book 7
(Part 5)
White Buddha, when I finished the right enlightenment, will use a type of sound to the sermon:
Those who learn Sravakas admit, listening to Buddhist teachings, immediately knowing Sravakas legal organ.
Those who practice Bich-chi-Buddhayana, listen closely to understand the Buddha sermon Bich-chi-Buddhist approach.
Those who practice the Supreme Mahayana Buddhist sermon heard immediately understand Mahayana complex homogeneous mix.
Those who support legal practice Bodhi, mu staining n is Bodhi, Buddhist sermon listening closely to bring the property up alms.
Sentient being away from the merit that seek bliss in heaven, the human realm, listening to Buddhist teachings, instant retain world.
Popular sentient mind anger, fear each other, listening to the sermon Buddha consecutive friendly mentality, the same help.
Popular sentient killing karma, listen closely sermon Buddha is compassion.
Beings often stingy, envious cover mind, listen closely Buddhist religious sermon joy.
Beautiful beings, not ill, so craving color, students let loose heart, listen to Buddhist sermons were immediately let go of the attachment center.
Heavy road beings lewd, let loose, listen closely Buddhist religious teachings and practices Impure.
Beings Mahayana school, swayed, negativity obscured, listen closely sermon Buddha Dharma Body mindfulness.
Beings often praise his ability to discuss the large, lucid intellectual acumen receptive, listening to the sermon Buddha instant understanding of the profound karmic twelve.
Beings shallow understanding, inferior, the self can comment conference, heard the Buddha sermon was full of legal instant Da-la-ni.
Beings entered the wrong mountain, listening to Buddhist teachings, instant understanding of the law is not subject of magic.
Beings are the center cover perception, listening closely Buddhist sermon understood formless practice.
We who have failed to cover voluntary impure thoughts, listening to the sermon Buddha immediately understand Countless work disciplines.
Beings are not pure heart, hear the sermon Buddha, the mind is purified.
Many charming beings covered by heart, listen to Buddhist sermons understood law, did not take on Bodhi.
Anger sentient being covered heart, heard the Buddha sermon, immediately understood the true minister, should be prophesies.
We who have failed to cover the dependence of mind, hear the sermon Buddha, understand the law which has no place dependence.
Sentient attachment cover is about, listening to Buddhist teachings quickly understand the purification method does not remember.
Beings forget moral consciousness, heard the Buddha sermon understand Japanese Tam-ray soot.
Beings practice according to the drug industry, listen to Buddhist sermons quickly understood the purity law.
Comments are evil beings cover heart, listen closely Buddhist sermon understood more Dhamma.
Beings afflicted cover care, quick to hear the sermon Buddha understood, far from these afflictions.
Beings follow evil paths, hear the sermon Buddha turned back to friendly lines.
Beings near Mahayana legal but immoral praise is nice to hear the sermon Buddha immediately renounce evil law should be the right view.
There are no boring Bodhisattva mortal, hear the sermon Buddha favorite instant mortal mentality.
There are beings who do not know the realm of good, listening to the sermon Buddha immediately understand the realm of charity law.
There are beings see others do good but not fancy, hate mentality, listen closely sermon Buddha was happy.
There are contradictory beings warring mind, listen to the sermon Buddha immediately be wise, very afraid.
There are beings under the bad karma, to hear the sermon Buddha, understanding the effect of the bad karma.
There sentient mass fear, listening to Buddhist teachings, understood the Three-black lion minister.
There are four types of beings cover ma mind, listen to Buddhist sermons are quickly steering Thu Tam-soot-serious.
There are beings who do not see the light of the state where the Buddhas, Buddha heard the sermon immediately understood the Three-black countless stately Luminosity.
There are beings that preferred hates heart, listen closely sermon Buddha is equanimity.
There are beings of light is not where the Dharma, the Buddha sermon heard by the Three-black mainland France colon.
There are beings far from great minds, listen to the sermon Buddha consecutive French Three-black range.
There are beings possessed covered si heart, listen to Buddhist sermons Three-black Japanese mainland was crowned league.
There are beings no talent for preaching Dhamma talk, listen closely sermon Buddha countless merits for application.
There are beings in harmony consider several colors not solid, like bubbles, listening to the sermon Buddha consecutive eight-Na-la-performing soot.
There are beings do not mind the chaos, hear the sermon Buddha consecutive Kien Tam-workers decided soot.
There are beings who wish to admire the Buddha bowed, listening to the sermon Buddha consecutive Tam Tu-di-soot colon.
There are beings renounce the vows, the Buddha sermon heard by the Three-black instant consolidation
There are beings degenerate the psychic, hear the sermon Buddha consecutive Three-black vajra.
There are beings on Bodhi ashrams, born doubt, listen closely sermon Buddha understood vajra ashrams.
There are beings in all there is no blanket approach, departure, listening to Buddhist teachings are the Three-black instant vajra.
There are beings who do not know the mind of others, listening to the sermon Buddha immediately knew the mind of the other species.
There are beings for unknown benefit base, padded, closely listening to the sermon Buddha knows is beneficial, fillers.
There are beings for each category of species, do not understand their language, listening closely Buddhist sermon understood about the Three-black sound.
There are not yet obtained the Fa beings themselves, listen closely Buddhist sermon understood, distinguish themselves.
There are beings who do not see the Buddha body, Buddhist sermon heard by the Three-black instant Real illusory.
There are beings always distinguish the coast, listening to Buddhist teachings are the Three-black instant Countless avoided.
There are beings with suspected heart for the transformation of moral law, should listen to Buddhist sermons for Zhuan Falun, the mind is purified.
There are beings arising misconduct, not believe causal, listen closely sermon Buddha was enlightened, understand the law and depending upon conditions.
There is usually beings start to a Buddhist world, listening to Buddhist teachings distinguish instant wealth realm of Buddha.
There are beings who have not cultivate good roots generals, listen to Buddhist sermons are countless instant Tam-soot dignified.
There are beings who can not distinguish all languages, listening to Buddhist teachings are legal instant prize Three-black willow language racially negative strains (Understand, regardless of the type of language, sound).
There are beings dedicated Necessary skill position players, listening
Buddhist teachings are the Three-black immediately distinguish the legal world is naught.
There are beings to be regressive method, soon was hearing the sermon Buddha Three-soot consolidation.
There are beings who do not know the legal world, listen to Buddhist sermons are great wisdom immediately.
There are beings far from the chapel, listening to Buddhist teachings are the Three-black instant Real rot.
There are beings or distinguish the law, listening closely to understand the sermon Buddha Dhamma only, no discrimination.
There are beings seek wisdom, want broad as nothing, hear the Buddha was preaching the Three-black instant naught.
There are beings that have not been fully Balaam honey, listen to Buddhist sermons where Tinh third consecutive cylindrical Perfections.
There are beings who have not been sufficient to four photography, listening to Buddhist teachings are instant photography Three-Ten player friendly.
There are beings distinguish Tu immeasurable, listen closely Buddha was preaching equality, painstaking effort.
There are beings that are not full thirty-seven Bodhi legal aid, listening to Buddhist teachings are the Three-black instant export Head Real World.
There are beings ventricle and take the intellectual conception, hear the sermon Buddha consecutive customs Three-position soot University publications.
There are beings Infertility legal doubts about the ring, hear the sermon Buddha Three-soot consecutive legal decisions with a general approach.
There are legal beings have forgotten listen, listen to Buddhist sermons Three-soot consecutive Any forgetfulness (It takes no idea)
There are beings that are not for those who prefer the sermon, heard the Buddha sermon was immediately labeled pure skill, no grid facilities.
There are beings who do not believe the Three Jewels, the Buddha sermon heard by the Three-black instant growth Merit.
There are beings starving legal rain, listening to the sermon Buddha consecutive French Three-black arms.
There are beings to accept the Three Jewels arises cessation,hear the sermon Buddha consecutive Chu Tam-soot sure solemn (The stately treasures).
There are beings who do not create intellectual career, not diligent effort, listen closely Buddha was preaching the Three-black vajra wisdom.
There are beings bound by defilements, the Buddha sermon heard by the Three-black instant publication Nowhere.
There sentient ego, ego basis, hear the sermon Buddha Three consecutive Tri-black printing.
There are beings who do not know the full merits of the Tathagata, the Buddha sermon heard by the Three-black instant world is liberated.
There sentient past where life never offered the Buddha, the Buddha heard countless sermons sufficient spirit soon was transformed.
There are beings who have not been heard of in the legal world one thing countless lifetimes to make life in the future, listen closely sermon Buddha understood smoothly, all the legal world a legal contract.
There are beings with all the classic yet been chosen, listen closely Buddha was preaching the Three-black Chu true legal equality minister.
There are beings Luc legal separation from air, listening to the sermon Buddha consecutive League Three-black willow dharmas (Understanding the law).
There are beings who do not diligently, practice diligently for liberation unthinkable, listening to Buddhist teachings, even in the instant miracles are the Three-black lion du Coliseum.
There are beings mu staining n differentiate integration into Tathagata organ, listen to Buddhist sermons, absolutely not listen to others, to be distinguished instant integration into Tathagata organs.
There are beings without diligent diligent e stain i with director Bodhisattva, the Buddha sermon immediately hear the wisdom, diligence diligent.
Having never saw beings of The Birth, hear the sermon Buddha consecutive at Tam-soot Circuit set in the land of origin.
There are unfinished beings to worship, listen to Buddhist sermons are the Three-black instant prophesies.
There are not yet fully sentient ten power of the Tathagata, the Buddha sermon heard by the Three-black instant Countless damage.
There are not yet fully sentient beings from countless captain, hear the Buddha
Three-consecutive sermon Infinite standard soot.
There are beings who have not been adequate public legal Real Buddha, the Buddha sermon heard by the Three-black instant legal injustice.
There are beings that are not full of knowledge is not ignorance, listening to Buddhist teachings are the Three-black instant shot May.
There is yet unknown beings know all disciplines where the Dharma, the Buddha sermon heard by the Three-black instant white Fairy countless publications net structure.
There are beings who have not been fully Necessarily place, heard the sermon Buddha consecutive Thien Tam-black willow.
There are beings that have not been accomplished all the Buddha, the Buddha sermon heard by the Three-black instant Countless Endless reviews ...
Such beings to understand Buddhism are private.
There the Bodhisattva mind rectitude not lie, listening to the sermon Buddha soon was eighty-four thousand of disciplines, eighty-four thousand methods Three-black, seven thousand and five thousand subjects Da-la-ni.
There are boundless, boundless aeons Great Bodhisattva Mahayana practice, hear this sermon is immeasurable merit such, remains where Local Real retrogression. So, the Great Bodhisattva countless stately want durable, should vow inconceivable, increased knowledge is inconceivable, for self dignified by the stately thirty two generals, with eighty looks beautiful attached.
Thanks to the magic sounds solemn, so the Bodhisattva depending on the interests of the beings that sermon, makes the listener fully legal knowledge.
Due attention should be dignified and non-retrogression Three-soot. Do not take up the solemn anniversary all legal Da-la-ni. Due attention should distinguish solemn legal entities. Due solemn anniversary should understand the meaning very subtle. Due attention should be improved solemn vows steadfast neck ", durable effort, according to his vow taken to the other side. Due diligence should pass the stately ranks. Due Giving up e stately stained with i these necessities can discharge. Due dignified Morality should make healthy mind in white, purity. Due solemn Patience should eabominable beings i with unobstructed center. Due Diligent stately should all the assistance are fulfilled. Due Meditation should be dignified for all legal Tam-Tam-black soot achieve du Lion Coliseum. Due dignified wisdom should know of the place set out negativity. Due From stately focus should remember thinking of all beings. Thus it can be dignified Bi would end all suffering beings. Do not mind Hy should stately e suspiciously stained with all legal i. Due to Discharge of solemn should leave arrogance mind, the mind no longer distinguish high and low. Due to the solemn divine power should be the Three-black lion du Coliseum for all measures. Because of restraint should have been hands to preserve priceless treasure new. Due dignified position should know the mind of the general are born. Due attention should create dignified means to help all beings be awakened. Due solemn luminous eyes should be bright intellect. Due to the dignified eloquence that beings should be meaningful words legal repartee. Do fearless stately should all ghosts can not hurt. Due merit should be merit solemn Buddha door, Bhagavan. Due to legal dignified eloquence should be very afraid, because they are born often preaching Dhamma. Due dignified clarity should be the light of all the Buddha dharma. Due to radiate light so there's solemn world premiere Buddhas. Do tha stately center should be no confusion right knowledge. Due to the solemn teaching should preserve precepts exactly as words. Due to sufficient spirit should be as standard dignified sufficiency reached the other shore. Because life over all solemnity of yours should be on legal Tathagata countless organs of the Tathagata. Due stately dignified approach should be depends on the wisdom of others. Due to legal practice in all solemn inter-friendly practices as the words, he wanted to make beings are all benefits such merit.
There are boundless, boundless aeons Great Bodhisattva Mahayana legal practice, so hear me preach a full sentence should approach all good legal purity. Thus, the Great Bodhisattva for legal gain wisdom, not listen to others, accomplishing great legal light, the supreme Enlightenment Tier.
White Buddha, sentient beings in the world if other methods to create the five grave offenses, until found guilty on four precepts heavy, burning and destroying the fresh measures, or school Sravakas Pratyekabuddhas, Mahayana, but by volunteer force should mu staining n birth to the world's children, gave birth to it, it is still all bad karma, violent, evil bad, unruly heart, difficult to subdue, specializing in four minutes dua crazy greedy, stingy. Such beings eighty-four thousand paths with heart disorders, with different base nature, human beings will be so different with the base nature that large lecture about eighty-four thousand legal convergence.
White Buddha, if we Biological Supreme Mahayana, you will because they preached the full width of six Balaam honey: giving three-la-secret ... until Bat-elegant three -la-confidential.
There are beings learn Sravakas excess, yet fresh root planting, praying Buddhas do their master, then I will make them according to three legal practice medicine, and then exhort them under six legal practice Three -la-confidential.
Have preferred working beings murdered, children will no longer kill them. There are specialized working beings participate evil, I will make them no longer thieves. There are beings unlawful sexual misconduct, I will help them get rid of adultery. Language beings have tried to expectations, defamatory, children will no longer expect them to lead speaker. There are beings enjoy the fool, I will teach them not to drink alcohol.
Sentient beings have committed this year, I will teach them in Pros-she-rules world.
We who do not prefer the fresh approach, children will make their life over the eight precepts in a day and a night.
There are few good roots beings, born of virtue favorite heart, I will give them to the monastic life in the future is studying the faith in Buddhism, life in eleven world, holy purity.
There beings seeking mind the law of virtue, you will help them achieve dignity, full contemporary world, in legal rivers friendly apartments.
Such beings, ranging from creation until five grave offenses stingy, because these beings child, using a multitude of disciplines, sufficient spirit manifested, documents meant preaching, teaching the warm open presentation, gender, import, suffering, no, impermanence, selflessness, that remain outstanding where Nirvana charity, peace, passed away, no longer afraid. Because four of them: monks, monks-ni, Pros-she-rules, Pros-she-cell that sermon.
There are beings to be heard on the conference conclusion, I will preach the Dhamma commentary on, until someone needs liberation, I will because they preached commentaries on No, Unknown.
Beings have good legal mind rightly loathe, I will because they preached the service we Boost.
Beings have preferred center for the true good approach, because their children will Tam-soot legal theory, not specified, displays only true liberation walks.
White Buddha, human beings as per each such, need to go through hundreds of thousands of so-weeks without sufficient spirit, to just display boundless, boundless, countless means of making them understand the teachings, should market show sufficient spirit to Nirvana, but what is not boring.
White Buddha, the strength of the Three-black discharge life span should have achieved in the fifth section to enter Nirvana.Even then, the self-dispersed small bodies such as rapeseed half, because sentient beings should pity to enter Nirvana. After entering Nirvana, Dhamma's office for a thousand years, cylindrical object that measures five hundred years. After the Nirvana, if one who used precious materials, offering music Xa-profit, to worship, to circumambulate the right one round, hands praise, offering a flower ..., so predestined that, according to them no longer pray for legal retrogression three redundant.
White Buddha, after the child entered Nirvana, living beings that can preserve a piece solidly as in the teaching methods, to recite a stanza of four lines, spoken for the others, make them listening, born joy, offering Sorcerer, despite only offering a flower, took a bow ..., because of conditions that, according to their aspirations, the three ministers will not retrogression. Until the legal torch off, flag down approach, Dharma cut off, Xa-profit child still hidden in the ground, to the background vajra. Now, the world Ta-she had no jewels, relics of the variables as the Italian Minister lapis gem, the light from the background throughout vajra to the whole world, on to the sun A-ca-Ni investigation, countless rain flower: flower mandala, Ma-ha flower mandala, flower Three-benefit-of-the majority, flowers Sheh-foe-sa, Ma-ha flower-specific chronic-sa. The light radiating pure big wheels, that flowers with wings hundred, thousand petals, or hundreds of thousands of wings; place flowers around the projection light and subtle scents often spread every place, viewers do not get bored. Which radiate light which can not be counted place, countless wonderful aroma, boundless, boundless net rainy so the flowers. As soon as the rain, came out countless hours of magic: Buddhist English, French, monks Increase Three-known refuge, known Pros-she-rules world, eight world-known achievements, ordained ten world languages, English alms, sound morality, dignity, pure sound, and inclusive of all contemporary world, known for helping the Sangha, the sound of chanting, meditation sound thinking, language customary impurity, the sound track out breath , the sound of a great African, non-non-perception, language Huu great, formless sound, the sound of Soul Made, not Made language, language of origin Bowl win, necessarily Ten hours in, English The Property, known not, formless voice, sound effects Unknown , predestined twelve hours, sufficient Sravakas particular organ sound, the sound of Pratyekabuddha school, Mahayana six hours Specifically excluded Balaam confidential ..., in the language of flowers that emit such realms where gods are hear all, has long taken root in the self-healing remember thinking; there are things that are not healthy, responsible exchange itself should immediately return to the world-she taught me countless beings in the world, making life under ten are good.Education world where gods are territorial, not charity and participate in training and had recommended, legal concomitants are quiet. If formerly the fresh root immediately planted himself remember thinking, there's not healthy, responsible exchange of instant self, so I lowered the world-she taught countless beings, make all be living in ten good.
White Buddha, the flower will be in vain as countless cultural jewels, metal, banking, lapis, pearls, Romanian, kha pearl set, jade, treasures, like treasure, coral , agate, heavenly crowns, precious ornaments ... falling like rain filled the all Ta-her world. Now, mind everyone happy harmony, without the struggle, hunger, disease, the toxicity of resentment, evil in the border elsewhere to be destroyed all, should be a quiet life. World time, there are so happily. Beings will find the treasure, or touching, or using, the excess of the three legal entities not retrogression, the jewels creates benefits like finish to hide on land, returning to the same spot, at Diamond background.
White Buddha, in Ta-her world, when life arose military training, Xa-profit child would turn blue as lapis lazuli from the ground up to the sky out A-ni-ca-investigation, countless rain flower: flower mandala, Ma-ha flower mandala, flower Three-benefit-of-the majority, to return to hide where the land and where the background is the same as on the Diamond Sutra.
White Buddha, such as military training lives, lives from hunger, disease emerged again as well as on.
White Buddha, the middle of the Hien lives, after the Bat-nirvana, the Buddhist relics do the same this, subdue immeasurable, infinite beings are Real retrogression where three ministers. Thus, going in infinite eons more like Mote year in the world of the Buddha, to subdue immeasurable, infinite beings, making them not retrogression where three ministers.
White Buddha after serving an untold aeons life period, the position where innumerable, immeasurable aeons any other world in ten directions Buddha was born into, are due to the city supreme Enlightenment, he taught the new city center right enlightenment, that you are residing in six Balaam confidential.
White Buddha, when the right enlightenment is complete, you will be taught beings make them play the right enlightenment mind, dwells where six Balaam confidential. And after the Nirvana, relics transformed to teachers of beings, helping them rise to the right enlightenment. These beings go through a thousand untold aeons periodically lives in immeasurable, boundless aeons period around ten world become a Buddha was born, the title will confess and praise you that "in my youth the past so far has named Hien lives, when in early life, World-
Sun Wednesday named .... Blessed recommends that first turned usinto a primary center right enlightenment. We then burn healing center, used in accordance with the base nature not healthy, to create five grave offenses wrong. Then the other Buddha advises us goods, which is an office where six Balaam confidential. Thus immediately understood all Da-la-ni subjects, transforming the Dharma Wheel, leave the bondage of birth and death, making immeasurable, boundless hundred thousand beings remain where winning results. Again giving countless hundreds of thousands of living beings are made gods, until attained liberation. "If there are living beings needs religion Bodhi, are finished listening to praise the Buddha asked:
Blessed margin percentage, the other Bhagavan Buddha saw what benefits a year ago right enlightenment evil in life?
Exalted Chu was immediately directed to good men, good women players Bodhi religion, saying:
-Development Old Bhagavan had other achievements compassion into right enlightenment new mind, with an affinity arising vows to make the world that is dignified and good magic.
The man was amazed hearing, give unprecedented, instant good aspiration, born compassion for the general student, played like a prayer.
There is heavy on the world last year, which created beings to live five grave offenses with the unwholesome root, I'll be in there to subdue them. Exalted by Chu other achievements of this man of great compassion, play good prayer life where the previous year, according to the prophesies their prayers.
White Buddha, because the people who practice Mahayana Buddhism other Bhagavan said about Xa-profit causes and conditions that you have transformed: "The past is a long distance with the Buddha, the Blessed One effect is ... , after Bat -niet-table, lives executioner war, disease, hunger and thirst arise, then we're in this life is the suffering, the Buddha relics that because we should find out a wealth of Leo du Coliseum sufficient spirit that we found the right enlightenment center, planted the fresh root, diligent practice six Balaam confidential as stated above wide. "
Buddha told Bodhisattva Italian President:
Male -Thien death, then that Buddha Museum, before the gods, the mass's, Africa's, Bao Hai Pham instant achievement vast compassion, discovered five hundred vows finished, the white Buddha:
Exalted margin percentage, if not the will of the achievements and not themselves benefit children, children not in a final stage in the future life Hien lives with evil in heavy degenerations, in which they vied with each student together, delusion no eyes, no teacher-guided, not teaching, wrong fall into darkness, ignorance renders, created five counts against evil ... that achievement and make the basis of Buddhist chapel in conditions as mentioned above, this figure dropped Bodhi nor healthy planting base in buddhaland where other methods.
White Buddha, now dedicated to such children, do not bring this to the friendly apartments right enlightenment, nor prayer Bich-chi-Buddhayana, nor do Sravakas voluntary redundancy, Uranus, Human king, popular participation in education students in gods, not-that-she viaduct, Asura, Ca-long-la, la-na-Khan, Ma-most-la-old, deleted, La-watching, gods kingdom ... Due to this good roots, I do not demand the same place.
White Buddha, if wealth is mainly due to human generosity. If you were born into heaven is by human precepts. Great wisdom is so broad anthropology. Negativity is due to rupture of thinking people. As Buddha said, such things are their interests merit interests, may, upon the prayers that have been before.
White Buddha, if the fresh root achievements, the benefits themselves; the almsgiving, morality, educated, children will listen to a lot of achievements, bring it up to retribution for all beings in hell. If any sentient being hell A-Pi, with this fresh root causes their child will be born salvation of mankind, to hear the sermon Buddha immediately be proved, the Arhat, come into Nirvana . These beings if not all of karma, you will exhaust the river network, into hell A brain-spleen suffered in their behalf. May my body as much as the mote in a Buddhist world, each a body like mountains Tu-di ... Every body knows suffering touch this, touch the door as ever feeling pain in my body today. Human life itself as much as the mote in a Buddhist world and be the kind of harsh retribution suffering as the mote in a Buddhist world today. Beings of the world's ten schools of Buddhism have created five grave evil, causing bad karma, to fall into hell A-Pi, or later spent eons as the mote in a Buddhist world, we countless students in the world as the world mote Buddhas in the ten directions, creating five grave evil, evil cause will now hell A-Pi, you will for all beings in hell A-Pi was which shall replace the line, making them no longer oppressed in hell, seeing Buddhas Dhamma territory, out of samsara, into Nirvana. Now the decision will replace the other beings, in forever in hell A-Pi.
Again, in countless world as much as the mote in a Buddhist realms of the ten directions, there are beings created bad karma will surely hell retribution burned like hell A-Pi, Hell Fire injection, Ma-ha burners hell-man, hell urgent, multi-wire hell, hell Chiang and countless animals, hungry ghosts, impoverishment, Yakshis, sheep-table-tea, Pi-xa- Sale, Asura, Ca-long-la ..., you will also have to replace them as above suffering.
White Buddha, if the beings in the world as much as the mote in one's Buddha-in the ten directions have created bad karma that will surely be born into human life, being blind, deaf, dumb, lisp no limbs, psychosis, forgetfulness, eating impure ..., then I'll replace beings bear the sins as noted above.
Again, if there are beings to hell A-Pi bear the suffering, you will forever be a substitute for the living beings that bear the suffering. As for warm feeling beings, gender, type of birth and death in the body of animals, hungry ghosts, impoverishment, Yakshis, sheep-table-tea, Pi-amnesty-Sale, Asura, than- long-la ... the children are also subjected to such suffering.
White Buddha, if the will of the achievements, the benefits themselves, I was right enlightenment as prayer above, the present Buddhas in immeasurable, boundless aeons period around ten world is the sermon for the sentient beings will testify to you, so also see the Buddhas know.
White Buddha, now bent ask him to sign for human life the right enlightenment, in Hien life, when human life a hundred and twenty years old, I was born consisting of the respected brand Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Additional minh Hanh, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan.
White Buddha, if you can make sure achievements Buddhist prayer as I have, then this mass and gods, Asura ... or in vain, or on the ground, with the exception of the Tathagata all moved to tears, were before the ceremony, praised:
Frontier instead! Instead! His achievements are second to none compassion, mindfulness is profound, for the beings that discovered profound mercy, durable vows, his actions are not only taught by others, due diligence compassion sheltered all his education immoral people, five against. We know all of his nice chapel. His new mind when the right enlightenment, because they were born as herbalists University, as a place of refuge, where supporters, making housing ... so that all beings are liberated, so play this vow. Now his prayer has created benefits, the Tathagata will sign for his life into right enlightenment.
Upon hearing such talk is finished, cakkavatti with infinite purity, immediately stood up from his seat, moved to tears, clasped hands toward Pham, head bowed and said glass shelves:
His prayer now
Profound sustainable
Sacrificing own fun
Because beings
Play compassion
Because our teaching
The true legal
French PM wins.
Then the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara said shelves praise:
They cause many involved wrecked
Now he does not cling
A stain i units high, low
Be free at long
So depending on ch peek ng Birth
Run full vows
Life in the future will be
Da-la Hotel Sydney organs.
The Bodhisattva Dac Dai said shelves compliment:
Countless memories beings
Because so friendly meeting
Knowing his compassion
All were in tears
Cultivate the virtues of suffering
Back then unprecedented.
Bodhisattva manjusri said shelves compliment:
Diligent meditation
Very sustainable
Won outstanding intellectual
Distinguish completely
Who brought flowers, incense
Offerings to Him
Today is his
Happy to receive him.
Void Indian Bodhisattva commended racks used:
Him as beings
Achievements compassion
Where evil world, chisels
Property alms
Strictly, the prime minister
First of magic
Because the gods
What do I dwell .
Bodhisattva Diamond Intelligence Quang Minh said shelves compliment:
His compassion
Great as nowhere
Wanting to help living beings
Bodhi should practice.
Void Japanese Bodhisattva said shelves compliment:
His achievements
Merit compassion
Won outstanding intellectual
Understand dharma
Except Buddha, Bhagavan
To none.
Bodhisattva Lion Huong said shelves praise:
His life in the future
Staying in life Hien
Where many afflictions
Big compliment language
Forcing countless
The beings
Except suffering end
Full liberation.
Bodhisattva Universal Worthy said shelves compliment:
All beings
Diligent practice center
Mortal hungry
At the wrong mountain
Mutual swallow
No moral consciousness
His compassion for
Save all.
Bodhisattva A-Rinse said shelves compliment:
Incinerating evil heart against fresh Specialist
Ignorance forever
In the darkness
It's okay to be
Mud negativity
He was upholding
Such beings.
Bodhisattva Huong Thu said shelves compliment:
He saw clearly now
Where life in the future
See the fear
As the scene in the mirror
Of whom
Destroying the Dharma
Burned out
All moral consciousness.
Bodhisattva Security Minister said shelves compliment:
Now he only uses
Intellectual morality
Meditation, compassion
Dignified his mind
So often salvation
All beings
Who burned fresh approach
Saints defamation.
Terrorism Ly Bodhisattva Adornment said shelves compliment:
He has practiced this
Suffering immeasurable happiness
All because rescuers
Beings afterlife
Who burned moral consciousness
Living according to TA.
Bodhisattva States commended Prime said shelves:
Him with compassion
Intellectual effort
Amid this mass
So rescue
The wrong man
Forced by Persecution
Birth, aging, sickness and death.
Tri Anak Bodhisattva said shelves compliment:
Countless beings
Many suffering illnesses
Usually trouble
Poison wind blows
He often brings this
Intellectual gallop
Kill the ghost
Forces broke them.
An announcement said location-shelf slap compliment:
Now he was
Sustainability Effort
Clears negativity
And be freed
We even lower
He can not equal.
United said the Bodhisattva Moon commended shelves:
Sustainable practice
Its diligent attention
Merit refuge
Born mercy
So the next life
Often because birth certificates
Three career break
Tied three worlds.
Bodhisattva Ly Nguyet said shelf structures compliment:
Bodhisattva practice religion
Compassion is above all
Minister verbal disapproval
So the feast.
Bodhisattva commended shelf Tri Luc said:
Evil world last year
Many diseases and afflictions
He wants enlightenment
Sustainable vow
Because beings
Original tightly afflictions.
Fire Man Bodhisattva said shelves compliment:
His wisdom
Like treasure
Vows emitted
Structural pure wealth
Practice achieved
Supreme Bodhi
Just because they are born
King physician.
B à y hours, Bodhisattva Show Luc moved to tears, in front of the ground ceremony Pham, said shelves hands compliment:
He used a torch light
This great wisdom
As seminarians
Treat afflictions
Just because they bloated
Impoverished needy
Eliminating all
Immeasurable suffering.
Good men to death, before Pham time, all mass Thien, Long, Devils, Shen, Qian-beaver-grandmother, and Africa's first brought the ceremony's done, stand up reverently folded hands, said countless commendable approach.
Buddha told Bodhisattva Italian President:
Male -Thien death, when in front Tathagata, Pham Bao Hai right knees close to the ground, the great earthquake six ways. All of the ten world as much as the mote in one's Buddha-concussion also six ways. There is a large sun radiate light throughout the world, countless rain flower mandala, Ma-ha flower mandala, flower Three-benefit-of-the majority, flowers Sheh-foe-sa, flowers ma- chronic-foe-sa ha immeasurable light along the ten directions, as in a Buddhist realm. Current Buddhas everywhere as much as the mote in the world, pure or impure Dhamma preaching to all sentient beings. This Buddhas have listened legal Bodhisattva. Seeing great earthquake six ways, radiate brilliant light, rain countless flowers, the white Buddha this Bodhisattva:
Blessed margin percentage, why the great earth tremors here six ways, with light rain and countless brilliant flowers?
Then, in the East as the world's ago a number of Ganges sands, with Buddhist world scout named storms, Buddha in this world named Bao Yue include effective enough adhered Tathagata, Arhat, Chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan, is the immeasurable, boundless aeons period of the Great Bodhisattva reverently surrounded Mahayana teachings. There are two Bodhisattva: The name Bao Gen First, the name Monday Nguyet General, towards Phat Bao Yue, hands reverently prospectus:
Blessed transparent glass, why great earthquake six ways, with glowing halo countless flowers and rain?
Buddha Bao Yue told the two Bodhisattva:
Male -Thien death, in the West, the world long ago as the sand a Ganges, the world has named San-threads-lam, Bhagavan Buddha's performance includes all the religious museum Brand Tathagata, Arhat , Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan, is currently serving up to immeasurable, boundless Bodhisattva the chief tributary sense, talking about the national level, teach the Three-black realm dignified volunteer in the world of Buddhas and business talking about Da-la-ni. During the meeting there was a Great Bodhisattva named Great Compassion, vows: "Now I will use steam marinated compassion center receives the right enlightenment prophesies, since the Great Bodhisattva should make voluntary market.Therefore, first of all should make immeasurable, unbounded the Bodhisattva vows big play, receiving numerous stately world to subdue beings ". The achievements of your great compassion Great Bodhisattva, the mass to none, where life years ago to subdue the evil bad guys, many afflictions, save all those five grave, to those who practice the Apartments not healthy, heart-friendly incineration.The mass of Heaven, Dragon, Devils, Gods, Human and Africa's other non-Buddhist offerings that come together and offering the ultimate body of the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, bringing the bowed head, got up reverently folded hands said shelves praise ...
Then, in front of the Buddha, the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion knees right up close to the ground applying Buddhist life. Buddha smiled other Bhagavan, great local cause in the world as much as the mote in one's Buddha-in around ten concussion six ways, large corona discharge rain countless flowers, awakening all of Portugal -turn off. Lai also taught the Bodhisattva religion. Buddha, the other Bhagavan makes the Bodhisattva much as the mote in the ten directions are set to practice preaching and fearless, the Three-black Da-la-ni for this Great Bodhisattva. So Buddha manifested innumerable other such transformation.
Good men to death, two Bodhisattva done immediately heard this Buddhist transparency:
Margin percentage Exalted, Great Compassion Bodhisattva from the Development Center has passed the time for how long?Time to worship Bodhisattva is how long? When will evil Hill restaurant last year, save those beings deeply disturbing, always competing with each other, causing the army rebel, achievement for all those who do not have good roots, good heart burn?
Two other Buddha told Bodhisattva:
-Thien Male element, the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion new mind today the right enlightenment. Prince devotees, he can come to admire the Buddha Museum, reverently offerings, worship, servant, listening to the talk about the practice of fearlessness, the Three-black Da-la-ni, meet Great Bodhisattva University Bi and instead I said, "Bao said Nguyet Tathagata asked sincerely, use flowers to his Yuet net photosynthesis do believe": Back merit Bodhisattva Great compassion "instead! Instead! Men e, new mind that he was able to achieve such great compassion. There have been countless hours he filled all the compliments of the world countless Buddhas in the ten directions like a mote in the realms, with the words: "Bodhisattva Great Compassion new mind that the other was able to achieve great compassion so". So this element Good men, I praise him: "instead! Instead! ".
Again, Good men to death, because the Bodhisattva his future life achievements should speak compassion compassion, not voluntary rupture, rendering the flag should be commended for the measures "instead! Instead! ".
Good men to death again, his voice will compliment the wine to take life in the future, extending to countless aeons period of life, much as the mote in one's Buddha-taught hundreds of thousands of memories and immeasurable, unbounded a ECSD-term beings remain where the Supreme Enlightenment, to address non-retrogression Buddha, or volunteer development, or get Pure, help living beings, according to their teaching, to make them life in the future be the right enlightenment prophesies. Such beings to life in the future, through fate like a mote in the realms, where fate will be like a mote around ten realms Buddha, the world will be in countless Buddhas mote as a buddhaland around ten was right enlightenment, transforming the Dharma wheel, will praise the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, the legal use of this praise to praise him "instead! Instead! "."
Good men to death, then the other realms ninety two memories of the Great Bodhisattva Council said:
Blessed margin percentage, we mu staining n go to San-threads-blue plane admire Buddha Museum, worship, offerings, respect, servant, listening to the talk about the Three-black of Da-la-ni , fearless and mu practice abominable n admire Bodhisattva Great Compassion.
Buddha and brought other legal entities Flower Moon praised the net photosynthesis gave two Bodhisattva and sure to know the right time.
Then, Bodhisattva Bao Gen, Bodhisattva Yue Yue flower General received net photosynthesis of Buddha and other memory along with ninety two Great Bodhisattva fast as a blink of an electric light, hidden and lost in the other world appears where San-threads-blue planes, to see him in the garden Museum Yan-line, bowing at the feet of Buddha, brought countless du Lion Coliseum where the Bodhisattva was to make offerings to the Buddha. Then the other two saw Bodhisattva Bao Pham Hai reverently folded hands mass praise; see finished, immediately thought: "Now this great artist is affordable to the Bodhisattva Great Compassion newly Tathagata Bao Yue awarded this precious flower?". Two in front of the Buddhist Bodhisattva turned toward Pham, take flowers to rise and said:
-As Lai Bao Yue awarded this beautiful flowers and three French, convinced him praise ... as mentioned above.
Thus, limitless, boundless aeons world period Buddhas in the East also sent countless realms Great Bodhisattva to San-threads-lam, are using optical pure flower and legal Moon praised, in addition as noted above.
Good men to death, then in the South, seven thousand ago, seven thousand, hundred thousand memories Buddhist world, the world has Buddha named Bao Long hống lion, Lion Brand Buddha Gen. Ton Vuong include effective enough respect Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan, is the Mahayana teachings of the Bodhisattva, two Great Bodhisattva: first Area General Tri Diamond name, the name Monday Minister Leo Diamond. Two white Buddha this Bodhisattva:
Blessed margin percentage, why the great earthquake six ways? There are large and light rain ... countless flowers, like the Bodhisattva in the East.
Again, boundless, boundless Buddhas in the south are countless Bodhisattva wrong to San-threads-blue plane so well.
Now, in the West, eighty-nine thousand ago, hundreds of thousands of the world's memory, the world has named Peace, Buddha here is the Regent brand identity Category Tathagata Chu currently sermon Tam admitted to four sets them . There are two Bodhisattva: The First Japanese name Quang Minh Hien, the name Leo Monday kidney failure. Two white Buddha this Bodhisattva:
Blessed margin percentage, what were the conditions causing great earthquake six ways, with large light radiate countless flowers and rain? Also as noted above. Unconscionable in the Western world as such.
Then, in the north, ten thousand nine hundred thousand Ago world depression, the world has the name Win foot protection, that Pure Buddha in the World brand is currently Sun King Tathagata Mahayana teachings of the Bodhisattva. There are two Bodhisattva: The Head First Property name, the name Dac Monday Worldly Wisdom Sun King. Two white Buddha this Bodhisattva:
Blessed margin percentage, why the great earthquake six ways? Also as noted above. Countless world so well in the north.
Then, in the Under, a nine-eight thousand, hundred thousand memories na-by-tha world, the world has named Ly renders service, in that Pure Buddha is effective because many Yin Terrorism Ly currently sermon Tam surplus for four of them. There are two Bodhisattva: The Sun first Japanese name, the name Monday Void Japan. Two white Buddha this Bodhisattva:
Blessed margin percentage, why the great earth shook six ways? Also as noted above. Under the world so well again.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.12/12/2016.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
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