The Mindfulness Process.
Lesson 1
TÂM LỘ (Cittavīthi).
I. INTRODUCTION. The Buddha set up the Buddha sky frame with three pieces of grid- About - Dinh-Pue , Buddhist monk senior teaching that: "The whole Buddhist teachings have eighty four thousand aggregates (dhammakkhandha), such as eight There are four thousand mesh in the sagitta, but no grid is completely meshed. "
That is, each aggregate has similarities, and at the same time there is a difference and the whole mesh is linked closely together intimately.
This is a peculiar point in the Dhamma of the Tathagata.
Vinaya clearly stated on Gender , Tripitaka largely presented Dinh and do manifest part Abhidhamma Tue .
Comment Abhidharma ( Abhidhamma ) largely presented the feet of Justice ( paramatthadhamma ), also called Super Li method .
All of the Super-Laws are gathered in six sets, namely:
Father dvāra (six subjects)
Cha ārammaṇa (six scenes)
Father viññāṇa (six
consciousness ) Cha vīthi (six processes or six
activities ) Father visayappavatti (six stages of the scene).
Six consciousness is: consciousness, ear consciousness, consciousness, consciousness, body consciousness and consciousness.
Six things are: object, object, object, body, body and mind.
The six subjects are eyeglasses, earbuds, diarrhea, tenderness, body and mind.
Six scenes are: scene, scene, scene, scene, scene and scene.
It should be known that: except the mind and mind of different measures, the remaining objects have the same method, only different aspects.
When it is the refuge for the mind is called the object, when the scene is called the subject. Like a man who is both husband and father.
- Atrium - ear isotope is the sotapasada .
- Billions - billion subjects have a billion measures billion (ghānapasada).
- Damage - the object is a mental damage (jīvhāpasāda) .
- The body - the body is the dhamma body (kāyapasāda).
- Italian is the color of things (hadayavatthu).
- Subject subjectivity is the path of birth (patisandhi viññana) (see later).
1. Definition :
What is Nāmavīthi ? Nāma is the nomenclature, vithi is a process or system, in other words vithi the operation progresses. Nāmavīthi is the act of the name.
The word VĪTHI is derived from VI + I is the go, vīthi is a path. Here is used in the sense of " one progressive" .
To say the Super Law is to speak of mind and matter. Three nomenclature is: mind ( citta ), mental states ( cetasika ) and Nip-table ( nibbllna ) (although institutions - paññatti - as well as the nomenclature, but no real legitimacy ( sabhava dhamma) , Borrowed the law to set the words and meanings).
Níp-Ban is an asaṅkhāradhamma that does not have bodily activity - citta , of course, can not have activity, cetasika , although arising depending on the mind but uncertain due to the individual scenes. The same mind but mental at times, such as the mind sometimes has the mental "jealousy" (issā) sometimes not, or as kusala citta. .
Because cetasikas do not have a fixed rule, they do not have any action.
Thus, only about France ( cittadhamma ) and rupa ( rupadhamma ) can process animation, Called cittavīthi and rūpavīthi .
And here is the study of the nomenclature system of nomenclature in the Abhidhammatthasaṅgaha section of Pavattisaṅgaha .
2. Summary of summaries.
A ) OBJECT ( vatthu ) : is a refuge of consciousness, also known as homeostasis. When the mind is born, there must be shelter, the place where the mind is called object and also in this center of death. Narrow down: " The object is the place where the mind is born, dwells and kills (in that place)," The object is the material kamma created in the five aggregates.
B) DRAGON ( drāra ): The door, the entrance - come out. The mind born of the four roots is:
Due to the scene.
Due to the mentality.
Because of the object.
Scenes caused by ear headache.
The smell of the male lead.
The scene led by the subject.
Scene brought about by the body.
Particularly, the legal scene is diverse when rupees make the scene, sometimes the nomenclature.
According to the law, rúpa is weaker than nāma, when the nouns make the mind, the mind of the object (hadayavatthu) is not strong enough to lead the mind into the stream of consciousness, so the object can not be mind, Is a new nomenclature capable of receiving the legal scene (both noun and rúpa).
The main subject is the 19 psychic birth ( patisandivanna ), so there are five types and a subject.
From this base, the cittavathi is divided into two modes: the path of the five paths ( pañcadváracittavīthi ) and the mind of the mind ( manodvāracittavīthi ).
C) the virtue ( viññāṇa ): to say " The scene of karma ( kammanimittārammaṇa ) and the birth of the beast ( gatinimittārammaṇa ). One of these three appearances when beings are dying in the past, enabling the mind to arise, the beginning of a new birth. In the afterlife, when this mind (that is, the mind of birth) arises for the second time, it is called the bhavanga (bhavangaitta) and takes only one of the three scenes. The mind receives the scene outside of the three scenes, called the visitor center ( vimulacitta ). It should be noted that: In the nineteenth mind, only nine consciousness is born in the realms of luminosity and the domain of innermost domain is pure, that is, The remaining 10 minds are the two minds of life- discharge and the eight consciousnesses of the world consciousness ( sahetuvipāka kāmaviññāṇa ) sometimes capture the scene except for the three scenes, so they become the mind of the visitor at that time. D) WARNING (ā rammaṇa ): The object of the mind is conscious , in brief, there are six scenes, five scenes (scene, scene, scene, scene, scene) and legal scene. But when it comes to the action of the scene ( visayappavatti ), the scene is presented in two forms: the scene of the Master (the kind of scene that gives rise to the arising mind) arise without any stimulus outside the power of kamma. Nearing death in the past created, that is to say three scenes: the scene, This is a kind of scene dedicated to the fundamental consciousness ( bhavangaitta ). The second pattern is the scene of the scene or scene, which is triggered by external or internal external forces, such as when thinking of an enemy that arrives at the center of the object. Inside), or see the gold "floating blood" (yellow is the scene outside). There are six types of bonded scenes: inward and outward. Runs from outside have three scenes: Or see gold "bloody greed" (gold scene is born outside). There are six types of bonded scenes: inward and outward. Runs from outside have three scenes: Or see gold "bloody greed" (gold scene is born outside). There are six types of bonded scenes: inward and outward. Runs from outside have three scenes:
Great scene ( mahantārammaṇa )
Small scene ( parittārammanṇa ).
Runs from the inside of three scenes
Clear scene ( vibhūtārāmmaṇa ) Scenario
unknown ( avibhūtārammaṇa )
Taking into account the two scenes of the Psychic Highway is the very small scene (atiparittārammaṇa ) of the path of the Five Elements and the ambiguity ( Ati-avibhūtārammaṇa ) of the path of the Pathway, which forms 8 scenes.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.10/4/2017.
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