Humanity is currently facing so many serious problem in society, what is corruption, drugs, prostitution, education, family ... These bumps constantly spreading, contagious, or distort incalculable without racism, borders and religions. Place the purity of life Buddhism, as a matter of course, has been secularized drastically affect negatively on people's faith. To address this, the current Buddhists do to immunity and overcome "obstacles" that moral progress?
1. Take - Golf - Si
- Layman: Live life worldly worries which many, many clues binding affinity. For laymen, the career - career - family is the goal, is the meaning of life. To be delicious, even beautiful, in the high door wide, full amenities, men sometimes defying tricks, willing to sacrifice friendship, sold out personality, no longer known people, holidays, meaning, location, credit.Now known Dharma, deep message of cause and effect - impermanence, who lay before doing well should be careful, think twice, think about the consequences of his was going to do. Everything should be in the spirit-directed Bat-chief of the Buddha.
- Monk: a sad reality of life is present clergy too lavish, contrary to the teachings of the Buddha. Buddha from a Prince has all the letting go of all hands, including the body, to reach the liberated beings birth and death. And most of the current practitioners are doing the opposite, want to gather collect, hoard money, the wealth of the men make offerings to the cross. Telephone spend to travel newer cars, eating at the same time - non-spot, pull Buddhist offerings. Worse still breaking gender, place of Buddhist profane subjects, majesty not hold that music and dance, puffed smoke, alcohol, debauchery nothing more ... And where ordinary sentient beings volunteer duties, favored continuation network Buddhism (?). Knowing the offense committed crimes while this one floatation, will fall all life suffering.
2. There is no confidence right feet
- Lay: There should be confidence right feet, deep message of cause and effect, poisoning everything impermanent. Buddhist practitioners believe that now helps her pay, to be liberated from the suffering of birth, if practiced properly Buddha's teachings. Believe in your own Buddha nature that efforts of practice, no obstacles left his mother. Unfortunately, most of today looking for a lay Buddhist is to pray, worship, bridges ... to reach self-desires take his pitch-si. They do not know all the crime-blessed are they artifacts, causal fair.
- Monk: to meet the aspirations of the laity on, engrossed clergy held worship ceremonies, pray colorful superstition, contributed to turn Buddhism into a divine religion, religion evil. All for the benefit also by Buddhists amount spent for this rite is not small. Rather than uphold the Buddha's teachings to everyone that to have faith right feet, they toady according to "coin money" and then make your own hoard. Who spoke for the Dharma they might quibble at all, what is the skillful means, depending coast is the immutability of Buddhism ... Faith in the clergy as ignorant underhanded, greed-yard-si such was filled with the stars can guide laymen "Chief credit, Right Livelihood" is ?!
3. Learning preferred Buddha Buddha Monastery
This is a common disease of both clergy and laity. Why? Because it is easy to learn but difficult to practice it. Only fasting alone is not easy, let alone giving, meditation, Buddha, mantras. Buddha is differentiated learning qualifications, diplomas and certificates have clear (bachelor, master, doctoral Buddhism) but then take what Buddhist practitioner to witness? Middle Buddhist world does not make any sense, what identifier to enlightenment because that's just the Buddhist school. With practice, people of the world can overtake each other and not be blinded by the Devil-god, not to mention the Buddhas. So spontaneous and not to study Buddhism.
In spontaneous, is tri-cultural-awareness-is karma, the heart disease. When exposed to external conditions are sight (is), headphones (office); nose-mouth-body engenders the feeling (sensory), the born conceptual knowledge (knowledge). It is now official, is understanding from learning accrued in past lives until now should kill reincarnation. This is not only the capital of Wisdom Supreme Master himself when practitioners opened or meditating Buddhist concept reached the realm eighty (Unknown Mindfulness). Thus, the magic of Buddha Dharma can not be used is tri-cultural-awareness-that is receptive. Year-old kid can memorize some scriptures is second to none, but who may not be living up to the first practice silver cut down floating take-yard-si. Dr. Buddhist preacher may be nice, but with the birth and death, the agency has nothing if not religious school only. Do as little knowledge or qualifications that Buddhism has been laxity, arrogant, ego, law enforcement.
So, how tu? Not know anything Dharma should learn basic Buddhist teachings, temporarily encapsulated as "Suffering, No, Impermanence, No-self, Compassion". When there are fundamental Dharma as a guideline for daily life then try using public, with all the worldly attachments not born because nothing in life exist forever. Use the telephone receiver nianfo or wandering photographer, subdue 6 units (eyes, ears, nose, Meng, body and mind) did not wake arise, including knowledge of Dharma and give up always, make fools blind can not see nor hear-not-know, wherever the Buddhist concept condescension only (or first voice) so that there will be days intensely Nhat achievement center, open-mind towards Supreme Master Wisdom that is emptiness.
4. If we seek blessings, magic
- Layman: when do they merit the attention or seek blessings. Buddhist concept, the concept of counting how many, how many times Lord Buddha. Many people think that the concept much, much more blessed Lord. Remember blessed not to do so in the body or saying that by using mind how, with selfless compassion or not. Should cultivate Compassion Center Hy Drain - Anatta - Infinite universe that practice. Do birth-anniversary of the spontaneous fall.
For example, a wealthy person giving a hundred million mainly to polish the names, looking forward to be grateful, or seek blessings, see his good deeds do investment banking blessed thing ... is for nothing . And a poor day to earn tens of thousands, but when meeting fellow sympathetic consciousness of mercy, giving instant without thinking, just wish it was supporting the uterus through the distress caused by the mind of so incredibly blessed.Blessed by your mind!
- Monk: the meticulous use often seek magic consciousness. Looking forward to see good scene when Buddha, meditation, mantras. His desire enlightenment quickly, is emptiness.Looking forward to Kabbalah, find listening very afraid ... Remember when the use of, what the heart desire Ma scene will appear recruit, lead. Expecting to see the Buddha mind during meditation, the Buddhist Lama is fake, look forward to the fresh scenes shall find fresh Ma ... Gradually scene delight your mind, grasping where Ma scene that can not escape, being possessed Ma, madness is dress. Was how the meditation, mantras being recited Buddha or so. Remember: only office where Buddha's heart, head or voice mantras alone!
5. Spirit sanctified religious
Boost-Ni reverence as well, but they are not sanctified it. They also like me, are on the way spontaneous, different only in that form and with the imprints left home alone. They also recite greed, hatred and delusion's also subtle mental-ego. Many bowed Increase layman-Ni as Lord Buddha, this fact should not accept the hand that just standing Buddha-nature of the clergy residence only. Similarly, when nature is not, he needs to humble, absolutely not received even if a kneeling prostrate someone that damages blessed, because the body is alive thanks to a Buddhist monk, his birth and death age not "the" consciousness is, do not conceit, see themselves as "superior" to the beings - Buddhists kneeling prostrate. Only the spirit of Equal - selflessness that received the stand (not kneeling) United attorney amnesty hands of Buddhists, while I have Buddha-nature to their residence only. Therefore, if sanctified religious, they will consciousness conceit, take-yard do-si will degenerate religion arises anniversary, forgot bathtub. Status of religious alienation today, especially their luxurious lifestyle, while the outer shell unhappiness, muscle pain, partly because their revered Buddhist outrageous that out. Many monks want to do, how much longer openly suggested his disciple offerings, it is full say. They think they are Buddhist Bodhisattva, the priest, or seek the blessings should blindly indifferent offerings; other clergy did not sweat, tears boiling should make money when the offerings laid before the long-term monthly eyes very consciousness wrong application, avaricious. Therefore, you need to take the chief layman is considered failure, Wisdom knowing, assuming tu tu feet when offered, not because of his kindness that inadvertently create bad now, abet Ta avaricious master, borrowed Religion life copper industry to create the burden of suffering. Tier originally selected to form; money, fame and fortune they look like dirt. The robe - skinhead not make the practitioner. Buddhist practitioner is cultivating the mind but not ideological, religious funds. The monks but also important forms should also review the alert itself. Do not let ignorance, greed, conceit that led optimistic Bodhi, Buddhist strain end segment, oppressed and suffering misfortune, all real life super.
6. Quit for Bodhi
- Lay: with the phrase "There is really new is the Tao." The arduous living, and causal karma under attack report feeling out of money makes many people lay on Bodhi degenerate. Or the practice does not bring much benefit as standard, or the difficulty inherent in the Buddhist spiritual practice direction that they can not afford it (fasting, meditation, generosity ...), or how many years the director has Tier proving not find engineers, path keeps things vague ... Enough adversity, internal obstacles obstacles, ghosts raging references ... ultimately hampered due to karma, dominant.
You lay Remember, spontaneous not easy, nobody carpeted me, Buddhas just guided me.Many life karma deeply, if not for the Dharma turn, neutered, it will fall in love forever. Short lifetime, very good few decades and then everyone a final grave. Be - loss, praise - blame, happy - sad, happy - suffering, where nothing really should not attachment, disturbing. Only new spontaneous help themselves out of suffering, passion enlightened move, and alone could save myself. Think so, despite the challenging obstacle horrendous, is seen as an opportunity to pay now, and calm Buddhist concept (meditation, mantras) that early use of dark night, with intense meditation. Self-interest will secure!
- Monk: as above said, mostly due to ignorance renunciation of karma, so even then, the mind is still running after lust, money the worldly but lost the path itself. They call for donations, abuse of office that tries to build the temple often broad, in that such lack of anything comfortable, walking with circulator, who most fans, parasols as officials. They do good works, the forward merit "merit" (?) By the government, the church board; when it then carries the Buddhists showed flickering eyes of officials, called for continued contributions.Buddhists take money from their work, and the government recognized breeze, polished personal names to the temple and offerings to partners blessed call, try asking that different glean bandits plundering the merit of the cross and Compassion Tin (?). Also, when the family property, the monks also blatant price for a requiem ceremony if the Buddhists want to invite. Buddhists want to Sanctum Buddha, abbot also prescribes mandatory for them to have (buy) new robes are allowed. They sell wholesale Beijing Buddhist, liberated enough to be deformed into a place you kill Buddhist goal. More painful, they break the law in the name About Buddhism, perhaps bent fallacy anyway vạy discretion passion, your wrong.Status scrambling religious folk music, chorus singing, recording posted on the internet for the "like" (like), then lewd debauchery where the thought, even in place of pure meditation subjects are making eye pain, merciful heart all involved. Alas! These are the ghosts stumbling undermine religious guise of Dharma, Buddhism passed out, is "actually coincide lion Lion humiliation" as in the old Buddhist teachings. Buddhist compassion but wisdom, so much looking forward to their full spontaneous virtue Bi - Tri - Dung, do not mistake the dulling according to Ma, crazy Dharma, "upholding" the ghost stumbling out Buddhism plus TV, the temple is now surely pay.
7. Ego
Fame is only nominal, not to speak the enlightenment of the mind, with the more modern birth and death has nothing. Likewise, practice time is not to say of the religious piety, by depending on business conditions, the basis of mind and heart. A senior monk is not necessarily "sense", and the neophytes would not they "love". German Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng mirror there, phenology not mistaken contempt, High drain ego. Let the spirit of Van - Tu - Tu, Tu Y France (forensic medicine's estate, means any medical literature, medical care general nature estate, health care willow willow means any means) that the French scouts, practice. Encouraging each other in a spirit of harmony Continent, to avoid losing more places in the customs reasoning but directing French scouts have expressed feet.Everything by "head office very satisfied" that live and practice. You lay and clergy should be noted.
The body is difficult, hard to hear Dharma, so that the right to practice the Buddha Dhamma all the more difficult part, especially in the current times. And fresh instead of the Buddhist, ordained and lay, proper cultivation. Dharma Vinaya is also longer. Buddhism flourished or failure is due to the proper cultivation of the Buddhist.
Who (is) ignorance, desire, please alert, recollection, penance, buffet, nothing you by.
Wish all Buddhist religious retreats!
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