Thursday, 20 April 2017




Today  Mass  colleagues in  Gaya  were together washed unclean mind then,  heinous , ( [1] )  in the chapter  ( [2] ) is no longer, now implicated has expired, the outside are  pure .
Secondary school to apply for the position  bodhisattva  austerities  online religion ,  merit  wisdom  so that birth. Therefore, the Buddha often praised the  play mind  is  ashrams , because or  achievements  are  direct results  so.
May  the masses  should  be  steadfast , not expecting to live long and wait for the day to  smuggle  ( [3] ) do not roll over, after  repentance can  not keep up.
Now together having good times, day and night do not let  negativity  obscures mentality , must be  efforts to  rise to  the Bodhi .
Center  Bodhi  ie  Buddha mind  merit  wisdom  immeasurable , inconceivable. 
Develop  a mind that is still  merit  such a case,   always mind .
Assuming  the eternal calendar of practicing  immeasurable merit , doing all  the work, not with a mindfulness  of mind development  in a lot. All  examples  can not compare  the merit ,  the Bodhi mind .    
As someone else just work  merit  Do not  develop the  highest mind Bodhi ; He is like a farmer who does not sow the seed. Germ seeds did not sow, then there is rice paddy.
Because  of that reason,  it is necessary to  develop the  Bodhi mind to  do  good deeds  for attainment ; The first is  to thank  the Buddhas, then rescue all species.
The  Buddha praised the good guys that:
"Awesome! Awesome!  As you say, for  the benefit  of all beings. "
Developing  Bodhicitta  is the way of  offering  greater than all.
Development of  Bodhi Mind , is not only play a phen but must always play; makes the mind  Bodhi  continuity  vast  forever . So in the Buddhist scriptures teach that:
"At the place where  na tha by  countless  Buddha  forth a great volunteer."
So know that number  of minds  is  immeasurable .
Again mind  Bodhi  just having  good knowledge  of instant playback,  you all  have to see him  leave this world .
As  the Manjushri Master Bodhisattva benefits ,  at first  heading to  Bodhi  is thanks to met the  woman who  played.
But found  the eight  -favored not mere mortal form content,  minds  inferior  but playable. Must have a genuine  thirst threshold  Mahayana , taking bridges  Dharma , dependence of economic health,  despised  like the ,  resentment equality ,  continental directors alike. May all  sentient beings  through the  release of that mind that  is liberated , the same  credit . Be aware that the development of the  heart  is not a play, the mediocrity  of mind  .
Today  mass  colleagues  in  ashrams  have  bodhichitta  , the decision to  contemplate . First thought of the body. While  meditating ,  devoted  to  his parents ,  his chief  ; Then thought to  hell , fallen devils,  animals ; To recite the  gods , the  gods , all  good spirits .
Think back to mankind, all kinds of people, some people are suffering how to save.
Seeing then great, consider this: The only way to  rise to  the vast, mind  Bodhi  can save. If you think of a person then you should think of two people. Two people then think of three people. Three people and then think of a house. A home city then thought of one  by the week . One  by the week  and then thought of full of  matchmaking . Yama tune the topic  and then think of all four  continents .
Visualize  such times times throughout  the ten  world .
Seeing   the Eastern beings as their father.
Being born  in the West is his mother,
 Southern beings are brothers,
Beings  in the North are my brother,
The beings  below are their sisters.
Beings  in the upper is  his chief  .
Being  in the four corners ( [4] ) the other is a  monk ,  brahmin .
See and think:
"If at any time these people suffer, think that I have to go to where these men which massage  the body  for them, swear destroy all  suffering  for them  to be liberated , and I will say measures to them, by  praising  Merit  of Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.
Gladly  ,  happy, happy they see me like no other.
Today  Mass  colleagues  in  Gaya  found Bodhicitta  must do so; in  suffering  that the  beings . Everyone  must be  one-pointedly  set ,  bowed to the head ,  mindful of the  mouth speak, to deliver this  vow  :
Disciple  we name. . . from now  until  the day  the Buddha , in terms  of time  that, being in any place, also frequently been  good knowledge ,  give rise to  supreme Bodhi . If we fall into the  three paths of evil , or fall into the  eight tribes  ( [5] ), we often remember to  develop the  Bodhi mind ; makes the mind  Bodhi  continuity  is not  interrupted .
Today  Mass  colleagues  in  Gaya  should  give rise to  strong, dedicated key, heart  Bodhi ; One heart  yha, head into the  bow of  the refuge  world  Great Wife  :
Male  Maitreya Buddha
Male Model Shakyamuni Buddha 
Male Model of the  Buddha
Nam  purification  Buddha
Male  Pure Land  Buddha
Nam tissue  we save na Buddha
Nam  Thuy Thien Thien Buddha
Male  Kien  Buddha
Male  Scabbard  model of the  Buddha
Nam  Tung Model of the  Buddha Light Buddha
Nam  Quang Quang  Buddha statue
Male model  Innumerable Advantages  Buddha
Nam  Na Na Dien  Buddha
Male tissue  merit  flower Buddha
Male model  recommendations  diligent  Bodhisattva
Nam  Kim Cang Hue Hue  Bodhisattva
Male  Body  Boundless Body Bodhisattva
Male  Guan Yin Bodhisattva
L n the  refuge  so,  ten  take unreal world  all  Three Jewels .
 Disciple  we name. . . today before  ten in  the Three Jewels ,  play mind  Bodhi , from now  until  the day  of Buddha ,  spiritual advancement  Bodhisattva , vowed not to turn back; constant consciousness  of beings escape , constant consciousness  an established  beings , every consciousness  sheltered  beings ; beings  do not  become a Buddha , we swear not be  attained  nirvana  before  all beings .
 May all  ten of the Buddhas of  the Great Bodhisattva , all  the sages ,  present us the proof  , make us names. . . All  good  will be  fulfilled .
Today  Mass  colleagues  in  Gaya , oil  underwent  many lives do much good in the newly blessed  realms ,  heaven , not certified fruits  exported world ; Dead and blessed,  back  to the evil line. Body  disintegration, not themselves from  suffering , not from  the urgent .
If you do not  make  a large vow, do not  develop  Bodhi mind  is blessed that  solemn dharma body  to  leave  the  suffering brain .
Together today  unified one heart  . . . in memory of the Buddhas, start  trust  solidly ,  play mind  Mahabodhi .
Merit  rise to  very large  deep , not quantity. Buddhas and  Bodhisattvas  can not say the same. Such power,  infinite  boundless,  can not think.
So where are we not  wholeheartedly  devoted  attention that plays  generous bodhichitta .
The Great Sutra  teaches that:
"For example, in a house for a hundred years, only light a  lamp , and the same can be shattered. So do not give a thought  that mind  is small, is not important, without  effort .
The masses  kneeling  hands clasped  in  memory of all  ten of the  Three Jewels say the  mouth saying this:
"The disciples we name. . . this respect before all  ten schools of Buddhism , before all  ten  religious law, before all  ten  sages  , please immediately won,  launch center considerate ,  solemnly ,  to not  let loose , the mind  dwells , heart Popularity The good, the mind  escapes  all, the mind  protects  all, the mind as the  mind of the Buddha , the mind  develops  Bodhi mind .
Disciple  we name. . . from now  until  the day  the Buddha  mind is not wrecked before  heaven ,  the human world ,  the mind does not  demand proof elementary fruit  bar text ,  charming sense  just  rise to  Mahayana ,  play mind  needs to be  most  strains of mind , the mind needs  achievements  The  super-Bodhi , the level of  awareness .
May the  ten  take nowhere world  all Buddhas, Place address  Bodhisattvas , all the  saints and sages , brought health volunteer duties  Currencies  witness  for us, bringing power  of compassion ,  in the mind  of households support ,  photographic life  of us, Give us your name. . . Today,  the center of birth,  solidity  does not retrograde.
If we have fallen into  three evil lines , or fall into  eight tribes , in the  three realms , bear enough  body , suffer enough suffering can not stand. We swear, not because of suffering that rot away mind   today Bodhi . We would rather be in the Great  Fire ,  hell of hell ,  suffering ; We are not suffering from suffering that is devoid of the great Bodhi mind   today.
That mind, vow with the mind of the Buddhas, with the vows of the Buddhas.
Again please  even the  bowed  Three Jewels , we name. . . From now  until the Buddha's day,  the following  two dharmas are not excluded:
- One is the  nature of  the law is not.
- Two is  the escape  of all the  ten  beings.
Together  even the  most heart  earnest  in stature  the ground ,  mind  saying:
Disciple  we name. . . Not because of himself that the supreme Bodhi bridge  , because of wanting to  save  all  beings , so the supreme Bodhi Bridge  . From now  on until the  day  of enlightenment , we will  lift  all  the infinite boundless  beings ; We bring  great compassion , the  same future  life   for all  beings . If there are  sentient beings  are the victims,  felony , in three lines, six paths, we name. . . I swear not to suffer but to save myself  , 
May the  ten directions  as far as the  world , all  Three Jewels prove  to us.
Male  Maitreya Buddha
Male Model Shakyamuni Buddha 
Nam  Lien Lotus Flower  Buddha
Nam   sacred goddess of divine wisdom
Male Scale  of  the  Buddha
 Nam  memorial  Buddha 
Nam  Thien Thien name  of the  Buddha
Nam  dynasty Hong diem imperial Buddhist monarch
Male model  of the  great merit of the  Buddha
Nam  Bao Hoa  Du Buddha statue
Male model  Bao  Lau flower  head  Ta La Tho Buddha
Nam  Tactical Battle of the Buddha
Male Model of  Great Compassion Buddha
Male model  Chau Caskets  Adornment  Co., Germany  Buddha
Male Model  of incense Buddha
 Man Tich Model Bodhisattva
Male  Boundless Body  Bodhisattva
 Bodhisattva Male Bodhisattva
When we ask the Buddhas, to bring  great compassion  , we  present  proof of  our name. . . today  play mind  bodhi ,  spiritual advancement  bodhisattva , site comparisons,  achievements  are all that  vow .
Wherever we go, all  beings  are  free . We begged to  bow  down to all  ten of the Three Jewels .
We name . . Not because of the body itself that  the  highest moral Bodhi . Just because all the  beings  in the  ten directions  that claim  the  highest fruit Bodhi .
From now  until  the day  the Buddha  if  beings  do  foolish ,  referring fillers  do not know  dharma  consciousness  wrong  and there  being  no but  of spiritual happiness without  communicating  dharma . These  beings  so  until  the end  life  of the future , we name. . . please  vow  by  Buddha's power ,  the French forces ,  sages  force and how many  means  other    
We together  heart , a heart of earnest, beginning  to  bow to the ten refuge to the ni no world , all the Buddhas. 
Male  Maitreya Buddha
Male Model Shakyamuni Buddha
Male of  Universal  Buddha
Male of  Universal  Buddha
Male Model   Buddhist Pranet
Nam  maa laa frieze fried lemon grass
Male  Scabbard  Monk Buddha
Southern  Ma Ma  nana Buddha
Male model  jubilee  organ  ma ni  Bao Tich Buddha
Male model  's most  worldly  fun is great rooftop  diligent  Buddha
Male of  Ma Ngan  Trang  Dang Quang  Buddha
Nam  Thuy Thuy Huong  Buddha
Male  Hai Duc  Quang Quang minh
Nam  Kim Cang  Lao Pho Scattered  Kim  Jade Buddha
Male model  Dai Cuong  Effort  powerful Buddhist
Male tissue  Great  Buddha
Male tissue  from the Powder  Buddha
Male  Scorpio  Buddha
Nam Thuy  Thien Thuong  Bodhisattva
Male tissue is  usually the  Bodhisattva
Nam  Tum  Ngoc  Bare Bodhisattva
 Bodhisattva Male Bodhisattva
N guyễn please Buddhas  Great Bodhisattva  bring  compassionate  power,  great wisdom  forces,  Unthinkable  force,  boundless self  in force,  subdued  quarter-ma  ( [6] ) forces, except  five ones ( [7] ) forces,  eliminate  negativity  power,  infinite purity now bare  power,  boundless  open play  consistent position  force,  immeasurable potential declaration  outflows lily  force,  boundless boundless  psychic force ,  immeasurable  degree escape being  human, immeasurable  rich  beings  force,  countless  peaceful  beings  force, immeasurable  except anguish  force, immeasurable  deliverance  hell  force, countless  international of  ego demon force, countless  research promoted  animal  force, immeasurable  photographic chemicals asura  force, countless photographic life  lovingkindness directed force , immeasurable  advantage gods  lettered first  pirated force ordination solemn  tenth power.immeasurable peace beings force, immeasurable except anguish force, immeasurable deliverance hell force, countless international of ego demon force, countless research promoted animal force, countless photographic chemicals asurapower, wealth quality photographic life lovingkindness directed force , immeasurableadvantage gods lettered first pirated force ordination solemn tenthpower.immeasurable peace beings force,  immeasurable except  anguish force,  immeasurable deliverance hell force, countless international of ego demon force, countless research promoted animal force, countless photographic chemicals asurapower, wealth quality photographic life lovingkindness directed force , immeasurableadvantage gods lettered first pirated force ordination solemn tenthpower.immeasurable deliverance hell force, countless international of ego demon force, countless research promoted animal force, countless photographic chemicals asura force, countless photographic life lovingkindness directed force , immeasurableadvantage gods lettered First pirated force ordination solemn tenthpower.immeasurable deliverance hell force,  countless international of ego demon force,  countless research promoted animal force,  countless photographic chemicals  asura force,  countless photographic life lovingkindness directed force , immeasurableadvantage gods lettered First pirated force ordination solemn tenth power.countlessphotographic life lovingkindness directed force , immeasurable advantage godslettered First pirated force ordination solemn tenth power.countless photographic lifelovingkindness  directed force ,  immeasurable advantage  gods lettered First pirated force  ordination solemn tenth power.
Ordination  solemn pure  power,
Ordination  dignified  ashrams  force,
Ordination  solemn  Buddhahood  merit force ,
Ordination  solemn  Buddhahood  wisdom forces,
Solemnly  solemnly  French body  ,
Ordination  dignified  immeasurable  Bodhi  force
Ordination  dignified  college nirvana  force.
The  endless  amount of merit ,
May the  ten  paths of ni no world , all the Buddhas,  the great Bodhisattvas , bring the  boundless capacity  of  infinite  self-  inconceivable, not  contrary to the  old vow, not  against the  ancient prayer that  generosity  for all  beings  in  four species of  six road  and throughout  the ten directions  and for all  beings  co'm  development Center  today.
Decision  making all  beings  was  completely  full of  merit force ,  complete achievements  Bodhi  volunteer force ,  complete  achievements  Bodhi happy force.
Today, all  living beings  in the  ten  directions  of  the future , either hiding, or appearing, or resurrection, or body, or non-resurrection, are in  four kinds of  six paths that  are predestined or  incompatible  with the  Dharma , Because of this practice is always  calm . The  living beings are  everywhere as well as  voluntary ; A solid heart  , the  heart does not  rot ; The same as the Buddhas, the same  gates ; until  those  beings  afterlife ,     


Today  Mass  colleagues  in  Gaya , was jointly  University bodhichitta  then,  joy immeasurable . Now should play  great prayer like this and  one heart  earnestly to head in  obeisance  refuge  The earth  Great Compassion  Accessories:
 Male  Maitreya Buddha
Male Model Shakyamuni Buddha
Male  Shepherd's  grandmother carries  a  statue of Buddha
Male model  Hien  good  Buddha
Male Model  of the  Buddha
Male model  Quang  stately King  Buddha
Male  Kim  Hoa Buddha
Nam tissue  that is  not  self-  power in the Buddhist Kingdom
Nam   Ho Hu not  Bao Hoa Buddha
Male model  Liu Ly  Trang King  Buddha
Male  Prussia is the body of the  Buddha
Male model  Real  Hotel Quang  Buddhist
Male models  Item Restoration  them  satanic  Buddha.
Namo  Tai  Quang Minh Phat
Male  Wisdom  Wins Buddha
Male tissue  Maitreya  Buddha
Nam tissue  Pharmacy Bodhisattvas
Male  Superior Pharmaceutical Bodhisattva
Male  Body  Boundless Body Bodhisattva
Male  Guan Yin Bodhisattva
N guyễn please  Three Jewels  bring strength  unthinkable  force  in mind  sheltered us the name. . . . What are the  vows  , are  accomplished . We are born where often not forgotten the  vow  today, and is  the fullness of  supreme Bodhi ,  a class enlightenment ,
We name . . From now on,  the eternal  life , in  all places  often remember the  development of mind  Bodhi , cause Bodhi  mind  to continue the paragraph.
Disciple  we name. . . henceforth vow  eternal  after life  together around  everywhere often  serve  immeasurable  boundless  all the  Buddha , often  offering  the Buddhas, the festival  offerings  are complete.
Disciple  we name. . . henceforth, vows  eternal  after life , and around  every corner is usually  upholding  all the  classic Mahayana  means class , Mass product  offerings to  classics , are full.
Disciple  we name. . . henceforth vow  eternal  after life , and around  every corner , often met all  ten  immeasurable  boundless  you  Bodhisattva , the festival  offerings are complete.
Disciple  we name. . . henceforth, vows  eternal  after life  together around  everywhere  often met all  ten  immeasurable  boundless  gentle saint ; All  offerings are full.
Disciple  we name. . . henceforth, vows  eternal  after life , and around  every corner is often reported additional caretaking deep thanks of  the parents , want to donate what is not lacking.
Disciple  we name. . . From now onwards, in  the eternal  life, everywhere ,  it is common to see all the  Venerables  A pearl  and wish to offer anything as well as a  willingness to  volunteer .
Disciple  we name. . . henceforth, may  forever  after life  together around  everywhere  often  provide the service  and met all sovereign position has  entailed forces with us manic show  Three Jewels , making  Dharma does not  rupture .
Disciple  we name. . . henceforth, vows  eternal  after life  together around  everywhere  often  solemn  realm of the Buddhas of the realms water does not have the word  triangle evil ,  bowl victims .
Disciple  we name. . . From now onwards, in  the eternal  life , in  all places , in  four indescribable  minds, six  gods of  harmony are  present , often not forgotten, used to  teach  all  beings .
We are the  one-heartedness  of setting  the stage  close to the earth ,  bowing  to the world of  Great Compassion  .
Male  Maitreya Buddha
Male Model Shakyamuni Buddha
Male model  The  clear light Buddha
Nam Thuy  Thien monument magical Buddhist monk
Nam  Long Long Chief Monk Ton Buddhist
Male  Japanese moonlight  optical Buddha
Male of  Japanese  Buddhist amulet
Male  Hue Huey won the King
Male lion  cavalier  at the  power of the Buddha
Nam Son  Dieu Son  wins the Buddha
Male  Tumor tissue of the  Buddha
Male model of the  Buddha
Male model  Hue dread  sign King  Buddha
Nam   Pho Buddha wins the Buddha
Male  Sculpture of the Buddha
Nam  Tu ma ma na flower  optical Buddha
Nam  Uu Dam bowl is the  United  won  the Buddha
Nam  Hue Dai Hue  Power Buddha
Male model  A Rinse  Pi  happy Quang Buddhist
Male model  Infinite  Sound  King Buddha
Nam  Hai Son Huu Tu At Thong  Buddhist Buddha
Nam tissue  Dai Thong optical Buddha
Male Tissue  Buddha
Nam  Hai Kim Hai Quang Buddha
Nam Nam  Nhat  French Dharma  King
Male Great Mosque Bodhisattva
Nam  Pho Hien  King  Bodhisattva
Male  Body  Boundless Body Bodhisattva
Male  Guan Yin Bodhisattva
L n the  refuge  so  ten  take unreal world  all  Three Jewels . May the  virtue  of compassion  of the Buddhas,  the great Bodhisattvas  and all the  Sages  increase our name. . . born where the  vows  were emitted, are  depending interested  himself in .
Disciple  we name. . . henceforth to pray  for ever  after life  together around  everywhere , if  beings  do see  colors themselves  of us immediately  be freed . If we enter into  hell , and all  hell  will  turn into  Pure ; All the  suffering  becomes  happy. Cause  being six apartments  purity ,  body and mind are  at peace , just as in the Third crew, thoroughly clean  suspect , found preliminary  outflow lily .
Disciple  we name. . . henceforth vow  eternal  after life , and around  every corner , if  beings  do  hear the  sound  of us, the mind immediately is  peace ,  eradicate  crime structure , is  momentum la ni  ( [10] )  liberation  There are solemn , full of great rings,  the  utter arrogant , into  France still , into the right level  .
Disciple  we name. . . henceforth, vows  eternal  after life , and around  every where all  beings  hear the  name we are all  happy , as unprecedented.
If we come  third map  , the  triangle chart  an end of all  suffering ; if we in the  heavenly  realms  , the realms cease all  tangible worldliness , and it may also be  free , nothing  binding , are all  liberated .
Disciple  we name. . . henceforth vow  eternal  after life , with around  everywhere , to all  beings , without attention to and take no great resentment and relatives; Except greed, ginseng, si are three cruel roots  ; Leaving the  fall and fall ,  the Mahayana , the compassionate  companion , in harmony with all the  saints . 
Disciple  we name. . . today onwards, may  forever  after life , with around  everywhere , to all  beings  the mind often  equally  as  unreal , give blame no  pityresentment  alike, going into the  center place a large, learn  wisdom  Buddhas, see  beings  are like  Rahula  full now cross stay,  away from the  center  serving there , let go of the mind  accept not often practice the  middle .
Together  even mind  an earnest heart. head in  obeisance ,  refuge  earth pronouns Ball  Accessories.
Male  Maitreya Buddha
Male Model Shakyamuni Buddha
Nam  Bao Hai  Buddha
Nam  Bao Anh Buddha
Nam  Bao Bao  Buddha
Nam  Bao Quang Buddha
Male model  Bao Trang  Phan Buddha
Nam  Bao  Quang Minh Buddha
Male Model  A Animal Buddha
Male model  Dai Quang intelligent  Buddha
Male  Scaleless  Buddha
Male model  Dai list  profess Buddhism
Nam  Dac  Dai security  Buddha
Male model  chief  sound  Buddha
Nam tissue  Infinite  Buddha
Male  Moon Yin Buddha
Nam tissue  Nameless  Buddha
Male  Japanese moonlight  optical Buddha
Male  Tenderness of the  Buddha
Male  Pure Land Buddha
Nam tissue  Kim Tang  Buddhist
Male  Scrabble Non-Bodhisattva Bodhisattva
Male  Body  Boundless Body Bodhisattva
Male  Guan Yin Bodhisattva
L n the  refuge  so  ten  take unreal world  all  Three Jewels .
We name . . May  the merits of the  grace  of penance  today repentance ,  four species of  beings  in  six lines , from now  on until the  day  of  the  Bodhisattva bodhisattvas  do not know tired,  boring ; Granted  not the same,  France  does not end, the  wisdom of  the means to  do anything; Depending on the basis  of  beings , give medicine, people see the listener, are  freed .
Disciple  we name. . . Again, from now onwards,  until the  day of becoming  a Buddha ,   Bodhisattva , without the  obstacles  . Wherever we go, we  often find the  director , the  great Buddhist  ; The mind is  free , the dharma is  free , or all the  meditation , open the  total , clear the  Buddha fruit , in  France, still wet  nectar , except for  four beings  for  beings ; 
Disciple  we name. . . ask how many  vows  we may have as well as people in the chapel of the Buddhas,  monks Great Bodhisattva  was emitted during  practice , vast  as legal  identity,  salvage  as  nowhere .
Disciple  we name. . . I would like  to  voluntarily  volunteer  . May all  living beings follow, as well as  wish . May the  ten  all Buddhas, all beings  the Bodhisattvas  and all the  Holy Hien  are brought very  compassionate ,  Currencies  witness  for us.
Back pray for  being  all  natural home , and all the first owner, and all  the angels , all the  angels  bring  charity  based force , because  supporters  Jewels  which  currently amount  witness  for us that we all  vow  All will be  fulfilled ,  as  you wish . 


 Today  Mass  colleagues  in  Gaya  has  bodhichitta  then, has  roughly  prayer Okay, now back to  play mind  dedication .
 Together  to  bow to the ceremony , the  most  earnest,  five stairs  close to the earth, taking  refuge in the Great World of  Compassion  .
 Male model  Maitreya Buddha ,
Male Model Shakyamuni Buddha
Male  Japanese  Buddhist Buddha
Male model  Countless  Bao Buddha
Male model  Lotus  Evening Sun Buddha
Nam Tung  Body Buddha
Male of  Kim Quang  Buddha
Nam  Pham himself  in the king
Nam  Quang Kim Quang demonstrates the  Buddha
Nam  Hai Kim Hai Buddha
Nam  Long Long  self in the king
Male Scale  Life of the Buddha
Nam   Hoa Nhat flower Buddha
Nam  Huong  tissue in the king
Nam  Huong  tissue in the king
Male model  strongly  approved maintenance  workers exhaust fight Buddhist abbot
Nam  Tao Enlightenment Buddha
Male Scalp  Countless  Perfume  Buddha
Male Model  of Manjushri Bodhisattva
Nam  Dieu Yin Bodhisattva
Male  Boundless Body  Bodhisattva
Male  Guan Yin Bodhisattva
L n the  refuge  so  ten  take unreal world  all  Three Jewels , may the  Three Jewels , bring strength  compassionate  Currencies  witness  for us.
We name . . Past  kicked out how much  karma ,  now are starting out how much  karma , and  the future  starts out as many  good karma , or more or less, or contempt or respect, all were  dedicate for all  beings , Of the  four species , the  six paths , making  them all  great spiritual direction , not directed to the  second , not towards the  three realms , together towards the  highest Bodhi .
May all  beings  have initiated so many  good karmic , or  past , or  present , or  future are not directed to  binary , are not directed to the  three realms , but together towards the  highest Topic .
Today  mass  colleagues  in  Gaya  was the same  play mind  Bodhi then, has  roughly  chapel and has  played center  dedication  and vast  as the legal  nature,  salvage  as  nowhere .
All Buddhas,  monks great Bodhisattvas  and you  sages  past ,  present and  future are  proving  to us. We again  to  the Three Jewels (1).
We name . . Development Center ,  vows  that she  was then ,  joy  immeasurable . Now we again  press center  head in  obeisance  stead : sovereign,  the people ,  parental ,  chief  people  for many generations,  relatives of  many lives,  good and evil,  knowledge ,  gods  lettered First ,  households that quarter-king , all punish evil good,  guardian  keeping notes , glosses the  naga ,  dragon gods ,  bowls of  all the horsemen,   
Male  Maitreya Buddha
Male Model Shakyamuni Buddha
Nam  Tu Tu Tuong Buddha
Male model  General  diligent  momentum
Male  Sculpture Past  Buddha
Nam  Sculpture  King of the Buddha
Male  Japanese  Buddhist monk
Male  Super Siege of the Lotus Flower 
Nam tissue  The  Buddha
Male  Retirement Monk Lai Buddha
Nam Tung  Bao Buddha
Male tissue  usually  kill the  Buddha
Male  Purebrow  Buddha 
Male model  Countless  sure flowers  intelligent Buddha
Male  Sculpture  of the Buddha
Male model  Bao  Lien  Buddha
Male  First,  they tell the universal Buddha
Male  Falun Dafa teaches  the universal Buddhist style
Nam  Tho life style Buddhist
Male model  for many  special religious  Duc  Tinh Buddha
Male tissue  Infinite  Buddha
Male  Japanese  Buddhist Buddha
Past  countless  lives Buddhas. Master  Hai Duc  Tathagata .
Homage  immeasurable  boundless  take gender nowhere  unborn legal  body  Bodhisattva .
Homage  immeasurable  boundless  take gender nowhere  outflows  physical body Bodhisattva
Homage  immeasurable  boundless  take gender nowhere  rise to  Bodhisattva .
Homage  manic  Dharma  Asvaghosa  master  Bodhisattva ,
Homage to  Renaissance  Statue legal , Long Thi  Dai Su  Bodhisattva
Celebrate the  tenth of the  endless world  without  boundless Bodhisattva .
Nourishing the ceremony  of the  nihilist  ascetics  rescue  salvation Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva .
Tons of coal  fines and mindful.
Great Lord .
Dignity is  dazzling
Miracle  color,
Bigger than the saints
Body throughout the  gospel
The same  ten directions
Danh has  protuberance ,
Radiating the  aura
Face as full moon
Body beautiful gold,
Strict occupation
Going to be pregnant,
Ohai  dhamma ,
Mara  horrified .
Tam reached  ( [11] ) bright
We are potential.
See the evil save
Fact suffering  from wages  ( [12] )
Degree escape  samsara , 
Fact suffering  from wages  ( [13] ) 
N Joel Brand  Tathagata ,  Arhat ,  the chief turned prophet ,  Ming almond-sufficiency,  improve oath ,  The world award ,  Supreme Master ,  Article seated macho ,  Thien Nhon Teacher ,  Buddha Bhagavan , beings  immeasurable  end suffering  of birth and death .
We pray that by  merit  multiplication coast  rise to  this country all  present  and in  relatives  of his from now  until  the day  the Buddha  selfless  martyrdom as:
Slapping  her momentum  rotation  Bodhisattva
Dai Bi  kill  as:
Non-Bodhisattva Bodhisattva
Or far away  listening to the French  as:
Lapis  optical  Bodhisattva
Or  solve the  problem  as well:
Tang Tibetan  Bodhisattva .
Please pray for our  disciple  . . . birth relatives  parental many lives  relatives ,  near and  exterior , from now  until  the day  the Buddha , his transformation between  unreal  world  like him:
 Boundless Body  Bodhisattva
 There are ten  merits  :
 His Majesty the King  Bodhisattva . 
 Listening to the  mind of  joy  as: 
He  Fearless  Bodhisattva .
 Back pray the  Master ,  Acharya , the  relative  initiates  training contract , upper, middle and  lower coordinates , all  knowledge  of us, from now  until  the day  the Buddha ,  people  are allowed  fearless  as:
Lord  Lion King  Bodhisattva
Chemistry teachers  be  affected  , such as:
He  Make Up  Bodhisattva .
Listen to  relief immediately  as:
He  Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva .
Or cleverly sparse  the  Dhamma as :
He  Mahakasyapa  Bodhisattva .
Back pray those  ordained ,  in part ,  credits pilot  Forum Vietnam  evil  knowledge and  relatives  of the person from now  until  the day  the Buddha  open yoke immediate danger, as he  rescued the Bodhisattva .
Physiognomy  dignified  as:
Master  of the enemy Bodhisattva .
Or offensive  karma  such as:
He warm the  Bodhisattva .
Hieu  ultimatum  as well:
Mr.  Thuan Da  Bodhisattva .
Back pray  gods ,  gods Tien  Ho's quarter-king ,  intelligent  justice , Tiandi  Nowhere, Home improvement himself evil,  Prime households  keeping notes ,  ranks theNaga king ,  Long Shen  arrests ,  U appears  horsemen and  relatives  Their relatives , from now  on until the Buddha's  day  , have  great  compassion over all  living beings  like His Holiness the  Bodhisattva .
Diligent  Passport France  as
Retired  Bodhisattva .
Far away that  proves  to  read  like:
He  Samantabhadra Bodhisattva .
Because of  Buddhism  ,
Lord  Pharmacist Bodhisattva .
Back pray for all  beings  and  relatives  of these  beings , or resentment, or relatives or not  resentment  in  four species ,  six road together around  ten  from now  until the day  of religion ,  mind no attachment  as Sir Ly Italian  Bodhisattva .
Speak wisely as a word of words
Win Phu Nhon.
Practice diligently  as  Shakyamuni .
There are large Buddhist volunteer  countless Tho .
There are  great deities  like the  Uranus .
Unthinkable  as he  Vimalakirti .
Achievement  all  beings ,  dignified  all  Buddhas .
May the  ten  take nowhere gender  immeasurable  boundless  Buddhas,  monks great Bodhisattvas , and all the  sages  were brought  kindness  compassion, and  in the mind sheltered  bless  save us, and  beings , for we be  contented ,  faith  is  solid,  good fortune  on a high thick,  compassion ,  nurturing  beings  like raising a child.
Cause  being  that the four  immeasurable  (9)  six perfections  (10) Cross-life  meditation  (11)  triangle chapel  full (12)  Nail care  immediately be seen as a three-month Buddhist man Phu Nhon. All  vow  completely accomplished , and as Buddhas, and to  Gaya , a rank  right enlightenment . 
[1]  Criminals - 10 evil:
 Body 3: sand, religion, sex.
 Mieng4:  Vong language ,  dependence terms ,  bisexual damage ,  harsh .
 Italy 3:  Tham si si .
[2]  Stubbornness . -  Obstacle  very seriously: only  ignorance  negativity ,  now or create crime  heinous  five grave  etc ..  hindrance  not for  liberation .
[3]  Consignment : the end of the  illegal pirated goods  are freed .
[4]  Corner: Four slanted corners: southeast, south west, north east, northwest.
[5]  Eight victims . - 1)  Hell ,. 2) Devotion - 3)  Animal birth  . 4)  Heavenly life  - 5) North Cuu Long - 6) Deaf, mute, lull - 7)  The mind of the means  - 8) Born before the Buddha or after the Buddha. Eight places have no  dharma ,  the accident  of liberation .
[6]  Spheres . . 1)  Devotional ghosts : Ma,  greed, and  so on ..  brain damage  body mind  - 2)  Ghosts : The life expectancy, the mind is the brain of two  minds , 3) The ghost : Death or robbery life - 4)  Tian ma : Ma on  heaven Tha turned  themselves in or out  dhamma  brain damage  who  initiates charity .
[7]  Five female : Year veils  temperaments  - 1)  Desire  - 2) longer - 3) Sleeping holiday called "posthumous ghost" - 4)  agitated ,  complaining  of heart, called "tone currencies" - 5)  Doubt  Buddha's words.
[8]  The Venue : 1) Hoan Hy Place , ─ 2)  Separated structural location , ─ 3) Clearing Land , ─ 4)  Diem Favored Location , ─ 5)  Nan won Places , ─ 6)  Show Money Places , ─ 7)  Far Executive Place , ─ 8)  Real Place , ─ 9)  Thien Hue Location , ─ 10)  France forth Location .
1.─  happy place :  Bodhisattva  saw  beings  because  delusion  wrong ,  rotten peanuts  should  rise to  compassion  austerities  petal , leaving both  body and mind , do not  regret the  reform should  feel results reported  rejoice .
2.─  Separated local structure :  Bodhisattva  saw  beings  created  ten evil industry , fall into evil way should  rise to  Pyramid charity , renounce  defilements .
3. ─  Clear addresses :  Bodhisattva  saw  beings  ignorance  mentality  should  bodhichitta ,  as measures  that  practice  should  wisdom  emanating  lucid .
4. ─ Diem Favored:  Bodhisattva  saw  beings  being  negativity  retread should  rise to 37 the  assistant director , should emit Yancheng hue.
5. ─  Nan wins address :  Bodhisattva  saw  beings  of  lower excess  passionate scene  organic residual nirvana , just  quiet , exclusive body improvement, should play  from the center of  religious  equality  in well  enlightened to  the Truth  and  continuous substrate , is No  difference .
6. ─  Current location :  bodhisattva  see  sentient beings  rebirth  samsara  should  develop the heart of harmony so  beneficial  profit  emitted  current wisdom  .
7. ─  Far act local :  Bodhisattva  for distributing  the vow  of being so  compassionate outsourcing practice  all the "legal  Bodhi  the" enlightened  Samadhi : no,  formless ,  very willingly . These three places on  the  more embarrassing, favoring the outside should be called  knowledge .
8. ─  Real estate :  bodhisattva  not to  vow ,  not attached  before the mind, mind, consciousness should be the  lawless ring , all  defilements are  not moved.
But to  position  this province Buddhas always irritable  Bodhisattva  must recall obligations  vow  of birth and ,  if not  , the  Bodhisattva  also  dwell  estate  in  innerno, not to  the birth .
9. ─  Thien Hue address :  Bodhisattva  used  immeasurable  wisdom consistent  look just as  true  all the  realms  of  beings , is  wisdom  unobstructed , clever  sermon teaching ,  benefits  immeasurable  for  beings .
10. ─  France forth place :  Bodhisattva  by  infinite  wisdom, consistent  monitoring and  understanding  take all legal wall  eighty  out of money , they are  direct results as  Buddha body  as fresh clouds covering up all  beings , in  constant Sa  countless infinite  worlds .
From the eighth place onward, has been converted to  practice  and should  observe the  equality , not as fake  as , called "Song Chieu."
Geography means the  Bodhisattva  use  the virtue  of wisdom,  practice the mind to practice  the results of the  field, rely  on  that on the Buddha.
Tenth place  in  the Flower Adornment  is clearly taught.
[9]  The most dominant  position :  wisdom  of the Buddha, is different from:  the rapture  is the position of the  Bodhisattva  and different from  most of the  position is the position of the  bar . But in  the  general aspect ,  the  most is the mind of the Buddha.
[10]  Da la ni : The translation is the  sum : the sum of the  most  legal  world  means that  this method of collecting all legal measures.
[11]  Three reached : ie  Sanming  of  Arhat , where Buddha called  triangle achieved .
1.- Heavenly knowledge   throughout the future fruit  ,
2.-  Tuc network : know all the results of moving  past .
3.-  Gonorrhea : know all the effects of the present life  , so the end of  afflictions  in the  present .
 Know  clearly  called.
 Know it and then call the end. 
[12]  Suffering  from wages : taking  salvation  into  food  (food)  into Nirvana .

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