1. Total approved: the whole duty of Praise.
2. Special approval: Own Praise maintenance list approach. TOTAL TÁN
Chief: Internode hollowed in, or left as ground, beyond the third period of an idea; by the little word holy place, the place is magic mystery ... also inconceivable unto, only that there is economic Amitabha
Buddha Shakyamuni he said here.
Commentary: As mentioned above: "Body parts proving citizenship stations" which do not stick, sliding, side, left, equality ultimately, only the "Circuit mind".
Compare this to say on the subject being destroyed: Because of the awareness of people did right with "Nature really know" has a foot like, because it does not distinguish so mind suddenly start out promising attachment; then being ignorant, missing feet as root, nature, according to top industry propelled the focus being destroyed; Chon Fitness stir up chaos so-called "advance"; as slang clean sediment making the time called "ADD", ie only five degenerations transfer realms Saha became Pureland Thanh Thoi is the same.
Towing ignorance, leaving enlightened awareness, according ceiling prospects, far left feet should be called "Background". Now filming its way to, again retreated, so-called "User". Ie only planes Saha turned his back
to back so the water Bliss.
But this is only right in a period when love being
suspicious that said, it seems that there are chiseled into the lingo, or left as ground, not in fact where "nature" is not attained, no furniture, not more not less; so when opaque, time in which another character constant water; before that people suddenly after at first did two relatives. Should have a saying: "Cultivation ie such evidence is not; but unto such defilement of evidence".
Three big A period of three lifetimes States Increase; the word "Increasing America" will find solutions in the following text. Say "third period" is:
A) Based on the historical Gautama attained enlightenment by Germany, then from the neck to the Buddha Shakyamuni, when, spent seven five thousand Buddha;
B) From Buddha to Buddha Air Thi Nhien Facebook, spent seven six thousand Buddhas;
C) From Buddha to Germany Dipankara Vipassī Buddha, spent seven all seven thousand Buddha should say three period.
Spread long lifetimes far enough away to act as long as the new super Bodhisattva birth and death, but this is not beyond the birth and death anniversary off the road quickly. What is a thought? Mind is our anniversary performance Amitabha anniversary
here so.
The word "Bible" is the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. From ordinary position looks up frustrated Saints, even way way, so that did not advance beyond being even slightly bothered words "Holy Real rot"; Base words are little bit recite words Amitabha
here so.
Rather extreme! ... The question is praise. The word "Chi" means "supreme" referring not spend vast paramount over unto.
The word "Magic" is the question on the four common sense called "Dieu Nghia".
Use the "Power Tools". Raisins conclusion that the mind clean, like rivers turbid Huynh (13), delusions hard collectors, wanderings seems the horse. By experiencing many lives as countless sa constant reincarnation of sales alone, read the text of the three oil and 12 sets of organs that
road as far sight. This can make hollowed in, left to face, a super-fast concept, little words associated documents, such miraculous power use, what is inconceivable. Can use from birth minister, should just say that includes magic.
After the last question is the nature of the referring site such magic will match any business? Only economic Amitabha Buddha Shakyamuni's enough here for comparison.
Or someone asked: No comment of Theravada, Mahayana scriptures just as much as the mountain nature, why own economic merit of this magic?
A: In the Capital but have enough sense organs here, but do not have a clear economic and business as simple as this, so good nature that argument, Where justice to say that teaching is not Vienna, DC; (14) but the one thing "Long Duc ... go left ..." the other DC Members have not expressed the way he means. As for the other disciplines: law too broad or somewhat difficult to preserve, or the unfathomable deep well. This only little by reciting the name of Buddha's words associated documents Nhut enter the mind, has been reborn, proceed immediately to the place of Buddha, then place the legal means by which to pick so. The Spirit, winning did not gather force in this business, do not for business?
Again addressed the "Nature virtue", text is "spirituality", addressed as "self identity" purity available, this document is "Glass structures" to pure, pure ring to nature, stumbling out etc ... Air each other as unique, as in the following sections will say.
Commentary: As mentioned above: "Body parts proving citizenship stations" which do not stick, sliding, side, left, equality ultimately, only the "Circuit mind".
Compare this to say on the subject being destroyed: Because of the awareness of people did right with "Nature really know" has a foot like, because it does not distinguish so mind suddenly start out promising attachment; then being ignorant, missing feet as root, nature, according to top industry propelled the focus being destroyed; Chon Fitness stir up chaos so-called "advance"; as slang clean sediment making the time called "ADD", ie only five degenerations transfer realms Saha became Pureland Thanh Thoi is the same.
Towing ignorance, leaving enlightened awareness, according ceiling prospects, far left feet should be called "Background". Now filming its way to, again retreated, so-called "User". Ie only planes Saha turned his back
But this is only right in a period when love being
Three big A period of three lifetimes States Increase; the word "Increasing America" will find solutions in the following text. Say "third period" is:
A) Based on the historical Gautama attained enlightenment by Germany, then from the neck to the Buddha Shakyamuni, when, spent seven five thousand Buddha;
B) From Buddha to Buddha Air Thi Nhien Facebook, spent seven six thousand Buddhas;
C) From Buddha to Germany Dipankara Vipassī Buddha, spent seven all seven thousand Buddha should say three period.
Spread long lifetimes far enough away to act as long as the new super Bodhisattva birth and death, but this is not beyond the birth and death anniversary off the road quickly. What is a thought? Mind is our anniversary performance Amitabha anniversary
The word "Bible" is the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. From ordinary position looks up frustrated Saints, even way way, so that did not advance beyond being even slightly bothered words "Holy Real rot"; Base words are little bit recite words Amitabha
Rather extreme! ... The question is praise. The word "Chi" means "supreme" referring not spend vast paramount over unto.
The word "Magic" is the question on the four common sense called "Dieu Nghia".
Use the "Power Tools". Raisins conclusion that the mind clean, like rivers turbid Huynh (13), delusions hard collectors, wanderings seems the horse. By experiencing many lives as countless sa constant reincarnation of sales alone, read the text of the three oil and 12 sets of organs that
After the last question is the nature of the referring site such magic will match any business? Only economic Amitabha Buddha Shakyamuni's enough here for comparison.
Or someone asked: No comment of Theravada, Mahayana scriptures just as much as the mountain nature, why own economic merit of this magic?
A: In the Capital but have enough sense organs here, but do not have a clear economic and business as simple as this, so good nature that argument, Where justice to say that teaching is not Vienna, DC; (14) but the one thing "Long Duc ... go left ..." the other DC Members have not expressed the way he means. As for the other disciplines: law too broad or somewhat difficult to preserve, or the unfathomable deep well. This only little by reciting the name of Buddha's words associated documents Nhut enter the mind, has been reborn, proceed immediately to the place of Buddha, then place the legal means by which to pick so. The Spirit, winning did not gather force in this business, do not for business?
Again addressed the "Nature virtue", text is "spirituality", addressed as "self identity" purity available, this document is "Glass structures" to pure, pure ring to nature, stumbling out etc ... Air each other as unique, as in the following sections will say.
1. Tien economic theory trim production: Before talking business reasons only.
2. Pure Mini merit comment: including Pure merit table.
3. Characteristics of weak market maintenance list: Only the maintenance list is over.
4. Square show facility maintenance list is: It is very wide thanks to maintenance list.
Chief: So Buddha told us before the Assembly on the following three Nhut true successor, agreed to part of the treasure, the mystery was particularly gifted.
Commentary: Dependence on the text says Beijing has enough merit, such inconceivable: the Buddha said to try doing this is because probably it.
The word "sowing" the Tabernacle. Ie: Temporary right to say, do not say to the salvage site.
Three TT is: excess capital not three, three is the right to say: Sravaka, Pratyekabuddha and Bodhisattvas.
Chung is
to Interim speaking. It is
so for the right to say that the
Buddha into our new house when Enlightenment Forum Flower Adornment Sutra says, but the big difficulty according to your teacher frugal frugal small Buddhist custom of beings, which he said Three Thua measures, eventually new opportunity "Rights" of "fact" and Mahayana legal ban handed, so to say "copper pieces to treasure." This is where roughly 5 times the teacher (15) of the Tathagata said in a 49-year life. But the goal was to offer a Buddhist concept: This course is a great base who did not comment, the primary engine, is immediately nianfo whoever is reborn. Just do not wait until the new maturity inborn rights to real opportunity, free of being reborn pending consecutive upset Real rot. Example: It was recommended that such positions should be taken out of the hierarchy (passing diploma) and who admit the warm house (16) available bothered class, appointed a mandarin. Because on the board thanks to a brilliant way, so-called special thanks, as well as strange. Again grace the mystery that has 2 meanings:
1. France is in favor nianfo mystery.
2. France shall list the Buddhist concept of grace is grace mystery mystery.
Chief: Buddha pointed out 48 and opening prayer taught French restaurant 16: Prayer always provided the legal universalism, always focusing on shop magic of the mind.
Commentary: Van on the Pure disciplines compliment a crucial: writing here for the Pure Land way, mentioned the economic front, later this compared to doing this is doing is revenge win over. "French restaurant 48 voluntary and 16 were documented in two business enough" is meant from the beginning to the prayer chapel next end, we may have to lead the beings were also born in the Pure Land Council. From the first bar to the last bar, restaurant, shops are not always, Housekeeping and middle (17) to clear the mind supreme justice Nhut. Because of this interest generated Nhut great prayer, upland great vows that the throne enlightenment, and then use the back of her willingness to co-witness of being single-minded justice.
For the Pure Land way, comparing both economic (General Duty and restaurant business) include such standard.
1. Convention Jiao weak argument: Comparison of key seats.
2. Save the benefits invention: Considering the benefits clearly.
Chief: Use again vows vast subject, and especially the spot you know in advance; measures consistent with spending by deep mystery await hold: Given the specialized needs of other countries. Don is the only placeholder to the maintenance list. For everyone of the Name of the Lord, it was composed enough good; specializes maintenance list, also captured the colors are all happy.
Commentary: It is where the documents before comparing Sutra, shop or business that they know the legal argument over the name is very short. Said "Great" is 48 prayer embraces both u guys, the show, including all walls, ordinary class, wandering wide, not far off the edge; Such vague disciplines, want to place detectors once decided, should be spent in that you know in advance. In the story says: "Know your place after the new religion so close." (18)
Say "deep color" is: As customary divided into 16 legal subjects, the practice is not one; whereas highly sophisticated magic shop, who reviewed preliminary hardly comprehend the mind. If carefully surely should have to hold unto the mystery of the previous weaknesses. Mr. Kha Tu said: "Keep previous vulnerabilities that make up the broad is
or that direction." (19)
What is "anticipated"? Due to the birth of the other country know, close Tathagata serve such great prayer, so that relatively expectant, long seen such worry Amida show enlightened. So say the prayer rebirth is urgent jobs first.
How weak is the placeholder before? By customary law but by 16, but only comes to a Buddhist word is
enough. Buddha but very extreme, which is the only center
that (the Buddha). Buddha heard this name, circuit maintenance attachments, that is a form to the public does not take much, just because all idealistic approach, every heart was pure, not yet finished work; Campaign visualize the heart in a moment that any retribution, no district reports are clear, everyone wants rebirth concept of instant nail was born in another country. That's hardly consistent with the law, but we do not practice it. So the law "shall list the Buddhist concept" to keep practicing so that weak spot that Convention.
Thien As he says: "The heart Shakyamuni too commercial, it is recommended to meditate on the title being Amitabha was so".
Said "recite" is: Buddha immeasurable merit, this concept only has four letters the title is Amitabha Buddha is enough to cover it all, so because the Buddha Amitabha ie the totality of the mind that Nhut it includes the Center virtue Often, Bliss, Self, Pure, Bon, vision (20), Chon As, Buddha Nature, Bodhi, Nirvana, until hundreds of thousands of thousands of names, are only in a Buddhist name a Amida
here, including all collectors.
Said "specialized maintenance" is: beings immeasurable also studied Buddhism practice law; This is only a sufficient legal maintenance list includes drain. Because over the title Buddha, ie maintenance take heart that heart Nhut here it includes every hundred well as: Four, then, for all four to eight thousand constant fall of Mote, all subjects happy, interested collectors photography is all, so-called "weak placeholder Convention".
NOTES RESEARCH INTERESTS (divided into three parts)
1. Nhon city (To the Buddhist concept multiplication)
2. Fruit certificate (Certificate the Buddhist concept results)
3. Summary (Final goodness good results)
Nhon Thanh
Chief: Tu come here all uncertain concept (wandering) are alone. Considering the extreme, goodness is so negative mental disorders by Nhut.
Commentary: Before no other practice "Buddhist concept" is in the sense that the whole concept or concepts are working concept under the ceiling (ie recite beings), referred to that in a moment with nine hundred birth anniversary and destroy; themselves in each one thought the four stages are: Birth, Head, Hetero, Killing. Such analysis from the, from the position it much with infinite numbers.For oil used in the eye by "third eye" mechanism can not wantonly go again to work through all the notion that the ceiling! So-called "all uncertain concept" that.What everyone wanted this anniversary anniversary hesitated before killing it after birth anniversary, at first go back at first, except that the next hundred users, but ultimately can not be deducted.
Yet today the strength maintenance list, mindfulness has raised the idea of a natural complex than before. Like a lion out of the cave, nestled hundred species are hidden. Sunlight mist, thousands took snowy forest, called them wandering all alone.
Vinh Minh City so he said: "Some practitioners ie shop windows (21) alone delusions; recite Buddhist practitioners immediately be objective delusion". At both the experience through this chanting Buddha that only an end to the notion thoughtfully as only a stop, the ultimate source of the original; should say "consider extreme". Until being "negative mental disorder Nhut" the goodness that is accomplished practitioners "Samadhi Buddhist concept".
Chief: New info departed not step over the threshold that four color blossoming golden pond, not out of the airport terminal that
golden land around seven grade jade tree, place the sermon Amida Buddha lotus blooms hours of birth, with bird birds usually Arabic language, cottages along the common pearl color.
Commentary: No matter where, chanting Buddha cultivator that
was Nhut any heart disorders sure knows from life, lotus, until the medical report, per every dish dignified are not magic scene outside the center, ie "net interest, net of" how galaxies all have to wait for a new golden ears hear Amida sermon? Saha printing new realm called the Pure septic literary or what? So precious birds, birds usually, the pearl, cottages (22) Nothing more, nothing less, with net expenditure, with spending unclean? Should say: Scene at the Pure western front are.
Chief: Number is, with the notion that the feet do not recite; with that being out on the unborn. By reciting the name of Buddha is the concept of the mind, while the other countries are not being born worlds apart here. Because of that mind, Buddha and sentient beings while three are still the same body; and the line between the two sides unhesitatingly call somewhere: sensory nature is Amida, idealism is pure pure land.
Commentary: Next Posted on saying: What would that
be good goodness like fruit color is the main part by practitioners towards maintenance list Nhut Buddhist concept of mind, a concept not extreme concept, the new concept is the notion that the feet do not recite. Back to the concept of capital can not, it's not recite concept, called the notion that the feet.
V "being unborn" is: As can clearly no bears born without birth, not being born again, so-called evidence used Buddha mind ring accidentally being imported upset (23), but in "Education Run" text The following speak. Should know all the day was a full day Buddhist concept notion mind, apparently reborn, but nothing quietly loitering page.
V "Mind, Buddha and sentient beings" which, it says: "Mind and Buddha and all beings, all three no difference". Because the mind that is reciting Buddha Amitabha, the Buddha Amitabha Buddha ie nature of beings, as a possible co-Enlightenment variable should spend beings in the mind of the Buddhas back grab concept in the mind of the Buddhas beings. If "love" to bridge "Enlightenment" that sense, the Council remains the same, so one could say yes.
Question: "Between the lines, and the two sides" are in the realms of Saha this example, the Pure Land in the other instance. Popular funny boring original size;Then came the fun serving size lost distinction, where the latter is not indifferent universe, non-happy, so are the two sides have no attachment, nor turn again to the heart between. Nature available Amitabha Buddha, idealistic Pureland available, as well as this standard. World of Pure Meditation and legal, but other practices of both, but at about a place is "nature" because not leave self interest, self-interest, but that is the Buddha, that is Zen.
So who belittle other mortgage Pure Meditation, self-blame is my own mind, as well as criticism and blame Buddhist Meditation or cultivator her they did not know, at that thought alone!
Chief: "Li Nhut mind" here, though it is a full part of the upper frustrating place, but it also informed both the "Gen" somewhat. Because the half-way with guys padded base (inborn slow and dull flood).
Commentary: With "Li Nhut heart, the heart Nhut" will see in the following text. Now say "nature Amitabha, idealism Pure Land" is just right for "Li Nhut any heart disorder" in this business say it. Yes location could upset religious upper, padded base not afford leaders who emerged. Should say "Nhut mind" here, not only on reason but also attentive to the collusion because with "The heart Nhut" anyone can do, such as: fool wife, stupid women (24) whether any goofy, can not attend know, do. Because of this law shall list the Buddhist concept such as sun shading throughout, land transportation throughout, in election of creation (the universe) does not give any other creature.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/12/2016.
2. Pure Mini merit comment: including Pure merit table.
3. Characteristics of weak market maintenance list: Only the maintenance list is over.
4. Square show facility maintenance list is: It is very wide thanks to maintenance list.
Chief: So Buddha told us before the Assembly on the following three Nhut true successor, agreed to part of the treasure, the mystery was particularly gifted.
Commentary: Dependence on the text says Beijing has enough merit, such inconceivable: the Buddha said to try doing this is because probably it.
The word "sowing" the Tabernacle. Ie: Temporary right to say, do not say to the salvage site.
Three TT is: excess capital not three, three is the right to say: Sravaka, Pratyekabuddha and Bodhisattvas.
Chung is
1. France is in favor nianfo mystery.
2. France shall list the Buddhist concept of grace is grace mystery mystery.
Chief: Buddha pointed out 48 and opening prayer taught French restaurant 16: Prayer always provided the legal universalism, always focusing on shop magic of the mind.
Commentary: Van on the Pure disciplines compliment a crucial: writing here for the Pure Land way, mentioned the economic front, later this compared to doing this is doing is revenge win over. "French restaurant 48 voluntary and 16 were documented in two business enough" is meant from the beginning to the prayer chapel next end, we may have to lead the beings were also born in the Pure Land Council. From the first bar to the last bar, restaurant, shops are not always, Housekeeping and middle (17) to clear the mind supreme justice Nhut. Because of this interest generated Nhut great prayer, upland great vows that the throne enlightenment, and then use the back of her willingness to co-witness of being single-minded justice.
For the Pure Land way, comparing both economic (General Duty and restaurant business) include such standard.
1. Convention Jiao weak argument: Comparison of key seats.
2. Save the benefits invention: Considering the benefits clearly.
Chief: Use again vows vast subject, and especially the spot you know in advance; measures consistent with spending by deep mystery await hold: Given the specialized needs of other countries. Don is the only placeholder to the maintenance list. For everyone of the Name of the Lord, it was composed enough good; specializes maintenance list, also captured the colors are all happy.
Commentary: It is where the documents before comparing Sutra, shop or business that they know the legal argument over the name is very short. Said "Great" is 48 prayer embraces both u guys, the show, including all walls, ordinary class, wandering wide, not far off the edge; Such vague disciplines, want to place detectors once decided, should be spent in that you know in advance. In the story says: "Know your place after the new religion so close." (18)
Say "deep color" is: As customary divided into 16 legal subjects, the practice is not one; whereas highly sophisticated magic shop, who reviewed preliminary hardly comprehend the mind. If carefully surely should have to hold unto the mystery of the previous weaknesses. Mr. Kha Tu said: "Keep previous vulnerabilities that make up the broad is
What is "anticipated"? Due to the birth of the other country know, close Tathagata serve such great prayer, so that relatively expectant, long seen such worry Amida show enlightened. So say the prayer rebirth is urgent jobs first.
How weak is the placeholder before? By customary law but by 16, but only comes to a Buddhist word is
Thien As he says: "The heart Shakyamuni too commercial, it is recommended to meditate on the title being Amitabha was so".
Said "recite" is: Buddha immeasurable merit, this concept only has four letters the title is Amitabha Buddha is enough to cover it all, so because the Buddha Amitabha ie the totality of the mind that Nhut it includes the Center virtue Often, Bliss, Self, Pure, Bon, vision (20), Chon As, Buddha Nature, Bodhi, Nirvana, until hundreds of thousands of thousands of names, are only in a Buddhist name a Amida
Said "specialized maintenance" is: beings immeasurable also studied Buddhism practice law; This is only a sufficient legal maintenance list includes drain. Because over the title Buddha, ie maintenance take heart that heart Nhut here it includes every hundred well as: Four, then, for all four to eight thousand constant fall of Mote, all subjects happy, interested collectors photography is all, so-called "weak placeholder Convention".
NOTES RESEARCH INTERESTS (divided into three parts)
1. Nhon city (To the Buddhist concept multiplication)
2. Fruit certificate (Certificate the Buddhist concept results)
3. Summary (Final goodness good results)
Nhon Thanh
Chief: Tu come here all uncertain concept (wandering) are alone. Considering the extreme, goodness is so negative mental disorders by Nhut.
Commentary: Before no other practice "Buddhist concept" is in the sense that the whole concept or concepts are working concept under the ceiling (ie recite beings), referred to that in a moment with nine hundred birth anniversary and destroy; themselves in each one thought the four stages are: Birth, Head, Hetero, Killing. Such analysis from the, from the position it much with infinite numbers.For oil used in the eye by "third eye" mechanism can not wantonly go again to work through all the notion that the ceiling! So-called "all uncertain concept" that.What everyone wanted this anniversary anniversary hesitated before killing it after birth anniversary, at first go back at first, except that the next hundred users, but ultimately can not be deducted.
Yet today the strength maintenance list, mindfulness has raised the idea of a natural complex than before. Like a lion out of the cave, nestled hundred species are hidden. Sunlight mist, thousands took snowy forest, called them wandering all alone.
Vinh Minh City so he said: "Some practitioners ie shop windows (21) alone delusions; recite Buddhist practitioners immediately be objective delusion". At both the experience through this chanting Buddha that only an end to the notion thoughtfully as only a stop, the ultimate source of the original; should say "consider extreme". Until being "negative mental disorder Nhut" the goodness that is accomplished practitioners "Samadhi Buddhist concept".
Chief: New info departed not step over the threshold that four color blossoming golden pond, not out of the airport terminal that
Commentary: No matter where, chanting Buddha cultivator that
Chief: Number is, with the notion that the feet do not recite; with that being out on the unborn. By reciting the name of Buddha is the concept of the mind, while the other countries are not being born worlds apart here. Because of that mind, Buddha and sentient beings while three are still the same body; and the line between the two sides unhesitatingly call somewhere: sensory nature is Amida, idealism is pure pure land.
Commentary: Next Posted on saying: What would that
V "being unborn" is: As can clearly no bears born without birth, not being born again, so-called evidence used Buddha mind ring accidentally being imported upset (23), but in "Education Run" text The following speak. Should know all the day was a full day Buddhist concept notion mind, apparently reborn, but nothing quietly loitering page.
V "Mind, Buddha and sentient beings" which, it says: "Mind and Buddha and all beings, all three no difference". Because the mind that is reciting Buddha Amitabha, the Buddha Amitabha Buddha ie nature of beings, as a possible co-Enlightenment variable should spend beings in the mind of the Buddhas back grab concept in the mind of the Buddhas beings. If "love" to bridge "Enlightenment" that sense, the Council remains the same, so one could say yes.
Question: "Between the lines, and the two sides" are in the realms of Saha this example, the Pure Land in the other instance. Popular funny boring original size;Then came the fun serving size lost distinction, where the latter is not indifferent universe, non-happy, so are the two sides have no attachment, nor turn again to the heart between. Nature available Amitabha Buddha, idealistic Pureland available, as well as this standard. World of Pure Meditation and legal, but other practices of both, but at about a place is "nature" because not leave self interest, self-interest, but that is the Buddha, that is Zen.
So who belittle other mortgage Pure Meditation, self-blame is my own mind, as well as criticism and blame Buddhist Meditation or cultivator her they did not know, at that thought alone!
Chief: "Li Nhut mind" here, though it is a full part of the upper frustrating place, but it also informed both the "Gen" somewhat. Because the half-way with guys padded base (inborn slow and dull flood).
Commentary: With "Li Nhut heart, the heart Nhut" will see in the following text. Now say "nature Amitabha, idealism Pure Land" is just right for "Li Nhut any heart disorder" in this business say it. Yes location could upset religious upper, padded base not afford leaders who emerged. Should say "Nhut mind" here, not only on reason but also attentive to the collusion because with "The heart Nhut" anyone can do, such as: fool wife, stupid women (24) whether any goofy, can not attend know, do. Because of this law shall list the Buddhist concept such as sun shading throughout, land transportation throughout, in election of creation (the universe) does not give any other creature.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/12/2016.
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