Saturday, 10 December 2016

vol 5
(Part 3)
        Buddha told Bodhisattva Italian President:
        Male -Thien death, when he said Pham Bao Hai back to the tenth element is Mollusk Wang Tam, ... to play center as well as before, are more like the bodhisattva vow A-Rinse.
        This prince said:
        Blessed margin percentage, if the will of the achievements, the benefits themselves, I will make all beings be thinking realm of the Buddhas. In their hands naturally emitted Chien-male fragrance, aroma Pros-she-la-da, this fragrance bring offerings to the Buddhas.
        Museum Tathagata commended United-mail:
        Frontier instead! Instead! Good men to death, his prayer is very special, very rare. He willingly hand them naturally emitted Lamb-male fragrance, aroma Pros-she-la-da, thinking all realms of the Buddhas and keep the pure idea. Therefore, he is now renamed Huong Thu.
        Buddha told Bodhisattva Huong Thu:
        Male -Thien death, life in the future undergo an untold aeons life period, in II untold aeons period of life, in the last time, after A-Rinse Tathagata Bat-Niet table, complete kill Dharma, seven days later, when he was going into Grade Enlightenment of Buddha world still optimistic named Dieu. Buddha as religious Jinhua brand consisting of the Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan.
        Thu Huong Bodhisattva again said:
        -If My prayer achievements, the benefits themselves, just as the Lord Buddha, Yan-line around this garden of flowers Zhan-silver rain.
        Good men to death, when the Bodhisattva Huong Thu Buddhist museum in homage before the ground, the rain over the flower garden Zhan Yan-line-Bac like Huong Thu prayer.
        Museum presentations Tathagata shelves:
        Precious merit
        Friendly planes, stand up
        As voluntary institution
        Zhan-silver flower rain
        Escape immeasurable degree
        All beings
        Good way to teach
        Making is fearless.
        Prince devotees, the Bodhisattva Huong Thu heard shelves finished, very happy heart, stood up and bow to the Buddha, sitting not far from where the Buddha to hear French.
        Good men to death, Bao Hai Pham said to the Eleventh United element is Mong-old Ono, ... to play center as well as on. Prayer is like the death of the King of the Bodhisattva vow Thu Huong.
        à y hours, Lion King death brings offerings to the German flag museum treasures Tathagata. Buddhism praised Wong Leo mail:
        Frontier instead! Instead! Good men to death, now he brings offerings flag should treasure his nickname is Bao Gen.
        Buddha told Bodhisattva Bao Gen:
        -Go To the future life, experiencing an untold aeons period of life, in II untold aeons period of life, during the final of the World Magic touch, after Jinhua Tathagata Bat -Niet-table, Dharma kill finished, gone through three typical life, the world move communications Dieu named Yue won, at that time, he will be the brand's Tier Long Tu Chanh Giac at Sun Yin Wang consisting of the respected brand Tathagata, Supply, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, vothuong Si, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. Buddha's world was solemn as other air navigation Dieu world.
        Bao Gen Bodhisattva Buddhist transparency:
        Blessed margin percentage, if the will of the achievements, the benefits themselves, but now the Lord Buddha, makes all beings be mindful Bodhisattva is like the Three-black universe, and all of them SIEM Infinite birth is of great benefit, born compassion, give rise Bodhi.
        Good men to death, when the Bodhisattva Bao Bao Tibetan Buddhist minister before the ground prostrate glass, all beings are the Three-black Supreme SIEM, is great benefit, born of great compassion, play on Bodhi.
        Museum Tathagata because Bodhisattva storage racks General that theory:
        Italy stood up friendly
        At just before I
        Because beings
        Play great vow
        Benefits all
        Countless beings
        Makes the mind does not remember
        Should the future life     
        Achievement Buddha
        Heaven, who adhered glass. 
        Prince devotees, the Bodhisattva Bao Gen heard shelves finished, very happy heart, stood up and bow to the Buddha, sitting not far from the Buddha to hear French.
        Meanwhile, five hundred United molecule Ma-bar-she vows:
        Principle is merit buddhaland with all solemnity as Pure Land of the Great Bodhisattva Void Indian practice.
        Meanwhile, the museum Tathagata life to each one with a sign right enlightenment, at the same time different in each country are achieved attainment Supreme, as the Great Bodhisattva Void India.
        Again, there are four hundred prince vows:
        Net principle buddhaland receive dignified magic like the Great Bodhisattva Diamond Intelligence Quang Minh.
        German Museum Tathagata Life also signed on to each one into Tier Enlightenment simultaneously in different worlds are achieved attainment Supreme as the Great Bodhisattva Diamond Intelligence Quang Minh. 
        Has eighty nine prince vows:
        Buddhist principle of getting such stately Great Buddha-Samantabhadra Bodhisattva practiced.
        Now, eighty-four thousand emirate, all wins are different vows, each one claiming the countless Buddhist rooftop stately magic.
        German museum director Tathagata fruit prophesies Supreme Enlightenment for each position: on the future life in different worlds, eighty-four thousand emirate contract once he accomplished Supreme religion.
        Ninety-two inhibitors are also sentient beings receive Buddhist vows to win magic of countless solemn. German Museum of Tathagata are signed into Tier Enlightenment life for all:
        -The Him into the next life, in different countries, and once achieved attainment Supreme.
        Prince devotees, Hai Pham Bao eighty children, brothers with museum Tathagata. First child named Hai Location Ton.
        Good men to death, when he Pham Bao Hai told his first child:
        -This You can get pure buddhaland not dignified?
        The son answered:
        -Cui Please venerable lion roared hours ago.
        The father said:
        Our principle will speak last.
        The little children:
        My principle is to get pure or impure realm?
        The father said:
        -If Any achievements Bodhisattva compassion to realize the world is impure. Why? Because they want to completely subdue the defilements of living beings. I know it yourself.
        Good men to death, then went to Shanghai Address Ton Duc Bao Tang Tathagata, transparency:
        Blessed margin percentage, pray the right enlightenment, if the eighty-year-old human life as the Buddhist world at present, then the newly set right enlightenment. Human beings to pray for the country in the realm of the less involved sex, anger, ignorance, boring body and mind; see our mistakes, fear of life and death, and to where the school ordained religion. Meanwhile, the three ministers for preaching beings.
        White Buddha, if the will of the achievements, the benefits themselves, ask the Blessed bent up for human life the right enlightenment.
        à y hours, the German Museum as Lai Sun told Shanghai Location:
        Male -Thien death, life in the future, through an untold aeons life period, in II untold aeons term life, variable names then have life-bowl-la Lady Pros flowers. Buddha's world he would have named Yue Ai. Life people eighty years old, he was in that realm of Tier Enlightenment is effective enough adhered Baoshan including brand Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Truong Phu, Thien Sphinx, Buddhism, World Religion. 
        Add the white Hai Ton:
        Blessed margin percentage, if the will of the achievements, the benefits themselves, sought around the Yan-line garden will rain red rubies, all natural vegetation emits wonderful music.
        Good men to death, while Shanghai Location Ton pay homage to Buddha Museum, the rain of red rubies around the other garden.All natural trees emit countless wonderful music. Since the pupil, museum presentations Tathagata shelves:
        Great effort has started
        Countless organ location
        Mercy beings
        Bring benefits throughout.
        Department of pure aspirations
        This achievement
        Will as beings
        He hath done, people.
        Prince devotees, Shanghai Location Ton finished very happy to hear the shelf, stood up and bow to the Buddha, sitting not far from the Buddha to hear French.
        The second son of Pham called Tam-she-she, white Buddha: Buddha margin percentage, this will of the chapel just as the Sun Sea Land.
        Museum Tathagata told Tam-she-she:
        -For Future, Ai Yue in the world, in a life-bowl-la advantage flowers, human life expectancy to age eighty memory. There, he will become effective Enlightenment Tier is composed of all the religious Corona brand Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhan Master, Buddha, Bhagavan.
        The third son is the world so well. When human life two thousand years old, he is a Fire Brand Tier Enlightenment Yin Wang Tathagata ... until God Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan.
        Fourth child the Buddha as Tu-manna.
        The fifth person the Buddha as Morality United.
        The sixth the Buddha as Thien Tri Section.
        Saturday children the Buddha as Ich Pham Tang.
        The eighth child of Buddha as Hell-Match Pictures.
        Sons the Buddha as the ninth-Lou-Na Phu.
        Tenth child Buddha as Thang Dieu.
        Eleventh son Buddha as Baoshan.
        Twelfth son Buddha as Shanghai Tang.
        Thirteenth son Buddha as Na-La-Dien.
        Fourteenth sons Buddha as Thi-gas.
        Children fifteenth the Buddha as Nam-Mo-Ni.
        Sons sixteenth Buddha as Giac Bowl.
        Seventeenth sons Buddha as overseas-cap-like.
        The son of the eighteenth the Buddha as Lion Force,
        Sons nineteenth Buddha as Tri Trang.
        Children twentieth the Buddha as the Sound.
        Twenty-first son, Sun Win Brand Buddha ..
        The second son is twenty brands Separated Bhagavan Buddha.
        The second son is twenty-three brand Benefits Buddha.
        The second son is twenty four Tri Quang Minh Buddhist effect.
        The second son is twenty-five brands Leo Sun Buddha.
        The son is the twenty-sixth President Tinh Tri Buddha brand.
        The second son is twenty-seven performance Nan-Da Buddha.
        The second son is twenty-eight performance Ni-sentence-La United.
        The second son, Kim fifty nine brand identity Section Buddha.
        The third son is twenty brands Dac Self in Buddhism.
        The third son was twenty-one Japanese brand Lac Buddha.
        The third son was twenty two performance Bao Thang Buddha.
        The third son is twenty-three brand Buddhist Compassion Section.
        The third son is twenty four brand Buddha Lac Thien Pham.
        The third son is twenty-five brands Pham Tien Buddhist.
        The third son is twenty-six performance Pham Yin Buddha.
        The third son is a French brand Yue-seven Buddhas.
        The third son is twenty-eight performance Thi Nghia Buddha's time.
        Thirty-ninth child is Anak Lac Brand Buddha.
        Fortieth brand children Ich Buddhist Sangha.
        The younger of forty-one performance is strictly Buddhist Doan.
        Fortieth second son Thien Huong brand is Buddhist.
        The forty-third children's brands Labels Win Buddha.
        Children forties four Buddhist meditation is effective.
        Forty fifth son Regent Capital That effect is Buddhist.
        The younger son is forty six Thien Y Nguyen Buddhist effect.
        The younger son is forty-seven mark Tue Thang Buddha.
        The son of the forty-effective as Kim Trang Buddha.
        The younger son is forty-nine effect Benevolent Buddha.
        Children's fiftieth Thien Minh Buddhist effect.
        Fifty first children's brand Shuddhodana Buddha.
        Fiftieth two sons bias signal is Buddhist.
        Fiftieth third son is effective Vidudabha Buddha Gaya.
        The younger son of fifty four brand is Pi-Lau-Uncle-Rub Buddha.
        Fifty-fifth son Pham Yin Buddha brand.
        The younger son of fifty six German brand's Public Achievement Buddha.
        The younger son is fifty-seven brand Huu Cong Duc Buddhist Pure Land.
        Fiftieth eight children Bao Quang Minh Buddhist effect.
        Fiftieth nine children is effective Chau Ma-Ni Buddha.
        Sixty brand children Thich Van-Ni-Ca Buddha.
        Sixty-one children's brand Yin Chun Wang Buddha.
        Sixty-two children are Tri Hoa Hiep Brand Buddha.
        Sixty-three children are Thang Ton Brand Buddha.
        Sixty-four children are Thanh Hoa Buddhist mark.
        Sixty-five children are Thien Hoa Buddhist mark.
        Sixty-six children are insolvent Buddha brand.
        Sixty-seven children are Japanese brands Tibetan Buddhism.
        Sixty-eight children is effective kneading Buddhist Religion.
        Sixty-nine children are Nhat Minh Buddhist effect.
        Seventy sons as the Long Dak Buddha.
        Seventy-one children's brand Quang Minh Buddhist Diamond Sutra.
        The younger of the two brands is Anak seventy Buddhist Kingdom.
        Seventy-three children are Normal Quang Minh Buddhist effect.
        Sons seventy four brands that General Quang Minh Buddhist.
        Seventy-five children Brand is San-Ni-REC Buddha.
        Seventy-six children are Tri performance achievements.
        Seventy-seven children are Yin Wang Buddha brand.
        Seventy-eight children is effective United Na-Sa-La La-Dien Tibetan Buddhism.
        Seventy-nine children are cremated Buddha brand.
        Good men to death, then stood in front of the Buddha, the youngest (twenty-eighth) of Father Ly Pham called Brain, transparency:
        Margin percentage Buddha, Buddha was seventy-nine, who was then the world was ordained in May the love, in life Variable-bowl-la Advantages wife flowers, when human life will increase the right enlightenment. White Buddha, Buddha discovered this child before the right enlightenment center, in the final period of life-bowl-la Pros will blossom into right enlightenment. Then, like the life of seventy-nine Buddhas, pray for the life of the child as such. The number of living beings are human beings as well as seventy-nine other Buddhas degrees. As the legal successor of seventy three Buddha nine other theories, I also admit such third sermon. As the number of disciples of seventy-nine Sravakas Buddha, some of them are the same. In life-bowl-Ia Pros beings flowers seventy nine other Buddha taught the human body is not yet freed on Futurism, while the Tier Enlightenment is complete, you will be taught that all beings for office in succession.
        White Buddha, if the voluntary achievements, the benefits themselves, ask the Blessed bent up for human life the right enlightenment.
        Prince devotees, meanwhile, praised the Buddha Museum Ly brain:
        Frontier instead! Instead! Good men to death, because this countless beings he found compassion. Good men to death, life in the future undergo an untold aeons period of life, in II untold aeons period of life, including the life-bowl-la Advantages names of flowers, the last time he will become effective as Supreme Enlightenment Tier Configuration Logout United consisting of the corrugated effect Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhan Master, Buddha, Bhagavan. Community life of seventy nine Buddha, the half life. His longevity is also half a lifetime ago, and his prayer will be fulfilled.
        Then Bodhisattva Ly brain to transparency:
        Blessed transparent glass, if the will of the achievements, the benefits themselves, then when the Lord Buddha glass, making it rain all over the world wonderful fragrance of the flower-bowl-la advantage. If sentient beings hear her scent, the body is purified the four elements Air, peace, all suffering patients are healed.
        Good men to death, said so done, when the Bodhisattva Ly brain first brought to the foot of the Lord Buddha, the Buddha's world that wonderful scent of rain flower-bowl-la advantage extensively. Beings heard her fragrance, the big four were pure body conditioned, pleasant, all patients suffering be healed.
        German museum presentations Tathagata shelves:
        Compassion compassion
        The Master stood up
        Buddhas, Exalted
        They are all praised.
        Clips are disturbing
        Stronger ties
        The future will
        Pure Tibetan Wisdom.
        Good men to death, when he heard the shelf is finished, the Bodhisattva Ly brain very happy, stood up and bow to the Buddha and Buddha sitting not far way to hear the law.
        Good men to death, then Bao Hai Pham has three memories disciples sat a garden outdoors place other beings taught three refuge life, make them rise to the right enlightenment.
        Good men to death, when he advised media practitioners discounts:
        -The Him to rise to the right enlightenment, the Buddha received this world and right in front of the Buddha, let's say what their expectation.
        In three blockers him, there was a man named Tho offer, sir:
        Acpt venerable, how called Bodhi? How known as legal support for Bodhi? How is called the Bodhisattva practice Bodhi?How is called mindfulness of Bodhi?
        Teacher (Pham) replied:
        Copper particles, in the words he asked, Bodhi practice ie four Endless organ of the Bodhisattva. What are the four? Ie: Infinite Blessed Lord organs, organ Tri Infinite, Infinite Wisdom organ, harmony Infinite Dharma organs. Good men to death, which is called Bodhi.
        The pupil, as his teachings: French aid Bodhi dharma is protected, helping to overcome samsara purity.
        Good men to death, alms, let go of the property is a legal assistant to subdue Bodhi beings.
        Morality is a legal aid because according Bodhi prayer that was accomplished.
        Patience is a legal assistant to complete Bodhi thirty two good generals, eighty beauty.
        Effort is legal achievements Bodhi support to complete all the work.
        Meditation is a method to support Bodhi completely subdue the mind.
        Wisdom is a legal assistant to know Bodhi are all afflictions.
        Multiculturalism is a legal assistant for Bodhi unobstructed eloquence.
        Is legal merit Bodhi support for the need of all beings.
        Is the legal position as assistant Bodhi achievement unobstructed location.
        Passed away is a legal assistant for achievement Bodhi need fresh minds conditions.
        Thinking is a legal assistant for achievement Bodhi rid of doubts. Metta is a legal assistant for achievement Bodhi mind not afraid. Bi is a legal aid center Bodhi beings because teaching is not boring.        
        Hy is a legal aid center Bodhi Dharma because for preferred students. Equanimity is a legal assistant for achievement Bodhi was injured hated the interruption.
        Listening is a legal method Bodhi support for forced eradication explicitly cover the first year.
        How is the legal export subsidies for achievement Bodhi is the renounced all worldly.
        A-lan-elegant ie Bodhi legal aid for killing evil things did not give birth again; makes fresh root has more growth.
        Is a legal concept Bodhi support for accomplishing the holder.
        Italy is a legal assistant for achievement Bodhi is the legal distinction. Tri is a legal assistant for achievement Bodhi was thinking, discussing awareness.
        Legal aid is mindfulness Bodhi because distinguishing achievement body, feelings, mind, legal
        Legal aid should be Bodhi for legal separation from all evil, practice all the more vast improvement measures.
        As the legal ie Bodhi support for the body and mind accomplishing gently.
        Ie legal grounds Bodhi support for the protection of the base is achieved.
        The force is the Bodhi legal assistance because bothers-destroy all brain.
        Accessibility is a legal sense Bodhi they knew the true law.
        Legal aid is harmoniously Bodhi is common for students because, make pure.
        The pupil, it is called defense disciplines Photography, help is pure, overcome samsara.
        The sparse life Recommended:
        Authors steel plate, as the Buddha taught, giving is retribution for being rich big, be big Rights; keeping precepts are to heaven;educated heard many great wisdom. 
        Back as He tells us: "Achieving the legal thinking beyond birth and death."
        Teachers say:
        -This Pupil, if for mortal fancy that work is only giving it greater wealth. The pupil, if good men and women who do mind towards Bodhi, because to subdue should practice almsgiving; For maintenance center should ban sex first President; because no affinity purified mind should degenerations intercultural bridges;because thinking should cultivate compassion religion. In addition, other measures as a means of intellectual achievement, support that is desired. The pupil, is called Bodhi legal aid. Such practice that is required to be Bodhi anniversary.
        The pupil, please be preferred such Bodhi. Be diligent wishes.Pure religion does not remember, that the mind is always in harmony. This religion is the path, no flattery, except the negativity.This peaceful religion, can lead to a Nirvana. Should he let forth a great the volunteers receive dignified buddhaland, which received its discretion pure or impure Buddha realm.
        Good men to death, when he pupillary Tho offer before Buddha Museum, kneel right knee close to the ground, hands prospectus:
        Blessed margin percentage, I found the right enlightenment mind, if the beings in the world are less involved sexual impurity, anger, ignorance, not criminal violations, not loving heart degenerations, utopian resentment, let go of the mind stinginess, envy, shuns the wrong mind, remains the place of right, leave immoral, good legal requirements; leave three evil mind, three walks demand improvement, where three types of fresh root blessed achievements, diligent legal practice three new ministers, the time the Supreme achieved attainment.
        White Buddha, if the will of the achievements, the benefits themselves are causing the natural hands and elephants appear strong white dragon.
        When so little done, by the force of the Buddha, in the hands of the Bodhisattva instant dragons and elephants appear strong, white body, seven branch dot the land. Seeing this, the dragon and the elephant told pupils:
        -The Ye nowhere soar recently, lotions eight merit rain to enlightenment for all sentient beings in this realm. Beings are experiencing a drop or listen to the scent of rain water which is no longer in bondage stuff, cover are: lust, anger, desire to sleep, fluctuating, suspect.
        The pupil had finished speaking, the dragon and the elephant god armor ring around nowhere to go, as the athletes marksmanship shoot arrows, the dragon and the elephant is to do the same, returning to stand in front of the pupil.
        Recommended life see things like that, very happy.
        Good men to death, then the German Museum Tathagata immediately told the pupils:
        Male -Thien death, life in the future undergo an untold aeons life period, in II untold aeons period of life, the time has life named Yin Guang Ming, the world of the Buddha was renamed the Hoa Hiep Quang Minh Music, where he set Tier Enlightenment the Boost brand Bao Quang Minh include effective enough adhered Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Si, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan.
        Good men to death, then rabbits for the foot of the Buddha.Museum Tathagata Tho offer immediately because that theory shelves:
        His pure heart
        So take a stand
        I signed this life
        Causing immeasurable
        Inhibition of beings
        Directed purification
        Where life in the future
        God guide people.
        Good men to death, Life Recommended shelf finished listening very happy, stood up and bow to the Buddha, sitting not far from the Buddha to hear French.
        Three disciples memories, except a thousand people, the rest were unanimously vow: In this world where achieved attainment Supreme Enlightenment.
        à y hours, the German Museum Tathagata life up for all of Tier Enlightenment to Pi-she-examination, Thi-air, Pi-thi-sa-she the final Enlightenment Tier. Thousands of people remaining foreign reciting Pi-track classic. Among them, the most respected name is Ms-do-billion-New York, white Buddha:
        Blessed margin percentage, my prayer is to be the right enlightenment in five degenerations away evil beings sermon about lust heavy, anger, ignorance, many afflictions in his realm.
        Meanwhile, among a thousand people there was a man named Fire Man, said:
        Mortar, then, why the venerable Mrs.-do-billion-born New York in five degenerations pray evil into right enlightenment?
        His master replied:
        This coast-slapping achievements should compassion into five degenerations right enlightenment in life. Meanwhile, human beings can not rescue, do not have good thoughts, the mind often disturbing harassment, vandalism was the wrong; he in that realm where the right enlightenment can bring great benefit to countless beings, can salvage a place to lean on, as houses, torch lights; to free them through the great sea of ​​life and death, and teach them to remain in right view, where Nirvana, drinking orange juice recipe.Great Bodhisattva wants bi modern life should willingly receive five degenerations such evil.
        Good men to death, then the German Museum Tathagata sure she-do-billion-New York:
        -This Devotees death, life in the future, through an untold aeons period of life, in II untold aeons period of life, in the last time, in the East, countless ago buddhaland much as the mote, the world has named Ca-sa colon, which will succeed him in the realm of visual effects, Kim Son District consisting of the religious King brand Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious , the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan.
        She-so-billion-New York white Buddha again:
        Blessed margin percentage, if the will of the achievements, the benefits themselves, I'm bringing the glass head at the feet of Buddha. Tathagata bent for bringing the legs with a hundred blessings solemn child on the head.
        Good men to death, when she-do-billion-New York say that the feast is finished and the Buddha Museum of the foot, the foot with a hundred blessings of the Tathagata has placed atop his head.Buddha said shelves praise:
        Tier compassion
        Let's get up
        Sharp minds
        Bodhisattva practice
        Because Bodhi results
        Sever ties
        Defilement of the wire
        The Buddhist afterlife
        Benefits all
        Countless beings.
        Good men to death, she-do-billion-shelf New York finished listening, very happy, stood up and bow to the Buddha, sitting not far from the Buddha to hear French.
        Good men to death, then, the pupil in front of the Buddha Man Fire Museum, called the ground right kneeling, hands prospectus:
        --The Prayer in this world give rise to a right enlightenment, if there are three poisons beings dominate, no dedicated office on fresh measures, the immoral life four thousand years old, then you will become Tier Enlightenment.
        Museum Tathagata saturated Man:
        -Thien Male element, on the future life underwent a multitude aeons life period, in II untold aeons life period, during the final, the world will be called Buddha Ta -father. Why is Ta-her name? The beings here endure afflictions three poisons and the so-called world that realms Rings. Then there eons name Thien beat, why life sage named Compassion? In this eons many beings greed, hatred, ignorance, arrogance, with thousands of Buddha achievements compassion appears in the world.
        Good men to death, in the early Hien life, human life four thousand years, in thousands of Buddha, Buddha, the Buddha as the first sentence-flow-sheet, as Tier Tathagata, Arhat, Chief Minutes Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan, because three ministers sermon beings, making countless beings from samsara, reached Nirvana.
        Good men to death, then the Fire Man to pupils before the Buddha, bowed at His feet, then sit aside to hear legal.
        Good men to death, and second element called Void, sitting in front of the Buddha, Buddhist transparency:
        Blessed margin percentage, the next life-saving next-religious verse Tathagata, when men lived three thousand years old will become the chief corner.
        Buddha told the pupils Void:
        Male -Thien death, life in the future undergo an untold aeons period class lives, in class II untold aeons period of life, in the last time, in the mid Hien lives, with the world Ta-she, followed by Buddhist verse-flow-sheet, when men lived three thousand years old, that he would be in the realm of the right enlightenment is called old-na brand Conflict-ni-ca includes all the religious brand Tathagata, Arhat, Chief Variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the world League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, the Exalted, has a great reputation throughout the wine world.
        Then, the pupils heard prophesies Void finished, bring the bow to the foot of the Buddha head and go right tricyclic interference, standing in front of the Buddha, brought a wealth of flowers offered to Buddha, worshiping hands reverently, using shelves commended Buddha:
        Holder body and mind
        Ingenious enter meditation
        Use magic hour
        Commandments teach or
        His pure heart
        No disturbances remember
        But they teach students
        Dharma such havoc
        Brilliant reputation
        Always mindful,
        Hundred blessed merit
        Extremely large
        Just pitching good direction
        For living beings
        Tien Thang flag
        The merit mountains
        Bring benefits across
        Countless beings,
        Making all
        Fully sufficient merit
        Back to beings
        Sole director passed away
        Incineration negativity
        As mountain Tu-di
        In the three worlds
        Born compassion
        And life up for
        Countless beings.
        Good men to death, then Tuesday pupil named Pi-amnesty-daisy-majority, in front of the Buddha with seven precious bedding, mattress bed golden reference value, in which place the seven pure gold full of treasures, average gold washing, stick with seven precious beautiful ... offerings Buddha and monks Increase. Working offering is completed, the pupil white Buddha:
        Blessed transparent glass, human life in the future, through an untold aeons period class lives, in class II untold aeons period of life, in the last time, in life Hien , pray the right enlightenment. Then gradually reduce human longevity, life beings born into five degenerations, very serious about taking sex, anger, ignorance, stinginess, jealousy, wrong act upon, according to evil knowledge, the real root Backfill improve their mind, not heart healthy practice grounds, away from the right view, the river under the network evil.After Old-na-ni-ca Mau PARINIRVANA, Dharma kill finished, all beings blinded me, no intellectual eye, no instructor, human life was twenty years old, then I will the right enlightenment.
        Good men to death, then the museum Tathagata merit Pi-amnesty-daisy-majority:
        Frontier instead! Instead! Good men to death, he was the supreme intellectual achievement, will dwell five degenerations, in the early stages, when life expectancy of men having two thousand years old, they are dim, there is no intellectual eye, no instructor, his success in that place right enlightenment. His performance is far Compassionate Wisdom.
        Buddha told the Bodhisattva Great Compassion Intelligence:
        Male -Thien death, his life in the future, through an untold aeons period class lives, in class II untold aeons life period, the last time in mid-Hien lives, when men lived two thousand years old, when he was the director of the Ca-Lettuce sensory effects including effective enough adhered Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Truong Phu, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan.
        Good men to death, then the Bodhisattva Great Compassion and Wisdom instant retreat Lord Buddha stood to one side, bring a wealth of floral, incense, incense offerings rub Buddha, Buddhist merit racks used:
        Exalted in life
        Benefits beings
        Make beings
        Preferred Birth Center
        Chanting Method, The
        Mind is the most specialized,
        I hear the magic sound
        Very happy heart
        Wisdom means
        Complete all
        Should or practice
        Edification beings
        Together immeasurable
        Boundless beings
        Prophesies attainment
        Supreme Bodhi
        Thus be seen
        Intellectual sufficient spirit
        Buddha's ten
        They are all equal
        Buddhas have been
        Merits of magic
        And the current market
        Tu religion Bodhisattva
        Prophesies beings
        Supreme directed into
        If you want to confess canopy
        Can not all be
        So today I
        Bowing respectfully.
        Now, Pham Bao Hai told media Wednesday pupil skin Pi-amnesty-Infinite Structure:
        Male -Thien death, he can rise to the Tier Enlightenment.
        Good men to death, then Pi-amnesty-skin structure before the Supreme Buddha, white:
        Blessed transparent glass, the chapel in the middle of this world Hien lives demand a right enlightenment, not in five degenerations evil life of the Buddha as the country Ca-Lettuce.After Germany Ca-Lettuce Tathagata PARINIRVANA, finished killing Dharma, life expectancy of men descending down ten thousand years old, and almsgiving, subdue, morality ... are all being cut off.The heart healthy living beings descending, shuns seven asset classes of saints; for evil is Exalted knowledge; For three kinds of blessings, absolutely no learning center; well away from the fresh, hard to do the three things evil; Backfill is the negativity should not see the intellectual center; for legal succession does not want to study. In the realm of the living beings that, if you want to Tier Enlightenment was no obstruction can be, how much is the life of man is only a thousand years old. Until centennial human life, then the noun beings no longer good law, let alone the people who work there are friendly. Five degenerations evil life, human life gradually reduce until only ten years old, lives at war resurfaced, as soon as her child would from heaven to help sentient beings, good teaching methods, making them far fresh leaves of such measures, to study in eleven good, away from the negativity of ten evil beings that achieve purity, destroy defilements year. Then gradually increase the human lifespan to eighty years old, then I will come right enlightenment. Then, they generate less involved sex, anger, stupidity, ignorance, stinginess, jealousy and the succession law preached lead them practicing.
        White Buddha, if the will of the achievements, the benefits themselves, ask Tathagata bent up for human life into Tier Enlightenment.
        White Buddha, if you are not feeling up for this, I'll pray today Sravakas or Pratyekabuddha demand, shifting where that capacity to quickly liberated, beyond life and death.
        Tibetan Buddhist Make sure Pi-amnesty-da Forever structure:
        -Thien Male element, the Bodhisattva has four languor, Bodhisattva that such measures are enough four mortal passion, life and death in prison under the suffering, can not hurry into Tier Enlightenment. What are the four?
        1.  Action inferior.
        2.  The poor you.
        3.  Giving poor.
        4.  Chi lowly chapel.
        How is Bodhisattva lowly act?
        -As With breaking gender Bodhisattva, now artless keep body, speech. This action called inferior.
        How low is to make friends?
        Coat-slapping poor friends, close customer documents and Bich-chi-Buddhist, and depending upon them. This is called the Bodhisattva lowly friends.
        How poor is charity?
        -No Can give up everything you have. For recipients, distinguished mind. Because look forward to heaven bliss life working so giving. This is called the Bodhisattva inferior alms.
        How is the lowly aspirant?
        -No Wishes to receive the world's most pure magic of the Buddhas and vows not to edification for all beings. It's called the Bodhisattva lowly aspirant.
        Bodhisattva has four this negative approach on the subject of life and death forever in anguish, unable to lick the right enlightenment.
        Prince devotees, there are four legal, public Bodhisattva achievements may quickly into Tier Enlightenment. What are the four?
        Or keeping clean precepts; holder body, speech and mind;keeping the law well.
        Closer to the practice of Mahayana and help each other according to legal practice.
        Can let go completely of his character, giving alms compassion for all beings.
        4. First center received numerous vows solemn world of Buddhas, as well as to teaching for all beings. What achievements Bodhisattva four will quickly into this legal right enlightenment.
        Then there are four measures, if Bodhisattva achievements can keep leading the Supreme Bodhi. What are the four?
        1.  Diligent practice of Balaam confidential.
        2.  Save the immeasurable help all beings.
        3.  Mind shuns no obligation immeasurable happiness.
        4.  Self in with Kabbalah.
        This is called the four measures that Bodhisattva achievements can keep leading the Supreme Bodhi.
        There are four methods that do not mind boring. What are the four?
        1.  Practice giving.
        2.  Listen to the law.
        3.  Cultivation.
        4.  Save the beings.
        Four measures so that the mind is not boring, the Bodhisattva should learn. Endless four organs, the Bodhisattva should achievements. What are the four?
        1. Trust units. 
        2.  Lecture.
        3.  May be fresh root.
        4.  Save the impoverished beings.
        That's four organs Infinite Bodhisattva to full practice.
        There are four methods to purify Bodhisattva achievements.What are the four?
        1. Morality pure because there is no ego.
        2.  Meditation is pure because no attachment to living beings.
        3.  Intellectual pure because no attachment to life.
        4.  Freeing pure knowledge because no attachment to people.
        Here are four legal purity. If Bodhisattva four legal achievements this quickly into Tier Enlightenment Nowhere turning of the wheel, turning of the wheel is inconceivable, Real possibility of turning of the wheel, turning of the wheel Anatta, turning of the Supreme Discourse, world Export turning of the wheel, turning of the wheel Thong reached, legal wheels turn gods of magic that no man be moved. 
        Good men to death, life in the future undergo an untold aeons period of life, in II untold aeons period of life, in the last time, at the beginning Hien life, after years of sliding away, human life expectancy increased to eighty years old, even at that time he will be a Tier Enlightenment is Maitreya performance including effective enough adhered Tathagata, Arhat, right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, EARTH League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan.
        Then Pi-amnesty-pupil leather pay homage to Buddha, stand back to the side, bringing a wealth of floral, incense, incense offerings to Buddha and apply monks Tang, said shelves praise:
        Exalted purity
        As mountains round gold
        White trench between the eyebrows
        White as jade kha
        Just in time for the
        Speaking of magic methods        
        Life expectancy after signing
        Children are thanhPhat.
        Who saw, heard
        Without accepting
        Great saints first sight
        Projector merit.
        Good men to death, then a thousand pupils Bao Pham Hai, except for one person, all are reciting classic Pi-momentum exchange, goods have been recommended Supreme religious right enlightenment results, such as sentence-luu- • Preparatory religious, elderly Canadian-ni Mau, Ca-lettuce, Maitreya. Fifth person named Leo Quang Minh, as well as of thousands of them, except for one person, in addition to all the right enlightenment vowed in Hien lives.In them, the youngest Czech Disabilities name Tri Luc, Pham Bao Hai is also instructive to make a Tier Enlightenment Development Center:
        Male -Thien death, he shall not observe this long bridge which shuns the enlightened mind, go for the beings that play compassion.
        Then immediately because Tri Luc Pham Czech Disabilities shelf presentation:
        Am, gender, the import
        Bound beings
        Fear of aging, illness, death
        Á rotten sea where .
        Locked in three worlds
        Where the hell scary
        Drinking toxic negativity
        Mutual harm.
        Long oppressed
        In anguish sea
        Si I do not lose
        Lost the right path.
        In samsara forever
        Friendly apartments were filled
        Beings three worlds
        The burning pain.
        Do leave right view
        Living in the wrong
        Stay in line.
        Such as wheels
        Do not be at rest
        There are beings
        Loss of legal eyes
        Dark not see
        No savior.
        He should be examined by
        Infinite wisdom
        To leave si or
        Bodhi Development Center,
        So as sentient
        Making good knowledge
        Loving all the burnt
        Untie afflictions,
        So as sentient
        Bodhi Development Center
        Who took eye legal 
        Backfill was si
        Need for winning director
        To rid ourselves of ignorance
        Organic mortal hell
        Large fire burning
        For Wisdom
        Making full.
        Now he quickly went
        Getting to the Buddha
        Head and foot bows
        Because of great benefit
        Even the place where the Buddha
         Vow magic win
        Has won outstanding chapel
        Ingenious preserve memory
        He in the afterlife
        His God as his teacher
        There will also willingly helps
        They remove the fear
        Save all
        Making them liberation
        Full well that
        Apartment, power, religion sight
        Legal large rain dance
        Candidates intellectual water
        Cessation of suffering fire
        Of these beings.
        Good men to death, then Czechoslovakia Disabilities Tri Luc said:
        Authors steel plate, this is my vow not demand retribution to heaven, not demand Sravakas, Bich-chi-Buddhist admit, I only pray Supreme Mahayana attainment, only waiting for the time to think about where place of birth and teaching them a vow completed.Now I am thinking of such things. The venerable, wait a moment to hear my roaring Lion. 
        Good men to death, when he had five attendants Pham Bao Hai is slowly going forward, their names are:
        2.  Luc Long.
        3.  Water Dragon.
        4.  Void Long.
        5.  Yew Yin Long.
        Pham told them:
        -This For him to rise to the right enlightenment.
        Five people said:
        Authors steel plate, we just did not have anything to Buddha and our offerings Increase, not cultivated fresh root, how can rise to the right enlightenment is?
        Good men to death, when he took the ring treasure Pham his left ear gave Prime Long, took the necklace you gave ear to Luc Long, offering precious bed sitting handed Shui Long, bring sticks are used treasures handed for Long Void, bring a bottle of gold given to Yew Yin Long and said:
        Copper particles, the things he can bring this offering to Buddha and our Development Center Rising Supreme Enlightenment .END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENGLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/12/2016.

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