In Psychology studying Buddhism , six Soul aware : Tag formula , binomial , Nose consciousness , Tongue consciousness , the consciousness and Consciousness. Each Consciousness is born of the full communication of the Being (also called the Object) with the object of Landscape (also called Tran).Apartment of awareness is the eye of the binomial ears, the ref Soul is the nose, the practical is the tongue, the body consciousness is relative;The consciousness (called consciousness ) is not clearly defined. The idea is that Tim is, Brain, Neurology or something else? A question often accompanies the problem is the center still exists after death (brain discontinued operations , cardiac arrest)?
1.Khai anniversary of introduction : Before presenting some documents to meditate on the base , probably need to talk through the concepts of mind, mental processes and the definition of consciousness , the mind-door.
1.1. Heart and Soul : Mind (Mind, Citta) and Soul (Consciousness, viňňāna) the same meaning, which is to recognize an object, in other words it was the know, something or know an object. According to Abhidhamma (Abhidhamma, also known as A-Pi-Talkie) no difference between Tam and Soul. When analyzing beings in both material and mental , the mind is used to refer to the spirit , also known as Nāma. Mind always used to mention the different types ( Abhidhamma divided heart out 121 types or 89 types depending on classification). When beings are divided into five aggregates , Consciousness is used ( Consciousness ). Tam is also called Tam Vuong ; 52 Heart Department (cetasika) or state of mind, and combined with consciousness , arising and co perishes with consciousness . The types of mental states divided into 13 ownership assistance tha, 14 owned unwholesome and 25 owned sobhana.
Consciousness arises due to the full communication of Alignment with the object of the Landscape; Full communication, communication, connection is the essential condition for consciousness to arise. Such as, talk about energy awareness "see" the consciousness only arises when there is sufficient light, there is no obstruction between eyesense and scenery, nervous eyes to well, the system nerve is not damaged .... But to understand that in the first mode ( eye consciousness , ear consciousness , who form , tongue-consciousness and consciousness ), only official recognition of objects, not yet aware . Ideas need (a Tam Department Variable Action ) new awareness level of perception . It has the function of detailedanalysis , synthesis, conceptual and conceptual design.
As mentioned above, Soul arising Landscape Based communicate with, but actually Apartment, Landscape, Soul work together , interact, interact with each other but Tam Department of Promotion arise. Promotion In addition, the Center Department of Variable Action else is feeling, perception, Justice, One Mind , Network Based and volition . According Duy Thuc , the 4 Tam Department Transformer Operation Basic (loaders, sensation, perception, And one more Department of Transition is Writer . Compared with Duy Thuc , the Abhidhamma Phapday enough with 7 Mind Department Variable Action and the Center would have to be present 7 Mind Department of this. There are few differences in the classification in Duy Thuc Learning and Abhidhamma however should not be squeamish in place classification that only care adjacent to where the mind is now initiate that showsprogress , operation of it. Compared with Duy Thuc , the Abhidhamma Phapday enough with 7 Mind Department Variable Action and the Center would have to be present 7 Mind Department of this. There are few differences in the classification inDuy Thuc Learning and Abhidhamma however should not be squeamish in place classification that only care adjacent to where the mind is now initiate that showsprogress , operation of it. Compared with Duy Thuc , the Abhidhamma Phapday enough with 7 Mind Department Variable Action and the Center would have to be present 7 Mind Department of this. There are few differences in the classification in Duy Thuc Learning and Abhidhamma however should not be squeamish in place classification that only care adjacent to where the mind is now initiate that shows progress , operation of it.
Consciousness arises due to the full communication of Alignment with the object of the Landscape; Full communication, communication, connection is the essential condition for consciousness to arise. Such as, talk about energy awareness "see" the consciousness only arises when there is sufficient light, there is no obstruction between eyesense and scenery, nervous eyes to well, the system nerve is not damaged .... But to understand that in the first mode ( eye consciousness , ear consciousness , who form , tongue-consciousness and consciousness ), only official recognition of objects, not yet aware . Ideas need (a Tam Department Variable Action ) new awareness level of perception . It has the function of detailedanalysis , synthesis, conceptual and conceptual design.
As mentioned above, Soul arising Landscape Based communicate with, but actually Apartment, Landscape, Soul work together , interact, interact with each other but Tam Department of Promotion arise. Promotion In addition, the Center Department of Variable Action else is feeling, perception, Justice, One Mind , Network Based and volition . According Duy Thuc , the 4 Tam Department Transformer Operation Basic (loaders, sensation, perception, And one more Department of Transition is Writer . Compared with Duy Thuc , the Abhidhamma Phapday enough with 7 Mind Department Variable Action and the Center would have to be present 7 Mind Department of this. There are few differences in the classification in Duy Thuc Learning and Abhidhamma however should not be squeamish in place classification that only care adjacent to where the mind is now initiate that showsprogress , operation of it. Compared with Duy Thuc , the Abhidhamma Phapday enough with 7 Mind Department Variable Action and the Center would have to be present 7 Mind Department of this. There are few differences in the classification inDuy Thuc Learning and Abhidhamma however should not be squeamish in place classification that only care adjacent to where the mind is now initiate that showsprogress , operation of it. Compared with Duy Thuc , the Abhidhamma Phapday enough with 7 Mind Department Variable Action and the Center would have to be present 7 Mind Department of this. There are few differences in the classification in Duy Thuc Learning and Abhidhamma however should not be squeamish in place classification that only care adjacent to where the mind is now initiate that shows progress , operation of it.
1.2. Citta-vīthi - The mind goes through a process called the mental process. The progress of a kusala -kaya is as follows: The stream of consciousness can floweither in a negative state or in a positive state . Negative is fluent insidious, hidden deep in the interior of the living so called Friends section ( Being Part equivalent to Basic Soul in Duy Thuc ). Property Section (continuum) maintain the existence of the subconscious and the smooth continuity . Field bhavanga in state passive , it seems static but always flowing like a stream of water billowing up Duy Thuc called "constant flow switch as described." While fluency so, suddenly have an object impacts on, making Friends Part of this passage one moment longer, then vibrate 2 times and stop state potential .
When Friends Part stop, mind arises under the self as follows (for the five senses):
1) One- pointed-centric Pentonic : The natural reflex of the corresponding object towards the object, which is the hyphen for the arising consciousness.
2) 1-na-cognitive - Nguuyen : when one of the five subjects toward the subject, the related subject arises.
3) One-man-hearted: Detailed analysis , compared with the memory to know each part of the object.
4) One Minute - Concentration: sum up the details to have sufficient data on the object.
5) 1 moment - Defining the mind : recognizing the object (conceptual object) and naming (conceptual name).
6) 7 sat-na - Express Center : phase of Mental, the role of the Executive in the Five Aggregates ( Mask in Duy Thuc Learning is part of the function of the Express Center ).
7) 2 moments - At Base coast (bath): record , collect entire mental process has experience to keep on bhavanga. (Mottra is the word of the Pure Land in his Tibetan translation ). Copper -coast has the function of the Department of Avalok-consciousness in consciousness .
If even 3 stage moments of Being Part , the entire process performed in 17 moments, but if only tells part of the mental process, only 14 moments. However, the process will repeat on the same object many times, if more attention on the object.
If even 3 stage moments of Being Part , the entire process performed in 17 moments, but if only tells part of the mental process, only 14 moments. However, the process will repeat on the same object many times, if more attention on the object.
The mind works very quickly. The nail is a very fast unit of time : 1 mN faster than 1 nanosecond (1 / s of a second)!
1.3. Italian and Italian subjects:
Mind and mind arise depending on the condition called base (vatthu). Alignment is the color of support for consciousness. Although the first five (not mind roots ) coincide with the first five , one is not the same as one, as it plays a different role in generating consciousness . Mon (door, dvara) is the door through which the mind and mental states of the process of identification reaches the object.
After passing mention the concept of mind, mental processes and doors , describe below some perspective on the Italian base of scientists as well as the empirical science of mind recently , the case of heart out property no experience is and then find out the basis under the perspective of Tibetan Buddhism and follow the classic Theravada :
2. The Mind of Science
and Mind:
and Mind:
2.1. Scientists ' Perspectives : Scientists think that mind or thought or thought is caused by the brain, but they recognize that it is a problem that science has notexplained yet . nor explained by functions of the mind. The majority of scientists that have active power-occurring chemical in the brain, but they can not explain the contact with Consciousness like. They are based on an assumption that Consciousness depends on a base of physical (such as brain) so everyone thought arises must be accompanied by or caused by changes within the brain; This theory has not yet been proven experimentally .
2.2. The scientific experiments recently in Mind : Dr. Sam Parnia, the driver of the project "Human Consciousness Project" in the UK with the purpose of studying the case of NDEs (near-death experiences) and apply the methods department Study the latest experiment now in mind research. Started 10/2008, Dr. Parnia gear for AOL (1 agency communication ) an interview in which he demonstrated one important thing: "Mind is present, exists as an entity independent of the brain " This is something to be explored by the experiments with people who have experienced near death, surviving through a heart attack and recalled the experience after cardiac arrest and brain discontinued operations . Doctors Parnia used a technical instruments superior to examine brain called the INVOS (in-vivo optical spectroscopy) to measure the amount of oxygen in the brain and set of shelves containing images to examine the experience of near-death Of the patient after resuscitation . After the heart and brain cease to function for some time , The patient recounts experiences during that time and the doctor revisits the experience . The doctor has established these experiments in 18 months at hospitals in the United Kingdom and the United States. However , because the proportion of people who have experienced near death ( revived after brain discontinued operations ) are very rare, only about 2%, so Dr. Parnia want to design laboratory for case near death In about 25 hospitals and research subjects up to 1500 people.
3. Cases that Mind existed after death :
3.1. Comments on the Experimental Center existence after death : Explore theaforementioned Dr. Parnia to science is an empirical is significant . The empirical case near death the same as "Human Consciousness Project" very encouraging and support, not only to prove Professor existence of consciousness after death , but also enhance knowledge for professionals y- faculty to know how to handle in case of need and help the patient death can revive after brain and heart to stop operating . However , new thing called the scientific examination (center exists after death ) there is nothing new to those who have learned the Dharma and practice Dharma . In the Dharma , we learn about the birth and death of the body and mind, the process of the mind, the mind stream flows ... When the mind dies, Death, and then followed with Process Student Center reincarnated through a new life. There is no scientific experience in the field of religion, so trust is required . However, Confidence is only necessary at the outset, not with unfounded trust , but with the knowledge that the mind needs to be purified and purified so that it can have its own power and can be increased. through the study of books, through thinking to develop knowledge , Tri growth to transform it into knowledge, to see the nature of things by the enlightenment but by the empirical sciences. The progress of science, as we have seen, often go after the knowledge of the levels have Wisdom . It is not groundless trust , but with the knowledge that the mind needs to be purified and purified so that it can have its own power and can be increased through the study of scriptures, by thinking to develop knowledge , Tri growth to transform it into knowledge, to see the nature of things by the enlightenment but by the empirical sciences. The progress of science, as we have seen, often go after the knowledge of the levels have Wisdom . It is not groundless trust , but with the knowledge that the mind needs to be purified and purified so that it can have its own power and can be increased through the study of scriptures, by thinking to develop knowledge , Tri growth to transform it into knowledge, to see the nature of things by theenlightenment but by the empirical sciences. The progress of science, as we have seen, often go after the knowledge of the levels have Wisdom . purification to be able to have a capacity of its own and can be increased through the study of books, through thinking to develop knowledge , growth Tri to turn it into knowledge, to see the nature of the The object of the training without scientific experimentation. Theprogress of science, as we have seen, often go after the knowledge of the levels haveWisdom . purification to be able to have a capacity of its own and can be increased through the study of books, through thinking to develop knowledge , growth Tri to turn it into knowledge, to see the nature of the The object of the training without scientific experimentation. The progress of science, as we have seen, often go afterthe knowledge of the levels have Wisdom . To see the nature of things by the trainingwithout the scientific experiment. The progress of science, as we have seen, often go after the knowledge of the levels have Wisdom . To see the nature of things by the training without the scientific experiment. The progress of science, as we have seen, often go after the knowledge of the levels have Wisdom .
3.2. The case of another proven center exists after death :
3.2.1. Where the psychic: The facts that most people now accept there is actually cases of psychic capable of contact with the "souls" of the dead to find out where the buried people there during the last war in Vietnam , helping relatives buried to determine whether to have lost (the unbelievers about matters spiritual ago This is also confirmed publicly the possibility contact with the deceased of the psychic). This is a difficult case to deny and still can not explain .
3.2.2. Where the bridge facility : A document recently taken from the book "La Revue spirite" is popular recently on the Internet (by Nguyen Phong translated) tells the story of a "Letter From Beyond the World" by a father (name the doctor Henri Desrives) died about two years ago sent the surviving children ( Dr. Pierre Desrives and brother). This letter was written by a writer in a toilet seat, which occurred in a hospital. The soul of Dr. Henri Desrives has entered a person in the courtroom and asked to call him Dr. Pierre Desrives and his siblings, from which a letter was written. In the letter, the father recounts what happened at the time of his death and then:
3.2.1. Where the psychic: The facts that most people now accept there is actually cases of psychic capable of contact with the "souls" of the dead to find out where the buried people there during the last war in Vietnam , helping relatives buried to determine whether to have lost (the unbelievers about matters spiritual ago This is also confirmed publicly the possibility contact with the deceased of the psychic). This is a difficult case to deny and still can not explain .
3.2.2. Where the bridge facility : A document recently taken from the book "La Revue spirite" is popular recently on the Internet (by Nguyen Phong translated) tells the story of a "Letter From Beyond the World" by a father (name the doctor Henri Desrives) died about two years ago sent the surviving children ( Dr. Pierre Desrives and brother). This letter was written by a writer in a toilet seat, which occurred in a hospital. The soul of Dr. Henri Desrives has entered a person in the courtroom and asked to call him Dr. Pierre Desrives and his siblings, from which a letter was written. In the letter, the father recounts what happened at the time of his death and then:
Feeling happy about the good things done and regretting what should not be done ... Then go into the state of pretenses and move quickly to another glow, see some people but want to move on. Near them they find it uncomfortable; a moment later progressed to a crowd that these people, there are vibrational comfort . One personsaid that depending on the frequency of vibration suitable they can receive ... ".Some people find it difficult to get close to them; a moment later progressed to a crowd that these people, there are vibrational comfort . One person said thatdepending on the frequency of vibration suitable they can receive ... ". Some people find it difficult to get close to them; a moment later progressed to a crowd that these people, there are vibrational comfort . One person said that depending on thefrequency of vibration suitable they can receive ... ".
The things mentioned in the "Letter from the other side of the world " tells what happens after death , not dissimilar to the progression of Divine Consciousness is described in the "Tang Shu Living Dead " by Sogyal Rinpoche. In this letter, the word "Bardo" is mentioned a lot; Bardo only state intermediary between death and rebirth and much broader meaning ... It is worth mentioning here is the mind to leave physical body to begin another life.
4. Relationships between consciousness , sensation and psychic :
Professor neck band famous Tran Van Khe When John technical demonstrationSinging Ministry has said: When you want to express a mood pain of a new mother heard her son has died, the actor must devote Emotions , ideas about the intestines to express through the cries of pain as broken gut; The vibration must go from the intestine. Similarly , to express the anger and anger of a brave general who now has to look back at the enemy,
5. Perspectives on Italian base of Tibetan Buddhism
5.1. " Consciousness and all experience of us depends on the body, so the mind and body in a sense that is not separated. But at the same time , I feel that the research seems to indicate that consciousness people are can have a capacity of its own and can be increased through the consistent projection and meditation , or exercise the mind . Further, It is well known that modern medicine increasingly acknowledges the capacity of the will in the process of recovery . Capacity will of a person affected to physiology of that person . "
5.2 " The mind always tends to be dominated by the thought sink chronic or by emotions . So we try to examine the feelings and thoughts scattered were in the mind like ... We can consider feelings merely in terms of physical properties such as feeling (Sensations), but trying to get out feeling exposure on cognitive mental (feeling: life, vedanā) would be complicated more. And whether we tacitly accept that there must be the focal contact between consciousness and Contacts nerve of the body, somehow we still have to consider is to the deeper level of emotion . I want to point out that ... without any physical movement of the body, a person (meditation) can still cause impact to the state of physiology of yourself by using the capacity of consciousness through a state single-minded , collective center reviews (a focused,
5.3. " Of course the basis of physical of consciousness (ie consciousness - caption writer) must include system Nervous although texts Buddhist classic does not mention this. However causes major of consciousness would not be the entity material to this. It must be understood in the continuum itself, whether in the form of potential or a tendency, or any other form. This is a very difficult topic, but we can say that cause major of the formula can be understood as the line of continuity of knowledge of subtle , in the state of potential ... ". (It is said on the subject, however, Tibetan Buddhism of Mahayana should not use the term in organ Luan Abhidhamma in Theravada - Legend of the writer).
Three paragraphs quoted above shows the perspective of Tibetan Buddhism that the base substance of consciousness include system nervous but recognize that scripture Buddhism does not mention this. However this is very consistent with the vibration and generation nerve related to the base, the base of consciousness and emotion , respectively (such as singing techniques by Professor Tran Van Khe of teaching). It is important to note that he also talked about the cause key of knowledge, understood as the subject,
6. Italy Apartments and Italy keeper from the scriptures of Buddhism :
The definitions, the mind-door and mind analysis , as well as the different views of the mind are found in the following quotations:
- Pali text translated into Vietnamese: "Labels, ear cups, male, body, body and mind, so there are six subjects all. Here, the eye is called the eye-door , called ear-door ears etc ... It is the subject that is Being Part (continuum) ".
- Meaning : "Dvāra is the door; This door uses both exit and entrance. When an object comes to the mind, the bhavanga is shaken and stopped. Then the mind (Āvajjana) arise. If the object is outside through the five bases, five- pointed mind arises. If it is the inner object , mind-door-mindedness arises; The Bhavangapaccheda of pauperism arises before the mind-door of mind and is called the mind-door (manodvāra). "
" Analysis of the Apartment: In the realm of sensuality , the Heart and Mind Department arise depending on the condition called Apartment (vatthu). Alignment is the color of support for consciousness. Although the first five bases (except the sense root ) coincide with the first five , one is not the same as one, because it plays a different role in the arising of consciousness . Mon is the gateway through which the mind and mental states of the process of recognition goes to the object.Alignment is the color that supports the arising of mental and mental states . "
Bhikkhu Bodhi heart-base using the word to word translation hadayavatthu and said, according to the glossary of Pali, the heart is the excellent support for all five sense except center. However Bodhi Bhikkhu says that in the Abhidhamma , the heart-base is not explicitly mentioned. Ministry Patthana, last book of Tibetan Abhidharma , only comes to consciousness a way indirectly as "excellent that consciousness depends on to arise". The comment , however, also states that "it must be a heart, a cavity situated within the physical heart."
6.4. Chapter VI ( The Manifesto ) - Narada Maha Thera's "A Manual of Abhidhamma" talks about the following :
"The Dhammasangani not mention rupa this. In Atthasālini, noun hadayavatthu be explained as cittassa vatthu, the base from which the mind arises.
It is clear that the Buddha does not insist only on the place of mind as He has indicated when referring to other senses . In His time, most people believed that the heart was rooted and this theory was clearly supported by the Upanishads. If desired, the Buddha had accepted theory is very popular at the time, but he did not mention. In the Patthana series, the volume deals with the causal relationship, He referred to the base of knowledge ( consciousness ) with nouns indirectly as "yam rūpain nissāya", "depending where sacphap him", which does not result decided confirm identity was the heart or brain. But in the opinion of exegetes such as Buddhaghosa and Anuruddha, the root of mind is heart. We understand that the Buddha did not accept or reject the very popular theory of ancient times, that the mind is the heart. "END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/4/2017.
It is clear that the Buddha does not insist only on the place of mind as He has indicated when referring to other senses . In His time, most people believed that the heart was rooted and this theory was clearly supported by the Upanishads. If desired, the Buddha had accepted theory is very popular at the time, but he did not mention. In the Patthana series, the volume deals with the causal relationship, He referred to the base of knowledge ( consciousness ) with nouns indirectly as "yam rūpain nissāya", "depending where sacphap him", which does not result decided confirm identity was the heart or brain. But in the opinion of exegetes such as Buddhaghosa and Anuruddha, the root of mind is heart. We understand that the Buddha did not accept or reject the very popular theory of ancient times, that the mind is the heart. "END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/4/2017.
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