Thursday, 1 December 2016

Y êu is what? What is its value? How many kinds of love? Love in the Buddha's teachings with others with love not the usual sense? In the first session we know what love is? These are issues we can discuss even before we begin to talk and write about love.
People use a lot of words to say about love. We write about it, talk about it (it is an essential part of daily words), read about it and see it as a very essential thing in life. We have the saying: "Love would look gorgeous, glorious", "Love means never say sorry," "Love makes the earth spin" and have a slogan like says: "make love, not war" (make love, not war created).
Now we return to the problem: "What is love?". The dictionary defines love in its many different ways as warm, gentle, deep feelings of love and affection for them or love want inextricably linked, devotion to a beloved person or persons; feeling of brotherhood binding and sympathetic hearts to all fishermen? i, usually warm affection of the people eager for others, by the sexual attraction and mating.
To fit we will begin to discuss here about the definition of a kind of love. Love it is feeling passionate, gentle to others, their desire to be happy. It is the feeling of tenderness, care and tenderness; Love is not selfish, not to expect to get in return or not;it is a noble sentiment, to overcome all obstacles barriers of religious beliefs, gender, race, national ... It extends to all living creatures in the universe, including: Cone insects, fish, animals and expressions.
Love is not ignoble desires or feelings of love sticking closely to a person; unwanted sexual it. It is not about satisfaction or sexual pleasure. Yes so, we must understand that between two lovers must have love, between husbands and wives. In the relationship between them must be the care, tenderness and gentleness. Their love can not profit. It is a blend of strong attraction or sexual pleasure.
Love is responsible for the legality of the change, if an object does not satisfy or not satisfy sexual desire or with the enemy. Thus this shows that love is interdependent, limited and subjective. We consider it to be a vile affection or less noble, not noble, is purely selfish and vague. All these things will be discussed below us.
Love is based on the subjective side, it is also appropriate to discuss the issue of sexual desire. The sexual desire is what? Again the dictionary defines it as a craving to satisfy these feelings, physical lust, sexual desire; sexual desires intense especially as seeking satisfaction can not control, irresistibly heart lust. So we can see that the love between two people in a certain extent of sexual desire can not be separated, the sexual desire associated with the desire to satisfy the feelings , and which, as we know that feeling very intense and it is tame, rising as blindly passionate feelings of love and even heartbreak again. It can rise enraged jealousy, anger and frustration when jilted lover or the love unrequited.
And so again, this is not the kind of love we will discuss here, because this is a disinterested love and conquer to achieve what you want and feel free to correspond.However, there is no denying the sense of affection, tenderness, care and love between two lovers, between husband and wife. Even they can depend, influenced each other and with the sensual appeal. Maybe're starting from a great love story, they can also ask for a better understanding of a great love story and finally appreciate and develop a kind of love that pass all the barriers obstacles, limitations and circumstances.
So, the kind of love that we will discuss below is love that are looking for and have the pleasure in bringing happiness to others. It is a noble sentiment, unselfish, always expect good results as to what we desire, not looking forward to return, even without appreciation or gratitude. For love just as tolerance, love found in delight to see the joy and happiness in the eyes or flashed in the faces of others (considered as the fruit of love and sharing ). So it can be said that it is meaningful rewards, makes us all work harder, and it is rated as: "the fruit of love". Always wished for others are all good things, the red rose petal welcome on their whole way and pray for them not suffer injury or suffering.
So "the formula of love" in the traditional Buddhists-mail, we wish that: "All beings are healthy and happy, free from harm and danger. Body, mind are peaceful, not suffering. May all who are interested, take care of each filled with happiness ".
Buddha's own life is a typical example of the immense love and his love. It surpasses the two virtues:  Metta  (love, From) and  Karuna  (compassion, love, Bi), and he gave up worldly life full of luxuries, material and pleasure that he is living to to find the path to liberation, to end all suffering. After finding the solution, he shared it to all beings, wish them a taste of the wealth-happiness brain of the sleeping happy that they can achieve in the life of each person through pure heart.
And Buddha advised dedicated all his followers to come forward and spread the original transmitted his teachings to be more prolific so that they can also taste the sweet nectar cuasu liberation. It is he's a great master, after his enlightenment he went preaching tirelessly around the country to India, he preached to all walks of life for 45 years until he entered nirvana at the age of 80.
Buddha encouraged monks and His disciples often radiate loving kindness. He suggested to them to let overwhelmed and spread all over the world with a loving heart that such might be: "are far ahead, spread everywhere and endless". Anyone in any position, whether walking, standing, sitting, lying down, he urges his disciples often spread kindness, compassion to all beings.
In the teachings of the Buddha, there is no room for hatred or jealousy, even though a little iota. Such kind of love is a love supreme and paramount. It is not easy to love a completely wholehearted, full attention, do not expect any reward whatsoever. Make sure that it is extremely difficult for us to develop this love to the attainment of purity, chastity, as Buddha - love covers the whole beings, it does not burn or calluses that it is calm and even tempered by wisdom and serenity.
We began to cultivate this kind of love when we practice meditation and loving kindness insight  vipassana .  Metta  or loving meditation weapons kindness is especially effective against hatred and anger. And through meditation practice  vipassana, love and compassion can also bear buds, blooms when we empathize and destiny tied together but all of us that are suffering companions in  Samara , or in other words we are all in the same boat. In the following pages we will discuss the issue encapsulates our growth at the  Metta . Meditation practice  vipassana  we also mentioned another book titled entitled "Welcome to  vipassana ".
Metta Bhavana (Metta Meditation)
T beat the  Metta,  or loving kindness is especially suitable for those who are angry temperament, such as an angry easily, the simmering hatred and finds it difficult to forget or forgiveness, or who foster animosity and hatred. For people with warm temperament will be bothered by anger, they find happiness only when their temperament is regular exercise. And even those who are calm in this meditation practice still has a lot of benefits, because all of us are often annoyed or upset, and after exercise will help us to keep pure than.
Besides that there are also other benefits that we will discuss later. Although now we are talking about an interest in the benefits, but the practice  Metta,  eventually developed a love that is love only for love, just as well to alleviate the suffering of others and promote goodwill, cheer and happiness. The benefits we say here, the latter will become minor or trivial. But at the start we see as motivation to continue exercising.
One of the topics of meditation is to focus or specify a title in mind. When the mind is in a title, it will stabilize and become calm and quiet. At the same time wandering tendencies also be stopped, at least for the time or interest to be attracted to the title. Tam is very cool and comfortable when we come restful, quiet without thinking tranquility in specified headings, just focus in that section only. Calm the mind becomes calm like a lamp burning steadily without flashing. Of course, the experience of feeling silence which only he himself tasted to understand and enjoy it alone.
The next principle is to assign a section in the head, set it on the title meditation. When the meditation of love and compassion, the concept of title is love, wish for all beings are entitled to be happy. There are many different methods you can use to spread the love kindness  Metta  and see it as a title. Here we will discuss some of the methods that can be successfully practiced.
The first method is expressed in four lines:
* Be relaxed, trying to escape from harm and danger.
* Relaxing to escape the pain of the spirit.
* Relaxation to escape the pain of the body.
* In order for the copies yourself to be happy.
Four lines are easy to remember, the meditator need to memorize concepts go back in the early concept (only the first anniversary of a large severance needless to say). The mind is like a computer, and the idea is to program your mind with thoughts of good wishes to everyone. So, we can say that the more overwhelmed these thoughts, in our hearts as overwhelming love. Because when your thoughts, your mind will begin to focus on the object of love, wishing happiness to everyone. Irrelevant thoughts to get rid of it or get away from the final and we do not have entrance. At that time, the center will be of title has been assigned, and you will feel the special status of the static, silence that we mentioned before.
Before you continue, we need to explain the meaning of the four lines that we thought.Once you understand the importance of them, we will naturally understand the meaning and implications of them when we recite or sprinkle the good sense to love.
There are two types of harm and dangerous harm and dangers inside - damaging and dangerous outside. And malicious damage including cell inside our sliding as: greed, hatred, deception, anxiety, anxiety ... that causes us so much pain of mind. Damage and external dangers related to the dangers that we may face the outside, such as accidents, natural disasters (fire, flood, landslide, earthquake ...) and from those who want harm us.No one wants to be the dangers of this happening even inside or outside, although the risk will hiemben in more frightful.
The box is seen slipping even worse than the dangers within. Forums say is to listen, we ourselves are the most dangerous enemies for our own. If we can overcome, victory slipped inside the box we can cope with external obstacles without fear or worry.
The meaning of this sentence is very clear. It includes all the pain of the spirit, from subtle to gross. It consists of the pain, such as worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, sadness, depression, despair or any state of mental illness that can lead to confusion, serene or to agony. Nobody wants to suffer, tormenting both. We want to always be quiet, peace and happiness.
Again meaning of this verse is also very clear. It includes all the physical pain from the pain of physical trivia such as colds, headaches to severe pain, including cancer and heart disease. No one wants to suffer physical pain at all.
Here, we would like to say that day after day all beings can live a peaceful and happy way. All we need to embark on solving the everyday errand and be responsible about it.Students need to learn while adults have to make a living. We need relationships and friendly harmony with those around us, such as: the colleagues, friends, relatives, family members and those who love us.
If we do not behave well with them, then life will be difficult, hurdle. So if we want to get people to love you, let's have little or not there are contradictions, and let's have a lot of goodwill, sympathy and understanding each other better. Then we also need to fulfill our mission. We need to do their work effectively, if not then we will have a lot of problems.
On the other hand, every day we need to care about health care: physical and mental.Because of this body, we need to eat, wear, drink or smoke while sick ... These are also the daily surf the classifieds and we need to continue to live and make them calm and happy. And also need spiritual care anymore. We need spiritual cleansing by meditation, regular exercise, cultivate good moral character and demonstrate, to behave with intelligence.
So when we say: "To give myself to be happy." This had implications overview covering all aspects of daily life. So you can appreciate that four lines beginning: "Please relax trying to escape from harm and danger", is included generalize all that people desire.Understand fully the importance of the four lines, then the heart of our spread will bring more meaning.
M o t sit in meditation posture is normal: sitting cross-legged on the floor with your back straight (or on a chair because he can not sit on the floor). Eyes closed, relaxing the body and mentally four sentences (not read aloud or read the words just mentally).
Go back four sentences anniversary anniversary in ten minutes, thirty minutes or an hour. Continue to recite a hundred times, a thousand times, a hundred thousand times, a million times. Mindfulness Within how long and how many times it is not needed. Just idea, concept, concept only. It is only a short-only programming. We are programming the thought of loving kindness and goodwill to all beings. When we recite we do not need to think of the meaning of this sentence because we all know the importance of it then. Naturally and slowly when we recite feeling compassionate love and goodwill to all beings will spill over, spread on us humans. We will be filled with harmless sense, we do not want to harm or hurt others or did not nurture any anger or malice towards anyone. It was a really pleasant feeling.
When we recite or sprinkle by heart from this mind will naturally become focused on a topic and calm. The mind becomes calm, quiet and calm. These verses can itself flows smoothly like the radio is on. Sometimes because the mind calm we can forget our anniversary or jump to another question. That of course only. Once we know we just have to recite back to normal. By this meditation will naturally grow. No need to rush or meditation attain predictable failure, it will naturally until you have mastered, rote work.
C basil're scattered mind when we recite the words above. When the concept was by heart center will be focused on a topic or set, such as: love, mercy or spread the word heart. At that time wandering heart stopped and is in a state of mind from spreading.When the mind wanders when the state stopped thinking about this or that thing, worry, contemplation, contemplating ... stop, concentration, the focus on a topic. While the mind quiet and peace will naturally arise. People sitting meditation will feel comfortable, relaxed and relieved.
It was a very exciting feeling and excitement that only the new meditation taste. It alleviates the stress from the usual habits of the mind are often tempted and refined gas consumed by the thoughts, worries or concerns. This calmness of meditation is very mellow and did not evoke pleasure. This is a great happiness than anything else happy "expressions" of human freedom with its delight. This is the kind of happiness that Buddha praised - not the worldly pleasure and then there are the sights, sounds, smells, feelings ... pleasant. This Buddha pleasure to be vile and trivial and brings the pain as well as it will make the cell was sliding center.
However, meditation achieve the feeling of happiness or comfort to be experienced and enjoyed informal. Once the meditator taste it then, he would be less tempted to pleasure pleasures, at the pleasure slaves. Happiness tasted noble or spiritual happiness is not the mundane, he will be able to check the yearning for his own pleasure better. He liked the feeling of happiness enjoying noble spirit.
Technically, when the five hindrances institution (nivaranas, hindrances) is fixed. They are: a yearning for pleasure, two is antipathy, malice or anger, three is laziness, drowsiness such as: drowsiness, sedation, drowsiness, four is the heart at rest and not always wandering, anxiety and suspense, suspicion year (about the practice of the possibility that focused not ...).
So, when a person has concentrated meditation, the mind will be steady, steadfast and five obstacles are seen as the bad state of mind will naturally disappear. When this barrier disappears, the mind becomes concentrated. Tim did not crave or covet the pleasures of pleasure in meditation. Tim did not anger or aversion, no longer sleepy or drowsy, insecurity or anxiety or doubt. Therefore, the mind becomes calm, satisfied and peaceful. In the quiet of this year's spending attraction (jhana, Zen-na) arises. They are:
Vitakka:  often referred to as the first effort of the mind (Vision). This means that the heart is hit the target, heading directly into the title right of meditation. Tim did not wander anymore.
Vicara:  or maintain mental effort (Quartet). That is the mind is fixed on the object, stay there, a short but state continuous impact of the repeat of the mind, or the effects on headings. Vitakka driver heading down into the center of attention when giving effect vicara dd? Ng up headings and stay there.
Result,  Piti  (PHI) is the refreshing of the spirit will grow. The meditator will feel comfortable, relaxed. He enjoyed the kind of excitement like the vibe feels comfortable moving around the body. Sometimes he felt lightheaded as PITI: limbs suddenly lifted, raised or jerky or his body floating.
Sukha  (Lac), or the happiness and development. This sukha Piti but gentle like elegant or more sublime. So when sukha emerged the grossest kind Piti will deflate and the meditator feels very soothing comfort. As in business teaching it is "long-term comfort immediately". Meditators are contented and relaxed. In this state he no longer desires to feel pleasure, which now can be seen as crude and vile, hot and exciting than the quiet and mellow like the happiness in meditation with a robust spirit.
Ekaggata  (Best Center): the designated on a topic of interest. Finally value arises ekaggata was up. The mind becomes steady and static, focusing on a topic like the lights were ablaze when there is no wind, or like has been glued to the pillar that can not be shaken. Ekaggata experienced meditators could clearly see his heart is steadfast, and becomes silent, like the pillar was buried could not be shaken. Five elements also appear in time to enter into meditation, meditation occurs in approximately the year of goodwill that will herald the arrival of Zen-na, Jhana.
But in this state enters the meditator remains uncertain, and the obstacles still inviolable and pulled meditation. But when the mind is achieved in meditation-na floor, the five elements or becomes solid and obstacles completely disappeared. So when there are moments of meditation, the meditator is less likely to be interrupted and the meditator can now centered in five, ten, twenty, thirty minutes, one hour or can across multiple days without being a disturbance to any of the obstacle.
He can keep this state how long will depend on the skill of his practice time and the power of meditation (samadhi). Even when there is an interruption occurs he can easily recover his focus by continuing to spread kindness. This is referred to in Note that for a good meditator, when lost in meditation spent considerable for some reason he can not recover it without any difficulty.
Mettabhavana (meditation compassion) is part of brahma-vihara meditation (quad categories) including love (metta), compassion (karuna), joy of altruism (Mudita) and serenity (upekkha ): compassion petal. According Visuddhi Magga (Path of Purity), the meditator can achieve even three floor-na meditation with headings love (metta), compassion (karuna), and the joy of altruism (Mudita), while jhana can achieve serenity in section (upekkha).
To hone the factors attracting workouts are listed in Visuddhi Magga. But because time does not allow for us to list the workouts here. However, a scattered meditation center based on four lines from the formula that we have mentioned above can achieve a good meditation. If he worked hard and he can often be achieved in the attraction located on the static state. Or the exercise of his will be the foundation for the development of meditative moments later. As we have discussed in the previous section, the fundamentals in the development of meditation is to prevent obstacles in approaching and attracting five elements have become stronger and arises.
C European answer is: - as long as possible. While hesitating to focus explosion sprayed practice metta meditation people throughout day and night, while sitting or go and even during everyday activities such as eating, bathing, washing ... meditator can focus practiced for days, weeks, months.
But most people can not afford to focus collective efforts to luyep. They can work out their maximum level. You can spread our heart from ten minutes to an hour after waking up every morning. Even sprayed within five minutes from the heart alone is better than no attention from spreading. While continuing to work according to your everyday style.You can spread from the center all the time, everywhere. You can spread it while you take a walk somewhere, while you in the office, factory, while eating, bathing ... Spread the word by heart the first anniversary of the four lines, the simple formula from the center to the end will come very easily and smoothly. After a hard working day until the evening or after midnight, you can spread from the center according to how quiet posture. When you go to bed can also spread from the center till you sleep.
When a person is a regular meditation practice he will feel comfortable and at last he could not help but full of good will to all people. He will not be raising resentment or hatred, he also will not have the desire, the desire to have it all. That person will not easily get angry or irritated. He will become more patient and more tolerance. That's the great achievements of the practice. All of us should have a habit of spreading kindness Metta.  The Daily Buddha spread kindness  Metta  and he also advised his followers do the same.
Laying Metta  Metta  is a good way to keep your mind clean, healthy. Our mind often wanders everywhere, react with greed, anger, deception, worry, fret ... But when we are scattered from the center ie we are replacing thoughts unhealthy thoughts with healthy, clean. Thus our mind becomes calm and focused is easy while we do anything. The puppet was bothering restraint and for this reason will lead to our mind less anxious and complete daily tasks more efficiently.

N nowhere mentioned above, when you start practicing metta meditation sprayed  Metta you can spread kindness to yourself by briefly recite four lines:
- Be relaxed trying to escape the harm and danger.
- Relaxing to escape the pain of the spirit.
- Relaxing to escape the pain of the body.
- In order for yourself his happiness.
However, we do not need long-sprayed by the way, because it is only the starting point of your practice. Perhaps you recite those lines about ten minutes or just a few minutes when you start sitting. Then you can change to spread that to others, think that you desire nice things to yourself, it also wishes it to all beings. Then you can sprinkle sprayed completely kindness to yourself and instantly spread the word to others mind means you also wish they happy like you.
In Visuddhi Magga has taught that meditation can never be Zen-na by spreading kindness itself to him. So spread that to himself he is just the purpose of taking his own as examples only. With that in mind he wishes all the best to him, it will also come with all beings. It helped awaken the willingness and desire to bring the best of health and happiness for others.
T hem on the method of charity common interest spread to all beings, the meditator can also spread charity center in a specific way clear to a certain person or group of people.He can spread our heart charity to a friend, a colleague, a superior, a teacher, a wife or a husband to someone you love, families, parents, children .. .
Wherever he may be the charity to spread our heart, always think: May all beings around us get rid of the harm and danger ... the meditator can spread our heart charity to specific groups such as females to all (such as animals, insects, the expressions of feminine gender) the male, to all ariyas (noble beings accomplish the saints ), anariyas (ordinary people accomplish the saints), to all mankind, the gods (devas) and to all the beings apaya  (those who are suffering the pain in painful circumstances of local hell, the animal world, ghosts and demons).
Meditators can spread our heart charity to all directions, to all beings in the east, south, west, north, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest, in the direction above the lower direction. He can spread our heart charity based in each region and each venue, the first such to all beings in the house, then outward to the neighbor's house, county, province, city, country , world and universe.
As we have seen we can practice many different exercises while Metta meditation. It was all so exciting exercise. In Visuddhi Magga, the meditation practice to hone-na started by the charity center Dan sprayed each individual, such as: first-person spread our heart of compassion meditation on love and then to the one you love the most then to strangers and enemies to toiu (who always spiteful, his opponents).
In this method, because the meditator just beginning to see the individual starting as a title, so this certainly would not be appropriate to spread our heart of compassion to a member of the opposite sex will ensure that the dangers of desire and sexual pleasure and interest incurred on pollution disease, should only arise when the pure heart Metta meditation. But when people are scattered meditation heart charity to all beings including obvious nghioa is both feminine and masculine. Since the beginning of the cultivation of jhana when the meditator selected individuals, he should not choose the opposite sex. But eventually he became familiar with the exercise smoothly, there is no reason why he can not choose the opposite sex, and purpose is now being sprayed from the Metta Centre and not to cultivate Zen -na.
Since Metta is love and this will not make sense if we can not do this to spread the love their parents, grandparents or our husbands or wives and children because they are the opposite sex . Thus the meditator should understand that exercise in Visuddhi Magga guide only considered the focus of meditation hone na, then be careful not to select a member of the opposite sex.
However, in later stages, the meditator can spread from the center to anyone, otherwise it will not be Metta Metta meditation, if it does not do the job contains, including all, overcome all obstacles and barriers without distinction of race, religion, sex ... But when people meditate spread kindness done to a member of the opposite sex based on personal background, anyhow he it also should be wary of the intrusion of yearning and sensual pleasures. As we said just to hone Jhana (meditation-na), the meditator should not choose a member of the opposite sex based on individuals.
Visuddhi Magga also pointed that the meditator should not spread to the heart from a dead man because he does not have the ability to focus during meditation. When a man died, he was transferred, reborn into a new world and it has been seen as a dead man, is not a suitable object for meditation cultivates Jhana in Metta.
But we can do, if we're not training for the purpose of achieving five jhana attraction and the focus length, but only as to spread from the Metta Center, think this way: "Think phenomenon that even now he is reborn in the world always get rid of the harm and danger ... ". According to my thinking, doing this will not be harmed when the mind is always clean, wish all the best to others.
L Uyen collective love  Metta  and mindfulness can be a powerful combination. For example, in everyday life we can mindfully as much as possible in the daily activities and the mental state instead of letting our mind flying here and there. Then sometimes we can also interspersed between mindfulness to spread kindness  Metta  this way our mind is kept clean and healthy. With the practice spread the love  Metta  and mindfulness.We will focus more on the daily work. We will be less anxiety and live happy, more relaxed.
When sitting in meditation, the meditator should find a balance between practicing metta meditation and vipassana (insight and mindfulness). Vipassana meditation gives us the wisdom and understanding of the precarious while Metta is samatha and so problems can only bring quiet state. So people should not neglect meditation vipassana meditation.
At first, people learn meditation Metta meditation, of course, he needs to have more time to concentrate its practice. But after he achieved some progress in their skills and training, he should balance it with vipassana meditation. It helps the meditator to find balance in himself. For example, he can Metta meditation a few minutes then transfer to vipassana meditation. Or if he sat in meditation Metta afternoon in the morning, then he can practice vipassana meditation.
Finally, it helps the meditator to find a good equilibrium. (Under the guidance of vipassana meditation, people began to meditate can refer to in the book: "Invite to Vipassana meditation which explains the principles and the benefits of mindfulness, and meditation tutorials basic and simple are also presented therein).
One who constantly Metta meditation can expect up to 11 benefits:
So it is an effective remedy insomnia. Meditators do not need sleeping pills or sedatives that can bring harm dangerous side. So for insomnia that make up the Metta meditation.Even people who meditate can spread our heart charity until he fell asleep. In Visuddhi Magga stating Metta meditator to sleep as if caught achieve meditation. Moreover he slept comfortably, not turned over, tossing and turning and snoring as others.
Instead of waking he muttered, his snoring or return, he wakes up in a relaxed manner was not his turn. He is ready to start a new day with exclusive state of optimism, excitement and fun.
He does not dream about being chased robbers, wanted to run but can not run, stumbled on the cliff or falling into deep holes footloose or haunted by ghosts, demons ... instead if there is a dream, then find interesting dreams or signs of victory, the future prospects like flying through the clouds, that the scenery or are hearing are legal and generosity ... or he slept in a jar police dreamless.
This means he will not have enemies. People like him because of the nature of mind and habits spread the word of his mind. He will easily make friends and always congenial to each other. People feel there is a positive spiritual or energetic vibe because loving kindness which he always spread that.
This is a valuable benefit precious, because there is no enemy, we do not need to worry about other people want to harm us. There is more you also make our lives happier.Furthermore, we will find the help and cooperation of the people when we go anywhere.
Sight as people and animals can wake will help him. That's a good thing. We do not need to worry about being murdered or devil dog barking and biting are we or bitten.
This happened while the Buddha was alive. Once, a group of monks sitting in meditation in the forest with a few expressions to harassment. These expressions bearing the faces of this very scary and frightening noises caused to the monks fear. Then the monks fly to Buddha and he encouraged them to return to the forest and spread from Metta Center.These monks have followed his advice and knowledge to not only stop the harm them but also protect them. In the wake of the effect that this might even sweep resting place of the monks and warm water for their preparation. After last three months, the monks have attained Arhat in the woods.
Another story mentioned in Visuddhi Magga, a monk Visakha are preparing to leave the hut in the jungle on the island Tambapani (like Sri Lanka), one can form the tree appeared before him, and mourn . Monk asked: "Why are you crying so bitterly?" The soul replied: "Because he was about to leave." Monk asked: "I live here do for you?"
Dear revered rank, during his stay here, the formula can behave very kind. Now he is gone, they began to argue and engage in gossip stories ".
Monk said: "If my life here as you do you live here peacefully, it is a good thing." And he stayed there, and where he attained enlightenment nirvana.
As for example in the modern life of today, there are monks in Burma known for Metta meditation once recounted do not know why an angry swarm of bees attacked ferociously those around he and a strange thing is that it did not attack him. Beehives destroyed and scattered in a landscape they fly to sting people. Monk told everyone to run out of this place trying to flee bees. Indeed not prick his bees, and even when he went to the honeycomb find what causes them angry. The bees fly out of the nest ferociously as rain but still not sting him. Dathuat laisu this monk in lectures as encouraging people to Metta meditation.
On another occasion while I was in Burma, I saw a sparrow fly t phiua grave monks and perched on his shoulder. That bird had parked stay a bit before it flew away. And in that moment the monk is focusing Metta meditation he stood and sprayed from Metta Center while waiting for the other monks lunch gong striking type, then the bird suddenly flew towards him.
Weigh all of these examples, the meditator can praise the Metta meditation results. There is no practice that is considered a relief.
When people meditate they are gods esteem following which they will defend him. An example was mentioned before this is the case monks who for the first time the gods were shaken in your meditation in the woods. After first convincing beings by spreading kindness Metta. The monks are the gods that protect the more time they spent three months in the jungle in order to protect him. Themselves can meditate without any problems. Meditating in the forest is also a factor in achieving results Arhat their last three months?
Today, if the gods favor ever protect us, sometimes we can get rid of the danger in a strange manner. Of course, the protection and shelter our best is good truth and virtue. If we do good, we really are not afraid of anything. Because the good will to get good results. There is a saying that legal protection for those who favor prime phap.Vi so we rely on the measures, measures will protect us. Yes, this is the best protection.
So metta meditation a person under the law and will be protected safely. This is the real protection Buddhists should act instead for a spell, but its effectiveness is questionable.Buddha see the resort to divination practiced law as a bad thing and humiliated even discouraged any related problems.
In Visuddhi Magga mentioned two events that had occurred in the spring time of the Buddha's. A case of a female Buddha-mail Uttara devout woman with a hot oil thrown up other people because jealousy. But the Buddha-mail that was not burned at all.Heating oil when she turned into a wild man turned into cold water. Another event of a seven-year-old young monk, Sankicca pay unhurt when the blades. There are a few bandits to kill uncle to donate sacrificed to their gods. But when they slashed his sword, the sword will be a rebound off puffs. Sword can not cut off this young monk.Amazement and awe before such work, the robbers were kneeling at the foot of young monks Sankicca and ask for His forgiveness, legal reform refuge center.
There is also a story about a mother cow to calf is breastfeeding, then the hunter has launched the spear towards it. Flying spear bounced off simply because of the extraordinary inner strength of maternal love. Therefore, the most powerful force is love of charity!
As for the poison, one time my master - seventies he recounted his personal experiences he has gone through. As a young man when he was Metta meditation, then stabbed by scales of a fish poison. At that time, he is trying to save the fish in the pond is drained of water, suddenly he was stabbed because of a fish scales cultivate. His hand was bleeding, but he felt no pain and do not feel any consequences of toxins.
On another occasion, he was trying to rescue a dog that fell into a well. He sought to drag the dog up close to the well head and pulled the dog onto his hand, while the dog bite him. As an animal is frightened are trying snatching anything can climb and its sharp teeth dug into his hand so that is climbing. My teacher pulled it up and again he said he was not hurt anything and not feel what the consequences of Agent although his hands still scars.
So although people sometimes meditate carelessly cut, but by the power of Metta meditation practice that he can still protect him no pain or what the consequences of Agent.
Those who always spread from the center, the compassionate love that person's mind focuses very fast, no slowness, sluggishness when focused. This is because meditation helps calm the mind and purify the heart, focus on a topic of interest and become healthy. Therefore habit of mind is wandering without purpose and lead to a distracted, frantic cut back. This leads to better concentration while doing anything. So then he can do a good job than his. Of course involves meditation, the focus will be increasingly easier as he practiced regularly.
He or she will have a calm countenance and delicate. This beauty comes from the heart.It is expressed through the calm, serenity and radiant face of him. A person operating Metta His name does not need to use cosmetics, the beauty of the natural Metta while beauty makeup is so fake. Even if she's beautiful makeup, she still bad or disgusting if she had a bad streak or when angry. That is why the Buddha pointed out all kinds of incense: incense and jasmine, flying against the wind only flavor and aroma of the virtues which spread throughout all directions.
So if he can enjoy true formula of beauty, beauty comes from the heart, he should cultivate love kindness and morality. Then, even if he does not have the body beautiful face, he will have radiant countenance and serenity that will appeal to and attract people and be loved.
Someday, all of us have to die that way though our daily life often appears that we completely forgot this incident. Just as when he was alive he lived a good moral life, then he died he died peacefully. Live a nice peaceful life means living a noble, preserving moral values ​​and qualities honest, peaceful death means death smoothly, is interested in peace and not fear or charm attachment, do not cry or grieve.
Metta meditation a person living with a heart full of love for all beings desire to live so nice. He lived a moral life, the love gave him strength and is expressed through words, his actions.
So when death comes he getting ready. He is calm and peaceful place to go. When thinking about his life, he will not regret having lived a life full of love and morality. So in Visuddhi Magga states that he died peacefully, peacefully fall asleep like.
In Buddhism, we are taught that the importance to peaceful death because life our future depends on the final point of our thoughts arise. If we die in the string is n, we will be reborn in a bad place, then with good thoughts, we will be reborn in a good place. Die in your meditation Metta love kindness means we make sure there are some good network - where we can continue to endeavor, to strive to achieve Nirvana, the ultimate result of their It terminates all sorrow and suffering.
So a person Metta meditation, if practiced regularly he will achieve in the jhana attract mediocre, he's sure to be reborn into the world of fairy Brahma. In this fantasy world people live in wealth, full material and spiritual enjoyment of life filled with happiness.Of course, if he can achieve results Arhat, he will have a supreme life.
Arhat means to achieve ultimate results Nirvana, such as: no longer have to be reborn again, ending the cycle of birth and death, suffering painful round of affinity. However, to achieve Arhat him to practice Vipassana meditation (vipassana). Therefore we have previously stressed the need for a balance between practicing metta meditation and meditation spread from the center vipassana (insight). Even if only to practice Vipassana, it is not easily attained Arhat in a present life. It is likely to be reborn again many lives. He's still trying, much effort and know the right path paramis (excellent achievement from previous lives) to be able to perform well in this life.
Finally Buddha Maha confirmed in business-satipaṭṭhāna that a Vipassana meditation practice can attain quaA-la-drought after seven days or seven years. They can be obtained through the triangle, û "anagami - a-na-function, no future" and in the lower ranks holy Arhat. However, if not the saints that they can be sure to be reborn in a good place where they can continue efforts to strive to attain Arhat.
C basil I forbid end our article here with the heading "tame the rage and spread the love". We have shown the harmful effects of anger and how to tame it through mindfulness meditation and wisdom. We also presented Metta-bhavana methods such as meditation loving kindness is seen as a weapon against anger.
We have discussed in detail the various benefits that meditation can be achieved through practicing metta meditation. We hope readers near and far will spend more time trying to practice under the guidance of different methods and cultivate, cultivating a love spread the kindness. All these methods are based on the teachings of the Buddha, and we believe that those who try to practice will not be disappointed. You will feel so excited to see the progress of your soul and you will better control the actions of your spirit in the present life.
Finally all of us need to live in wisdom with love and from introspection. We need to do what can bring to their relatives by guiding them in the wisdom and compassion man.Va we started is create a stable temperament and think it can lead us to wisdom and introspection. When we are not capable of causing harm, then we do not get angry easily anything, just being in a mental state of cool and steady, capable comment evaluate any situations out calmly and answered with wisdom, we will live a life of peace and happiness.
Finally when all the anger goes away and only the sharp intellect and compassion to guide our actions, we will have lasting happiness in this life, not rebirth in the afterlife.Termination of anguish, ending the long journey to wander in reincarnation (samsara, one-grandmother) from an event generates an event, and from this suffering another painful birth. Yes, as we move to a fully mature stage in a sharp intellect and compassion, this rebirth round will end. And Buddha insisted that the sleeping world will be ours.
We do not know exactly what, but the sleeping Buddha is repeatedly confirmed to us that in the realm of the sleeping all sufferings are the exception, terminate and only peaceful, really stick average reigning. It is bringing a message of hope:  the sleeping can be achieved in this life, and is looking forward to the road no more reincarnation .All the Buddha-mail will reach the sleeping because that is their ultimate goal and for those who are skeptical in themselves, we suggest them that they do not lose anything if you go follow the path of love and wisdom that the Buddha went through and tested at themselves through the teachings of the Master.
All beings should cultivate the path of love, from the introspection and wisdom that eventually led to the cessation of suffering and the awareness of Nirvana, the highest happiness.
K hi do you get angry, close to the ice away! Stand there! Still! Do nothing! Do not say anything! Even a word. Completely still and silent. Completely ignoring the person or the job you are angry or upset. Then observe the heart center, observe the tension, tightening, injuries, choking sensation and emotion. Then take a closer look and found toxins released when anger will subside gradually deflated to fly away.
If you do not do that, let the soul fly, flying through the clouds and slowly landed on the mountain you like the most: in the hermitage, fields, green trees smooth, white or rose gardens million red roses, or yellow, all colors you love. Inhale the pleasant scent of fresh mountain air and gas, wind listen to the melody of spring on the plateau ..., entered the cool springs, pure, shower bath under the great convenience of the waterfall .. . watch the fish swim around in the lake. Butterflies flutter around the flowers lily white ... listen to the sound of frogs croaked and birds chirping ... all very pleasant, comfortable and warm in the mountains in the heart of legendary ease , you'll feel as if you did not know that the world around you (Actually, toward Nirvana, happiness here!)
Then take a look at who you booked you have to be angry ... and smiled at him - will find that your anger vanished like. After bathing in the cool water stream below the hill mystical calm, breathe the fresh air under the sun's rays shimmer strange, how can you be mad at him, her or any person yet again.
I can be happy and I can protect my happiness and live without enmity. All beings can live prosperous and happy; They have hearts rejoice. All beings have life though sick or healthy, whether tiny organisms or big, charming or unknowingly, live near or distant species has been born or will be born. Let them know the joys rejoice.
Hopefully no one deceive anyone, did not utter harsh words. Hopefully not because of anger or hatred that wants to harm each other. As a mother who sheltered and protected his only child escape is difficult, too, with an infinitely loving heart I love all beings, I am filled with love for all humanity, above and around me unlimited, so I cultivate friendly feelings infinite to humanity as a whole.
Stand or walk, sit or lie, for the duration of not sleeping, I cherished the thought method of expressing this love is paramount in all the world.

So, I should leave the discussion and debate brings arrogance, I walked a straight, upright, endowed with wisdom, I suppressed the desire yearning for emotional pleasures, and I do not ever have to be reincarnation. Here also, the results for these conditions is to take them to the sleeping results. All sentient beings can be free from the dangers of old age, sickness and death.  May all beings be liberated .END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/12/2016.

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