Friday, 9 December 2016

Tenth Entrusted circulation.

Sixth Patriarch to the early years of the Tang Dynasty era Due Tong Tai Chi, 712 Highland Year Ren Ti First Tue, Dien Hoa July, sent his disciples to the Temple Quoc An old home of Tan Chau to build the tower, and several times sent people urged to speed up construction, hopes to complete early days. At the lower end of the second year, the construction completion.

Museum Tower is used for ashes, the Sixth Patriarch sect who built the tower, there is also the suggestion he soon shall pass away.

July 1, the Sixth Patriarch gathered disciples, telling them: "I have come in August, they must leave the earth before. If you still have doubts, should be given as soon as possible, but we'll break yours doubt, let the enchanting in mind the whole child are being wiped out; if not after we go, nobody will teach you more. " People are listening to the words of the Sixth Patriarch, all that crying is heartbreaking, only Spirit Association, Shen situation remains as always, there is little change, nor crying.

Sixth Patriarch said: "Spirit Elementary Teacher Association (ordained less than 10 years), whereas attain incomparable moral equality, good and not good, whatever is canceled defamatory or praise, attention can also not so active, mood mournful or joyful, nor arise again. Others are less this realm, several years in the mountains, eventually from the What's this?

In truth, others not yet reached this realm, just listen to me suddenly declared, could not arise grief.

The children  today crying tragic, because who cares about? if that fear did not know where to go, to be honest, we know where to go himself. If we did not know where to go, the final will not be able to predict for you. The children wept tragic, it is because we do not know where to go; if we know where to go, do not weep tragic.

Why is that? Because where the Sixth Patriarch wanted to go further than the world she sa lot.Sixth Patriarch eventually go? of course, the Western world to ecstasy, and the rooftop terrace was born. If you were able to determine ecstatic rebirth western world, then there is nothing to tragic?

How can we know the Sixth Patriarch insisted that the western world reborn bliss? because the Sixth Patriarch was born at suicide already. Sixth Patriarch stated a month before having to leave the world, and in fact was ahead of a year, when people build the tower, was dispatched insinuation about to leave the world already. If you were able to predict ahead of time will, besides birth and death itself, the religious realm to type this, there is still concern in the world can not be reborn Western bliss reasonable?

On the school director, who has directed prime three security requirements, could know before the press, in order of birth and death is not the few, whether media can not know ahead of time, the great majority of the forefathers could birth at suicide, physical rebirth after soft like cotton, it is not easy to heal sand minister has been. We should believe in his promises; just might put his prayer, he will definitely come to lead.

Again as "Maitreya rooftop of birth" has said: "If someone hears the title of Bodhisattva Maitreya Ma Ha Tat, listen and joy, reverence and worship, common people at par, in a moment of snap hands, that is reborn. " Based on the economic conditions said that everyone is the embodiment of our religion, religion has been heard at St. bridge the "Maitreya" Bodhisattva Ma Ha Tat, could return in another chapel dedicated school directors, naturally direct trust feet, for the feet, feet to your mind the mandate of heaven "happy", just go back to the Buddhist path, at least from the price ceremony take for granted is indispensable, "worship" Maitreya Patriarch of course ; the most critical of the ceremony is the heart exists "reverence", chronic conditions like full members, while not being able to rebirth it?

Master compassion has once said: "Some people think the old body, bound body disease, had gone, his children came to light large bundle of incense, kowtowed celestial compassion, hope that can be saved . They said This is an expression of hospitality types, but we have since Suitor fears that thinking, leaving then for that person to say, is everything done, not a liberation or stars ? Is not very good or what? galaxy is doomed to miserable beg want to save that person.

That will be because do not know "to reborn to where? "Up for that death has not said one thing to fear is, if the internal conviction will reborn Where Capacity Thien hospital, in general together with Old Patriarch, it is well, is a good thing, it falls thousand charming, fun and forward.

If you say a bit more finality, nature "is not birth and death" and extinction is the Minister falsehoods, birth and death are false, actually, you're not the birth and death? so the next Sixth Patriarch went from top to reveal the exact mass for.

France is the legal nature itself, are the feet of Buddha itself, the original face of beings, is the responsibility of every sa buddhas, get nowhere, throughout France. Dharmata unproductive capital, which does not kill, permanent indestructible, not come from nowhere, no place to go.The so-called enlightenment or enlightened thoroughly modern, enlightened to the legal nature of capital is not being destroyed, this does not come and go.

All you have to sit down, we gave the children a poem, called "Net shelves dynamic false feet".children recite, memorize shelves this language, the mind will resemble us, based on shelves this language go practice, will not lose tones of concrete only goal. "

They rise towards the Sixth Patriarch, but the ceremony, invited masters shelf theory. Verse that made the Sixth Patriarch said:

"  Necessarily very useful feet, no reason is u feet, feet drawback is u fake, take non-feet vision  "

(All compounded, which are predestined by birth, if birth is conditioned, can not exist forever, when the condition is not complete, of course, will be eradicated. Therefore, "economic vajra" said, "  compounded necessarily legal, photo cell and illusory  ", said: "  that everyone owns Minister, during marketing falsehoods  ", there is no such thing as truth at all, absolutely impossible for it is the truth if this view of the law is the true origination, this type of solution is absolutely not an end, to be false.)

If possible realization of capital itself has a true character, leaving the mind falsehoods, is evident self-interest of truth; the so-called "minus appears feet outlook", "see the sun lift the clouds" This is the ethics. Self care if a place attachment, change over of all counterfeit foreign minister scene, do not know response provided outlook feet, nowhere can the prime demand of truth here?

What the two verses before it comes to fake foot, following two statements referring to static.The so real, such as estate capital, which is dynamic and not in the mind, not in body. That is to say the verse before this, it must first be known.

These beings have the knowledge, understanding can come back, the moral of this action;Wood was accidentally kicked dynamic form is unknown. If you want to practice law legged, side facing the wall to reach the estate, then just as the estate's stone wood, because it is not real estate.

In the previous article talked through, meditation elaborately Arhat stamina, but Buddha comments for binary admit they are unable to play supreme spirituality. Try asking whether we can cross-legged, on the opposite wall is how long? Buddha if at that, will give us what this commentary? should know want to rely on ratings by the opposite wall to reach enlightenment is the purpose of nature is absolutely impossible. Because of the center's address no feet; no feet, how people can achieve true Buddha results?

Today, we obtained the most passive Masters points only, if still initiates legged looking walls, is like bringing a buddha seeds stuffed in warehouses, try asking will germinate reasonable?that's impossible, because there is no light in stock, water, soil, nor fresh air; How such an affinity enough, it will in no way germinate.

We obtained the most passive masters only, like a seed obtained pure Buddha, the Buddha is the main cause, should be in the daily activities, in the peninsula, bringing it out applications, so-called :

Buddhism in the world,                                 Buddhism in the world,
Sensory world cup,                                      world No sense leaving,
How indebted cup Bodhi,                                        Bodhi Lia find,
Cable bowl sensory needs.                                 Like looking horned rabbit.

Is impossible to find. Become Buddhas all practice Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva practitioner must benefit all sentient beings in the world, which could preserve the purity own mind, no place is infected; Such self-interests to the benefit of others (his self-benefit, the benefit for others), but favored religious blessing, happy feeling that accomplishment fullness.

Seeking mentality feet as often as estate, should know on the action with the estate. So what is the action? negativity is dynamic, green houses, green earth, green is the active form, all speech acts are animated gestures; the estate's feet as a character. If the foot as can master nature, the "record mode of the six doors, in the immaculate green earth that very complex";whether walking, standing, sitting, lying motionless mind are like, there is a new estate feet.

The "estate" that comes next is just wood species accidentally kicked the animal, but it is motionless, but is accidentally unconscious, natural seeds nor the Buddha.

Discrimination, conscious differentiation and distinction of nature. "Compassion distinction" is of the essence distinction, the previous section also mentions "all the legal distinction without distinction start thinking," here's what to say, can distinguish good at all phenomena dharma organic beings, as Bodhisattva Vasubandhu create "intelligent technical legal argument Bach" brought the cosmos into hundreds inductive method, the key is to distinguish friendly. The reason is because he distinguishes benefit beings, to ourselves to say, absolutely no distinction; feet as nature such as property, not wavered, so to say that the first estate. "That One" as nature's feet. Start nature effects, distinguishing it as non-discrimination, discrimination and irrespective of no two.

Do is place like that, it is amazing that use feet as nature began.

Please tell all those who study religion, efforts on the study, certain to use mental improvement; absolutely should not be in the goal of Mahayana Cardboard cut staff and still birth and death is the attachment.

What is the resolution of birth and death is? interpretations of the two main parties of the opposite interpretations.

If the co-director of media, is the same as most of the media, what to say to each other muscles contract, they can work together to discourse the meaning of Buddhism; if such is the disagreement, disagreement mind, not really say where gu, hands should also be happy to opponents, absolutely should not initiate a dispute.

Tong's only Buddhism is inherently no competition, because competition will start centromeres anniversary, if the mind has started the concept, not the pure mind of course, also lost the sense of direction and feet; if the attachment is his prize, rumple buddha, promising start debate on the disciplines, so the confused nature that fall into the flow of birth and death already.

Meanwhile, shelves disciples hearing that language masters have said, are respectful toward Sixth Patriarch, but the ceremony, besides the mind might be his chance, each collecting his scattered mind about, based on which the Patriarch has dharma transmission to practice, much less dare not have room dispute.

Everybody knows how time has such Great Master cylinder long, Venerable Fa Hai was oriented so that worship Sixth Patriarch then asked: "After the Master died, y Dat Ma Patriarch bowl that has passed, and Museum Dharma label, nirvana wonderful heart, should transfer deal for whom? "

Sixth Patriarch said: Since we started the sermon at the temple Sanskrit University, until today, the law says that everyone over, brought back to exemplify key circulation, named "Platform Sutra". You should keep this household. The so-called "safe-keeping" should be the corresponding operator, not just the appropriate storage only; besides transmitting to each other forever, advertising of all beings. Just can be based on this sutra that said, it is the Tathagata Dharma.

Now say legal for you, do not care anymore TV. Why ? Because inborn confidence of children are relatively mature, decision no doubt, absolutely capable enough to shoulder the great preacher. But based on the shelves of the Great Master Bodhidharma Profile indoctrinated, y (saffron) should not transmit anymore.

Dat Ma instilled shelves of the Patriarch is said so: "  Wu duty hybrid from brothels, teaching anesthesia at the front, the army declared the most flowers chlorophyll, a natural result . "

(My initial intention to East Turkestan was to instill Tathagata Dharma, saving all sentient beings fascinate. A flower - Dat Ma Patriarch, expanded 5 Card: The God of Light Two, Three Team Sengcan, fourth patriarch Credit Act, Hoang Nhan Ngu group, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng. After 5 is the result, Zen Buddhism flourished, but a natural. "

The result also meant the end, it seems implicit insinuation about France transfer feet, proving transmitted to the Sixth Patriarch. "Thuy tri interior fire scouts, former central kingdom legal market? "Who knows after the Sixth Patriarch, directing fire inflicted Trach (here not only keep three worlds that only part), the normal and the men, then the Buddha nature are, can become a Buddha. Be aware, the Buddha is not related to gender, not related to school performance, position, status, position, lay, ordained; only in the mind.

We currently practicing religion, relatives at home but, if the mind can come home, always super continue, liberation, liberation, infected at any bare ceiling, but the ceiling in the billowing red mud, also will not obstacles achievements Buddhist religion.

The reason for listening economic measures that can not sell used, mainly due to hear that still carry the attachment, but still expect the preacher said legal suit your vision, so before the Sixth Patriarch preached Buddhism weak sales to the public interest, the security of nails and told that: "Good knowledge, all of you to meditate, listen to me preach"

"Pure heart" is to completely let go of your attachment to what, without his vision. This is similar to the Buddhist sermon before the disciples, often reminds his students, "now you listen", and only have to listen really, can obtain user acceptance.

Sixth Patriarch said: "The heart of the human self is the Buddha, absolutely should not doubt their unbelief." This passage in the circulation is not there, but this passage is truly essence of Buddhism.

On the "Flower Adornment Sutra" says: "faith is the mother of religion merit source, can cultivate good roots gods". What to believe? religion feet, for the feet, feet fate, believe what the Buddha had said.

Because Buddhism was the other not true to say, do not lie, but the most important is to believe "the mind itself is Buddha '. For this statement if doubts arise, the most significant causes, awareness is not enough for the "heart". Common sense for the mind can only be analyzed, imagination, perception, thinking, discursive effects, then we are interested; of course we can not deny it was about, but it is false mind, not chon. The mind that here it comes "free mind is Buddha" is chon, chon's policy, can, get nowhere, throughout France,, is the so-called fetal heart damaged, cinnabar of gender, that major new is our heart.

Often say: "outside of outlaw center, outside the heartless approach", so said the center is legal, the law is about. Thus, the Sixth Patriarch said, "outside bath (chon), no one can object is established, are thousands of strains legal duty delivery center; Chief Medical cross solemn legal world, nothing is his heart, for in doing so said: "Once the mind arises, general measures are being run, it is heart breaking destroy ignorance, see legal body strain, strain also follow that approach disillusionment. ", Was the so-called" post-non-sense is not great natural wealth "

"Mind" for people to say that enlightenment is the "nature", so in front Sixth Patriarch said, "nature can sentient things"; for those who love to say, the mind is the only "official Alaya", Alaya is the exact knowledge of the universe. "Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana," said, "he suddenly tried, born three strains Minister", the 3 types of general public?

One is ignorance minister now, the two are moving generals (power is minister), also called is assigned, the spirit of division, three are currently Minister (realm Minister), also known as general distribution, as belonging to the antimatter. Main b Konig because  such a feeling being third anniversary International (3 types minister above); followed by the coastal realm crude continental growth. "Crude Continent" is 6 coarse minister: one is the general location, two is continuity minister, three are serving prime minister, as the next four generals their title, in the start-minister, six are now suffering generals system. Tao said, "being the most direct, most subtle birth, birth delicate triangle, triangle being all things. ". Confucian saying: "infinity born extremes, extremes comfortable being bisexual, bisexual comfortable being thought, ideology born Bagua, in sharp cross continents bowl bowl, the trench being 384". Morality is relatively common, also made it clear where the phenomenon: "legal generic birth center birth". Once transferred into position mode, move into higher Back Members A glass place "the most numerous animal hybrid duty, Tran Ha parish who", not the "legal mind killing strains genocide" there?

Hotel has 3 categories: one is "omniscience", ie the location of the sensitive legal successor not be enlightened all, the two are "race director position", ie the location of the Bodhisattva learned all different religion; three are "necessarily strain position", ie Tathagata wisdom on earth. Race where said here, is only the Tathagata wisdom, is also the Buddha mind.

If you want to achieve all strains location, certainly have reached the realm of "least eighty generals" and "best practice samadhi"

"First Minister Samadhi" is just in all realms are such as estate, the so-called "spare cypress flowers last point, regardless Triem blade chlorophyll itself. "(Through forests hundred flowers bloom, leaves no sticky piece body).

"Best practice Samadhi" is in all acts, often keeping the mind calm, not wavered.

If you can do that in all places without attachment all realms Minister, in any general public, can not bear hatred or greed little, nor clinging mind or abandoned, not have to worry about the success or failure, the benefit of themselves, comfort calm, humble dung, frugally, then called "best Minister samadhi"

Can stay in most realms eighty minister, could say was in fact the most general of the legal world feet.

If you can do that in all places, whatever is going, in, lying, sitting, any idol, can often head upright heart, complex homogeneous, that's the reason as school director like estate. As "Business Vimalakirti" said: "Direct the mind is the" right feet groundbreaking achievements pure state, that is precisely the so-called "pure Buddha mind Saturn", called "Samadhi most unfortunate." Can reach eighty most unfortunate, in pure tone was the realm says that "most of any heart disorders."

If someone can have two kinds of Samadhi, then underground like seeds, which contain training from mature, then nine, it could be the most general practitioners to eighty, eighty most unfortunate, and is similar to this principle, can make seeds that in mind local Buddhist contained achieving Buddhahood.

I now preach to you, like timely rain, moisten popular all over the great earth creatures;Buddha nature that the human capital, like a seed, having been moistened by the rain this time, can germinate born. Those who can receive our intentions, decisions can achieve enlightenment; based on the principles which I have spoken to practice, the decision can be attained Buddhahood wins.

Two sentences later told us clearly affordable achievements can be completely decided by themselves. Who can receive the will of the Sixth Patriarch that the religious, he or she can achieve outstanding results Bodhi. Conditions of this Buddha is anyone who can not replace yourself.

Listen shelves say "feet as a character out the main cross solemn legal world and therefore speak, intentions contained all the seeds (the main cross solemn legal world), received the rain moistened the legal can germinate, once slicing realized then, Banyon outstanding achievements outgrowth.

"United" represents purity, holiness, patience, like the lotus from the mud without infection.Compensation application then of course pure heart. "Love" is the formula. Alaya formula foot harmony expectations; we now have chon, have expectations about, when enlightenment is nature, not promising hearted; the so-called "a lamp can deduct the overcast thousand years".So then cut realization, heart flowers bloom once, wisdom manifests, the situation has put his knowledge.

There's one more way to say is: "flower" represent objects accidentally, "love" is the only sentient beings. Once slicing enlightenment, love and not accidentally, Bodhi natural enlightenment achievements.

The continental shelf finished speaking terms, saying: "Buddhism is non-dual legal expenses, as well as non-dual mind like that, so called most negative mental disorder, above all without distinction realm. Religion was the only cross the French border, the so-called "directed at all places", cross the French border is calm, there is no distinction falsehoods false minister. Due to the nature of the Buddha is, see all beings as Buddha, view all planes are nirvana minister passed away.

Declaration leading contemporary masters par spectrum, because the college collectors, collectors and ordinary members of the one or two? Members gather and universal truth is the same thing. As  members gather  for opening up the modern universalism; modern universalism is open for  members gathered , it was on the Minister to say. On the local center that said, can make all the inner beings, hopelessly center concept, not a "  collector  " end body and mind (gather force, body and mind control), "  member " and intelligent awareness lie ? Therefore, should not take the sheer mass spectrum and distinguished members gathered in two periods, the two are not the Dharma, Buddhism is the detailed legal duality, the Buddhist desk, desk to use religion duality also spent Center let you. Duality chi heart center means loyalty, devotion, orthocentre homogeneous.

The careful what you absolutely should not "inertia" and "an interest". What is "inertia"?
Is static coordinates, consistent pure heart; "Do not stay interested," means that something did not think, mindless religious regulations. If you put all that elaborate on, "still is" Theravada can achieve Arahat; "No mind" can achieve the great multitude, that is not the ultimate religious law.

If desired birch enlightened monk is nature, enter true enlightenment minister, absolutely not because of meditation, meditation is elaborately's introductory page, if the attachment is meticulously thought, on the contrary become a hindrance to enlightenment is the emptiness.If it is thought that the elaborate spiritual advancement, attachment to the static coordinates, then be jeopardized were the most specific marker and competent teacher.

The ones that teachers hope we accomplish is Dai Dinh, Dinh nature. Lao Tien's often said that we must feet workers is static; Static's feet is not a defense to the suspension, the suspension of the application as well as elaborate introduction, is static's feet really are going, in, sit, lie are often in Dinh, such as "Certified Ca Dao" said: "heron meditation practice, meditation is heron, static language can wear equanimity", that's the Tathagata pure meditation, also known as static coordinates human feet.

Absolutely not mystical idea that the player's feet called static coordinates, "employee manual" (hold forever) the suspension attachment called. Teacher not say, "the mystical attachment according riders" there? why can not use elaborately cautious that wrong? Special need to say clearly that the legendary player could be viewed as preliminary meticulous practice of meditation, if anyone in that attachment, it became sick.

Most masters should know points, right then enter chon contract. Why can enter this contract?ly minister only, the pure and ideal. Absolutely not ideal exchange, the result was the legendary players, even players in the legend, it was like "Shurangama" said: "inner mystical leisure craft, because of the legal ceiling distinguish the image ", is still under the effect of consciousness Friday.

"Chung-date optical spiritual practices" in question is the director; always in optical reflection, in all realms without being shaken scene. But the willow voluntary act, the cylinder head can no merit disapproval generals, like the song is favored religious blessing, was the essence of being religious. So remember: people are learning while Mahayana is the benefit for beings that achievement myself.

"Bon inherently pure heart immaculate, nothing can cling or need to abandon. Everyone yourself effort, depending upon the cause and condition, it's good that the beings. "At this point, the disciples worship toward Sixth Patriarch then back down.

Sixth Patriarch on July 8 the first year of the declaration of Natural era, suddenly telling his disciples down the goal: "I want to return to native village in Binzhou, you quickly come to prepare the ships! "Everybody stayed resolutely request.

Sixth Patriarch said: "Divine grace Buddhist Bodhisattva current application, which appears in the world, still had manifested nirvana; there are certain to go, this is something of the world of course. Our own destiny when being ended, should also have a place in "

Nirvana with "pure nature nirvana", "media nirvana", "chemical nirvana application"; the here mentioned is only "to chemical nirvana". Nirvana also known as "passed"; Peripheral instructive effect called "members", the effect stopped and returned to duty should be called "President". Buddhist Bodhisattva charming custom applications on earth, as well as grace manifested "to cultural nirvana", has said that if the current market, it is not the truth, the truth, is not inherently anti-birth, no to and go.

Mass said: "Master from now on to Binzhou, hopefully sooner or later he will come back here. "
Sixth Patriarch said: "falling leaves still have the roots, while about such words"

Fallen leaves on the root can from two aspects to say:

One, took flesh to say: Sixth Patriarch came in Binzhou, now Binzhou old home, about to enter nirvana manifested.

Two, relying on nature to say that teaching work has been completed already, coming photographers can use rules and regulations unit received samples.

"Now to say no" has two layers of meaning:

One, is to this world there is nothing to say. Like the "Diamond Sutra" says: "If someone says the Tathagata has preached place, ie defame Buddha". Buddhist sermon 49 years teaching experience, also did not say; is saying without saying, but do not say every day that said attachment.

Two, is due soon practitioners can petition to, the Sixth Patriarch's answer will come back, but on his return is no longer legal to say again, that insinuation disciples, he arrived at Tan Chau, News nirvana will manifest in Binzhou, while back has nothing to say!

Mon's Sixth Patriarch asked: "Tathagata Dhamma museum label, TV deal for what? "

Sixth Patriarch said: "The religion is nature organic pure mind will attain our law, but hopeless people mind, true mind he can make money communicating. "

Disciples asked, "Teacher, after her death, the accident would have anything? "

Sixth Patriarch said: "After we kill about five or six years, there will be a player to steal my level. Listen It is expected to sign: "This will have people coming back to my head, head of the purpose it was because he wanted to take care offerings as such parental kindness. Who stole the first to extremely impoverished, so tired of eating pieces, so new players do stole levels; in this person's name has the word "complacency", the local history at the situation arises, there is a relative "Ocean", a relative "Willow"

Later, indeed, on August 3 declared the decade, arises the Truong Tinh Man asking for help getting the country's Kim Dai Bi Silla (now Korea) to steal the Sixth Patriarch's head. Use Thieu Chau things at that time is "Willow" Forever Thiem, Khuc Giang district command "Ocean" Khan, the work arising from the Sixth Patriarch is not passed in six years, which is about 11 years. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.9/12/2016.

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