T O heard something like this:
At one time, the Buddha traveled to Ung-sen, with the monks one thousand two hundred and fifty, to the city of Chiem-grandmother, thinking night on the lake of old-age. On the fifteenth day of the full moon, the Blessed One sat in the open space, with the crowd surrounded, sermon until the night. Then he told Xa-interest-benefits:
Now the four monks gathering here, all the need, put off sleep, want to hear the sermon. But I have back pain, want to rest a bit. Now, please teach the monks to the monks. ""
After Xa-lop-phat obeyed the Buddha, the Exalted king of the Sangha, lying on his right hip as a lion overlapping his legs that lie.
At that time, Sàrvipetta said to the monks:
"Now I say France, around the beginning, middle, the end of all righteous, full of meaning and taste, pure behavior. Listen, listen carefully. I will preach "."
Monks obey listen. Sariputra says:
"There is a dharma, except for the results, leading to Nirvana, the cessation of suffering, can be full five hundred and fifty. Now I will distinguish. Listen to them.
There are a monks, a legal practice, a sense, a legal solution, a legal solution, a legal solution, a solution, a legal solution, a legal solution.
"What is a legal thing? That is: for the good and not let go lung.
"What is a Dharma? It is: often self-concept.
"What is a sense? It is: smuggled possession.
"What is a frog? It is: conceited.
"What is a dharma? It is: dishonest exposure.
"What is a dharma? That is: evil highway.
"What is a solution? It is: indeterminate.
"What is a birth? That is: free smuggling.
"What is a Truth? That is: all beings are due to food that exists.
"What is a proof? That is: mind free mind liberation.
"Again, there are two legal methods, two tu dhamma, two sense, two legal solution, two legal solutions, two legal solutions, two solutions, two legal methods, two legal solutions, two legal solutions.
"What are the two meanings? Know and know precious.
"What are two dharmas? Just and consistent.
"What are two senses? Name and identity.
"What are two anti-French? Ignorance and love.
"What are two dharmas? Destroy the world and break the ants.
"What are the two dharma? There are precepts and ants.
"What are two solutions? There are human beings, predestined, causing birth beings grumpy. There are human beings, charms cause beings to be net.
"What are two births? Conscious and unborn.
"What are two senses? Origin and non-origin.
"What are two proofs? Minh and release.
"Again, there are three attainments, three tu dhamma, three senses, three dharmas, three dhammas, three dhamma, three solutions, three dharmas, three dharmas, three dharmas.
"What are the three meanings? Close friends; Acoustic headphones; Achievement and legal.
"What are the three methods? That is the three-muatitam-mui: No tam muatitam-soi, Three generous three-muoiitam, Unfair tam tamitam-soi.
"What are three senses? It is three-life: longevity, pleasure, non-suffering non-pleasure.
"What are three anti-French? It is love: love, compassion, non-loving.
"What are three dharma measures? There are three unwholesome bases: bad kamma, akusala cessation, and ak basis.
"What are three dharma? There are three good bases: unconscious roots, unconscious roots, infinitely rooted.
"What is the solution? That is three difficult to understand: difficult to understand the sage, difficult to understand the French, difficult to understand Tathagata.
What are three births? There are three generals: just general, prime minister, liberal.
"What are three senses? These are the three major factors:
"first. Get rid of sex on the physical level.
"2. Take the divine shade into the formless world.
"3. To dissolve all conditioned things, it is called cessation.
"What are the three evidences? That is three intelligence: the network, intellectual and intellectual disposition.
"Monks, it is thirty real things, not spoiled, Tathagata already know, then the sermon is authentic.
Again, there are four legal formulas, four tu dhammas, four dharmas, four dharmas, four dharmas, four dhammas, four solutions, four dharmas, four dharmas, four dharmas.
"What are the four meanings? That is the law:
"first. Live in the middle of the water;
"2. Close to good;
"3. Be careful;
"4. There are good roots that have been planted from the past.
"What are four dharmas? These are the four suttas:
"first. Bhikkhu body contemplation on the body, need not lazy, memory not forget, except in life; Body on the external body, need not lazy, memory not forget, except in life. Body on the external body, need not lazy, not forget memory, except in life.
".2. Crude pants.,
"3. Military,.
"4. Consciousness is the same.
"What are four senses? There are four foods: snack food, food by emotion, food by thought, food by consciousness.
"What are four anti-French? There are four players: the player, the player, the player and the player.
"What are four dharmas? It is four yoke: yoke is yoke, yang is, yoke is ant, yoke is ignorance.
"What are the four dharmas? There are four yoke: no yoke is sex, no yoke is organic, no yoke is ant, no yoke is ignorance.
What are four solutions? It is the four holy deities: suffering, impermanence, cessation, impermanence.
What is the four births: it is four positions: wisdom, wisdom, equanimity, mind.
"What are four senses? They are four measures: the law, the sense, the word, the fear.
"What are the four evidences? There are four results Sa-fruit: momentum-complete, momentum-fruit-fruit fruit, fruit fruit, fruit ah-fruit.
"Monks, it is forty-French, as real, not spoiled, Tathagata already know, and then sermon authentic.
"Again, there are five legal solutions, five tu dhamma, five sense, five legal solutions, five dharmas, five legal solutions, five solutions, years of legal, five legal, five years.
"What are the five meanings? That's the year of eradication ::
"first. Tin Tathagata, Chi Chan, ten achievements.
"2. Without disease, the body is usually safe.
"3. The direct, non-direct, direct direction to the path leading to Nibbana of the Tathagata.
"4. Dedication not scattered, reciting nor forgotten.
"5. Skillful observation of the birth of the dharma, by the practice of saints that eradicate the roots of suffering.
"What is the Five Dharmas? That is the five basic: credit, effort, basics, concentration and wisdom.
"What are the five senses? It is warm year :: warm feeling, feeling, thought, onion, warmth.
"What is the year of dhamma? That is the five: greed, greed, greed, pretense and doubt.
"What is the year of the law? These are the five minds of the mind:
"first. Monk suspected Buddha. The Buddha is not close. Not close, then do not respect. It is the mind of the first.
"24. Again, monks, for France, for them, with respect to Gender, there is a leak, there is leakage, the behavior is not true, the act of pollution, not close to the world, nor respect. That is the four minds afraid to end.
"5. Again, monks for the wrong-doers of evil spirits harm, the heart is not happy, scolded by rude words. It is the mind of the fifth.
"What is the Five Dharma Elements? It is the five roots of joy: joy, recitation, contemplation, loss, concentration.
"first. Tu muutitam-black is, now peace and peacefulness, birth outside the mind.
"2. Is a sage holy, unconscious outside the mind.
"3. It is intended that the Buddha and the holy saintly practice, birth outside the mind.
"4. Is mellow, the death of the Prime Minister, unique nothing match, birth outside the mind.
"5. For the most mu tamitamam-jo, enter the mind, birth outside the mind.
"What is the five senses? It is the weakest gender:
"first. Monks for sex not lost, not thought, nor close, but only thinking of the weak, the pleasure in the distance, close non-lazy, the mind is weak, weak, . Beggings due to sexual abuse also get rid of that get free. That is weak sex.
"2. Poor courtship.
"3. Quite weak.
"4. Weak output.
"5. Weakness is the same.
"What is the year of proof? It is the year of unreached :: unknowable, unorganized, capacious,
"Monks, it is fifty French, as real, not spoiled. Tathagata already knows, then the sermon is authentic.
"Again, there are six legal measures, six tu dhamma, six senses, six legal measures, six legal solutions, six legal solutions, six solutions, six legal, six legal, six legal.
"What are six measures? That is the six legal: if there are six monks respect respectable, worth respecting, harmony with them there is no dispute, no mixed monologue. What is six?
"first. Here, Bhikkhu trunks usually practice words, glasses of virtue, living with loving kindness. That is called respectful, respectful, respectful, in harmony with them, no litigation, no unmanageable.
"24. Again, monks and nuns practice words, practice words; The right thing to eat and the food in the bowl is shared with others sharing, regardless of the other.
"5. Again, monks, for the world that the holy practice, not breaking, not destroy, not defiled, the level of praise, clever full life, accomplishments.
"6. Again, the monks right understanding of the virtues to achieve the emergence of saints, in order to properly eradicate suffering, it is called respectful, worth respectful, harmony with them, no dispute, Single-handedly
"What are six practices? There are six recollections: reciting the Buddha, reciting the Dharma, reciting, meditating, reciting, meditating.
"What are six senses? There are six internal input: input label, input, input, input, input, input.
"What are the six dhamma? It is sixth love: love, love, incense, love, compassion, love.
"What are six dharmas? There are six disrespectful: no respect for the Buddha, no respect for the French, no glasses, no glasses, no respect, no respect for parents.
"What are six increase dharma? There are six legal glass: glass Buddha, French glasses, glasses, glasses, glasses, glasses.
How six nan solution? These are the six supreme: the most anonymous, the supreme, the supreme, the supreme, the superlative, the supreme.
What are six births? There are six dharmas :: here, monks, eyes see sharp, not good, not happy, an discharge, professional thoughts. Hearing ear, nose, incense, tasting tongue, contact body, idea, not optimistic, not happy, stay indulgent, specialized.
"What are six senses? These are six weak points. If monks say like this: I tu Tu Tu, again born to the yard, the other monks said: Do not say that. Do not destroy the Tathagata. Tathagata does not say like that, that want to make tu Tu emancipation but reborn birth, no such case. Buddha said, except the courtyard and then get the word. If there are monks said: I practice Bi liberation born mind jealousy. Hanh relief, rebirth mind. Discharge discharge, birth love hate. Onions of the mindfulness of doubt. The action of freedom, birth of the disorder, is the same.
What are the six evidences? These are six divine powers:
"first. Divinity
"2. Divine ear.
"3. Tri tha mind
"4. Tuc network.
"5. Heavenly pine.
"6. Spread the message.
"Monks, it is sixty French, as true not spoiled. Tathagata already knows, then the sermon is authentic.
"Again, there are seven legal measures, seven tu dhamma, seven senses, seven legal solutions, seven legal dangers, seven legal solutions, seven solutions, seven legal, seven legal, seven legal.
"What are seven measures? These are seven properties: property is property, property is property, property is property, asset is property, property is asset.
"What are seven practices? It is seven senses: here, monks tu mind sense, y yen medicine y died, y medicine. Tu tu, diligent tu tu, tu ec, tu tu, tu discharge, y noodles, medical death, y medicine.
"What are seven senses? There are seven places of consciousness: if there are beings with many different minds, many different ideas, it is heaven and people. That is the first residence. There are beings, with many different bodies but one idea, that is, the Buddha is the first Son. It is a second stay. There are beings with a body but many different ideas, that is the sun sound. It is the third shelter. There are beings with one body and one idea is the same, that is the sky Change. That is the fourth residence. Again there are living beings nowhere. That is the fifth residence. Again there are living beings in the state of origin. It is the sixth shelter. Or resident landless. It is the seventh residence.
"What are the seven dhamma? It is the sixth: the abduction by love, the suicide by compassion, the suicide by prejudice, the misuse by the enemy,
"What are seven dharmas? It is seven illegal: here, monks have no faith, no fun, no precious, less learning, lazy, or forget, no mind.
"What are seven increase? There are seven Dharma: here monks have faith, there are, precious, multi-literate, not lazy, long memory, wise.
"What is seven nan solution? Here are seven good schools: here, monks favorite meaning, favorite, know the time, love enough, prefer self, prefer to practice them, prefer to distinguish people.
"What is seven births? It is seven thoughts: the thought of the impurity of the body, the thought of the impurity of food, the idea of all the world is not worthy of love, the idea of death, the idea of impermanence, The suffering is non-self.
"What are seven senses? There are seven needs: need in the world, need to destroy desire, need to destroy wrong view, need in the multi-literary, need diligence, need in mindfulness, need in meditation.
"What are seven evidences? It is the seven powers to eradicate smuggling or: here, monks get smuggled for all the training of suffering, the eradication, the sweetness, the harm and the glass that knows the truth, as real. Conceive sexuality as a fire pit and as well as swords, sex education, sexual desire, not engage in sex, the mind does not live where education. Monks are frightened to penetrate, contemplate the right and wrong, after the true sense, as real see; Greed, disability, evil of the world, no leakage, not arise. Satipatthana, practice many times, practice many times. Five base, Five forces, Seven senses, Eight sages, practice many times.
"Monks, it is seventy real things are not false. Tathagata already knows, then the sermon is authentic.
"Again, there are eight attainments, eight tu dhamma, eight senses, eight dharmas, eight dharmas, eight dharmas, eight dharmas, eight dharmas, eight dharmas, eight dharmas.
"What are eight measures? That leaves the eight causes that do not have the ability to do good but if you have the facility and if you have the habit of growing the mind of growth. What is eight? Here, monks living refuge the Buddha, or refuge master, or refugee virtuous people are intellectual, born heart, love, have glasses. It is the first cause, not attain the doctrine of happiness; Has gained the virtues of the rising. Again, rely on the world, according to the time asked: What does this France mean? Where to lead? Then the leaders immediately open for the deep sense. That is the second condition. After hearing the legal body of peace, calm. That is the third condition. After being peaceful, calm, will not discuss the obstruction. He comes in the midst of the masses or teaches himself, or invites others, I still do not give up the silence of the sage. That is the fourth condition. Multi-language, advertising, remember not forget the deepening, or clever in the beginning, middle and late, meaning real, true, full of virtue. After listening to the memorization in mind, the interpretation does not move. It is the fifth condition. Tu tu tinh need, destroy the evil increase, try to practice do not quit it. It is the sixth condition. By the wisdom that the knowledge of the birth of the abolition, the beast of the sage, the marginal bound of suffering. It is the seventh day. General birth and death of the five generations of warmth: This is identity, this is the beginning of identity, this is the cessation of identity. This is the feeling, the action, the awakening. This is the beginning of feeling, perception, action, consciousness, cessation of feeling, perception, volition, consciousness. It is the eighth coast, making the Department of Happiness that the Department of wisdom,
What are the eight practices? These are the eight paths of sage: right view, right direction, right speech, right action, right path, right means, right mindfulness.
"What are the eight senses? There are eight methods in life: benefit, failure, glory, humiliation, compliment, grief, suffering, lost.
"What are the eight dhamma? There are eight evil: wrong view, evil, evil, evil, evil, evil, evil, evil.
"What are eight dharmas? There are eight solutions. What are eight solutions? Monks are lazy, alms but not real, then think: Today we alms in the neighborhood but not real, body tired can not sit in meditation. We should take a break. Lazy monks think so and lay down, not to be diligent to acquire things not acquired, harvest the things not harvested, evidence unread. That is the first interpretation.
Lazy monks receive full food, thinking: This morning we go to alms neighborhood, get food and eat too full, heavy body can not sit meditation. We should sleep. Monks lazy to sleep, do not be industrious to acquire things not acquired, harvest the things not harvested, evidence unread. That is the second interpretation.
Lazy monks, assuming a little work, thought: Today we work, tired body can not sit meditation. We should sleep. Monks lazy to sleep, do not be industrious to acquire things not acquired, harvest the things not harvested, evidence unread. That is the third interpretation.
Lazy monks, assuming something to do, thinking: Tomorrow I will work, the body will be tired, so today can not meditate practice. We should take a break first. Lazy monks to sleep. That is the fourth interpretation.
Lazy monks, let's go a little bit thinking: This morning we go back, tired body, can not meditate practice. We should sleep. Lazy monks to sleep. That is the fifth interpretation.
Lazy monks, suppose to have to travel a little bit, thinking: Tomorrow we will have to travel, the body will be tired, so today can not meditate practice. We should take a break first. Monks lazy to sleep, do not be industrious to acquire things not acquired, harvest the things not harvested, evidence unread. That is the Friday solution.
Lazy monks, assuming a little sick, thought: Now we are sick, tired fatigue, can not sit meditation. We should sleep. Monks lazy to sleep, do not be industrious to acquire things not acquired, harvest the things not harvested, evidence unread. That is the seventh interpretation.
Lazy monks, when the disease was reduced, then thought: I have not been ill a long time, the body is weak, can not sit meditation. We should sleep. Monks lazy to sleep, do not be industrious to acquire things not acquired, harvest the things not harvested, evidence unread. That is the eighth solution.
"What are eight increase dharma? That is eight non-lazy. Alms-begging in the neighborhood alms but not food, thinking: I am light body, less sleepy, so diligently meditate, meditate, to acquire things not acquired, harvest the Things not harvested, evidence not proven. Then monks he was diligent. That is the first effort.
"Monks alms are enough, thought: Now we go to the village alms are full, good energy, we diligently meditate, meditate, to acquire things not acquired, harvest the Things not harvested, evidence not proven. Then monks he was diligent. That is the second effort.
"Bhikkhu diligently assumes a little work to do, thinking: I just do work that discards the practice. Now let us diligently meditate, meditate, to acquire things not acquired, harvest the things not harvested, evidence of unread. Then monks he was diligent. That is the third effort.
"Bhikkhu diligently assume that there is work to be done, then thinking: Tomorrow I will do work that discards the practice. Now let us diligently meditate, meditate, to acquire things not acquired, harvest the things not harvested, evidence of unread. Then monks he was diligent. That is the fourth effort.
"Monks diligently assume a little travel, thinking: I am walking this morning abandoned the practice. Now let us diligently meditate, meditate, to acquire things not acquired, harvest the things not harvested, evidence of unread. Then monks he was diligent. That is the fifth effort.
"Bhikkhu diligently suppose to travel, thinking: Tomorrow I will have to walk and abandon the practice. Now let us diligently meditate, meditate, to acquire things not acquired, harvest the things not harvested, evidence of unread. Then monks he was diligent. That is the sixth effort.
"Monks diligently assume illness, thinking: I am now very sick, can network together. Now let us meditate on the practice, to acquire things not acquired, harvest the things not harvested, evidence of the evidence. Then monks he was diligent. That is the seventh effort.
"Monks are very diligent when the disease is a little relieved thinking: I am new disease, it may rise again and discard the practice. Now let us diligently meditate, meditate, to acquire things not acquired, harvest the things not harvested, evidence of unread. Then monks he was diligent. That is the eighth effort.
What is an eight-nan solution? These are the eight unfavorable obstacles to moral practice. What is eight?
"first. Chi Lai appeared in life, said drastically, death, immediacy, direction of enlightenment, that someone born in hell. That is not the case, can not practice virtue.
"25. As Lai, Chi Chan appeared in life, said drastically, death, unconditional, direction towards enlightenment, that someone born in cattle, ghosts, longevity heaven, unconscious border Buddhism. That is not the case, can not practice virtue.
"6. Chi Chan appeared in life, said dharma, death, unconditional, direction of enlightened enlightenment, or someone born in the center, but have wrong views, mind crazy island, evil achievement Go to hell That is not the case, can not practice virtue.
"7. Chi Chan appeared in life, said the dharma, death, immediacy, towards the direction of enlightenment, or beings born in the center but blind, deaf, mute, lull, can not hear the law, tu Good behavior. That is not the case, can not practice virtue.
"8. Chi Chan appeared in life, said the dharma, the death, immediacy, the direction of enlightenment, or beings born in the center, the grounds full to receive the holy but not see the Buddha, Not to practice virtue.
"There are eight disadvantages.
What is eight births? That is eight of the awareness of the great:
"first. Dao must be a little sex; More sex is not a religion.
"2. Dao must be content; Do not know enough about not enough to be religious.
"3. Dao should be quiet; The crowd is not a religion.
"4. The Tao needs to keep itself; Laughing is not a religion.
"5. Dao should be diligent; Laziness is not a religion.
"6. Dao needs to specialize; Or forgetful is not the word.
"7. Dao needs to be determined; Disorder is not a religion.
"8. Dao needs wisdom; Foolishness is not a religion.
"What is the eight truths? There are eight exceptions:
"first. Inside, there are many colors, nice or bad, often contemplative. That is minus the first entry.
"2. Inside is the color, innumerable colors, beautiful or bad, often consistent. That is minus the second entry.
"3. Inside, there are no colors, little or no beauty, often mindfulness. That's minus the third entry.
"4. Inside there are no colors, countless colors, beautiful or bad, often consistent. That's minus the fourth entry.
"5. Inside is not shady, green, blue, blue, blue. For example, the blue of the blue lotus. Just like the blue, homemade baileys. Blue, blue light, blue look is also thought of as such, often consistent. That's minus the fifth entry.
"6. Inside is not beautiful, foreign currency yellow; Yellow, golden light, golden look. For example, the yellow of yellow flowers; Yellow plaid cloth Yellow, golden light, golden look is also thought of, often consistent, often recite. That's minus the sixth entry.
"7. Inside is not a red exterior. Red, red, red. For example, the three reds, red bauble, red uniform, red light, red sight, are also thought of as such. That's minus the seventh entry.
"8. Inside is not beautiful, white color. White, white light, white look. Like the white of white flowers, white cloth, homogeneous white cloth. Just think, white, white light, white look, often consistent, often recite. That's minus the eighth entry.
"What are eight evidences? There are eight freedoms: Inside there is color, equanimity: liberation first. Inside, there is color, inner beauty: liberation second. Net liberation: liberation third. Overcoming the imagination, killing the yard of thought, residing non-origin: the fourth liberation. Passing without origin, staying home: fifth release. Overcoming the origin, staying domeless land: the sixth release. Overcoming the land, the ideal residence idealized origin: the seventh freed. Beyond idealism, ideology: liberation eighth.
"Monks, it is the eighty-dimensional truth is not spoiled. Tathagata already knows, then the sermon is authentic.
"Again, there are nine legal methods, nine legal methods, nine legal methods, nine legal measures, nine legal solutions, nine legal solutions, nine solutions, nine legal solutions, nine legal solutions, nine legal solutions.
"What are nine legal? It is nine net kill genitalia :: purification, purification, purification, purification, purification, purification, purification, purification, purification, , Liberation net release.
"What is nine tu dh? That is the nine roots of joy: joy, love, approval, peanut, concentration, as true tri, except discharge, sex, liberation.
What are the nine senses? It is nine residences of beings:
"first. Or beings have many different bodies, with many different ideas, that is, gods and humans. It is the first residence of beings.
"2. Again there are many different bodies, but with a similar thought, that is, the Buddha sound at birth. It is the second residence of beings.
"3. Again there are beings with a similar body, but with many different ideas, that is, the sun sound. It is the third residence of beings.
"4. There are beings with a body of the same idea, which is heavenly transformation. It is the fourth residence of beings.
"5. Again beings have no idea and there is no sense, ie Heavenlessness. It is the fifth residence of beings.
"6. There are beings living peace and not land. It is the sixth residence of being.
"7. There are beings that stay indoors. That is the seventh resident of beings.
"8. There are beings that remain non-possession of the land. It is the eighth residence of beings.
"9. There are beings living non-non-perception non-non-origin. It is the ninth residence of beings.
"What is the nine dhamma? That is the nine roots of love: compassion seeking; Human pursuit is beneficial; Useful human resources; Sexual employment; Sexual attachment; The first stick is jealous; Personality is conservative; Conservative people have households.
"What is nine-dhabi? It's nine brains: Someone has brainwashed me; It's brain-damaging to me; It will brain damage me; It has hurt the one I love; It is hurting the one I love; It will harm what I love; He loved what I hated; He is in love with what I hate; He will love the hat I hate.
"What is nine increase dharma? It is ripe in the brain: The other has invaded me; Think of nothing useful: there is no brain, no brain, no brain. It invades the brain that we love; Think of it as not helpful: there is no brain, no brain, no brain. He loves what I hate; Think of it as not helpful: there is no brain, no brain, no brain.
What is a nine-nan solution? It is nine virtues: If monks are not credited but do not maintain the precepts, then it is not enough. Monks have faith and gender is full of virtue. If monks are credited, there are precepts, but not multi-literate, then do not complete. Monks have faith, there are precepts, multi-liter, then full of happiness. If monks are credited, there are precepts, there are many texts, but can not teach the law, then do not complete. Monks have faith, there are precepts, multi-literary, can sermon, then full of virtue. If monks are credited, there are precepts, multi-literary, can teach sermon, but can not feed them, do not practice enough. Monks have faith, there are precepts, multi-literary, can sermon, can feed them, the full range. If monks are credited, there are precepts, multi-literary, can sermon, can feed them, but between the masses can not plagiarise, not good enough. Monks have faith, there are precepts, multi-literary, can sermon, can feed them, can plagiarism among the masses are full of virtue. If monks have faith, there are precepts, multi-literary, can sermon, can feed them, between the masses can plagiarism, but do not attain the Four meditations, do not complete. Monks have faith, there are precepts, multi-literary, can sermon, can feed them, can plagiarism among the masses, back to the meditation, the full range. If monks have faith, there are precepts, multi-literatures, can sermon, can feed them, between the masses can plagiarism, the four meditation, but for eight unrepeatable liberation Traveling, the virtue is not complete. Monks have faith, there are precepts, multi-language, can sermon, can feed them, can plagiarism among the masses, For the eight liberties that can be reversed travel, the full virtue. If monks have faith, there are precepts, multi-language, can sermon, can feed them, between the masses can plagiarize speech, the fourth meditation, for eight possible liberation Action, but can not eradicate the gonorrhea, the heartless liberated mind, the liberation mind, in the present itself, the body itself, birth and death has gone, well done, what to do is done, no Also reborn again, the virtue is not complete. Monks have faith, there are precepts, multi-literary, can sermon, can feed them, can plagiarism among the masses, back to four meditation, eight relief can travel back, Can destroy the gonorrhea, the liberated heart of liberation, the wisdom of liberation, right in the present that the body itself, birth and death has gone,
"What is nine births? It is nine thought: the idea of impurity; Think of the impurity of food; Think of all the world is not desirable; Think of death; Think of impermanence; To think of impermanence is suffering; Suffering is not self; Think of the cessation; Think about sexlessness.
"What is nine truths? That is nine haphazard: born fruit heterogeneous fruit; Birth defamation human face; Short-lived heterosexual; Born in the idea of humanity; Birth of eccentricity; Bewilder sex; Birth benefit profits; Birth demand for heterosexuality; Birth defilements heterosexual disorder
"What is nine proofs? It is nine-to-one: If you enter the meditation, the thorax is the sound that is eradicated. Enter the second meditation, the thorax is the sense and the shop is eradicated. Entering the third Tam, the thorns are happy to be eradicated. Entering the Fourth Meditation, the thorax is the exhalation of exhalation. To enter the land, the thorns are the colors of destruction. Entrusting the prickly spikes is utterly eliminated. To enter the land of the thorns is the idea of being destroyed. Enter the ideological origins of the spines are useless idea of being eliminated. Enter the kill spines are sharp and life is destroyed.
"Monks, it is ninety real things do not lie. Tathagata already knows, then the sermon is authentic.
"Again, there are ten legal, ten tu dhamma, ten sense, ten legal, ten legal, ten legal solutions, ten legal solutions, ten legal, ten legal.
"What are ten meanings? That is ten savi.
"first. Monks full two hundred and fifty-two hundred, full of dread, small error finding the birth of great fear, right-minded world, mind not tilted deviation.
"2. There is good knowledge.
"3. The language of righteousness, patience is many things.
"4. The need for fidelity, distribution not regret.
"5. Good people have to work to help without fatigue, do the hard work and also teach others to do.
"6. Listen a lot; Listen to do not forget to remember.
"7. Efforts, eradicating the law, growth of good.
"8. Usually self-concept, no other idea, remember the good deeds before as seen before.
"9. The wisdom of accomplishment, contemplation of the destruction of the law, by law Hien holy but the original suffering.
"ten. Fun with leisure, specializing in thinking, meditation meditation, no joke.
"What are ten tuans? They are ten actions: right view, right thinking, right speech, right action, right means, right mind, right mind, right mind, right mind.
"What is ten sense? It is ten colors imported: label, frame, body, body, body; Color, bar, flavor, taste, contact.
"What are ten anti-French? That is the ten virtues: wrong view, wrong thinking, evil language, evil, evil, wrong means, evil, evil, evil.
"What are ten dharmas. There are ten unwholesome relics: the body is close, direct, sex; The mouth has two tongues, evil, lie, say weaving; It has greed, jealousy, wrong view.
"What are ten steps? There are ten good actions: body not close, direct, sex; Double-edged sword, evil deed, lying, talking weaving; It is not greed, jealousy, wrong view.
"What are ten solutions? It is ten Hien sanctuary:
"first. Bhikkhu eliminated the year.
"2. Achievement of six genera.
"3. Discharge a limb.
"4. Y on four.
"5. Extermination.
"6. Win magic.
"7. No tricks.
"8. The body has made.
"9. Liberation mind
"ten. Liberation wisdom.
"What is ten births? There are ten cases of praise: If the monks themselves have received credit and then speak to others and also praise those who have faith. He himself has precepts and then speak to others and praise the morality. Educate yourself on your own and say it to others and praise the non-homosexual. Own self-sufficient and then speak to others and also praise the rich. Feel free to be static and say it to others and also praise those who prefer static. He himself is multilingual and speaks again and praises the multitudes. Tailor yourself and tell others and praise those who diligently. I personally devote myself to telling others and praising the experts.Get yourself meditated and then tell others and also praise those who have meditated. I myself gain wisdom and talk to others and also praise those who gain wisdom.
"What are ten truths? It is ten dharmas: the right viewer can eliminate wrong view, eliminate all the countless evil conditions that arise and accomplish what is the countless goodness where the right view that arise. The person with right thinking, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right mindfulness, right mind, right mind, right mind can eliminate evil spirits and countless evil spirits arise mind is also completely Eradicate; Countless good things, the place where the mind is born, all are accomplished.
"What are ten unscientific? Unfollowed right view, right thinking, right speech, right action, right mind, right mindfulness, right concentration, right mind, right mind.
"Monks, it is a hundred real things are not false. Tathagata already knows, then lecture in a way "."
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