Thursday, 27 April 2017

Dhammapada Sutra  .

 In India , in the past  as well as in the present day, and in many other countries, it is customary to buy the  rosaries  to offer or to donate.

We  just  imagine  a combination  Corolla  and selling  Corolla professional. He went to pick many flowers, bring back, to each flower  in front . He lifts a few flowers or bunches of flowers, such as  jasmine , a rump, for these petals to reveal all the beauty of their remaining, before being strung into a  corolla . The job of the  editor of the Dhammapada  is like the work of professionals who pierces  the corolla . First of all, he had to go to the flowers, that is to read all the  scriptures , and choose the words, the verse  brings  nature  the essence of  Buddhism . Then he gathered these  verses  under different themes  , as well as separate jasmine  flowers, lilies to own, marigolds  to separate. He dropped the verse  which meaning  was obscure, just choose the verse  meaning very clear , as well as holding flowers that charm, as falling petals no longer ruddy, so only the flowers fresh , Before it becomes corolla . Then he gathered these verses under different themes , as well as separate jasmineflowers, lilies to own, marigolds to separate. He dropped the verse which meaningwas obscure, just choose the verse meaning very clear , as well as holding flowers that charm, as falling petals no longer ruddy, so only the flowers fresh , Before it becomes corolla . Then he gathered these verses under  different themes , as well as  separate jasmine flowers, lilies to own,  marigolds to separate. He dropped the  verse which  meaning was obscure, just choose the  verse meaning very  clear , as well as holding flowers that charm, as falling petals no longer ruddy, so only the flowers fresh , Before it becomes  corolla .

Origin of  the Dhammapada
The venerable  Rescue  (Dharmatrata) , one of the  commentator  famous of  sectarian  sarvastivada  in Kashmir, which is considered as the one who  edited  the economic  Dhammapada  that  we  have a translation in Chinese Tibet. That is the 210th sutra in  the  Tan Tan. Early business records are the business  of the  French Resurrection Fa  choose.
Notes that if the right to the truth, the  false religions  Rescue  is one of the curators and  editors  of  the Dhammapada . Because it's not just one person doing it. There are  Dhammapada  only 500  verses  proceedings, there are 700 trading post, with 900 business cards, etc ..
Dhammapada  in Han Dynasty has  39 articles with 39 topics . The first is the Impermanence , and of course  theme  common to all the  verses  recite therein is the  impermanence  of  all things . This product has twenty one  reviews .
The 12th topic is the flower. Let's read the first two  verses  of this article, because these two talk about the  coronation  and the  editing of  the Dhammapada :
1. "Who can choose the realms, leave the prison area but only keep the heavens? Who can recruit  Dhammapada  as a talented professional who chooses flowers and ends up in a corolla? "
2. "A person  practice  practice  may be selected to be the realms, leaving the prison area and kept only the heavens, can say  Dhammapada , can pick the flowers  of virtue ."
Going into  canonic  and go  exploring  the heavens: how many flowers  wonderful  of  Dhamma  which we can  discover  the treasures of the  world  does. To have true learning here, we have the ability to  discover  and  identify  those  treasures  , to  collect , summarize and donate to  the world . We do not need permission  Kabbalah new  go into  the  heaven  the other to do the monitoring and selective. I just need to be a real person to study. The venerable  French Aid  believes that he can do the job recruitment  Dhammapada because  his real real convent school. And if one is really cultivated, they can do it, that is, they are able to teach  the Dhammapada  and reap the  wisdom  and  virtue  to make it into the  corolla .
Read two  verses  one end of the Huong Hoa us see the humility of the  Venerable Rescue . Many people say that they want to read  the Tipitaka , are reading  the Tipitaka  or have read  the Tipitaka . But there were some who  went into  the  Tripitaka  without  astray , but not  know they are at  the position  in the  ocean  lay butt  him?

The  Fa- male cardboard and  Sutra  tools- Han organ
Dhammapada  is  circulating  widely  in  Vietnam  today is  the Dhammapada  of Pali. There are only 26 products with 26 themes, not 39 such as  the Dhammapada  in the Han.  But the content of the similar 26 too, including the name of the product,  so  that many  scholars  believe  the Dhammapada  in organ Han has been translated from the Dhammapada in Pali. But to  find out  in detail , we can say that both scriptures may have been derived from an original Prakrit. It may be that this text belongs to  theSage  or  Kashmir , 
Dhammapada  organ Han has a preface could  provide  for  us  a little information very  valuable . Thanks to this article, we know the  translator of the  name is  Truc Tu Diem , Sanskrit is very good but the capital of Han is still little. He was accompanied by another, named  Duy Ky Nan , from  India  through Wuchang in the third year of the Huangpu calendar, the year 224 of the Western era. They  carry  a Sanskrit original of  the Dhammapada  with 500  verses  .
This article was written  by  Chi Chiem , a former tutor to  the Crown Prince  of Dong Luong,  until  252, when his father was Wu  Zun  . Chi Khiem  had previously translated many Sanskrit texts into Chinese. The Book of  High Stories  says that he translated 49  sutras , while the Book of  Three Great Bishops  says he translated 129 sutras . Works  translated  it surely was he  performing  a small part  in Wuchang and a majority in Jianye District, the capital of East Wu,  While he was invited by Prince Wu Zun to  the Prince . Previously, when the Han Dynasty did not collapse, he resided in Ha male. He was the country  's Flesh Chi  (Indo-Scythe) with  kinship migration through brazing very young country, possibly in the new ten-year-old out to six languages. He was educated with teacher  Chi Luong , he is a  disciple  of Locasema, a famous Buddhist scripture translator   in the Han. Save Ca Thunder Chi,  Chi Luong  and  Chi Khiem  are  intellectuals notch ancestry water  Flesh spending , and are contemporaries  hailed  as  Tam Chi  (three  scholars  profound waterborne  Flesh GMT ). Chi Khiem is also  praised  as Tri Nang, meaning a pocket  of knowledge . After the fall of the Han,  Chi Khiem  fled to Wushu, then the Sun King   invited  Crown Prince .
Preface  Dhammapada  by  Chi Khiem  wrote  said  that two  Duy Tuong Truc Diem States Nan and  was from  India  to Wuchang with original  texts Dhammapada Sanskrit and he was having these two men here. They came to  Luoyang  first, but because of the  chaos , the Han Dynasty collapsed so they moved to Wuchang. Back then Ngo  Quyen  has not proclaimed Emperor, but Jiang East region because he  controlled  relatively  with  security . Chi Khiem was  also refugee there and the two had a chance to  meet . Five of them  met in 224, Han two years after the official demise. Han Dynasty collapse, the three countries were  established : Northern Wei, Western and Eastern Wu Shu. The title  suggests that  the  Chih-  chi himself  had asked the teacher of Shu Tu Diem to translate  the  Dhammapada  from Sanskrit into Chinese and that Tu Diem was accepted.
Preface  said  that although Mr. Tu Diem is very good in Sanskrit, but the Chinese language is poor. If  Chi Khiem  was an excellent translator who translated many business from Sanskrit to Han, why not volunteer to translate that must be translated by Tuong Diem? Only one  answer : At that time, Chi Khiem 's Sanskrit   was weak, and  Chi Khiem  had not started his  translation career  . The article also  said that there are many places difficult to translate, so the translation does not have the difficult paragraphs, and so there have been unfortunate fall.
At that time, the  layman  Chi Khiem was  almost 30 years old, and was  known for his good literacy. Sitting in  council  interpreter , he said to the non-  satisfaction  of his, but the position of the board of  interpreters , including Duy States Nan and Truc Tuong Diem said that without documents or, simply peel the gist of Kinh is okay. Layperson  Chi Khiem  sat there in the original translation, write down the sentences were read out by Mr. Tuong Diem Chinese, and promised to leave as  yet not  elaborate . Only the United Nan also sat,  lowering Greek  but larger master point features,
Perhaps for  that reason  , the  layman  Chi Khiem  has since then begun to  try to learn Sanskrit well to directly translate  the Sutra . He was  intelligent  and gifted  literary  language , knows six languages, into a fast learner. He then began  his career in  translating business  . Before entering Wuchang, he also learned Sanskrit and  classics  from teacher  Chi Luong ,  disciple  of famous translator Chi Liu Ca.
According to the preface,  Chi Khiem  had the opportunity to meet Mr. Tuong Diem  once  second to questions about unclear points in the translation of  the Dhammapada , and this teacher awarded for many  documents  in Sanskrit, also the same topic User  Dhammapada . With these  documents  ,  Chi Khiem  has added 13 new chapters of  the Dhammapada , and these chapters, some of which are available in advance of the chapters available, are placed after the available chapters. The program put forward with  the nature  of  literature  Buddhist  Friends MinistryNorth,   male.
Thirteen chapters of this new business are not present in the  Dhammapada Pali. Surely  that later when capital Sanskrit was  solid ,  lay  Chi Khiem  has  restored  the translation of point features, and  so  we see  literature  of  Dhammapada  organ Han quite classic elegant, not what  literature  New Chinese learner for several years. Only two States Nan and point features to Wuchang 224 years and perhaps three or four years after the new point features temporary teachers enough Chinese to accept  sub Well  start  translation of the Dhammapada .
The Dhammapada Sutras  in the Han said: "  This sutra is translated by Duy Qin Nan and so  on .  In  the spirit  of the foreword, Tu Diem himself holds a Sanskrit version of the Sanskrit and  Chi Khiem  notes. Duy Ky Nan just sat there  supporting  and  proving , because he was the  eldest . Letters  etc  (class)  means that along with the United Nan Wei has contributed to other  translators , including point features and  layChi Khiem . Surely  that  lay  Chi Well , after good Sanskrit, has painstakingly  review the translation and it  became  a translator Version  values  on both  sides  of literature  and  meaningless . This preface is not placed at the top of which is placed between the upper atmosphere and the lower atmosphere, and do not carry the signature of  Expenses Well :  event  also speaks to the humility of  householdersofficers  learned  this.

The role  of  Chi Khiem  and Sangha
Chaos  caused by the collapse of the Han occur  around  the year 220.  Expenses Well  like many  intellectuals  found at  Luoyang  ran domain male Asylum There are many  intellectuals  fled in panic and take land in Jiaozhou, including  Mau Tu , later the  author  of  reason or argument ,  works on  Buddhism  first Chinese written and  composed  in Jiaozhou. The  colleagues  of  the teacher  An The Cao  as Packaging Industry and Tran Tue also run accident on take Jiaozhou and has  participated  in the original  translated  classics  of master Tang Hoi back then was presiding  central Buddhist Luy Lau  In Jiaozhou.
The  Chi Clan  's parents had just run to Wuchang. And met the two  masters and Nan Xiang Diem  there. It was not until 229 that Ngo  Ton Quyen  came to Wudang, first of all in Wuchang, under the national name of Ngo, and until 238, she moved to Hiep Nghi. Wuchang is  literally  Jingzhou in Hubei Province, and Jianguan is the new name of the mausoleum in  Yangzhou , Jiangsu Province. The name of the business is set by King  Sun Quan  . Perhaps  Chi Khiem  was  invited by Sun King  to teach  Prince  Sun Liang from the capital Wu also located in Wuchang. Attached to the crown prince  relearn many  intellectuals  others, including  scholars  Abhidhamma , called themselves the Micro Projector. Because  Chi Khiem  is a foreigner, it is not  officially  listed in Wu Shi.
Among the  classics  by  Chi Khiem  interpreters  have  Mahayana sutras  as  of Vimalakirti ,  economic Mahaparinirvana , of  Prajna  ( Daming The Beijing), there are also economic primeval as  the Dhammapada  and economic Yin Tzu. Thing to remember is that material recovery of both  traditions  are present.
Books  Height Increase Stories  of  Zen master  Hui Hao  said  the master  Tang Hoi  was from Jiaozhou to the capital Jianye District of Eastern Wu in 247, the tenth year of the reign Chain O. At that time King  Sun Quan  was in the throne for 18 years, and certainly in this year eighteen  lay  Chi Khiem had the  opportunity translated  many  classics  in Jianye District. Books  Height Increase story  also  said  that when  the teacher  Tang Hoi's footsteps to East Wu ( "domain Giang Ta"), it is the first time East Wu kingdom visible  shape  a  monk . It also means that at that time, we were not there yet, nor were we there. Maybe these two point to Yuzhou and stay in Yuzhou. It is possible that these two were not monastics , but  lay  people like  Chi Khiem . Only two names States Nan (Vighna) and point features (of  Cao Tang Stories  say Also Diem also known as the Law Diem) nor the shadow of the  legal name  of the  ordained .
Cao Tang  tells  that  Chi Khiem  (Cung Minh) is a  broad learner , knows a lot, speaks six languages, tall, skinny but slightly black. In two eyes, the whites are large and the pupils are yellow. Although  slim  but it is a pocket  understanding , contemporaries  say so. King  Sun  heard the new invitation to attend tutor to  Prince . Crown Prince named Sun Liang.
The Book of  High Stories  says that when the Sangha comes to knowledge, the first thing  he  does is put up a leaf, place it on a Buddha, and begin to  practice  walking meditation . "This is the first time in the country of Wu  appeared  a  monk,"  wrote Cao Tang . King  Sun Quan  heard, from which come, poses  challenges  and  finally obedience, master Tang Hoi help establish the country's first temple Wu, known as the temple  of the number , and for building  stupas side. This building is called  the Buddhist Center  ( Buddha Da  Ly).
Surely  that  lay  Chi Khiem  has contributed significantly to the  support  building Centers  of Buddhism  , because he is the king of  Sun Quan  trust , assigned to work teaching  the prince . And from the year 247 onwards  until  when King  Sun Quan tape (252), Mr Tang Hoi and  lay  Chi Khiem  had the opportunity to do translation work  together  in a scene very  favorable  is Pagoda  FACT , the  Center  Buddhist Buddhism Da  Ly.
The  scholar  who is  recognized  as the style of both of these are very classic elegance. They had  the courage to  use  the word  Confucianism  and  Taoism  are available to translate the word  of Buddhism , has  sought to  interpret not only be  accepted  transcriptions, except nouns most difficult to translate. Wu water only  flourished  during  the  reign of King  Sun Wei  . After the ice king (252), the divine right to oppose one another causes the internal  weakening . Crown Prince Sun Liang  throne , not  enough  reign. Lay  Chi Chi Khiem  put into the Mountain Frame (Ai Long) to calm. Sun Xiu (Landscape Empire)  to the throne  until  the year 264, the tape and losses on  succession . King Sun Hao  temper  temper ,  violence , killing many loyal. Hearing the word  detested, Sun Hao wanted to  suppress  Buddhism and  eliminate Kien So  Pagoda  . But with  virtues  and demeanor  nonviolent  his master Tang Hoi was  touched  by King Sun Hao and  finally  king take  refuge  and  maintain life  in the world . While lay  Chi Khiem  put mountain hermitage, the  Zen master  Tang Hoi still  continue  chaired  Center Buddhist  Learning Profile , organize  college ordination  acquisition  disciple  who Ngo  ordained , and make Buddhism became manic Flourish in the region of Jiang. To organize the  World Forum  ordain so, surely  the teacher  has invited the  high increase  in Jiaozhou coming to  establish  council  to ordain  enough  triangle engineers and interior controls.
Both  two monks Association and  Chi Khiem  has contributed  significantly  in terms of  ritual practice  and  chanting . Expenses Well  composed by  Pham Boi Khe Tam  and upheld the  Bodhisattva  Contact Cu  based on the  Infinite Life Business and  Prince Thuy Ung you from Beijing . Tang Hoi compose tunes also  chanting very  bright beautiful  and  touching  the hearts of people called  Ne Hoan  Pham Boi. 
I know all titles of  the Awareness  was  Zen master  Tang Hoi write in  Luy Lau , but we do not know the  Altitude Group Beijing  translated in  Luy Lau  or in Jianye District. There is a book written by  Chi Khuc  , which is included in the last part of  the Sutra Sutra . That shows the  intimate relationship  between two  scholars . Certainly, the monk Sangha  used the  Dhammapada  and other suttas translated by  Chih-  ul-ri  to teach  them  at Kien So Pagoda  .
At that time the four  A Ham function  has not been translated into Chinese. The  words  that you  Chi Khiem  and Tang Hoi  use  has contributed a lot to  work translating  the  business A Function  of the century  next .
280 years, in April, the king losses  surrender  the Tons. In September of that year,  Zen monk  Sanghana  passed away . So this  Vietnamese Zen master  has  practiced all 31 years in East Wu.
Earlier this year when the  translator  finished trading means Tuc, I started  translation of the Dhammapada  and  discover  that  lay  Chi Khiem  also plays a  role  important in the writers and  editors  of him. As mentioned at the beginning of this article,  the Dhammapada  Sutta has up to thirteen products that  the  Pali Canon does not have. It is  the work  of the  Chi Khiem layman  . The product as the  Impermanence  or  Nirvana  are not in  Dhammapada  Pali, while the topic was very important. Products not included in Pali are: Impermanence , Evangelism,  Multiculturalism , Religion,  Disarmament , Remembrance, Word,  Language , Nutrition , PhrasingLiving , Christianity and Divination . Fortune , the last, is one of very popular  in countries Buddhism Southern , often the Buddhists in part memorized . Compared to the Pali text, in the Chinese version, the first eight of the thirteen mentioned are put on the head, and the remaining five are placed at the end. Language , Nutrition , Negotiation , Livingstone , Christianity and Divination . Fortune , the last, is one of very popular in countries Buddhism Southern , often the Buddhists in partmemorized . Compared to the Pali text, in the Chinese version, the first eight of the thirteen mentioned were put on the head, and the remaining five were placed at the end. Language ,  Nutrition ,  Neat ,   Birth, Christianity , and  Divination . Fortune, the last, is one of very  popular in countries Buddhism Southern , often the Buddhists in part memorized . Compared to the Pali text, in the Chinese version, the first eight of the thirteen mentioned were put on the head, and the remaining five were placed at the end. is one of very popular in countries Buddhism Southern , often the Buddhists in part memorized . Compared to the Pali text, in the Chinese version, the first eight of the thirteen mentioned are put on the head, and the remaining five are placed at the end. is one of very popular in countries  Buddhism Southern , often the  Buddhists in part memorized . Compared to the Pali text, in the Chinese version, the first eight of the thirteen mentioned were put on the head, and the remaining five were placed at the end.    
The material that  lay  Chi Khiem  used  to make him be the teacher thirteen point features  provided  which may also have been the master Tang Hoi  offers . In the preface  of the Dhammapada  Han Tang, although no names prefaced at the beginning or end of the article, but based on the content we know  the lay  Chi Khiem is  the author . Read the sentence: " When listening to Khiem I said that the translation is not yet elegant, Master Duy Ky Nan said that the Buddha just rely on the meaning, not  to pay  attention to the floral embellishment"  (Sister Khiem period from non Duyen Ky Nan wrote Buddhist  words meaningless  useless),  I know the writer is  Chi Khiem . Paragraph later he wrote: " Society inflammation hybrid wing stepped issue prototype designed by, for prime gathering  three products ."  The word  Inflammation  here probably due to word  Diem  wrote wrong, so anyone reading is  Diem , and who I also get some more  articles  , so I added more thirteen new products). I find the translation of "the same hybrid" is "meet the next Diem" there is something wrong. Prior said when Mutual Diem to Wuchang, I have met and have  requested  Mutual Diem  Services Business  Dhammapada  then that. If this time meet again is not the first encounter. So the hyphen  can not translate is  coming  but to translate is  back .  In my opinion, the word means "Sang Hoi", meaning " Khiem"means  Chi Khiem . And I think you can translate 'relatively privileged opportunity hybrid' is "the master Tang Hoi Diem to take him back" (the  same  is also meant  to bring ). This means that Mr. Tang Hoi had the opportunity to meet two Duy States Nan and point features in Jianye District in  time  after the temple  FACT  was  founded , and given data this period was due to both Mr. Tuong Diem and Sang Hoan  provide 

The sun ,  the moon  shines on  the earth
I have lots of  happy  while  translation of  the Dhammapada  kanji, but sometimes also encountered a few difficulties. The  Dhammapada has  given me much  inspiration . For instance, when translated to  verse  No. 17 in the  rooms booked , ie the 10th:
"Renunciation since I was young that  cultivate  according to  the teachings  of the Buddha fully illuminated, it will be for  the world  as a  moon  in a cloudless sky."
Original Chinese characters:
Lack of exhaust coated in 
Thinh  practicing Buddhist  teachings 
Thi projection  earth
as moon vein targets
In chapter 34, Sa Mon products  , in   the 23rd shelf also has  the image of a  sun :
"The  renunciation  though young but  wholeheartedly  practice  the Dharma  is like a sun  temples  illuminated  world  in cloudy skies not possessed."
Originally Han: 
Thảng lack of operating property 
Candidate Buddhist  teachings presented 
Try projection  world
including Japan very dull
On the side of the Pali text, there is a  verse , also in  Sammon , also the 23rd verse , but instead of  the sun we see  the moon :
Yo have daharo bhikkhu 
yuñjati buddhasāsane 
So imam lokam pabhāseti 
abbhā mutto 'and candimā
I recall in the new Buddha  attained enlightenment ,  the vast majority of  people  ordained  His followers are young. Get  inspired  in  the verse  above, starting from 2010 have put  self  to those  ordained  by letters  moon  and  sun.  The   young nunshave names such as Xingtai Xiongnu, the Southern Moon, the Moon, etc., and the young monks have names such as Hien Phuong Boi, Hien  Fien , Hanh Legend, etc. ... to remember that even though I was young, 
I have  deliberately  translated the  poem  into  prose  to  understandable . Ancient literature  of Buddhism , in the early centuries, the  literary  oral tradition ; is the catchy verses catchy so  recite  ( the old momentum , Gatha, verses) is  able to finance is  preferred  the most. It is like a ca dao, easy to remember, easy to belong. But now that I've written down, I can keep it for a  long time  without fear of forgetting, so I do not have to translate it into verse. However , if there is an occasion, I will also take the  prose's idea  to translate into poetry.
I write this preface to remember  the thanks  patriarchs had done everything possible to give  Buddhism  was  spread  wide  and  long  on, and also to remember the  Zen master  Tang Hoi and  lay  Expenses Well  ...
I had the opportunity to preach the three products in this prayer, which is the  Nepal Complete (the 36th), which I named  Beijing  Rong Playing  God  The State , the  Craving  (the 32nd), me named  the Grid business  Ai An , and the  Cat Tuong  (the 39th) I named  Beijing  auspicious  Greatest.  I have the opportunity to comment further. Invite you ever read and  practice the Dhammapada  translated from Pali  enjoy  this text translated from Chinese. There will be 

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