Lesson 2
Mon CENTER ROAD (Pancadvaracittavithi)
" Beings have kamma "
In c oi five aggregates, due to karma compel artifact, which beings possess some material by forming now, now called color ( kammaja rupa ). In this group of virtues, some have the capacity to capture the five faculties (sharpness, silence, smell, taste, and touch) that help the mind to arise, the five types of kamma that function as these are called the five senses: Nose, tongue and body (the object, the ear, the body, the body and the body).
Each nerve color only captures the corresponding scene and makes room for the corresponding type of mind (such as the nerve-label only receives sight and makes room for eye sight, nerve atrium only accept scene and shelter For consciousness, the same is true for the body, the body and the mind.
When the sensory acquisition captures the inner scene, the mental qualities become the dvāra , when the mind is born of refraction, it is called the vatthu .
The action of the mind through five subjects (label, atrium, billion, body, body) is generally referred to as mind.
When presented in the animation of nomenclature ( namavithi ), his teacher Professor Anuruddha (author of Abhidhammatthasangaha - win approach set weak argument) mentions two times ( kāla ) is peacetime renovation ( pavattikala ) and time continuous birth ( patisandhikala ), between this time is the near-death (upamaranakala) .
First show the mind of the day .
First talk about the time (kāla ) ie time, usually three times the past ( atītākāla ), the future ( anāgatakāla ) and the present ( paccupannākāla ).
But according to the Super Law, the time is defined as the life of a being, that is, referring to the lifespan of the being.
The unit is extremely small without any comparable example, called the moment , when the first moment arises for a new life, called the birth-time karma. ( Patisandhikāla khaṇa ), also known as birth-time ( jātikhaṇa ), the last moment to terminate a life, called moment mara ( maraṇakalakhaṇa ) or Mar -kill (maraṇakhaṇa). From the moment the next Monday after birth until moments ago moment moment Tzu, called peacetime renovation ( pavattikala) .
It should be noted that the moment is the unit of the life of a mind, the mind that arose and died in a very short time, that time is called kata ( khaṇa ).
Each moment is divided into three moments cottage ( culakkhana ) equal, called uppadakhana (elementary moments Born), thitikhana (elementary moments Head) and bhangakhana (elementary moments Killing), imply Three periods of birth - death - of the mind are equal.
The mind of the sun is a process of mental activity through the five elements in the normal time.
The mind of the Five Paths is called when the mind accepts the year of the making of the scene, in fact, "in a moment one mind is born and at a time the mind perceives only one scene . "
It means that at the same time there can not be two cittas, there can not be two cittas at the same time.
Further analysis, there are five mental states that take into account the year of action:
The ear of speech received silent scene.
Billionaires get the smell scene.
Honor the subject received the scene.
Intimate contact receives exposure.
And the five pairs of consciousness arise in the corresponding path, the mind in addition is uncertain.
Bliss of consciousness has four births:
Rūpāramaṇa : There is a specific scene in front of you.
Āloka: There is enough light needed.
Manasikara : there is attention to the scene.
The ear of the four beings is:
Saddārammaṇa : Clear scene.
Ākāsa: There is space, ie, no sound insulation .
Manasikara : There is attention to the scene.
There are four births:
Gandhārammaṇa : There is smell scene present.
Vaya : there must be a movement of the wind.
Manasikara : There must be attention to the smell.
There are four natural birthplace is:
Rasārammaṇa : There is a scene showing
Āpo: There must be water to absorb the substance .
Manasikara : There must be attention .
There are four divisions:
Phoabababārammaṇa : There must be exhilaration (hot, cold, soft, smooth ...)
Pathavī : There is hardness ( thadda ) of the soil.
Manasikāra : there is the scene of exposure.
Thus, the five disciples born by 20 people, should also note that: 4 human birth is the eye of the four main signs of consciousness, 4 of the birth of the primary ear is the fourth personality of consciousness .... The reason is called human beings centered on the five disciplines aimed at five pairs of basic principles for the mind of five subjects for the ceiling scene.
2. The scene of the highway.
Of course, to the mind of the five disciplines is the scene, but depending on the strength of the birth of the mind, the scene is different.
According to the Super-Dhamma section of the chavisayappavatti (the six-act movement ), the scene of three or four types of pathways is dependent on birth.
- If one of the four assisted births, called the great scene ( mahantārammaṇa ).
- If there are many weak birth supporters , this scene is called parittārammaṇa .
- If all four are in poor condition , this scene is called atiparittārammaṇa .
Of the four types of scene, the scene is very large and the scene is great , because these two scenes arise from the javanacitta .
It is these minds that produce good kamma or unwholesome kamma and save the seed ( bīja ) for the fruit in future times.
Center Hotels in highway five-door only merely Center Fitness World ( kamavacaracitta ), should center main motivation is the driving force sex education, including 8 greed, 2 center field, 2 delusion (collectively 12 immoral) 8 minds of good sex, 8 minds of human beings (or citta) sex and mind, and a total of 29 minds (mind is the heart of the Arhat).
And in the nineteen nineteenth consciousness centers, except for the eight consciousnesses and minds of consciousness , the other minds that save the seed form the vipākacitta . This is the general paradigm of Ngu scene (common name for five ceiling scenes).
Next is the nature of the five ceiling scenes.
Each scene has two types: good and bad, depending on the level of good - bad, are classified into four categories as follows: Very good scene ( atiṭṭhārammaṇa), good scene ( iṭṭhārammaṇa) , bad scene and very bad scene (these two scenes This is called the Non-compliant scene ( aniṭṭhārammaṇa ).
These three types of scenes are multiplied by two main scenes (great - great) into six scenes.
If the width is multiplied by three (adding small scenes) to 9 scenes, the "very small" scene, for example, does not represent the Good or the Bad, which is called the highway.
The Visayappavatti is the scene of the scene, the visaya here is synonymous with the ā rammaṇa .
The deciphering definitions for this noun definition are:
Visayānaṃ dvāresu: " Detection of prehistoric scenes" or:
Visayesu ca cittānaṃ pavatti : " The arising of the mind (scene) is discovered . "
Here the first meaning is used.
Why do bad scenes and bad scenes make up one? Because for good scenes or good scenes, good karmas are initiated, but if good scenes can cause the mind to rise up, then the bad or bad scenes will only arise. Discharge of bad results only, so collectively do the same.
In the scene ( visayappavatti ) the progress of the mind according to the pattern: Very large scenes, large scenes, small scenes and very small scenes.
3. The amount of mind revealed the age of the sun.
Based on the scene ( visayappatti ), there are 75 paths through five subjects, calculated as follows:
Big scene: 2 routes, there are 6 types of mind.
Small scene: 6 road, there are 5 kinds of mind.
The scene is very small: 6 routes, no center, only the center part Shaken (bhavaṅgacalana).
Total: 15 routes with 5 subjects to 75 routes.
If he is in the mind-arising center of mind in the mind, there are 100 ways as follows:
Great Scenes: 4
Scenes 4 Scenes: 7
: 20 Scenes: 20 Scenes: Five Scenes: 100 Scenes: (See later).
The mind of the subject is called cakkhudvāravīthi , the ear of the object ( sotadvāravīthi ) ... Manodvāravīthi . If called by way of consciousness , there is the name of consciousness (cakkhuviññavatthi ), the consciousness of consciousness (sotaviññāavavati) ... The path of consciousness (manoviññāavavthi ).END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.10/4/2017.
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