Sunday, 9 April 2017

lesson 3
LARGE LARGE LABEL ( Cakkhudvārātimahantārammaṇa).
When the five ceiling scenes have the power to project directly into the five corresponding subjects, arise the process of birth and death of some minds. The mind has seven types of mind, the process is called the mind of the five big scene. 
We use the visual eye to interpret, the other has the same pattern. 
Y on the mind-center in the mind, when the scene is born in the Birth of the mind of the last moment, after two moments of Quiet, the mind of the mind to arise, this scene called the scene is  very large . 
Called the eye, the scene is very large, when the scene is on the label, the birth of the last part, the birth of the heart after the next two kills. 
huge spectacle of lively spectacles is performed in three modes: the last scene, the last, the last, the last and the last.

Q: Being part Recently ( atitabhavanga )
R: Being part vibration ( bhavangacalana )
D: Being part Dut line ( bhavangupaccheda )
5 : User five subjects ( pancadvaravajjana )
N: Awareness ( cakkhuvinnana )
T: To gather ( sampaticchana )
Q: Observation or Destiny ( santīraṇa )
P: Decision or judgment ( Voṭṭapana )
C: Strength ( Javana )
Na: Na scene ( Tadālambana )
This road has:
- Satan: 14 near the center of mind (not counting 3 parts of consciousness).
The path ( ṭhāna ): 7 stages (opening, eye consciousness, recording, observation, prediction , force and na).
Guest heart: 46 things (is 54 world sphere minus 4 pairs in addition).
- People: there are 8 people (4 + 4).
- Realms: 11 realms world.
Interpretation . 
Field organic fraction ( continuum ) is quietly drifting smoothly follow all the rules of the mind ( mulabhavanga ), entered the scene nervous label ( cakkhupasada ) shine into sub Born moment ( uppadakhana ) organic part of the mind, iron- This mind is called the last element of consciousness ( atītabhavaṅga ). 
The scene can be projected into the sub-na  (ṭhītikhaṇa) , or the killing- bhaṇgakhaṇa or not? 
This can not be, because that is born, Removal of mind very fast, almost only aware of two moments of urine is Born - Kills only, so some teachers Teacher says, " Mind only two police -Nurse is the Birth and Break, but the distribution of birth, pillars, The mind can not arise, so it is called the ending element. Why go through two oscillator components? Because the mind is very fast, the new scene wants to cut off the old scene so that the center of the arising mind must have at least two moments of oscillation, so that the power of the new scene is capable of cutting the scene. For example, the fast runner, can not stop immediately, want to stop folding must go head first two steps, then stand. At the moment of partial possession, the final scene takes over the stream of consciousness. From now on, a series of Guest minds arise for the scene until the scene no longer has the power to influence the Master, the Master's scene arises and the mind reappears. There are seven types of minds that arise in order to adapt to the scene in this form. First, the mind of the five disciplines ( pañcadvāravajjana ), this mind has the function ( kicca ) "to open the door" to receive the scene, and then go away to create conditions for eye consciousness ( cakkhuviññāṇa ) In turn, the Mind of Mindfulness and the Mind of Mind are born in order to do their own thing in the sight. Mind Watching is responsible for receiving the whole scene, Mind Observatory is responsible for considering the scene, the mind of the judgment ( vohapanacitta ) judges the scene to facilitate the emergence of the force. Letters  Votthapana  it is from the " Vi + ava + √tha"  means " start hard on ," " He is sounded by the mango falling excited, sit up, turn his eyes to the sound, see the mango, step to pick it up, look at mango how, see mango ripen not damaged, eat fruit Mango, eat finished copy the mouth tasted mango leftover. Then lay down the next. Lay down under the mango root as a share. Mango sheds its wallet as a part of the past, being sound stimulated as if part is shaken. Startled waking up, sitting up to the wallet as part of the end of the line. Bring eyes to the sound like the direction of the five. See mango fruit as visual consciousness. Jump to pick up a wallet. Examination such as Observation. See mango ripening is not broken like guessing. Eat mangoes such as potatoes. Eat finished and copy the mouth like Na scenery, lying down on the table as if the basic organic again. Mind Orientation and external vision also have the function of making the scene clear, the Three Minds Watching, Observation and Determination have the function "complete the scene," the full enjoyment of the scene, On the scene of the residual scene, as the king had finished with the delightful thing, the servant of the King would use that remnant thing. What is the javanacitta? Noun  Javana  derived from " √ju " is running fast. This is a very important technical term, Usually means quick  as  javanahaṃsa  (swan swift) or  javanapaññā  (fast mind). In  Abhidhamma  this term is used in the purely technical sense ,  Santakicco translated  as a  force , to indicate the meaning of "agility - javana" but latent power, because it has saved here. Keep the karmic seeds (bījakamma) for later spice, except for the Arhat. Ms. Rhys Davids writes, "I spent many hours thinking about the  javana  and  eventually dropping the apperception  to find a more adaptable word,  Except 8 mahā Almond (javana Education Center presented by Arahat) with taking care of non-primary non-fruit ( nahetuka navipaka)  should not bygones mature later. It is during this stage that good kamma is created from good kusala kamma or akusala kamma which is formed from akusala citta. As when encountering an enemy of hateful thought arises, so akusala kamma is created from the heart of the anatomy, but with the wise one, the thought can still arise in the compassionate mind with the enemy. From the heart of the yard. Thus, the Buddha taught in the Dhammapada Sutra: It is during this stage that good kamma is created from good kusala kamma or akusala kamma which is formed from akusala citta. As when encountering an enemy of hateful thought arises, so akusala kamma is created from the heart of the anatomy, but with the wise one, the thought can still arise in the compassionate mind with the enemy. From the heart of the yard. Thus, the Buddha taught in the Dhammapada Sutra: It is during this stage that good kamma is created from good kusala kamma or akusala kamma which is formed from akusala citta. As when encountering an enemy of hateful thought arises, so akusala kamma is created from the heart of the anatomy, but with the wise one, the thought can still arise in the compassionate mind with the enemy. From the heart of the yard. Thus, the Buddha taught in the Dhammapada Sutra:


" Do evil by us, cause us
to be polluted by us, because we
do not do bad things
Do us, purify
  ourselves " (PC165)
In the 7 forces, the first force has the worst power because of the first, there is no ability to support the same, the second weakness is the seventh force, but has the potential before lifting Helped but tactless and go out. 
The strongest is the fourth murderer for being the Righteous One (out of seven), the other four are hard to determine. 
One should  understand that Javan good  or  Javan akusala  is the positive part of kammabhava , which facilitates the future of existence . 
Analysis . 
The scene of the scene is very large Na scene is full seventeen mind-na, the scene has also rounded life expectancy with kill moment Na second scene. 
It should be known that the nāma exists only one moment, whereas rūpa has the duration of 17 times the duration of the nāma, Pāli  has 
commented : Kathaṃ? Uppādaṭṭhitibhaṅgavasena 
Khaṇattayaṃ ekacittakkhaṃaṃ nāma 
Tāni pana sattarasacittakkhaṇāni 
"A mind-door is composed of three stages of birth, pillar and death. 
Q: What is 
khaaa  ? What is the difference between the Head Head of the body and mind? 
"  Singh (khaṇa)  is a very short unit, can not use examples or images that can be expressed." Ancient teachings said, " In a knock out A trillion times, that is, one thousand billion  naive, rites and births 58 billion, 820 million times (58,820,000,000). 
However, not all rupas have a lifespan of 17 minutes. They say: 
"The two manifestos (viññattirūpa) are the kāyaviññatti and the vatici (ñatti), together with Four-color (Generative - Progressive - Meditation) does not exist for 17 hours. 
The two bodhicitta manifestations coexist with the mind, called according to the  Dukamātikā  and  Mahantaraduka  : the French companion with the mind ( Cittasahabhunodhammā). 
They are not the material form, but they are only the state of nipphannarupa  , so they can not count on life as other material things. 
Each moment of mind has three sub-maternity (maternity-death), the material life is 51 m near the urine (compared to the heart)

- Living beings with the mind of negative sensory discharge ( akusalavipākāhetuka upekkhāsahagataṃ santīranacittaṃ) , called the suffering .
- Living beings with the mind of  conscious discharge (kusalavipākāhetuka upekkhāsahagataṃ santīranacittaṃ) , called Lac Lac.
- Living beings with good  kusala-vipassana (kusalavipākahetuka ñavavayuttacitta D) , called bisexual .
- Living beings with kusala  vipassana (kusalavipāka ñāṃasaṃpayuttacittaṃ),  called the Tams .
These four classes are called human beings.
- First-class chieftain called the first.
- The baptismal slave is called the bodhisattva.
- Samatha is called the Taoist.
The Four Sages are called the Four Noble Truths.
These four are called Dao. Although the real people refer to the Taoist, in other words, " Dao exists only a Daoist. "
- Retirement people called the first results.
- Tu Da Ham called Nhi fruit.
- A level is called Hamman.
- A la Han called the four fruit.
These four are collectively known as the Fruit. 
Why is the channel (ṭhāna) ? 
Dividing is the time in which the customer's mind completes his or her own task for the scene, when the "task of completion" disappears, giving rise to another type of consciousness that functions as a successor, Then handed over to the harried, when the harvests finished, then handed back to the sower ... 
Each type of mind to perform a particular task, so  every kind of  mind is a leg. As the mind of five disciples has the task of opening five doors, the mind of the 
discipline has the task of opening the mind, or do the "decision" scene within the five disciplines ... Thus, Is the sixth stage, two naval scene scene is the 7th stage, the first moment of the mind (from the five directions to the Mind Center), Every moment is a leg. Sensation
is the mind of the subject ( manodvāvajjanacitta ), this mind is the main condition to arise the flow of good or evil forces. 
The good intention ( yoniso manasikāra ) to be good or arrogant mind ( ayoniso manasikāra ) makes the mind non- arisen consciousness is generated by the mind in the direction of Italian art at this time. 
Called a  Last  Partial (HPVQ), is the center of the passage in the context of the existing situation but not yet compared with five subjects. 
Called a  component of bodhisattva  ( bhavaṅgacalana ) is the psyche of the body is fluctuated by the gravitational force of the scene, when the scene shone into the nerve. 
Called  bhavaṅgupaccheda  ( bhavaṅgupaccheda ) is the final object of consciousness , giving the scene of the interruption of the scene in the mind. 
Partial ownership is also the second part of the Shaky Heart. 
The Last Supper: Last Part, Partial Shaky and Partial Persistence is the Master, the last 14 moments in the mind are called the mind of the mind. 
There are three stages of the rúpa: Cylinder-kill. 
Birth is the first killer, the last killer (the 51st subtext), so that their Headstroke is from the Second Element to the Second Element . 
Why is the material life longer than the life of the name? 
To speak of rupa is to say, Even if it is the queen of virtue (upādāyarūpa), it is also the essence of the four elements (earth, water, fire, wind), when the four exist, they exist, when the four elements are eliminated. They kill, the four elements are a crude dhamma jāti . 
Nomenclature is an organ, they are subtle nature is extremely fleeting. So the rupas have a longer shelf life than the nomenclature. 
Even the material form, too, is of a more subtle nature, which has a shorter life expectancy , such as the form of manifestation , the form of ariya ( lakkhaṇarūpa ). 
There are four types of beings are: rúpa Birth is a life of one urine, the life expectancy is 24 m to the urine (from the second subunit to the twenty-first sub-25) It has the same life span (from the twenty-fourth subhanahina to the ninth subfamily). Particularly close to the twenty-sixth subordinate
is the non- Dijit , formally the head- door , also the right-moment ( indriyakhaṇa ). 
In short, because nāma is a cosmic body, life is shorter than ruppana (17), for example, the color of flowers is more mournful than the color of flowers, the color of flowers is brighter than the petals. 
The rebirth consciousness is the mental form of the ṭhitipatta , called the Ṭhitipattanīpa, which  has 49 troupes of mental qualities. These 49 mental troupes are calculated from the attainment of the mind of the Five Paths. The death of the heart of the 17th section (see Figure). Because nāma is so corporeal, life is shorter than ruppure (which is rough) 17 times, for example, the flower is more mourn than the flower, and the flower is shorter than the flower. The rebirth consciousness is the mental form of the ṭhitipatta , called the Ṭhitipattanīpa, which has 49 troupes of mental qualities. These 49 mental troupes are calculated from the attainment of the mind of the Five Paths. The death of the heart of the 17th section (see Figure). Because nāma is so corporeal, life is shorter than ruppure (which is rough) 17 times, for example, the flower is more mourn than the flower, and the flower is shorter than the flower. The rebirth consciousness is the mental form of the ṭhitipatta , called the Ṭhitipattanīpa, which has 49 troupes of mental qualities. These 49 mental troupes are  calculated from the attainment of the mind of the Five Paths. The death of the heart of the 17th section (see Figure).

B: close-  minded (bhavangitta) .
BV: close-n-last element  (atītabhavaṅga). 
BR: close-up of the element of bodhisattva  (bhavaṅgacalana) .
BD: close-n-end element of  bhavaṅgupaccheda .
P: Direction of the five  disciplines (pañcadvāravajjana)
Why is it called neural nerve label? 
Because the nama-nama is the essence of the four elements, it is not possible to be alone, it is always accompanied by the eight rúpas: the four elements, the hermeneutics, the halo, the hermit and the real thing. Called unruly delegations. Thus, the nerve brand of nine colors are the irrepressible color with the spirit of the label. 
In 49 union nerve label in phase cylindrical, with one union being at the elementary moments Birth of HPVQ delegation nervous this label life contract with the scene, called " nerve label whose life has Twist (with the scene) "  (majjhimāyukacakkhupasāda).

The monks and nuns said that "the birth consciousness only  Majjhimāyukacakkhupasāda" , but the later teachers said that "all 49 protrusions in the Trunk stage can be a cause for birth awareness " The study should note both of these ideas to study. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.10/4/2017.

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