Saturday, 10 December 2016

book 3
(Part 1)
        Now, the museum Tathagata thinks: "So have countless beings is no longer rot relocating Supreme Enlightenment. I will life up for this one and show them the innumerable realms Buddha ".
Blessed instant samadhi. That the name is Real rot Bodhicitta (Bodhi did not take). Due to the power of his magic should have large light projector throughout immeasurable, infinite worlds, making all cakkavatti and countless beings are seen boundless world of Buddhas.
        Then, at ten in the boundless, infinite other worlds, including the Great Bodhisattva by the light and power thanks to the Buddha, so each one manually go to the Buddha, brought sufficient spirit that transformed himself has Buddhist offerings to achieve and monks Increase, bowed head and the foot of the Buddha, the Buddha interference right previous three rounds and sit in the Buddha, to hear Tathagata prophesies for the Buddhist Bodhisattva.
        Good men to death, then Bao Hai Pham said to the Holy King:
        -Great King, this time the Great King could vow to get buddhaland first nice.
Good men to death, heard so little, Holy King kneeling stood up straight hands towards white Buddha:
         Blessed transparent glass, you really want to get Bodhi.Previously, during the three months to bring the needed knowledge and offerings Buddhist monks Increase. Healthy children based dedicate this to Supreme Enlightenment, not willingly take buddhaland impure.
        White Buddha, before a period of seven years, sitting upright, the thinking of the innumerable realms solemn Buddha Bar.
        Blessed One, I take the vow for you was right enlightenment, in that world there is no hell, hungry ghosts, animals. All beings after death does not fall into the three evil paths. Beings in the world are golden, different people and not God, are six kabbalah. Additional thanks to the internet, they know hundreds of thousands of thousands of breast-tha na-do things in her past life. Thanks to God label purity, they find all hundred thousand memories na-by-tha world around ten, including Buddhas are wonderful sermon everywhere. Thanks to God's ear purity, they hear all the hundreds of thousands of breast-na-tha-known by the Buddhas in the ten world are preaching. Do Tha mind so they know the immeasurable, infinite memory-by-tha na beings in the center of the world around ten. Thanks As the information should they come across the concept of a hundred thousand breast-na-tha world by Buddhas, through the same throughout, making the sentient beings understand there is no ego, ego departments are retrogression place supreme Enlightenment.
        Let the world of women and children have no name on them.All living beings are only once biochemistry is infinite life, unless they have vows, without all the evil name. The world does not remember the pure evil, often subtle scent of the gods spread extensively. All beings are thirty-two general achievement possible so solemn yourself. All Bodhisattva in which only one processor life, except their vows.
        Let the child's world, sentient beings even during a meal, thanks to Buddha's power should come across immeasurable, unbounded world to see him in the present, worship, servant, brought sufficient spirit transformation has been achieved Buddhist offerings up between meals and immediately returned to his world, often preaching Dhamma organs, body strength as Na-la-performing. The solemnity of the world where he who has God label also can not say enough. Beings there are four eloquence. Each Bodhisattva sits a tree, branching leaf cover around a thousand by-week. World Net light often makes infinite magic Buddha realms in countless other ways things are stately out therein. The beings there until the Supreme Enlightenment does not work impurities, usually all non-gods and offerings respect, respect; until the Supreme Enlightenment and in the midst of six bases that are generally calm, even when born outflow instant happily, enjoying life bliss, naturally achievements all fresh root, just born ca-sa was wearing new, soot consecutive Tam-Tam-soot was called Compassion discrimination.Due to the capacity of the Three-black magic that they go to the boundless world around the Buddhas, the Buddha now to worship, servant, reverently, offerings, respect, praise; until the Supreme Enlightenment for the Three-black does not retrogression. There Bodhisattva vow as his are self dignified pure land practice magic.In the seven precious trees, they see all sentient beings the world where Buddhas shortly after birth is the only variable, due to the magic of this force should often see the Buddhas are currently in immeasurable, boundless worlds where ten, until the right enlightenment, not retrogression.
        Prayer in the world of children, these beings are palaces, clothes, and he lost countless things like heaven stately sixth in Tha Self. In a world without mountains, hills, mounds, University Elementary Set micro, Tu-di, the great sea; nor have known afflictions of obstacles, such as a warm year, in the ... No name three evil way, eight victims, there is no pain sensation name and the name is not suffering unhappy.
        White Buddha, in the next life I will always practice the Bodhisattva, the Buddha forward to achieve such a pure realm.
        White Buddha, in the next life as such rare things done, new baby right enlightenment.
        White Buddha, when the city right enlightenment, Bodhi tree tall vertical horizontal by a thousand so-weeks straight.
        When I sat in the ashrams, the tree was, was just a concept right enlightenment and it was light to boundless hundred thousand breast-na-tha world by Buddhas, which makes my life long immeasurable, boundless hundred thousand memories tha na-do-existence can not know all, except Tier Necessarily; make my world there is no bar text, Bich-chi-Buddhayana. Where the entire mass is much Bodhisattva immeasurable, unbounded can not count, except Tier Necessarily.
        I pray the right enlightenment when finished, the Buddhas in the ten directions praise positive confess my title.
        I pray the right enlightenment when finished, in immeasurable, boundless A-increasing world-period Buddhist life, whether sentient human being heard the name of which the practice of healing, all are born in the world of children, pray for them after discharge lost my life, given birth to, except for the five grave offenders, defame saint, destroying the Dharma.
        Pray when I finished the right enlightenment, immeasurable, infinite beings in the world of other Buddhas, sentient Development Center with Supreme Enlightenment, Protestant religious grounds to be born in the world of children, when they death, the public will embrace in front of him. That person was found the joy and students with children. Thanks to their children should be seen away from the obstacle, immediately flush the network itself, to the realm of child birth.
        May the children of the Enlightenment Supreme is finished, the Great Bodhisattva who have not been listening to the French, want to follow the law shall hear such wishes are heard.
        May the children of Supreme Enlightenment is complete, in immeasurable, boundless, countless other worlds, there is the Bodhisattva yet heard the name soon was no quit moving toward attainment Supreme Enlightenment, First get rings, II, third rings. Is there anyone who voluntarily want to be Da-la-ni and the Three-black, will certainly gain as their prayer until the Supreme Enlightenment, not regress. After the passing, the fate undergone immeasurable, unbounded, infinite number of worlds, in which the Bodhisattva who hear your name, credit mind is pure, infinite joy, child worship, praise, admiration and said: "Buddha, Bhagavan as a Bodhisattva he did a lot of long-term the new Buddha under the right enlightenment. The other credit Bodhisattva joy is complete, the decision will be the First, the Second, the Third Ring. Does anyone want to be subject voluntarily Da-la-ni and the Three-black, then their wish will reach the end, until the Supreme Enlightenment did not degenerate. "
        Son of Supreme Enlightenment is complete, in immeasurable, boundless, countless other world of a woman who heard the joy of instant credit First, give rise to Supreme Enlightenment, until when the Buddha never come back again expectancy female body.
        Prayer after passing the oil underwent immeasurable, boundless, countless lives, in countless, boundless, countless realms, including a woman who heard the name of the joy of instant credit First , give rise to Supreme Enlightenment, the Buddha until the body is no longer the woman back to life.
        Blessed transparent glass, my heart's prayer was so buddhaland, such beings.
        Blessed transparent glass, if the world and such a pure beings, then the newly Supreme Enlightenment.
        Good men to death, now museum Tathagata sure cakkavatti:
        Frontier instead! Instead! Great king, according to his wishes so profoundly today he received pure realms, beings in the center of which is the pure realm. Great king, as he had seen, on the West Ago hundred thousand thousand memories buddhaland world have very good structures called Sun, the world's brand including Buddha Sun Yin Wang, is Tier Tathagata, Arhat, Chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. Currently, he is preaching the Dharma for Bodhisattvas. In that world there is no bar text name, Bich-chi-Buddhist, nor said Hinayana legal, a legal purity pure Mahayana. There, they are born entirely by biochemistry, and also no word about their women. The pure merit solemn Buddhist realms other exactly as the wish of the Great King and the Great King will be the country with boundless realms, boundless will such beautiful stately. Do have to save, to subdue immeasurable, infinite beings should now be renamed Dai Vuong Infinite Purity.
        Then the Buddha told Immeasurable Purity:
        Chun Yin Wang -Development through a medium other lives will PARINIRVANA. PARINIRVANA done, Dharma central office in ten lives life fully. After killing the Dharma, lives spent sixty middle, that realm long Di renamed clarity, will have Buddha appears in the world is incredible effect Cong Duc Vuong, is Tier Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. Buddha is like Sun Yin Wang Tathagata with dignified world as very good structure Ton realms. Buddha that life lived sixty middle. After killing the Buddha, the Dhamma in life sixty central office life. Dharma kill then, go through a thousand middle-life, then the world is still very structure called Ton-friendly.
        Buddha was born a name there is Bao Quang Minh, is Tier Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, World Ton. This world and another life has more or less long but with Dharma realms Di's office as well as Buddhist inconceivable Cong Duc Vuong no different. After killing the Dharma, world time bias renamed, the Buddha was born a name Bao Chun Yin Wang, fully adhered effect Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, World Good time, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan.This world is no different as before solemn Buddha medium life expectancy of thirty-five. After killing the Buddha, the Dharma full seven central office life in life. Removal and legal district, has boundless, boundless Buddhas followed the birth; about the world, life span, so the true teachings are. Currently, I saw all the work of the buddhas since the religion until passing is so. During that period, the other permanent world does not change, no to abuse.
        Great king, such as Buddhas are passing off, underwent a multitude countless lives, in II fate as the sand of the Ganges, now renamed World Peace. Royal then will become a Buddha, Infinite Life brand is respected enough performance include Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Ngir Truong Phu, Thien Sphinx , Buddha, Bhagavan.
        When the Holy King heard these words finished, white Buddha:
        Blessed transparent glass, the same will become a Buddha is currently located?
        Give newspaper:
        -This Great King, the Bodhisattva so at this Congress are crowded with countless numbers may not counted, are from the world of other Buddhas in the ten directions gathered here to my offerings and outstanding territorial measures. The Bodhisattva has been past Buddhas prophesies the right enlightenment. Current re Buddhas in the ten directions Supreme attainment prophesies Enlightenment, so he will become the front right enlightenment.
        This Great King, the Bodhisattva was once offered boundless, boundless hundred thousand thousand memories tha na-do-Buddha, cultivate the fresh root, intellectual practice. Great king, so the Bodhisattva is the right enlightenment before the king.
        Cakkavatti white Buddha:
        Blessed margin percentage, Bao Hai Pham This often recommend the Development Center with relatives Supreme Enlightenment. Thus, the discounts this category in the future life over time how long will the right enlightenment?
        Give newspaper:
        -Great King, Pham this achievement compassion so in the future life, when he roared, the Great Lion King sound self-aware.
        Dharmaraja the white Buddha:
        Blessed margin percentage, if my prayer be fulfilled life like Buddha head up when you give the Lord Buddha, will make the world much like the sand in ten Ganges concussion full six ways, Buddhas in it will also prophesies Supreme Enlightenment for children.
        Good men to death, said Wang Xu finished Boundless immediately in front of the Buddha, the first to bring the bow to the ground. Now, the Buddhist world as the sand of the Ganges in the ten directions were shaken six ways, including instant Buddhas prophesies as follows: "San-threads-lam realm of life Compassion prime, at age eighty-life human that Buddha was born a name Bao Tang has cakkavatti called Boundless Pure employed four men, three months during storage offerings Tathagata Tibetan monks and Boost. Due to these good roots so through countless lifetimes finished, go into the Second countless lives as Ganges sands will be the Buddha as the Infinite Life, the world called Peace, relatives often light everywhere, how pervading the world 's countless as the sand of the Buddhas in the ten directions Ganges.
        Now, because of the Great King, the museum shelf presentations Tathagata:
        Ten world
        Great earthquake
        Along the mountains
        Many like Hang sa
        His take a stand
        Was ordained and
        Making sun itself, who
        Win restraint measures.
        Prince devotees, hearing finished shelves, cakkavatti very happy heart, stood up and bowed to the foot hands Buddha, Buddha sat listening to the French not far way.
        Good men to death, then Bao Hai Pham said to the first Prince of the Holy King:
        Male -Thien mail, take treasures and objects as before, for three months and make offerings to monks Increase Lai countless precious rubies, brought such blessings that gathered Supreme Chief dedicate class enlightenment.
        Told this:
        Male -Thien death, this work should not demand alms of Dao-profit Uranus, the Great Brahma King. Why? These objects are so blessings are impermanent, no certain generals, like wind. So should bring retribution by alms makes the mind is liberated, the right enlightenment quickly, the exit immeasurable, infinite beings into Nirvana.
        Prince finished hear such words, said to Pham:
        -I Saw them born in hell have much suffering. In heaven who have impure heart is always oppressed and of the three evil paths.
        Prince thought: "These beings so close to evil knowledge should miss the Dhamma, fall in extremely dark place, to give the fresh root, received numerous viewpoints ..., be it covered fill temperaments should take into wicked ways. "
        Think, went platinum with the Buddha:
        Blessed transparent glass, big sound child protection used for living beings: Please bring all that I have good grounds, to dedicate all Supreme Enlightenment. May I practice the religion Bodhisattva, if any sentient being subjected to the suffering ... regress where the Dhamma, a large fall in the darkness, sadness, loneliness, misery, no rescue help, no clothes, homes that beings can think of children, claiming the title of the concept, then it is human beings by the ear heard, seen by heavenly eye. If such beings do not get rid of this suffering, then I decided not to right enlightenment.
        Prince again Buddhist transparency:
        Blessed transparent glass, human beings will because vows revenge win. Dear lord, if I may quickly be self-interests, pray for cakkavatti First undergone untold aeons college life period is completed, both in class II untold aeons period life, now called An optimistic world, the Great King Buddha as Infinite life, Dharma King of the world dignified, pure beings. Buddha, Bhagavan do this in countless lifetimes finished Buddha, to do list done, no residual enter Nirvana until dharma exist, the direction in which tu Bodhisattva, often Buddhist. Dharma of the Buddha was destroyed at the beginning of the night then at the end of the night the Supreme Enlightenment.
Prince again Buddhist transparency:
        -Cui Please Blessed child up for life. I ask most Buddhas mind the current requirements as the sand of the Ganges in the ten directions, please can you bend up for human life.
        Good men to death, then immediately prophesies Buddhist Museum for the first prince.
        Good men to death, he saw heaven, man and all living beings in the three evil ways alive compassion, wants to end the suffering for all beings, want to get rid of the negativity for sentient beings, sentient beings want to make happily live in. So good men to death, he will now be renamed for Avalokitesvara.
        Prince devotees, the bodhisattva practice, he made countless hundred thousand memories tha na-do-be-suffering brain beings; as a bodhisattva, he has made a big Buddha.
        Good men to death, after the Buddha Infinite Life Bat-Nirvana, into myriads II ... the last part of a life-increase-period, in the head count, the Dharma full end; at the end of the night, the other realms like to rename the protected facility Circuit set the world achievements, there are immeasurable, boundless, countless things dignified, World Peace realm does not match.
        Good men to death, at the end of the night, the Bodhi tree, with a multitude of things dignified, he sat on the court, Kim Cang, only one thought achievements Supreme Enlightenment Export performance is variable Circuit Set Quang Minh Cong Son Vuong Duc, including religious enough performance Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. Buddha that lived ninety-six memories tha na-do-hundred thousand lives. Nirvana Buddha Bat-finished, Dharma's office sixty three lifetime memories.
        Then the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in front of the Buddha, white:
        -If My prayer shall be fulfilled as soon as you bring the glass top Buddhas Buddhist ceremony will be present in the world as the sand of the Ganges in the ten directions, step up your life for me, making the world's great earth like sand in ten Ganges rivers and mountains are shaken six ways, emits a multitude of music, the heart of all beings be separated from education.
        Prince devotees, the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara first brought close to the ground bowing Museum Tathagata, the world like sand in ten Ganges are shaken enough six ways. All mountains are emitted countless music, listening closely beings are separated education, including Buddhas prophesies as follows: "San-threads-blue Land of Compassion lifetime maintenance, when men lived eighty years old that Buddha was born a name Bao Tang has cakkavatti named Boundless Pure heaven owns four. That king's crown prince called Avalokitesvara, offering museum Tathagata and monks for three months Increase. Do this so friendly apartments in myriads II, later in life aeons period, he will be doing Buddha as variable Export Necessarily Son Quang Minh Cong Duc Vuong Tathagata. Necessarily world named storms achievements basis ".
        Museum Tathagata because Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva shelf presentation:
        Merit compassion
        Let's get up
        Where Buddhafields
        Dynamic land six ways
        Buddhas of the ten directions
        Register for his life
        There will be a Buddha
        It's very gratifying.
        Prince devotees, Avalokitesvara Prince was delighted to hear the shelf finished, stood up before the Buddha, palms bowed to the foot of the Buddha, sitting not far from the Buddha to hear French.
        Good men to death, when he again said Pham Bao Hai Vuong second element is the Ni-ma:
        Male -Thien death, he created pure merit now, because all beings that are Circuit set position, so dedicate Supreme Enlightenment.
        Good men to death, then sat in front of the Buddha Great Prince, hands
        Blessed transparent glass, such as three months ago, the offering Tathagata and monks and with the practice Increase in body, speech and mind of human purity, with such good fortune, I would like to dedicate to Supreme Enlightenment, not pray about bad dirty impure world, pray for the country and the Bodhi tree of the world as of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the Bodhi tree with innumerable precious things solemn and Supreme Enlightenment.Back vow: When Buddha Export Processing newly Quang Minh Cong Duc Buddhist, I will visiting Buddhist Turn Falun first time and depending upon His sermon, during that period the practice of religion Bodhisattva. After that Nirvana Buddha, Dharma cut off, followed by the right enlightenment children. When you become a Buddha, the Buddha made in the child's world there are countless good things dignified. After the Bat-Nirvana, Dhamma's office with such work are not the same as other other Buddha.
        Great Buddha second element:
        -This Men e, according to his former receiving great world, in the next life he will be the world exactly as your vows.
Good men to death, in the next life he will be such a big world, and the Grade Supreme Awakened, alias Tran Bao Son Vuong Thien Tru include effective enough adhered Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri and Minh Additional Hanh, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan.
        Good men to death, the world caused by his immense so his title as World Dac University.
        Then, in front of the Buddha, the bodhisattva Dac Great World prospectus:
        Blessed transparent glass, if the will of the achievements, the benefits themselves, when the feast of the Buddha, will make the world of the Buddha as the sand of the Ganges in ten six-way vibration, rain Tu-romantic flower-na, of which the Buddhas are currently up for human life.
        Good men to death, then Bodhisattva in front Dac World Buddhist University, the first to bring the bow to the ground, the wealth of the world like sand in ten Ganges concussions are six ways, raining flowers Tu-manna , in which the Buddhas, are current Exalted prophesies.
        Now museum Tathagata because Bodhisattva Dac Great World, shelf presentation:
        Sustainable merit
        This should be diligent
        Great earth shake
        Tu-romantic flowers rain.
        Buddhas of the ten directions
        Register for his life
        The next life will become
        Pham Thien Nhan Ton.
        Prince devotees, the Great Bodhisattva Dac So hear this verse is finished, very happy heart, stood up, his hands in front of Lord Buddha to the foot of the Buddha, a Buddha Dhamma is not far listened.
        Good men to death, then Bao Hai Pham said the third element is the United Kingdom They are:
        Male -Thien death, the blessings and purity now that he makes all beings to be located Circuit set, take place attainment dedicate Supreme Enlightenment.
        Good men to death, then death Tuesday Vuong before Buddha sat, hands white Buddha:
        Blessed transparent glass, such as three months ago, I was offered the Tathagata and the unfortunate monks Increased purity of body, speech and mind of the child, such fortune bring this child back toward the attainment supreme Enlightenment. Now my prayer is not the right enlightenment where impure world, nor the right enlightenment prototype. When the Bodhisattva practice religion, may be human beings taught in immeasurable, boundless world of Buddhas in the ten directions will rise to Supreme Enlightenment, by any rot with Supreme Beef heart threads, as recommended practicing chemistry six Balaam confidential.
        May I first of all as the sand of the realms of the ten directions Ganges have become Buddha Buddha was preaching, making the label then purified by God throughout all see.
        Prayer is when the Bodhisattva can do immeasurable Buddha as
 dress. In the next life, the bodhisattva practice without limits. For the chemistry of living beings have, you make them are pure heart like Brahma. Such beings are born in the realm of children and new baby so right enlightenment, bringing such purity to solemn Buddhas.
        Prayer makes the world's three great Christian countless Buddhas in the ten directions worlds as a Buddha realm. All around the world that has walls covered large treasure. Seven warehouses full of treasures, including the tall walls to realms Immaterial, land with lapis blue, no dirt, sand, rocks, thorns mess ... again no bad contacts, no people Women and nouns on them. All beings are by biochemical, not by swallowing food ..., using the Three-black of bliss as food, no excessive bar text, Bich-chi-Buddhist. Across the country there is only the Bodhisattva shuns greed, anger, ignorance and all the virtues. As soon as the baby is born Bodhisattva medium, shed hair, wearing three forensic, want to eat instant with valuable container in hand, and naturally in a bowl full of food cent premium taste.
        Then, the Bodhisattva thought: "We should not eat this food, we bring offerings to the Buddhas, we Sravakas and experimental level to impoverished people in the ten directions. There are the ghosts are suffering from hunger burned body, let to provide adequate places for them. We should practice the Three-black French real joy. " Such thinking is done, he is the Three-black law of the Bodhisattva. Three-black was called incredible virtues. This is the Three-black finish, the instant he was very afraid powers, arrived immeasurable, boundless Buddhas in the world to present offerings to the Buddhas and monks monks and give to the indigent grant abjection , hungry ghost. Bell finished work, and he preached to them. Even at dinner, the back and forth all over the place he and his return to the national level, bring clothes, jewels and objects needed to make offerings to the Buddhas for preta so well and then self-administered.
        Prayer makes my world without eight victims, evil, suffering;nor has the ordination, breaking world, penance and the list from there.
         Let the child's world can often immeasurable treasure kinds filled warehouse storage. Treasure Cay shirt that ten in the world ever, ever hear, to talk about the depression years of the kind of noun that can not end.
        May the world where the child, the Bodhisattva would like to see the yellow color, optionally show; want to see the silver color is also optionally show. As soon as the silver color is not lost golden minister. As soon as the yellow color does not lose general minister silver color; crystal, lapis, nacre, agate, pearl chain, countless treasures optionally also be seen as such. Want to see A-masterpiece-up flavor, fragrance-old David, Da-ma-la-promotion, Chien Shui-downs herd, sheep-herd of Red Bull first and sheep-herd, sheep-herd Thuan is optionally show ; also want to see the bass fishery arbitrary seen. Seeing aquatic sediments are not lost sheep-herd. Seeing the sheep-herd, it does not take downs hydro ... Also so, countless prayers of all achievements.
        Let the child's world without the sun, the moon. The Bodhisattva has extensive natural light emitted according to the projector and could seek to hundreds of thousands of thousands of breast-by-tha na world. Thanks to this light, there is no day and night. The flowers bloom, I know that is part of the day, the flower closes, then knew it was part of the night. World climate conditioning, no refrigeration, heating and aging, illness, death. If the Bodhisattva have only one life and will give birth in another way, the Supreme Enlightenment, went to Heaven and other local-interest, after his death, it became Buddha. If you finish the right enlightenment, this realm is not in place to receive PARINIRVANA. If the child PARINIRVANA then in the middle of nowhere.
        If the Bodhisattva naturally want what they have. Around the world there are hundreds of thousands of memories that often do-tha na-natural music. In this music had no idea that education often sounding six Balaam secret, Buddhist language, French, monks Increase Bodhisattva organ sound, the sound of deep meaning. For sound, the Bodhisattva understand each location depending on the base.
        Blessed transparent glass, when you practice the Bodhisattva, if the child is seen by hundreds of thousands of breast-na-tha a-rising-period world with countless Buddhas dignified, he lost countless, countless Minister appearance, residence countless, countless wishes, the child makes the world of work and achievement of such solemnity, except for bar text, Bich-chi-Buddhist. Again, my world is no life years ago, the three evil ways ..., the Tu-di Mountain, Great cottage Setting range, sand, stone and tile, large ocean, forest, tree mere treasure, more in Heaven. My world there is no other flowers, just flowers mandala, Ma-ha flower mandala as in heaven. No bad dirty things, net domestic pervasive aroma. The Bodhisattva was born only once, no one who was born in another realm, except to other means to become a Buddha, as to the realms Top-rate, when death will become a Buddha.
        Blessed transparent glass, when the bodhisattva practice, there is no need term achievements such retribution for purification Buddhas. The Bodhisattva also once students have around in it.The Bodhisattva is not a person who is not recognized edification from where the center then began to Supreme Enlightenment, practice six Balaam confidential. Thus, the Bodhisattva was all started by the Catholic culture that found the practice center, dwells on six Balaam confidential. If beings in the realms San-threads-raises on the plane, all the suffering, all ended up.
        White Buddha, when you practice the Bodhisattva, is essential to the achievement of such rare, then into a new future life of Supreme Enlightenment.
        May the Bodhi tree is good scout named storms spreading perimeter four planes just one of thousands of men, are fragrant, light spread across a modern three thousand worlds. Under the Bodhi tree has numerous buildings with secondary vajra jewels, circumference by five planes Four men, that court named Thien Huong Trach access Recreational passed away, due to higher one-week-four thousand. In court, the child sits in a lotus position and only the right enlightenment concept, until PARINIRVANA, usually where ashrams, under the Bodhi tree, where the court sits Kim Cang not decay, will turn out countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas them, sent them to the world of Buddhas to teachers of other beings. Each Buddha turned in a meal period because the legal beings wonderful preaching, immediately during the meal made immeasurable, infinite beings rise to Supreme Enlightenment.Medium Development Center, went no where attainment retrogression Supreme Bodhi. Hoa Buddhist Bodhisattva and they often do the same rare.
        When you finished the right enlightenment, pray: In the other world beings contemplate the beings and sentient beings contemplate with thirty two good generals, eighty beauty surely they are attainment Supreme Enlightenment to Nirvana are not far from the gaze of the Buddha.
        May the sentient beings in the world of the full six bases, not defective. The Bodhisattva want to see the children, depending on their location, go-stand-sit-lie are seen figure. The Bodhisattva was found complete heart, immediately saw the Bodhi sitting at the VTP, the tree. Previously, if for no room dharma suspect, not the preacher, the right to see children, they immediately get suspicious and stopped all understand deep meaning of dharma.
        May the next life, the life of countless children, not counted, except Tier Necessarily. The lifespan of the Bodhisattva as such. In a child the right enlightenment concept done, even in a concept has boundless Bodhisattva shed hair, wearing three forensic until Nibbana. Where that period does not have a long beard and dressed to the secular, all wearing law for recluses.
        Then the Buddha asked King third element:
        Male -Thien death! Instead! Instead! He is pure macho friendly, intelligent, well-understood, can vow so large it is difficult, do the most profound merit hardly inconceivable, just wonderful wisdom can do . He is good men, because sentient beings should vow so precious, beautiful country receiving worlds, so his title is manjusri In later life, spent countless myriads two , boundless, countless lives, in countless, boundless, countless lives Tuesday, in the south of the Buddhist world have called for maintaining purity wealth. San-threads-blue planes also enter into it. In the world there are countless other things dignified, in which he will become effective Enlightenment Tier is composed of full time religious spectrum efficiency Tathagata, Supply, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Unknown Sgt, ​​Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx,
        Buddha, the Exalted. The Bodhisattva we are pure. His vow was fully accomplished as mentioned above.
Good men to death, when he practiced bodhisattva director, has cultivated the fresh root countless places where countless memories of the Tathagata, so all beings take his medicine. His pure heart, could break the negativity, adding the fresh root.
        Now, manjusri in front of the Buddha, white:
        Blessed transparent glass, if the will of the achievements, the benefits themselves, I am committed immeasurable, unbounded, infinite world of commotion around ten are six ways in which the current Buddhas Register for human life sermon. Son also may all beings be happy to receive joy, like the Bodhisattva in meditation with magic II liberation. It rained mandala flowers filled the whole world, the flower emits Buddhist language, French, monks Increase six hours Balaam bile, ten forces, legions of ... all the hours so. Pray when I pay homage to Buddha Museum, the generals appear like that instant.
        Said so done, manjusri bring Lord Buddha head close to the ground. Even then, immeasurable, unbounded, infinite number of worlds in the ten directions are six ways concussion. Rain flower mandala middle of nowhere, all beings receive blissful joy like Bodhisattva in meditation with magic II liberation. Then, the only hear Bodhisattva Buddha, French, monks Increase six hours Balaam bile, ten power, wealth Captain basis, with such language.
        Now, listen to this show, the Bodhisattva in another way very surprised, to be unprecedented, and its transparency to Buddha: -Because copy of this application is a good omen?
        Buddhas are told the Bodhisattva:
        Buddhist cycle of ten, each of whom because Bodhisattva manjusri that prophesies attainment Supreme Enlightenment. This should bode well so existing applications.
        Now, the museum Tathagata because manjusri said shelves:
        The Great Beauty
        Let's get up
        Buddhas of the ten directions
        Register for his life
        Even in the afterlife
        Religious enlightenment win
        World University address
        Concussions six ways
        Beings get enough
        Of the ecstasy.
        Prince devotees, hearing finished shelves, manjusri very happy, got up his hands and bowed to the foot of the Buddha sitting Buddha Dhamma is not far away to hear.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY=11/12/2016.

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