Sunday, 16 April 2017

Ask the  Faith
Q:   What is Buddhism ? 
Noun  Buddhism  "Buddhism" is a noun of Westerners used to call a  religion  built  on the foundation of the teachings of the  Buddha . However , in the  countries of  South Asia and Southeast Asia, the  commonly used term  is "Buddha-Sasana", which means the teachings of  the Buddha ,  Buddhism  or  Buddhism .
From the Buddha is transcribed into Vietnamese as Buddha or Buddha, not a proper name. It is a  fruition , means the  Enlightenment , the  Awakening , or who know  as truth , who was  completely  liberated , no longer subject to  birth and death . The name of  the Buddha  is Siddhattha Gotama. However , today there are very few people use this name. We  often call Him  Buddha .
Buddhism originated  in  India  more than two thousand five hundred years ago when Siddhartha Gotama, or  the Buddha , became enlightened himself   at the age of 35. After he  Nirvana  nearly two hundred and fifty years,  Buddhism  became the  religion anonymous  world , free of  Ashoka  founded the union  missionaries  brought  the teachings  Buddhism spread to Asia and some  countries  in Europe . 
Q. Is  Buddhism  a  religion  ? 
For many,  Buddhism  is not just a  religion  but can also be  viewed as  a  philosophy, or rather a "way of life." Call  Buddhism  a  philosophy , because the word "philosophy - philosophy" - derived from the word "philo" meaning "love" and "Sophia" means "wisdom". Thus -  philosophy , in short, is  love  and wisdom. With this in  mind , not can not  say  Buddhism  is a  philosophy  because  Buddhism  is a  religion of compassion and  wisdom . However ,  Buddhism  can not  entirely  be  regarded as a  philosophy . Philosophy  related  primarily  to  learn  to know and do not attach importance to the  practice , while the  Buddhist  special  attention  to the  practice and  realization .  
Q: If you say  Buddhism  is a  religion , is  Buddhism  different from other  religions  ? 
Scholars  Smith Huston, in The Religions of Man presents religion  's major  mankind, he outlined six points  especially  other birth of  Buddhism  are: (1) a  religion  no  power , (2) a  religious teachers  are not  rituals , (3) a  religion  does not count  math, infer, (4) a  religion not set  continuous transmission  system, (5) a  religion  did not have the concept of rights  supreme  and the grace of a god Upper-soles, (6) a  religion  not  mystical . 
He also recalled the story of a Buddha who asked, "Are you  God  ?" The Buddha replied , "No". "Is it a saint?" "Not". Is a angel ?. "Not". "So who are you?" The Buddha  replied, "I am the one who is enlightened." The  answer  of  the Buddha  has  become his  title , because this is what  the Buddha  has presented. 
Q:  The Buddha  is the  Enlightened One . Buddhism  is  enlightenment . So what does  the Buddha  enlighten  ?
After forty-nine days  of meditation  under the root  Bodhi ,  the Buddha  himself  Friendly certification  test principle  of dependent origination , through the relationship  of mutual  of things  phenomenon , clear  essence  of the  human  universe . Principles of  interdependence  say, all  existing  in the  world  immense  immensity of this, not an  existence  that may  exist  an  independent  without relying on each other. Reliance and depending  together to form and  exist etc. .. is the principle of  operation  of the  universe  's birth  , the  same  as that for  untold  world . [01] 
Q:  Can  ordinary people  be  enlightened  as he is?
For  Buddhism ,  people  may  liberation  from suffering,  samsara  by the  effort  to practice  self: do good, avoid evil and self-  purification  of the mind. Four  truths  the foundation of  Buddhism  that all suffering ( dukkha substrate ) of  beings  have one or more  causes  ( to ultimate ) cause, they are subject to  disarmament  ( Removal soles ) and  the path  to  resolution Except  for that suffering . That path  is  the path of liberation , the  Noble Eightfold Path in  the basic teachings  of the Buddha. This teaching  is classified into three disciplines: Gender, Dhamma and Wisdom. Practice Gender and Dinh was  taken to  wisdom , is  freed  from the  confusion , please  selfishness  and suffering, is to reach  nirvana . 
Q: So   what is Nirvana ? 
Nirvana  is considered the  purpose  finality  of  Buddhism , only  the state  of mind has purged all  ignorance  negativity , liberation from all suffering, the destruction of a whole new  craving , the  extinguished  greed . Status of  peace  absolute  no longer four generals birth, aging  , sickness and death  dominate  again. The eradication of greed, the eradication of the greed and the eradication of tanh si is  Nirvana . [02] 
Q:   Where is Nirvana ? 
Nirvana  can  experience  being right in this body, in  the world  , the life  current  , the mean whatever the moment  people  do not  start mind  crazy ,  distinguished attachment  to life,  shuns  being  ego , no longer accept what I, mine, and cut off the source of mind  greed ,  hatred  and  delusion  is the  soul  is  peace ,  freedom ,  liberation , the moment it is  Peacefully , Liberation , is  Nirvana . 
Q:  What  did the Buddha teach? 
After six years of  austerity  and forty nine days  net is  under the tree  bodhi , he woke,  became  Career  Enlightenment . From the  Enlightenment  to this, he penetrated to  cause  all that  misery  of  human life  and  methods  to  terminate  so  miserable  that it is  the Four Noble Truths , ie four  truths  or four  true  miracle. Lectures on four  truths  mystery may  look like they are the words of a doctor: diagnosis ( Noble Truth ) determine the cause  of the disease ( to ultimate ),  describes the  state  when cured ( Removal soles ), and how treatment ( sole director). The four  truths  are:
The Truth  About Suffering : This is the truth about the suffering experienced the problems of life, through birth, aging, illness, death, desire without satisfactionlove each other but have separated each other, hate each other, but every Must meet and body changes abnormal. No matter how much we deny, this body will one day become oldsick and die. Although we have forgottenhow many pleasures, the presence of attachment, anger, hatred, anxiety
The Truth  About Tap : Also known as the cause of kho.Cai what has boundus to the wheel sorrows? Buddha found that the binding was located right in the heart of each of uswe were bound for heart cravingobstinate in views and opinions of his superstitious believe that the ritualform parties outside potentially kill the pain, and especially obstinate in an ego permanentimmutable
Truth  About End Suffering : It's true the third is the result after humans have eradicated and termination are craving, the origin of all suffering. That is called the truth of the cessation of suffering, Nirvana. If one liberation is all tiedsuffering by not depart mind crazydistinguished attachment to life, that person will achieve nirvana even in this life. 
The Truth  About  the Path to  End Suffering : The truth this Wednesday is the road directly leads to liberationending suffering. The road is often described as Noble Eightfold Path, ie eight road genuine aka mysterious eight steps leading to peace and well -being. This is not the path of extremismhappy or austerity, nor is the path of drowning in lustThis is the middle way. The path of awareness. Eight steps mystery is what the Buddhataught how to practice for Buddhists relied on that practice, so that the end is all that anguishachieve status heart at peace. Eight steps pooled into three disciplines practiced, called Tam Learning, ie three subjectscommon to all Buddhist practitioners are: About studyincludethe languageIt is the main and the destinyAcademic scholarshipincluding: Main effortRighteous thoughts and RighteousnessTue studyincludeIt is and the thinking
Says  short ,  the truth  of suffering must be  conscious  clear . The truth  about  the cause  of suffering must be understood. Truth  about the  cessation of  suffering must be  experienced . And  the way  to  end suffering  is to be walked by each one of  usThe Buddha  was  enlightened  with liberation  and he drew  that path  for  us  to follow . He does not help  us  out of suffering, He showed us  a  way  to go. There is no   mystical formula that can take us out  of this suffering. Each of us  must purify our minds, because only the craving in the mind can bind  us. During  49 years of teaching  the Buddha  taught many topics, but the basics  in Buddhism  can be summed up  in the Four Noble Truths  and the Noble Eightfold Path . There is no mystical formula that can take us out of this suffering. Each of us must purify our minds, because only the craving in the mind can bind us. During 49 years of teachingthe Buddha taught many topics, but the basics in Buddhism can be summed up in the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path . There is no mystical formula that can take  us out of this suffering. Each of  us must purify our minds, because only the  craving in the mind can bind us. During 49 years of teaching the Buddha taught many topics, but the basics in Buddhism can be summed up in the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path . Because only craving in the mind is capable of binding us only. During 49 years of teaching the Buddha taught many topics, but the basics in Buddhism can be summed up in the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path . Because only craving in the mind is capable of  binding us only. During 49 years of  teaching the Buddha taught many topics, but the  basics in  Buddhism can be  summed up in the  Four Noble Truths and the  Noble Eightfold Path . 
Q: Please summarize  the path  of a  Buddhist . 
Teachings  of the Buddha can be summed up in three  target  practice  as follows: 
The first is the  end of  doing evil deeds. 
Second is diligent doing  good deeds. 
The third is the  effort  to practice  the  method  practiced  to  consciousness  is reached  the realm of  pure  tranquility . 
Termination  do the evil and diligently do the  good  is the  goal of  religion  , and also the foundation  of education  of the  countries  on over the world. There is a  distinction between  what is evil and what is  good  ,  religions  and  nations  around  the world  have  different opinions  ,  depending on  the different  cultures  , there are things that in In this day and age, this  religion,  this  society  thinks good, in another day, religious  and other  social  others said is evil. So the definition of good and bad in  the world  is just  relative . 
According to  opinion  of the Buddha, the contents of  the Five  prohibitions  distinguish  clearly  what is  good  and evil. Keeping  non-  infringement , to live a  life true , no  killing , no  stealing , no  adultery , no  confusion  because the enzyme drunk and cannabis,  drug , not  exaggerating  lie , saying  embroidery textile , say  dirty , scolding others, etc ... are avoided  problems  do evil. 
In  texts  short when  the Buddha  taught the Kalama prince, he has defined  clear about what is good (good) and what is not good ( evil ), as follows: 
What action is bad for you, bad for people, bad for both, being the wise  criticism , if  accepted  and  implemented  will bring  the mind suffering  Base, heart  troubles , such actions are actions  Unwholesome , and  we  must  eliminate that  action. 
No harm to you, no harm to people, no harm to both, is  praised by  the mentally ill , if  accepted  and  done will bring  peace of mind, happy heart  . Such actions are good deeds and  we  must practice . " [03]
Thus, for  Buddhism , we can say,  criteria  to determine good or evil healing  based on  two  factors  is  happiness  and suffering. The act of bringing  happiness  to  sentient beings  is good and the act of causing suffering to  sentient beings  is evil. What work  is  beneficial  to me and to the person is good. On the contrary , if only to bring  happiness  to  the  individual that cause suffering to   other beings is evil. 
Tu is transforming karma from bad deeds to bad kamma through good action to create  good karma . Stage  practice this  target  training  to the  human  good  to live together with  everyone  in the  family ,  the society , in order to jointly  build lifestyle healthy  in  a world  gender joy, peace, Stability of  relative life  in the  world.  
The path  of  Buddhism  does not stop here. Article essence that  the Buddha  wanted to leave to  us  lies in the third period, the period of " magnetic periodic reviews  ", himself purify the mind for it  completely  the first President ,  in the morning , took the  category  for Good  evil , there is not, .. beyond the  cycle of  tortuous cycle  in the six paths in the  three worlds . 
In  the Dhammapada ,  the Buddha  taught  us  to transcend  the category  of good and evil  as: 
"Who  crosses  good evil  
Specialist Pham Hanh   life  
Survival in life   
New worthy of  Bhikkhu ". [04]
Q: Why go beyond good and evil? 
Because  good deeds create  good karma , evil actions create  karma , both cause human  rebirth  to enjoy the  blessings  good or take  retribution bad, as well as the chain though gold is also  bound  them Me only There is action, action whether evil or good deeds, the  false mind  was flying jump, the line  of thinking  also  endless  non-stop, round  reincarnation  longer  depending on the  industry  and evil  that goes rolling  eternal . 
Q: What is the essence of Buddhism?
The aim  of  Buddhism  is to help  beings  liberated  from  negativity  suffering to life for  himself in  that want  to reach  the purpose of  this  sentient beings  must know  letting go . So in  Beijing  Central  ( Majjhima Nikaya ),  Buddha  has summed up the essence of  Buddhism  in one sentence it short for those who want to go on the  path of liberation  of enlightenment , that is, "Do not  cling  to any Anything - Sabba dhamma nalam abhinivesaya. That is to let go of  all  delusions . When all imagination is out  of balance , the mind is secure.  
Q: So,  practice  how not to stick to anything at all
Because attaching to anything is a  bond  and  suffering . The Buddha  is not attached to anything. He teaches the  practice of letting go . Sangha  of Him from  ancient times  to the  current day  practice  is not to cling. In order  to practice  this, He teaches the following: 
When the eyes see an object, just see the thing. When the headset for an hour, just heard it. When nasal lived a smell, just smell it. When tongue tasting anything, just tasting it. When  emotions  on skin or in the body, known only  emotion was. And when a  thought , an object of  spirituality , in the mind, as an  ideology  bad example, just know  thought  that . " 
This means not to let  thoughts discriminate  bad, good,  fancy  or hate  birth . Fancy something mean  lust  penis, not  fancy  something mean hate penis. Desire  or hate is  the pollution  that arises from greed, hatred and delusion. Not to the  pollution  in the interest aroused, that is not attached. Not giving birth to "loved ones" or "haters" is not attached. Practicing  this will bring  peace  and  happiness . 
This is a  practice  very neat and  straight , is  superb . If there is attachment, even in the good, even in  the concept of  "do not stick" is in the mind will arise  defiledthought   and the mind becomes  impure . Stick to anything that carries the  burden on you. Whatever burdens shoulder or the top of a bag  of gold and silver diamond gem weighs well  as carrying a sandbag kick. Then , according  to the Buddha's teachings , do not bring sand or stone, nor carry  gold . Let them down. Do not leave anything heavy or light on your head (head, here, Means consciousness ). Be  absent. Purifying the mind is the same. The first avoids evil, the second dilutes, and the third purifies the mind, which is the teaching of the Buddhas. 
Q: How to  become  a Buddhist? 
In the Sutra,  the Buddha said  : " Anyone who wishes to take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, the Sangha, he is called a  Buddhist ." Originally  prayer  into a  Buddhist is: 
Buddham Saranam Gacchami, (I now  take the  Buddha)  
Dhammam Saranam Gacchami, (I now  follow  France)  
Sangham Saranam Gacchami, (I now  follow  Increase)  
(Saranam = the  shelter , refuge, homes,  homeless Title ) 
Follow the  Buddha  is to follow the path that Buddha went through and taught back to life. He has witnessed the suffering of birth, aging, illness, death, and had to abandonthe life secular to practice and realize the truth of the origination-self. 
Take  France  , or Dharma practice is practice Four Truths Mystical ie the Four Noble Truthspractice , concentration, wisdom, is going out of lust or go into the sexual ly to escape suffering. 
Follow  Increasing  the mass live the spirit of continental air (relative sociable accommodation, air export multitude avoid, reviews sociable approval and favor harmony Force, World Air initiates and is sociable solutions) and are actively practicing Falun Lust
Q: That is the Buddha 's  teaching  but I want  to  be a  Buddhist , a   true Buddhist , what do I do? 
Because  Buddhism  is mainly voluntary  transfer center  should not have imposed and entice. People from other religion passed  Buddhism  usually by  studyingscripture  Buddhism , understand the  essence  profundity  of  Buddhism  that  return road enlightenment. 
A   true Buddhist is a person who  attends  a recitation of the  Three Refuges,namely,  the Refuge of the Buddha ,  the Dharma  and  the Sangha , called the  Three Refuges . Refuge means  to return  and take refuge, but  we  return to  where and what to rely on? We  return  to  Buddhism  and rely on the  Three Jewels , Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. After the  refuge , the  Buddhists  are masters ordination  Three Refuges  set for a  legal name  (Dharma name).  
Refuge  like means  joy  accept  the guidance of the  Buddha Jewel ,  Dharma  and  Sangha . Buddha Jewel  is Buddha,  Dharma  is  the teachings ,  specifically  the  Tripitaka ,  Sangha  is  Sangha , associations of people who have been separated in cutting charity, are  spiritual  purity ,  representing  Chu Hien St. Increase  both Three times to guide  Buddhists  on  the way  to the edge of the Enlightenment. When taking refuge in the Three Jewels  ,  we take  refuge in  Buddhas,  Dharma  and  Monks . In fact,  the Buddha  did not tell  us  the refuge  is to  take refuge  in the Buddha, but he taught  us  refuge  is  refuge  for  self-  awareness of his. Enlightenment is the  Buddha , Buddha means  enlightenment ,  Buddhist refuge  is  refuge  with  enlightened . Thus taking  refuge in the Three Jewels  is  the  Three Jewels of Refuge,  [06]   
Self-interest  refuge  Giac shall not bear evil passion,  minority sexual contentment , or LIA  talented , called  Dual persisted .  
Self -refuge mind   ,   not  reciting the wrong view , because no wrong view , so there  is  no  human falls ,  high sewer ,  craving ,  attachment , called the  Divorce  .  
"Self-interest  refuge  Pure,  automatically calculated  for all  the realm of  the ceiling craving  are not  infected before , called We  Trung Ton ..." [07] 
Refuge in the Buddha  Protection  is turned to the state of mind of ignorance and rely on heart feeling enlightened. Refuge in France  Protection  is turned to the state of mind wrongand rely on political politics, which means relying on teachings of the scriptures in order to practice purity of mind, ie modifythe behavior itself , Speech, mistakeSangha  Bao , ie get out of the mind of defilement and discord to rely on pure heart and six harmony(six Principles of harmony) of a mass Increase. Therefore, the basic condition of the Buddhist school, is to turn toignorance of false views that come torely on the Enlightenment,Right and Pure Land. It is refuge with the nature of Three Jewels.
The  real refuge is the Dharma, because by the  knowledge of  the Dharma the  Buddhist  will become  free  and  free  from  suffering . The Dharma  consists of  the  cessation of  suffering  and  the path  to the  end .
Q: Was the transmission of the  Three States  to  become  Buddhists  so it  is necessary  to  receive the precepts  ?
Apart from  the Three Refuges , each  Buddhists  also  need to  know and  try toadvance to  life from one to the  Five  of World  Buddhists  in part , that: (1) not  killing, (2) do not  steal , (3) do not  commit adultery , (4) not  to lie , to say  false accusations , said  additions  embroider , saying evil, (5) not to use intoxicants as ignorant  intellectual . 
The Buddha said: " About as the land, want good things from that birth. About medicine, heal diseases. About like pearl light, or dark blur. About like a boat, or take people through the sea. About like strings  he lost ,  dignified  body . So  ordination is  essential . If  it is found to  hold the gender  precepts  that gender . However , because  Buddhism  is  religious , promised to take  the precepts  must  keep the promise . So also the Buddha did not impose the young children to take  refuge  and  ordained ,  
Q: Has the transmission of the  Three Kingdoms  and the  Five Precepts  are  vegetarian ?
Buddhist novice not  necessarily  be to  vegetarians . However , the  research scientist  said  the  dining  relations and  influence  to mind  the physical  human . They said that  vegetarian diet  is good for both  physical and emotional health. 
For  Buddhism ,  vegetarianism  has  three  benefits. One is to  nourish  the mind of compassion . As an animal, it also has a father, mother like  us , how can we take life's life and  nurture  life for ourselves. The second is to avoid  retribution  by killing not create human  beings  because  of causality  are  followed  like a shadow in the form. Third is  nourishing the  mind of  equality . 
 When asked about  this issue  was very  specific  that: " The masses  should know, if you want meat to eat, you must  kill . Not killing himself also tells him to kill, so  eating meat  is the cause of the  killing  of the lives of animals. All meat, no matter what meat, from pork, cows  to  shrimps, etc., belong to the meat of  beings  are not eaten . "[08] 
Thus,  Buddhists  have taken  refuge  and the  five precepts  are encouraged to be  vegetarian . But if you have difficulty  in religion  or because of a  situation  especially difficult that no  vegetarian  fields should also practice  fasting  several days in March, and then increased gradually as possible. But not himself  kill  or  ask  others to  kill . 
Q. Please  indicate  progress  practice  of  Buddhists 
All of the Buddha's teachings have the same  goal of admonishing the world: Do not do evil. Doing good things. Self-  purification  of the mind,  terminate  the romp  constant  of  consciousness . ( Negative Visualization , Charity  work , Self-Timed). 
Do not do the evil and diligence doing the good that is  the  common goal of most  religions  and civic education lessons   of the nations of  the world . The only thing the third self-  purification  of the mind,  terminate  the  thoughts  gush  of  consciousness, is the essence of  Buddhism , the  goal  ultimate of  meditators  practicing Buddhist . This stage usually reserved for those  determined to  practice  for  liberationtermination  within  samsara  now in existence  now . That's the loving cup monk cut part or can be anyone on their own to places  lonely , alienated the  noisy  bustle of the world's people. These people hid so many times when the tens of years, with little  contact with people. 
In addition , there are retreats according to  the method  , but only lasted a few weeks, to meditators practice to get used to the  lifestyle  -home , live in  mindfulness,  mindful , not allowing the mind to chase  investment Thought  transfer . These are short-term retreat, aka the course  retreat  (retreat) for people with busy  lives  have the opportunity to relax  the mind . (see Chapter 12 for some of  the center  practice ) 
Teachings  of Buddha prescribed path into five  practice  as follows: 
First:  Humanity : is  the first step , to  transform  from bad  people into good people. The Theravada  practitioner  must receive the  Three Refuges  (three  refuge  in  the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha), and  preserve the  Five Precepts . (1) Prohibition of slaughtering  (2) Prohibition of  theft  (3) Prohibition of  adultery  (4) Prohibition  liedisguised, forbidden to say the word  evil  (5) Prohibition of alcohol and substances that make drunk, lost  reason . 
Monday -Thien Thua:  step  cultivate  higher, to  practice  the ten good actions : (1) Do not kill  living beings  that  reporters birth ,  and  do not  eat meat  to avoid indirectly  makes  them born  to die. (2) No  theft but also to bring  the wealth  of their generosity  to the poor bastard. (3) No lustful ,  perverted . (4) No  deception.  (5) No embroidering , making up, putting things, just  saying the right  things. (6) Do not speak evil words , Vulgar , insulting others. (7) Do not  embroider  to cause  conflict between others. (8) Not  greed  but live in the  knowledge  (9) Not  angry  but always gentle,  calm  (10) Do not  delude  the  moral action . 
The two stages of cultivation  according to the Mahayana  and the  Divine Path  are  meant to transform  the karmic stream  , which will receive goodwill in  the relativeworld . 
Tuesday -The Van Thua : who understands  the teachings  of the Buddha through the  territorial Assembly  is  the meaning  of  the Four Noble Truths , which means Four  Truths  Noble, because  the Buddha  presentations. Practitioners  success  in stage  practice  this witness is  the realm of Nirvana  calm . 
Wednesday -  pratyekabuddhas , the  practitioners  themselves practice the method  contemplating  Twelve Causes and Conditions , the twelfth stage  contact with each other  which  arises  in the line of  beings  that initially is  Ignorance . By contemplating the profound ,  ultimate  practitioner  awakened, realized that all  world phenomena  only  exist  relatively , by interacting  with each other ,  the nature  of it is not, is  selflessness . From this  enlightenment  ,   
Fifth -  Bodhisattva , also practitioners for  the purpose of liberation, but different from  Thanh Van  and  Pranayana . Practitioner  Thanh Van  and  Pranayabuddha  , the goal  is to  achieve  the  center of  Nibbana  calm . Meditators  Bodhisattvayana have  awareness  that all  living beings  and  ourselves alone capital  copper Weight Before, so  practitioners  Bodhisattvayana  up  vow to practice  to his  enlightenmentbut do not dwell  in  the realm of Nirvana calm , which  continued  for  the volunteer force  which  returned  the world  to  save  all sentient beings , who  co-Fitness  with her, called  stunt Great Compassion . The Bodhisattva goes on  the path of the  SixParamitas, Sanskrit is paramita, that is  ultimately , through. All these  disciplines  tu as  Giving ,  Morality ,  Patience ,  Effort ,    
In summary , the Buddha had to eighty-four thousand  teachings  convent, so  that corresponds  with a lot of  consciousness ,  radical  difference. Not that  everyone can go to solitude  and liberation . On the  path  to the destination, there are steps closer,  practically  with  life  every day  more. The Bodhisattva Way  is the door to the  altars  of devotion . King Asoka  in India or the kings of Ly, Tran of Vietnam when ancient while still king, but still  practice the  great . So many  works  of guardian  of the King also  praised  to this day. King  Liang emperor ,  Prince  Liang Zhao Ming in China and King  Tran Nhan Tong  Vietnam  as well as the level  of guardian  dedication and deep understanding  classics . The Buddha believes that there are many  Bodhisattvas  who have  attained enlightenment , but because of  compassion for  compassion , they  appear  in  this  relative world  , doing all kinds of occupations, 
Buddha  also taught those of  Buddhists  in life  to live  every day , just living in  families  with  parents  of children, just  practice  the teachings . By  practicing  the Eightfold Path , the  Buddhists  do business hard, with  a lifetime of  living  healthier affluence , spend less  money  to do something  nice  like Dhamma books to preacher,  upholding  dharma  is  France ,  offering  three , helping  people , 
Q: A person who is  following  another religion , if he wants to study  Buddhism , is there any obstacle?
Whoever, regardless of  religion  or  religion  , wants to study  Buddhism , has no obstacle. Buddhism  is not a  religion  of superstition , which is a  system of education  based on the  law of  causality  to  transform  people  from bad to good, "do not do evil, do good diligence". After the transition period bad to good,  man becomes  perfect , there will be  good results in  forming affinity to the applicant on the step by step  practice  the third is "self-  purification center  reviews" 
Buddhist  happy  to welcome anyone who wants to  learn  Buddhism  and  study  the Tipitaka , laws and reasoning, in repertoire  classics  of  Buddhism . There are many  scholars  intensive understand  the teachings  of Buddhism, - of which the  Western , - writing  treatises  on  Buddhism , the people of  religions  other, not  Buddhists . Many Buddhist texts have been translated into English by the  scholar  which are  adherents  of  religions  other chanting  of  Buddhist  as curious. But after  researching  into  ideas  of Buddhism, they feel the  spirit of  openness,  compassion , equality , so inside they have the  metabolism ,  growth of  sympathy  for  Buddhism and  became  the  monk  respectable , with great success in the preacher  Buddhism at the  national  Western . 
Q: To  practice  according to  Buddhism , there is  need to  give  religion  its switch  to Buddhism  it? 
The point of  Buddhism  is  the spirit of  respect for  the  interior life  and  life of  all species. Religion ,  creed , the  problem  is very  subtle , there are  bound emotionally  profound  for  past  and  relatives  of the applicants. So  Buddhists  do not  persuade  others to abandon their  religion  to follow  Buddhism . 
The Buddha  is the  Enlightened One . Buddhism  is  enlightenment . Feeling is not love, so people  Buddhists  do not want anyone to step into  Buddhism  by  way  of superstition . People from other religion passed through  Buddhism , largely because they  study  scriptures  deeply , understand the essence, voluntarily seeking the position  monks  to do  the procedure  join  the community  of Buddhists . There are also  cases  without  procedures  ,  
Q: What is karma?
Karma is action or  employment  deliberate or  intentional  ( volition ). All actions of  intention , whether good or not, whether through body, mouth or mind, create Karma. 
We  reap what  we  have planted. Good deeds give  us good  fruit  . Evil action causes  us to  bear the fruit of suffering. That is the  law of cause and effect . Field  causal  happenings  continuous  in  time :  past ,  present , and  future  without being  limited  in  the present . So get the  retribution  came  soon after  caused people, and also the  retribution will come after a  time , long or short,  
Q:   What is the death of karma ?
Cause death  is a career has been created by  thought  before dying. Italy now  very strong and  extremely  important because it  decides the direction  regeneration , either towards good or evil direction. Often, the strongest discipline will be the most intense of life  before  death, so there is a strong  determinant of  where  the reincarnation is . However , there are also  cases where  there is  involvement  of the  near death . 
The Buddhist doctrine speaks of two kinds of karmic  influences  and  which govern one another,  deciding the  direction of  rebirth , of the good or the real. Now it's two  near death now  and  accumulating  now. The accumulation of  karmic accumulation has so many hours to come. Cause of death  is a new karmic creation at the moment of death. 
The book says that there are people who  accumulate  good karma from many lives up  to now , suddenly in an  unconscious moment  at the moment of  dying , see someone inciting them to do evil ( near  evil karma ). In  case  these  near death now does not  govern  the direction  regeneration  which is by  decisions  of business practices ie  accumulate  now,  accumulate  good karma  of many and strong they take them to the realm of healing.
Again, there are people who do many evil things that are supposed to fall into the  bad realms , but  when  they are dying they do good, their minds always  think  of good things, even at the moment of  dying , so not fall into  the realm  bad. So it comes as evil as dead  certain  fall into  the realm of  evil, do good  given up  heaven , is not necessarily correct. Because although they do evil, but  near death near death   good karma they are too strong can take them to the good. 
There are  cases  that do a lot of good, but when   they are near death they are angry, then  close to death karma  can lead them to the   bad realms . Therefore ,  access to e-business  as well as accrued now are very important and the sutras the Buddha advises  us  not only initiates when years old old, is aging or dying, but should cultivate at every stage of  life , always Always keep body, speech, good health, from young to  healthy  until  the end of  human life . 
Question:  Buddha  with  wisdom  and  compassion  compassion  boundless Why not  save all  beings  escape  the misery, sorrow and death?
The Buddha  is a  pronoun ,  great compassion  for all  sentient beings ,  regardless of skin color or  religion . He  pity  humanity  with  absolute equality  . Buddha is not a god  almighty  capable of preventing the natural disasters  like floods, earthquakes, waves than..v..v .. or  meet  all words  beg  the  people  to  people  not suffering Or use  the  power of  sentient beings  to the realm of  peace  .    
Buddha  is  Career  omniscient , is  Tao  professor himself was  found  to be  the path  of liberation  through the  experience  yourself , no one taught him, nobody impart to Him, not by god start, Nor is  it the embodiment  or  incarnation  of any  god . He was a man like  us , but it is by  self  personally ,  found  by  way  of liberation . After  enlightenment , he taught  the teachings to  everyone , If anyone has the opportunity  to practice  the Dhamma , from kingship  to  fetter, the poor are  realized as he is. So he said: " I am the Buddha has become,  beings  are the Buddha will be." 
He is the  only way  to lead  us  to practice , he can not be replaced for  beings  that  humans  have themselves new religious  deliverance  is from suffering  afflictions caused by  greed  bondage , out of the new  birth and death recovery  is. So he said, " You put the torch on yourself ." He advised that  we  should rely on the  us  and  take the  path  of liberation  by  efforts  of the  us . 
Buddha could not be moved now of  beings , which can only  compassion taught  beings  on their own  efforts  to change  his life  around. Kindness and compassion of Buddha  boundless  as the light of  the sun  shine everywhere,  frugal living beings no matter how big or small, high or low,  ignorance  or  stupidity  are  the sun shining, but the ability  to acquire  still Difference varies greatly according to the karma of each  being . Someone just born blind both eyes, Although in the sunlight can not see  the sunlight  how. Insects living  underground  and microorganisms in place of  darkness , but also directly or  indirectly  feel the light  sun , but we can not know the  benefits  of light  the sun  is. Even when Buddha  Sakyamuni  was  in the world , in the areas he  taught , there are many who do not know the Buddha was. The  Buddha  three generations , while  religious practice  Bodhisattva , are found  vow  "of all beings". Yet  the  Buddha,  although  the Buddha  , but there are  countless beings  submerged  in the sea of ​​suffering. Why so? Because  the word  vow "sentient beings" by the only means he  brought  the lamp  Wisdom  go exhort  beings . If  beings  do not have to  obey  the teachings that  practice ,  itself just  continue  to do evil, then they must accept  retribution bad, right under the  law of  causality ,  
The word "degrees" does not mean "salvation", which means "to  teach ," so that  sentient beings can  know the  Truth , and self-cultivation. 
When the Buddha was  in the world , in addition to what he says can not switch careers of  beings  , He also impossible  the exit  for the  beings  that He unlovely their degrees. Unsuspecting people are people who do not believe in  Buddhism , do not believe in  cause and effect , do not want to be  conditioned . So , when Buddha  Sakyamuni  was  in the world , though the king  Vidudabha  origin raised their arms Kosana massacre  clan  Gautama , but he can not cast  divine power  to stop the massacre was. But  the Buddha  can use  Buddhism , depending inborn  low elevation that  mentoring  beings ,  beings  does  understanding  the higher faculty, the confusion, the low faculty from  practicing charity , Self, to self-  purification centerSo  said the Buddha of  beings  but actually  are beings  from there if not  then do contrary to  the law of  cause and effect . To purify the mind . So said the Buddha ofbeings but actually are beings from there if not then do contrary to the law of cause and effect . To purify the mind . So said the  Buddha of beings but  actually are  beings from there  if not then do  contrary to the law of cause and effect . 
Says  short ,  the Buddha  is a teacher  -guided  discernment , a physician skilled, but  beings  must themselves take  steps to  that traveling does to your destination, there are patients to take medication new disease, ie self Study, self-tuition, self-level. The Buddha  can not  violate the Law of  Cause and Effect , can not take medicine to make people sick, can not eat to make people hungry. The Buddha  can only advise and teach  sentient beings  to do good deeds, from good and  afflictive  to good without  afflictions , That is beginning by eliminating all negative karma  leads to  three realms of  suffering, and then  try to  do ten  good things  to  heaven  or birth as human beings, it is good  afflictions . Then  the  Bodhisattva ,  the Buddha , the good without  defilement , into the   Buddha wisdom . So,  intelligence  is the most important of  Buddhism  and embraces  comprehensive  aim  to have the goods  Buddhists  if you want to go on the  path  of liberation  to  enlightenment  fullness .   
Mind is mainly because all the dharmas are created by the mind. So how to  purify the mind? Buddha said: "Do not do the evil, Should do  good things , Self  -purity , That is the Buddha teach." It is the  practice  of each of  us  to self-  liberation  from  samsara  samsara . 
Question: Please  tell me if  hell  is real?
From  the point of view  "  necessarily ideal  creation" in  the Flower Adornment ,  heaven  and  hell  under the eyes of  Buddhists  are the  realms  of consciousness , which each person is  experiencing  daily . If  people  do not  overpower  the three  vices  as  greed ,  hatred  and  delusion , let  yourself  walking in the hustle, compute-my-neighbor, the  soul  is not  at peace , that  negativity  slopes Hien ,   
In  the Tibetan scriptures ,  we  also talk about the  realms of  hell . Because "necessarily ideal  to  create" the  realms  in  the Tibetan Sutras are also the  realms of consciousness . Tibetan  also means  Mindfulness , which is Mind Land. The Zen people have the sentence " land Mind if empty,  the sun is  self- projection . Those who can "purify the mind", making the earth empty heart, for  Wisdom  Equal  itself out, also means  Kshitigarha  broke finished prison doors  consciousness  for that.  
The  Buddha's view of all  existence  on  earth  is  impermanent . The mind is also  impermanent , when the mind is moving, everything created by the mind is transferred to the mind. So, for the Buddhist, no  realm of  hell forever . Everyone can go out of  hell  by "purifying their mind." It is faith  hope  of  liberation  of all  people . 
The Buddha has the sentence: "let go of a butcher knife into Buddha" or "The  immense sea  turn heads are landing". "Let go of the knife" and "turning" here means  letting go of  life  pollution , enter  the path  to practice  the  methods  to "purify the mind" as operating  Meditation  Mindfulness  of Breathing ,  Vipassana  Tue, Zen  Patriarch ,  Zen ,  Nembutsu  and many  practice  more.
Q. Please  indicate  standards  found  studying religion
Yore  want  school directors  must  take pains  to find him, because he had not only  virtue  but also have full  experience  of religious life  , and capable of transmitting teach people later. At that time want to  learn  to go to the temple because only this new book full. Nowadays, finding books is not difficult, outside the temple, there in the library  public , in the school library,  university , the largest bookstore and on the Internet, anyone can read and self-  study  Learn . Therefore someone says finding  school directors  today do not  need  much. However , You need to note , even in real life,  we  still have teachers. The  study  of books is  necessary  , but still  needs to have the instructor. It is just learning about  knowledge  but also need the teacher, let alone  study the direction  of enlightenment  liberation? 
In  Buddhism  not only learn  doctrine  empty but also  religious  anymore. A teacher who taught  us  the doctrine  not only by preaching, but also teach  us  about  morality through the actions and  gestures  of his daily teacher that  terminology  Buddhist teaching called the body. It is the body, the action, the personality,  the product  and  the virtue  of the important new teacher, that it sets an example for us to follow. One hundred times not heard  once  . 
Currently there are some who claim to be Master,  Master ,  Supreme Master ,  Grand Master ,  Zen Master , etc ...  used  some of  the teachings  of Buddhism ,  taking advantage of  the prestige  of  the Buddha  to  preach  almost  pulled The  masses , but  actually  within those teachings contains  thoughts  contrary to   the Buddha's thought . So, if  we  are  Buddhists  determined to  practice  according to  the teachings  of liberation ,  
So how do you know good teacher, teacher or teacher, do you have  virtue  to learn?
First  we  should  note  especially  for the teacher or anybody to counsel  us  cultivate that always  brag  disciplines  his best and tried to  disparage  or  criticize  the practice in other wrong, for that is not true, then  we  must  consider  again  the  words and their actions, ie  learn  about themselves teachers, ie actions, personality,  sex products  and  virtue  of he and  motivation  Which  motivates  him to teach. 
The  14th Dalai Lama  taught: "The  teaching power of a teacher must be  pure  - never for a desire for  fame  or   material gain ... In  the world ,  without  a  leader True ,  we can  not  improve  society  . Likewise,  unless  the teacher has the  right qualities , even though your  faith  is strong, pursuing a teacher can hurt you if you are led in the  wrong direction . Therefore, before actually considering who is the teacher,
If  you direct  your legal force you to work  immoral  or if  the doctrine  of he  conflict with  Dharma  , then behave like? His  Holiness the Dalai Lama continued  : " You should be  loyal  to the  moral  and away from things that do not  fit the  Fa ... " 
In "The  position of  a comment" on the 4 4 stated that  critical  -called  quartet forensic "4 refuge". 1)  Based on  non  -  human dependence , 2)  Based on non  - verbal meaning , 3)  Based on  mind, not  based on  consciousness, 4)  Based onultimate meaning  , not  based on meaning  without  end .  
Based on  4 that benchmark,  we  can  distinguish  easily who is competent teacher, who is not competent teacher, and then  based on  4  criteria  that  observers  verify competent teacher that I expect close the general There can be no confusion. 
Health care law's estate  is one of the four criteria guide us along the way to find teachers find school director. This sentence means to follow the teachings, not to rely on the teacher. Of coursemedical law does not mean that the law does not need to know anything about him. Directed learning is not the same as learning the disciplines outside worldschool directors must have hearts of gratitude reveredteacher but  do not  cling  and spirit  symbolized  him. 
Today some of  us  followed him not because really  needs legal liberation but for emotional or  boundary is , or because he was  famous  in the  world , east  disciples ordained  and  lay  holds a  bachelor ,  Masters ,  Ph.D. , pagodas to large land, and  so on .
There are many  Buddhists  ask: After  the refuge  and  retreat  followed you a  time long,  feel  no  progress ,  greed  remain the same,  ego  rise  more, want  to temple else find other teachers but Do you think this is anti-teacher? We  apologize immediately without guilty counts. When taking  refuge  ,  we take  refuge  in the  Three Jewels : the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha, not  the refuge of  the Master. 
Formerly,  when he was looking for direction,  Prince  Siddhartha  to school with  ascetics  Alara Kalama, after evidence was meditating "Unknown  Owner  Made" and not learn anything more, he would leave him. Next  he went to  study  with Uddaka Ramaputta, after attaining the meditation of "non  -ideal thinking  " and learning nothing more, he also excelled from leaving. If  Prince  Siddhartha faithful  stayed with  Taoist  Kalama or  Taoist  Ramaputta then surely today  we  do not have  the Buddha  and  the Dharma . 
As  Buddhists , wanted to be  the life of peacefulness ,  happiness ,  progress , quickly  attained enlightenment  results  enlightenment  must be  very careful  in the selection of teachers, choose, select  disciplines  , and gave to nature  curiosity  led , the new from the  unjust meticulously practiced  throughout  a lifetime .END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/4/2017.

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