Sunday, 9 April 2017

Lesson 4
LARGE LARGE LABELS ( continued )
B-  Lights landscapes are very big guns
Birth and death process of the mind great soup recipe labels  due javana  as follows:
1- Chart.
2- Symbols.
Q:  Atitabhavanga : Being part Recently
R:  Bhavangacalana : Being part vibrations
D:  Bhavangupaccheda : Being part Dut line
5:  Pancadvaravajjana : User contingent subjects
N:  Cakkhuvinnana Awareness
T:  Sampaticchana : To collect
Q:  Santirana : Observations
P:  Vohapana : Judgment
C:  Javana : Strength
3- Analysis.
This road has:
-Sat-na: 12 close to the heart.
- Legs: 6 hearts.
Mind: 38 mind center (12 negative mind + 10 mindless people (except 4 pairs of consciousness in addition) +8 good heart + 8 great minds.
- People: 8 people (4 flesh + 4 holy fruits).
- Realms: 26 realms of the five aggregates (except the four realms + Infinite realms).
4- Expression.
This road has a very large scene, but no Na mind scene is because:
For sentient beings who do not have attachment, they can not be able to attract the mind, so the mind does not "pull" the scene becomes tight, as in the case A person who does not like pink whether it is brilliant does not make him attached, or Brahman is not immersed in the sight.
Therefore, the scene is not strong enough to prevent the birth scene, even though it has a lifespan of up to two minutes and after the seventh force has eradicated, the master cut off the scene, The basic part.
C- The luminescence of the scene is very large property of guests. 
1. Definition.
Component Translations from  āgantukabhavaṅga. Āgantuka  is a newcomer,  bhavanga  is a part.
This is a special kind of mind, not the basic kind of mind in the mind.
Work Path ( patisandhikicca có ) has 19 cittas, but each being has only one of the 19 cittas, the next citta. The citta (the very citta) also arises to sustain life Of the being, called bhavanga  , because it is  responsible for "maintaining the life of the stream of consciousness."
In the 19th, there are nine minds that bring rebirth into the realm of the Great One.
Partial Guest is one of the ten sense realms, but not the basic part.
Because of the fundamental element of the Master, the individual possesses his own scene (neither the scene nor the scene of the Master).
Partial Guest has played the role of a boss and a guest, for example: some people go to visit you, when you are away from home, and then another person comes to find his friend, he plays a role Host to welcome new guests, so he is both the Host is also the guest.
2. Diagram of the mind.

A:  āgantukabhavaṅga : Guest Ingredients .
In this mind there are:
- Sath-na: 12 near the heart.
- Legs: 6 centers (guests are not counted as one leg).
The mind: 11 the mind center (2 Mind Orientation, 2 forward mind, 3 Observation Center, 2 eye consciousness and 2 yard power).
- Realms: 7 realms of the world (human realm + 6 realms of heaven),
- People: 4 people (two people, third person, first results and second results. By the great joy of life and in the realm of life).
3. Guest composition. 
A) Human being is the guest .
Guest components are born due to three core:
The human resurgence of the mind with great joy. ( Vipākasomanassasahagatacitta Bắt )
Getting the scene ( kāmārammaṇa ).
The force in the mind is the center of the mind ( mùladosacitta ).
B) Explain. 
Guest composition.
The element of the Visitor Component is to neutralize the two impulses of the elementary and fundamental forces.
Scenery shines on the line of sight, as the mind is born, the mind is the power of the yard.
The strength of the field has the power to influence the elemental line to facilitate the Na mind.
For those who are born with the mind of the rhythm, this is easy, but for the one who is born with the mind of good results, the mind of the mind is the heart of mind. The time is related to the life (vedanā) of the force, which is the force of feeling. These two types of feelings are opposite so Na can not scene debut.
For the yard power, if there is Na scene, Na scene must be discharge. Because of the three kinds of feeling - good - bliss - discharge, the discharge is a balanced discharge, that is, it can be followed by optimism or happiness, but there is no continuity between pleasant and pleasant.
At this time the power of Unauthorized action, but the basic element of unhappiness can not be born. Another type of consciousness is born to "reconcile " two impulses, and simultaneously "intercedes " for the basic being that arises, this moment is called ā gantuka  , Conflict, suddenly found strangers immediately silence. The term supramolecular summon is a  partial element  (āgantukabhavaṅga) , which itself is a kind of mental component but not a fundamental element in the mind.
To perform the task of "reconciliation" it must be discharge (as stated above).
In short, the kind of mind that arises in order to harmonize and rejuvenate, and at the same time to help the basic element of easy living to be born in succession, is called the mental component  .
In other words, the object-center of mind is the kind of Na mind, which is different :  "Na scenery of the forces," and "the part of guests receive their own scene," that scene is one of three scenes. Owner in past lives before.
How to get the scene?
According to the law of mind ( cittaniyama ), when the scene is very good, the moment is observed as the heart of the pleasant feeling, when the mind is pleasant feeling, Na scenery must also enjoy life.
Where the scene  is very large  to  ultra-fine , highly motivated, the Norwegian scene yard joy life can not arise, so only a portion center hotel property.
For landscape  huge  get  good scene or scenes paralytic  , the center will be discharged Life Observations ( upekkhavedana ). In the case of the strength of the yard, there will be a Na mind, there is no possession.
For  big scenes,  even if the scene is very good, the scene is good or the scene is bad up all the guests. For:
- When the scene is just a life expectancy is a kill or just kill (for the scene has 3 HPVQ).
- Big scene can not have the scene Na, will be clear in the eye of the scene of the last scene of the guests.
So  for the big scene it must be very good , and the big scene is like any other.
What is the visitor type?
With respect to the reconciliation of the two Hy and Opponent forces, it is also a kind of partial heart. Thus, the Visitor is the heart.
His Master thesis  Anuruddha  has stated in the French Group Wins Weak Argument: "  Center Hotel property is part two Observation Center exhaust life ". Other Teachers mention four more fruits, both opinions are consistent, nothing wrong.
When referring to the two observational centers of liberation , Anuruddha  mentions the basic universal , that is, it is easier for the two viewing centers to release the  object at a more accessible part of the body, Present in special cases.
The power of the yard is the kind of akusala citta, so it is only possible for the mind to be fruitful, the two minds of life-giving consciousness are also the fruitless, only mind. The mind of the discharge of negative results, the acceptance of harm.
Therefore, the two minds of life discharge will be easier successors to the yard power than the four major results, because these four mind is the result of the mind created by karmic consciousness.
Again, the Suffering does not have great fruitfulness.
The Bane and the Lac have only two great minds. The three people, the first results and the Nhi fruit have four full-life fruit discharge (not to mention the Tam fruit with the four fruit, because these two levels except the heart).
All 4 people mentioned above have 2 mindfulness watching life.
On the other hand, two viewpoints release life as a common element of the visitor, ie, for the student with the mind of the fruit of life, when there is power in any scene (the scene is very large, Good, good or bad) are all born. Particularly the four minds of the discharge of life as a part of the Guest only arise in special circumstances, such as:
- For bisexuals, if the strength of the yard is too strong, then the two great centers of life discharge arise to assume this role. 
- For the third person, when the force of relative strength, arise one of the two minds of fruitless discharge of non-intellectual property as part of the guest, when the force field is very strong, Blame
In short, the mental component of the mind is the mind.
Why good or good scenes arise the yard power?
For a good or good scene, usually arisen is a happy or lethal force, but it is still possible to start up the strength of the pitch due to:
- There is a "shocking impression", now associated with fear arise. Like people who nearly died of fire, now see people burning fireworks fun in the festival of fear arise.
- Because the scene is starting unexpected unexpected , as a practitioner meditation meditation ( samādhi bhāvanā ) suddenly noticed the light from the body radiates radiant, feel life.
Because of the "rich imagination", as the strayed into the forest at night, suddenly heard the melodious song from far away, horrified that "the singing of the demon species.
Due to " vipallāsadhamma " dominates  , such as discomfort before the glory of the enemy.
Why Guest components are not counted as Visitor's mind?
Although it is also a part, the mind of Na is said to be the mind of the visitor because it is related to the scene, which is to say that the scene of the end of the force.
Talking to the mind is talking about two types of scenes: Scene and Guest scene, guests are not interested in these two types of scenes. Although it is the task of reconciliation of the two forces of the Unauthority and the Dream, but this reconciliation as a coincidence rather than a prior intention, like the two who are in dispute, suddenly silent because there is a third love The flag appears, and then each one goes in its own direction.
4. Summary.
The subject of the scene is very large with three methods: the last scene, the last and the last element of the guests were presented.

It should be noted that: For a very large scene, no matter what happens, there is only one Component and there are three basic paths. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.10/4/2017.

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