Friday, 9 December 2016

Join sometimes fate 6.

Aunt Tang Chi Combs is Endless (ordained as nuns). Tibetan Endless litigation often "Maha Nirvana", the Sixth Patriarch heard, he can know the meaning of magic in the economic interest, he explained the meaning of the Master She listened.

From preparation may know, the ancient practice Buddhism, are going into a goal. Now seen Endless Tibetan monk and nuns is the first stitch, she often chant "Maha Nirvana", which later will see the French specialized legal Dat "Saddharmapundarika Business"; Tri Thong next specializes chant "Lankavatara Sutra", is specialized in a particular area. This teaches us the attitude and method of Dharma. Beginners learn, absolutely should not take much, can read through all the sutras then obtained through this sutra basic mind. After enlightenment is emptiness, again heard more educated, reading scriptures see what others do not have no communication. If this book is viewed, also see the other book, Get Friday consciousness studies, used to attend seminars by discrimination is absolutely no way to attain the true meaning on the classics.

After three security requirements, the first Buddhist sutras should read as "the Platform Sutra", so dive into a subject "Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra", constantly recited. Naturally, because each person's inborn difference, besides choosing a relatively classic landmark (moving body) also may be. As for the other classic but can see, can understand, but just know that the business is saying is, even in the better practice is still so intensive on a set.

Endless Tibetan saying: "word not know, how can we know the meaning of it? ".
Sixth Patriarch said: "Ethics magic of buddhas not on the deed. "
"  Chu  Buddha magic of non-related texts  ", not to say non-related texts. If not related texts we studied classics to do? that is to say not in the script.
We studied classics can understand the magic of all the Buddhas or not? If the attachment is in the script, of course not; if possible also thanks to texts, raise attainment contemplate that they really, truly new that solve true meaning of the Tathagata. After the attainment of economic sense, writing for the character is speaking, a little sense nor longer. Because of the above documents do not really like. So where real business? The main is that our nature.
Doctrine that "The Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra" said is the truth of nature.
Before the emptiness is still not enlightened, to rely on optical (light) of Korea Buddha, Buddhas Bodhisattva to lead development of the nature of light; of the prayer intentions are there.Therefore, certain prayers to leave the conscious mind to read, so just obtained the benefits of economic merit. So viewing experience, prayer, must be able, thanks to classics to the onset of the nature of truth, bring light's inherent nature to promote outward.

Dat Ma Patriarch posed definition of renunciation, said: "  intelligent new nature center is called renunciation  ". So, whether it's white shirt - the laity, and intelligent nature center is also called renunciation; if the mind is not intelligent nature, despite shave their heads, nor considered true renunciation. So, the new invention is mind-home nature is real, this is the real meaning of renunciation.
There is a French monks named Hai, when he first visited the Sixth Patriarch asked: "mind is Buddha, what is moral? hope master can compassionate guidance directive implementation.
Sixth Patriarch said: "  Money birth anniversary of any immediate concern, ie post-conception eternal Buddha; Mind is necessarily general success, ie Buddha necessarily general ly  ".
Sixth Patriarch said: "Money can not bring forth a gentle thoughts, delusions such launch investment magazine, at that moment, the very basis of the center pillar, anniversary after anniversary pure concept, it's not destroy the Buddha".
At bridge director, Master "  Most Central Assembly  ", whereupon numerous office facilities, is "  any concept of money being  ". The "heart" here is say "can" is "true mind", the mind is inherently pure foot immaculate. Next said: "  post-conception immortal  " is meaning " Children born United Center  ", "  eighth birthday  ." This verse is saying: "user", based on the exact magic that start.
"Money is no birth anniversary News Center" is just pure heart of nature, is exact; then rely on the user to that launch, anniversary after anniversary not destroy the pure concept, it is Buddhism.

What virtualization can achieve all generals as "mind", which may not be cylindrical in all general phenomena as "Buddha".
The "heart" here is just mind Alaya, is talking about the effect of the mind; the so-called "three worlds idealistic, things only mode", "legal generic birth center birth," so being able to accomplish things all the magic minister of mind.

"  Ideal  " is not to leave, but in all the minister can not all general office, was the so-called "temporal estate Ceiling infection", "Diamond Sutra" says: "leave all Minister, ie the Buddhas ".
"  Mind is the list favored, ie the Buddha detouring, the favored class class, the middle-purification  "
"  Mind is favored list  ": this is the heart of nature pure heart, pure magic of the mind's nature is infinite, it works the projector is, therefore, in all realms willow willow quibble, then called "lily"
"  Detouring ie the Buddha  ": What is the Buddha? Ideally, the Buddha, if possible ideal, of course not mind chaos, Buddhism is making. This couplet is said "  to be the most favored, buddha mind duality  ".
"  Favored class to class, middle-purity standard  " favored class to class is the meaning "lily of equality".
"  The  " is "lily", "  lily  " is "to" practice can achieve this kind of realm, the scene will not be interested enough negativity polluting stuff anymore, so say: "  the middle purity  ".
Can realize through this teaching method cut, by nature of their practice that ancient city, is the so-called "  character training seminarians  ". Magic to be inherently from accidentally being killed, but favored the new convent is proper practice.

What is the "  collective nature race  "? For example, seeing a certain experience, especially his favorite, this is why? Because of past life had been recited over, so this very life, to see the classics are particularly popular, it was to the "collective nature strain"; Previous research due to religious practice that city, so Buddhism is "Order episode" that accomplishment.

Some people say its not good frugal, frugal is so religious that, this life can foster and read through a set of classics, there were good grounds, then, it may be because of this classic that enlightened.
The teacher as French Pass recitation "Lotus Sutra", Tri Thong recitation "Lankavatara Sutra", the teacher before the Sixth Patriarch visits are also not is nature, the Sixth Patriarch met before, through the Sixth Patriarch only add a little point, it was enlightened. They rely on nature is something to this? is based on the 3 thousand of "Sutra", more than a thousand wings "Lankavatara Sutra", recited a long time, the Mahayana sutras became habit. Reading through a classic then, can "realize this method," so said: "This practice is realized by the behavior of mi".

"Adopted" Where? is in daily activities, bases exposed continental realm of ceiling can enhance reflection effect,; in all realms, not intoxicated, willow willow quibble, it is "favored". Use of "favored" could come from the "provisions", the inherent nature, so the song should definitely favored the new convent was justified. Two things can not be biased towards all.

There is a home person named French Pass, 7-year-old ordained, often recited "Lotus Sutra".
French Reached the Sixth Patriarch worship before the great master, but do not touch the ground first. When the ceremony, should have legs, arms and head close to the ground, but the teacher's head does not touch the ground French Pass. Thus, the Sixth Patriarch went rebuked him: "while not touching the ground head bowed, indicating no heart reverently, if so, then there is nothing else for the ceremony where not? His mind has a certain character that he can rely, could make him worthy of pride, he eventually keep something in mind there? "
French Pass said: "I recite" Lotus Sutra "has reached 3 thousand sets already.
Lotus Sutra more than 6 thousand letters, if that recite a little fast, one day be able to recite a set, the anniversary of 3000 to more than 8 years, so he studied the "Sutra" This surely has more than 10 years.
Sixth Patriarch said: "If he had the idea to one thousand, and actually communicate meaning of the" Sutra "which was not pretentious, no idea that wins over the others, so they can join in on a realm with me then. But today he was her assistant big prayers, even did not know sorry!"
University of prayer is that? the key is to "paragraph afflictions, intellectual declaration", can enlightenment is the nature, the great new career prayer. Dat French Grand Master not only not enlightened, the contrary was based on the notion that despised than 3000 others, it is a waste of reading.
Who bowed to the ground first, using the most precious head, down to the feet of people are worshiped, the intent is for the mind sewer line high conceit, French Pass, the head did not touch the ground, Sixth Patriarch went Custom body that declared religion to him.

Listen shelves say "inherently ceremony to subdue the colorectal conceit. Why did not touch the ground so early? ego exists in the mind, the poor went arise; so the "I" is the origin of karma. He could not believe that chanting has, but also means that prayer without public interest requirements, so new that peerless rewarded.
Sixth Patriarch said a verse: "His name is called French Pass, chanting really is extremely hardworking restless; but he's just under the sound, only on oral recitation only, but has not yet reached the purpose of paragraph afflictions, intellectual declaration. Must know to recite certain chanting to mind is intelligent nature, called the Bodhisattva new.
He has an affinity with us today, so, today I because he that said, he could just make Buddhist believers responsibility very discourse (which Buddha said nothing), that every sermon establishments are not saying which says . Can understand this principle, "Saddharmapundarika Beijing" can truly say from his mouth, is also the new theory can approach was in accord with the Buddha.  
Part 21 of the "Diamond Sutra" says: If someone said, Tathagata has preached the patent is canceled, do not understand the meaning of Buddha said ".

We see it will feel very strange. Buddha clearly spoke French like a lot, that you are talking to.So eventually say or not? On the minister to say that is to say, if based on reason can be told, it is not spoken.

What can say? Buddhism is "  not saying that says  ," Buddha's sermon did not start centromeres anniversary, just as grace and chemical applications; and "  said that such talk ," he said, though there is absolutely no attachment but an approach he said; what I can not say, and what measures have no place to say, just to the body of a human being, just for being a predominance only. Maybe so, can called Dhamma.
People of the world, outside the center exposed towards all generals, generals thought that all is real, so he accepted general anesthesia all exterior scenes. While the dual redundant, knows all generals outside are not to be true, the result is a "civil defense leisurely u" inside cling NOs.
"Civil defense leisurely u" in "Shurangama" said, "is still the legal ceiling distinguish the image" is still conscious mind, so "do not cling cabinet" is not teleological. If possible above all the Minister approved without all the generals, and is what we often say "at any bare ceiling infection".

"Shurangama" said: "  super friendly organic beings  ," that is beyond the third world charity; ie three worlds without approval trailokya. Do not leave the three realms, can transcend the three realms, as no attachment; no attachment, it transcends it. That's the "in general that leaves minister". For "with" no attachment, there is "No", whether the "No" is not attachment; ultimately to no attachment nor the attachment, so it could exterior Real love (inside and outside đểu not love).
If enlightened to this method, between a concept, local fun center, decisively enlightened course, so was opened by knowledge of Buddhism. (The most pure concept of right view is the right view - buddha buddha is oracle).

Most Master, now it is the most open heart concept, but just for a moment only, and as fate blessing, buddha processing capacity was, in itself is not attained, resulting in very fast only to be hindered. Like at Forest Forum En Su said: "  pure calm atmosphere filled, only the most outstanding point of suspension, the positive cash equivalents foot, mixed primary function immortality. Instant contact the natural evil, is optimistic II entry, birth and death move, wasted proving conventional master mind  ". Therefore, a certain need to "  share the spirit of renovation optical train  ", it was to the so-called "prime before convent after".
What is Buddhism? Buddha means Enlightenment.
What sense? Enlightened truth of the universe's birth, thoroughly understand the true minister of the universe's birth. Sakyamuni Buddha said: "I was feeling"
Again divided into quarter-sensory subjects:
Open market "value is feeling" is out of ignorance; directives "sensory perception" is the true indicator can have passion; our people have the Buddha nature, but love it, "marketing" is indicative that his leg might have anesthesia.
Therefore, the purpose of revelation is to do? The main purpose of revelation is to break legs maze appears, the Patriarch declared urban life to his disciple, the purpose is to let students show love can break your legs.
Next, can realize enter or not, must see his karma, then the initiated market. Can realize "sense knowledge", the "enlightenment" of course this is definitely great awakening, have consistent information then. Deed in "sensory perception" can enter this realm contract, it is self-attained before.

If he could hear enlightened revelation in, it is knowledge of the Buddha - "the true nature capital" is evident that restore original face.
Prior has not appeared, the true nature hybrid duty, inherent people, but tri basis obstacles, obstacles impede negativity gone. Hear the revelation of the Patriarch, if you can let go of attachment to delusion, immediately restoring original face - the true nature manifest inherent went out.
Today certain he must be convinced, because "faith is the mother of religion merit source".Buddha is a private school without the absolute will not obtain the benefit of merit. What to believe? Believing themselves to be inherently Buddhas. So said: "The knowledge of the Buddha" is just mind their own responsibility, their nature is. Bon's own mind is the Buddha, beyond the mind, nor was any other Buddha, "  Buddha himself no interest disadvantages, Ha parish silence his feet  " (if there is no interest on their own, the search Buddha Buddha's feet, where?)
Because all beings "  luminous self-closing  ", do it yourself luminous obstacles of nature, so beings are more or less "self-closing evidence". Do craving green earth realm, outside of object being harassed by inner purity, willingly committed the control of the external environment.

How can enlightenment? really want to enlightenment, only one word "etting" (meaning "stop", "rest"). "Shurangama" says: "Bodhi etting news". in fact, we also know how to stop, but just could not put down. Like swept into the orbit of the state is not, is functioning in the orbit; This strength was too large indeed, is not stopped, it is karma. All foreign realm ceiling we see are due to our karma formed. What his realm encountered, it is your karma. We should not touch it, "do not touch the new win," not "to touch the new beat." "Etting" is falls, falls all attachments delusions.

He also taught us to let down. "Jewels" is used to overthrow the legal protection, surrender all delusions of the mind itself. Delusions attachment once falls, the inherent nature of currencies went away. Marketing Master explicitly declared: "  This child is only one path, lighting the lights in front of  " just that we have not discovered that realization. But at that moment that one can only pure ideal, but just short for a moment only, and not be permanent, and is based on the ruling, not itself attain. Therefore, the next should be based on three security itself to religious use, use it to subdue the mind delusion, so three security is the religious legal protection, legal protection three security is becoming a Buddha.

We have used three refuges, the group that is the secret transfer; is transmitted by the Patriarchs life down, is fond of classic compact multimeter that form, excellent efficiency, to " share the spirit of renovation optical train  ", which they could surrender delusions mind.

Do not take the bridge outward bare landscape, ideal to be able to, so it's like the Buddha already. So says Buddha declared knowledge (knowledge of Buddha opens).
Center of the world does not address the district, due to ignorance that creates all sorts of pity, saying that in immoral friendly. Meet up practicing upon the scene, met adversity starting center field, good to see other people are starting envy fawning Use good words to earn benefits from others, infringing upon others and hazardous material from others, this one is open to knowledge of beings.
If possible, "primary care", "primary care" is pure hearted, radical right mind, it can often arise wisdom.

Sixth Patriarch arrived at the Eastern Monastery, Fifth Patriarch said that "  self-interest is often born of intellectual disciples  ," Why can often intellectual birth? Because he has no attachment delusions, delusions attachment over, "  where countless engineers, natural location, instant cash out  ", so, why no-brainer? because there are delusions attachment;can let go of attachment to delusion, intellectual nature he come out; because by nature that disclosure, a new so-called "  master mind very natural place  ."
Contemplating their temperaments, they may stop doing good evil, such as himself has opened the Buddhist knowledge. Therefore, knowledge of beings are self-opening, as well as knowledge of the Buddha himself open, but must view himself wants to open public knowledge. Open knowledge is six paths being the reincarnation of Buddha is open knowledge that willow super electronic delivery, is the nature of Buddha.
Reciting mantras is indicated without interruption, to "share the spirit of renovation optical train", the moment etched preserve the purity of the inner, usually existing optical qualities.From here you can see, "the general spirit of renovation optical train" is the opening of Buddhist knowledge.

When old, burned at the office, a rooftop observance ceremony has said: "N good heart, say good, good work", was opened the basis of Buddhist knowledge.
Buddhism can open up the world of knowledge, it is made; is the so-called "right view that export list," "leave this world" is the transcendental world, and is in that transcending the human world, ie the three planes that leave the three realms. If open knowledge beings, then the world is, "that is" is wrong, a wrong when it is difficult to avoid the six paths of reincarnation.
If he only wearisome to the extreme, attachment of "Sutra", thought is necessarily religious exercises, so different from the capillaries ox like his tail. Thanh Khang Tibetan Plateau has a buffalo, ox called capillaries.

Buffalo's tail is very beautiful, so often moved his ox mao, his every move, the tail will be a swinging upwards, following the buffalo went back to that look, enjoy the beauty of the tail.Stop that laughing buffalo, man was it. There are some people who thought that his hair is very beautiful, often nodding one, or hair lifted a hand, enjoying themselves, raising long it into a kind of behavior, this is nothing more like ox tail mao dress.
Inherently prayers to "enlightenment is the nature", the results did not achieve this purpose, self-concept idea that 3000 was the "Lotus Sutra" is something unmatched, and brought this to show off to people , so there is nothing else like capillaries ox tail?
French Pass said: "If it is, just understand the sense is, so do not need to recite them anymore right? "
Sixth Patriarch said: "Doing what ultimately has errors? That will make obstacle in his business idea right? just as fascinated and enlightened consent of the individual, is the damage or are completely useful by itself; I would love it if they had suffered, if possible enlightenment, understanding the intent of the prayer, will naturally be useful. Maybe mental oral proceedings, based on the economic significance of the issue, it is a moving experience. If the oral proceedings that interest was not operating, the business is transferred already!
Now, France has been trading Dat moved then, was the anniversary of 3000, thought that was very good, if a little more idea anymore, so there is much less or equal one star? That is wrong!
Hear me say a verse: "  love heart fireworks moved, enlightened mind moving fireworks, lasting illicit chanting, take part in that particular work  "
Passion and heart, his mouth just as mind such procedural act, every deed shall die in fireworks have been moved, possibly because of classics that enlightened the mind, so it is moving fireworks. He has a long chant, the results still do not understand the economic sense, but just as those who confront the economic means.
Like living in the face, every day meet, the results are not known to the enemy, this is not like revenge or what? He recited every day, the results are not aware of the economic means, perhaps that of a feud with stars?

News chief concept of no-mind,
Organic conception of evil thoughts.
Very next sentence estate property,
Bulls defense distant school prospectus.
What is called "no-mind", are recited without chant "business concept" that may not have room accept the notion that "Chief"; if accepted notion place, then what he did recite the "evil" then. Property could do no-mind concepts are not a mental attachment, then permanently having steered large carts of nature then. "" White Cow Car "is analogy of nature.
Dat French enlightenment then, re-launched next 3 issues: " Chu  Dai Thanh Van until Bodhisattvas, all have such dedicated measurement failure measurable Buddha mind.   "; the "  to  " this is from the super strategies, such as one to three, the middle is what? two, only two did not speak out only. Thanh Van and Bodhisattva middle, still have Giac Duyen. Sravakas inherently Theravada hoc ones, here add a word "University" shall indicate the person has turned from Theravada to Mahayana.
French Pass said, "on business writing:" You Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddha and bodhisattvas from Theravada turned to Mahayana, Tam admitted this person took advantage of all their thinking and, together failure also can not measure Recreational measure of Buddha! ". Today this Grand Master said he was too simple then, the Buddha do that so easily?
Now just Qualities own mind enlightened by his own right, said that knowledge of the Buddha, I believe myself not mind who raised the base interest, for explanations of the Grand Master, hardly Comfort or defamatory inevitable.
In the said three carriages, goat, deer, buffalo great white car, eventually how to distinguish? Master compassion would like to open up!
"3 Vehicle 1 car" is the word, in the "Lotus Sutra" has mentioned the example "3 Vehicle 1 car": there is a rich bourgeois era, homes are very extensive. One day, from the outside back, discovered outside the house was burnt down, but his children still in the game is extremely fun! If the house was burning and told them certain they would not believe without being out.Area: Suppose he thought of a way, told us that: "The children quickly out here! I bought 3 cars play a very fun, you want to play, the children quickly out here and play! "The kids in the house heard Dad bought three things very fun toy car - goat, deer, ox, he is extremely happy to run out.
After out, head to our inventors have 3 vehicles, which gives them great white buffalo carts wins most.
Three carriages something such as this? Vehicles such as Thanh Van excess goats, deer vehicle such as excess Pratyekabuddha, wagons such as the Bodhisattva Vehicle, burning house indicates three worlds as the fire. Thanh Van user Pratyekabuddhas Bodhisattvas pilot is being skillful means; first of all beings leave the house fire. The purpose of leaving the third world is not just to achieve Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddha, Bodhisattva, which is a Buddhist. Therefore, after leaving the burning house three realms, Buddha told them, that stuff is all three is not an end, a new Buddha is the most ultimate consummation.
Sixth Patriarch said that Beijing's "Lotus Sutra" very clear, because he himself is in the dark that goes against the economic means alone. Three admit this can not measure the wisdom of Buddha, the largest disease is in use to measure consciousness of Buddhist wisdom.
We today lost original face are so conscious of the advantage, but the wisdom of the Buddha is "  the idea is not to  ". Nature is nowhere to take over the French border, the intellectual light of the projector everywhere. Because the concept of ignorance, out a dark strip, in the darkness of ignorance, attachment conscious distinction, how can measure the wisdom of Buddha know this? That's impossible!
"Even if you take strength measurement to reflect together, just as the more distant alone" (the left direction as far left).
If that consciousness used to study Buddhist scripture, if brought meaning of the scriptures clearly say there is deemed to have enlightened emptiness? still is not, it is only following the word meaning, is written Prajna, at best can only say that the enlightenment. After the treatment, still have to contemplate, then you can not attain truth Minister, it is the new Minister of currencies buddha buddha is true knowledge.

Buddhist practitioners have attained itself, can be based scripts, start reflecting, certified true minister. Classics like road maps, road maps then know how to go, do not result in lost; but that, if only research road map that no action shall forever no way to get where you want to go.Less through that place, that scene where conversation is how beautiful they are talking down to, is not realistic, it is only on the books, such as my own eyes have seen.
Then there are some other people who laugh classic study, say something "  teaching experience would rather do business  ", this saying is extremely true, but if it's not through Buddhist scripture study, people laughed, "lecture business that do not follow the business better ", ask the scriptures say something? do not know, do not know, how can business based on that make? this is not as myth or what?
The purpose of the classic work is not just to understand the meaning of the trade;understanding of what is said, just as the realization. Newcomers should first learn the treatment, the then executive compensation (follow); if classics were in Lau in the end, the key issue, the administration is, in proportion to the relative operating, and operating solutions are certain to be taken seriously. Wait while the corresponding practice is realized.
Enlightenment is nature, is also attained Bodhisattva cylindrical primary teacher "  is leading " position, can preach spiritual advancement, if not "  is directed  ", discusses how a practitioner is not a religion that before talks then discuss spiritual advancement are practicing blind styles.
Today we say "spiritual advancement", which is accounted for by Thien Su Germany; Score Media Master Teacher represent only point for us, giving us direct communication, says new status spiritual advancement. Which I command is directed feet, we must cultivate is the feet, according to three security which he commanded to cultivate, so-called new selected term. If you do not understand that I have commanded three security then discussed how pious act?
Buddha because ordinary inherently that sermon. But rather because the Buddha preached, if they do not believe in this principle then leave (when Buddha preached "Flower Adornment Sutra" with 5000 monks left, the Buddha said, "is also good access"), because after 5000 monk when he retired, there was no foliage, can freely say that the religion of the Buddha then). Those people are completely unaware of itself inherently riding white horses, also the knowledge of the Buddha is said to be in the nature, inherently self, but not be receiving this truth, insists 3 car to go find goats, deer, cattle at the door outside.
Moreover in the scriptures stating: "Buddha Buddha preached only one redundancy, no other excess teachers; Buddhist meaning beings have only one goal, which is hoping to become a Buddha beings. This two ministers (Mahayana, Theravada), cube (Thanh Van Thua, pratyekabuddhas, Bodhisattvas admit) to countless skillful means, and all sorts of causes and conditions, words for example ... things it will be a Buddhayana.

Because Buddha Sakyamuni enlightened when, in his lecture on "The Flower Adornment Sutra", only 41 great artist Dharma body (cross pillar, cross operator, cross dedication, sense tenth and class) can understand Buddhist meaning of the sermon; who are as dumb as dual redundant deaf. Buddha because beings wanted three worlds, in the Deer Park, he began preaching from Theravada approach, the Four Noble Truths to five monks.

Agama 12 years preaching, preaching to the Mahayana next 8 years, after 20 years, he preached the Prajna; Prajna preached 22 years, fate of beings has matured, new final lecture Us Nirvana. Teaching the "Sutra" is the inherent wish of a lifetime at that time of the Buddha taught. French cube that was said before is just skillful means to lead alone.
 "  Thou stars such disenchantment, said three vehicles is assumed, because of old that said, most admit is true, because this life that says  "
Three carts are legal means of assumption, because in ancient times, due to loss of real beings about the new minister should set out; Best part about it is true Buddhist legacy, is now on the Us, mature karma, because people on that bridge Buddha said.
"  You just said give false returns true, then it's real return would not accept . "
There is nothing left to teach him the author of three redundant facilities, which shall enter the most true form of surplus teachers; wait until after he shall enter the truth, to the name It is also no longer.
We now say that there is Buddha, beings, right? When I became the Buddha, the Buddha is very, very beings.
"  To know all the jewels resources are yours, so you use Life  "
The "treasure wealth was" this is the only museum in the infinite nature.
Be aware, all resources are the main treasures are endless museum of nature, countless are the intellectual virtues belong manual myself, by myself, all beneficiaries.
"  Is not the father, nor the son, did not use a great start, then called prime Lotus Sutra  ".
Here lead story an example of "Sutra": "there is a rich bourgeois era, had a child, a child was missing. Past few years grown children, but still wandering Quartet of wandering outside, going through life begging. There is an extremely fortuitous day, he went to the house of the father.However, children do not know that that was where the father because finding that staying human. He was at the door of the surrounding wall and looked around, unfortunately the father realized who stood looking around outside the main entrance is the son he had lost urinary years. Therefore, orders his servant to invite the father entered to get together. No doubt he was very scared and take a step, the wealthy man of great wealth out how he thinks, to send two names servant approached him, then used him to lead the way in the house of the head of Let. Bourgeois arranged a job for him most vile, then gradually it promoted his services, eventually promoted to general management positions. Endowed bourgeois era that opportunity was ripe, so he invited a party of friends like, then the public statement, the General Administration This is a child that he had lost many years. From now on, his legacy are all inherited by his children. General Administration at this time was no longer the same as many years ago, a poor little wild optimism virtue. He gas receiving extraordinary Status praise of friends, inheriting his father's inheritance favorably.

The wealthy man of great wealth in this story is the "Buddha", that child is "a disciple of Buddha", the property that is the "Museum endless nature", the self-processing plants (the map my house ). But that in itself there, but if you head fake that wealthy businessmen, new baby at home he tells it knew, all property is yours, are inherited by the child, it you believe?Naturally unbelief. No news was good, not afraid to admit well that terror fainting or excessive.Why is that? Child poverty is inherently based on the beggar that survive, now suddenly have many properties like that, if not crazy, it was very good then.

Therefore, Sakyamuni Buddha used numerous skillful means, direct disciples of Buddha teachings from a function, Phuong Dang, Prajna, upon the order in which progress slowly, until the Lotus, so that disciples Museum endless realization of nature. After enlightenment, then, is not the father, nor the child, is also very Buddhist, very beings, beings and Buddhas are not equal two.
Museum endless nature, we are spoiled for passive acceptance of use, time of use was natural receptor, absolutely no use the passive thoughts. By the time he had actually been the prime "Lotus Sutra".
 "  Business like lead from one life to the other hand not to leave Beijing  "
From a past life to afterlife "no left hand of" not speaking on handles from the "Lotus Sutra", which is not that of the father, nor the child, nor start a great advantage. has enlightened is indicative nature, attain true then, this time regardless of how the solution can also enter inside nature; Sixth Patriarch like he had never read any scriptures nothing but what any classic lecture also knows, like truly is prime "Lotus Sutra". Once enlightened nature is, on hand but no atmosphere "Lotus Sutra", but it is not to move the hands. From morning to night, not always not been evoked the Lotus Sutra.
France Achieve revelation, exhilarated, pans praise that:

Tam litigation of economic disaster,
Tao Khe best shot dead.
You made that only intelligent,
Etting security implications being crazy.
Ocean fortune ox set right,
Private paradise of kindness.
Trach internal tri-lobed fire,
Originally middle kingdom legal market.

Recitation three thousand feet,
The target was a word.
How monastic been unclear,
Sao definitely love life implications.
Goats, deer, buffalo assumptions (goats, deer, buffalo = elementary, middle, Mahayana).
Three paragraphs wipe friendly.
One doubts in flames,
Which is the Buddha nature.

Goat, deer, ox is also Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddha, bodhisattvas, those are just up the skillful means only.
Based Thien Dai said teachers, cutting teacher belongs strictly States; Agama, Phuong Dang, Prajna of shop teachers. Shop the Store again classified into primary, secondary shop, shop or post.
"Store Profile" is the only goat, also means Thanh Van;
"Shop medium" is only vehicle deer, is also Pratyekabuddha
"Miss Shop" is the bullock cart, also the Bodhisattva.
"Ocean" is meant to commend. Whatever the primary, secondary, post-modern are to most legal successor, according to a certain sequence that plays very well positive. Positive development also means primary shop, central stores, shop logistics, the ultimate goal is to promote the most unique Buddhayana.
Who knows in the birth and death mortal afflictions, once enlightened to the inherent nature of mind, it's a Buddhist.
Beings inherently have buddha buddha is oracle, "Buddha" is the original face of us, the Buddha is a duty, not a buddha you are really sorry for myself. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.9/12/2016.

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