Thursday, 20 April 2017



Absolve  LIKE KIET (  Next ) 

Today  Mass  colleagues  in  Gaya  first place towards  the quarter-born  six paths  that  repentance  karma  of the body.
Sutra teaches that:
"There are times in the body is  not  suffering not torment."
Then the body is the source of suffering.
These  evil  fierce three-way all by itself that. I do not see what people do, or do I bear people. I do myself. I try to self-bear fruit.
If you create a karma, sin does not shore, how else   do we do evil, how much sin?
Now we know only our body, do not know the body, only know that our body is  suffering , do not know someone  suffering .
Just know we  pray for peace  pleasure; do not know who is  for peace  pleasure.
Because  ignorance  should  we  consciousness falls, being great  resentment , hatred should have the same throughout the  six paths .
If no  resounding resentment, know when to leave the  dharma ; Stay in this life in another life, is not it  painful ?
Today  Mass  launch center  strongly born great  shame , great ceremony  of repentance ,  decides pleasedthat a concept feel  ten  Buddha, a bow to the except  boundless  resentment fetters. Together  earnestly paid homage to  the refuge . Worldly  University compassionate  side:
Male  Maitreya Buddha
Male Model Shakyamuni Buddha
Male  Lunar Candidate
Nam  Bao Bao Buddha
Nam  Bao Master Buddha
Southern  Master Buddha
Male Model of the  Buddha
Male model  Infinite  Yin Buddha
Male  Vi Lam Buddha
Male Lion  Body of Buddha
Male  Minh Minh Buddha
Male  Wealth Discloses the  Buddha
Nam  Cong Pho Duc Phra  Buddha
Nam  Nguyet Buddhist Monk
Male model  Dac The  Buddha
Nam  Tung Bien Thien Hanh  Buddha
Male  kaolin Buddha
Male  Pure Land Buddha
Nam  Mien  Nhat The  Buddha
Male Model of  the Buddha Power
Nam  Phu Tuc Buddha
Nam  Phuoc  Buddha Buddha
Nam  Tum The time of  Buddhism
Nam tissue  Quang Yue Buddha
Nam  Cong Duc Duc  Chieng
Male Model of  Good  Samathy  Buddha
Nam Tung  Tai  Thien Buddha
Male model of the  Buddha
Nam Male Great Bodhisattva
 Young male often refined bodhisattva
Male  Body  Boundless Body Bodhisattva
Male  Guan Yin Bodhisattva .
To take  refuge in  such a  ten ways  as vain  as all the  Three Jewels .
May thanks to  Buddha's power ,  the French forces ,  the Bodhisattva  force and all the  sages  force that all living beings  have hatred in  the quarterfinals born  six paths  brass to  the VTP . Everyone  in  the  Masses are chattering, the  mind  speaks the mouth like this:
We name . . from beginningless  ignorance  residence address  ( 1 )  back  until  today, due to  karmic  evil deeds  of the body, or to  heaven ,  the human world  which  causes enemies  to resentment , or for species asura  species  address Purgatory  that  causes  animosity ; prayer by  Buddha's power ,  the French forces,  the Bodhisattva  force, and all the sages  force, causing the  beings  mind  resentment  three generations , in  the quarterfinals born  six paths ,  Or have no resentment or resentment or contempt or gravity, thanks to today's repentance that  sin is  destroyed ,  body mind  is  pure , no longer  suffering  in the  three realms .Born anywhere often encounters the Buddhas.
Again, who co  repent  today, from beginningless  samsara  back  until  today because  multiplication coast evil deeds  of the body that  causes resentment  to revenge with all  beings  in  evil ; or because of  hatred , or because  of craving , or due to  ignorance , from  three standalone  units ( 2 ) that which is born ten evil : Popularity killing  animals , goats etc .. buffalo network segment or for farms , Or because of home, or for money,  come back to  kill each other. Again, from beginningless back  until  today, or so  avaricious  that killed mistaken  beings ,  or that  do physicians  stinging  pressing nature , such crimes, hatred  immeasurable; Today  repentance , vows to  eradicate .
Again, since time without beginning  until  today, or  being  hungry , or snatch food from, or pressed  beings  to drink salty, bitter to swallow, or segments of drinking water; How many  evil karma  , born revenge, today repentant  petition  for eradication .
Again, from nowhere,  back  to this  day,  away from  the close associates of evil friends, by the  karmic cause of many crimes, letting the innocent kill the innocent; Or destroying ponds, burying fissures,  brain damage to large water- dwelling species  , or burning  mountains and forests , or combing the net to  kill  all  living beings in the water . Such hatred  immeasurable  boundless  today  penitence  pray  eradication .
Again since time without beginning  until  today,  the mind is not  compassion , happiness does not  equal , still need to break the hook, on the graying premature, ( filled brushed back)  invasive  reptile, or  destroy  the village people, To rob robbery, steal from the people to  provide  for themselves, lack  of  faithfulness, murder each other. Such animosities  immeasurable  boundless , today  penitence  pray  eradication .
Again from beginningless  back  until  today  to not  compassionate , well no  compassion , for  beings  in  six road  do enough things miserable, or beating  her children , regardless of religion the relatives , or  tied forced confinement dungeon or  torture  backstroke italic, stabbed shot injuries, ruined  body , devastating guillotine cutting, peeling flesh, fried cooking.
Such animosities  immeasurable  boundless , today  penitence  pray  eradication .
Again from beginningless  back  until  today by three  karmas  of body, four  karma  of mouth, three  evil  of attention, making me from the ( 3 )  contingent inversely , how much evil are doing.
Self-immolation of high life, no fear of  demons , only fear of being no more than people, afraid of people than themselves, or high tolerance of the great line they despise the arrogant, cause such resentment, or listen to much Cause widespread hatred, cause of such hatred, or because of  industrial literature that contempt of the person, such hatred, cause of such resentment, or because of riches,  luxury,  but contempt for the arrogant, causing resentment So fierce, or because of the sharp talk that despised the scandalous cause of such resentment.
The hatred he or contralateral  image of  Buddhas,  not the mind  of respect  that engenders, or for  venerable,  Acharya  that engenders, or to rank  Ven ,  centrally situated , the House is  generally in  together  To be born; with  relatives  of people who contract  practice  that engenders, or for  parents  relatives  of kin  that engenders.
Such resentments,  infinite  immeasurable , today  repentance , vows to  eradicate .
Again since time without beginning until today, or for species sun,  mankind  is born enemies  to resentment , or for species  asura , species  hell  is born enemies  to resentment , or for species  animal species Devilishness that reborn  evil , extended  to  all the  beings  in the ten directions  that  cause  animosity .
The  crime  was  immeasurable  boundless , today  repent , pray  to eradicate .
Again, we name. . . from beginningless  back  until  today, or because of jealousy, or because  Siem song  to pray for themselves than people, or for  honor , or because  the rights  that follow  pagan  wrong  not know shame ,  cause enemies  to resentment  So, either heavy or light, the  sorrows of the fruit , the number of many, only the Buddhas,  the great bodhisattva  know all.
May the  Great Bodhisattva  Buddhists have  mercy on  us. Like us from without beginning  back  here has created many  sins , koac do, or teach people to do, or see people do consciousness  rejoice ; Or we ourselves take the  Three Jewels , or teach the man who took the  Three Jewels , or see the person who took the heart of  the joy , or  hidden  or  hidden , the above mentioned sins, such as the Buddhas,  bodhisattvas Have seen, known, sin many, despicable  hell , fallen devils,  animals , sa wicked way,  
Powers of the Buddhas  is inconceivable, please generate enough  kindness  compassion save all  beings .
We name . . towards this  quartet born  six paths ,  parents ,  Master Chief  and all  relatives  relatives  that repentance  sin did open hatred. May the  Triple Gem  that all  beings in the  six paths , centered hatred of us, are  happy to  renounce all hatred, no consciousness  distinguish  resentment , for  together  are  very afraid as  nowhere .
Pray from now  until  the day  of Buddha  rid of all  compiler  afflictions  . . .
Three now  pure  no  resentment ,  arbitrary  born to  heaven  protect power,  quad immeasurable ,  continental perfections  often  cultivate , hundreds merit serious body,  thousands of good  full and  dwell  in places  of concentration  Mausoleum Strictly , the  body of the diamond . In about  a concept,  embodies  over six lines , international of  all  beings  dong to  Gaya , a rank  right enlightenment .
Today  Mass  colleagues  in  Gaya  did  penance  is itself guilty, the  professional bodies are  purified . The fault of  karmic retribution  now  . Occupation  is the motif of all resentment. So the  Buddha  taught not to say double-edged sword,  say cruelty ,  lie , say  weaving . Should know the  words  flatters  winding , flowery or bring  non-market  woes  is not less, suffer  retribution  badly.
Alas!  human life, mind hugged  evil , mouth to say  evil , because three things that harm  beings ,  beings  are toxic  closely  associated resentment  anger, vowed  revenge , or present life  satisfaction , or dead  carryBeings  the resentment  so throughout the  six paths  to  avenge  each other, never  the same advantage .
Avenged  together so both by  sufficient now  previous life has caused, not  without cause , no natural goodness.
Body  three now , mouth four now. These new things are the source of the  crime .
People  at home  do not  tastes  die on the mountain  Thai Son , subject to  catastrophic  of boiling hot fire.Who  left home  not because  Buddhism  later will be born in the seat of evil people often in order to bear hatred. Resentment to each other like that is due to  three karma .
Of the  three karmas  , the   heaviest karmic retribution, so full  of  painful results , in the long dark night without or without knowledge.
Today  Mass  of  colleagues  in  Gaya  know that  we  trim  samsara  forever in the  six paths  are caused by industrial exports , or  let the word  despise gross, mouth sharp  refutable  cunning flax, say frivolous,  false disguised  diabolic,  speech  does not go hand in hand with  employment , should suffer  evil for  many lives alone.
So  Mass  where there  may not  fear , do not  wholeheartedly  repented , not remove  sin  goes.
We since  consciousness  back  to  today's  industrial exports  evil , not good for the  quartet born  six paths , parents  maturity  all  people , no evil nothing of him but we do not say story. We say crude words of violence denigrate denigrating denigrating, friends play group meeting that  speaks bad , saying  nonsense . Just do not say yes, just say no, say not see, not see say. Listening to not listening, not listening, not speaking. Do not do it
Talking backwards like that,  turn the  heavens and the earth, to benefit one's self against each other.
To say to myself, how many  blessings  are gathered to yourself. Speaking of people, how many are  evil  are rushed to people.
Until  compliment patented  denunciations  Holy Sage , the number of king me,  considering  her father , she rarely  Master Chief , defame  good knowledge ,  godless ,  meaningless , non-retrospection  accident  u yoke in life canopy shaped killed ,  life after  suffering  eternal life  suffer  retribution  evil.
In that moment, he laughed, in the instant instant  of  countless crimes , in other words, using evil words to do harm to all.
 Disciple  us from without beginning  back  until  today due to border  karma , for the species of the heavens,mankind  that there is hatred towards species  asura  species  hell  that hatred, for the species down demons, species animals  that hatred, for  parents ,  Master chief  and all  her children  that there is hatred,  disciple us names. . . by  kindness  compassion, fellow as  Bodhisattva , and pray as  Bodhisattva , please replace  that for all  beings  that  pay homage to  the refuge ,  
Male  Maitreya Buddha .
Male Model Shakyamuni Buddha .
Nam  Sutra of the Buddha.
Male model  Boundless  Tri Buddha.
Male  magic model of the  Buddha
Male  Invulnerate Buddha.
Male model  wives except  Buddhism.
Male of  Dac Xoa Ca Buddha.
Nam Tum  We Buddha.
Nam tissue  The Buddha.
Nam Thinh  Multi  Buddha .
Nam  Phat Sa Buddha .
Male model  Boundless  Oai Germany  Buddha.
Nam Mô  Nghĩa Italy  ,
Male tissue  Pharmacy  Buddha.
Male Model of the  Evil  Buddha.
Nam Thiet's  Infinite  Buddha.
Male Model of  Compassion for the Buddha.
Male Model of  the  Buddha.
Male Model of  the Buddha .
Male  Lotus Flower  Buddha .
Male  Kim Cang  Buddha.
Male model of the  Great  Buddha
Male model  detachment  Buddha
Male  Scented  Buddha Statue
Nam  Na Na Dien  Buddha
Male Scale of  Compassion
Male  Scorpio Retired Bodhisattva
Nam  Dieu Yin Bodhisattva
Male  Body  Boundless Body Bodhisattva
Male  Guan Yin Bodhisattva
Take  refuge in  such a way as to  ten the   most not all  three .
May thanks to  Buddha's power ,  the French forces ,  the Bodhisattva  force,  sages  force, causing all beings  in the quarterfinals born  six paths of  enlightenment  back  but to  Gaya .
If anyone has a  body that  is  constrained by  obstacles, there is a heart that can not reach the vow. Please use the  Buddha Power ,  Dharma Power ,  Bodhisattva  force,  saints  to regain their spiritual  spirit and  make them all come to the  Way. colorectal  this,  life consulate  of repentance  exchange  verbal  of us; from beginningless  ignorance  permanent place  back  until  today because  multiplication coast  of  bad karma border, for beings  in the  six paths , create enough animosity,  
We name . . from beginningless  back  until  today or so  golf Khue , or because  of craving , or because of ignorance , from  three standalone  units, creating ten  evil deeds , by four  evil  of mouth generated immeasurable  crime. Or so  harsh  that  disturb the  parents ,  Master Chief  relatives , and all  beings ; or for parents  start out now  lie ; Or to the  Chief of  the karma of  lying ; or to relatives  start out now  lie ; or for all beings  start out now  lie , or see speak no see, no talk shows; Or heard not hear, hear not hear; Or know not say, do not know say; Either because  of arrogance , or because jealousy starts off the  lie .
These  crimes  such  immeasurable  boundless  today  penitence  pray  eradication .
Again from beginningless  back  until  today start a two-edged now,  life consulate  words of another evil can not hide; To the one to the other, to the other to this person; Make the person to separate the other person, make the other person  suffer ; Or because of jokes, causing the two sides to fight each other,   split upshame ; breaking  retinue  of people, thunder god insurgents all harmful interference.
Such crimes  immeasurable  boundless  today  penitence  pray  eradication .
Again from beginningless  back  until  today, creating the crime  dependence terms , say  nonsense , words do not  benefit or  negativity  parents ; or  afflictions  Master Chief ; or  disturbing  you  at the same school ,  so for all  beings  in the  six paths  start heart  brain damage .
Such  verbal  boot up hatred  immeasurable  boundless  today  penitence  pray  eradication .
Prayer by  Buddha's power ,  the French forces ,  the Bodhisattva  force and all the  sages  force, today werepent , makes all hatred  three generations  of  four species of  six roads , all the  causes enemies  to resentment  completely  freed how many  poor  are  eliminated , completely  back to  cause enemies to resentment  anymore, do not fall  back  in the  three evil ways  again, Finally, they  do not  return to  the path ofevil in  order to miserably  harm  one another.
Henceforth renounce all hatred no longer  distinguish  resentment, relatives, all harmony as water and milk, all rejoice  as in  file location  constants as  legal body ,  compassionate  relatives .
From now  until  the day  the Buddha , no longer  return to  take  retribution  in  the three worlds , paragraph three now  stumbling, except in declared Captain,  quad immeasurable ,  continental perfections  increase tons detective,  religious practice  Mahayana , Into the  wisdom of the Buddha . All  vows  full as sea. Luc know , Tam minh , all  smoothly ,  the  Secret Three secret  all the  legal body ,  legal meditation  ,  results of education.
Today  Mass  colleagues  in  Gaya  was  penitent  bodily  then; verbal  and then; The other  repentance of the mind  to be  pure .
All  sentient beings  birth and death , not  released  by the  mind .
Heinous  five grave  compiler  solidly  decisions  are due to  the industry . So the Buddha taught us that not guess  greed  golf Nhue  and  foolish  wrong , the latter must fall into  hell  to suffer  immensely . Nowadays, the people  have come to  realize  that the mind pushes the way of working as well as the  leader of  all the spirits.
The mouth speaks evil words, the body is doing evil deeds, or the train  of suffering  painful results  in  six roads .
Know that the body  is  destroyed, it is created by the mind. Now want to  repent  before to rid the mind, later beat up  the idea. What's the  reason? Sutra teaches that: "Tending the mind once a job is done."
Then the pure  mind  , that is the source of  liberation ;  Pure mind , that is the foundation of  evolution .
So, then  the retribution  vehemently where  three paths  are not back, but  suffering  deeply  in  evil nor the last. But  bodily ,  verbal  rough  outside easily eliminated. Italy now  very  subtle  inside is difficult except. Tathagata  is a  great saint ,  most of the  world. Nhon to our mind, the new standard does not need  to preserve ,  mortal  foolish  delusion , dare not  careful  or do?
If you do not  eliminate the  three karma to  make the  three  pure kamma  is not seen the good of  three karma.
Therefore it is taught that: "Prevent the idea as guarding the gates,  keep  the mouth as the mouth of the bottle."
So, we do not dare  to preserve the  three karma  . Us from without beginning  back until  today, feeling the body due to  ignorance  arising  out  of sexual desire , make more big roads of birth and death  , and we often do enough twelve that  suffering  ( 4 ) eight misconduct ( 5 )  Eight cases ,  samsara  flow  in the  three lines , no place is not  experiencing . Tolerance of  the amount of  suffering in such places are due to the  idea of  the creation  of resentment. Italy, the  concept of  fence coast , never temporarily discharged, agitated  green sense , running around the  five . Negative or  negative karma  are created by the mind.
If the body and mouth are not  satisfied  , then the more  evil anger  ,  killing  each other, no mercy .
As if we are a little scabies that can not stand,  assuming that  it is in another person, the  pain is  not so much.
Seeing the fault of the lovers of propaganda speak out, self-fault do not want others to hear. Having  in mind so it is  shame .
Again the start  of hatred  is to open wide the road, the procession  resentment  in mind. The reason  in the Buddhist  scripture teaches that: "The robbery  of merit is no more than the yard."
Again,  the Huayen Sutra  teaches that:
Buddhists  initiate a mindfulness of  mind , then in all  malice  there is no more evil mind.
- Why?
- Because of starting a recitation of the yard is subject to a hundred thousand  thousand  obstacles .
Bodhisattva not see  Bodhi
Can not  hear  the Dharma
Obstruction causes birth to evil
Causes many diseases. 
The batter is destroyed by the defender.
Bereavement born in the  brain .
Distention losing  mindfulness .
Obstruction makes little  wisdom .
Obstruction makes near  evil knowledge .
Distention loathe the  meek .
Obstruction makes far  right view .
Until  shuns the  orthodoxy  of the Buddha, in  the realm  of ghosts,  contrary to  good knowledge , the root defect, born in the house as  bad karma , where the  superscript .
Such obstacles are due  to hatred , many can not be told.
Us from without beginning  back  until  today, should also  immeasurable  boundless  malice  aversion to  start anger  no matter what  people  kinship alone that of the  beings in the  six paths . Until  by  anger  that caused sorrow  intensely  cruel  they are not self-aware. Only the part  of the minister  outside not  done  is  as you want, not the  mind , it does not have anything  to not  think.
What evil as interest rates were thought to be, has  done  is  like that  want, no one is not from being miserable.
By  stead should  a phen  natural death  (king)  was angry  then so full sun thousands of miles way.
From King or less  free  saucy  harassment  beings , beaten,  bound  sinners. At that time can not point to where it is said that we can heal, only afraid to hit people do not hurt, not heavy, not fierce only. It is the  evil  ofthe  common sense of  all  sentient beings , all ignorance is not. Wealth is so  poor that no one knows how  to be ashamed  of repentance . Today  Mass  colleagues  in Gaya  noticed  disturbing  hatred  of  the now  very deep. Oil we  want to let go, but it also meets consciousness scene, along with  malicious  activity , reciting mantras  touching each other, know when to escape  is suffering  it. Public  knew this sin can not be left alone so that negligent repent , then today must kowtow worship , show devoted  to repent  sins of anger , mayeradicate . Everyone  must bow to the  earthly refuge  ceremony Great compassion  : with malicious activity ,reciting mantras touching each other, know when to escape is suffering it. Public knew this sin can not be left alone so that negligent repent , then today must kowtow worship , show devoted to repent sins of anger , mayeradicate . Everyone must bow to the earthly  refuge ceremony Great compassion : with malicious activity , reciting mantras touching each other, know when to  escape is suffering it. Public knew this sin can not be left alone so that negligent repent , then today must kowtow worship , show devoted to repent sins of anger , mayeradicate . Everyone must bow to the earthly refuge ceremony Great compassion : know when to escape issuffering it. Public knew this sin can not be left alone so that negligent repent , then today must kowtowworship , show devoted to repent sins of anger , may eradicate . Everyone must bow to the earthly refugeceremony Great compassion : know when to escape is  suffering it. Public knew this sin can not be  left aloneso that negligent  repent , then today must kowtow  worship , show  devoted to repent sins of anger , mayeradicate . Everyone must bow to the earthly refuge ceremony Great compassion : Express all heart to repentof anger , vows to eradicate . Everyone must bow to the earthly refuge ceremony Great compassion :Express all heart to  repent of  anger , vows to  eradicate . Everyone must  bow to the earthly refugeceremony Great compassion :
Male  Maitreya Buddha .
Male Model Shakyamuni Buddha .
Nam  Tung Noi Department of the  Buddha.
Nam  Nguyet Buddhist Monk.
Nam Tung  Electric Buddha.
Male  Tenderness of the Buddha.
Nam  Oai  Buddha Head Buddha.
Male of the  Buddha.
Male  Superior Buddhist.
Male  Scorpio  Buddha.
Male model  Tri  Undo  Buddha.
Male  Lotus Lotus  .
Male model  Application  Subscriptions Buddha .
Male  Master Tri Buddha.
Nam  Tieu Ly Buddha.
Nam  Na Na Dien  Buddha.
Nam Tung  Often Lost to  Buddha.
Nam  immortal country of the Buddha.
Male model  Thien Danh Buddha.
Male model  Ants  Huu Bien  Buddha.
Male model of the  Buddha.
Nam Cong  Dau  Cong  Buddha.
Nam  Bao Nguyet Buddha.
Nam  Tu Monk  Buddha General .
Male  Scrabble Buddha Boat.
Male Model of the  Supreme  Buddha.
Male model  Du Hý  Buddha.
Male model Su  Tu  Du Hý  Bodhisattva .
Male Sculpted Male  Leo  Bodhisattva .
Male  Body  Boundless Body Bodhisattva .
Male  Guan Yin Bodhisattva .
To take  refuge in  such a  ten ways  as vain  as all the  Three Jewels . May the  Three Jewels , bring compassion  force,  infinite  limitless   force at the force, recharge our name. . . today towards  quartet born six paths ,  parents ,  Master Chief , and all the  people  that  penitence  how much hatred because  the industry has put together, or hatred, or is not hatred or contempt or weight of the resentment has to then, may repent  eradication , the resentment has not dared to decide not to.
May the strength  Three Jewels  copper  in mind  photographic life ,  mercy ,  sheltered  for us to be liberated .
Disciple  we name. . . from beginningless  back  until  today, due to  multiplication coast  karma  of mind, so for  the quarter-born ,  six paths ,  parents ,  Master Chief  and all  her children , but to the hatred or contempt or respect, today  ashamed ,  opine  repent , pray  to eradicate  all hatred.
From without beginning  until  today, just where the original  three-toxic , start out greed, kindness which involved use , start out taking now, or  u hidden  or  visible ,  and make  unreal world , wherever, always see The person of evil birth, thinking: I will take it,  to  the  parents , the  chief ,  relatives of all  beings , the  gods , the  gods , these are all for Is mine.
Crimes  such  immeasurable  boundless , today  repent , pray  to eradicate .
Again, deathlessness  returns  to this  day, kicking off the day-to-night workout that always burns the body and mind  without a moment of temporary rest. A little dissatisfied, immediately  angry  rumble , bring  beings out that  brain damage  that enough, or whip sticks beaten, or  drown  in the water,  until  used by  banishment, ( urgent ) away  hungry ,  Tied up, hung up high, or locked into a dark room  to  death.
The crime  of hatred  like  boundless  boundless , causing unspeakable hatred can not, today  penitence pray  eradication .
Again from beginningless  back  until  today,  depending upon  ignorance , do the  foolish  creating all evil; no wisdom,  righteousness,  believe in  my words,  life consular  legal misconduct, those now  delusion so create hatred  immeasurable  boundless , today  repent , pray to eradicate.
Again from beginningless  back  until  today, as ten  pagan  ( 6 ), end all hatred, created all  evil ,  reciting mantras  phan grace , never provisional discharge, agitation six apartments start the  fetters now , or the body and is not  satisfied  , the mind even more  sinister ,  so  joking laugh, causing  non-market . Do not use straight center to work in ordinary people hugged  Siem song not know  shame .
Such sins,  infinite  boundless , in the  directories , suffering the  great  suffering, today  repentance , vows to eradicate .
Disciple  we name. . . from beginningless  back  until  today,  bodily  immoral ,  verbal immoral ,  the now immoral . These  evil  so to arise out  all obstacles crime , for the French start-up  all obstacles crime , for  the Bodhisattva  and  sages  start out  all obstacles crime . These  crimes obstacles  such  immeasurable boundless , now  even the  pray  repent , pray to eradicate .
Again from beginningless  back  until  today, relatives of three  evil mouth four  karma , the three  evil , sin creates all  five grave , self-respect, today  penitence  pray eradication.
Again from beginningless  back  until  today, six apartments,  six ceiling , six informal,  delusions  crazy , phan charming  scenes, create all the crimes, today  penitence  pray  eradication .
Again Vo Thi  back  until  today, for photography  majestic world  ( 7 ),  photography friendly France World (8),  photography being presented  (9), many have canceled ticket, later body damage  public network must fall  three evil way , in  hell  be  immeasurable  boundless  every sa  anguish . After the fall into the demon down to  ignorance , not  knowing  anything, often  starved , subjected to  heat the brain , then fall as  the animal  bear  immeasurable  suffering, eating  very  impure , miserable and cold. Sin is born as a person, fall into the  wrong view , mind often  twitch , believe Ta, lost the  right path , sink into the sea of  birth and death date.
All such  evil crimes ,   such as three generations say can not be said, only the Buddhas to know all. As seats buddhas have seen and know,  crimes reported  much less, today  penitence  pray  eradication .
May the Buddhas  lettered Great Bodhisattva  bring  compassion  force, great  psychic power ,  as measures to subdue  beings  force makes us names. . . Today the  penance of  all resentment is  immediately eliminated. All  beings  in the  six paths  have suffered pay hatred and then, or container shall pay the hatred, pray for the strength  compassionate  power of the Buddhas,  monks Bodhisattvas  and all  sages  that all who hatred was  completed full  liberation . From now  on until the  day  of  Bodhi ,        
Today  Mass  colleagues  in  Gaya  pray for all  beings  life  past , life  now  and  the end  life  of the future  in four species ,  six lines , are due to  the continental  exchange today that  purity , copper  be liberated , and enough  wisdom ,  psychic self  in. May the  beings  from now  on until the Buddha's  day  , often see the Dharma of the Buddha in  ten directions , To the ni no world , often see the  magical  mausoleum,  thirty two good generals  and eighty beauty of the Buddhas, scattered throughout  ten  salvific beings ; Buddhas reporters often see  white trench Minister  optic in between tripod,  international of beings  suffering  in  hell .
Back pray for  Mass  colleagues  in  Gaya , thanks  merit  multiplication coast  penitent  pure  today that henceforth give the body life other relatives, nor in  hell  to bear the  anguish , the realization of damage In the cauldron of boiling water, the furnace of heat does not  go through the  path of devils but suffers from  hunger and anguish  ; The neck of a needle, the belly of a drummer; Do not  go through  the  livestock  to repay old debts, pay the old network, take the brakes to cut the meat, drag misery.
If in  human beings , the body does not suffer  four hundred and four diseases  suffering, not suffering the great melancholy  hard patience; Do not suffer from swords, whips, beatings, poison,  brain damage  ; Do not suffer  accidents  hunger and thirst  .
Back pray  Mass  henceforth  precepts  pure , not defiled  spirituality , often practicing multiplication means, thoughts  newspaper grace ,  offering  parents  as  offerings to Buddha  is no different, serve the  Master Chief as the Buddhas ,  respect for  the country as permanent host  France itself , for  people  like me is no different.
Back pray  Mass  from now  until  the day  the Buddha , to comprehend  sense  deep mystery of the Buddhas,  mind  no  fear , clearly in  Mahayana ,  smooth  Dharma  instant self  declaration award , not because someone just presentation, a heart  fortified  bridge director  Bodhi  returned  goods of  infinite  beings, and as a Career Career Buddhas  enlightenment .
Today  Mass  hidden  or  embodied  in  Gaya  please  prove  the word  vow  machinery later:
We name . . Vow :
Chapel of holy birth scene in lovingkindness,  often  founded  Gaya , manic display  offerings , which  benefit large for all  beings . Pray often  Tam told  compassion  photographic life ,  often  forces  teachers of mentoring  is easy, often  practice diligently , not  passionate  local touch in life; It is common knowledge that dhammas are not  self-nature ; resentment towards those who bring the good body were  equally  chemistry degree  to  Bodhicitta  not retrogression .
From now on, every one of this kind of  good  by virtue  of achievement .
Again vow in  human beings , born in  charity . Back up  compassion  Gaya ,  offerings to the Three Jewels , that which always brings crossbows for  alms  dedicate  to all  beings . Pray with  the Venerable ,  Acharya general concern  practice , not  separated from  each other,  the boys  ascetic  mind no  attachment , not married ,  faithful  transparent bar  multiplication assignment peace, harm their interests, not  the name  error.Back pray  sacrifices  behold, Not expecting escape, born in the demons ; Vows to be the  great power  of legal guardians , the deformity  of gods , no need to eat rice, natural  full. Back pray sacrifices  this unexpected deliverance , born in species animal , often in deep mountain cave deep water herbivorous not see suffering , when out of the woods, it was peaceful , not captured  in captivity bondage . Naturally full. Back pray sacrifices this unexpected deliverance , born in species animal , often in deep mountain cave deep water herbivorous not see suffering , when out of the woods, it was peaceful , not captured in captivity bondage .Naturally full. Back pray  sacrifices this unexpected  deliverance , born in species  animal , often in deep mountain cave deep water herbivorous not see  suffering , when out of the woods, it was  peaceful , not captured in captivity  bondage .
Back pray  sacrifices  these unwanted and  liberation , birth of hungry demons,  pray dear heart happily, without the  anguish ,  teachers of  the contract falls devils suffering,  repentance  of sin , give rise to  the Bodhi .
Back pray  sacrifices  this unexpected  deliverance , being in  hell , himself knows his previous life,  teaching fellow suffering  repent  sins  Development Center  Bodhi .
Disciple  we name. . . pray often remember the  play mind  Bodhi , the mind  Bodhi  continuity  is not interrupted .
May all the Buddhas,  monks great Bodhisattvas  and all the  Holy Hien  same throughout  the ten directions , although  compassion  compassionate  witness  for us.
Back pray to  the gods ,  gods Korea ,  households that quad kings , gods punish evil,  guardian  mantras , ranks the  naga ,  angels  bowl sets ,  witness  for us  even to  pay homage to  the refuge ten  Three Jewels .

The Blessed One ,
Magnificent  brilliant ,
Three  ( 10 ) smooth projection.
King of the Saints.
Clone  sacrifices,
Existing  colon rectangle .
God  admire ,
Initiation  infinity  ( 11 )
Sound bowl  resounding  ( 12 ) 
Mara  horror
Dread seismic  observatory , ( 13 )
Cultivating. ( 14 )
Ten thousand photographers 
From the eight stanzas ( 15 )
To  Bodhi  .
So called  Tathagata ,  Arhat ,  Chief Variable Tri ,  Minh Hanh Tuc ,  Auspicious ,  the World League , Supreme Master ,  the Diaoyu ,  macho ,  Thien Nhon Teacher ,  Buddha Bhagavan ,  the people immeasurable , all suffering  birth and death .
This we ask through  the merits  multiplication coast  penitent  pure  and  praised the  gods  Buddha prayer  for all  beings  in  the quarterfinals born  six paths , from now  until  the day  of Buddha
All thanks to  the power  of the Buddha that is  free mind  . 
Ignorance residence address : That is  fundamental ignorance , ie  legal compliance , ie place of residence y all  negativity , ie the  cause  of  epidemic ,  birth and death  should call the  residence address .  
Three poisoned  :  Three poisoned  ie contact greedy si. 
3  Star Title: Homicide, director, sex, hope is the four most serious sins.
4  12 Things suffering: suffering Ie 4 and 8 combined format: - 1) Sanh - 2) aging, - 3) disease, - 4)  electronic format , - 5) sex  separation ,
 6) resentment meet, - 7) expectations are not, 8)  warm year of  cooking.
5  Eight evil:  Contrary to  eight  path : - 1)  Wrong , - 2)  wrong thinking , - 3)  wrong speech , - 4)  deviant career , - 6) deviant  means , - 7) evil thoughts, - 8 Evil )  .
6  10  Theories of evil : 10  karma :  killing , theft, lust,  expectation, idioms ,  evil ,  bastard , greed, hatred.
7  - Photography  majesty gender , - 8)  Photography improve the legal world , - 9)  Photography beings world called  Magnetic plates gender , of  Bodhisattvas  as well: pray segment  's most  evil, the atom  's most friendly,  pray the most How  beings .
10 Tam reached : the  triumvirate  of  Arahant , -  Thien label ,  network  and  smug . 
11  Xan congenital central location:  Tho territorial  teachings  of the Buddha are not  the same advantage .
12 Bát âm : Eight  sounds  of the Buddha have been proven: 1) The sound of the sound, - 2)  The sound of the sound , - 3) Harmony of the sound, - 4) Sound of the sound, - 5)  Sound  of female) - 6) Infallible sound, - 7) Intangible  , - 8) Noise. 
13 Great angels : the  three heavenly beings , the  great world , a  mountain tu di , a  sun , a  moon ,  four continents and mountain  equipment  as a  sub-world  - 1,000  sub-world  called a  sub-world 1,000  subunits of the world are  called a  center of  gravity - 1,000  centers in the world are  called a great natural  world. In sum, it is said that the  three heavenly world . 
14  From the chemical flow:  From the heart of  the Buddha  taught  beings  leave  your reputation  any good.

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