Buddhism has no limit rituals Star Award.
Full Moon in January, also called the Upper Highlands festival folk festival in Vietnam, were imported from neighboring China to the north. Called upper division formerly Lunar way: Rooftop Resources (Full Moon in January), Zhongyuan (full moon of July) and lower raw (full moon of October) of the system according to the moon calendar. According to some Chinese books, as Tang Shu Chi Calendar, vol 18, there are nine stars shine in the sky. There are seven books back, and then later with the addition of two stars of La Hau and Urban Planning. That's why Japanese Chin Yew, Moon Magic, Fire Magic, Water Magic, Yew Wood, Kim Yew, Turkey Dieu, La Hau and Urban Planning. There are more stars of Thai Bach again in ten stars. Nine why this aka Nine Noble is under the coordination of local stars, arranged in twelve and five elements. According to this book that the age of the lunar calendar every year under the influence of a star called star commandment literally. Therefore see how good years, bad five star met. Two stars La Hau and guys that are so bad, the kind possessed nowhere because the two stars of this crystal could not see the sun.
That's according to folk traditions inherent since ancient times savage, when people feel too little before nature, been kind of sick, but not enough to find a cure, supposedly because the gods punish, should fear before all kinds of Spirit where they can imagine, from the thunder god, the god Set, the god Cay Da, trees offer, spirit tiger, snake god, the god mountain, river gods (Ha Ba) etc ...
But based on the scriptures of the Buddha in another sense , according to the Buddha's teaching in the French Quarter of Medicine: " Referring to economic health in another sense, he did not put his business according means ", we find no reference to any star whereby people are welfare or bring disaster and no one ceremony or worship stars award-called Buddhist term for both. However, there are a few temples, in the geographic area affected also traditional polytheistic folk religion, the Buddhist monks had to, called the level of grace , according to conviction the majority of the population believes the mechanical application enlightenment, that hold ceremonies, besides the pure Buddhist ritual, the goal is still the means used to help sentient beings, slowly turning their attention back to shore Enlightenment. In addition, there are also a number of temples in the market place, although the term know why the offer is not in line with the Dhamma, but maintains, or by the need to develop the temple need the help of benefactors, or because Buddhists fear will go elsewhere or the teacher charms, shaman but pity for them right away from the Buddhist religion.
Why do we say that there is no reference to any star by which human welfare or bring disaster and no one ceremony or worship star called the Buddhist term for both. Because all graphics and blessed that people get are due to cause and effect of the person doing so.
The seven stars, nine or ten star stars above are named by the people and for each person drawing bring a property back, but the Buddha did not talk about them.
He taught us about causality. He taught that there is no result yet from the sky falling, or out onto the ground, which are due to the actions through the mind, speech and mind of man-made . Man-made, it's good to a certain good results. For example, we want sweet oranges, we have extracted stem from breeding or sweet orange trees, such as orange Texas. In addition we must take care, fertilizing, watering time period, then how we'll be picking fresh oranges.
Similarly, every success or failure in life of every person not by giving to someone, that's because the ones we created earlier, when full, the result of conditions into. The adverse of conditions we will bear fruit artifacts bad, the good fortune will bear good fruit. Buddhists have a saying " want to know the past, we have planted something, just look what results we are leaders. For the future we look at the stars, it's just we're planted in the present "; However, causality is not merely that are varied, insect repellent, not only in life by direct current that can be due to many generations in the past, except those who practice religion willow, to status "Mind no", then: " Willow duty hybrid karma ie not " (Yongjia Xuanjue).
Buddha is the guru, he does not do injustice is blessed or calamities to anyone, taught us that the good must be created in order to enjoy good results in the TT's. He taught us the way to advance in the Buddhist Thua, from Human Thua Thien Hue, Thanh Van Thua, pratyekabuddhas and Bodhisattva, then go to the liberation from samsara.
You monks in Buddhist Tzu Chief Tathagata, obviously to following in the footsteps of the Buddha that screening for Buddhists Vang Anh Dao, the Buddhist teaching of the Buddha's sutras. You Buddhist monks are not the brokers between the Holy Spirit and the believer as priest of some other religion, claiming that the Holy Spirit can pray by the grace calamities. We need to use wisdom to understand the path of the Buddha Deliverance.
In the Theravada (Business School of Ministry), the Buddha has advised Bhikkhus who have life use of credit offerings Buddhist candidates, not to practice sexual misconduct as: " astrology, dream Minister , guess the network, geographical view, watching the moon, the sun, the stars appeared diving, dim, ... good day to make arrangements (procession) strawberry or groom go home, look good to the mediation date, look dated good time to divide, look good to debt collection date, time and date look good to lend or spend money, use spells to help people get lucky, using spells to make people at risk, using spells to break pregnant, do use spells to freeze the tongue, jaw using spells that do not move, use a spell that caused people to put their hands down, use a spell that caused deaf ears, ask the mirror, ask proper co teenager, asked the angel for blessed art ... "
Also in business Nguyen Thuy (Deliverance Beijing), the Buddha taught the Dharma of the Buddhas. He taught that:
"Who practice Dharma
Buddha is offering
the highest way
in the offerings ..."
Buddha is offering
the highest way
in the offerings ..."
France where he taught can be summarized in three things, has become familiar with people Buddhists:
"Do not do the evil
Diligent do good works
purifies the mind ..."
Diligent do good works
purifies the mind ..."
Thus, if all Buddhists practice the Buddha taught three things mentioned above, the hour, day, month or year there are now zodiac, is a good day, month and year good good at all; Where have to go through the term shaman stars anymore. And like the new practice is the highest offered in the way of offerings to Buddha.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/12/2016.
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