Sunday, 9 April 2017

Lesson 7

ANIMALS ( vatthu ) is the shelter of FORMULA ( viiiiilII ), five pairs of animals under official residence in the corresponding year (consciousness residing in character, atrial atrial official residence where animals ...), while the Italian plants ( hadayavatthu ) where Dwelling of consciousness.
The five objects are clearly located, especially the Italian has no clear consensus. According to the monks such as Anuruddha, it is the blood that is deep in the bottom of the heart, so called  Wasayavatthu  ( hadaya : heart). This location is called the precipice contains some blood in the blood, this blood is very little and also flow, and then the other blood filling. According to scientists, the Italian object is the brain.
The Buddha does not clearly position the mind, He just teaches that: " Yaṃ rupapa nissayaṃ ... what color sharp, it is Italian.
In Aung's Commentary  there is : " The Buddha did not say anything about this point, He did not assert that the mind is the heart or the brain." The  Dhammasaṅgani  ( dhammasaṅgani )  didayavattu was deliberately unused  , in the  Patthana  (University of origin), instead  hadayavatthu  as Italy sharp objects, the Buddha teaches is simply " Yam rūpain nissāya ".
But whether the heart or brain color, there is the following problem:
The monks said: " When the scene is like the scene, for example, the object, then the property is vibrating immediately , " but it is clear ( hasayavattu ) and the object ( cakhupasada ) is not close. Each other, even beings such as Rahu  eyes from the heart to the heart of  thousands of miles away, so how to have the same sync as?
Indeed, when the scene is clear in the mind of the object, immediately the line of the element is shaken right away, the center of that element is called  bhavangagalana  .
He  Buddhaghosa  wrote in  Atthasalini  as follows:
"Ekekaṃ ārammaṃaṃ dvāresu āpātamāgacchati, rūpārammaṃaṃ hi cakkhupasādaṃ ghaṭṭetvā taṃ khaṇaññeva manodvāre āpātamāgacchati, bhavaṅgacalanassa paccayo hotīti attho".
"When a scene is clear in the discourse, as the scene articulates in the eye-door, it vibrates the mental moments of the mind-door, which are known as the Shaking."
Although the place between the object and the object is far from each other, but they and the flow of the element of real nature ( sabhāvadhamma ) are closely related, these three are rooted in the creation of the birth, such as floral , Flower color, flower petals are all flowers. The mind-numbing part of the shade of the object is obvious.
They used two lumps to illustrate the problem as follows:
On the table there are two blocks of sugar placed far apart, one with the fly sticking, the other not, when touching the road with no flies, the flies in the other panic. Flies such as the flute, sugar flies such as Italian, the fly is not like the label, the finger touch the sugar (no flies) such as the scene clearly on the label.
And here is the  Pali explanation  , from  Saccasaṅkhepa- atthakathā :
Ghattite annavatthumhi.
Annanissitam kampanam.
Ekabandhena hotiti.
Sakkharo pamaya vade".

What is the visual aid label?
The birth of the consciousness is the 49 signs of the head (ṭ hitipatta ), in order to understand we identify 49 of the label of the object, the milestone is the mind of the five ( pañcadvāravajjanacitta ) Relieve the five directions).
As said, "material form has a life that is 17 times longer than nama's name", ie the life of material has 51
According to the law of rupas, every novice monk had a mission to kill a group to have the number of 51. We can understand this by the following example: There is a factory producing the product, the product will fall on the runway, the runway is 51 yards long, the first product The runway, followed by the second product falling on the runway, will push the first product forward, the second product is the nanoparticles, the first is the first nanoparticle. So until the first product reaches the 51st place, when the 52nd product comes out, the first product is dropped off the runway (alluded to disappearing), then the runway is always there. As many as 51 products, when a new product came out, immediately went out of the runway and produced 51 products.
Sharpness and mental properties are rupas, so they have the same life span of 51 mats. And so they have three opposites:
- Sac nerve and destroy the scenery label,  called  majjhimayukacakkhupasada , so for very large scenes, two types of color born in the cottage must contract Born moments of HPVQ center.
For big scenes, they must co-exist at the first HPVQ murder.
-  Sac nerve label killing after scene , called  Amandayukacakkhupasada , so for the scene is very large or large scenes, sharp nerve this label being slower scenery at least one moment profile, ie being the earliest to At the top of the first HPVQ, at the earliest of the karmas of the Four Noble Truths, to the nth plane of consciousness, Aid eye awareness birth.
-  Sac nerve labeled anti sight Sac,  called  Mandayukacakkhupasada , so for the scene is very large or large scenes, sharp nerve this label born before scene at least one moment profile, ie being the slowest and must The kill of the mind kills the HPVQ center, which is the earliest of the karmas. The karma of the seventh consciousness is from the moment of death.
For any road, first find  Majjhimāyukacakkhupasāda.  This nerve is always accompanied by sharp images at the first HPVQ screen (can not be different).
Neuroscience. Which labels are born after the scene of a suicide, urine is  Amandāyukacakkhupasāda.
Neurological Label birth in front of the color of a novice, is  Mandāyukacakkhupasāda.
These mental colors are born with the eye consciousness, regardless of the nourishment of eye-consciousness.
Before the eye-consciousness is born, the mind is five-pointed.
The three kinds of mental qualities, Majjhimāyuka - Amandāyuka - Mandāyuka, can assist in seeing consciousness. And the total number of these three kinds of nerve is 49 mN,
From the Mark of the Path to the front of the discipline back to the front 15 more with the mind close to the Orientation of the discipline into 16 (3 x 16 = 48 urine) and a mental eye at the kill. Of the previous consciousness (see figure), so a total of 49 signs in the head stage, called  ṭhitipattacakkhupasada.
We state two diagrams of the nourishment of the eye-consciousness, according to the  Vatthupurejātapaccaya  .
The first is the neural schema of the sutra which is visible in  the great sight .
THE CHARACTER OF VERY LARGE ATTITUDES ( atimahantārammaṇavīthi )
The ṭhitipatta  stage of the mental fortune consists of 49 blademen .
Figure 1
Big scene with 2 HPVQ. See Figure 2 - Stage of the neural nerve:
According to the huge scene graph we see:
- Mandāyukacakkhupasāda  has 37 hymenopaths , that is, from the materialistic material into the moment of death of the 13th consciousness (from the reverse HPV) to the materiality of consciousness at the moment of death. The HPVQ (ie, only for the label of material and kill before the scene of a bladder).
- Amandāyukacakkhupasāda  has 11 kinds of material, from the head of the HPVQ to the killing of the mind of the Five.
- Majjhimāyukacakkhupasāda  have 1. Total of 49 mental glasses in the stage Head ( ṭ hitipatta ).
According to the scene diagram, the heart has two HPVQ:
- 34  mandāyukacakkhupasāda  is the kill-kill element of the HPVQ preoccupation part until the death of the 12th element heart, since HPVQ counts the opposite.
- 14  Amandāyukacakkhupasāda , is the adjective of the head of HPVQ to the murder of the killing of the mind.
- 1  Majjhimāyukacakkhupasāda . A total of 49 meditational eye-consciousness assisted consciousness at the Head Stage.
A) Nature of the scene.
The scene has two types: good scene ( iṭṭhārammaṇa ) and bad scene ( aniṭṭhārammaṇa ).
Depending on how good or how bad, the scene is classified into four categories: very good scenes, good scenes, bad scenes and very bad scenes.
To determine the good or bad scene must be based on five factors:
1 / - Ordinary people .
This is the type of person who represents the masses, the first factor to determine good or bad.
Ordinary people or people with deep consideration, no matter how the scene is less fluctuating, or suppressed outside or not affected by the scene. Only the common man  (majjhima puggala)  has a "sense of bias" for the scene.
Normal people tend to be sentimental rather than rational, "like to be good, not like to be ugly," white is the "virgin" of this person, but is "mourning" for others Multicolored costumes will be beautiful to the lovers but matched with the unwanted ones. The tranquil scene is suitable for the inner life, but scary for the spirited soul ... Therefore, the scene is an indispensable condition in the assessment of good or bad.
2 / The mind of the fruit  (vipākacitta)
In the face of real ( sabhāvārammaṇa ), the mind of the samsara is born according to the natural law whether the person likes the scene or not.
That is, for good or very good (real), the resultant mental center is born in the order of five good results, receiving good results, observing good results.
In contrast to the bad or the bad, the unwholesome mind is born in the order of the five unwholesome fruits, Receiving unwholesome results, Observing the unwholesome result.
We can not go to the power to judge whether good or bad, there are many instances of power inadequate scene, the scene is good but the power is not good, as a pagan vision to see the Buddha with 32 Beauty, he received the noble noble image by virtue of good results, but the power is the center of the yard for example.
Sometimes the scene is bad or very bad, but the force is good, like the bhikkhu meditating under the dead body, the corpse is badly evil, but the force is good or discharge happy life General  (nimitta).
Hence, we must rely on the samadhi to find the good or the bad  according to the sabhāvadhamma.
3 / Môn (dvāra).
Matter is also a factor in determining the scene. When confronted with the scene, each subject perceives the scene in their own way.
The same scene, for this subject is good but becomes obnoxious towards the other, such as the parts, when applied to the Body can have a sense of touch, quite smooth (warm both soft and soft ), But to the eye or nose is disgusting.
Thus, it is clear that the body is well-balanced, with the label or bipyato becoming bad.
Or a beautiful patterned stone with the eyes, but when touching the tormented body, it becomes bad.
Therefore, the subject also contributes to the reception of the scene.
4 / - Different aspects of the scene.
The very nature of the scene is also a factor in the perception of the scene, in which the aspect of the scene is essential. As a person with beautiful appearance but cruel nature, ostentation, is the misfortune for those who are close. On the other hand, people, despite their ugly appearance, are unsavory but delicate and good-natured, it is happiness for those who are close.
Or, people have natural beauty, but the body always exudes foul smell ...
So we have to pay attention to the contradictory aspects of the object itself to identify good or bad.
5 / -  Time  (kāla).
Timing also contributes to the perception of the scene. In the hot summer heat, the fire is brutal brutal, while the winter cold flame flame becomes gentle fairy love.
The wind is a gentle friend during the noon and becomes a ruthless man in the cold winter night.
So if you want to get good or bad, you have to pay attention to when they appear.
B) The relationship between the scene and the mind.
1 / Year of the scene with the same .
When it comes to saying "the year of the present scene," it  is emphasized that the environment of enjoyment of the five things, of course, refers to a dwelling with sufficient material comforts.
In this case, it is not clear what the mind of the scene will arise first.
Often when it comes to the development of mental states at this moment, one must remember that  "each mind knows one scene at a time ," simultaneously " in every moment there is only one mind. " With one scene, one eye can not be fully visualized, recording full details (such as a photo detail, for example) requires a lot of visual eye-candy succession to each other. undertake.
Seeing the whole as a highway, recognizing every detail, every line, color dark ... must be caused by many different mental eye instinct (though also the basic visual eye). But because of the speed of action of the mind so fast we thought that:  "Just a simple view has fully grasped a picture before the eyes .
In the medium of sexuality stated, depending on his or her sexual preference for the scene is strong, he will receive the scene first, if he has tastes of the scene, the scene will ring first, In favor of sound, the scene is inviting, like the scene will pay attention to sex, love fragrant, the scene greeted, the body needs peace, the seat or place to attract him right.
The mind that adapts to the prevailing scene will arise first, then the other paths that follow after the arising.
If the person is not a special hobby, the most prominent scene of the year in the field at the scene will take him, like a loud noise, a colorful petal, a strong smell. ..
In short, the problem of mental development in the five-lingual environment depends on the specific sex (tastes) for the scene more or less, or the force of the strong or weak scene.
2 / - The power of the scene towards the mind.
In the open mind, the mind of five disciplines ( pañcadvāravajjanacitta ) is the first mind born in mind, there is the question:
The sight and the spirit of nourishment for eye-consciousness, why is the mind Orientation first born?
The scene clearly shows where the object has the power to cut the scene, so that the mind can not arise. However, the influence of the Persistence on the continuation of the continuation of the continuation of consciousness ( anantarapaccaya  ) for the part of Italian authority, the consequent mind that remains in the mind.
The scene shines on the part, but in Italy it is just a reflection of the physical appearance of the object, the manifestation of which is not yet revealed, so that it must be in the object of the object to the eye. At the same time, it has the function of opening the pathway , so this mind is also called  manasikāracittavīthi  .
This mind is capable of directing all five subjects, so it is called  pañcadvāravajjanacitta  .
One more thing, the mind of the five-pointed direction, which is due to the gravitational force of the scene that triggers the moment of existence.
At the mind of the mind The five senses, the scene again acts in addition to the power of the right eye (the twenty-first stage of the cylinder stage) and the consciousness is born on the object.
There is the following example to illustrate this problem: a person is standing in the house, there is a noise outside, he points his eyes towards you, you see you are calling, he steps forward. The person standing in the house as a part of the house, such as the color of the object, the sound as the part of the vibrator is triggered, the eye to the side like the mind of five subjects, friends like the scene, waving wallet As labeled by the power of action, step outside to follow you as the eye-consciousness arises in the object.
On the other hand, although the sight, light and the object are full of strength, but the consciousness is also impeded ( palibodha ), so it can not be born, that is:
The only consciousness that is born in the material world and only responsible for the humble duty is SEVEN, the other minds that deal with the scene are in the mind of the object, between the object and the object away, so that the label The birth of the label must be "bridge". As the flame of the burning lamp, a piece of paper above, so that the top appears on the piece of paper, there must be heat from the flame of the light bulb on the piece of paper, the heat is the "bridge" between the two flames The mind of the Five Paths is the bridge between the Attribute End of the Place where the object and the eye are on the object.
Although the scene is clear, but the "lane" is closed, need to open the door to receive the scene, arise mind. Taking charge of this role, in addition to the mind of the five faculties (for desertion) there is no other mind, so it must be born first in the mind of the customer.
There is the following example: The room has a beautiful picture, but the room is closed, a group of 7 people came in, the first opened the room, the second quickly walked into the room, the other five standing Beyond, look at the picture.
The first one such as mind Orientation five, the second such as consciousness, the other five such as five types of mind born next eye consciousness, the room as the object, The picture is like the scene.
By human help birth.
Three human births: the scene, the object and the light are there but the  manasikara  ( attention to the scene) is not clear, so the eye consciousness has not been born.
Of the four persons, the  manasikāra  is mainly because it is the kind of nama corresponding to consciousness .
The idea is to get the idea of ​​starting from the nomenclature, such as people who want to have precious wood to look for in the forest, want to have beautiful jewelry to go to the jeweler.
According to the law: the pre- conscious mind is assisted by the Anantarapaccaya consciousness. Thus, the consciousness- assisted activity is the mind-  consciousness  in the mind.
The vibrating scene is partly due to the power of the right, but the  manasikara  in the impermanence of the continuity of the abstract , not enough support for the eye consciousness , the right labels continue to affect the next mind Now, mind-centered mind is sufficiently powerful to assist birth consciousness.
On the other hand, the mind of the Five Paths is looking towards the object, so it is easier to assist in the birth than in the end.
In short, the mind of the five directions must be born before the eye is because:
- To bridge the eyeballs that arise at the object's mark.
- Because the task must open the road to open the mind eye eye (this must be done before).
- When the mind is toward eye vision, the mind has enough power to help visual consciousness arise easily.
Landscape for the center of sex education.
The karmasawattana consciousness of the essential reality ( sabhāvapañcārammaṇa ) has a fixed process:
- For the ultimate reality ( sabhāviṭṭhārammaṇa ), from the Five Precepts , Receiving , Observing and Na are all Sutta consciousness centers, in which the Mindfulness and Na mind are all happy.
For the relatively good mental scene, these are also the karmic retributive centers as above, but they are all free.
- For the scene of real immoral ( sabhāvaniṭṭhārammaṇa ), Nguot , Reception , Observation and Na scenery are spontaneous Result.
Landscape for the mind force.
Particularly about the mind power ( javanacitta ), the teacher said:  "beings arise uncertain ."
There are three types of kusala power: the immoral, the good and the kriyājavanacitta.
Only the Arhat of the Arhats arises in a certain pattern, since they have attained sati ( satisampajaññā ) fullness of sati , they have purified the mind pure, without suffering the suffering . Good or bad disturbs the mind. For example, a good horse has skillfully trained, a smooth, velvety or rugged rocky road, nor obstructing the wind.
The Arhat, when received very well, the somanassasahagata kriyājavana citta arises, if the good scene or scene is fine, the force upekkhāsahagata kriyājavana citta arise. This is the constant law that initiates the power of the Holy Spirit.
From this pattern, we infer the Arahat's smile.
Smiles of the Saints of Smugglers
Buddha or Arahat when sight is not as good as the Buddha saw sight king  Suppabuddha  will land withdrawn after 7 days, or Germany  Mogallana  (Maudgalyayana) saw ghosts in the mountains  Gijjhakuta ( United Soap fan) and he still Can smile Do they use the force of joy to remember the ugly, ugly image above?
Actually, when seeing the scene of anesthesia, they start up the force Hanh discharge life, go through hundreds of thousands of such road, then they judge the pastoral care of the hungry as well as the force Hanh Discharge with hundreds of thousands of road reviews.
Then he looked at the situation of his absolute peace, no longer the laws of birth and death control dominated by the  Dharma Tanh  has achieved fullness, hundreds of thousands of review of this is also the force of life discharge .
When they realize the  Dharma nature  is full, they smile happily, then the happy force of Happiness.
Because of the speed of birth, the mind of the devil, the mind of the mind, the mind of the mind, the mind of the mind, the mind of the mind, It should be mistaken for the saints to accept the unjust situation with force Hạnh happy.
Happiness is the scene of the great nature of the newly born force Hanh happy life, from which the smile of the Holy Ghost, and the ghosts of evil ... is due to the force Hanh discharge behavior.
What kind of unmanageable evil forces, evil forces?
For the scene, good and evil forces are unpredictable.
There are many cases where the scene is good or good, but the power is not good, as some people see the organization of the Grand Agitation, grievance initiator ( King Pasenadi 's  dignitaries are  not satisfied to see the king nest Or find the beautiful  castle of reincarnate beings, such as Crown Prince  Ajātasattu (A Skull ) want to seize the castle of Chief  Jotika .
On the other hand, when seeing the bad scene comes up good heart, such as the poor beggar, the body full of injury, the birth of compassion ...
In general, whether the scene is good or bad, if the origin of the evil power is caused by ayoni so manasikāra , and on the force of good is due to good intentions ( yoni so manasikāra ), the mind Guess is mainly in this stage, ie right at the moment of the mind, if there is clever intentions, the force of good will arise, if the intention is not smart, then the evil forces arise.
Volition clever is due anniversary decorations set - awareness ( satisampajanna ), also by the often artless volition close to crazy measures ( vipallasa dhamma ).
The center of grasp in the path is the mind of the subject ( manodvāravajjana citta ). By opening the door to the arisen mind, the mind of the subject is called  manasikārajavanavīthi  .
Concern for the chef-like power of the boss, if he sets up a good thing (good intentions), the owner will use the kind of useful item, if he arranges This type of food is harmful (it does not work well). The owner of the food becomes ill and the owner uses only the food that he arranges. It arises when the mind of the subject is born.
According to the non-self, concomitants Justice ( cetanacetasika ) who makes, concomitants Tho ( vedanacetasika ) who awarded.
It does not correspond to the scene of good or bad kamma, but the enjoyment here is the role of  feeling  ( vedanā ).
For the ultimate good, arise somanassavedanā (whether the force is good or unwholesome ).
For good or bad scenes, upekkhāvadanā (whether good or bad ).
For the bad scene arises domanassavedanā .
The method of receiving the object of such a call is corresponding to the scene through the aspect of feeling.
The incompatibility of the scene through the aspect of feeling is:
- For the scene is good instead of hypoxia arise upset or optimistic.
- For good or bad scenes instead of letting go, it is good.
- For the scene is bad instead of optimism is life or life.
Of course this is most evident to the mortal, who is full of three crazy island ( vipallāsadhamma ): crazy island ( saññavipallāsa ), crazy island ( diṭṭhivipallāsa ) and crazy island ( cittavipallāsa ).
French crazy island is the basis of the unwholesome mind, satisampajaññā is the basis for the arising of good heart, so the feeling is also good or unwholesome .
Idea crazy oppressive place ( Nana ) Support for Learning ( diṭṭhi ) strong, is crazy opposition to the mind, helps the mind crazy strong, three measures this help for Craving ( Tanha ) and Si ( moha ) Arise
Of the three crazy island, crazy Island has a great influence on the unwholesome.
1 / Negative feeling for the scene,
There are 10 instances do not correspond to the scene as follows: 5 cases due to island dreadful (vipallāsa dhamma), 3 cases by Si, 1 by Mana (maa), 1 by yard.
Five cases caused by crazy island:
For very good scenes. A) Due to crazy insanity  on the ground for the best scene, such as the case of an outsider see the Buddha with a six color halo, he upset the heart.
B) Due to the island paradise  ( vipallāsadhamma),  the arising of unpleasant sensations is very good, as in the case of the Sangha, not interested in the essence of Buddhism, such as the study of the supramundane. They think it is distant, vague, not practical, so distracted in France and France.
When encountering these scenes, they arise a kind of calm mind, or a kind of cynical mind, or mindfulness. And they enjoyed the pursuit of outside learning.
For good scenes. C) Due  to crazy island  domination, start up bad mood for good scenes, such as hungry people are hungry, met food is relatively delicious, y happy to face.
For very bad scenes .D) Due to crazy island  domination, start up bad mood with very bad scene, such as joy of bloody enemy's corpse, or amused by the groaning moan of the criminals are executed.
E) Due to crazy island  domination, arise up in the extreme situation, such as Blind death of the death of the death of the death of the guilty, or Directly buried dead body.
Three cases by Si:
F) Do Si effects  arise in favor of good or relative good, such as some people do not understand the value of learning  Adhidhamma  or progression of Just-Quan, show discomfort, discontent seeing other people learn Siêu Lý, the vipassanara, said that: eccentric, nostalgic ...
G) Do Si effects  arise ungodly in the very good scene, like people who have never seen precious stones, casually encountered jade for a beautiful pebble, a kind of gentle nature, he picked up Hut.
H) Because Si  dominates the upset or unpleasant sensation of bad or bad moods, such as when the kid is playing with the clowns, or if they do not know the bandits, calmly join them.
A case due to Chineses:
I) By Mana (Mana)  dominant arise in life in the very good, as high status people are invited to the party, on the table full of bonfires instead of pleasure as people, he proved The protein is indifferent to thinking: We should not depreciate our values.
A case by court:
J) Due to the dominance of the field, there is an immense amount of negative energy, such as those who are sad hearted, before the festive scene they do not care to welcome the scene with indifference.2 / - Friendly with the scene.
Although for any scene, good feeling arises on the basis of recitation - awareness. There are three cases as follows:
A) By Mindfulness - consciousness  begins to rise in good condition. As in the case of a bhikkhu being subjected to "impure things", even if it is a delicacy, he would calmly acknowledge it. Or there are practitioners gathering about "unmistakable", in front of the attractive scenery, he is still calm.
B) By virtue of saddhā, the thought of good  or  evil is initiated in a good mood. As a rich man of faith, seeing the monks, recalling the Buddha and the monks of the past, the joy of joy, the joy of others.
C) By Mindfulness - consciousness  arises from good or bad feelings or good life. Like the bhikkhu monks on the subject of THI THI, will be happy to meet corpses or casual observation of corpses.
The mind of the jhāna consciousness , they must arise corresponding to the sabhārammaṇa , ie:
- Very good scene, Na scene is the heart of good life.
- The scene is good, Na scene is the heart of good results.
- Innocent scene, Na scene is the fruit of evil object null.
They say:  "The force and Na have the same kind of feeling (except the turtle)."
Thus, we find the correlation as follows:
There is a good heart, there is a happy mind, the mind is happy, there is no happy mind, there is no mind.
- Good scenes and the scene is not happy mind center, there will not be Na mind, Na mind release life will be when the mind Aging, or unpleasant feeling.
Mind Na scene in the scene
- The scene is very good, Na mind is one of the five centers of sexual desire.
- Good scene, Na mind scene is one of the five sex education dissatisfaction.
- Unfavorable scene, the mind Na is the scene of evil unhealthy watching mind.
The mind of sex is the result of the mind of evil forces or good education, the good mind is always good, the negative mind always results in negative consequences. This is the law of kamavipākaniyāma .
When the scene is very good, even though the mind is happy, the mind of Na is still one of the five good karmas. At this time, the character's good or bad qualities do not affect the mind of the Na, the mind of the Na is affected only by the influence of the dominant force.
Similar to the good scene, whether the mind of the force is akusala, attachment or si or the mind of good life, Na mind is still one of five good results.


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