Friday, 9 December 2016

Key excerpts in the Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra.

    Entrusted circulation Tenth 

    Sixth Patriarch went to say: "After 70 years we passed, two Bodhisattvas from the East arrived, a person is ordained, a person is at home, while also inspiring the work of Catholic culture Buddhism, sects is up to us, it is the Buddhist pagoda, made concrete legal obligations are flourishing successor. "

    It can be determined here is the Zen of the 7th group later split into two circuits ordained and lay. Legend home circuit this far, was born 18 minutes before.

    Mon people asked, "did not know from the Buddha, Patriarch applications turned out to this market, has instilled some life then? chapel open market from time to ban gifts! "

    Sixth Patriarch said: "Ancient Buddha in the world have turned to the countless, such calculated way anymore. Only now starting from 7 buddha: buddha last 3 of the past life is dignified Ti Ba Thi Buddha, when the Buddha and Buddhist Ti Phu Xa; gentle buddha's four lifetimes ago is now Verse Save Sun Buddha, Verse Na Ham Muni Buddha, Kassapa Buddha, Buddha Shakyamuni Office, it is 7 buddha mentioned.

    Buddha Shakyamuni first Van commanded Supposedly Mahakasyapa

    摩訶迦葉      Mahakasyapa
    阿難陀          Ananda
    商那和修      Trade-na-tu-Republic
    優婆掬多      Pros-she-daisy radar
    提多迦          Cartesian multi-ca
    彌遮迦          Di-old-singer
    婆須密多      Da Ba Tu Password
    佛陀難提      Buddha Nan Recommended
    佛陀密多      Most Secret Buddha
    婆栗濕婆,脅尊者       She flipped her low, Bully Ton Say
    富那夜奢       Phu Xa Na Da
    馬鳴大士       Asvaghosa Great Singer
    迦毘摩羅       Packaging Ma La Ca
    龍樹大士       Long Dai Si Thu
    迦那提婆       Ca Na Recommended Ms.
    羅睺羅多       Rahulata
    僧迦難提       Ge Nan Recommended Increase
    伽耶舍多       Xa Gia Gia Da
    鳩摩羅多       Kumarajiva majority
    闍耶多           majority Appliances
    婆修盤頭       Ba from the beginning
    摩拏羅           Ma Noa La
    鶴勒那           Lac Na Hac
    師子菩提       Leo Bodhi
    婆舍斯多       Ba Xa Tu Da
    不如密多       Real As Most Secret
    般若多羅       La Da Ban Nha
    菩提達摩       Bodhidharma (1)
    慧可大師       Hue Kha Grand Master (2)
    僧璨大師       Sengcan Grand Master (3)
    道信禪師       Grand Master Dao Credits (4)
    弘忍禪師       Grand Master Hoang Rings (5)

    Sakyamuni Buddha in Linh Son Hoi asterisk posting them, Kasyapa smiled, first passed to Mahakasyapa Ton Say (Say Religion is honored for the location virtue), became Patriarch life first of Zen, Sun assumed like asceticism, as "ascetic first" in the ten principal disciples. Second life Patriarch Zen is Ananda Supposedly, Sun Imitation is the attendant (servant) of the Buddha, is "the most multi-issue" (heard most) in the ten principal disciples. Thirdly Na Hoa Thuong Tu Supposedly, the fourth is three stones advantage Supposedly ... accepted during the 28's Bodhidharma Ton Say (to China to become the first Patriarch of Zen Life China), 29th Hue Kha is University Professor (in Chinese life Patriarch Monday) ... 32nd Grand Master Hoang Nhan (in China is the fifth Patriarch).

    Hui Neng's team 33 minutes (in China is the 6th Patriarch life). Since the advent Patriarch noted above, each of whom has the reception. The baby passed down for future generations should not have made a mistake.

    Grand Master in the beginning of the era of former declaration, Highland also means 713 years, th Quarter Tue Ox August 3, at the temple of the Tan Chau Quoc An old country, used via vegetarian, tell all the students mail: "the child is based on his position that sits well, we have to say goodbye to you now."

    Visiting French market Hai said: "Venerable Dharma want to leave anything, let those ignorant afterlife can see Buddha nature? "

    Sixth Patriarch said: "let your grace falls thousands, actually listened! who confused the next life, if you really can get to know beings, it is buddha nature; if imperceptible beings, whether over time the long distance of ten thousand lives, looking Buddha is also difficult to see.

    This key sentence of the Sixth Patriarch as "knowing beings", based on a broad sense to say, the so-called being mean we graceful harmony is born, all our measures are graceful harmony, all is not legal bases outside, green earth, green formula, no matter is sentient beings or unknowingly, are also not left out of this world bowl, "Shurangama" said: "Eighteen obligation Tathagata world, magic feet as nature "; "Vien Giac Sutra" also said: "duty hybrid beings necessarily become a Buddha"; "Evidence ca director" was not well said, the true nature of ignorance is Buddha nature, not illusory body itself is reality "there? Therefore, based on the sense Buddhism is duality that said legal expenses, ie buddha nature beings, beings and buddha no difference. Buddhist spiritual advancement learners should first understand this principle.

    I now teach you aware beings in his own mind, to see Buddha nature in his mind. Want to see Buddha nature prime demand, that can only be truly aware beings; just as being in conflict with Bodhi enlightenment that record contract with ceiling five desires (  worldly attachment, do not think of liberation, committed willingly reincarnation  ), which pass out buddha nature; actually buddha nature before such passion. So says Buddha nature is not made ignorant beings. If enlightened nature already, it is Buddhist beings; if nature has passion and, although there was also a buddha nature beings.

    Nature can be mastered, looking all beings, all as a realm of equality, it is Buddhist beings. If nature has already been obstacles in love, fall into serious wrong track, but there is also the buddha nature beings. Children if insurance underhanded evil mind, it is Buddha in all beings, but there is no way buddha nature Secretarial also use; if the idea of ​​equality as a justice, the justice concept is concept beings has become a Buddha.

    In one chon my nature, Buddha's own sense of responsibility, a new Buddha nature feet of Buddha, himself without the Buddha mind, no mind of enlightenment, the Buddha is going to find his feet? Be aware that the child's own mind is the Buddha, as such should have room to doubt!

    Often say: "outside of outlaw center, outside the heartless approach", the main interest is legal, is legal mind; so outside the mind no one can object is established, all things are by the current center of the variables themselves out. So, in the new business said, "your mind the new vaccine strain under which he is born, mind Removal - moved into modern Alaya Consciousness glass park location - whereby the general approach that kill. "

    "Evidence ca director" also said: "The dream of existence league record proving interesting, not very modern sense not natural defender"
    (  Amid dreams are clearly laid out six realms - heaven, human, asura, hell, hungry ghosts, animals, the enlightened, the world's three great Christian nor longer  ) make the miêu the best description for this statement.

    I now leave a farewell poem to you, the name of this shelf called "Buddha nature feet shelf". Those born later can understand the intention of this verse, they could see that their feet inherent mind, so that by themselves accomplish Buddhahood.

    Racking said, "  feet like the feet of Buddha nature market, the three poisons wrong satanic market;
                    Love spending time at Ta ma amnesty, right view Buddha spent time in the road "

    Italy's shelves as saying: "Buddha and the ghosts are in a similar body, the feet like the feet of Buddha's nature. Unbelieving causation, the wrong property exists as delusions, attachment and greed distinguishes three poisons it is satanic. When so wrong that enchanting, ghost came in body, mind, if the right view, the Buddha as such in power lines.

    Done with this verse, you should know who is investigating drug references here, to put it bluntly, are not on their own research or stars themselves? Once the three poisons wrong start, where there is religion, not the investigation was dropped stars? So saying, the Buddha is myself, ghost nor the other, into a ghost buddha solely between a thought, why can not your mind carefully to be? "Economic performance," write "as the face of deep conversations, like walking on thin ice" doctrine is there.

    If you love nature that went wrong three poisons arise, it is satanic to stay in the body, can arise if the right view right view, naturally minus three poisons afflictions, ma becomes Buddha instant, that great for damage such as false truth.

    Why say "what great prayer gathering" is the prayer of the Buddha, according to the justice to say, can "sincerely conservative, truly repented", the pure intentions of course, it is the right view of right, below "if any", is due to delusions, attachment which the birth, if the violation was a ghost then, why not take the censure of conscience natural reasons, the penalty charge of drawing attention? if can arise devotion, repent, ma immediately became the Buddha, that is absolutely correct and true, so established "that great prayer gathering" is not exclusive attention, which is helping beings Buddhahood.

    France itself, sambhogakaya and reincarnation, 3 this body is inherently a self-nature itself, so to say inherently a body. If possible, turning in the feet as a character, but her relatives found themselves inherent triangle, it is the main reason for the enlightenment of Buddha later.

    From newborn found incarnation manifests the existence of pure legal body. Often pure legal body in the incarnation. Feet as nature is the owner of a body, may cause operating incarnation path where, later sambhogakaya fulfillment, true merit is infinite.

    "  Dam nature nature's pure marketing duties, unless explicit nature ie net market itself;
       Ly contingent nature of education itself, ie marketing moment is identity feet  "

    Yellow River upstream water is clean, the water downstream, the opaque, simply because it flows through the Loess Plateau, carrying yellow mud, so that the water becomes turbid, if discarded except mud, water nature is inherently clean.

    It can be seen from sexual nature but there were dirty, but dirty just a symbol, it's something inherently pure nature, if possible minus lust, it is itself pure; within five desires alienating nature: financial (  money  ), size, name, real (  to eat  ), posthumous (  sleep  ), in a moment of enlightenment is nature at that moment was the truth.

    "  Kim birth disadvantages professor of enlightenment tree, startled realization that nature is respected
       Disadvantage Business Education mịch Buddhist monk, no tri Ha parish think feet bridge?  "

    Incarnation you with grace, may have been cut down religious teachings, suddenly came to understand the inherent nature, they can personally see Bhagavan - Buddha then; if the legal interest of foreign players, want to rely on general practice, seeking wish to offend, then did not know where the direction of the bridge will be able to attain the feet of Buddha?

    "  The downside is energy self hub feet, ie urban property Buddha's feet
       Real silence is buddha nature outside, start college si total market's mind  "

    If you can see the feet of emptiness in my heart, there is this emptiness feet is what's become a Buddha. Speaking conversely, if not the essence, on the contrary keep on looking outward that Buddha, who start the first anniversary of this type, foreign players interested in love, who eventually si era.

    Here again we are sealed for the most wins by points only; most competent teacher just at that moment, apartment bare speculation, import contract unborn, to the extremely pure, a pure concept, the main character is the feet, is the principal agent of the Buddha. A pure conception correspond to the pure nature, must know that "most most corresponding concept Buddhist concept, reciting mantras to recite Buddhist concept minister". All that religion itself is predestined to meet with the Master, the most specific marker, which is life so far has accumulated good roots planted in deepening merit, can have an affinity wins like this, should improve self seize.

    "  Logging teachers certainly saved the needle method, saving the world's self-tu tu;
       Newspaper learned that the curve false religion, no trial effect is contemporary du du  "

    Cutting disciplines of Zen teachings, is now left for you then, "life saving people need to cultivate", this statement has two meanings:

    One, is to save human mind to life, should first cultivate themselves, want the people themselves must first of ourselves, can the district chief's century.

    Two, is however that the Patriarch of compassion for the world's people, still need people to each religious self effort taken.

    Finally, the Sixth Patriarch reminding once again encouraging advice: tell the people and those who learn later Buddhist spiritual advancement, if not do is place like that, so it must go through a lifetime leisurely empty.

    Sixth Patriarch finished speaking fools, tell his disciples: "You have to be very good that office in the world, after my passing, should not the same as secular ones, tragic cry, tears flow like rain ! Can not widespread obituaries, receiving international cigarettes (  one cigarette, worship  ), comfort of people ask me, can not even taste for (  sackcloth  ), if any of the above behavior is not the disciple my! nor is the Dharma of the Tathagata!

    Just can know your own mind, you can see your character, you can understand the dynamic nature no net capital, which does not kill, which did not come and go, no non-market funds, which are not in or go, because these things are the formula of expectation effects mimic heart infection after promising scene fascinated feet away the emptiness.

    I'm afraid that in the mind of the child still does not solve fascinated, unable to grasp my intentions, so, this is particularly advise you, that you are intelligent mind is emptiness.

    After my passing, can be based according to which I was told to practice, it is like we are living longer, if contrary to our teachings, even if we in the earth, nor any useful assistance what.

     Next, the Sixth Patriarch to do verse that:

    "  Real sweet charity behind the evil behind any creation;
       President President is consulting segment, absent-mindedly before interest multitude  "

    "Sweet" means the estate, had no feet as fluctuating nature, transcends the distinction of good and evil; Although doing good every day, but not (accepted) the previous minister, may triangle argument can not (for no, not passive, not animals), religious without practicing.

    (  For not: people giving alms that they had forgotten, all that had contestants are not - do not see their interior are giving.
    Accepting no: outside do not see myself giving people
    The thing is not: inside not see the money, but his character was alms  )

      "Behind the back" as in what order to do well, did not create evil, but depending on sexual concomitants (completely agree according to their hearts that do), just do what you like, but can not beyond regulated.

    "President President" means peace, often in purity, willow willow quibble for all realms, except all the wrong text (  what headphones sight of evil  ).

    "Absent-mindedly" is unflinching calm intentions, Secretarial great clarity, no place attachment.

    Sixth Patriarch finished speaking verse, sitting neatly until the third watch, suddenly said to his disciples: "I go here! "Then suddenly passed away.

    We see the Sixth Patriarch is told to go away, leisurely, how continuous high bar absolute. Ordinary people to death with a fear of not describe, are by not knowing "where to go dead? ". If nature is religious to as the Sixth Patriarch, has no birth and death, why is there fear? more thing, although still not cultivate to is nature, if possible conviction, affirmed, just qualify, all leads will be followed Buddha, reborn Paradise. The more you should know that death is false, as the world says, his feet do have a story character dies? just give up the body can not use, reborn Paradise, there is something good, something good to celebrate, and the mind will not survive the fear.

    At that time has peculiar aroma fills the room, the rainbow skies are adjacent to the ground, forests also suddenly turn white, to all species of animals emit mournful cry.

    November, in Guangzhou - where the Sixth Patriarch shaved head, Thieu Chau - where preaching the Sixth Patriarch, the new Guangzhou - the native village of the Sixth Patriarch, the third member of this district and the disciples whatever is ordained or at Family, relatives scrambled to his feet from time welcome the Sixth Patriarch to make offerings. Because all three sides are very persistent, so no way to decide is where offerings. Therefore, he burned incense disciples to pray, asking for instructions and directives of the Sixth Patriarch said, "where the incense is only to return to the feet where the body of the Master! ". At that time, incense keep on flying in the direction of Tao Khe.

    November 13 disciples brought shrines in the Sixth Patriarch sitting position, and he commanded the Fifth Patriarch that bowl, all from the temple in Tan Chau Quoc Pagoda Bao Lam relocation of Tao Khe, also made prediction is "not at the words."

    The second year was declared the year of two, Highland 714 years July 29, feet from the body of the Sixth Patriarch shrines, disciple Method Measures spreadable aromatic clay body of the Sixth Patriarch, to benefit the the eternal offerings. So far the feet of the body remains intact Sixth Patriarch supply Nanhua temple worship (temples Bao Lam). Practitioners will recall who attended the signing will have to take the player level, so he first used iron sheet and oil painted canvas around the neck of the Sixth Patriarch to protect, then back into the tower worship Street. Suddenly in the tower appeared a white glow, directly rushing to the sky, through a new 3-day glory begins to fade away.Deputy lack Chau bring the volume of the Sixth Patriarch, the tempo up on the court, Emperor decreed went up beer, to celebrate the life achievements of the Sixth Patriarch practice.

    University Professor age of 76 (the Central Highlands in 683-714), at 24 years old, typical indoctrinate Five forensic team, 39 years tonsured Nature ordained at Wat France, spreading the Dharma, margin the labor spectrum 37 years . Intelligent disciple cardboard heart is only a prime nature, inherited part of the Tathagata now have 43 people, while the number of other people that supernatural enlightenment enter the unknown saints.    

    Y Dat Ma patriarchs bowl that was used for communication with legal attainments, Ca Sa Ma Load protection glass and dishware that China Tong Street has bestowed, and feet that The Attorney General Sixth Patriarch was carved, along with props the Grand Master when he was on earth was used, were assigned to the attendant in charge of managing the stupa to charge storage, items used to permanently protect the temple town of Bao Lam school director; handed "Platform Sutra" to show only the positive tone of the religious teachings of Zen Buddhism cut, renaissance dragon Jewels ( Jewels make flourished  ), common benefit of all beings END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN =GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.9/12/2016.

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