive effort or drawn,
Or hate, does not mind being the
disadvantages of the Six
Based on Mindfulness of Breathing
is like when we thought he smeared
he did not know Master Mind Boost.
12. (1) When the first track races, races between the last leg to the breath, the mind practitioners scattered inside, both body and his mind is restless, disturbed and fluctuating. (2) When the first track races, races between the last leg of exhaled breath, the mind distracted practitioners outside, both body and his mind is restless, disturbed and fluctuating. (3) breath into longing acts as hoped, attachment, both body and his mind is restless, disturbed and fluctuating. (4) Breathing out such acts longing hopes, attachment, both body ... (5) [166] As in he waiting for the tired exhalation breath on [too long or too short ] both body and ... (6) as in he waiting for breath to breath when tired out [too long or too short] both body and ... (7) If, when he directs attention to sign, he is still the heart of the breath to fluctuate, both body and ... (8) If, when he directs attention to the breath in, his or her heart is still oscillating signal, both body and ... (9) If, when he directs attention to the signs, the mind of the person is still breathing oscillations, both body and ... (10) If, when one centripetal pay attention to the breath, the heart of the signs he was still fluctuating, both body and ... (11) If, when he directs attention to the breath into the mind of the person is still breathing out oscillation, both body and ... (12) If, when he directs attention to the breath away, his or her heart is still breathing in oscillation, both body and ... (13) run Centre [breath] past distracted prevailed, both body and ... (14) mind wavering because waiting for [breath] the future, both body and ... (15) being lazy laxity Center prevailed, both body and ... (16) too much effort, prevailed wavering mind and body ... (17) When tempted, heart attacks were taking both body and ... (18 ) When disgust, anger prevailed mind is both body and his mind is restless, disturbed and fluctuating.
Someone whose breathing meditation
is not practice, not perfection,
seeing themselves scrambling in
mind he is like that,
then he swayed in the body
in his mind so well.
Someone whose breathing meditation
practice Well, be perfected,
Then no disturbance in body
and mind he like,
then he is not swayed in the body
in his mind so well.
is not practice, not perfection,
seeing themselves scrambling in
mind he is like that,
then he swayed in the body
in his mind so well.
Someone whose breathing meditation
practice Well, be perfected,
Then no disturbance in body
and mind he like,
then he is not swayed in the body
in his mind so well.
14. When the mind is purified these obstacles [mentioned in part i.] Practitioner with breathing meditation for over sixteen entrenched, this eighteen incompleteness arises in each convolution he briefly.
[ Section iii ]
15. Thirteen kind of consensus on what is kept clean?
(1) Heart chasing [breath] past dispersed prevailed: avoid this by focusing attention monks in one place, so do not be distracted mind.
(2) the center waiting for [breath] future can be shaken: [167] by avoiding this town monks retreat into one place, so do not be distracted mind.
(3) Center was lazy laxity prevailed: by trying to do, he abandoned lazy, so do not be distracted mind.
(4) too much effort, attention wavered prevailed: by tame, he abandoned fluctuate, so do not be distracted mind.
(5) When tempted, were participating interest prevailed: by clearly understanding that thorough, monks abandoned, so do not be distracted mind.
(6) When aversion, the mind is anger prevailed: by clearly understanding that thorough, monks renounce hatred, nor how distracted mind.
Heart is clean, bright and achieve the most points through six aspects.
16. What is the most points?
(7) the most points in the form set unwanted gift abandon [the alms],
(8) the most points in the form of establishing a symbol of harmony [in the policy],
(9) form one main characteristic set of Removal ( vaya ) [in the shop true nature],
(10) the most points in the form set cessation [ nirodha ] [the path].
17. Most set points form the will to let go of the gift is determined to quit. Most set points in the form of silent symbol of Shanghai Increases By letting Center. Most set points in the form of the characteristics of anti-discriminative customary practice. Most set points in the form of capital cessation of the sages.
18. In the four most cases reach this point, the mind
(11) goes into the process of purification of the path [7]
(12) is serenely strengthening,
(13) are satisfied location.
19. The first, middle, last paragraph of what is meditation?
Purification process is the beginning of the path, strengthening the middle and calmly satisfy * the end of the meditation.
* Here, but use the word Encouragement (incentive), but in Vism IV e. 113, monks Nanamoli has changed to satisfaction (satisfied). Therefore, I choose letters satisfaction to translate to fit this change and to unify with satisfaction recently said in e. 18 (13). Paragraph 22 refers to upcoming properties at the end of meditation.
20. The purification process is the beginning of the path of meditation: the first paragraph has some characteristics?
The first paragraph has three characteristics:
i. interest been purged from the obstacle of [Zen] it;
ii. For purification, so the mind towards the middle [state of balance, which is] a sign of silence;
iii. having approached, so the mind goes into that state of balance.
And because the mind has been purified of meditation obstacles, and because it is purified, so the mind towards the middle [state of balance, which is] a sign of silence, and so have come, should mind go into that state of balance, [168] the purification process is the beginning of the path of meditation. These are the three characteristics of the first paragraph. So say good meditation in the beginning with [three] characteristics.
21. Strengthen the midst of serene meditation: the middle with some characteristics?
In the middle there are three characteristics: monk
iv. innocent look has been purified mind with calm heart;
v. innocent look forward to quiet the mind and calm the heart;
for. innocent look the best set points with calm hearts.
And because the monks [now] innocent look has been purified mind with calm and innocent hearts look forward to quiet the mind to calm and innocent hearts looking the best set points with calm heart, the rise calm intensity that is the middle of meditation. These are the three characteristics of the middle. So say good meditation inherent in the middle [third] characteristics.
22. Satisfying the end of the meditation: the end how many features?
The last paragraph has four characteristics:
vii. satisfying in the sense that there is no excess between the state arises in which;
viii. satisfying in the sense of ability to influence effects (taste) only;
ix. satisfying sense adequate efforts effectively;
x. reset satisfying sense;
is satisfied at the end of meditation. Here are four characteristics of the end. So say good meditation at the end of which there [four] characteristics.
23. Mind cycle has been reached three paragraphs [first, middle and end] and good in three modalities, and has 10 such properties has always [the five elements of Zen] is radial on the subject, consider objects, joy, optimism and determination, as well as [in the capacity to influence and in force] credit tons and wisdom concept.
24. The first, middle, last paragraph of the second meditation is what?
Purification process of the path is the beginning of the second meditation, serenity is enhanced and satisfied is the middle end.
25-28. Purification process of the path is the beginning of the second meditation : beginning with those characteristics?
The first paragraph has three ... [repeat the section from 20 to 23, instead digit meditation in words second meditation ] [169]
29-33. Beginning, middle, end of the triangle What is meditation? ... [Repeat the section from 19 to 23]
34-38. Beginning, middle, end of the quarter-What is meditation? ...
39-58. ... [Repeats the same year also such sections with each section of the formless realms attained 4] ...
59-148. ... [Repeats the same year also such sections with each section of the discriminative insight 18] ...
149-168. ... [Repeats the same year also such sections with each section of the path 4] ... [170]
[ Rate Saw Blades example ]
Signs, breathing in and breathing out is not the object
of a single mind;
People do not know these three things
no incremental Tu. [171]
Signs, breathe in, breathe out not to be the object
of a single mind;
Who knows these three things
can be incremental Tu.
of a single mind;
People do not know these three things
no incremental Tu. [171]
Signs, breathe in, breathe out not to be the object
of a single mind;
Who knows these three things
can be incremental Tu.
170. What is to say three things is not the subject of a single mind ?, although they are not unknown ?, not distracted mind, monks reflects the efforts, as part of and achieve a particular result?
Suppose there is a tree trunk lying on the ground, a hacksaw to cut it. To be mindful of his conduct set by the jagged exposed site with tree trunks that do not pay attention to the back and forth movement of the cog that, even though he was not serrated not know until people saw his teeth moved back and forth; Sawing and reflects the efforts, as part of a special and achieve results.
When the trunk was placed on the ground by the signs of forced contemplation [8] as well. The serrated like, the breathing in and breathing out too. Because contemplation of the place is set up by the jagged exposed trunk without paying attention to the movement of the back and forth was jagged, sawtooth whether he is not not know until people saw the cog that moves back and forth; and so people can cut out effort, as part of the results and in particular, too, the monks sat, after contemplation up nose or upper lip at the top finish, do not pay attention to the movement in the by breathing in and breathing out, even though he was not breathing monks not know until the breath in and out; and so he can make the effort, as part of a special and achieve results.
Effort is what? Body and mind of the diligent easier to control: this is the effort.
The department is what? The imperfection should be abandoned where people diligently, and the object of the mind towards he was mellow: this is the fate.
Special result is what? In people with diligence, the binding travel to the state of being abandoned, and the latent tendencies of the man went to the state of being eradicated: this is a special result.
Thus, these three are not the subject of a single mind, [172] but they are not unknown, the mind is not distracted, and he can make the effort, making the division and reach the special gift.
Mindfulness of Breathing in and
breathing out of someone who
is perfect, well-practiced,
and gradually brought to growth
according as the Buddha's teachings,
He illuminates this world
Like cloudless full moon. [9]
breathing out of someone who
is perfect, well-practiced,
and gradually brought to growth
according as the Buddha's teachings,
He illuminates this world
Like cloudless full moon. [9]
172. Breathe in ( ANA ) is the breath go into ( assasa ); exhalation ( apana ) is the breath go out ( passasa) * . [10] Set (platform) by breathing in the concept; set (foundation) because exhalation is conception .When breathing in concept is set (based) in he; exhale when conception is set (based) in him.
* In Vism VIII e. 164 reads: assasa is little wind to go out; passasa is slightly wind enters as said by Note of Vinaya.
173. Perfect: perfect in the sense of distinction * [realms of meditation, insight and path]; Perfect in the sense that [the link state then] equipped [one another]; perfect perfect sense.
* Pariggaha . Please read the caption of this word in the argument I e. 23.
174. Smart practice: There are four types of practice:
i. practice in the sense that there is no excess between the state arises in which; (Luan I 135)
ii. practice in the sense of the effect (the taste) of the capacity only affects (Luan I 134)
iii. practicing effective means for adequate efforts;
iv. in the sense that repeated practice;
Four types of practice have been mastered, form the foundation, strengthening, are skilled and able to bring uniformity. *
* Question: 'Was uniform maturity ... can' found in D ii 103; S II 274 ff. Perhaps because of the comparison between samam and susamam next paragraph should Bhikkhu Nanamoli translated susamaraddha is Brought to very sameness: 'bring uniformity to'. Maurice Walshe translates it as đúng undertaken (LDB page 246); Bhikkhu Bodhi translates as fully perfect it (CDB I pages 707-8).
The 'master': In anywhere, if desired, he employed, have power and supremely confident, * the status [real quiet and consistent nature] he is ready to turn to, available he ready to use at will, willing to speculate he focused, he is ready to start the mind. The 'master' is said because of that.
* Vesarajja: confident
'Create the foundation': he is contemplating the setting firm (firm bookings) on any platform office on his mind. His mind cling to any platform where he was contemplating setting of firm (firm bookings).'Creating a platform' is said because of that.
'Consolidation', he contemplation of rotation parallel with whatever he thing about. He thing about whatever he contemplation of rotation parallels. 'Consolidation' is said because of that.
'Be gifted': are gifted in the sense of maintaining, are gifted in the sense equipped, are skillfully perfect sense. When monks keep contemplation, he conquered evil states, immoral. 'Be gifted' is said because of that.
'Bringing uniformity to' ( susamaraddha ): There are four types of 'giving unitary': bring the sense of oneness there is no excess arises between states; brings the sense of oneness effects (taste) only affect the capacity; brings the sense of oneness effective because adequate efforts; can provide uniform because legitimate cancellation ( susamugghatatta ) * gonorrhea opposed capital this state.
* Map of VRI spelled susamuhatatta.
'At least be' ( susamam ): [11] There is one body ( samam ) and be consistent ( susamam ). What are the most possible? The state does not start up capital and error characteristics of enlightenment: it is unitary. 'At least be' What is? Subjects for the state as cessation, Nibbana: this is 'identical to'. This can best be uniform and this is known, visible, recognized, proven, be experienced with the Property; tireless efforts were brought to perfection ( araddha ), contemplation has been established (based) unabated, the body is calm, cool ( asaraddha ), * most concentration points. 'Bringing uniformity to' ( susamaraddha ) be said for that reason.
* Translation: not crazy. Read Peter Masefield, The Itivuttaka , PTS [Oxford, 2000], page 110.
175. Bring slowly to growth: growth prepared beforehand and then brought to growth thanks to the long breath, growth from the previous preparation and then bring growth through long exhalation, ... [ and so with 32 procedures, read e. 183 below, until] ... Growth prepared beforehand and then brought to grow through a long exhalation abandoned shop. All kinds of respiration with 16 points is also preparing itself for growth and bring growth to depend on each other. 'Bring slowly to growth' be said for that reason.
176. According true: 'In true' meaning ten, that is, the meaning of 'in accordance with such' is the meaning of autonomy, meaning of 'in accordance with such' is the meaning of peace in mind, ... are completely extinguished meaning of mental afflictions, the location means of direct evidence ... is that of perfect knowledge, ... the meaning of the waiver, ... the significance of practice, ... [174] is the realization that, ... the meaning of enlightenment at the same time ... that's 'in accordance with such' as means of strengthening the total extinction.
177. Buddha (Enlightened One): is Bhagavan, who is the self-reliance in yourself * , no teachers to teach about knowledge never heard from before, [12] who self-discovery ( abhisambujjhati ) the truth , achieve full enlightenment in the quarter-sole, the power and mastery.
* Sayambhu: self-reliance in yourself, do not expect the other one. These are the qualities of a Buddha (Read PED page 697; read R. C Childers, A Dictionary of the Pali Language, [Cosmo Publications, New Delhi, 1979] page 471). Sayambhuna , self-understanding Dharma level, do not learn from anyone else. TW Rhys Davids reader, Max F. M ü ller vetted, The Questions of Milinda , Vol. II, [Low Price Publications, Delhi, 1996] footnote 6, page 6.
Buddha: Buddha in what sense? He is the discoverer ( bujjhitar ) the truth, so he is enlightened ( buddha ).He was awakened ( bodhetar ) this life, so he is enlightened. He was enlightened by knowing the entire radical, enlightened by seeing to know all, enlightenment is not based on someone's instruction, enlightenment for the power, [13] he was enlightened by virtue finished kill gonorrhea, enlightened by virtue freed from essential characteristics of existence . * He no longer participate fully, so he is enlightened; He absolutely no pitch, so he is enlightened; He absolutely no delusion, so he is enlightened;He absolutely no pollution, so he is enlightened; He went on the path of liberation is only one way, so he is enlightened; He alone discover supreme awakening, so he is enlightened. He is enlightened because destroys ignorance and enlightenment.
* Nirupadhi: liberation from the characteristics of the existing essential , what's essential existence in its broadest sense (narrow sense: no attachment). Read Nanamoli , The Guide , PTS [Oxford, 1977], footnote 164/12, page 49. Please read the thesis I e. 18 listed 15 essential basic characteristics of this existence.
Buddha: this is not the mother's name by posing, posing as his father, so he set off, so she set out, as friends and companions who set out, by her children and relatives set out, by monk and brahmans pose, posing as gods: this is the title (taken) from the final liberation of the Enlightened One, the Exalted level, with the attainment of full enlightenment in the tree location Awakening, lists the 'enlightened (Buddha)' is one (idea) expound on realizations.
178. Has taught: According as the Buddha taught, meaning of 'in accordance with such' is the meaning of autonomy, meaning of 'in accordance with such' is the meaning of peace in mind, ... [and so as in e 176 until] the meaning of 'in accordance with such' as means of strengthening the total extinction.
179. That person: that person is or was ordained layman, no family life.
180. The World: World gathers, ... [repeat argument until I e 580] Eighteen world: Eighteen factors.
181. Enlighten: After you have figured out the meaning of 'in accordance with such' is the meaning of autonomy, [175] he is the star enlighten, illuminate this world. After you've found the meaning of 'in accordance with such' is the meaning of peace in mind, ... [and so as in e 176 until] ... After you've found the meaning of 'in accordance with such' is cessation of consolidation means, he is the star enlighten, illuminate this world.
182. Like cloudless full moon: The pollution-like cloud, saint-like position of the moon. Monk's like a full moon brahma-employed. When no clouds, no fog, no dust by the power of the Spirit eclipse Rahu emitted, illuminating the moon, shining and bright, the monks to be freed from pollution and illumination, sparkle and shine like. 'Like a cloudless full moon is said for that reason.
This is a place of purification thirteen categories.
[ Part iv ]
183. Thirty-two kinds of people working position contemplation * What is?
* Satokarissa: people working with mindfulness
[ Summary Business: 4 groups, 16 basis points, 32 morphology ]
Here, a monk went to the woods or to the tree or to the empty seats, sit down; after having sat cross-legged, keeping the body straight, set in front of contemplation, contemplation he kept breathing in, keep contemplation he exhaled.
(1) is breathing in a long breath, he knows 'I breathe in long breath'; (2) or is exhaled breath, he knows 'I breathe out long breath'; (3) is breathing in a short breath, he knows 'I breathe in a short breath'; (4) or is breathing out a short breath, he knows 'I breathe out a short breath.' (5) He set thus: 'Body Experience [breath], I will breathe in'; (6) He set thus: 'Body Experience [breath], I will breathe out'; (7) He set thus: 'How's behavior relative calm, I will breathe in'; * (8) He set thus: 'How's behavior relative calm, I will breathe out'.
* ' Relative behavior ' is breath in and breath out (M i 301). Although rooted in the mind (cittasamutthana ), but breathing is still regarded as 'acts of relatives' because its existence has close ties with the business generated by the body and breath taking body was created as means (P 263).Read e. 266.
(9) He set thus: 'Experience the joy, I will breathe in'; (10) He set thus: 'Experience the joy, I will breathe out'; (11) He sets like this 'experience peace, I will breathe in'; (12) He sets like this 'experience peace, I will breathe out'. (13) He sets like this [176] 'The experience of the mind acts, * I will breathe in'; (14) He sets like this 'experience acts of mind, I will breathe out'. (15) He sets like this 'Do calm behavior of the mind, I will breathe in'; (16) He sets like this 'Do calm behavior of the mind, I will breathe out'.
* Products Culavedalla in China ministry said: 'Cognitive and mental sensations, these states have close ties with the mind; That is why the sensations and perceptions of ' acts of the mind ' '(M i 301).MA said annotated acts of the mind, body behavior has close ties with the mind and body sense by heart, by itself created . Read Nanamoli Bhikkhu Bodhi and, The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha , Wisdom Publications, [Boston, 1995], footnote 466, page 1240.
(17) He sets like this 'Experience Center, * I will breathe in'; (18) He sets like this 'experience of mind, I will breathe out'. (19) He sets like this 'Making joyful heart, I will breathe in' 2 * ; (20) He sets like this 'Making joyful heart, I will breathe out'. (21) He sets like this 'Making the mind, I will breathe in' 3 * ; (22) He sets like this 'Making the mind, I will breathe out'. (23) He sets like this 'Freeing the mind, I will breathe in' 4 * ; (24) He sets like this 'Freeing the mind, I will breathe out'.
* ' Experience center ' [ cittapatisamvedi ] is understood in four jhanas .
2 * 'as a joyful heart ' ( abhippamodayamcittam ) is interpreted as evidence two planes or blowing or when meditation can enter the realm of insight meditation has led to the extinction arises ...
3 * ' as concentration ' ( samadahamcittam ) to enter the realm of meditation or just for a short centering arises along with insight.
4 * ' liberating the mind ' ( vimocayamcittam ) means freeing it from the obstacles and rough elements by meditation also centered on the extent of ascending, and get rid of the distortions in perception by insight. Read Nanamoli Bhikkhu Bodhi and, ibid, footnote 1120, page 1325.
(25) He sets like this 'ephemeral shop, I will breathe in'; (26) He sets like this 'shop impermanence, I shall breathe out'. (27) He sets like this 'shop every desire, I will breathe in'; (28) He sets like this 'shop every desire, I will breathe out'. (29) He sets like this 'shop or annihilation, I will breathe in'; (30) He sets like this 'shop or annihilation, I will breathe out'. (31) He sets like this 'shop or give up, I will breathe in'; (32) He sets like this 'shop or give up, I will breathe out'. (Iii Vin 70 f .; M iii 83; S v 311 f .; A v 111).
[ Note on the text of the introduction ]
184. Here: in this perception, in this option, favored in this, in this selection, in this Teaching, the Vinaya (Vinaya) This, in the area of the Dhamma and the Discipline, in teaching this reason, in this holy life, the teachings of the Master of this. 'Here' is said because of that.
185. A monk: A monk is a secular person generous or school level or an Arahant has organic certification status can not be lampooned.
186. The forest: after passing the landmark, all of which are forests.
187. The roots: the seat of the monks were preparing, or a bed, chairs, cushions, mats, leather or tangle of grass, leaves, bushels of monks spread out, places he went, standing, sitting or lying.
188. The absence: where laypeople or priests have little back and forth.
189. Property: house, attic, palaces, mansions, caves.
190. Sit down; after having sat cross-legged: he had sat down, sitting cross-legged after finished .
191. Keep the body straight: he loved straight, set [solid], arrangements in place.
192. Set contemplation before he ( parimukham satim upatthapetva ): pari means maintained; mukham (ND: mouth) means escape; satim (anniversary) means set (platform). 'Parimukham satim upatthapetva' (Mindfulness is set before he) be said for that reason. [14]
193. Keep contemplation he breathes in, he always kept contemplation exhale: [177] he was working with contemplation under 32 aspects:
(1) When he knows best and not wandering mind through breathing in a long breath, mindfulness is set (a foundation) in he; thanks to contemplate it and place it, he had to work with contemplation. (2) When he knows best and does not mind wandering through exhaled breath ... (32) When he knows best and does not mind wandering through abandoned shop exhale, reciting set (lay basis) in he; thanks to contemplate it and place it, he had to work with contemplation.
194. How is (1) is slightly longer breathe in, he knows 'I breathe in long breath'; (2) or is exhaled breath, he knows 'I exhaled breath'?
[ Analysis of Audience Perception Site ]
195. (a) He breathes in a long breath measured by distance. (b) He exhaled a long breath measured by distance. (c) He breathed in and out of breath in and breath out long measured distance. When he breathes in and breathes out the long and slightly out of breath on a long measured distance, energetically arises. * (D) With enthusiasm, he breathes in slightly more subtle long ago measured in the distance. (e) With enthusiasm, he exhaled breath measured by sophistication than previous distance. (f) With enthusiasm, he breathe in and out in and out a little more subtle long ago measured in the distance. When, with enthusiasm, he breathe in and out in and out a little more subtle long ago measured in distance, joy arises. (g) With joy, he breathes in slightly more subtle long ago measured in the distance. (h) With joy, he exhaled breath measured by sophistication than previous distance. (i) With joy, he breathe in and out in and out a little more subtle long ago measured in the distance. With joy, when he breathed in and out of air into and out long, subtle than before measuring the distance, his mind turned from the long breath in and out, and calm is established. [15]
* Chando uppajjati: chanda here means the will to work, this desire arises because achievements during meditation progressed. So I translated as 'enthusiasm arises'. Read Nanamoli , The Path of Purification [BPS, 1991], page 783 footnote 46.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
196. The breathing in and breathing out along nine dimensions are physical. [16] 'Set' (foundation) is contemplation. Shop is located. The body was set up (foundation), but it is not contemplation. Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation. Thanks to contemplation and thanks to the location, he contemplating the body. That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of contemplation contemplating the body as body. [17] [178]
197. He discerned: [18] He discerned that body look like? He discerned that the body is impermanent and not permanent; shop shop suffering not happy; shop is not falling down is not consistent; he crashed out boring, all excited; he makes greed fade, do not arouse it; he makes the kill, no longer arise; he let go, do not hold. When impermanence shop, he abandoned awareness is everlasting; Visualizing suffering, he abandoned awareness is happy; the shop is not falling, he abandoned awareness is down; to become boring, he all excited; greed when he faded, he abandoned; to make the killing, he abandoned arise; when let go, he no longer holds. He discerned the body like that.
198. Practice: there are four types of practice: practice in the sense that there is no excess between the state arises in which; practice in the sense of the effect (the taste) only affect the capacity; effective practice in terms of effort and practice proper sense repeated.
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively * ] [19]
199. When he sure 2 * most the heart and not scattered across the length and breath in a long breath, he experience of being aware when they arise, be aware when they appear (to be established), be aware when they disappear; 3 * perception he was aware when they arise, be aware when they appear (to be established), be aware when they disappear; the direction of the object of interest he is aware when they arise, be aware when they appear (to be established), be aware when they pass away.
* Sampajana: understanding exhaustively characterized as not hazy confusion. Its mission is to find out (judgment). Its expression is scrutinized (Vism IV e. 172).
2 * vidita; 3 * abbhattham
200. The experience of he was aware when they arise, be aware when they appear (to be established), be aware when they disappear like ?
The arising of experience in the sense of realizing the conditions arise like this: With the arising of ignorance, so there is the arising of experience. The arising of experience in the sense of realizing the conditions arise like this: With the arising of thirst, so there is the arising of experience ... The arising of experience according aware meaning conditions arise like this: with the arising of the acts set fruit, so there is the arising of experience. The arising of experience in the sense of realizing the conditions arise like this: With the arising of contact, so there is the arising of experience. Likewise, when he saw features arise, he got to know the arising of experience. The arising of experience clearly recognized like that. (Compared with I e. 288).
How is the appearance (is set) the experience of getting to know? When he consider [experience] is impermanent, the appearance (set) of destruction are clearly recognized; when he speculated experience is suffering, the appearance (set) of horror are aware; when he speculated experience is not the self, the appearance (set) of emptiness is aware. The appearance (is set) the experience to know how to receive it.
How is the disappearance of experience clearly recognize? The disappearance of experience in the sense of realizing the conditional cessation thus: With the cessation of ignorance, should be the cessation of the experience. The disappearance of experience in the sense of realizing the conditional cessation thus: With the cessation of longing, should be the cessation of experience ... [179] With the cessation of the act of creation results should be the cessation of the experience. The disappearance of experience in the sense of realizing the conditional cessation thus: With the cessation of contact should be the cessation of the experience. Likewise, when he saw the character of change, he was aware of the disappearance of the experience. The disappearance of experience getting to know are like that.
He experience of being aware when they arise, be aware when they appear (to be established), be aware when they disappear like that.
201. Recognizing clearly recognized when they arise, be aware when they appear (to be established), are aware they disappear like?
The arising of consciousness is clearly recognized under the conditions that arise like this: With the arising of ignorance, so there is the arising of consciousness ... With the arising of thirst ... With the arising of contact ... [and so as in e. 200 to the end].
202. User objects are concerned about getting to know when they arise, be aware when they appear (to be established), be aware when they disappear like?
The arising of mind towards the object to be aware in the sense that conditions arise like this: With the arising of ignorance, so there is the arising of mind towards the object ... With the arising of crave ... With the arising of fruiting behavior ... With the arising of consciousness ... [and so as in e. 200 until the end] ... [180] [20]
Afferent to object aware when they arise, be aware when they appear (to be established), be aware when they disappear like that.
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
203. When he knew most of the scattered mind and not breathing in and breathing out long-term, he synthesized the capacity to influence, understand their field, be able to enter the most meaningful as; * Synthetic he forces ...; he synthesis of form factors of enlightenment ...; he synthesis path ...; [21] he sum up the state of [others], understand their field, be able to enter the most significant of such. *
* Samatthancapativijjhati : can enter most of such significance.
204. He aggregate capacity of influence: he synthesized the capacity to influence how? He aggregate capacity of credit affecting its determination sense, he synthesis of capacity to influence diligent efforts of its sense, he synthesized affect capacity within the meaning of concepts set (foundation) of it, he synthesized the capacity to influence the sense of its non-wandering, he aggregated capacity of intellectual influence in the sense of it clear. This person synthesis of capacity to influence him on this object. 'He aggregate capacity of influence' are said for that reason.
205. He understands our areas: audience he is the realm of he; realm of objects he is he. He understands, so he is a person; understanding behavior is insight. [22]
Such as: the appearance of the object is most like, the mind is not wandering is most like, as most pure heart is like.
Meaning: meaning no errors, meaning not gonorrhea, meaning keep clean, ultimate meaning.
Can enter: he could enter appearance (set) object, meaning he can not enter the mind wandering, he can enter the resolute of mind, he can enter the keep a pure heart. 'Weight of the most significant import is like' being said for that reason.
206. He synthesized the forces: He synthesized the force look like? He synthesized signal in the sense of unshakable power because of its distrust. He synthesized tons capacity unshakable sense because of its laziness. He synthesized sense notion unshakable power because its distractions. He synthesized the sense of unshakable power because its oscillation. He synthesized wisdom unshakable sense force because of its ignorance. This person was on its general subjects. 'He synthesized the forces' be said for that reason.
207. He understands our areas: ... [etc ... as in e. 205 to the end]. [181]
208. He synthesized form factors of enlightenment: he synthesized form factors of enlightenment like? He synthesized form factor concept in the sense of enlightenment set (foundation) of it. He synthesized form factor of seeking enlightenment in the sense of understanding the truth of it. He synthesized form factors of enlightenment diligent efforts of its sense. He synthesized elements forming blowing enlightened sense of its harmony. He synthesized form factor enlightened sense of quiet peacefulness of it. He synthesized form factors within the meaning of enlightenment of its non-wandering. He synthesized form factor of calm enlightenment in the sense of thinking * of it. This person synthetic elements that constitute enlightenment on this object. 'He synthesized form factors of enlightenment' is said because of that.
* Patisankhanatthena: in the sense of thinking.
209. He understands our areas: ... [etc ... as in e. 205 to the end].
210. He synthesis path: He synthesis path like? He synthesized the right view of its clear sense. He synthesized sense right thought into its cylindrical radial. He right speech synthesis speech preserve the sense of it. * He synthesis chief executive in the sense of its source arises. He synthesized livelihood of its pure sense. He synthesized right effort in the sense of its efforts. He synthesized the meaning of mindfulness set (foundation) of it. He aggregate concentration in the sense of not wandering. This person was on the synthetic path objects. 'He synthesis path' is said because of that.
* Pariggahatthena: in the sense of preserving speech.
211. He understands our areas: ... [etc ... as in e. 205 to the end].
212. He aggregate states [other ] : He aggregate states [other] like? He synthesized the ability to influence our sense prevail. He synthesized the immovable force in the sense of them. He synthesized the elements that constitute enlightenment under their escape. He synthesized the path of our human sense. He synthesis platforms (set) contemplate the meaning set (foundation) of them. He synthesized right effort in the sense of their efforts. He synthesized the foundation of Kabbalah (the path to energy) by means of their achievements. He synthesized the meaning of true legs like (reality) of them.
213. He synthesis quiet in the sense not of it scattered. He synthesized discriminative customary sense visualizations. He synthesized the true nature quiet and consistent effects in the sense (taste) of their single.He synthesized the combination does not exceed sense of it.
214. He synthesis purification process presented in the sense of its tame. He synthesis-purification process in the sense not of it scattered. He synthesis purification process standpoint its obvious sense. He synthesized knife freed target itself in the sense of it. [182] He synthesis clairvoyance in the sense understood. He synthesized pepper knife in self-abandon its sense. He synthesized destructive position in the sense of it cut off. He synthesis does not arise where the calm sense of it.
215. He synthesis ardent sense of its origins. He synthesis focused considerations arise in the sense of its source. He aggregate exposure in terms of its meetings. He synthesized the pioneering sense of it. He synthesis concept in the sense of its ascendancy. He synthesized wisdom highest sense of all of it. He synthesized self pepper knife in its core sense. He synthesized Nibbana , which entered with the immortal, in the sense of its termination. This person was on the synthetic path objects. 'He aggregate states [other]' be said for that reason.
216. He understands our areas: ... [etc ... as in dd 20 5 * to the end].
* Originally: 106-7 dd. In the third argument, these two segments do not carry the same content to repeat. I've corrected (as in e. 205).
217. How is (3) are breathing in a short breath, he knows 'I breathe in a short breath'; (4) is breathing out a short breath, he knows 'I breathe out short breath' ?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
218. (a) He breathes in a short breath measured in a short moment. (b) He let out a short breath measured in a short moment. (c) He breathed in and out of short-breath and out-breath short measured by a brief moment. When he breathes in and breathes out the short-breath and out-breath short measured by a brief moment, effort arises. (d) With enthusiasm, he breathes in a short breath before more subtle measured by a brief moment. (e) ... [and so as in paragraph e. 195 to the end, replace letters long with the letter short and rather literal distance by a brief moment ].
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
219. The in-breath and out-breath is short according to the body nine aspects. Set (foundation) is contemplation. Shop is located. The body is called set (platform), but it is not contemplation. Mindfulness is just set (background) [183] just as contemplation. Thanks to contemplation and thanks to the location, he contemplating the body. That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of contemplation themselves as body shops'.
220. He discerned : ... [repeated e. 197].
221. Practice : ... [repeated e. 198].
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
222-225. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through the breathing in and breathing out long-term experience of he was aware when they arise, ... [and so as in dd 199- 202 to the end].
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
226-238. When he knew most of the attention and not scattered across the length and breath in a long breath, he synthesized the capacity to influence, understand their areas, can enter the most meaning as ; he synthesis of power, ... [and so as in dd 199-202 to the end].
239. How is (5) He set thus: 'Body Experience [breath ] , I will breathe in'; (6) He set thus: 'Body Experience [breath ] , I will breathe out '?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
240. Body : there are two types of the body: the body mind and physical body.
What is consciousness itself? Experience, perception, intention, contact, attention judgment, temperament * is consciousness itself, and the so-called acts of mind, too: this is the mind itself.
* Mentality ( nāma = mentality: habits, ways of thinking)
What is the object itself? Four major factors and elements drawn from the key elements of this, breathing in and breathing out, signs of forced [Mindfulness], and what is called the behavior of relatives, too: this is the material body card.
241. He experienced how these bodies? When he knew most of the attention and not distributed through the long-breath, he was contemplating the setting (laying the foundation). Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate that position, he experiences these bodies. When he knew most of the attention and not distributed through a long breath, ... in short breaths through ... through breathing out short, ... he is contemplating the setting (laying the foundation). Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate that position, he experiences these bodies.
242. When he directed, he experiences these bodies. As he knows, he experiences these bodies. When he found out, ... review ... definitely my mind ... both decided by faith, ... ardent efforts, ... set (based) contemplation ... the heart ... When he knows by wisdom, ... When the witness said he directly said what needs to be direct evidence, ... When he fully knows what needs to be understood full info ... [184] When he relinquished the need to give up ... When he practiced what needs to be practiced, ... When he realizes the need to be the realization, the this was the experience of the body. The experience itself is like that.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
243. The breath and exhalation while the whole body experience [breath] is a body. Set (foundation) is contemplation. Shop is located. That body is called set (platform), but it is not contemplation. Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation. Thanks to contemplation and thanks to that position, which he contemplating the body. That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of contemplation themselves as body shops'.
244. He discerned : ... [repeated e. 197].
245. Practice : ... [repeated e. 198].
[ Exercise ]
246. The breathing in and breathing out while experiencing the whole body [breath] Purification Process World is the sense tame; the breathing in and out is the process of purification that sense does not disperse Center; the breathing in and out was Purification Process Perspective witness saw sense. Tame meaning of which is the practice of Shanghai World Increase; no dispersed meaning of which is the practice of the Supreme Mind Increases; the evidence shows that it is the practice in the Supreme Wisdom Rising.
247. When you pay attention to three types of practice he practiced, when they knew, he practiced, as evident, ... [and so as in e. 242 to] ... when he realizes the real thing to be certified, he practiced.
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
248-251. When he knew most of the attention and not scattered across the length and breath in a long breath, while the whole body experience [breath], the experience of he was aware when they arise. .. [and so as in dd 199-202 to the end].
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
252-264. When he knew most of the attention and not scattered across the length and breath in a long breath, while the whole body experience [breath], he synthesized the capacity to influence, understand areas of them, can enter the most meaning as; he synthesized the forces ... [and so as in dd 203-215 to the end].
265. How is (7) He set thus: 'How's behavior relative calm, I will breathe in'; (8) He set thus: 'How's behavior relative calm, I will breathe out' ?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
266. The behavior of the body is what? The term is breath in the body; This breath of intimate contact with the body, is the behavior of the body, [23] he practice to calm down, to stop, to silence the behavior of this body. The long exhalation of the body; ... The short of breath in the body; ... These short breath out of the body; ... The breath in the whole body experience [breath] of the body; ... the exhalation while full body experience [breath] of the body; This breath of intimate contact with the body, is the behavior of the body, he practiced to calm down, to stop, to silence the behavior of this body.
Now with the behavior of the body such as body tilting back, back and forth, in every direction, leaning forward, ranging, provocative, moving, shaken, [185] he practice like this' How about relative calm behavior, I will breathe out '. Now with the behavior of the body such as the body does not tilt back, back and forth, in every direction, leaning forward, agitation, changes are always, moved, shaken, quiet and refined, he practiced thus says 'Make yourself calm behavior, I will breathe in'.
Then the monks practice like this 'Making yourself calm behavior, I will breathe in', monks practiced like this 'Making yourself calm behavior, I will breathe out': thus, does not create experience the breath, and do not create out-breath and in-breath, and do not create breathing meditation, and not created by the breathing meditation, and the result is wise not to enter, and not depart from such achievements.
Then the monks practice like this' Making yourself calm behavior, I will breathe in ', monks practiced like this' Making yourself calm behavior, I will breathe out: thus, generate economic breath test, and can create breathing out and breathing in, and breathing meditation can generate, and have generated thanks to the breathing meditation, and the result is wise to penetrate and production start-up from the that achievement.Like what? As knocking the gong. At first, rough sound of fog emitted and [heart occurred] because of the symbol of the naked sound is aware, pay attention to, be carefully observed; and when this stops the naked raw sound, and then the faint sound occurs and [center place] because the symbol [24] of the faint sound is aware, pay attention to, to be closely ; and when this faint sound stopped, then the mind happens as it sounds sign of this weakness as an object - too, initially the breath in and breath out rough happened and [center being scattered] because signs of the in-breath and out-breath crude aware, to pay attention to, be carefully observed; and when the breath in and breath out this rough stop, and then the breath to [186] and feeble exhalation occurs and [your undivided attention] as a symbol of the breath in and breath feeble exhalation is aware, pay attention to, be carefully observed; and when the breath in and breath out this weak discontinued, then the mind happens because it has signs of breathing in and breathing out this weakness as its object. Thus, there is little wind created experiences, and can create breathing out and breathing in, and breathing meditation can generate, and have generated thanks to the breathing meditation, and the result is wise penetration and export to depart from such achievements.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
267. The in-breath and out-breath calm behavior itself is a relative. Set (foundation) is contemplation. Shop is located. The body is called set (platform), but it is not contemplation. Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation. Thanks to contemplation and thanks to the position, which he contemplating the body. That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of contemplation themselves as body shops'.
268. He discerned: ... [repeated e 197].
269. Practice: ... [repeated e 198].
[ Exercise ]
270-271. The breathing in and breathing out while experiencing the whole body [breath] Purification Process World is the sense tame; ... [Repeats the rest of dd 246-247 to the end].
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
272-275. When he knew most of the attention and not scattered across the length and breath on a long exhalation calm behavior itself, the experience of he was aware when they arise, ... [and dd 199-202 so as to arrive at all].
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
276-288. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out long term to defuse the behavior of relatives, he synthesized the capacity to influence, understand their areas, clear lenses most of such significance; he synthesized the forces ... [and so as in dd 203-206 to the end].
[ Conclusion Section Four Questions First ]
289. The eight types of shop location, and eight kinds of settings (background) of contemplation.
The four platforms from Beijing refers to itself as the visualization itself.
290. (9) How is he set thus: 'The experience of joy, I will breathe in'; (10) he set thus: 'The experience joy, I will breathe out' ?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
291. Hei is what? When he knew most of the attention and not distributed through the long-breath, because joy arises should rejoice in the he ... When he knew most of the center and not distributed through the long exhalation ... through the short-breath ... through the breath out short, through the breath into the experience [187] body [breath], ... through the breath out while doing full body experience [breathing] through the breath to calm the behavior of the body, through a long exhalation calm behavior itself, as blowing up the joy arises in him. Any blow yet, what joy, what bliss creates behavior, the public happy, yet fun, yet refreshing, yet satisfying, poetry C'mon, yet serene mind, is blowing. [25]
292. He experienced joy like? When he knew most of the attention and not distributed through the long-breath, he was contemplating the setting (laying the foundation). Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate that position, he experienced such joy. When he knew most of the attention and not distributed through a long breath, ... in short breaths through ... through breathing out short, ... through the breath into the Global Economy full body experience [breath], ... through the breath out of body experience when [breath], through the breath to calm the behavior of the body, through the calm exhalation acts of the body, he is contemplating the setting (laying the foundation). Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate that position, he experienced such joy.
293. When he headed, which he experiences joy. As he knows, there was blowing experience ... [and so as in e. 242 until] ... When he realizes the need to be the realization, that he experiences joy. That blow was the experience like that.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
294. Through the breathing in and breathing out while experiencing the whole body [breath] feel. Set (foundation) is contemplation. Shop is located. The feeling is the establishment (foundation), but it is not contemplation. Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation. Thanks to contemplation and thanks to the location, he shops that feeling. That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of customary contemplation feeling as feeling'.
295. He discerned: ... [repeated e. 197].
296. Practice: ... [repeated e. 19 8 ] .
[Exercise ]
297-298. The breathing in and breathing out while blowing your experience is the process of purification About tame sense; ... [repeats the remaining paragraphs 246-247 of dd until the end].
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
299-302. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out while blowing experience, the experience of he was aware when they arise, ... [and so as at dd 199-202 until the end].
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
303-315. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out while blowing experience, he synthesized the capacity to influence, understand their areas, can enter the meaning of such as; he synthesized the forces ... [and so as in dd 203-215 to the end].
316. (11) How is he set thus: 'The experience of touch, I will breathe in; (12) he set thus: 'The experience of touch, I will breathe out'?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
317. Lac is what? Us two categories: bodily Lac and mental communication.
What is of relative optimism? Any body healthy, comfortable body, the body refreshed and comfortable birth by contact with body, pleasant welcome from touching the body born, is located under the body. [26]
What is mental optimistic? Whatever the mind healthy, pleasant feelings, feelings of well-being and comfort by being exposed to center, pleasant welcoming feeling born of mind-contact with, is located under the center.
318. He lost that experience like? When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through the long breath in, breath out ... through the long, ... through the short-breath ... through the breath out short, through the while breathing on body experience [breath], ... through the breath out of body experience when [breath] ... over the long breath to calm the behavior of the body, long exhalation through the calm behavior of the body, through the breath into the touch experience, ... through the breath out while the experience of contemplation optimism ... he is set ( laying the foundation). Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate that position, he experiences that optimism.
319. When he afferent to, he experiences that optimism. As he knows, ... [and so as in e 242 until] ... When he realizes the need is the realization, that he experiences joy. That blow was the experience like that.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
320. Through breathing in and breathing out while experiencing communication with the experience. Set (foundation) is contemplation. Shop is located. The experience is the establishment (foundation), but it is not contemplation. Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation. Thanks to contemplation and thanks to the position, which he experienced shop. That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of customary contemplation feeling as feeling'.
321. He discerned: ... [repeated e 197].
322. Practice: ... [repeated e 198].
[ Exercise ]
323-324. The breathing in and breathing out while experience is optimistic Purification Process About tame sense; ... [repeats the rest of dd 246-247 to the end].
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
325-328. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out while experiencing communication, experience of he was aware when they arise, ... [and so as at dd 199-202 until the end].
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
329-341. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out while experiencing optimistic, he synthesized the capacity to influence, understand their areas, can enter the meaning of such as; he synthesis of power, ... [and so as in dd 203-215 to the end].
342. (13) How is the collective he says: 'The experience of the mind acts, I will breathe in'; (14) he set thus: 'The experience acts of mind, I will breathe out ?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
343. The behavior of mind is what? Perceptions and sensations as long as the in-breath of the mind; these items closely associated with the mind, is the behavior of the mind. 23 Recognizing and feeling for a long exhalation, ... breaths into short ... short ... the breath out of breath in the whole body experience [breath], ... the breath out of body experience when [breath] ... the long breath to calm the behavior of the body, the long exhalation calm behavior of the body, the breath out while touch experience, ... the in-breath experience while optimistic, ... the breath out while optimism is the mental experience; these items closely associated with the mind, is the behavior of the mind. This is the behavior of the mind.
344. He lost that experience like? When he knew most of the attention and not scattered through the long breath in, breath out ... the long, ... in short ... the breath out short breaths, breathing in when the body experiences [breath], ... the breath out of body experience when [breath] ... the long breath to calm the behavior of the body, the long exhalation as calm behavior of the body, the breath in while experiencing joy, ... the breath out while blowing experience ... the breath of experience in the communications, ... breaths in the experience of contemplation optimism ... he is set (laying the foundation). Thanks to them and thanks to meditate on that position, the behavior of the mind that is experienced.
345. When he afferent to the behavior of the mind that is experienced. As he knows, there was blowing experience ... [and so as in e 242 until] ... When he realizes the lever is realized, the behavior of the mind that is experienced. The behavior of mind which is experienced like that.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
346. Through breathing in and breathing out while experiencing mental behavior that should be experienced. Set (foundation) is contemplation. Shop is located. The experience is the establishment (foundation), but it is not contemplation. Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation. Thanks to contemplation and thanks to the position, which he experienced shop. That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of customary contemplation feeling as feeling'.
347. He discerned: ... [repeated e 197].
348. Practice: ... [repeated e 198].
[ Exercise ]
349-350. The breathing in and breathing out while experiencing the behavior of the Process Purification Center About tame sense; ... [repeats the remaining paragraphs 246-247 dd until the end].
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
351-354. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out while experiencing the behavior of the mind, the experience he's been aware when they arise, ... [and themselves such as in dd 199-202 to the end].
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
355-367. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out while experiencing the behavior of concern, he aggregated the capacity to influence, understand their areas, clear lenses the most significant of such; he synthesized the forces ... [and so as in dd 203-215 to the end].
368. (15) How is the collective he says: 'Understanding the behavior of the mind calm, I will breathe in';(16) he set thus: 'Understanding the behavior ease of mind, I will breathe out'?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
369. The behavior of mind is what? Perception and feeling for breath in a long ... long ... the breath out of breath in short ... short ... the breath out of breath in the whole body experience [Steam breathing], ... the breath out of body experience when [breath], the breath to calm the behavior of the body, the breath to calm the behavior of the body, the breath out of when experience joy, ... the breath in while experiencing joy, ... the breath out while experienced touch, ... the in-breath experience while optimistic, ... breaths while experiencing the act of the mind, ... the breath in while experiencing the behavior of interest
is of the mind; these items closely associated with the mind, is the behavior of the mind; he practiced for calm, to stop, to silence the behavior of this center.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
370. Through breathing in and breathing out while experiencing mental behavior that should be experienced. Set (platform) ... That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of customary contemplation feeling as feeling'.
371. He discerned: ... [repeated e 197].
372. Practice: ... [repeated e 198].
[ Exercise ]
373-374. The in-breath and out-breath calm of mind acts as Process Purification About tame sense ... «reset dd remaining sections 246-247 to the end » . *
* The POD does not have the word in quotation marks «» this. I followed the previous paragraph to stream your thoughts are not interrupted.
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
375-378. When calm of mind acts through the breathing in and breathing out, he knows most of the mind and not dispersed, the experience he's been aware when they arise ... " and kept such as in dd 199-202 until the end » .
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
379-391. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out as quiet acts of mind, he synthesized the capacity to influence ... " and so on as in dd 203- 215 until the end ».
[ Conclusion Section Four Questions Monday ]
392. The eight types of shop location, and eight kinds of settings (background) of contemplation. The four platforms from Beijing to mention shop feeling as feeling.
393. (17) How is the collective he says: 'The experience of mind, I will breathe in; (18) he set thus: 'The experience of mind, I will breathe out'?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
394. Mind which is what? There is official interest due on long breaths; ... There is attention to the procedures set by the short breath; ... [and so on with all the other forms to] ... There is a formula by heart the quiet breathing into the behavior of the body; any form, notice, concept creation, care, transparency, [190] standard, the origin, the capacity to influence, informal, informal gathering, <factor consciousness due to factors that created said a> does, is interested. [27] *
* Read As Fuel, Analysis , said about 184 e standard elements & sense.
395. He experienced that heart like? When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through the breath in a long, ... [and so on with all the other forms to] ... When he knew most of the attention and regardless spread through breathing in and breathing out to defuse the behavior of the mind, he is contemplating the setting (laying the foundation). Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate such position he experienced such attention.
396. When he afferent to the behavior of the mind that is experienced. As he knows, ... [and so as in e 242 until] ... When he realizes the need is the realization, he experienced that mental behavior. He experiences that the mind acts like that.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
397. Through breathing in and breathing out while the experience should have the heart to wake interest.Set (foundation) is contemplation. Shop is located. He worked as the setup mode (platform), but it is not contemplation. Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation. Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate that position, he committed to doing that formula bar. That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of customary contemplation as the heart center'.
398. He discerned: ... « reset e 197 » .
399. Practice: ... « reset e 198 » .
[ Exercise ]
400-402. The breathing in and breathing out while experience is mind Purification Process About tame sense; ... « reset dd remaining sections 246-247 to the end » .
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
402-405. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out while experiencing the mind, the experience he's been aware when they arise, ... " and so on as in dd 199-202 until the end » .
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
406-418. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out while experiencing the mind, he synthesized the capacity to influence, ... « understand their field, can enter most of such significance; he synthesized the forces ... and so as in dd 203-215 until the end » .
419. (19) How is the collective he says: 'How joyful heart, I will breathe in'; (20) he set thus: 'How joyful heart, I will breathe out' ?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
420. Makes joyful heart is what? When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through the breath in, ... [and so on with all the other forms to] ... When he knew most of the center and not distributed through breathing out while experiencing the mind, the mind acts joy arises in him. Any act creating certain joy, what joy, what fun, yet refreshing, yet satisfying, poetry C'mon, yet serene mind, is the act of joyful mind.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
421. Through breathing in and breathing out as joyful mind should have the heart to wake. Set (foundation) is contemplation ... « shop is located. He worked as the setup mode (platform), but it is not contemplation.Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation. Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate that position, he really care that knowledge » . That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of customary contemplation as the heart center'.
422. He discerned: ... « reset e 197 » .
423. Practice: ... « reset e 198 » .
[ Exercise ]
424-425. The breathing in and breathing out while experience is mind Purification Process About tame sense; ... « reset dd remaining sections 246-247 to the end » .
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
426-429. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out as joyful mind, the experience he's been aware when they arise, ... " and so on as the dd 199-202 until the end» .
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
430-442. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out as joyful heart, he synthesized the capacity to influence, ... « understand their areas, clear lenses the most significant of such; he synthesized the forces ... and so as in dd 203-215 until the end » .
443. (21) How is he set thus: 'Making the mind, I will breathe in'; (22) he set thus: 'Making the mind, I will breathe out' .? [191]
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
444. Dinh is what? The single-mindedly and not distributed as long as the breath on the ... [and so on with all the other forms to] ... The single-mindedly and not distributed because of the exhalation is for; any stability problems, the public firm, the sustain of the mind, not working chao, do not disperse, without wavering mind, tranquility, the capacity to influence, concentration, concentration, is the . [28] *
* Read As Fuel, Analysis , e 436, page 322.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
445. Through breathing in and breathing out as the center should have the heart to wake. Set (foundation) is contemplation ... « shop is located. He worked as the setup mode (platform), but it is not contemplation.Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation. Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate that position, he really care that knowledge » . That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of customary contemplation as the heart center'.
446. He discerned : ... « reset e 197 » .
447. Practice : ... « reset e 198 » .
[ Exercise ]
448-449. The breathing in and breathing out make the concentration Purification Process About tame sense; ... « reset dd remaining sections 246-247 to the end » .
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
450-453. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out as concentration, the experience he's been aware when they arise, ... " and so on as in dd 199 -202 until the end » .
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
454-466. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out as concentration, " he synthesized the capacity to influence, ... understand their field, be able to enter the most of such means; he synthesized the forces ... and so as in dd 203-215 until the end » .
467. (23) How is he set thus: 'Freeing the mind, I will breathe in'; (22) he set thus: 'Freeing the mind, I will breathe out'?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
468. He set like this 'Freeing the mind from greed, I will breathe in', thus he set 'Freeing the mind from greed, I will breathe out'; he set like this 'Freeing the mind from the game, I will breathe in', thus he set 'Freeing the mind from the game, I will breathe out'; he set like this 'Freeing the mind from ignorance, I will breathe in', thus he set 'Freeing the mind from ignorance, I will breathe out'; he set like this 'Freeing the mind from conceit (pride), I will breathe in', ... he set like this 'Freeing the mind from the perspective [wrong], I will breathe in' ,. he set like this .. 'Freeing the mind from doubt, I will breathe in', he set something like this ... 'Freed from dull lazy mind, I will breathe in', ... he episode like this 'Liberation from fluctuating mind, I will breathe in', he set something like this ... 'Freeing the mind from properties no shame, I will breathe in', he set something like this ... 'Freeing the mind from unknown properties frightful sins, I will breathe in', thus he set 'Freed from the computer center does not know frightful sins, I will breathe out'.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
469. Through breathing in and breathing out freeing the mind should be made official. Set (foundation) is contemplation ... « shop is located. He worked as the setup mode (platform), but it is not contemplation.Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation. Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate that position, he really care that knowledge » . That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of customary contemplation as the heart center'.
470. He discerned: ... « reset e 197 » .
471. Practice: ... « reset e 198 » .
[ Exercise ]
472-473. The in-breath and out-breath is freeing the Purification Process About tame sense; ... « reset dd remaining sections 246-247 to the end » .
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
474-475. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out liberating the mind, the experience he's been aware when they arise, ... " and so on as in dd 199 -202 until the end » .
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
476-490. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out liberating mind, he synthesized the capacity to influence, ... « understand their field, be able to enter the most of such means; he synthesized the forces ... and so as in e 203-215 until the end » .
[ Conclusion Section Four Questions Tuesday ]
491. The eight types of shop location, and eight kinds of settings (background) of contemplation.
The four platforms from Beijing to mention the attention just as the mind.
492. (25) How is he set thus: 'Quan impermanence, I will breathe in'; (26) he set thus: 'Quan impermanence, I shall breathe out'?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
493. Impermanence: Impermanence is what? Five sets is impermanent.
Impermanence in what sense? Impermanent in the sense of birth and death.
494. The year saw the arising of the collection shows how much character? He sees the cessation of the year shows how much aggregation characteristics? Who saw the birth and death of the year shows how much aggregation characteristics? [192]
Who saw the arising of the five sets of twenty-five properties found. He sees the cessation of the five sets of twenty-five properties found. Who saw the birth and death of fifty years show gathers characteristics.[29]
Episode 495. He says: 'Quan impermanence of objects, I will breathe in'; he set thus: 'Quan impermanence of objects, I will breathe out'; he set thus: 'Quan impermanence of experience, I will breathe in'; ... [and so the state of the remaining 201 were listed in the argument I e 5 to] ... he set thus: 'impermanence shop in old age and death, I will breathe out'.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
496. Through the breathing in and breathing out of interest should be the object of the mind. Set (foundation) is contemplation. Shop is located. The object of the mind is the establishment (foundation), but they are not contemplation. Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation. Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate that position, he bars the subject of that mind. That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of customary contemplation of objects of mind as objects of mind'.
497. He discerned : ... « reset e 197 » .
498. Practice : ... « reset e 198 » .
[ Exercise ]
499-500. The in-breath and out-breath is freeing the Purification Process About tame sense; ... « reset dd remaining sections 246-247 to the end » .
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
501-504. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out deeply at impermanence, the experience he's been aware when they arise, ... " and so on as in dd 199 -202 until the end » .
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
505-517. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out impermanence shop, he synthesized the capacity to influence, ... « understand their field, be able to enter the most of such means; he synthesized the forces ... and so as in dd 203-215 until the end » .
518. (27) How is he set thus: 'Quan all desire, I will breathe in'; (28) he set thus: 'Quan all desire, I will breathe out'?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
519. Seeing clearly in physical danger, he intends to make physical desires fade, he has confidence and assert his mind since then decisively; he set thus: 'Quan all material desires, I will breathe in'; he set thus: 'Quan all material desires, I will breathe out'. Obvious dangers of experience ... [and so the notion of remaining 201 were listed in the argument I e 5 to] ... Seeing the clear danger of aging and death, he has made efforts desire to grow old and die fade, he has asserted in good faith and his mind since then decisively; he set thus: 'Desire shop all grow old and die, I will breathe in'; he set thus: 'Desire shop all grow old and die, I will breathe out' ... he set thus: 'impermanence shop in old age and death, I will breathe out'.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
520. Through the breathing in and breathing out all desires consistent with the objects of the mind. Set (platform) this « is contemplation. Shop is located. The object of the mind is the establishment (foundation), but they are not contemplation. Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation.Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate that position, he bars the subject of the mind that » . That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of customary contemplation of objects of mind as objects of mind'.
[ Exercise ]
521-522. The breathing in and breathing out all desires are consistent Purification Process About « tame sense; ... repeat dd remaining sections 246-247 to the end » .
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
523-526. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out all desires shop, the experience he's been aware when they arise, ... " and so on as the dd 199-202 until the end» .
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
527-539. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out consistent fade greed, he synthesized the capacity to influence, ... « understand their field, can enter most of such significance; he synthesized the forces ... and so as in dd 203-215 until the end » .
540 (29) How is he set thus: 'Quan cessation, I will breathe in'; (30) he set thus: 'Quan cessation, I shall breathe out'?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
541. Seeing clearly in physical danger, he intends to eradicate physical, he has confidence and assert his mind since then decisively; he set thus: 'cessation of physical shop, I will breathe in'; he set thus: 'cessation of physical shop, I will breathe out'. Obvious dangers of experience ... [and so the notion of remaining 201 were listed in the argument I e 5 to] ... Seeing clearly dangerous in the elderly and dying, he intends to cessation old age and death, he has confidence and assert his mind since then decisively; he set thus: 'Quan cessation of aging and death, I will breathe in'; he set thus: 'Quan cessation of aging and death, I will breathe out' ... he set thus: 'Quan cessation of aging and death, I will breathe out'.
542. There is the danger of ignorance under many aspects? How much ignorance destroy aspect?
There is the danger of ignorance under five aspects. Ignorance killed in eight aspects.
There is the danger of ignorance Yearly aspect?
There is the danger of ignorance in the sense of impermanence; dangerous in the sense of anguish ignorance, not in the sense of self, the sense of burning ... (suffering), ... there is danger of ignorance in the sense of change. There are dangers in ignorance by year in this respect.
Ignorance killed under the eight aspect?
Ignorance killed with the cessation of origin, ignorance kill with the cessation of power arise, ... with the cessation of birth, with the cessation of ... fruitful, and ... for the kill take advantage of the cause, ... the conditional cessation of ... ignorance kill with the arising of mind, ignorance destroy with the appearance of extinction. Ignorance killed in eight aspects.
After apparent dangers of ignorance in years this aspect, he intends to make the cessation of ignorance, he has confidence and assert his mind since then decisively; he set thus: 'shop the cessation of ignorance, I will breathe in'; he set thus: 'shop the cessation of ignorance, I will breathe out'.
543. In fruiting behavior, according to how much danger aspect? How many ... [and so as in e 542 until] ... he set thus: 'shop the cessation of the acts set fruit, I will breathe out'.
544. There is danger in the form according to how many aspects?
545. ... dangerous ... mind-objects?
546. ... dangerous of the six senses ...?
547. ... Dangerous in contact ...?
548. ... Dangerous in the sense ...?
549. ... danger of lust ...?
550. ... dangers in clinging ...?
551. ... danger of becoming ...?
552 ... danger of being ...?
553 There are dangers in old age and death under many aspects? Removal old and die according to how many aspects?
There are dangers in old age and death under the five aspects. Removal old and die ... [194]
... 'I will exhale shop cessation of aging and death'
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
554 Through the breathing in and breathing out shop cessation should be the objects of mind. Set (platform) this « is contemplation. Shop is located. The object of the mind is the establishment (foundation), but they are not contemplation. Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation.Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate that position, he bars the subject of the mind that » . That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of customary contemplation of objects of mind as objects of mind'.
[ Exercise ]
555-556. The in-breath and out-breath cessation is consistent Purification Process About « tame sense; ... Reset the remaining paragraphs 246-247 dd until the end » .
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
557-560. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out through the bars of cessation, the experience he's been aware when they arise, ... " and so on as the dd 199-202 until the end » .
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
561-573. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out shop cessation, he synthesized the capacity to influence, ... « understand their areas, clear lens reviews most of such means; he synthesized the forces ... and so as in dd 203-215 until the end » .
574.- (31) How is he set thus: 'shop to let go, I will breathe in; (32) he set thus: 'shop to let go, I will breathe out'?
[ Analysis Title Perception ]
575. Let go away : there are two types of letting go: letting go and letting go is get rid of the go to (work on).
576. Renounce objects, like letting go is get rid of; mind go into (working on) the cessation of physical, Nibbana, like letting go, even as we go into the (working on); he set thus: 'give up physical shop, I will breathe in', he set thus: 'give up physical shop, I will breathe out'. Renounce experience ... [and so the notion of remaining 201 were listed in the treatise I e 5 to] ... 'let go of the old and die shop, I will breathe out'.
[ Foundation of Mindfulness ]
577. Through the breathing in and breathing out customary abandon the object of the mind. Set (platform) this « is contemplation. Shop is located. The object of the mind is the establishment (foundation), but they are not contemplation. Mindfulness is just set (foundation) is just contemplation. Thanks to them and thanks to contemplate that position, he bars the subject of the mind that » . That is why the saying 'Practice platform (set) in the form of customary contemplation of objects of mind as objects of mind'.
[ Exercise ]
578-579. The in-breath and out-breath is customary abandon Purification Process About « tame sense; ... Reset the remaining paragraphs 246-247 dd until the end » .
[ Exercise Mindfulness and Understanding exhaustively ]
580-583. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out customary detachment, the experience he's been aware when they arise, ... " and so on as in dd 199 -202 until the end » .
[ Synthesis Capability influence ... ]
584-596. When he knew most of the attention and not dispersed through breathing in and breathing out customary detachment, he synthesized the capacity to influence, ... « understand their field, be able to enter the most of such means; he synthesized the forces ... and so as in dd 203-215 until the end » .
[ Conclusion Section Four Questions Wednesday ]
597. The eight types of shop location, and eight kinds of settings (background) of contemplation.
The four platforms from Beijing to mention the consistent audience right mind as objects of mind.
This is the thirty-two categories of people who work where there is contemplation.
598. Twenty-four types of place thanks to what is?
599. The single-mindedly and not dispersed through the in-breath is long. The single-mindedly and not dispersed through out a long breath as the ... [and so with all twenty-four patterns in the first three paragraphs four to] ... The single-mindedly and not dispersed through the long breath is to liberate the mind. This is the twenty-four categories thanks to location.
600. Seventy-two kinds of mind thanks What is discriminative insight [195]?
601. As to the long breath [30] have discriminative insight customary sense of impermanence, there discriminative insight customary sense of suffering, there is the sense discriminative insight bar is not down. As long exhalation ... [and so with all twenty-four patterns in the first three paragraphs four to] ... As long exhalation freeing the discriminative insight with customary sense of impermanence , with discriminative insight customary sense of suffering, there is the sense discriminative insight bar is not down.
This is the kind of place thanks seventy two discriminative insight.
602. Eight kinds of boring position is what?
603. When impermanence shop, he knows and see as real-breath, so is there consensus on boring. When impermanence shop, he knows and finds out exactly as real breath ... when all desires shop, he knows and see the breath in ... breathing out as really, ... the Corps Removal, he knows and see the breath in ... breathing out as really, ... After the club let go, he knows and see as real-breath, so is there consensus on boring. As customary detachment, he knows and sees exhalation as real, so is there consensus on boring.
Here are eight types of boring place.
604. Eight type boring site is relatively easy to do?
605's expression of horror Tue breath due to the impermanence of people shop is relatively easy with a boring place. Property on by frightening expression in human breath is consistent impermanence is relatively easy with a boring place. Property on by frightening expression in human breath is customary every desire ... [and so on with the rest of the eight forms of the fourth paragraph four to] ... knowledge about so slightly frightening expression exhale in letting go of the bar who are relatively well with boring place.
This is relatively easy to place eight kinds of boring.
606.- Eight kinds calm mind as What is boring?
607. Tue thinking and calm by breathing into the person shop is impermanent as the calm place boring. Tue ... [and so on with the remaining eight forms of the fourth paragraph four to] ... Tue thinking and breathing calmly in him because impermanence is customary position as the calm boring .
Here are eight categories as calm place boring.
608. Twenty-one kind of perfect happiness position of liberation * is what? (cf. I 355 ff. )
* Vimuttisukha: perfect happiness of liberation
609. With enter the stream path, location perfect happiness of liberation arises due to the abandonment and cut off:
1) opinion [false] to have the ego,
2) skepticism,
3) misconceptions about gender and ritual,
4) the tendency of opinion [false] latent,
5) the tendency of latent skepticism.
610. With the path back to a time, place of perfect happiness of liberation arises due to the abandonment and cut off:
6) binding coveted grossest pleasures of the senses,
7) the grossest of opposition forces,
8) latent tendencies of crude bound for sense-pleasures coveted,
9) of the latent tendencies grossest of opposition forces. [196]
611. With a path of no return, where the perfect happiness of liberation arises due to the abandonment and cut off:
10) the remnants of the force of desire sense-pleasures,
11) bound remnants of the opposition,
12) tendencies latent remnants of the force of the senses crave pleasure,
13) tendencies latent remnants of the force of the opposition.
612. With Arahant path, location perfect happiness of liberation arises due to the abandonment and cut off:
14) the existing desires world realms,
15) desires formless realms of existence,
16) conceit (pride),
17) fluctuates,
18) ignorance,
19) tend conceit (pride) latent,
20) the existing tendencies latent desires,
21) tendencies latent ignorance.
It is located about twenty kinds of perfect happiness of liberation.
This is over two hundred types of location arises in people practicing the mindfulness of breathing thanks to sixteen platforms.
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